Fall of the modern age Chapter 2

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#2 of Fall of the modern age

? The end of modern times Chapter 2 By Raven Fox Read chapter 1 before reading this one.

Josh woke up in the arms of a female anthropomorphic wolf. He just remembered. He is now

married or the term bonded. Josh had a choice, live with Lisa or become a prisoner of this

village. Josh chose living with Lisa and a while later he was bonded to her. He looked at her.

She was staring back at him with dark green eyes. Josh got up and got dressed in his make shift

clothing made out of animal skins. Lisa got out of the bed, he looked at her body as she got


There is a knocking at the door. Lisa answered it. It's Josh's friend Rick, another anthro wolf.

"Josh, The party is going to your airplane. We need you as a guide."

Josh looked at his friend. "Rick, first you need to take me to the place I was knocked out. I

don't know where I am at now."

Rick looked over to Lisa. "Well it looks like she is going with you. She was the leader of that


Lisa stared at Josh with a guilty expression on her features. "It's a two-hour hike from here.

Josh, as Rick said to you yesterday. You're lucky we saw you first. The other groups living out

here would have enslaved you and kill Bandit for food. I think I will have this party armed to be

on the safe side. Sorry Josh, but for his safety. Bandit must stay here. There is a chance we

might run into them. If were lucky we won't."

There are close to twenty people in the group. They're all armed with bows, crossbows and

blow guns. Guns and explosive weapons don't work now due to a flash in the sky three years

ago. Josh was flying to a business trip at the time. His airplane crashed at a lake due to the

engine failing in mid flight. The last G.P.S. fix, he got puts him somewhere in Eastern

Washington five miles east of the cascade mountain range.

Josh looked at the group he is leading to the lake. He is the only guy. The rest of the group is

women. Rick stayed at the village to look after Bandit, because there isn't that many males in

that village. The group has two carts being pulled by horses. Cars and electrical power don't

work either. "Lisa what's the carts for?" Josh asked her.

Lisa looked over to Josh. "The stuff from your plane. Josh we're going to take all the stuff

we can use from your airplane. I know electrical stuff doesn't work. We can use the wiring, skin

and the wheels off it. The wire can be used to tie stuff. The skin for other uses."

Josh sighed. "That was a good airplane. I paid sixty thousand dollars for it."

Lisa laughed. "The money is now gone. All computer information was wiped out three years

ago. Along with my credit card bills. I still owed six thousand dollars on a Toyota Corolla, and I

still owed money on the beautician school I took. Josh money is now worthless. The place we

live in, males are more valuable than a horse. If you're wondering about something, the child of

a human and an anthro is an anthropomorphic being. A child from us will be an anthro wolf."

Josh looked at his wife. "How do you know about the information of the mixing of humans

and anthropomorphic beings?"

Lisa looked at him. "From research and from seeing it happen. A vixen friend of mine gotten

pregnant from a human and the kid was an anthro fox." Lisa looked at Josh's expression. "Yes

the same thing happens when a human female has a child from a male anthropomorphic being. I

read about that, never saw that happen."

They continued the hike. The group is at the place Josh got knocked unconscious. The group

is on a rest break. Josh was doing some business when he saw someone he didn't see in a very

long time. It was his ex-girl friend Marcia. She left him a week before he won the lottery. Marcia

is a gold digger. She saw him. "Josh I see that you survived the events from three years ago."

The waif built blonde woman with small breasts said to him. She is wearing a gray fur skin.

Josh sighed. "What are you doing here Marcia?"

She replied. "Just surviving. I can't believe a scrawny person like you survived. I thought you

were one of the first group of people that died. Millions died when all those planes fell out of the

sky. Millions more from lack of proper health care and the diseases from improper sanitary

conditions. I would say right now were at a quarter to half of the population we had three years

ago. Josh are you still a virgin?"

"No!" Said a voice. Lisa walked up to them. Marcia looked at Lisa with a disgusted

expression on her face.

"You had sex with that?!" Marcia asked.

Josh got very angry at Marcia. "Yes I did and it was a wonderful experience. Marcia meet my

wife Lisa. She is much better woman than you bitch!" Josh was about to hit Marcia when a hand

grabbed his fist. Lisa was holding it. Lisa picked up Josh and carried him away. He struggled,

but he might as well struggle against steel bands. Lisa glared at Marcia as she carried Josh away.

Marcia laughed and walked off. She didn't get very far. Two of the group members caught her.

"What do you want?! You animals!" Yelled Marcia as she struggled against the wolves.

"You're wearing my older brother bitch!" Said one of the female wolves.

"Oh him, he wandered into our territory. He tried running, I killed him with a" The two

female wolves gagged Marcia, snapped her neck and removed all items off her body. They

buried the body, buried the wolf skin and rejoined the group.

Lisa let go of Josh and shot him a stern look. "Josh, I am glad you stood up for me. But

hitting women is wrong. I know she treated you poorly. Rick told me about her."

Josh calmed down. "I m sorry for almost losing it. That gal left me for someone with a bigger

wallet. I was only going to hit her once. But I am glad you stopped it. How come you didn't hit


Lisa laughed. " I didn't want to bruise my hand. If I had hit her, she'll be badly injured.

Wouldn't be worth it." Lisa gave Josh a serious look. "Josh from now on. I am not letting you

out of my sight. You're sticking close to the group from now on. So don't be bashful in front of

us when you got to pee. I saw it and had it inside me."

A day later they arrived at the lake. Josh looked at the lake and of what's left of his airplane.

He showed Lisa around the place. Josh watched as the group members stripped the airplane with

hand tools. Four hours later all what was left were the engine, prop and pieces of the airframe.

Everything else was loaded in the two carts. The group loaded his make shift raft on one of the

carts. The group looked around the lake area for anything useful. It was late, Josh fished offshore

and caught a bunch of fish. He cleaned them. The fish became the evening meal.

The next morning the group went back to the village. Josh looked at the lake one last time.

Lisa told him last night that on trips outside the village he will be escorted. He was a little upset

about that. But he understood. Lisa said that she waited a year and half for the next guy to show

up after Rick. Dan made Rick an assistant to him. Rick promised Lisa the next single man that

showed up will be hers. Josh was the first guy she had sex within four years. Josh thought to

himself and felt an arm wrap around his shoulder and looked up at Lisa.

The trip back is quiet. Nothing happens on the way back. "Lisa is there a river or lake near

the village?" Josh asked.

Lisa looked at Josh. "There is a lake a quarter mile from the village. That's why we're taking

the raft back with us. It's twice as big as the one you were living at. We don't waste anything.

That's why your airplane was stripped down to a few pieces. Josh if you're wondering about

fishing from there that's your job from now on. But you'll be guarded."

Josh walked on in thought. Well at least he will be doing something to pass the time. But the

only drawback someone will be keeping an eye on him. "Oh well, I won't be alone again." He

thought to himself as they walked on.

The next morning the group arrived at the village. The two carts were quickly unloaded. Josh

watched as the pieces of his airplane went in different areas of the village. Rick walked up to

him with Bandit. Lisa talked to Rick a minute before he went to Josh.

"I heard you had a run in with Marcia." Rick said to Josh.

Josh looked at Rick. "Yeah, I ran into the bitch on the way to the lake. Can't believe she is

still alive? She insulted Lisa, I was going to teach her a lesson on manners but Lisa stopped me."

Rick stared at Josh with a serious look. "I am glad she did. But you don't have to worry about

her any more. Two members of your group killed her. Because she killed one member's older

brother and was wearing his skin. We're not going to do any thing to those members. Case

closed Josh. Take the rest of the day off. You're starting work tomorrow at the lake."

Josh shook Rick's hand and wandered around the village. He couldn't believe that two

members of his group killed Marcia. Well if Marcia killed somebody's brother, she deserved it.

"I can't believe she was wearing an anthropomorphic being's skin. I understand wearing the skin

of a deer or a rabbit. I had killed them for food. I don't kill something for just the skin, that's just

plain, wrong." Josh thought to himself.

"Hey dude!" Said a human male voice. Josh turned and saw two human males walking up to

him. One guy had black hair green eyes. The other light brown hair blue eyes. Both guys had

short trimmed hair and beards. "My name is Jack. This is Danny." Said the guy with black hair.

"We wanted to see you earlier, but you left for that trip." Jack said.

Josh shook Jack's hand. "The names' Josh. I was flying over the mountains when my

airplane quit running. I was living west of here for three years. Then I decided to take a hike and

I ended up here."

Jack smiled. "Oh, you're the reason we just got a shipment of aluminum. Nice raft. Very

clever idea. Right now our wives and some others are hauling it to the lake at this moment."

Josh sighed. "I was going to make it sail powered, but I didn't have the materials for a sail. I

was going to use the airplane's rudder for a stabilizer and a rudder."

Danny cut in. "Would have worked? I use to work at a boat yard in Seattle. After everything

went crazy. I and Jack hiked to the mountains. We lived off the land. Then the hostile ones kept

trying to catch us. We had to keep running. Two years ago we ended up here. It's not bad here

Josh. The only thing is that someone is keeping an eye on you all the time. They treat guys like

the crown jewels." Danny looked at a group of vixens that were watching the conversation.

Josh looked at the vixens. "I know, but I got a few wolves keeping an eye on me. Right now I

am married or bonded to Lisa." Josh said looking at a female wolf. He recognized her as one of

Rick's wives. "So how many are you guys living with?"

Jack replied. "One each. The foxes don't have a bad male shortage problem as the wolves do.

The foxes don't send their males outside the village. They stay in the village, doing work and

repairs. That's what I and Danny do. Sometimes Danny repairs the boats on the lake, but there is

like three armed vixens going with him to the lake."

Josh shook his head and asked. "How many different anthropomorphic beings living here?"

Danny answered. "Many different types of canine, feline and reptilian species. Also, other

types. I would put the population at less than eight hundred. We're at like 1100 AD. We can

shape some metals. But no electricity or explosive devices. Maybe later on steam and that's it. I

figured out why electricity doesn't work. That event three years ago altered the structure of all

conductive materials. The reason gunpowder or fuels explode. The structure of air was changed.

That's what I figured out. We'll be seeing you later Josh, gotta goes." Jack and Danny walked

off with their vixen escort.

Josh wandered around the village with his wolf escort. He talked to a few people. He

counted anthropomorphic beings as people. Josh isn't racist as some humans were. Years ago

most of his friends were anthros, that's why he didn't have good luck with human females. "So

what, I didn't have luck with human females. I am bonded to a beautiful female wolf. I am going

to give her a session of oral sex she never forgets. I watched a few porn flicks. I am going to try

it on her. Worst that can happen, she doesn't like it." Josh thought to himself as he went home.

Josh walked in the house. Lisa was tending the fire. She looked up at him. Lisa talked to the

wolf that was with Josh for a minute. Josh looked at Lisa. "Lisa, I want to try oral sex on you."

Lisa eyes widen. "Oh really. OK, I'll let you try it on me. What brought this up?"

Josh smiled. "It's something. I always wanted to do to you. I just want to give it a try. The

worst that can happen you don't like it."

Lisa grinned. "Well see. You might be surprised. I just might enjoy it. I hadn't had oral in

five years." She walked to the bed, removed her outfit. Lisa lay on the bed on her back. "Come

on Josh. Let's put that tongue of yours to work." She spread her legs and placed a hand above

her vagina. Josh walked up to the bed and got between Lisa's legs. He gently grabbed the black

colored lips of her vagina and stuck his tongue in there deep as he could. The taste wasn't that

bad. He started a reciprocating motion with his tongue. The area got really wet and he just did it

faster. Lisa moaned and squirmed on the bed. "Just slow down a little Josh. You're doing it to

fast. The slower the better." Josh slowed down a little. Then he felt Lisa grab his head and stuck

his face deeper between her hairy legs. He just keeps on giving her oral. A while later Lisa

moaned and Josh got sprayed in the mouth and he licked up every bit. Lisa was panting. "All-

right Josh that was very good for your first time. Now it's my turn on you. Get up here."

Josh laid down on the bed. Lisa removed his skins he was wearing. He has an erection. Lisa

looked at his organ. Josh watched as she moves her head and puts her muzzle on his penis. He

felt her long tongue wrap around it. The added thrill to him was feeling some of her teeth

rubbing on the sides of his penis. He looked at her as she was giving him a blow job, her long

head hair is tickling his thighs. Lisa's large hairy breasts were pressing on his calves. His laid

back down and he felt a buildup inside him and yelled and ejaculated in his wife's mouth. She

sucked on it for a minute and that gave him more pleasure. She got up and washed up and laid

next to him. He hugged and kissed her and went to sleep. Lisa looked at him. "You're now a

grown-up Josh. That was quite good for a human. You're worth the wait I went through for a

mate." Lisa thought to herself as she went asleep.