Summer with Leomon: Truth and Forgiveness

Story by Nappy on SoFurry

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#9 of Summer with Leomon

Renamon quickly went to the kitchen and filled up a big bowl with water. She ran back and dumped it all over Ben's face. His eyes jolted open and Renamon put her hands to his side.

Ben at first thought he woke up to find his normal mother waking him to a normal day with no digimon. His view went back and focused now on Renamon... wait no! Not Renamon, his mother!

"Get off of me!" he yelled

Renamon continued to hold her grip on him as he struggled. "Baby please, we have to talk!"

"Don't call me baby! Ughh! That sounds so wrong now! My god! I fucked my own Mom!" Ben cried.

Ben finally wrenched himself free of her grasp and escaped to his bedroom. Before Renamon could reach him the door slammed shut right in her face. She pounded and knocked.

"Ben! Please let me explain!" Renamon called.

"No, you shouldn't have to explain any of this at all! You should have told me right when you changed into a digimon!" Ben could be heard crying in his room.

"Ben, I wanted so badly to tell you but..."

"Oh my god, you know about me and Leomon! I told you everything! That's it! You wanted to know all my secrets so you earned my trust by seducing me! Is that it huh?!" Ben was now pounding against something in there.

"Ben, it's not like that at all! Please just let me talk to you!" Renamon was getting desperate.

"Just go away Mom!" Ben was silent after that as Renamon continued to plead.

She finally left him alone and went out on the balcony. She waited there for awhile and then Leomon jumped down beside her.

"Is Ben alright today?" he asked.

"Please go talk to him Leomon and promise me something" Renamon had to let Ben know how she felt.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Tell Ben he is my love, please", and with that Renamon jumped from the balcony to the roof.

Leomon went over and knocked on Ben's window. He could view Ben cringing on his bed. The window was unlocked so Leomon came in. He could tell Ben's old wound was hurting. He rushed over and turned Ben on his stomach. Leomon gently rubbed Ben's back and he calmed a bit.

Ben was crying now, Leomon was confused on why. "What happened to you Ben? Was it Renamon?" Leomon asked.

"Yes it was", Ben said.

Leomon lied beside Ben and put an arm around him. "Did she hurt you?"

Ben nodded his head. "You know me and her had sex right? Leomon, she's my mother."

Leomon's eyes grew big and he felt as if he was plucked by a lightning bolt. "She's your what?!"

"My mother..."

Leomon didn't know what words to say about this, and then he remembered what Renamon wanted him to tell Ben.

"Did you love her when you thought she was Renamon?" Leomon asked.

Ben didn't know what to say to that. He knew the truth, but what would Leomon think.

He decided to answer honestly to his once lover. "Yes Leomon."

"Do you still love Renamon?" Leomon asked.

"In a way I guess. I mean, I used to not like my mom at all, but now I love her in a stronger way, but I don't love her like I love you Leomon!"

Leomon was a little startled by that. "I thought you didn't love me."

"I thought you didn't love me. When I heard you say Falcomon I..." Leomon stopped him.

"Ben, I'll always love you. Falcomon was just someone I used to be physically attracted too. I never loved him like I love you Ben." Now the tears started coming from both of them.

"I'm so sorry I cheated on you. I thought you did on me first and I wanted revenge. I did all the wrong Leomon. Please forgive me?" Ben sobbed.

"No Ben. I should've forgotten about Falcomon a long time ago. You made a simple mistake by mine. I should be the one asking for forgiveness." Leomon embraced Ben.

"We both have done wrong to each other Ben. We must come to terms with our own faults and try to never do them again."

"So... can we be mates again?" Ben asked.

"In my opinion Ben, we never stopped being mates. This whole thing was just a bump for us." Leomon licked Ben on the cheek and he kissed Leomon back on the nose.

"What shall we do about Renamon though? You still love her, don't lie, I can tell." Leomon looked at Ben directly in the eyes.

Ben tried his best to stare away, but couldn't take his eyes off the strong digimon's passionate glare.

"I don't know what to do about her. She's my mom but... I still have an attraction for her. I'm angry she didn't tell me though!" Ben started to frown.

"Your mother wanted me to tell you that you are her love. She seems to be in love with you like I am. You're just too loveable I guess." Leomon chuckled.

Ben smiled only for a second. "I just don't know what to do. It'll be very hard to get rid of my feelings for her, especially since she's my Mom."

Leomon sat still and mused over the matter. "Maybe... you won't have to."

Meanwhile, Renamon sat up on the roof. She was lying on her back and staring up at the clouds, also keeping a good sense of things. The cool part about being Renamon was that her senses were highly toned up.

Another thought came to mind also. Since Agumon was the one who did this to her, she thought that if he died then she would change back to normal. Yet she is still Renamon.

She wanted to return to her normal form. Before, what made her want to stay as Renamon was her relationship with Ben. Now that Ben knew the truth, he didn't seem too interested in having a more serious relationship.

She wanted to be Ben's mother again. True it would be extremely hard to give up her feelings for him, but she would just have to. Renamon didn't want to stay this way now that Ben wasn't her lover anymore.

Renamon started to cry and put her face in her knees. She would never again have a stable life. How would Ben live? He would have to go live with a relative or someone else. How would this affect his life? She never thought of all this before. It made her sob even more.

Suddenly she began to sniff the air. A familiar scent was coming up to the roof. She had a good guess of who it was. This was confirmed when she heard:

"Lift me higher Leomon", it was Ben.

Ben climbed from the balcony and scrambled onto the rooftop. Renamon stopped crying as Ben approached her. He sat beside her.

"You must hate me don't you?" she asked.

Ben shook his head. "No. I... just want to know why?"

Renamon turned to Ben. "Ben, you remind me so much of your father. You are so smart, handsome, and passionate like him. I always loved him, because that type of man was perfect for me and he fit the description. Though, I was blind to the true person he was. He betrayed me."

"I am like my father because I am terrible", Ben said as he lowered his face.

"Ben, how can you say such a thing?! You are not like your father in that way. Thankfully he only passed on the good side of him and not that bad. That was his only true gift to me Ben. He left me a wonderful child." Renamon held Ben's jaw and pulled him to face her.

"No Mom, I cheated on the one I love just because I thought he was cheating on me, I was wrong. I fell in love with two individuals without thinking about how much I could hurt them. I have betrayed both Leomon and you. I am just like my dad in every way Mom." Ben pushed his face back down.

"Ben, listen to me! What you did was by a mistake. Your dad cheated on me knowing it was bad. He didn't care if we had a good relationship. You and he are different in that way Ben. That's why I love you. You are the perfect man for me. I love you so much and I wanted to be with you forever. I can see now that may not happen." Renamon started to cry again.

This time it was Ben who lifted Renamon's face to his. He kissed her. At first she was surprised and later kissed back. This was no ordinary kiss, it was a lovers' kiss. They pulled away from each other.

"Ben, what was that?" Renamon asked.

"I still love you Mom. Leomon and I have a plan." Ben smiled.

"What? What on earth are you talking about?" Renamon was seriously confused.

"We're going to run away Mom, you, me, and Leomon. That way we will all be together forever."

"Ben, that's crazy! Where would we go?" Renamon asked.

"Leomon told me... that we could live in the digital world." Ben said.

"The digital world", Renamon's eyes grew big. She had heard of that before.

"We have to find a gateway that will take us there though. Leomon says I can probably locate one with my digivice."

"Digivice?" Renamon asked.

"Uh... I'll explain later, but I won't go if you don't want to Mom. I'll always stay with you." Ben smiled and waited patiently for her response.

"Ben... I want to be with you and I would go, but I'm still your mother. I don't think this is best for you." Renamon was honest with him.

"Mom, think about it. My life is fucked. Grandpa can't afford to take care of me. The other close relative we have is my aunt and uncle, they have eight kids. You might not be able to change back into a human. Not only that but... I thought now that we're lovers that you might... forget about being mother like or something." Ben face saddened.

"Ben, we may have a closer relationship, but I'm still and always will be your mother. I want what's best for my baby."

"Just listen, Mom. Here in this life I live now I've never been really happy. Nothing has been perfect and nothing has worked out for me. The digital world brought me Leomon and transformed you. Ever since the digital world came into my life I have been happy. We can start new Mom. We can all be happy together."

"Ben... I have dreamed about me and you running off together far away but... how can we say goodbye to the world we know. How will we thrive in this unknown world, we will be all alone and at the mercy of whatever is out there." Renamon didn't know if she was trying to convince him to stay or trying to convince herself into going.

Then Leomon came up on the roof. "I will be there to protect you both. I shall protect the one I love and the one dearest to his heart. Together as a family nothing can stop us." Leomon placed his hands on both their shoulders.

Renamon remained silent for a moment. "Ben, I will only go if you promise me one thing."

Ben nodded and waited for her to speak.

"You must always stay close to me and if I'm not around you must be near Leomon. Also, you must always listen to me or Leomon. You promise baby?"

Ben was silent and finally said: "Yes"

Renamon hugged Ben and later was joined by Leomon. Then a sudden thought came to Renamon's mind.

"Ben, what'll we do about Grandpa?" she asked.

"Oh shit I forgot." Ben was in a big quandary now.


Alright, I think I used too much bunched up dialogue in this one. It's defintely not my favorite chapter. Readers critique is still a major part of my writing though, let's just say I write my stories with entertaining the readers on my mind.

Oh, one question to my readers. Do ya'll think I should put Bad Language in the keywords? I'm just saying because I use a bit of curse words in all my chapters.

Summer with Leomon: Evil Agumon

Ben ran inside his apartment to find Grandpa sitting on his living room couch. Ben went and sat beside him. "I just contacted the police and..." Grandpa began to say until he noticed Ben was crying. "We'll find her Ben, don't worry." Ben hugged...

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Summer with Leomon: An Affair

Renamon stroked her son's hair as he lightly snored. She smiled and the sudden memory of her husband lying beside her as she stroked his hair appeared. It was time to forget about him and to start a new life with Ben. Ben was her love now, not her...

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Summer with Leomon: Renamon

Ben was faced with two problems. One, Elecmon wanted to turn back into Leomon, but Ben had no idea how to make that happen. Two, his mom had lied to him for years about his father and treated him badly for the shit his father did. He hadn't told...

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