Maid of Wonder Chapter two

Story by Gwen the Maid on SoFurry

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Once more into the breach my friends. Now remember no under eighteens and I hope that if you are of that age or over ^^ that you enjoy the waaay! long story.

The last few weeks had been rather pleasant for Gwen, she had been giving the young master almost daily lessons in sex, she had a skip in her step as did the young master. She had had a good old giggle with Cook about everything, but Cook had said. "Now I know you are young lass, but you have a head on your shoulder and know the difference between lust and love. You had better be making it clear to the boy that this is just a fling, you will break his heart if you don't."

Gwen loved Cook like a mother and that day Gwen had a long chat with the young master, he had laughed and said he knew, knowing to well he was going to be married to a dukes daughter, he had even met her just a year ago. They had a nice time screwing under a tree, but someone had told the master of the house and Gwen was called to his office last night for a talk.

"Now listen to me Gwen." He starts in that deep voice of his, Gwen had always been a little scared of the master of the house, Lord Pennyworthing was a tall greyhound almost into his fifties, much of his fur was grey were it was once tan. His eyes were still sharp and she remembers to this day the first time he had bent her over his knee and spanked her for being rude to him, she had been only six at the time, but the fear for this man was always going to be there.

"Gwen, you have grown up here and are loved by everyone even me. Your a sweet girl and have made my son very happy but you and he are going to stop this little fling now, I will not see you hurt after he leaves." His eyes roam over Gwen, she was stood with her head bowed and her hands twiddling, that was a habit the the lord hated and he growls at her.

Gwen stops remembering how much the lord hated fidgeting she felt like whimpering and tucking her tail between her legs like a pup, this man had taken her in off the streets after her mother had died, he had saved Gwen from a life of whoring out her body like her mother had. Gwen's childhood had not been that bad she even still visited some of the women that knew her mother, they had been nice to her. She nods her head now to the lord. "Yes sir it will stop." Her eyes looking up into his.

Lord Pennyworthing huffs and moves his top lip in the way that made his moustache wiggle about, Gwen had to bite her lip hard to not giggle at it. She looks at him. "So should I go now?" She asks with a slight sigh guessing she was going to have to tell the young master that their fun was over. This was going to be really hard on her as she would be going into heat in the next few days.

Lord Pennyworthing shakes his head. "There is on more matter." He looks at her. "The family is going away in the morning, a surprise, from what I hear your... your little games with my son have been taking up to much of your time, so the rest of the house will have tomorrow and the rest of the week off, but you will be working three hours each day looking after The General."

Those last two words send a shiver down Gwen's spine. The General was one of the only things she feared more than the Lord. She gulps and looks about she wanted to beg for any other job, but she was being punished for her sins with the Lords son.

So here she is today alone in the manor with The General howling outside to be fed, her three hours were almost over and she knew that if she missed feeding him then things would be worse when everyone gets home. She walks from her room and down to the kitchen, there she looks outside the back door, she jumps as a howl rushes through the night. She closes the door, suddenly breathing heavily and sweat on her brow, a cold sweat. She fans herself and berates herself for being so silly, she was not a little girl of nine and should not be scared of the General, she gets his bowl and fills it with his dry mix. Then rolling her shoulders she pushes open the door to go feed the General.

Three minutes later she was running through the manor tears running down her eyes as she cries, she had a tear in her dress and cuts on her hands and knees. She gets to her room and falls onto the bed, not crying in fear, but from the fact she was such a coward.

All that had happened when she had gone to give the General his meal was, she had walked out, hearing a howl that sent her heart racing, it was a sort walk to the dog house, and it was damn close to being a house in size, it had four rooms to it on two floor, the General must be the most pampered dog in the world, silver dog bed, diamonds in his collar and even his own masseuse. But Gwen feared the dog more than anything at the house, even the forest outside and that was somewhere she did not go at night, but she could go alone there, but to feed General, she had even paid others to take her turn at the task, the huge German Shepard was not mean, far from it he was the nicest dog in the world and she had been told up until she was seven she and that dog had been like best friends, she had even slept in the dogs house during thunderstorms.

But, somehow, over night she had become terrified of the feral canine. She sniffles as she hides her face in her pillow. No sooner had she opened the door then General was running down the stairs to see her. Barking happily, he was an old dog, almost twenty and blind in one eyes, but he had been happy to see her, till Gwen had screamed and dropped his food to turn and run out the door into the night falling over the fence and cutting her knees as she landed hard on the paved walkway. After that she had run back into the house slamming the door shut to the kitchen and then rushing as fast as her legs could go to her room.

There was a howl in the night and Gwen cries out in fear till her ears twitch, the howl had not come from the dog house, no it was General howling, but from the forest, she whimpers as she sits up to run to her window, she gasps seeing she had not closed the door to General's house and now he was free. She was going to get fired if she did not get him back, but her fear was to strong, he would come back soon, she tells herself, but two hours pass and General was not back.

She sobs a little as she thinks about getting ready to pack her things for when she was fired, but as she looks about her room, she sees all the things she loved about this place, a picture done by the young master for her when he was ten and then a hat from the boy that had stolen her first kiss, and on top of that her first punch. She giggles remembering the young lord running away to his mummy. "There is no way I am letting some stupid old feral get me fired."

She grabs a torch and runs out into the night once again this time she was not scared, she knew the General was not going to hurt her, he still liked her, she just wished she knew why she was so scared of such a loving old canine. Reaching the edge of the forest she starts to call out. "General!"

Her left hand holding her torch and her right cupped to the side of her mouth as she cries out the dogs name again and again, but the only answer she got was the howl of the wind in the trees. "Fine General if you are not coming out I am going to come in to get you."

She rolls up her sleeves and stomps into the forest, her torch helping a lot, as there were roots all over the place ready to tip her or snag her dress. She huffs as she calls out to the canine, shouting mean words from time to time as she get worried about him. A flash lights up the night and she screams at the crash of thunder that follows soon after, her hands cover her ears. Then the rain came, but still she looks about, the whole this seemed familiar to her, the rain, thunderstorm the great flashes lighting up the night to make her scream and want to hide.

Gwen catches her foot on a root and falls onto the wet ground, her mind flashing an image, like the lightning, of her at seven falling like this, fear in her eyes again. She gets up and runs, as does the child of herself. The image fades fast and she looks about, what was going on, she looks up at the night sky as it blazes white, her body cold and wet, as a child huddles under a tree, the cold making her want to sleep but to do so would not be good, she tells herself and the child stands again to run once more.

Gwen runs after her? What was this? Why was she seeing this? It was not true? Was it? Had she run away from the manor when she was little? She did not remember this at all, the image was true she knew it deep down and she cries out in frustration as it fades again. She looks about for a way to jog her memory, she drops the torch and screams as she sees General standing before her.

Her eyes go wide as the child stood before him now, the beast growling at the scared girl as she cowers on the muddy ground, Gwen doing the same right now, the child screams at the beast leaps at her, sailing over her head, the child turns to see General jump again at a man behind her, a knife in his hand and her dress at his feet, she cries out for General to stop, but the beast had the man by the throat, lightning flashes and Gwen sees the face of Jake, the old butler no-one spoke of, his eyes filled with horror as General tears his throat open, the child was sprayed with the hot blood, tears streaming down her face with the water as the memory fades one last time.

Gwen was slumped on the ground, her body limp and her face being licked by General. She cries and hides her face in her hands as it all comes back to her.

That night when she was seven she had run to General as there was a storm and she was scared, she huggles close to the dog as she sleeps, her hair was short back then and she wore pink too. A pink dress and a pink blanket to help keep her warm, but something was not right as she saw Jake come in and smile at her, she smiled back being to innocent to get he the wicked look in his eyes. General had seen it though and had stood over his friend, growling deeper than the thunder.

"Come away Gwen, General was bad so you can not see him tonight." Gwen had cried as she was scared of the storm and she had not been bad so why should she be made to pay too. But she does as she was told saying for General to behave as he snapped at Jake. She takes the butlers hand and was lead out into the night, General howling after her not wanting her to go.

Jake had lead her to the back door. "This way hun, and you must be quiet." He makes her giggle as he places a finger to her finger to her lips and locks them shut, she nods her head and walks with him down into the cellar, not scared of the dark or Jake. That was tell he had slammed her up against the cold wet wall and covered her mouth with his hand.

"Now you be a good little girl for Jake." He starts to fumble about with her dress, tugging at it and reaching under her clothes to feel at her innocent form. She had tried to scream, but the hand over her mouth muffled it to well. She struggles and was able to bite down on Jakes hand till she tasted blood and felt the bones on her teeth. Jakes screams had scared her more than the punch had hurt, she tumbles and rolls over the floor like a rag doll to hit a barrel of wine, a crunch saying she had broken something.

"You fucking whore!" He screams and starts towards her, not caring if he knocked anything over. Gwen saw the hate in his eyes and knew now why General had not wanted her to go, Jake was going to hurt her and badly, more than he had already. She cries out in pain as she runs to the cellar door, making it before Jake and racing away into the night, she made for the Generals house, but she was lost at the moment and dizzy still from the blow to the ribs. She wheezes as she runs, a howl fills the night and she turns, she was going the wrong way, She was near the forest, not the General's home. And between her and safety stood Jake, the rain started then and she screams as she turns, the glint of metal in Jakes hand made her fear the man all the more.

Abuse was shouted at her back and threats of pain if she did not come back, death and pain were all Jake called after her, the howls of her best friend filling the night as she cuts her bare feet on roots, but does not stop till she can't hear Jake or the howls any more, then she falls to the ground, to tired to move any more, the cold was to much for her beaten body, the trees seemed to want to help Jake, by pulling at her hair and clothes till she was worn out and not able to get up after she fell over again.

There was a crash and a shout as Jake burst out of the night, knife held over his head as he reached down to grab Gwen. Gwen screams and slips out of her dress to the ground trying to run again, But she stops seeing General, a huge black shadow in the night as the lightning strikes a tree a hundred meters away, setting it alight even in this storm, it blazed, turning the shadow beast red like blood as it leaps over her to the man that was trying to hurt her, she screams and sees that gruesome scene, blood covering her almost naked body and then the beast turn to her, she sees it is general before she passes out.

The next day a search party had been sent to find her, General was laying over her to keep her warm, but she was shivering as she was awoken by a scream, Cook had found the body first, Gwen screams to as General licked her, his maw still covered in blood and his tail wagging. He moves off her as she screams letting her run to Cook, the then only plump rabbit holding her close till the rest of the party got there, it was clear what had gone on, and General was treated like a hero by all, but not Gwen, she would not go near him and fainted as a fever set in.

It was a week before she woke up fully from her fever, she did not remember any of it, the doctor said it was repressed memory and in this case it would be best if she did not find out about any of this for a while. Gwen had taken three more weeks before she spoke to anyone but Cook and lord Pennyworthing. General had howled day and night till he was let in to see that she was ok, but Gwen had screamed and passed out at the sight of her once best friend.

Now Gwen was sat in the rain, the canine that had saved her life licking her face as she wakes up for the flashback. She blinks a few times before looking to General and gulping back the lump in her throat, she looks at him and reaches out to hug him about the neck.

"I am so sorry General." She sobs as she holds him close to her, her eyes red as she cries and sobs into the wet dogs fur. After a while she starts to shiver and gets up walking out of the forest, still a little in shock, the storm was just ending as she breaks out of the trees onto the wide lawn. She looks at General as he walked next to her, her hand patting his head as she grins. "Good doggy." She says and giggles as he pounces on her, knocking them both to the floor as he licks her face, glad to have his friend back. Gwen giggles and pushes at him.

"Get off you dump dog." She scolds him gently till he moves. She lays there panting and smiling, she had gotten an old friend back. She was sorry for all the year that they had missed and she wonders how long the old boy had left to go, he had outlived his first litter and was looking to do the same for his second.

That night she slept in the dog house with General. She was curled up as she used to with the big canine on his huge bed, she had cleaned all the hair off of it, still not able to sit on or lay on anything that was not clean. She had a warm smile on her face as she slept better than she had done in a while, her ears twitching and her eyes flicking under her closed lids, she was dreaming of times she could have had with her canine friend if she had been told the truth by someone about why she was so scared of him.

General perks his ears up as he hears Gwen give a soft whimper, his head canting to the right and his eyes looking over her before he gives her a lick on the cheek, not to wake her, but to let her know in some way he was here. But as he lays back down he sniffs ready to huff, but his nose picks up something, something very nice. Heat, he sniffs again and murrs as he nuzzles instinctively at Gwen's shoulder, his body reacting to the smell she was giving off.

Gwen whimpers again as she sleeps and her body starts to go into heat, she felt the nuzzles and her instincts turn her towards them, returning them with a few soft kisses. Her maw pressing to the feral's as she opens her eyes, she meeps pulling away. Her eyes looking about as she feels now the heat between her legs, the start of her heat was always the worst bit for her as it hit her very hard and fast, not a slow build up like some. Gwen glances over General and gasps as she sees his member, bright red and glistening as it rubs against her nighty. She gulps looking at her feral friend and giggles.

"I am sorry boy, did not remember it was that time of the year for me." She sits up and thinks about going till she hears General whimper, her eyes look to him, somehow he had gotten a sad puppy look in his eyes and she almost melts looking at the old dog.

" did save my life." She says patting his head, god this is so wrong, she thinks as she shrugs out of her nighty, but I am going to need this sooner or later, she adds in her head trying to shut up her continence. She reaches down and pulls her nightie over her head, droping the garment to the floor, it was shortly followed by her panties and bra.

With a sly grin Gwen moves herself and lays out near to General and kisses him again as he starts to lap his long wet tongue over her face, this make Gwen giggle and squirm about on the bed as General moves his head down her face to her neck, making her eep as he nudges her neck and shoulders with his cold wet nose. Gwen starts to run her fingers through his belly fur, her hand moving to miss his sheath and member for the moment not wanting to move to fast.

She lets her eyes close as her breathing turns to a soft panting as her heat really kicks in, she moans and can't keep herself from stroking over Generals long red cock, her furred fingers tracing its hard slick veiny length while she feels the feral canines tongue bathing down her body, she would have been surprised if he had spent time lapping over her breasts like an anthro would seeing as to General her large breasts were not anything useful to him right now.

"Mmm, good boy." She says to encourage him as he sniffs over her belly and down between her legs, her strong round thighs parting for him, letting him get right close and friendly with her sex, her hot lips already wet and puffy due to her heat. She gasps and moans as she looks down and see his tongue lapping over her wanting pussy lips, her back arching and her legs shaking as she strokes at his growing shaft, she glances next to his member, it was looking a good twelve inches long, but thankfully not to thick, only about two inches or so. She licks her lips before leaning in to take that hot musky pointed cock head into her mouth. Suckling at him, making the feral yelp in pleasure.

Gwen lets out a soft growl that General answers with his own, the rumbling of his muzzle against her wet lips makes her cry out as it sent soft thrills over her sensitive labia, she did not stop for long before getting right back to lavishing that beautiful canine cock, he tongue tracing over the whole length of it before she took it into her mouth, her taste buds seemed to dance with the musky coating on his shaft. After a few more licks General became inpatient will the foreplay, his instincts told him that he was going to mate with Gwen, there was no love in this just rutting, General did love Gwen, but in the way a feral does, he showed his love for her in the licks and nuzzles he had given her as a child.

General pulls away from Gwen and growls at her nudging her with his head so that she would move to her hands and knees, Gwen did as he was asking her and giggles a little. "What my mouth not as good as my cunt?" She asks knowing she was not going to get an answer.

Gwen lifts herself slowly up onto all her hands and knees, her head tuning to see General shifting behind her before hoping up to place his front paws on her shoulder, Gwen was glad of her fur as Generals claws dug into her slightly. She move her leg apart just a fraction more as she felt General humping against her, his cock missing it's mark on his first few thrust, then with a growl he clamps his teeth firmly onto the scruff of her neck in a show of dominance and wiggles himself a bit closer.

Gwen could feel him holding her neck and trying to gain entry to her sex, the fur about her inner thighs and pussy lips was matted with her juices and Generals saliva. She reaches back to take a hold of his shaft and lines it up to her wanting sex, her heat making her moan at this slight touch.

General did not need any encouragement to just thrust into her, small sharp stabbing bucks of his hips slam his hot feral cock in and out of her with lewd pops, her wetness helping out a lot as he adds inch after inch with each driving thrust.

Gwen screams as he enters her, the feeling of doing this with a feral, so wrong, but the need of her body saying it was just right for her heat. She felt him spearing her again and again with his swollen dog dick, her eyes closing as she grips the bedsheets and her mouth hug open as she pants. She did not know how long he was thrusting into her for before he hilted, his knot popping in as it had not yet grown to the size needed to lock them together. She felt it come out again and gasps at the way that felt, all the rest of his member seemed so perfect for her but then the knot would force her that little bit to wide to be comfortable and she would cries out at the pleasurable pain.

The German Shepard moved as any animal would in this situation, to pass his seed into the females body, his member moving faster as his knot swelled up even more making it to big to get in with his fast light thrusts, soon he was going to realise his seed into her and he would lock them.

The anthro husky groans as she felt the knot get to big to go in and now with each thrust it would bump against her plump stretched lips and her hard clit, her juices seemed to just be pouring out of her and getting her leg fur and the spot under them on the bed soaking wet. Gwen felt herself giving into her almost feral like need as she howls and barks in heat driven lust, her mind clouding over as she yelp, the last thing she clearly remembers is General giving a great thrust and the huge knot cramming into her sex and the crash of her orgasm hitting her at that moment. The hot seed pouring into her body, made useless as her contraception meant there was nothing there to be impregnated.

Gwen woke the next morning and murred as she felt very sated, her ears twitch as she hears the murring returned by the canine behind her. It was light out and she grins looking at General. "Morning." She says and giggles a little bit as the dog licks her nose. She sat up and stretched scratching her belly as General moves to lick at her bare rump.

"Hey, you already had a go last night, Your to old to be trying so soon." She winks, General huffed as if he got what she had said and was planing on sulking. But he just licks her lovingly once again on her rear end. She laughs and pushes his head away.

"I have to go and work you silly." She scolds him lightly and gets up to look for her dress, it was in tatters on the floor, ripped to bit a trail leading to the bed and there in Generals mouth was her left shoe. She almost screams at the dog before sighing.

"Nice try dog." She says and pats his head. "But you forgot to tear up my panties and bra." She slips on the only clothes she has to slip on and starts to walk out into the moring. She steps out and spots Cook coming towards her. The chubby rabbit stops blinks in surprise to see Gwen leaving the dog house and in her bra and panties no less. She walks up with a bowl of dog food and does not say a word to Gwen as she steps inside leavinf the bowl by the door. She then comes back out to stand next to Gwen.

"So you know then?" She asks looking over the girl, Gwen smiles back and nods her head, Cook was glad she did not seem angry for not being told soomer, but the rabbit just did not have the heart to tell her when she was little and soon it sort of slipped her mind most days.

"Thanks for being there for me Cook." Gwen says with her eyes closed and looking up at the sun. She turns to give the old girl a hug and giggles as the fat rabbit calls her a stupid child and threatens to beat her with a spoon like when she was little. Gwen lets her go and grins.

"So is there any breakfast left Cook?" Gwen asks.

"Breakfast, Hun it is past noon. Now lets have four extra jobs waiting to be done and half the day is gone." The chubby bunny slaps Gwen on the rear making her yelp. "Now! Get dress and to work or else."

Gwen blushes deeply and nods her head, she felt like she was a girl again waking late and having to answer to Cook all over again. She does not say anything just gives the bunny a kiss on the cheek and runs off laughing at the loving insults that Cook shouts at her. [The End]