Trevor's Tryst

Story by Bartaugh on SoFurry

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WARNING: This story contains sexual activity between underage teenage males and between an underage teenage male and an adult male. It also involves snuff, specifically in that a teenage mouse boy is cooked by a sociopathic feline adult and then eaten. If you have no interest in such gruesome subject matter, you don't want to read this story; GO AWAY.

This story, like pretty much everything I publish, is just 'draft' quality. One of these days I'll go out and polish it up. Maybe.

EDIT 6/19/2007:

Spellchecked, removed fixed word wrap.


by Bartaugh

Steam still very slightly hazed the air of the boy's locker room shower area, keeping the faint scent of chlorine hanging in the air with it. A few recently shut off faucets still dripped, though most of the water on the floor had evaporated off, leaving it dry enough for Trevor, a young grey-furred mouse teen to sit down on it without getting his pants wet.

The tiled walls of the shower facility still dripped with beaded water, but Greg didn't seem to much mind leaning against it even though he'd already dressed. The feline jock was a bit too busy enjoying the feel of Trevor's talented tongue and muzzle wrapped around his engorged cock to even notice the water soaking lightly into his shirt.

The high school football team had come to shower following practice, each athlete finishing up, drying, dressing and heading out one by one until only Greg -- who had deliberately taken his time -- remained. Trevor had pushed aside a vent grate and crawled out from behind it, where he'd been hiding since before the adolescent athletes had arrived and started stripping naked. Greg, having nearly fully dressed to avoid looking like anything was wrong, dropped his pants again and started pawing himself off as the younger mouse teen approached. No words were exchanged; Trevor sat in front of the teenaged athlete, Greg pushed his erect feline cock to the mouse's lips, and then Trevor opened his mouth up and began suckling on the offered erection while Greg leaned back to enjoy the resultant pleasure.

That was seven minutes earlier. Greg had been keeping himself restrained, trying not to show just how much he enjoyed getting his cock sucked by another guy, but by now his hands were grasping the young rodent's ears as his muscled legs drove his hips rather forcefully, repeatedly shoving his cock to Trevor's throat.

Trevor didn't really mind. He'd been doing this for awhile now, and had learned all of the right tricks to properly pleasure boys and he'd become accustomed to their reactions when their climaxes approached. The young mouse peered up through his wire-rimmed spectacles, noting Greg's screwed up expression, then he closed his eyes and tilted his head, twisting his mouth around the feline's throbbing maleness and swallowing each time the swollen glans passed through his gullet, waiting for Greg to let go.

And then Greg did let go. The well-built feline adolescent drew his hips back, then let out a forced grunt as his cock started shooting out into Trevor's suckling maw. The cat boy let out another groan and shoved back in, shooting more of his load into the young rodent's throat before he pulled back again and began thrusting rapidly onto that wonderfully hot and wet tongue, filling the mousey muzzle with his copious seed and tensing up firmly as he felt more ripples around his cock as his cum was swallowed down.

It was over. Trevor licked lightly at Greg's withdrawing glans, then his mouth was freed again. The young mouse boy peered up meekly at the jock whose cum he'd just tasted, as if looking for approval. He received a slight smirk -- which was the best he'd hoped to receive -- before Greg wordlessly pulled his pants up and walked out of the locker room, leaving Trevor alone.

The mouse boy's head remained turned, watching the sexually satisfied teen exit the room, and the rodent remained still, listening for something, anything, that could indicate that he was not alone. Silence greeted his efforts, and after several minutes he stood up at last and made a quick but cautious search of the area.

It seemed empty enough for the mouse's satisfaction, and so Trevor leaned up against the wall that had previously supported Greg and lifted up his red polo shirt to reveal his soft-furred white belly and -- more importantly -- his belt. Nimble young fingers swiftly unfastened and loosened the belt, then unbuttoned and unzipped the light brown khakis so that they and the boxer shorts beneath them could be jerked down quickly, at last freeing the mouse boy's aching eight-inch erection which the mouse's slender fingers wasted no time in gripping, squeezing and stroking.

Rodent feet planted firmly, legs spread enough to let proportionally large balls swing and bounce freely, Trevor began rubbing his aching erection in his hand, working up the tickle of pleasure that had started the moment he witnessed the sight of so many naked athletes from his hidden spot, had grown when he felt the warmth and thickness of Greg's cock against his tongue and inside of his muzzle, and had spiked to nearly unbearable levels when he tasted the thick hot ropes of feline cum and felt the hot seed flowing down his throat. Trevor's soft, slender tongue licked over his lips, trying to taste some of the remnants of Greg's release that had spilled out of his mouth. For a moment, he regretted not pulling back and getting a faceful of cum that he could be wiping off and sucking from his fingers as he jerked off, but those faint regrets faded quickly as his mind clouded up from the growing overwhelming pleasure.

It became too much very quickly. Trevor started to double over and he wobbled while fighting to keep his balance despite his rapidly diminishing awareness. He felt nothing but pleasure, and then he let out a series of quiet yelps as his impressive cock pulsed in his hand and shot out hot blasts of mousecum for several feet until it splattered down messily onto the floor.

It ended far sooner than it had began. The thick strands of cum that poured from the boy's cock soon became a trickle, then a final thick dribble down the tip of the shaft as the erection softened and the pleasure faded, leaving Trevor holding a quite cum-slicked penis in cum-soaked fingers.

Trevor stared for a moment at the messy streaks that he'd left on the floor, then he hurriedly pulled his pants back up. He held the unfastened khakis up to his waist in his dry hand, then hurriedly licked the cum from the wetted fingers of his other and all the while wished it could be the spilled cum of one of the handsome jocks he'd been ogling earlier. Once 'clean', the mouse hurriedly fastened up his pants and reattached his belt before scurrying out of the locker room as stealthily as he could manage.

Trevor and Greg had been alone in the locker room together for their encounter. When Greg left, Trevor was truly by himself with no other living person around. The boys had not, however, remained completely unseen by any others. A high-quality, remote-controlled digital video camera stashed quite stealthily within a light fixture had captured the lurid scene of about a dozen adolescent boys stripping naked to shower,then subsequently captured the lewd details of one of those boys having his cock sucked off to orgasm by a timid mouse teen boy. The remote-control zoom option -- and the high pixel resolution of the device -- got some very nice footage of the mouse's cute mouth wrapped around the feline's engorged, spurting cock, then more of cum dripping down Trevor's chin, and and then captured shots of the mouse boy's large genitals bouncing about freely while the young cocksucker jerked himself off to orgasm followed by the long, ropey spurts of mousecum that splattered onto the shower room floor.

The final shot, before the camera clicked off, showed Trevor's pert young ass when he unknowingly turned his back to the camera and bent down to pull his pants back up.

The next day -- Friday -- passed as normal. Trevor experienced an uneventful day at school. He didn't have many friends, but the bullies avoided him; for some reason the star athletes of the football team were always willing to stand up for him when a confrontation arose, and the usual troublemakers had learned to seek out less defended targets.

It was three o'clock and students -- Trevor included -- were heading to their lockers before heading home. Most were happy to be off for the weekend.

Trevor wasn't.

It wasn't that he wanted to stay in school for the next two days. Trevor was a bright enough kid, but it wasn't love of education that made him sad to be heading home right away. It was the absence of football practice. And no football practice meant no meeting a player in the locker room after practice.

Jason, a vulpine junior who consistently shot quite a bit when he orgasmed, met the mouse on Mondays. Star ursine quarterback Dave's cum, tasted by Trevor every Tuesday, was thick enough to fill the young rodent's maw within seconds. On Wednesdays Trevor would kneel before Mike for several minutes until he tasted sweet rabbit cum spilling into his mouth.

And on Thursdays, Trevor would sit on his knees, open his mouth and suck Greg's handsome erection to orgasm.

The mouse's hands fumbled at the combination lock without any real progress for about a minute as he quietly pined for the feline's cock again. But that wasn't until next Thursday.

Trevor had given some consideration to asking if Greg would, perhaps, like to meet at another time for another session. Actually, he'd given that a lot of consideration, especially just before every meeting. And then, invariably, the mouse would lose his nerve. He wasn't sure if he was afraid of being rejected, afraid of Greg's girlfriend finding out and letting the entire student body know or afraid of something else, but every time after planning the question Trevor would end up only staring in silence after swallowing a load of teenage feline cum while the satisfied athlete zipped up and moved out.

The thoughts were starting to lead to what could have quickly become an embarrassing bulge in the pants, the realisation of which snapped Trevor back to the present whereupon he stopped fumbling with his lock and started actually unlocking and opening his locker. Intending to toss his books inside to lighten the load for his trip home, he instead dropped them all on the floor.

He could hardly be faulted for the spill. It was shock, not clumsiness, that led to the sudden mess; a rather predictable reaction to the sight of the photograph stuck right at eye-level on the inside of the locker.

A very clear, high-quality photograph of a young, glasses-wearing mouse teen boy sucking the cock of a young feline athlete.

It was several seconds before Trevor could stop staring in shock at the image. It was several more before he stopped looking around for prying eyes, mortified at the discovery and deathly afraid that someone was watching, ready to expose his private trysts.

Starting to hyperventilate, Trevor quickly scanned his locker for signs of more pictures. He found none, but as he held the incriminating photograph he noticed a bit of writing on the back.




Hands shaking uncontrollably as he read over the note over and over again, Trevor's mind felt scrambled from the shock. He quickly pocketed the photograph, threw his books into his locker without any concern for tidiness, then dashed out of the school building as quickly as he could.

Trevor knew the way, but it still took him nearly an hour to reach the appointed location. The street was relatively new, and not yet developed. A residential zone was springing up in the local neighborhood, but no construction had started at the end of this particular road. Even in his addled state, Trevor was well aware of the reason for this specific meeting point.

He'd arrived as quickly as he could, but still feared that he was late. He was out of breath; despite the overcast sky the weather was still uncomfortably hot and humid, and the mouse teen had to stop repeatedly to wipe his glasses on his shirt when they became too fogged to be seen through. Trevor sat, shaking like a leaf, feeling no better in the heat even though he was no longer overexerting himself. An hour seemed to pass for the terrified boy, even though a black sedan with heavily tinted windows drove up and stopped at the end of the road only five minutes later.

Trevor stood, still trembling, and watched wordlessly as the passenger side window lowered in front of him. The mouse tried telling himself that it was a lost traveler, but was forced to swallow hard when he heard a voice from within distinctly say, "Get in."

Knowing that it was indeed the author of the note, the timid mouse teen swallowed hard once more, opened up the door, and meekly slid himself into the black leather passenger seat. The interior of the car itself seemed unnaturally dark, as though absorbing all light that filtered throughout the dark windows into the blackness of the seats and dashboard. The radio was off, but the sound of the air conditioner fans seemed to drown out the noise of the engine. The temperature was soothing at first, but Trevor soon began to feel an uncomfortable chill from the constant breeze of cool air blowing onto his face.

"You can close the vent if you like..."

Trevor was startled by the sudden break in the silence, and also from the realization that the car had already traveled two blocks and he'd still not thought to look up at the driver. Remedying that oversight at last, the trembling teen was somewhat surprised. He'd been prepared to see an emotionless face, perhaps of a fox or a wolf, and for some reason expected sunglasses and a dark suit. Instead, he saw a friendly-looking tan-furred feline face smiling at him. No sunglasses covered the feline driver's brown eyes, and he wore only a plain white T-shirt, blue jeans and a pair of sandals.

The cat spoke again, "I'm Kat. And I know that you are Trevor. Heh, yer even cuter in person."

Trevor's first impulse was to ask just how Kat had seen him otherwise, but he only got as far as opening his mouth to speak before he remembered the photographs. He closed his muzzle quickly and squirmed with intense embarrassment

Kat apparently sensed the mouse boy's discomfort and guessed the rather obvious reason, "Heh, no need to get shy with me. We both know why you're here. Ya like to spend time on yer knees sucking off a few of yer schoolmates. No need to get embarrassed 'cause of what I've seen of ya. Not like a few other boys haven't seen ya doin' it all up close and personal."

Trevor, for some reason, didn't find that comment terribly reassuring, and he spoke no more on the subject, or on anything at all for that matter, for the duration of the trip. Kat didn't press the matter, and so the entire car trip continued in silence.

The trip ended several miles away, on the other side of town. The area became more and more unfamiliar to the mouse teen as the cat drove further, until they reached a small and apparently recently developed suburb. Far out on the outskirts of the suburb, where homes were still being developed, the feline finally turned into the driveway of one of the few completed houses, dipping his car down a steep incline, then into a spacious two-car garage. Trevor was somewhat startled by the onset of quiet following the cutting of the car engine, then he was startled again by the sudden grinding of the closing automatic garage door behind him.

Kat gave the mouse teen a third startling by patting the rodent's leg and announcing, "We're home. C'mon, let's get inside."

The next few minutes were a surreal blur for the boy. He remembered a deep 'click' as the automatic car door locks were disengaged, then he remembered stepping out of the car, but he couldn't distinctly recall any details after that when he realised that he was standing in a large, well-lit but windowless room that he somehow knew to be the basement of the house. Trevor knew that one of the four wood-panel walls surrounding him was just a partition hiding the staircase down which he'd traveled, but he couldn't at all remember actually descending those stairs.

Shaking some of the fog from his head, the mouse finally realised that the cat had been speaking for some time, though he couldn't recall exactly when it had started.

"...cameras to find out if my suspicions were correct.", the feline continued, "You can't imagine how exciting it was to see that not only was I right, but you're quite an expert at pleasuring those other boys! I wanted to bring you here to find out for myself what you feel like..."

Trevor swallowed hard, knowing full well what his 'host' meant despite his missing out on more than half the explanation.

Kat watched his houseguest become accustomed to the surroundings, swishing his tail as he took a moment to truly study the boy before him. Slightly plump, but not overweight. In fact, the boy was quite cute. Long, slender toes on those bare feet, and just slightly prominent bucked teeth on that handsome face. The feline began pawing his groin idly, and Trevor took immediate notice, mistakenly thinking it a directive rather than an unconscious gesture.

The young mouse boy couldn't really be faulted for his misconception; he'd, come to recognize the 'pawing at the groin' as a sign from his jock friends that it was time for a blowjob, and he'd already pretty much figured out why this cat had brought him here. It wasn't seeming that bad, now that he'd given it some thought; he'd done it countless times before, and -- much as he was ashamed to admit even to himself -- he did enjoy it a bit. He finally forced himself to look up and away from Kat's crotch and stammered out, "I ... I guess you want me to ... uh..., use my mouth on you?"

Kat's fingers stopped kneading and he just froze his hand over his groin as he took in Trevor's question, seeming amused by it for several seconds before he started snickering, "Use your mouth on me? Such a delicate way to put it. Is that how your jock suck-buddies put it?"

The feline stepped forward and cupped his right paw around the bewildered boy's chin, "Yer not gonna 'use yer mouth' on me..." He let the mouse teen stare in confusion for a moment before clarifying, "Yer gonna suck my dick. Yer gonna give me a blowjob. Yer goin' down on me, kid; yer gonna get on yer knees, open yer mouth, take my cock into it and suck on my hard pole until I spew out a load of cum into yer mouth and then yer gonna swallow all of the spunk that I give you."

Kat gave the shocked boy's face a wiggle, then he turned and walked toward the couch, long tail swishing all the way, while unfastening his pants and muttering, "'Use your mouth', hmph."

Turning to face the boy again, Kat quite casually slid his pants and underwear down in a single swift motion, revealing a firm feline erection, standing six and a half inches. He stepped backwards, out of his pants and into the couch, where he allowed himself to flop down. Pawing at his shirt a bit, the feline smirked, "...that's what ya do to people too ashamed to admit that they like the feel of another guy's mouth on their penis."

The cat quickly flipped his shirt off, spread his legs and rubbed his groin again as he finished, "I know what I like, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I like cute kids like you to suck my cock until I shoot my cum down their throats. Now pick yer jaw up off the floor and c'mere. I wanna feel yer talented mouth 'round my cock." The feline leaned forward just a little bit and -- impossibly -- managed to smile just a little more slyly, "...and more importantly, I wanna SEE yer talented mouth 'round it..."

Trevor did manage to close his dropped jaw, though it took several seconds and a bit of effort before he was able to step slowly toward the couch and toward the nude, aroused feline sitting upon it.

Kat's legs spread a little further and he had smirk, as though amused with Trevor's apprehension though he nonetheless chided, "C'mon, kid. It's not like ya've never seen another guy's cock before. Or tasted one. Get on yer knees and show me why those jocks keep comin' back."

Trevor blushed, a little ashamed, but he did as instructed, kneeling at last before Kat. The mouse had to lower himself moreso than usual, and he felt warm feline legfur brush his ears and cheekfur. This was different; the jocks at school always stood. The feline was more relaxed and seemed more comfortable than any of the jocks had been, yet somehow this made Trevor feel more ill-at-ease. Still, the erect cock was as recognizable, hard and throbbing as any that Trevor had ever sucked. Swallowing his apprehension -- and a bit of his pride -- the mouse teen opened his mouth, lowered his head and took in the waiting shaft.

Trevor felt familiar sensations: the warm, soft skin covering thick and hard cockflesh; the gentle throb of a pleasured penis; the slightly salty taste of pre that dribbled forth from the tip, flavoring the mouse's efforts when he drew his head up and flicked his tongue over the slit at the tip. His nervousness and tension started fading, even moreso when he felt warm, guiding feline hands rubbing his ears and his cheeks. Trevor inhaled deeply through his nose and took in the feline's pleasant crotch-scent, intoxicating him and lulling him into a trance-like state.

Kat was losing himself also, but he was aware enough to look down and watch the erotic sight of his cock in the loving mouth of a teenage boy. His legs shifted and he curled his fingers around the boy's earbases as he gasped, "That's it, kid. Now use yer hands, play with my balls."

Slender, limber mouse fingers cupped over feline nuts. The were warm, and they felt just a little heavy within the furry sac. Trevor felt gentle fingers at his ears, rubbing, and he pushed forward, throating the cock in his muzzle and swallowing around it for several seconds before he drew back up for air, twisting his maw around the throbbing kitty cock and still sucking firmly.

A raspy voice encouraged, "That's good, kid... ah, yeah, I'm gonna cum!"

And then Kat did cum. His breathing quickened and his muscles tightened and he felt the familiar tingle start up in his cock, expanding outward in a wave of pleasure. The feline's fingers curled around rodent ears and the feline's cock spurted thick gushes of adult sperm into a teenage boy's mouth.

Trevor had never sucked off a parter so physically involved in the process, but he recognized the signs of imminent orgasm and readied himself by drawing his head back enough to caress the feline cockhead with his tongue so that he would taste the cum as it poured out into his waiting mouth. He swallowed firmly around the spurting member, pleasuring it further as he gulped down cum that spurted and flowed over his tongue and gifted him with its taste. He squeezed the balls in his hands gently; he'd never been able to bring up the nerve to paw at the scrotum of any of his jock partners, yet the feel of feline orbs in his hand felt completely natural. He drove his head down to coax out more pleasure and cum, and then he drew back when the ejaculation ended and the kitty cock softened slightly against his tongue.

The mouse boy looked up to see a face in post-orgasmic bliss, which was a familiar enough expression for the teen even though he'd never before seen one stay that way for so long rather than quickly being followed by a sense of urgency to depart. This face, by contrast, seemed quite content where it was.

"Well...", Kat mused, after a few seconds of recovery, "...that was quite nice kid. I can't remember the last time I had a blowjob that intense."

The feline caressed the mouse teen's embarrassed, bashful face, "Ya don't have to stay down there, kid. C'mon up and sit with me on the couch..." He patted the couch cushion next to him firmly.

Trevor just stared for a moment, first at Kat, then at the couch, then back up at Kat again. Giving blowjobs was familiar territory for him, but being invited to spend time afterwards was completely new, and a little baffling for the boy. Nonetheless, he managed to pick himself up from the floor and -- after a moment's hesitation -- sat down on the couch next to Kat.

Naked Kat. Trevor was sitting next to someone who was stark naked. And that stark naked someone's hand was now rubbing the boy's thigh and squeezing in rather firmly. Trevor took in a deep and unsteady breath and tried to stare at the hand, but soon found himself distracted by the sight of the feline's bare crotch. The cat simply sat there, legs spread enough to ensure that his genitals were fully exposed. Kat was lounging around with his half erect cock poking up and Trevor found it fascinating that he could simply watch it twitch.

Kat smiled slyly and slipped his hand from the boy's thigh to the belt holding up the boy's pants, distracting the youth with playful commentary on the object of Trevor's attention.

"Like it?", Kat asked, "You can touch it if ya like. Or my balls, too. Gimme a couple minutes and I'll be ready to cum again, if yer interested..."

Trevor's face flushed with embarrassment at the invitation, but before he could consider the offer his attention was diverted by a feline hand crawling into the mouse's unbelted pants. The mouse let out a shocked squeal and tensed up immediately, but he felt frozen in place and made no effort to push Kat's hand away.

Kat's fingers wandered downward, feeling intense humidity as they slid over the firm length of Trevor's penis. Noticing the boy's spasmic and startled reaction, the feline purred playfully, "Hey, just relax kid..."

Feline fingertips slid to the base of the shaft and kneaded in about the groin, making the young mouse squeak and shift about on the couch.

"Mmm... you're really warm in here," the kitty commented as he rubbed down into the boy's crotchfur, "Hot and wet. It's getting all over my fingers. You've been hard and horny and dribbling pre into your pants for awhile now, haven't you? Ya made a mess from it..."

Trevor felt embarrassed Actually, he practically felt humiliated. His mind was running a bit wild, reminding him of everything that hand transpired and led up to this moment: he'd been caught on camera sucking the dick of one of his classmates; then he'd been blackmailed into going to the home of the adult who witnessed the act. He'd even sucked this guy's cock! Trevor knew that this feline was a total stranger, but he could still taste the feline cum on his lips.

And now the mouse had a strange feline's hand rummaging about in his pants. Trevor was vulnerable, abused and exploited, but he couldn't keep his cock from standing rigidly erect and throbbing madly in the cat's fingers, gifting the molesting digits with yet more dribbles of moisture.

Trevor bit his lip and tried not to stare, though every few seconds he felt compelled to peer at the furry wrist that disappeared into his loosened pants. And then he let out a surprised, yet nearly inaudible, squeak when the hand suddenly withdrew, leaving the mouseboy's cock throbbing with a previously unfelt intensity. He stared up at Kat, as if already expecting another order or 'suggestion'.

Kat was giving a sly smile and while it was not a totally unexpected expression by now, Trevor still found it unnerving. The feline brought his molesting hand up to his face and took in Trevor's scent, seeming oddly entertained by it, before he addressed the teenager.

"Yer horny as hell, kid..."

Kat paused for just a second so that he could enjoy more of Trevor's embarrassed squirming, then he continued, "...and you look really uncomfortable. I want you to stand up, face me, then take yer clothes off. All of 'em. Pull yer shirt off and drop yer pants and yer boxers.

It wasn't a request that Trevor had heard before; despite its rather unambiguous direction, the mouse didn't quite know how to respond. Kat, seeming just slightly impatient -- though not angry -- quickly prompted the boy, "Ya heard. I want ya to get naked."

Trevor really didn't know how to respond to that, so he finally stood up and fumbled at his pants until they were loose and then -- after taking a deep breath and swallowing hard -- he hooked his thumbs into both his khakis and his boxers beneath them and pushed them both down his legs. Kat was treated only to a fleeting glimpse of the boy's genitals before the mouse obscured them by leaning forward until the waistbands of his pants and underwear were at the boy's ankles.

And then the boy stood upright again.

Trevor didn't want to look Kat in the eye, so he quickly yanked his shirt up from his waist over his eyes and then he took his time pulling his shirt off any further. The mouse boy was certain that the feline was staring between his legs, but he just didn't want to acknowledge it.

Kat was staring at the boy's crotch. It couldn't really be helped, though; it was such an eye-catching thing. An eight inch erect penis on a fifteen year-old boy was impressive enough, and the precum-slickened member bounced prettily as the youth shifted about, but even that wasn't the real eye-catcher.

The boy's shirt popped from the mouse's head at last, and the boy readjusted his crooked glasses before slowly opening his eyes and peeking, confirming his suspicions regarding the cat's stare. Trevor let out a faint whine, but while he shuffled absentmindedly on his feet he didn't seem to know whether to cover or show off the huge mouse testicles that he knew would be the source of the feline's fascination.

And then he let out a startled gasp when felt warm feline fingers toying with the tennis-ball sized orbs between his legs.

Kat looked over the treasure in his hands, "Nice, kid... really handsome here. Why dontcha come closer so I can repay ya for that blowjob."

Trevor had given a faint spasm as he heard the feline's voice, which served as another reminder that, for the first time, he was naked and sexually aroused in the presence of another. His toes curled into the floor and the mouse looked down to see a lecherous smiling feline face staring back up. Swallowing his pride once more, Trevor took one step forward, bringing his bouncing erection to within an inch of Kat's nose.

The mouse boy's genitals were quite impressive, and now Kat could see them up close in all of their glory. He was able to glide his nose over the thick, throbbing eight inches of mousedick, giving the twitching member a tickling sniff before his lips parted and the feline maw took in the tip of the teenaged erection and suckled firmly.

Kat's mouth played with the tip of Trevor's shaft, feeling the slightly soft texture against his tongue before pressing in firmly and feeling just how firm the boy was. The feline tongue slipped over the slit and tasted thick, salty pre dribbling copiously from the excited member and the cat swallowed lightly around the mouthful of boycock. Not content just to feel a cock in his mouth, Kat raised up his hand and gently squeezed the mouse's balls with his fingers.

Trevor spasmed, and Kat watched. The feline's eyes were open and watching the boy's handsome crotch shifting about. Kat had sucked off fifteen year-olds before. Hell, he'd sucked off sixteen and seventeen year-olds, but no teenager -- and in fact very few adults -- could compare to the treasures now before the feline's face. The mouse's cock was too thick and long to fit even halfway into Kat's mouth before it pushed into the feline throat. Trevor's huge, heavy testicles were full; Kat could feel it as he rolled the thick orbs through the boy's soft, fuzzy scrotum: the testes were overworking at sperm production, almost certainly making the youth sore and desperate for release.

Kat let up. He leaned his head back, leaving Trevor's saliva-moistened cock bobbing and bouncing, then he turned and brought his legs up onto the couch, stretching and laying out on his side facing the boy. His tailtip twitched and he idly rubbed over his groin, showing off his once-again firm adult cock rather freely, and he spoke at last.

"C'mere and sit on the couch, an' press yer back against me..."

Trevor adjusted his glasses, curled his toes into the floor and stared at the feline's crotch. He knew what Kat intended, and he was already moving to sit on the couch so as to stretch out as Kat had commanded, and he even -- secretly -- wanted to feel what Kat was about to do to him, yet he still felt compelled to ask -- and to ask in a nervous-sounding half-mumble -- the feline, "A...are you going to... ah...."

The mouse's rump was already brushing up against the feline's hips and a feline cock was twitching over a long mousetail when the boy finally managed to finish his question. Kat snickered lightly and reached beneath the boy's arms and then around the mouse's chest to pull his new toy close, and he ground his cock into the crack of the mouse youth's ass before he responded.

"I bring home someone with a butt as cute as yers and ya hafta ask if I'm gonna fuck it?"

Kat nuzzled at the teenage boy's right ear, lightly shifting Trevor's glasses on his face. The feline's left hand slipped down and rubbed the mouse's slightly plump rump, then Kat grabbed his own cock and started guiding it beneath Trevor's upturned tail and -- with no hesitation -- began grinding in to penetrate the boy.

It was uncomfortable for Trevor, even moreso than he'd expected, even despite the secret fantasies about feeling such a thing that he'd entertained for several months now. Kat's cock was stretching him open painfully, but the mouse felt too shy and too embarrassed to ask for it to stop. Instead, through tightly closed eyes and firmly gritted teeth, the boy whined, "P...please... I...I've never done this before..."

Kat paused, a little overwhelmed at the boy's tightness, but then he forced his way in deeper and he answered the boy, "N...never? Ungh... yer jock friends don't know what they're missing..."

Kat's cock was now buried more than halfway into teenage mouse ass, and he just held there for the moment, enjoying the hot, tight flesh squeezing and massaging him. Trevor's pained expression had lessened, but only imperceptibly so; while he still felt great discomfort, he was starting to feel the first tinglings of a pleasure from the penetration also. His face was red, not from the strain but from an embarrassed blush, and his dropped jaw moved to speak but instead let out only a strained gasp as Kat pushed in deeper, working his cock up until it was completely inside of the boy.

Kat had fucked kids who were Trevor's age before. Hell, he'd fucked kids younger than Trevor, but something was different about this kid; there was no apprehension, no doubts. The teen boy was nervous, true, but ultimately the boy wanted this adult cock shoved up his ass. Kat's left hand wandered downward to fondle the boy, and he felt throbbing hot cockflesh greeting his curling fingers. Every other teenager Kat had seduced had been coerced -- usually psychologically, and often subtly -- but with Trevor no suggestion was needed; the mouse wanted it, and he felt an incredible satisfaction from the adult cock stuffed up his ass.

"Yer really tight and hot inside..."

Kat's right hand was squeezing and rubbing over the mouse's chest, and his right slowly stroked the boy as he continued, "...just relax and let yerself enjoy it. Ya can cum all ya like, don't worry 'bout makin' a mess."

And then Kat's hips rocked against the boy's rear, and the feline cock thrust slowly within Trevor's young rear.

The two lay in the arrangement for several minutes, with Kat slowly drawing back, then thrusting up into Trevor; with the cat rubbing his hand over the throbbing mouse erection, squeezing and coaxing out more and more pleasure. The constant stimulation at his groin made the mouse tense up, squeezing and clenching around the cock stuffed up under his tail, which in turn made Kat thrust harder and stroke faster.

It was building up all too quickly for the boy. Trevor's long toes curled tightly against his feet and he started writhing about, wanting to tell the cat to slow down, but no longer able to articulate his intentions. He started to open his mouth to begin a desperate plea, but the feline shaft shoved deep and hard into him, eliciting a sudden yelp from his mouth, and a sudden gush of cum from his cock.

Kat huffed and panted as he stared down over the enraptured mouse's shoulder, and he watched the first -- and then second, then third -- ropey thick spurts pumping out from that thick, firm young erection in his paw. He wanted to speak, wanted to encourage the boy to keep it going as long as possible, but he couldn't say anything. Not while he was suddenly caught in his own orgasm, his thick adult cock pushing in hard and deep and pumping his seed -- hot and thick -- into the teenaged boy's ass.

Trevor was exhausted, and his spent balls ached from the force of their release. He heard the sound of fingers being licked behind him, then he heard a voice -- seeming so distant and faint -- purr, "Mmm, yer cum tastes really nice..." He heard more licking of fingers, but it kept getting quieter and quieter as his vision became dimmer and dimmer.

Trevor awoke. His vision was hazy, dim. Much like his awareness.

He was waking up; he could tell that much. He'd been asleep for a time indeterminate, and now he was coming out of it. He still wasn't quite sure how he felt about that, except that he knew that he'd never awakened in this position before.

It wasn't his bed. It was smaller. It felt different. He was on his side and there was something warm pressed up behind him.

No, not something. Someone was holding him from behind.

Speaking from behind, Trevor's rump was sore. There was definite discomfort there, and it was slightly aggravated every time the mouse squirmed.

And then Trevor let out a squeal as Kat's firm cock pushed up deeper into him.

The feline cock slowed, thrusting in a gentle rhythm now, but the mouse teen was still unprepared for it. He curled his long toes over feline feet and his ass clenched hotly around the invading kitty cock. He bit his lip and sucked in a breath as he tried and failed to steady himself. Then he let out a startled gasp as he felt feline fingers caressing his left cheek, and then he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Unngh, I've been waiting nearly an hour for you to wake up. You musta been wiped out..."

The feline gave another firm thrust, and the mouse gave another squeal and another clenching of his tight passage around the invading erection. Trevor unconsciously drew up his chubby legs, and he moved his left hand down to grab his aching mousecock, but his wrist was grabbed and held, leaving his cock aching and wanting as the mouse whined in protest.

"Sorry, kid...", Kat explained, his thrusts increasing in speed and force, "...but I want yer balls to stay nice and full for a bit."

The feline's free hand tickled the boy's aching, heavy testicles, "Mmm...I just wanna cum in yer ass once before dinner. Doncha worry 'bout whatcha got in here. I'll be gettin' all of that out later..."

The groping kitty hand grasped the boy's other wrist so that Trevor had no hands free for self-gratification as the feline's thrusts continued.

Kat couldn't stop now. The teen that he fucked was just too hot and tight and his cock was too far stimulated for him to hold back. He began panting and thrusting quickly, driving his cock deep into the tight ass that squeezed so nicely until his pleasure reached a climax. He squeezed his tense teenage lover and sucked on a mousey ear before him as his cock gave forth heavy and thick spurts of his cum.

Trevor couldn't actually deny that he was enjoying having a feline cock shoved up his ass, but his own cock was aching with unreleased arousal that only grew as he felt warm thick feline spunk filling him. He rocked his hips about and curled his toes tightly, but his hands were held fast and so for all his gasping, whimpering and whining he wasn't pushed far enough to let go.

And so Trevor's sizeable balls were aching and unspent when Kat collapsed onto him.

They were still full several minutes later when a huffing Kat finally drew his adult cock free from the boy's rear. The boy let out a few muffled whines as he was pushed into the couch, and then he yelped as his shoulder was yanked and he was tugged back into a sitting position. His glasses were knocked askew and he looked very silly. He didn't even bother to straighten them; his hand instantly went for his crotch, and it was then swatted away by Kat. He looked up at a stern feline face and let out a little whine.

Kat was amused. At least, he looked amused from the silly grin he gave the boy before he explained, "I know you really want to make another big mess..."

The feline's hand teased and caressed the boy's huge scrotum, making the mouse grunt and squirm even more, "...but I wanna see just how much cum I can get you to build up in there before it all gets let out, hot and thick, down my throat..."

Kat's fingers lightly gripped and tugged the mouse teen's sizeable shaft, making his youthful guest shiver and squirm. The feline then lowered his head close to Trevor's crotch and took in the sight of the rodent's massive genitals. He gave the tip of the aching adolescent cock a playful ,kiss and lick.

Trevor grit his teeth again and sucked in a fast breath as he was stimulated further, not noticing that the feline had stood until he felt his glasses being pushed back into place. He looked up inquisitively at the smiling feline, unaware that his jaw was hanging open dumbly until Kat's index finger pushed it back up and spoke again.

"You look like you could use a drink, kid."

Kat seemed a bit amused at the boy's bewildered expression.

"Wait here and I'll getcha something to drink. And then..."

Kat touched the boy's nose.

"I'll want a chance to taste yer cock. And yer cum."

And then he walked off. Trevor didn't look to see where the feline went, as he was a bit more concerned with the ache in his loins. He stared at his throbbing eight-inch shaft and he even gave it one squeeze, but despite his urges he held back. He did not want to disappoint his host, even if the mere thought of feeling another male's mouth on his cock for the first time nearly made him orgasm right then and there.

He felt a presence beside him, and he let out a surprised squeak when he noticed that Kat had silently returned. The mouse jumped lightly, making his heavy cock bounce and wobble as he gave an embarrassed smile and blush. The mouse readjusted his glasses and noticed the glass being offered to him.

It was something pink. With ice. Beyond that, Trevor couldn't identify it. He took it, of course, and noticed as he brought it to his lips that Kat had an identical-looking beverage in his other hand.

The feline downed a bit of his drink, prompting Trevor to do the same. He brought the cool glass to his lips, tipped it back and let the liquid trickle onto his tongue and he tasted something sweet. He lifted the glass further and drank more.

It was pleasant. Sweet, like pink lemonade. In fact, he was pretty sure that it was pink lemonade, but there was another taste mixed with it, one he couldn't place as the mouse was wholly unused to vodka.

There was a third ingredient in the mix, just in Trevor's glass, but the rodent was unable to detect it.

He looked to Kat, then took another sip. His chest felt a little heavy and his head felt a little strange, but his cock was still aching and bothering him with the incessant need to release. Having finished half his drink, he turned to the feline and whined a little bit, indicating his erection, "D...did you plan to s...suck it now?"

Kat gave a very wide, strange grin. At least, it seemed wide and strange to Trevor, because from the mouse's point of view it almost threatened to peel off of the feline's face and float about on its own. Kat poked the boy's chest and giggled, "You think I'm gonna suck yer, I've got something better in mind..."

The feline leaned forward, and Trevor's eyes opened up very wide as Kat's features seemed to distort. Kat continued teasing, "...I'm going to cook yer cock, and yer balls, and then I'm gonna eat them..."

Trevor let out a shocked gasp, but he didn't know why. He knew that there was something strange about the feline's words, but for some reason he couldn't fully comprehend them. He nodded slowly, dumbly, and then he tried to shake the disorientation out of his head.

It didn't work. He nearly fell from the couch, and had Kat not gently removed the boy's drink from his hand it would have spilled. Not that Trevor noticed. He also didn't notice being pulled up from his couch, and he was aware only of bouncing and wobbling about as the feline held him up and walked him ... somewhere. The mouse wasn't even really aware that he wasn't in the same room anymore. He felt something warm rushing over his body, then he felt strangely cold, and then he felt warm again. All the while he saw things -- strange things -- that might have explained how he was feeling, but for some reason his mind couldn't link what he saw with what he felt.

And then, slowly, gradually, not all at once, the boy began to realise where he was. It wasn't where he was before. He wasn't as he was before.

He was in a tub, or a vat, filled with a warm, thick, whitish liquid. It was up to his neck, and he was sitting in the vat on his knees, with his arms behind him.

He couldn't see it, but the vat was set in a recess in a wall in a vast kitchen. It was a bit of a pity that he couldn't see, as it was a very impressive room. Vast, clean, and an almost contradictory mix of industrial, modern, sterile surroundings furnished with almost quaint and old-fashioned equipment in some places.

In addition to the vat in which he currently soaked, there was a large-size grill. Very large, in fact, for preparing meals of any size. And there was a roasting pit, for an indoor barbecue; it was sizeable enough to roast a full-sized pig. There was also a huge sink, with two bathtub-sized basins. Trevor didn't remember, but he'd been bathed in there only a short time earlier.

And then there was the oven.

The oven was quite a sight. It was a wood-fired black oven and it was huge, and right now a fire flickered through the slitted access door beneath the oven's main door. The main door was huge, as oven doors went, large enough to cook seven roasts all at once -- or, perhaps, one big roast. The fire had been well-tended, and had warmed up the room a bit in addition to heating the oven to its proper operating temperature.

But Trevor couldn't appreciate any of that right now. In fact, right now he couldn't move. He didn't quite understand why his limbs didn't seem to respond to his attempts to move them, and it took several minutes before he realised that he was restrained rather than physically paralyzed.

Trevor began panting, trying to figure out why he would be in this position as he sought out his feline host.

And then, as he felt the thick liquid sloshing around him, the boy let out a squeal at the sudden realization that he was completely bald.

The resulting thrashing and wiggling about didn't last very long, as Trevor found that his restraints were quite thorough, preventing him from so much as swaying to and fro. He tried to lean back and felt something like a rod propping him in his sitting position. He couldn't so much as slump down and immerse his head into the simmering broth in which he soaked, not that he was particularly inclined to try such a thing.


Trevor stared frantically at the surface of the thick broth in which he bathed; it was indeed bubbling and burbling hotly around him. He tried struggling out of his bindings but he quickly found that his muscles were already too relaxed from soaking in the hot liquid to respond with any effectiveness Next, he scanned the room, looking to the left and to the right for any sign of his feline host.

Trevor's glasses were rather fogged up from the steam rising around him, but he could still make out shapes, and he could see things close to him. Still, it was several seconds before he noticed that Kat was actually standing right in front of him. The mouse hadn't noticed because the feline face was up and out of view. It took him a moment to realise that the shape before him was a firm cock aimed and stroked right at his face coupled with a pair of bouncing balls, but when the boy finally realized what he was seeing he stared up at Kat's goofily grinning face and let out a weak whine.

"W...what's going on?", the mouse asked, though he wasn't entirely certain that he really wanted to know the answer

Kat was a bit busy with his act of masturbation, but he slowed his efforts -- though he was still breathing heavily -- so that he could address the boy.

"I'm jerkin' off, kid..." Kat tapped the boy's nose with his free finger as he explained, "...Sorry, but ya just looked so cute in there, I couldn't help myself..."

Trevor wasn't exactly satisfied with that answer, "What're you doing to me? What is this stuff? Why am I bald!?"

The mouse resumed his frantic struggles which, thanks to his restrained and relaxed state, were not very impressive.

Kat was a bit too worked up to answer any more questions. He used his free hand to snatch the mouse teen's glasses from his baffled and reddened face, then he gave a strained but sly smile and whined out, " it comes!"

Trevor blinked blearily at the removal of his glasses, but he could still see the few inches ahead needed to keep his eyes on the feline cock pointing at him. The mouse teen noticed Kat's balls bouncing furiously in time with the feline's stroking, then he looked up at a blurred kitty face at the warning that he didn't quite understand.

Then he stared with wide open eyes at the throbbing, pulsing cock in front of him as he suddenly realised what was meant by "Here it comes".

Then he saw a thick, hot rope of cum flying right at his face.

Even had Trevor the physical means to duck, he didn't have the time. Kat's jizz splattered over the mouse boy's muzzle less than a second later, and another spurt followed it.

Trevor's restraints prevented him from even turning his head away from the onslaught of feline seed that shot over him, and Kat had quite a lot to offer. The feline felt a bit of an ache in his balls as he kept up the rapid stroking, letting out as much spunk as he could manage.

When it was finished, Trevor's face was absolutely dripping with cum and Kat couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

Trevor, far less amused, whined, "P...please. What is this stuff? It's so hot...I'm cooking in here!"

Kat turned, put the boy's glasses on a nearby counter, then returned and spoke in an amused tone, "Yer not cooking. Yer soaking. As for that 'stuff', it's a nice broth and it's a special mix of mine. Added some nice herbs and spices and..."

The feline leaned into the boy's reduced field of nearsighted vision.

"...well, I have this handsome kitten teen boy who comes by now and then. He lets me give him handjobs, and he doesn't ask what I do with his cum when I catch it in jars. But I don't think he'd mind havin' ya soak in it like this. So yer soakin' in kitty cream sauce..."

Kat wiped his index finger over Trevor's cheek, scooping up a bit of his own cum from there. He licked the mess from his digit and giggled, "I don't think a little more will hurt the taste."

Kat's answer was, again, not satisfactory, even if it was actually detailed this time. Cutting right to the chase, Trevor finally thought to ask, "Well why am I soaking in it! And why is it so hot? And why am I bald!? What's going on here?"

Kat was already putting on a pair of thick, shoulder-length plastic gloves as Trevor began demanding more answers. Without answering, he reached into the vat and tugged at something near Trevor's ankles. He pulled his arms out a bit, grabbed the boy's shoulders, and pulled while commanding, "Stand."

Trevor's wrists were still bound, but his other restraints were unfastened now. He was able to stand up, albeit quite weakly and only with the adult feline's assistance. After wobbling unsteadily, the teen was finally able to get to his feet, whereupon he let out a weak squeal and nearly fell back into the simmering broth when he looked down at himself.

He was bald. He'd been expecting that much, but even then the sight of his furless chest and legs was quite a disturbing image. It was compounded by the fact that his skin was now a rather bright red. It was moist, slickened with the thick broth that now dripped down his body, and very, very red.

He was still hard, and he noticed a brass ring fastened at the base of the penis. Like the rest of him, the boy's aching cock and overfilled balls were a rather frightening-looking red colour

Trevor thought to ask something, but before he could think of what that something would be he felt a gloved arm sweeping over his rump. The only thing he managed to get out was another squeal as he was lifted up by the surprisingly strong feline.

The boy was carried. He wanted to kick and squirm, but he was too weak from spending so long in a hot bath. The thick broth still clinging to his skin dripped out onto the floor, especially from his long rodent toes, and the boy stared with some concern at wafts of steam rising from his body.

It was a bit much to take in, and the addled mouse barely noticed when he was set down on a countertop in a large pan. He whined and squirmed feebly, "I... I think I've been cooked..."

Kat smirked, "Nah, yer not cooked yet. Ya just got all relaxed in the heat. Sorry, but I hadda make ya hot so yer skin pores would open up so ya could soak up the broth."

Trevor felt himself being pushed up into a sitting position with his legs folded beneath him and spread enough to show off his massive rodent genitals. He felt something painfully cold -- a metal rod standing vertically from the pan -- pressed against his back. He felt cooking twine wrapped around his chest, holding him to the pole. Then another length of twine bound his waist to the pole, and his ankles were tied together. He shook his head, trying to make sense of where he was and what had happened, but he couldn't even think of the right questions to ask. Finally, after starting, stammering and stopping without uttering more than a syllable, the baffled boy asked, "W...why?"

Kat grinned up at the bound, kneeling high school student and explained at last, "'Cause I wanted to cook the flavor into yer meat. I call it 'cat and mouse!'"

The feline gave a goofy, toothy grin as Trevor stared and tried to understand what this latest odd answer meant. Kat leaned up and kissed the tip of the teenage cock before him and added, "Sorry 'bout cummin' on yer face like that. It woulda been a little hard to fuck ya in the ass like this. Ya understand, doncha?"

The nude feline turned away from the bewildered boy and became blurrier and blurrier in the nearsighted youth's vision as he walked away. And then Trevor's ill-seeing eyes opened wide in horror.

Without the aid of his glasses, Trevor couldn't see much more of Kat than a tan blur. The oven, however, was large enough that Trevor's poor vision could still make it out -- especially when Kat opened up the massive door to reveal the almost cavernous interior and fire blazing beneath.

The mouse teen began hyperventilating as the tan blur that was Kat became larger and clearer, but it wasn't until he could clearly make out the feline's facial features that he stammered out one more question, this time sounding less confused and much, much more afraid.

"'re not going to put me in there, are you?!"

Kat gave a cheerful smile and poked the boy's firm cock, making it bounce and wobble and making Trevor grunt and grimace from the strain. He looked up at the terrified boy and answered, "Of course I am! No better way to cook up a quality cock than this. I told ya it'd be in my mouth tonight!"

For a moment, Trevor couldn't think of a thing to say. Just for a moment. After the moment passed, he thought of quite a bit to say, and then his problem was that he wasn't quite sure what, exactly, he should say first. It took several more seconds for Trevor to actually say something, but Kat was perceptive enough to notice the boy's dilemma and polite enough to allow the boy time to collect his thoughts.

"Cook a're going to cook my cock?", Trevor wailed, "In there?!"

Kat licked his lips -- he'd started salivating uncontrollably after getting Trevor situated in the pan -- and he explained, "Well, actually, yer whole body'll cook in there. Head to toe. Heh, but that includes yer cock, so yeah, yer cock's gonna cook in there...along with yer balls, mmm..."

Trevor didn't appreciate the detailed answer, nor did he much enjoy the caressing that his massive testicles were given to accent the statement that they would soon cook. He started to do that which Kat knew all meat to do just before going into an oven, over a fire, into a pot or onto a grill, but the rodent was momentarily distracted by a squeezing at the base of his still erect penis. After giving a grunt of surprise, Trevor looked down to see the glint of a brass ring clamped at the base of his shaft, ensuring that he would stay hard.

And then Trevor did what any teenage boy would do just before being put into an oven. He began sobbing.

He didn't just sob. He spoke.

"P...Please don't do this..."

Kat looked up, always expecting and always hearing this request, and never once understanding it. He poked the rodent teen's left thigh firmly, gave an exasperated sigh and answered, "Don't cook ya? How else am I supposed to eat ya? Raw?"

The feline made a face. Trevor just stared in disbelief.

"Take bites outta ya while yer still alive and wrigglin'?" Kat asked, sounding genuinely puzzled by the concept, "How can I enjoy yer taste unless yer juices have simmered all in yer body and yer skin's a deep golden brown?"

Kat stared up at the horrified and also strangely confused lad and continued his monologue.

"Ya got a nice body kid. And ya showed it off in that shower room, too. Big balls bouncing about as ya jerked yerself off, and showin' off yer cute ass when ya bent over to put yer pants back on. Really made me wanna fuck ya and eat ya. So I did what any normal guy woulda done. I sent ya an invitation, took ya into my house, let ya give me a blowjob, then I fucked yer ass a few times. I even let ya cum once -- I don't have to do that, ya know!"

Kat gave the trembling mouse's left thigh a squeeze and he explained further.

"Now, after all that effort I put into getting fine, handsome teenage boy meat into my kitchen, I'm not gonna rush this. I'm gonna do it right..."

A feline hand once again cupped Trevor's ample balls and then firmly fondled the mouse teen genitals.

"Ya gotta really nice cock here, and really good-lookin' nuts, so I'm gonna make sure I treat them right. I'm gonna cook 'em up perfectly before I eat 'em. Now, I know it might be uncomfortable for ya bein' so horny and havin' yer balls aching 'cause they're so full right now. And, yeah, I know that it might be a lil' uncomfortable havin' em heated up in the oven."

Kat leaned in and nuzzled the sobbing teenager's groin firmly, the feline taking in the boy's fresh scent one last time. Then he drew back, let out a sigh, and continued speaking.

"But just think, that discomfort ya feel is just yer body cooking into delicious meat. Yer balls might sting a little, but just think about how all that sperm ya got welled up in there is boiling up and cooking into ya. How it'll all taste and feel when it comes spilling out when I eat ya."

Trevor was just staring blankly now, having difficulty believing all that he heard.

"I'm not gonna just eat yer cock and balls, kid. That'd be a waste of good boymeat. Yer body's a feast. Probably last fer days 'till I'm done. You got nice digits, ya know. I'm gonna enjoy suckin' off yer fingers and toes. There's just something so excitin' 'bout munchin on a cute kid's toes like yers and seein' the bones come up as the meat slides off 'em. I'll probably get a few steaks from yer backside, too..."

Kat licked his lips. Trevor began sobbing noisily. Kat shook his head, grasped the pan's sides with his hands, and offered words of encouragement.

"Don't be upset. Trust me, ya got nothin' to worry 'bout. Yer not the first boy I've cooked before! All ya have to do is sit there and relax. I'll take care of the rest. Yer gonna be delicious. You kids always are."

Trevor failed to find the feline's assurances to be of any comfort. If anything, he was more horrified at Kat's casual treatment of the subject of roasting and eating teenage boys -- not knowing that his 'host' also treated the roasting and eating of adults just as casually. The feline gave a grunt, then hoisted up the pan. Trevor wanted his strength to return, wanted a rush of adrenaline to reinvigorate him.

But it didn't happen. His muscles were just too fatigued, and so he could only wobble weakly as he was moved toward that waiting, hot oven. The horror of the situation finally sinking in past the shock, the mouse sobbed weakly, "P...please, don't do this..."

Kat paused and looked up at his intended meal, and he gave a curiously friendly smile as he answered, "Ah, sorry, but this really is the best way. Balls as big as yers would swing too low to the fire if I spit- roasted ya. I don't want yer sac burnin'...after all, I did promise that I'd be swallowin' down yer cum tonight, and I want yer cum to simmer and cook in yer balls just right before I do."

Trevor's mind was stuck, the boy totally unprepared for a situation where he might have to talk his way out of being cooked alive. He wasn't really even able to fully accept that this cat was about to put him in the oven. Accepting that much would mean understanding that the cat intended to eat him, which Trevor also couldn't quite grasp, despite the feline having extolled the virtues of the mouse's flesh moments earlier.

And then the mouse was rather forcefully snapped to reality as the cat pushed him into the oven.

Trevor screamed. It was hot, scaldingly so, and his eyes were shut tightly even before the oven door closed up before him. He felt his breath sucked out of him, his lungs scorched before he could even suck in more air. He found some small measure of the strength that had eluded him earlier, and his feeble, futile struggles served to make his forcibly-erect cock bounce and wobble for the feline who watched outside.

The mouse's skin felt as though it was on fire and his balls stung as though his unpsent cum was boiling in them, which wasn't far from reality. He felt his flesh -- his arms, legs, fingers, toes and sizeable teenage cock -- start to cook in the intense heat.

He didn't hear the oven door open, but he did feel a sting on his agonized left thigh as it was poked by a feline's fork. He felt another sting on the glans of his penis as it too was poked, and his mouth opened, but he hadn't the breath to scream.

He felt his balls being fondled, though not probed, by the long prongs of the fork, and he was dimly aware of sound finding its way around to his ears, speaking, saying, "Yer balls look really nice kid. I look forward to munchin' 'em up...."

Trevor opened his mouth to cry out, but his lungs could barely move, and his jaw simply hung there as the boy forgot to close it. He didn't hear the oven door close. Soon, he didn't feel the fire burning his skin. He didn't feel much of anything apart from a faint ache in his balls as his unspent cum simmered and boiled within.

And then he didn't feel anything at all.

Hours passed. Trevor's agony was over.

Kat's agony had begun.

The agony of knowing that a good meal was right before him, but for the long wait for it to cook properly. The feline couldn't just leave and busy himself with other tasks, not while this sacred rite took place. Trevor had been a teenage boy, a high school student with a bright future ahead of him. Now he was on his way to becoming a steaming, sizzling roast. The transformation of handsome teen to succulent cooked meat was a sacred ritual, not to be missed. As the hours passed Kat had watched Trevor's already reddened skin darken and brown. By now it was a rather even golden brown, though still not quite dark enough. The mouse's sizzling genitals were a bit darker in colour than the rest of the body, the boy's shaft still standing proudly erect as thick juices dribbled down from the tip of the rod of meat.

For all the time that passed, Kat could only stare and salivate and feel a growing yearning in his belly for this succulent teenage male flesh. It was a constant source of torment, yet it was also a fascinating sight. To see the slow process of a boy's skin drying, crackling and leaking juices, to see how the texture changed as the high school student cooked was always a visual treat for the feline. Most people had seen Trevor as a cute, if somewhat shy mouse. Several boys on the school football team had seen Trevor as a talented cocksucker who could keep his mouth shut when he wasn't swallowing a load of cum.

Kat had seen Trevor as succulent meat.

And now, at last, Trevor had finally realised Kat's idea of the boy's true potential. Kat swung the oven door open and took a moment to admire the aroma and sight of the mouse teen's fully cooked form, then a pair of gloved feline arms reached forth to pull the youth out of the oven.

Trevor was now on Kat's dining table; the last place where anyone would ever see the young mouse in any recognizable form. His bindings had been undone; Kat didn't think that the boy would make an escape attempt now.

His fur was gone, yes, and his skin was now a golden brown, but he retained his boyish face, his just slightly chubby build, his thick meaty legs. He even had his glasses back on, though the steam wafting from his flesh had rather heavily fogged them; it was just as well, as the roasted rodent's eyelids were sealed shut now. His tail, more crisped than cooked, was curled decoratively around his legs. His body was slicked from a coating of his own juices, giving him an almost glowing appearance as the light hit and bounced off of him. His nipples, standing out dark and slighly more crisped than the rest of his skin, and his navel, with juices dribbling down the faint abdominal recess, were cute touches that further emphasized the shy mouse boy's nudity.

Not that it was hard to see that Trevor was naked beyond the small adornments of his torso. His recently-fucked butt wasn't particularly showcased, but it was still exposed enough to be seen at the boy's backside, perched and sitting on a pair of slightly crisped, cooked mouse feet. The two rounded asscheeks hinted at well-marbled meat, and juices dribbled down the curves of the boy's rump and onto the mouse's toes below.

Kat deliberately avoided looking at Trevor's genitals for the moment. It would have been too tempting, and it was just too early in the meal.

The cat sat on the table beside his golden brown teenage lover, and he took his time, masturbating himself while waiting for the meat to cool.

"Your friends...", Kat mused as he moved his face almost -- but not quite -- close enough to Trevor's sizzling cheek to nuzzle, "...would be surprised to see you like this. Yer such a shy one, but now yer exposed for any to see..."

Kat kissed the roasted teen's cheek.

"So handsome..."

Kat lowered his head and eyed the boy's upper chest. He opened his mouth and moved in, covering the boy's left nipple. Sharp feline teeth sank into the flesh of Trevor's chest, then tore out a morsel from the mouse's pectoral, the bite not even deep enough to expose rib bone.

Kat took his time in chewing his first bite of the evening meal. Trevor was, without question (to Kat), a delicious teenage boy. Soaking in a sauce made with young feline boy spunk had added a pleasant accent, but the real treat was in the flavor of Trevor's flesh itself. The mouse had lived just the right lifestyle and was cooked at just the right age to have perfectly marbled meat; the juicy boyflesh practically melted in Kat's mouth before he swallowed it down and resumed speaking to his meal.

" generous. Giving yer own flesh to feed those who are hungry... and it's such delicious, juicy tender flesh, too."

Kat took another bite of Trevor's chest, widening the mark he'd left a moment ago. He chewed, swallowed, and further addressed the roast.

"Mmm... It's a pity yer jock friends can't be here. I'm sure they could appreciate a good meal. Hmm, I bet yer kitten bud Greg would love to have a taste of yer cock, to pay ya back after all those blowjobs ya gave him. Heh, and I'd prolly enjoy fuckin' him in the ass while he ate you."

Kat lifted the mouse's left arm, sniffed over it, then took a healthy bite from the upper arm, slowly tugging the tender flesh from the limb. Then he took another, and then another until at last he exposed the bone beneath.

"A pity I can't invite them..." Kat lamented through the mouthful of meat, "...but so many of your jock friends here would put me at risk of being found out. Too many people just don't understand that fucked, roasted, served and eaten is where you belong..."

Kat pulled the boy's hand to his face and nuzzled the fingers, smearing Trevor's juices into his facefur. He slipped the mouse teen's slender index finger into his mouth and sucked the meat from the bone, chewing and swallowing it before he suckled the bones playfully. He consumed all five of the boy's digits in rapid succession, then he took a bite from the edges of the palm. Moments later, Kat dropped the skeletal remains of Trevor's left hand onto the table.

"You don't have to worry about goin' to waste, kid...", Kat whispered as he nuzzled the boy's left side beneath the arm, occasionally nipping out a bite of boymeat, "...'cause I can appreciate yer body for the meat that ya are. I'm gonna eat ya, kid. I'm gonna eat ya until there's nothin' left but bones."

Kat bit into the side of Trevor's abdomen, just above the hip. He nosed over the boy's navel, and a feline tongue lapped at the juices within the recess, but the ravenous cat left the mouse's belly intact for the moment. He veered off to the side again so that his nose bumped a plump boy thigh, and Kat took a bite of the fifteen year-old boy's roasted left leg, pockmarking the front of it down to the knee before he turned his head to look back up at his meal.

And then he couldn't help but see the treasure jutting forth from between Trevor's cooked legs.

A plump, juicy eight inch mousedick had, in the hours spent in the oven, gone from an embarrassed red to a deep, rich brown.

This was no sausage. Kat never thought of another male's shaft as 'sausage'. That was a shameful insult to the magnificent meal that was a boy's properly cooked penis, and Trevor's offering this eve put the beautiful treasures of many of Kat's past fine male meals to shame. And hanging below that beautiful obelisk of meat was an equally delightful second (and third) course of an exquisite -- and rather taboo -- meal. Two tennis-ball sized testicles, now fully cooked, sat encased within a crisped scrotum.

Trevor was a beautiful boy, but Kat couldn't allow the mouse's other scents, sights or flavors to distract him from the full enjoyment of his next dining choices.

A plate slid between the teen boy's legs. A knife slipped up just beneath the base of the mouse's steaming scrotum. The blade slid through the base of the boy's testicles, cutting through them before slicing cleanly into the base of the shaft above; the cooked cock offering little resistance as it was severed. Trevor's huge teenage genitals fell off from his groin and landed rather neatly onto the plate below.

Trevor's cock and balls, no longer framed by his legs, or any other part of the mouse's body, were lifted, sniffed, kissed and lightly licked over by the hungry feline.

Kat wanted to take his time, he wanted to make this last, but in the end he couldn't help himself when presented with such a fantastic specimen of cooked boydick. The feline grabbed the severed penis, opened his mouth and suckled on the tip for just a moment before he bit in. He did at least take his time in using his teeth to bite the glans from the rest of the shaft. He bounced Trevor's cocktip around his maw for a moment, then -- after licking juices from the slit -- his tongue pushed the morsel into his jaws and his teeth sank down and chewed into the flesh.


Unquestionably delicious. An intoxicating flavor spilled out onto Kat's tongue as he chewed up the meat. The feline chewed slowly, feeling the flesh of Trevor's glans collapse in his jaws, tasting the juices that burst out from it. The feline lost much of his sense of awareness as he gripped his own throbbing, aching shaft and quickly stroked out a thick and rather messy orgasm onto his table before he finally swallowed down the first bite, even letting out a strained groan as he felt the flesh traveling through his throat.

Only seven more inches to go.

Kat ate six of them over the course of the next three minutes. It took him thirty seconds per bite to chomp into another inch of teenage cock, chew it up thoroughly enough to fully appreciate the taste, then swallow.

One inch remained. The base of Trevor's cock, where it had been attached to the groin before Kat had casually sliced it off. The feline set it aside. He had special plans for it.

Trevor's testicles were next, lifted up to Kat's face for a good, close look. It was somewhat strange to see the boy's balls without the huge, throbbing mouseshaft above decorating it. There was nothing to throb, twitch or leak as the heavy sac was teased and fondled. There was no means to coax out the unspent seed within through a mindblowing eruption of an orgasm.

Kat didn't mind. He had another way to get the cum out of those orbs.

A better way.

Kat opened up wide and then bit into Trevor's left testicle. His feline tongue was instantly gifted with a bursting of hot, gooey boyspunk, now cooked into the flesh that the ravenous feline devoured. Kat took his time letting the cream filling trickle slowly down his throat before moving on to the next bite, and so this course lasted several minutes. The cat didn't even notice where the left testicle ended and the right began; he simply moved from the boy's left to the right in a single bite, munching away and slurping noisily until he had naught remaining but the juices on his fingers (which he hastily licked up) and quite a bit of a mess of boiled teenage cum.

Kat felt a bit lazy. He sprawled out on his table, resting his head near Trevor's rear, which allowed the feline to take nibbles from the boy's roasted rump. After sampling a few bites the cat dipped his head down to slurp off the five toes of the foot upon which the cute asscheek rested. After taking a large bite from the sole, Kat moved back up to take more bites out of the boy's handsome butt.

And then the feline noticed the time.

2 am.

No sane person would expect a guest at 2 am. Kat, however, was hardly sane. He was late, though, so he bolted up and off of the table and ran to his sink to wash up the mess from his face. Once at a reasonable approximation of 'not messy', the feline found a small plate, returned to Trevor's carcass, and retrieved the one uneaten inch of the boy's roasted cock.

Then he was out of the kitchen, in his basement. He found a robe and threw it on in a hurry, then he went upstairs just in time to hear the knock at his door. He opened it to greet a fellow feline, albeit a teenage one.

Kat's somewhat disheveled appearance was not lost upon the boy, who now feared that he'd come at a bad time. He looked up at Kat and asked, "Ah, um. Did I get the day wrong?"

Kat gave a silly smile, accented by comically closed eyes and big, goofy-looking teeth showing to the boy, "No, not at all! I just lost track of the time. I'm glad you are here, though! C'mon inside and slip yer pants off. I'll go get the jar and we can get started!"

The youth stepped in as invited, but he still felt unsure. He looked around for a moment, then he asked, "Are... are you sure it's not a bad time?"

Kat rubbed the boy's ears and said, "Actually, as it happens, I've used up a bit of yer spunk since last time. So it's really a good time, 'cause I need to stock up again!"

The feline teen nodded to his host and began fumbling with his pants, but his curiosity perked and he had to ask, " did you end up using it, anyway?"

Kat ruffled his guest's headfur and snickered, "You really wanna find out? Heh, maybe I'll show you later tonight, if you can give me enough of what I need..."

Kat turned to leave, then he spun back around and lifted the plate from the end table on which he'd sat it. He pushed it toward Greg and offered, "That reminds me! I tried a special recipe tonight. I wanna know what ya think of this..."

The teenage cat stared at the offering. It looked like a piece of some kind of sausage, but he was still apprehensive -- not because he didn't trust the cat not to poison the food, but because he had no idea whether his host could cook worth a damn.

Still, it smelled alright.

Actually, it smelled pretty good.

And so the boy's curiosity got the better of him and he plucked up the offered meat, popped it into his mouth and bit into it slowly, testing it.

He was glad that he took the chance. It was without a doubt the best meat he'd tasted, even with a flavor that he couldn't place at all. He took his time chewing up the meat and smiled at his host after swallowing, "That's great! What is it?"

Kat gave a sly grin and ruffled the boy's headfur once more, "It's also a surprise. But I promise to tell ya soon. Actually, I was thinkin' of makin' some more soon. Wouldja like to help out with that?"

The kitten gave a curious look, "Help out? Well, ah, I suppose if you think I can! Where did you get that, anyway?"

Kat's smile twisted into something just a little more wicked. He leaned forward and fondled the blushing teenage cat, pressing his hand into the boy's pants and rubbing his fingers against the underage cock beneath as he purred, "You help me make another batch of it, Greg, and I promise ya'll get to know all about it."

Greg gave a faint gasp as his cock was squeezed.?