A Girl named Lassy Ch. 2.0

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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#2 of A Girl Named Lassie

Man, special thanks to all those readers that left comments on the last story and made me feel welcome. Here's where the plot thickens and our protagonist meets his match!


Alex finished his shower as he noted his better appearence in the foggy mirror. He had cut his hair shorter, now missing the ponytail, and shaved his face leaving a small goatee that attached to the thin brown hairs he stroked his cat, solomon, before pulling on his black jacket and locked the apartment door behind him.

He drove to Marcus condo and picked him up, gawking as his finace glided out wearing a very revealing tanktop and pants tight enough to be a second skin. Marcus elbowed him and smirked, wrapping his arm around Katherine as they sat in the back seat in silence.

As they drove downtown, Alex heard the faint muffling of Katherine moaning, and looked in his rear view mirror to see what was going on.

Katherine had somehow lost her shirt, and Marcus had his lips on her stiff black nipples as his right hand buried itself in her pants. her head reared back as she bit her lower lip, trying to hold back moans of pleasure as Marcus moved between nipples, tenderly teasing her while her hand ran through his hair. She grabbed his chin and led him to her mouth where the sounds of their wet, passionate kissing was soon loud enough that Marcus placed his finger to her face and whispered promises of more to come as the night progressed. she hastily pulled her shirt back on and gave me a seductively sly glare, which was shared by Marcus as he wraped an arm around her.

"did you like the show you little pervert?" Marcus joked as my eyes locked back on the road.

"I'm sure I dont know what your talking about."

"Right..." Marcus teased as his mouth met Katherines again.

The rest of the trip was shared only with their constant fondling and periods of silence as we neared the industrial district. alex finally pulled up to a large warehouse with neon paintings on the front and a glowing purple sign that read "Gemini." Alex got out of the car and stared at the hundreds of people and beastials standing in line to get into this club.

"I think I'm a bit overdressed for this." Alex muttered as he saw Marcus discard his shirt entirely, drawing a pur from Katherine as she ran her hands along his chest.

The other party goers were dressed varying from short shorts, to bikinis, and even those that wore nothing but lingerie. Alex couldnt help but sweat as we moved past the line and the females, (and a few men) shouted catcalls at the three of them. A tall, hulking bull blocked the trio as he looked through a clipboard full of notes and names.

"Kat, Marcus, this a friend of yours?" He grunted.

Alex nodded his head as the bouncer stepped to the side and ushered them into the brilliantly lit dancefloor of the Gemini.three stages around the huge room played music that seemed to sync with the other, creating an explosive bass that rocked the core of Alex's soul. Marcus and Katherine dragged him to the bar where the two ordered a long tube of neon blue liquid, and Alex ordered a glass of wine. he watched from the bar as the deadly duo took to the dancefloor and immediately began to bounce and grind against each other. Alex walked past the crowds towards the section with tables and couches, avoiding eye contact with the people that were drinking heavily, snorting lines of coke, and the brutal looking lizard beastial that had a woman in each arm and one between his legs. He smiled and nodded at alex as his hand pointed to the feminine busty bird next to him, she was the colors of an exotic parrot, with rings going through the top oh her beack and a thin gold chain linking her nipples together.

Alex waved and briskly walked past, finding a chair that was uninhabited and sitting, placing his wine down while grabbing a small book from the inside of hiscoat. He began to read, or tried to with the blazing music and strobe lights. He looked up and saw a figure approaching him, but quickly became engrossed in his book again. He hardly noticed as the weight of the couch shifted, and he looked up to see a Collie sitting next to him with a similar glass of alcohal placed next to his own. A partier bumped into Alex, and his book spilled onto the floor. He frowned and shook his head and reached for the book, only to have a soft brown hand reach over his.

they both looked up and their eyes met, her piercing blue iris' catching him off guard. she smiled nervously and handed him his book, quickly brushing her pants off and reading her novel. She was curvaceous, her hips complimenting her thin hips and well rounded breasts. she wore a black t-shirt and a thin gold chain that poked out of her mane. Her long white hair fell down in cascades around her shoulders, and her brown fur went down her arms and formed a mask around her face.

Alex looked again as she looked at him, and the two looked away, clearly blushing in the dark.

"Is that Blue Shift?" She asked as Alexs' gut tightened at the sound of her soft and confident voice. He nodded and laid the book to his side, turning around to look at her and try to piece together a simple sentence

"I havent finished it, but its been a great read."

She smiled and extended a hand, placing her book on the table and focusing on him.

"My name is Lashiel, but you can call me Lassy, if you prefer."

alex shook her hand and marveled at how soft her fur was.

"Alex Hawk. I came here with some friends that dragged me here."

Lassy smiled and giggled as she pointed to a group of other canine females as they gathered around a tall, tattooed lion.

"They brought me here to talk to Ego-maniac over there."

"not your type?" Alex asked with a surprising sense of hope.

Lassy shook her head and reached for her wine, only to pause as she held it.

"I'm sorry, I dont usually drink." she said as she tried a sip of the drink, only to cringe and set it back down.

"I dont either, but when Marcus offers, you have to take it. He reminds me of my ex-" He stopped and began a mental abuse of himself. Why would he bring her up? he hadnt been talking to this woman five minutes before he brought her up.

Lassy placed her hands in her lap and looked away.

"Bad relationship?" she said with a touch of pity.

Alex nodded his head and sighed.

"Yeah. It was pretty rough. But I have to let it go." He was surprised at how easy it was to talk to Lassy.

"Tell me about her." she said suddenly.

Alex took a deep breath and described how she had been cheating on him, but he loved her enough to try and ignore it. He went on about how she didnt care about him and how they had nothing in common, yet he had the thought that she was the only one.

Lassy nodded knowingly and took a drink of wine, sitting silently until she looked at him and smiled.

"She didnt deserve you."

alex looked at her and cocked his head to the side as she immediately turned bright red and stared at the floor.

"I dont know you at all, but sitting here talking to you, watching how you talk and move, it gives the impression that you still arent over her. Your uncomfortable."

Alex was starting to wonder if she was a psychic.

"You know what? your right. I havent been able to drop it. I think though, its about time I did." Alex said as he stood and offered her his hand. He didnt know if it was the alcohal that gave him renewed courage, or just talking to the beautiful woman.

"you know how to dance?" He asked quietly.

she smiled and took his hand, standing and brushing her hair off of her shoulders.

"Do you?"

Alex smiled and shook his head as they made their way to the floor and began to dance. Alex had fallen into rythm and waved his arms around, while he watched as Lassy danced with a fluid grace that hypnotized him. Her breasts swayed with her hips as she moved closer to him, until the two were mere inches apart.

Alex felt the heat of her body and the heat of her breath and couldnt help but feel aroused, and placed his sweaty hands on her hips nervously. she smiled wickedly at him and pushed herself into him, grinding herself against his body, the fabric moistening from the heat and sweat. he smiled and began to move as well, causing friction between them that gave him a brust of pleasure.

she appeared to feel it to, as she stifled a gasp and turned around, pressing her back against him and moving up and down. The music suddenly felt like nothing but the beating of drums as the two's eyes met and they stopped, just staring at each other. The crowd seemed to melt away as he wrapped his hand around hers. A spark jumped.

They both stopped as the lights dimmed and a slow saxaphone played in the background. The owner of the club, a short, stocky goat, stood on the centerstage and played the slow, strangely sexy tune. Lassy looked at Alex and smiled as she placed her hands on his shoulders. He placed his hands on her hips, and the two held each other and swayed back and forth.

"Does he usually do this?" Alex asked as he chuckled at the goat.

"Its the last song of the night. after this he closes shop, cleans the place, etc."

"Got it."

She looked up and shook her head with a smile on her face as they just danced, both to tired for any other kind of fast song. A loud chirp came from the collies pocket as she whipped out her pink phone and swore under her breath.

"Looks like I'm walkin home tonight." she muttered as she broke the dance and walked back to th table to grab her book. Alex grabbed her hand gently and she looked at him with kind eyes.

"Let me take you home. I need to take zippy one and two back to their place anyway." Alex stated as he pointed to the passed out half-naked couple across the room. He reassured her and gathered his drunk friends, corraling them to the car where they fell on top of each other in drunken giggles.

Alex pulled into their lot and had Lassy take Katherine beneath her arm while Alex followed suit with Marcus. Marcus grinned at Alex and gave him the thumbs up, and then keeled over and threw up on Alexs' pants. By the time he had gotten the two safely into their home, it was well passed one in the morning. He looked down in dismay at the vomit stain as Lassy stifled a laugh.

"Well what are friends for?" Lassy joked as she got in the seat next to Alex. She pointed out directions while the two sat in silence, Alex avoiding her gaze for the entire duration. She had him stop in front of another condo, which was tall and extremely elogant. He followed her up to the third floor and watched as she began to insert the key into her apartment door. She paused before opening it and looked at his pants, a searing red blush appearing on her face.

"Perhaps... You should come in and I can wash those pants. You can use my shower to... If you want."

The sheer innocence of her tone caught Alex off guard, but he found his hand reach for hers in pure instinct. she smiled as his hand wrapped around hers, and she led him into the apartment and closed the door.