Tina II Chapter 12- Cliffhangers- A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina II Chapter 12- Cliffhangers

It was about 2:30 a.m. when Tina slipped out of bed. This was pretty much the norm these days. She had always been an early riser, getting up before the family, so she could exercise before work. In the past, it would be maybe four, so she could run, or get in an hour at the gym. Lately, though, she had decided to compete in Triathalons. This meant that she was doing running, bike and swimming, back to back, every day. Already trim, Tina's weight had dropped into the mid eighties. Ray had concerns, but he really had no way of knowing how extreme things had become. He was getting the babies up and to Georgette in the morning, and Tina was asleep before him, and up hours early.

Tina dropped her little nightgown to the floor. Thin as she was, it slipped naturally from her shoulders. Walking to the dresser, she pulled out tiny running briefs, the sort used to go from swimming to running. Tina liked them snug, but to get ones that fit, she had to order them over the internet, to get them with a tail hole, in girl's sizes. Pulling them tight, she pulled a sports bra over her head. The little breast that Tina had implanted were barely visible, her ribcage however, was. She laced on some shoes, and bounced downstairs. Stopping at the refrigerator, Tina grabbed a loaf of bread, and the cold meatloaf from last night. She hadn't eaten any then, telling everyone that she had eaten while she cooked. This morning, she made two sandwiches, the first of which she ate while making a second. Then, she noticed a bowl of cooked pasta. Tina grabbed a handful, eating it cold, directly from the bowl.

Tina enjoyed the cool air of morning. Although it made Ray nervous, she would run like this often, wearing nothing but a bra and briefs, even as today, when it was barely fifty degrees. She was a bit chilly now, but after maybe seven miles, she would be comfortable. That was when she started the roadwork on her bicycle. She didn't stop, having the bike all ready as she got in from her run. Most days she did ten miles, although she had been pushing that lately, getting fifteen in when she could, which was more and more often. The sun was just beginning to rise, when she got in from her ride.

That was when Tina hit the pool. As a Poodle, Tina loved the water. She wouls swim laps endlessly, if she only could. Sitting on the patio chair to remove her shoes, she looked down. It appeared that, in spite of all her efforts, a little tummy hung over her briefs. Tiny scowled; the idea of having a belly repulsed her. It bothered her so much, that she went to the bushes, and knelt. Down on all fours, she stuck her fingers down her throat until she vomited. She repeated this until nothing more came up. Standing, she felt a bit unsteady. She was sure that she'd feel better when she got into the water. Checking herself again, she could see that although the girl's athletic brief was even a little loose, there was clearly a bit of stomach there. She resolved to work harder. Approaching the edge of the pool, her head began to swim. She felt herself plunge into the water. As she did, everything went black.

Stan was waiting at the coffee shop. He had wanted to have this meeting for some time. Ever since he had found Flower, his Saluki girlfriend in bed with another man, having vigorous sex, he could not look at her in the same way. That had opened the door for he and Georgette to reconcile. Things weren't perfect, but they were going better, perhaps than they ever had. Besides, Georgette was having his litter any day now. But then, so was Flower.

"How did thins get so screwed up?" he wondered, running his fingers through his curly black hair.

Before he came up with an answer, she appeared.

"Baby!" she squealed, trotting over on awkwardly high heels.

"Hello, Flower" George stood to greet her, though he wasn't looking forward to the embrace that followed.

Flower wore the thinnest, tightest jeans that anyone had ever seen. Because they were cut so low, they rode underneath her pregnant belly. Similarly, her white midrift top rode over it, giving the impression of a stick figure, with a gray, furry basketball in the middle.

"Baby, it's so good to see you. You don't know how I've missed you....."

Flower was stroking Stan's face.

"Must you do that?" he replied harshly, brushing her away.

She responded with a look of deep hurt and disappointment, as though mortally wounded.

"I've told you, I reconciled with Georgette. And I just can't get past what I saw that night in your apartment...."

"But our baby...." She cried

"Yes, the baby....."

"or babies....." she added

"Or babies. I WILL be their father. Emotionally. Financially. In every way. But that doesn't mean that I've changed my mind about you, Georgette, or anything. You'll have to come to terms with that."

Before she could say a word, Stan got up. He put money on the table, then walked out, leaving no opportunity for a reply.

It rained later that day. It was coming down pretty heavily, when Georgette heard a knock on the door. She asked her helper to watch the babies, hers and Tina's, as she went to answer the door. Standing at the door of the poolhouse was Flower. She wore the same elastic waist skirt, and little tank top she wore the day they had met. Soaked as she was, the outfit was semi transparent; she had no underwear. She was holding a small, cheap suitcase.

"I.....don't mean any trouble, but, uh, my family through me out, and I have no place to go. I know that's not your problem, and all, but I thought maybe you might know somebody....."

Flower was sobbing now, barely able to speak.

Georgette reached out, and pulled her in.

"Child, you can't be out like that, not in your condition! You'll catch your death..."

Georgette put her arm around the shivering Saluki, ans escorted her back to the bedroom.

"Let's get those wet things off you....."

Georgette undressed her as she would have her own eight year old Tina. She toweled her off, then found her some clean underwear, a nightgown and robe, as well as some slippers.

Georgette then gave her a critical look.

"Have you been eating? You're eating for two....or more.....now. You can't just not eat. Let's get you something....."

Stan got in from his day with the doctor a little after four. He hung his wet jacket by the door, and put the umbrella in the stand. He walked back to the kitchen. There sat Georgette.....and Flower. Together.


"What's this?" Stan asked, trying to sort things out.

"Stanley, Flower lost her place to stay, so she'll be staying with us. How anyone could put this poor child out on a day like this is beyond me..."

"But....." he stammered

She gave him a stern look.

"No 'buts' about it, Stanley. She's carrying your pups, so there's responsibility there. She staying here, and that's that."

Stan looked up in disbelief, in time to see Flower flash him a Cheshire cat grin.

"There. I think that does it"

The last of the papers signed, Sean's estate was probated.

"Here is a copy of the wire transfer to your account in the states. As you requested, here is the check that you asked for. Endorse it, and I can have it cashed for you.

Colleen and Lydia looked at the two documents. Both of them were stunned. Neither had seen that many zeros in their wildest imagination. There were legal expenses, to be sure. Taxes had to be paid, and a significant settlement took place with the government. That whole issue of where the money had come from. Of course, there was no proof. That's why they settled. Still, they now had millions- MILLIONS of dollars between them. More that they would ever remotely need. More than they and the babies would ever need.

"That would be lovely" Colleen replied, passing the check to Lydia for her endorsement.

The solicitor handed the check to an assistant.

"Will you be going home directly, or visiting in our little country a while?"

"We'll be here a few days" Lydia answered "Long enough to visit the grave, see the property"

"A LOT of interest in that land" he responded "Easy to sell, if that's what you decide."

"No decision has been made. When it is, we'll let you know"

Colleen stated it with finality, leaving no doubt that the topic was closed. They exchanged pleasantries, and departed the office.

"I feel very strange"

"Of course. We're rich."

"No" Colleen answered "Weird. Cold. Like something evil is afoot. Like we're being watched."

"Aren't you being a little dramatic?" she asked

"No, not at all." She answered, solemnly "I need a drink."

They walked to a pub, down the street from the hotel in which they were staying They took a table, and ordered a drink. From the moment they arrived, it was as if every set of eyes was upon them. They sat there, drinking nervously, when a young woman approached.

"Why don't you leave us be? No good will come from you being here..."

She was about to say something, when her companions, two young men, rushed her away.

"Pay them no mind, ladies; crazy talk, that's all it is"

The bartender smiled, attempting to comfort them

"What is going on?" Lydia inquired

"Just crazy talk. Pay it no mind."

They finished their drinks, and left quickly. It was a short distance to the hotel. When they went to the desk to claim their key, it seemed to Colleen as if the desk clerk was inspecting them both. It was a relief to both when they got their key, and went upstairs. When they entered the room, their suitcases were placed on the bed. Colleen looked at hers carefully. Ever since she'd been a madame, Colleen had a careful, cautious nature. One habit she'd gotten into was to set the tumblers on her suitcase lock in a certain random appearing manner. She'd also place a piece of clear tape across the opening. The first thing she noticed was that the tape was missing, the tumblers moved.

Lydia was in the bathroom, getting ready for bed. Colleen did the same, but when the lights went out, she kept vigil all night. She wasn't sure what was going on; still, she was certain that SOMETHING was. In the morning, they dressed in preparation for seeing a few things that they had wanted to see. Leaving the hotel, they hailed a cab.

"Where to, ladies?" the cabby inquired, cheerily

"The OReilly farm" Lydia stated

His face changed; he stopped the car.

"I'm ....sorry. I can't go there."

With no further explaination, he opened the door.

The ladies tried again, with the same result. Lost and confused, they were pleased when a young man driving a white sedan asked if they needed a ride. They got in.

"OReilly farm" Lydia repeated, once they'd been seated.

"I'm taking you to the airport." The driver responded.

"No, we're going..."

Colleen put a hand on her arm. Then the driver spoke.

"My name is Ian MacLachlin. I'm with the Home Secretaries' Office. I've been dispatched to deliver you.....safely......to the airport. "

"And if that is not part of our plans?" responded Colleen.

"Then I'm prepared to complete my mission in whatever manner necessary."

"Then, the airport it is."

They were dropped at the curb.

"It's not like you to give up so easily" Lydia observed

"True." Colleen replied "Which way is it to the car rentals?

With the aide of a GPS, and in spite of a few miscues, driving on the wrong side, they found their way to the farm. With the key the solicitor gave them, they let themselves in. Stepping inside, they took in what they saw. The first thing they noticed was how austere it was. No central heat, no air conditioning, appliances or even a TV. There was a single electric lightbulb, supplemented by oil lamps. The next thing apparent was that the place had been torn completely apart. But, by whom? Scotlanf Yard, to be sure. The FBI? Or was it the IRA? Walls had been torn apart, boards ripped from the floor, every space as big as a shoebox opened to view.

They didn't spend long there. It was too depressing. They did walk the land- lovely rolling green hills. Colleen understood why Sean loved this place, why it drew him back, again and again. Their walk ended at a small family burial plot. There, front and center was a small, plain, stone.


Above the words were a Celtic cross.

They looked at the simple grave for a time.

"May I...have a moment?"

"Uh, of course" Lydia stammered, then walked away.

After she left, Colleen knelt by the grave. By the stone, she lay a bouquet she had purchased at the airport. As tears filled her eyes, she spoke, as if she were speaking to her Sean:

"There was a time when men were kind

And their voices were soft And their words inviting

There was a time when love was blind

And the world was a song

And the song was exciting

There was a time when it all went wrong......

I dreamed a dream in time gone by

When hope was high, when life worth living

I dreamed that love would never die

I dreamed that God would be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid

And dreams were made, and used, and wasted.

There was no ransom to be paid

No song unsung, no wine untasted.

But the Tigers come at night

With their voice as soft as thunder

As they tear your hope apart

As they turn your dreams to shame

She knelt closer to the grave....

You slept a Summer by my side

You filled my days with endless wonder

You took my childhood in your stride

But you were gone when Autumn came....

Still, I dream you'll come to me

That we will live our years together

But there are dreams that cannot be

And there are storms we cannot weather....

As the tears left Colleens eyes, she realized that she was not alone. A tiny woman, all in black stood beside her. Colleen instantly recognized it as Sean's mother.

"I'll be there soon." She stated, as if this were a verifiable fact.

"With your son?"

"Sean is not dead."

K.C. was restless. It was hot, and humid, and there was no sleep for her tonight. So, she rose, and slipped on a sheer robe, and quietly left the room. She walked in the moonlight, until she found the hot tub. At around three thirty, the tub was deserted. K.C. dropped her robe, and slipped into the warm water. As soon as she did, all the stress left her body, and the effects of the alcohol kicked in. She turned on the bubbles, and settled in. It was a warm, pleasant feeling- like being back in the womb. The sheer pleasantness of it all had her closing her eyes, and touching herself absently. She lay there some time, laying in the warm water, and playing with her sex. After maybe a half hour, she detected a scent. It was a wild, exotic smell. Opening her eyes, K.C. saw the Cheetah female standing in front of her.

"So, we meet again...." She smiled as she spoke

What happened next surprised her. The Cheetah thrust her pelvis forward, and grabbing the back of K.C.'s head, she forced her mouth to her sex. Confused, and a little drunk, she began to lick it. The Cheetah moaned, urging her on.....

"Fuck me....fuck me with your tongue, Bitch!"

Now, K.C. has had experiences with girls. In High School, she had played sexy games with her girlfriends at slumber parties. And, when she broke up with Bull, Colleen took her in, and they did things. This, was different. K.C. would play with girls, but she did it for affection. Here, there was no pretense of love. It was pure sex, plain and simple. There was not even a request. The cat was strong and gamey. Her sex did not smell like the other girls she had encountered. The Cheetah rode her hard, forcing her muzzle completely inside. Her claws dug into K.C.'s back. K.C., at this point, just wanted to be done. She licked harder.

"No...." the Cheetah hissed "Not so fast. I want to ENJOY this...."

Though her face was still in the big cat, the little Cocker was not doing well. All of the nights drinks were in her throat, when she felt the cat dig her claws deeply in her back, and clench her head in her powerful thighs. The moment she felt the grip loosen, she pushed her away, only to see Jack, standing in the moonlight.

Felicia smiled, as she saw Kendo stride confidently into the Department of Mathematics at Princeton.

"He's looking for you, you know"

"Let him wait."

"I think this might be important"

"Well, if you think so...."

"Him" was Doctor Maxwell 'Max' Hoffman, the well loved head of the department. Everyone in the department liked and respected him; it made the department a nice place to work. But, nothing lasts forever. It was well known that Hoffman would be retiring. The office was rife with rumors of who the replacement would be. It was well known that several professors regarded themselves as Hoffman's heir apparent

"Come in, Kendo; I figured your lovely wife could convince you to join me."

Hoffman was laughing; Kendo's avoidance of department meetings was well known.

Hoffman lit his pipe, and got up from his desk.

"Like you ignore the smoking ban?" Kendo quipped back.

"We think alike. I've noticed that. Neither of us has time for petty rules, or petty politics. That's why I've decided to nominate you as my replacement."

Kendo sat back, stunned

"I......I'm honored. But, Dr. Hoffman, there are so many more qualified than me....."

Hoffman waved his hand.

"Please.....'Max'.....You know, Kendo, I never believed in seniority. All it does is make you comfortable. You're smart, talented, a great teacher. You have the respect of you colleagues, human and hybrid. You can run this place. More importantly, I think you'll view the job as I did."

"I'll need to talk to my family"

"I understand. I expect you to. Take the rest of the afternoon off. Tomorrow night, I'm announcing my choice at a department cocktail party"

"But....I need to talk to my family..." he protested.

"Felicia's a smart girl. She'll tell you to take the job"

Hoffman chuckled, as Kendo left the office.

"What was that about?" Felicia asked, with cat-like curiosity.

"Come on, we got the afternoon off."

They stopped to pick up their daughter at day care. Her name was Azuka, but she was always known as 'Zooks'. It had just been that way.

"Hey, Zooks" Kendo greeted as she jumped into his arms "Hows the Woolyburger?'

That was another knickname. Zooks was as slender and feminine as her mother, but she had the wild, wolfish coat of her father. Especially after a bath, she looked like a big ball of fuzz.

"Daddy has some big news. How about if we all go to dinner?"

"YAY! Burber King!"

Zooks had a bit of a speech impediment. It was receiving treatment, but she still had a issue or two. Like the 'rg' combination. Felicia found it cute all the same.

It was a short drive to the BK. Zooks always got the same thing. A hamburger, with nothing on it. Felicia winced at the thought, but Zooks loved them. When they were settled in, Felicia broke the ice.

"So, Daddy, what's the big news ?"

"Well, Hoffman asked me if I'd like to be his hand picked replacement....."


Felicia jumped up, and gave her husband a big hug.

"I'm so proud! You'll be the best department head ever!"

Kendo smiled

"He said you'd feel that way...."

"Well, he's a very smart man! For knowing you, AND knowing me.....


"What dear?"

"My fwend Elaine is going to visit her gwandparents. Why don't I have gwandparents?"

Felicia looked at Kendo, who was looking back at Felicia.

"I knew this was going to come up" she thought.