The Smoldering Heart

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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I'm a little stuck on how to continue A girl named Lassy and wrote this in my spare time. It has a much deeper, longer sex scenes. If anyone that has read my earlier works and has an idea, please message me and if I like it I'll put it into the later chapters.



Dragon rider. It had been my title for so many years it lost its exotic flavor. I had seen the world go to war with its own brothers, blood being spilled upon the ground like the rains of spring, and I myself had partaken in the joy of war.

I sat on the cliff overlooking the valleys of Mantellor, breathing in the clean air far from the fires of man. I looked to my left and saw my life partner kneeling and sniffing the air, her elegant blue snout tentatively searching for the scent of food. She looked at me and tilted her head, her long tail swaying carelessly across the ground.

"What is it Arghos?" She asked quietly as I smiled and stood, retreating back to the cave we had temporarily called home.

"You yearn for more battles, don't you Alora? " I said as I gazed at my sword, which had gathered a fine film of dust due to un-use.

Her head sunk into her hands as she sighed.

"During this time in a young dragons life, its either war, or we suffer from the heat." She said with another sigh.

"The heat?"

"It comes but once every hundred years in a dragoness' life , we feel the need to soar the open skies, to feel the trees as they brush against our bodies."

"You want to find a mate." I said in a whisper.

She whipped her head around and looked at me before looking back to the sky.

"It may be true, but I cannot leave you."

"Is it because we are joined by the soul?" I asked as I sat on the cot.

She walked to me and laid by my side, wrapping her tail around me and sharpening her talons against a nearby rock.

"You showed me what dragons rarely get to see. You let me take on a humanoid form and walk through the cities with you, I experienced what it was to be one of your kind." She said as her azure eyes met mine.

"I would never leave you." she said with a soft smile.

"I feel the same way Alora." I said as I rested my head on her side. Her blue scales were some of the hardest material on earth, yet were as soft as rose petals.

She smiled and rested her head over mine as the nights stars filled the cavern with pale light.

"You would not have me leave? Even though while I'm in heat I will be violent on a good day?"

I smiled and stroked her neck as she purred softly.

"I would not, we have spent too much time together for such a small thing to get in the way."

"Fifty years, and you still look as young and able as the day you hatched me." she said with a spark in her eye.

I looked down at myself and often wondered what I would have looked now if not for the power of dragon melding.

"And you have become a fierce and beautiful creature Alora."

She laughed and eased herself against the cave wall so her back was against it and her head craned to put her face close to mine.

"If I was but a maiden, I might blush and turn coy at such a comment."

I was taken back by the remark, but was curious as to what she meant.

"Are you flattered Alora?"

She scoffed and raised a long talon over her torso.

"With as long as we have been together, sharing horrors and wonders the likes no mortal man may ever see, can we still pretend to be so oblivious to each others needs?"

"I'm not sure as to what you mean." I lied.

"It has been years since you last took a woman to your chambers, and yet you still lie to me?"

I lowered my head. It had been many years since I had laid with a woman, and some nights it was hard to sleep when I thought of it.

"You could... Never mind." Alora said as she turned away from me and sat again on the ledge. As quickly as she left she turned to me again, averting my gaze.

"Am I really a beautiful creature in your eyes Arghos?" She said with a slight swish of her tail.

I walked out and held one of her arms in my hand, running my hands against the webbing and claws.

"Alora... There exists no other creature as majestic and beautiful as you."

She stared at me with wide eyes as she contemplated what I was saying.

"Are you saying you wish to..." I nodded and ran a hand against her face.

"I couldn't help it Alora. You and I were made for each other, I just couldn't bring myself to say it. I don't want you to think I am taking advantage of you while your in heat." I said as she moved back.

Her eyes slowly smoldered as she tackled me to the ground, pinning me down with her claws.

"I wasn't in heat when we first started our conversation..." she said as her tapered tail shot into the front of my trousers, stroking my member as I arched back and gritted my teeth.

"But I am now." she said as gave me some room to maneuver.

"However I don't think this form would be pleasing for either of us." She whispered into my ear as I heard the faint popping of her bones as her body slowly shrunk, her long body taking the form of a curvaceous woman. Her chest expanded as she grunted in pain, breasts forming and pressing against my naked chest. She opened her eyes and looked at me at face to face, and slowly rocked her hips against my erect member. I felt the warmth of her womanhood as she never released her gaze. Our eyes met as I finally looked at her face, growing more observant of her astounding beauty.

She lowered her head and tentatively opened her maw, allowing my tongue to dart forward and explore her mouth, rubbing against the roof of it as her serpentine tongue shot into my own.

She moaned as my hand escaped her grasp and grasped one of her breasts, slowly caressing the sensitive areola. She sat up and let my eyes wander around her figure as her hands seductively reached into my pants as the other massaged her growing heat.

"Arghos..." she whispered as she pulled my trousers off, exposing my fully erect manhood.

She laid on her stomach as one scaly hand carefully wrapped around it. Her claws were still intact, and she feared she may harm me, but I nodded my head and looked at her longingly as it stroked my shaft. I grunted as one of her claws poked at my thigh, and she drew away in fear.

"The claws, they present a problem..." She whispered as she used the palm of her hand to rub against my calf.

She perked her head and smiled as her tongue slowly circled the crown of my cock, and wrapped around it as she massaged it with increasing intensity. The warmth and wetness of her tongue felt better than any woman I had in my previous life. Her hand massaged her breast as she fingered her nether regions, never releasing the vice she had created around my cock.

I let out a gasp as I held her head, running it along her frills. She stopped the teasing and sat in front of me with her legs spread apart and one hand parting the scaly shield around her glistening sky blue womanhood. She looked at me with a seductive look the likes of which no man could resist and I stood before her with my member in one hand. I kneeled on the rock and placed my hand against her, pressing down with my palm and rubbing her wetness.

I kissed her neck as she moaned quietly, my free hand cupped around her breast. I leaned down and slowly took on nipple into my mouth, testing the sweet euphoric taste of her flesh in my mouth. Her head bucked backwards as her hips began to quiver, and she orgasmed right into my hand

I brought my hand in-between us, letting the purple liquid shine in the light. She leaned in and started to lick it from my hand, and then started to move her jaw over my fingers, sucking the sweet juices away.

I drew away my clean hand, giving her a disappointed look as she smiled wickedly.

"The taste of my sex lingers on my tongue."

I leaned in and kissed her, allowing her tongue to deliver the sweetness into my mouth. She tasted of sweet things not of this world, a taste I would soon be addicted to. Slowly I positioned myself between her parted legs and pushed my member into her, gasping at the warmth and tightness of her sex. Her head leaned back as her eyes shot to the ceiling, it was her first time, and I wanted to make sure she never forgot it.

I began to fall into a steady rhythm as her juices seeped out and covered my lower waist and thighs. her breathing became shallow and short, as did my own. I held onto her thighs as I stood and pushed her against the rock wall, burying my self into her breasts as she clutched to my back and her head resting on my shoulder.

"By the night dragons, the pleasure is... Its incredible. Arghos!" She cried out as her claws dug into my back. The pain and pleasure melded into one as I held her firm ass and thrusted deeper in.

She moaned into my ear as her wings wrapped around us, her hand grasping my hair as she screamed into the night. I felt her tail rub against my back as her body quivered.

"Arghos... I love you so much..." she rasped as I grunted. I could take no more and roared as I released my seed in her, feeling her entire body spasm at the force of my own orgasm, she screamed and pushed me to the floor, placing claws on my chest as she sighed into the musk that now surrounded the cave.

I let her lay on top of me as she ran a claw gently across my chest, her smile impossible to hide.

"Amazing, not just in the pleasure, But just the way you knew every part of me that was ready for your touch. I have never felt such overpowering pleasure in my life Arghos, and I must say that dragons know pleasure humans cannot comprehend."

I smiled and moaned as her hand again reached for my member, which was amazingly still hard after our excursion.

"Perhaps I can taste you, as you have tasted me." She said with a grin as she maneuvered herself so her still warm sex was over my face. Her hand wrapped around my member again as she tentatively began to massage me. Her claws didn't touch my thighs, and her soft hands made me hard again, ready for another round.

I parted her lips with my fingers and slid my tongue in lapping at her juices as her hips swayed around gently. She gasped as I inserted my index finger along with my tongue, and she looked under her arm to shoot me a seductive glare. I felt her fangs carefully cover my cock until her entire mouth was over it, she then wrapped her entire tongue around the base and sucked slowly. The intense pleasure shot through my entire body as I struggled to keep up the pace.

Her hips bucked as I lashed out with my tongue and she immediately came in my mouth. As I lapped up the delicious juices, she began a slow and steady purr, the vibration reached my cock and I went rigid as another orgasm coursed through my body.

She rolled off of me and propped herself on an elbow as she licked her lips and sighed.

"If you can do that every night, I will have no need to fight." She said as she rubbed her swollen breasts.

"But when I go into heat, we might have to get a longevity elixir." She said with a grin.

I wrapped my arms around her as we spooned, and chuckled at her.

"You're the one that's going to need that elixir."

"Then perhaps a third party member, I know of another dragon living in the sky tower north of here."

"I don't know Alora, another male during heat might be to much." I said to hide my jealousy.

"Who said anything about it being a male?"

I grinned as we wrapped around each other for heat as the sun rose in the east.