
Story by FoxyShoes on SoFurry

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(Please Comment or Rate!) ^^

Jordan - Chapter one.

As I sat there in the hot tub, bubbles streaming all around me, I realized I was naked and wondered why because usually I wear my trunks to the pool, and then, sitting accross from me there he was, sitting there minding his own business, he didnt notice me, or was avoiding me, even though we had been best friends for two, three years now, he was a wolf, pure bread, his white wet fur was complimented by the sun shinning through the windows on the other side of the room, it was empty.

As I turned my head to the side, alerted by a loud bang coming from outside the door, I turned back to him, and he was standing above me, determend look in his eyes mixed with anger, "Why did you have to tell me?!" He yelled.

I was sinking back into the water now, terrified as I have never seem him like this before, he could easily beat the living hell out of me if he wanted, for I was just a fox, not anywhere near as strong as he was. "You could have said nothing, nobody would know, we could still of even been friends. Are you happy now?! Huh, well! Answer me, pup!" He yelled again.

"Jordan listen, I....I j-just had t-to tell you", "Shut up!" he yelled and struck me accross the muzzle, I could already see blood in the water.

"Kyle" I heard as I woke up, "Kyle whats wrong?" I heard once more, and then I opened my eyes and leaped up, I noticed I was panting and the sun was just rising. My little brother was shaking me. "Mom wanted me to ask you to get dressed and come down for breakfast." Chris, my little brother was three years younger than me, he was thirteen, which didnt exatcly make him little anymore but I guess I will always see him as a cub. "Tell her I'm not hungry." "Pfft, fine, but Kyle your going to have to get out of bed sometime, its been days now! Why wont you just tell me whats wrong?" Chris yelled at me. "No you wouldn't understand!" I protested.

Ok, so here is what happened.

Last week I went to see a movie with my best friend Jordan. Now, I've known I am gay for the past few months, but I guess I always knew in a sense. I was never into sports that much, had alot of girl friends. I had a female mate once before, but that was only a cover up of who I was scared of becoming. I was always terrified of being gay, but once I accepted myself, I realized that life didn't become hell, it didn't get harder, it became much simpler, a happier place.

During this movie I felt like I was... I don't know... Betraying him, or something, by not telling him my 'prefrences'. So I leaned over and told him that I needed to tell him something very important. He turned back to me with a curious look across his muzzle.

"Jordan, you remember the fox who told everybody he was gay a few months back?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you still see him the same way as you did before he came out?"

"Well, I guess, but I didn't really know him all that well either way." "Jordan, I'm gay........."

I didn't quiet get the reaction I expected. Jordan Just sat back in his seat and watched the movie, didn't speak, didn't even show any emotion. I started to get worried at this, I was sure that he would be okay with this, I mean he never slags the other gay furs at school like the rest of his 'tough manly' friends do.

"Jordan, please say something!"

"For god sakes Kyle! People already think we hang out too much as it is! Now they're going to think that I'm like you!"

"Like me!? What, I'm still a regular fur just like you!"

People in the movie theater were now starting to look around at us. But I didn't care, I was frustrated and hurt by Jordans words.

"No! Your not a regular fur, not anymore." Jordan yelled back at me.

"Jordan, If I didn't tell you that I was gay you would still think I was the same fur as before."

"But your not, are you Kyle! No! Now your a...a...."

"A what Jordan!? Just say it!!"

"A faggot!"

At this, I leaped out of my seat and ran out of the cinema. I didn't care about the eyes stalking me as I exited. I didnt even care about the heavy rain and wind outside. I ran through it, all the way home. I thought the run was actually good for me. Calmed me down somewhat.

So that left me here, lying in bed, not eating or leaving the house. I know it sounds very childish but I couldn't find the strength to pull myself out of bed, until......

I noticed my phone was flashing so I flicked it open, 'One new message' it read.

Messages from Jordan x.

Meet me at Phionex park at 2pm, dont bring anyone or say that your going! ~Jordan.

Jordan - Chapter two

Whilst reading this message from Jordan, I couldn't help but smile. I dont even know why, I mean, meeting Jordan could be a very dangerous act but then again, he was my friend -my only friend- and I was sure that he wouldn't hurt me, right?

After getting out of the shower and drying my fur I went downstair to fetch some breakfast. My mother wasn't here though, and neither was Chris. So I left a note on the kitchen table and grabbed my coat before walking outside. It was cold for October, usually its still a little warm after the Summer. I started walking to Phionex Park. On my way I came across a knife store. I thought I would have a look inside, better safe than sorry I figured.

"No!" I mumbled to myself. "Jordan isn't going to hurt me, I know him better than that!" So I stomped out of the store and walked the rest of the journey without hesitation.

As I walked into the park, tail wagging catiously behind me, I seen him sitting on a bench just along side the river. I stopped and stared at him for a while, until he turned and caught my gaze with his fearful eyes. I walked up to him slowly and sat beside him on the bench.

"Hi." I said in a suprisingly squeeky voice. "Hello." He replied "What am I doing here, did you want to talk to me or something?" "Yes, I...uhm..." "Stuck for words again I see, Jordan." I said, grimly. "No, Kyle..... Why are you gay?" "What do you mean?!" " I mean, how can you be so disgraceful? Have you not heard all the horrible thing being gay can bring to you?"

"Jordan, I was born this way, this is who I am, what I beleive in, if what sex my mate is matters that much to you then.....then I dont know if we can be friends anymore, Jordan"

"No, Kyle I really like you, your the best friend I have ever had, you helped my while my mom was doing drugs or when my aunt died and you always helped me out with school or if I need a place to stay."

"Then why are you being like this? Why can't you just accept me for who I am? Why does it matter so much to you?"

"It matters to me because I dont want to be like you Kyle! I dont want people seeing us together and automatically think we're fucking or something! Dude, I have even gotten undressed in fornt of you, and now the thought of you staring at me like that makes me sick!"

"Jordan, your my friend, I wouldn't look at you that way. Your straight either way, so why would I bother?" I exclaimed.

"Because thats what all you faggots want isn't it!? A straight dude you can turn queer! And no Kyle, no, I am not your friend, not anymore anyway."

"Then why did you bring me here?" "I needed to see if I could help you Kyle." "Help!? I don't need help, I'm not sick or something! Jeez, Jordan, Grow up a bit would 'ya!?"

"Look Kyle, there are lots of people you can see out there, nice people, who will help you get better." "No, Jordan, for the last time, I'm not sick!! Look, I'm just going to go okay." "What, no, I'm not letting you. You need help Kyle!"

He grabbed me and pulled me back down to the bench as I tried to escape. "Jordan, get off of me! Let me go! Please Jordan your hurting me!" And he really was, he dug his claws into my forarm and drew blood, the pain was immense but he still wouldn't let go. "Your not going anywhere until I sort you out, right pup!" "Sorry, Jordan" I said and bit hard on his paw, I tasted his blood, his scent, his fur. He yelped and drew back his paw, realeasing me from his grip.

I ran away from him as fast as I could but when I turned I was suprised to see that he was not chasing me, just standing there in shock. "Thats right, just run away like you always do, fag!" He shouted to me. I stood there for a moment, realizing just how much my life had changed in the past. I left the park with a sore arm and a single tear running down my cheek.

I walked through the crowded streets not caring who saw me sobbing my eyes out. I reached my home, for the second night in a row, upset because of Jordan. When I reached my front garden I heard a voice come from across the street. "Hey, Kyle!" I turned to see the fox that recently came out at our school, he was alot handsomer than I remembered. Actually Kind of sexy. He was roughly the same height as me. Shorter fur, he had his head-fur styled really nice too. As the figure came close to me I gazed into his beautiful hazel eyes, they were so pretty, it was like being in a trance if you looked in them for too long. He grew closer and I realized that he was actually a good 5 inches or so taller than me. He stood infront of me staring down at me while I gazed up into his lustful eyes. His scent was......well it was warm, comforting, hard to explain but it was also full of his musky masculine smell.

"Uhmm, hi." I said shyly "Oh my god, Kyle what in fox's name happened to your arm!?" "Oh, Uhmm long story. Im sorry, I never caught your name?" "Oh, I'm so sorry, My name is Elliot, Elliot Murs. Pleased to finally meet you!" " Likewise, I guess you already know my name, huh?" "Of coarse I do. Kyle Black. The whole school knows your name, since you and Jordan had that fight in the movies you have become the most popular person in the school!" "How does everyone know about our fight?" "Il tell you if you tell me about your arm? You Hungry?" "Yeah I am actually, what did you have in mind?" "There is a great new Indian food take-out near my place, care to join me?"

As I was thinking about Elliot's offer I gazed at my house, my mom wouldn't be too worried if I was out a little late. Heck this could even be good for me. "Sure why not."

Jordan - Chapter three.

"Mind if we go to my place first? I need to get out of these clothes!" "What!?" I replied, with my muzzle open and eyes wide. Is he hitting on me? And if so he isn't doing it very well. "And put more on! Jeez, I'm not that sleezy!" He laughed, and oh, his laugh, it made my insides melf and my knees turn to jelly. "Yeah, I knew that!" - I lied.

As Elliot and myself walked through the dim path to his home, I couldn't help staring at him through the corner of my eye, and once or twice I think I caught him looking too, but I'm not too sure. I badly wanted to grab his paw. Or screw that, I wanted to hug him! I tried to slow down a few times to watch his magnificent tail. Okay, it wasn't his tail I wanted to look at then, but still.

"Come on, hurry up, slow poke!" He giggled. "Huh, what?" I said, dazzled. "Were you just....?" "What NO! I was just uhmm....My legs are a little tired and your walking awfully fast." - I lied once more. "Sure, whatever" He said with a grin wide across his muzzle.

The path we were walking down sure was romantic. The leaves had fallen, and even though it was a very cold night, I felt warm just being near him. Yeah, I know thats not actually possible, but I really did. It was probably because I was so entertained by him. We reached his house shortly after. Well, it was an apartment, three floors up. Thank fox that he went up the stairs first, this way I finally got to look at what I was trying to earlier - Heehee!

"This one right here." He inserted the key into the door and opened it. The apartment wasn't very big. A living room and kitchen in one, right as you walked in, with only two other doors leading off of it. He had one sofa in front of the tv. Further on from them was table in the kitchen with only two chair to it. "Do you live alone?" I asked. "Well, yeah obviously." He said with a smirk. "But.....How old are you?" "Im eighteen. I'm in my last year of our school remember?" "No, I didn't know that actually. I still have three more years to do."

Damn, I didn't think he was eighteen. Is he too old for me? No, Its only two years, I guess. But then again, he is officially an adult, and that meant we cant 'legally' date. Wow, am I already thinking of dating him?! I mean, yeah, he is very good looking. Very good looking? Fuck that, he's amazingly sexy!

Wait, he doesn't even know that I am gay, maybe he is just looking for a friend? Or else, maybe he somehow picked that up about me, you know, that whole 'gaydar' thing. But, I don't act gay at all, even my best....ex-best friend didn't pick that up. Maybe Elliot already has a mate? No, his apartment looks like there has only ever been one person living here. Maybe, he's only into one night stands? I sure hope not, not with me anyway. I'm only discovering that I like males, I think its too soon to sleep with one yet, but oh, this isn't just any male, he is soooo.......

  • "Hey, what are you staring at?" "What, oh, eh nothing" - Damn.....Okay, now he must know I'm gay. "I'm not a freak Kyle! Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm not a regular fur!" He shouted at me. "Oh, no, I know that" "Then what is it then?! You've been staring at me all night!" He growled. "Its.........nothing." "Sure! Nothing again, Kyle. Hey, if you can't be normal around me then I don't think we should be friends!" "Elliot, you don't understand I....I'm..." "Your what, Kyle!? Spit it out!" "I'm gay okay!" I roared at him. "Oh.....Kyle, Im so sorry.......I...I shouldn't have yelled. I didn't know, I just....just thought that..." "Its okay, really." "C'mere." He said softly. And then I finally got that hug off of him, pitty I was crying on his shoulder but still. I eventually looked up at him, whilst still in his embrace. I smilled and looked into his deep, sexy, hazel eyes again. He then kissed me, an oh, what a kiss, it seems to last forever, and I didn't mind if it did, it was perfect, it was like he was made for me, or I was made for him. He gradully pulled away then, bitting my lip softly.

"Uhmm, wow!" I moaned. "You liked it?" He asked grimly. "Mmmm...." I moaned out. "C'mon, we still need to eat y'know." "Hehe, is this you funny little way of asking me out?" I said grinning. "Nope, my idea of a date would be much more.........different." "Different how?" I asked. "Well for one, we wouldn't be going to a shitty little take-out, hehe." "What? You said it was great!" "Well how else was I suppose to get you to come to my apartment?" He said laughing. "What? Did you know that I was gay?" "No, I just kind of, needed a friend, you know? I sort of lost all mine when I came out." "Oh, I'm sorry." I said sadly. "Oh, no, its fine. I just got more than I bargined for by asking you here I guess, hehe." He laughed.

Shortly after this he changed his clothes and we started walking to the take-out, paw in paw. It felt great, I felt being with him, I felt loved.

As we walked around a corner to the take-out, we met....Yes out of all the furs in the world, we met Jordan. "Well, well, what do we have here Kyle?" He snarled.

Jordan - Chapter Four

"So, your the reason why he's gay?" Jordan questioned Elliot. "Jordan, piss off already. It has nothing to do with you!" I growled at him. "Jordan.....just walk away." Elliot said, growling under his breath with an evil look in his eye. "Or what pretty boy? What are you going to do, haha!"

I could see how Elliot was getting so worked up over this, wow, he really must like me. I hope. And then of coarse, there was Jordan, who I still couldn't figure out. He isn't doing all this for fun, he never bullies anybody. Maybe he really hates Elliot.

Elliot snapped just then. He ran at Jordan and jumped on him forcing him to the ground. Jordan roared in pain as Elliot struck him with his paw, claws extended. There was blood already. I couldn't see it yet but I could smell it. It was a horrible scent, it makes you want to get sick from the second you smelled it. Jordan pushed Elliot off of him and to one side and rolled on top of him. Jordan was probably a foot taller than Elliot, but Jordan was very muscley. He weighed about twice the weight of Elliot. I'm suprized he didn't crush him right there. Jordan then raised his right paw over his head as he was about to strike my poor fox. "Jordan! No! Please...You'll kill him!" I roared at him. Jordan then paused whilst looking at me. I was crying at this stage. -Yeah pathetic, I know- He then looked down at my fox, who was flinching and his head turned to the side, ready for Jordans strike. "Fuck!" Jordan shouted as he dis-mounted Elliot and started walking away. He started to turn down an alleyway before turning to me, he just stared straight at me, I couldn't see that clearly but I think his eyes were starting to sob. I have never seen Jordan cry before. Even when we watched 'The Furtanic' together.

"Oh my god, Elliot! I'm so sorry, are you okay?!" I said to him while kneeling beside him. "Yeah, I'm fine, I think. I....Why did he get so worked up?" "I dont know. That fight we had in the cinema was because I came out to him, I guess he took it kind of bad." "Dick." "Yeah, tell me about it."

"Well, Im not very hungry anymore, are you?" I asked. "Ha, I think I have lost my apitite." "Well, want to take a walk?"

We started walking down the path, paw in paw once again. He then took out a box of cigarettes. "Do you mind if I..." "Uhmm....No go ahead." Damn, he smokes, I guess its not that bad. He probably has his reasons.

"I have been trying to quit, its just since.....since my mom passed away." He bearly manages to get those last few words out.

"Oh, Elliot I'm sorry, what happened?" "Uhmm, Its....hard to talk about it." His eyes were filling with tears now. We reached the park now where I was earlier and sat on the banch by the river. It was a beautiful scenary, the sound of water flowing down the moonlit river, nobody seemed to be around. It was....It felt right.

"Oh, thats okay." "No, I should tell you." "Elliot, no, really its okay." "No.....It happened last year. I was in school having lunch when I got the phone call. All they said was to come home a quick as I could. I guess they didn't want to tell over the phone. When I got home my aunt and little sister where in the kitchen. I asked them what was wrong. They told me to sit down.....My mom was killed in a car accident on her way to work. Killed by a.....a drunk driver. He must have been out all night and the idoit decided to drive home. It was better knowing that she was killed instantly, I guess."

"What about your father?" I asked. "Oh, I never met him, my mother, sister and aunt was all I had." "Oh, Elliot, I'm so sorry." Then I gave him the biggest hug ever, he seemed to like it. This time it was him who was crying on my shoulder. I felt guilty about not doing more, even though I knew there was nothing I could do. I then started kissing his neck, his scent was so strong, it was beautiful. He started moaning, so I thought the least I could do was please him. I started kissing up his neck and eventually up to his muzzle. I then felt his tongue inside his muzzle, at this I felt a stirring in my sheath. I couldn't stop, no matter how hard I tried. This kiss was too great. I turned more and put my leg over him, sitting on his lap while he sat on the bench. He moved his paws then down my back and onto my hips. I pressed into him moaning. I ran my paws through his neck for and up to his head fur. This was the most exciting moment I think I have ever had with anyone. It was amazing, the rush of blood through my body. I didn't even feel the cold night anymore. I was lost in time.


He broke away from the kiss, and stared at me. "Kyle whats viberating? Hehe." "Hmm? Oh! Shit, my phone!"

Two New Messages.

First message: Mom. 7:30pm Kyle, its getting late where are you?

Second message: Mom.8:45pm Kyle, where the hell are you?! Get home as soon as you can!

"Crap, I really got to go. I'l see you later fox!" I said as I started to run out of the park. "Wait! Kyle I havn't even got your phone number." I ran back and traded numbers. We also arranged to have dinner together the following night.

When I got to my house I checked the time. 9:07. "Crap, I am so dead." I walked in the front door and seen my mother in the kitchen.

"Kyle, come in here!" She screeched. "Mom, I'm sorry I lost track of time. I was with Jordan." "Okay then, who was the older looking fox I seen you with on 42nd street?" "Oh, Uhmm, that was just.....someone from school, mom." "Kyle Joshua Black, your grounded for a week, now get to your room and give me your cell phone!" "Oh, but mom, please I need my phone!" "No, I don't care give it to me!" I Handed her the phone and stomped upstairs.

"Damn, now how was I going to go to dinner tommorow. Or even tell him I won't be there. Fuck, he is going to think I gave him a fake number and stood him up! Oh fox! What will I do?"

Jordan - Chapter 5

Dawn seeped in through the curtains the next morning after a sleepless night, I could hear breakfast being made downstairs but I was too lost in my thoughts to get up. "Maybe if I'm lucky she might have to leave the house for some reason." I hoped.

I sat up in my bed about half an hour later, turned on my PlayStation and decided to play some 'Zombie Fur!' that my brother had gotten for my Christmas last.

I reached level twelve and thought "Fuck this, I'm going to give her a peace of my mind. She can't tell me what to do, I'm sixteen and I come home a few minutes late and she ruins what could have been the best night of my life?!" Just as I start to rage down the stair my mom call to me, "Kyle! There's someone here to see you." "Who could that be?" I thought to myself.

I walked down the stairs and through the sitting room to the front door, Elliot was standing there paws on his knees panting.

"Elliot! What are you doing here?" I asked. "Kyle, its Jordan he's......he's gone mad. He is running around looking for you!" "Oh my God, I'll have to go find him!" I said to him. "Okay, come on my cars outside." "You have a car? Since when?" When we got outside I realized it wasn't much of a car and why he didn't show me before. It was an old banger that barely screeched into life when Elliot tried to start it. Its red paint had aged and disappeared in places. There were various scratches and bumps on the car but the biggest was in the rear, it was totally smashed and was missing some body parts.

We rushed to the park we had been the night before because that was the last place Elliot had heard he was. We got out and I started to rush down the footpath before Elliot grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Ooff", I bashed into his chest which was surprisingly solid. "Just be carefully okay? He seems a little unstable." I nodded and continued to run down the path. I ran along the path that followed the outskirt of the river beside it. Suddenly I felt a paw grabbed my wrist harder than I had expected and pulled me behind a tree. He covered my muzzle with his paw and held a knife to my throat. "Scream and I will kill you right now!" A way too familiar voice said from behind me.

He released his paw and I turned to face him. "JORDAN!!" I shouted by accident and he grabbed my muzzle again.

"Kyle! Kyle! You over here?" Elliot shouted as he searched the pathway. "Keep quiet and stop squirming!" He said to me and I obeyed.

Elliot walked away in the other direction looking for me. "Alright, listen up pup! You're going to come with me to a place I can't say! Try escape and I will cut your fucking balls off.......and slowly!" He threatened. "Jordan, what the fuck is going on here?!"

"Last chance, Faggot!" He said with a grin. "Hey, shut up Jordan!"


I awoke in the back of Jordan's car with tape around my muzzle and paws. "Wakey, Wakey sunshine!" He said to me as I layed in the back seat of his car helpless.

We arrived at a warehouse far from anywhere I recognized. I wondered what he could possibly be bringing me here for. He stood me up outside his car and grabbed my biceps which were behind my back and guided my inside.

Inside Jordan said to the guy sitting on a chair outside another door. "Open it up Gerry, I got another one." He said to the cougar.

"Another one? Another one?" I thought to myself as we walked through the heavy steel door.

Inside was dimly lit, we walked down a very long hallway that had plenty of doors on either side. All of a sudden I heard noises coming from some of the doors. They sounded like moans like furs were having sex but now and again I heard people shouting "No! Please no!...I-I can't...." Which made me think it wasn't just a place people go to have se---- "Hold on.........Om my gosh! This place is a brothel! A whore house!" Jordan opened one of the doors and through me inside. It was a damp room but the smell of cum lingered in it and.......there was also a smell of blood. All the thoughts of furs helpless and being tortured for sex rushed through my head all at once. There was a bed, no sheets, but it had four short pieces of rope on it, one from each corner.

"Your first costumer is in an hour. Clean yourself up first!" Jordan said to me as a lay on the floor. Then he came over and ripped the tape from my muzzle, it hurt, but not as much as I was about to in an hour.

Jordan - Chapter 6

When Jordan left the room I held my head in my paws for a while before getting up and walking over to the sink in the corner. I stared at myself in the mirror, "What the hell am I going to do?!" I said to myself.

I tried to clean the cuts on my knees with some water when a female wolf walked into my room with some clothes, she put them on the bed and left without a word. All she left was a pair of grey sweat pants and a sleeveless vest. I stripped my pants and stared at my manhood for a while. "Hang in there little buddy, we'll be out of here soon."

A short while later Jordan walked in and told me to sit down. "You bastard! I can't believe you! I thought we were friends!" I screamed at him.

"Oh quiet down, pup. Now here are the rules, you have to obey whatever fantasies our customers have. They want a blowjob, you give it, they want a fuck, and you give them one. They want to role-play; well you see where this is going. No biting unless they ask! You get a meal a day and you have water supplies in the sink. If your first customer has any complaints....Heheh, well, you're going to pay." He grinned. I gave him a cold look as he walked out.

About thirty minutes after this a large bear walked in. "Ohhh, well look at what I got!" He smiled at me. "Fuck off!" I replied. "Why, you little prick! I'm gonna' teach you a lesson!" And he shoved me onto my bed and tore my shirt off.

"Tie your arms to the bed!"

"No, please don't do this!" I pleaded.

"Do it or I will for you!" He insisted, so I tied one arm to the bed and couldn't get the other one so he helped.

He started kissing my neck and no matter how many times I tried to resist it didn't work. He started to move down my neck when I bit hard on his ear and tasted blood.

"You prick! How dare you!"

I just smiled straight back at him.

"You ungrateful little whore! Wait until your boss hears about this!"

About an hour after he left with his boner still in his pants and Jordan stormed in.

"What the fuck was that!?" He shouted.

I just stared at him for a while until he came over and struck me across my muzzle.

"Okay, I might consider doing this but only if you let me see Elliot."

"I might be able to make that happen...Yeah okay, but if the boss finds out that you're not obeying what the customers want he WILL hurt you."

The next morning Jordan walked in with a smirk across his muzzle. He had that weird 'I am going to kill you' look in his eye and when I saw it my blood ran cold.

He pulled a picture from his back pocket and showed it to me.

It was Elliot. He was being forced into a room similar to mine, one guard on the right of him and Jordan on the left. He looked helpless.

I felt so bad, it's my entire fault he is here, and I should have said nothing about Elliot. I felt like cutting my throat at that moment and falling dead...but I couldn't. I now knew that Elliot was in here and somehow I needed to get him out.

"Well, now you've seen him." Jordan exclaimed.

"You...I meant if I could see him in person, like outside of here!"

"Ha-ha, pup that will never happen, you will never see the light of day again! Now since you have seen you 'lover' you have to do what the customers want or......Ha-ha, here comes the good part....or it won't be you who will be tortured, it will be him."

"What?!" I gasped

"You heard me!"

"But...but please! He didn't do anything wrong!"

"Then if you want him to survive then do what you're told!"

Later on that day after Jordan left, I sat on my rock solid bed with my back against the wall, curled up with my tail between my legs. I could help thinking about what they were doing to Elliot, or if they were doing the same to him as they were to me.

Shortly after a male wolf walked in, he had black fur all over, very broad shoulders and was quite muscular. In fact he wasn't bad looking. I was wondering why a good looking wolf would even come to a brothel, it's not as if he can't find sex somewhere else.

"Come over here!" he insisted and I obeyed. I thought maybe if I got one good customer Jordan might do me a favour and let me see Elliot for real this time.

When I walked over to him he pushed me down onto my knees, it hurt. He then started to undo his belt buckle and I looked up into his eyes desperately, hoping that he wouldn't go any further with this.

His shorts and underwear fell to the ground revealing his manhood, which, from my opinion was giant. I grabbed it in my paw and stared into his eyes again. "What are you waiting for?" He demanded and I started rubbing my paw up and down.

I could feel my erection growing already, so I gave him a lick from the top of his cock to the bottom. He moaned and grabbed the fur on the back of my neck.

I grabbed his cock and placed the top of it into my muzzle only slightly though, teasing him. He had a strong musky taste and smell.

I started moving further down his cock getting it about two thirds of the way in before nearly gagging. I moved back up his cock a little bit before he pushed my head furiously until his cock hit the back of my throat making me choke.

He was now moving my head faster and faster while he thrust his cock in my muzzle. I could hear him moaning loader and loader. He started slowing down a bit then and took his cock out of my muzzle. But I didn't taste any cum so he wasn't finished.

"Okay, good, now on all fours!" He demanded so I did it willingly. He pulled off my pants and threw them into the corner of the room. He grabbed my tail with one paw and lifts it up revealing my ass. He licked two of his fingers and started rubbing around the hole.

"Oh god!" I thought to myself, this felt so amazing but I was also ashamed that it wasn't with Elliot.

He pushed one of his fingers in hard and I yelped. "So tight, I am so going to own your virgin ass!" He shouted at me before removing his finger and pulled me back a little.

He lifted his manhood to my ass and started to push in. "Ohhh," I tried to squeak out. He pushed in further now, nearly all the way and started bucking back and forth into me. It felt so good but also a little bit painful. The pleasure erased the pain near the end.

His moans were getting loader and his thrusts faster until he grabbed my hips and pulled me back as hard as he could. His back arched and all his muscles tensed. I could feel his warmth inside of me when he pulled out and I think some dripped out. He pulled up his pants and said to me "That was good; I'll see you again sometime." "What about me, I'm not finished yet." I pleaded.

He just left and I was stuck with my own paw, which didn't take long after the experience I just had.

Jordan came back in soon after with a piece of paper. "Here, it's from that other fox." The note read.

Dear Kyle, I no longer have any need for you in my life, I have lost whatever feelings I had for you before. I hope to never see you again.

Elliot... x




















Jordan - Chapter 7

"This is so fake! You didn't really think I would believe it did you? And why would you even do something nice for me anyway by giving me this?"

"Because Kyle, think of it as....every time you do this job right, I will let you write to him. I told that fox the same thing and this is what he wrote."

"I need proof! Any fur could have written this!" I said to him standing up off of my bed, my rear ached and my tail was still twitching slightly.

Jordan looked me up and down and left the room. I was starting to feel hungry and a little tired, although I had absolutely no idea what time it was or if it was even bright outside. The room had no windows in it. Only a dim light hanging from the ceiling. I decided to go to sleep so I lifted up the blanket and shook all the dust off of it. I dreaded getting into it from the thoughts of all the tortured furs that laid upon it before....or should I say gotten laid on it before. Nevertheless I climbed in and drifted off.

I awoke to a knock on the door and Jason pranced in before I even noticed. He had a note in his hand.

He handed it to me and I read:

Kyle, just piss off and leave me alone already. You've gotten me in enough crap as it is. All I wanted that night was to get laid and leave. I had planned on moving down south next week anyway. Elliot.

He had his name signed at the bottom, I smelled the note and there was defiantly Elliot's scent on it. "Fine. Tell him I don't care!" I said to Jordan close to tears.

Weeks had past now, I had given up on any police or friends trying to find me. I felt hopeless. I felt used and unwanted. I knew my mother had been trying to find me, she loved me and she will do her best but there was no chance of it, I think I could be in another state. It was a lot hotter here and people had strange accents.

Fur after fur, I had lost count of how many had used me, I felt so dirty. I got showered once a week but we are walked there blindfolded and are only allowed five minutes each wash.

This week when I got back from my wash, there was a note left on my bed... 'Be back soon babe, don't worry. Elliot x.'

"What?....Did he....Oh, my....Did he lie on the other note? But...but why?" I thought to myself.

A Large cougar walked in, he was part of the staff there and he brought me my meal. I somehow managed to gulf it down. It was tasteless but cold.

Later on -Judging by my body clock was night time- I layed on my bed holding the note from Elliot. It smelled of his scent, and only his. I wondered how he got it into my room. I held it into my chest and fell asleep in that position.

I got a good sleep before I awoke. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I shouted at the fur standing at my door.

It was Jordan. He was standing there looking a little tipsy, but I knew by the smell of him he was drinking anyway.

"Hey! There's my toy!" He said in a cheerful way.

"What do you want?" I growled at him.

"What? Can I not come visit my favourite fag in the world?"

"Just piss off, Jordan!"

"HEY! Watch your mouth or I might not go easy on you!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I get my little employee discount here so, I thought I might as well use it while I can, catch my drift?"

"What?! So you''re not straight?"

"Hahaha! Of course I am! But a muzzle is a muzzle, right?"

"Go away Jordan!"

"No way! I brought you here, now I'm going to find out why everybody pays so much for!"

He walked over to me and grabbed the hair on the back of my neck. He tried forcing my head to his crotch but I resisted. He let go of my head and forced me onto the bed and quickly tied up all four of my paws to the corners. He then removed his pants. I was surprised with what I saw; I was expecting something around eight inches or so. When we were 'friends' he was always telling everybody how big he was and pretending to be all 'macho'. But he wasn't eight...I'm guessing around....3 and a half.

But nevertheless I was still tied to a bed naked while a fur was stripping in front of me. He climbed up onto the bed at lightning speed almost hitting his head off the wall next to us. He grabbed my head once again and brought his 3 and a half inches to my muzzle.

"Open up now or it's going 'someplace' else!" He demanded. So I opened my muzzle and straight away he tried to push in. When he was halfway or so inside my muzzle, I bit down hard puncturing his manhood.

"You prick! Oh my god! This hurt so fucking much! I'm bleeding!" He screamed. He then leaped down off the bed, went over to his jacket and pulled out a.....a handgun.

I was petrified at this stage. He was furious. He came back to the bed quickly enough and put one leg over me sitting on my chest. I found it very hard to breath. "Open your muzzle, now!" He shouted. I was white as a ghost at this stage and completely unresponsive; I wasn't even sure what he was saying.

He then grabbed my muzzle and pulled it open with little effort. He placed the gun inside my mouth. I could taste the hard, cold metal on my tongue. I thought 'Oh Fox! What is happening here, am I being killed or is this just one horrible dream!'

He was staring deep into my eyes and I stared back, a single tear running down my cheek.

As I was looking into his eyes I could see all the wonderful times we had together. We would go to the movies together, go for a drive together, go to restaurants together and He even taught me how to fish! It's quite embarrassing being a fox and not able to fish but since my Dad was never around and my mom was always working, how was I to learn? He was like a big brother to me, no, maybe even a father to me and I never realised he was in on this brothel thing. And now he had a gun in my muzzle.

"Damn, we fucking need you here! You're making the most money for us! But wait 'til I find where that fox of yours is gone to! I'm going to blow his fucking brains out!" He shouted to me.

"Wait! He's not still in here?"

"No. He broke out a while ago! The prick!"

After Jordan left I was lying on my bed once again. Now I understood what that note meant! Is he going to recue me? How will he do that? But what if Jordan finds him first? He'll kill him! Wait...wait now. Jordan read that note from Elliot saying that he wants nothing more to do with me?....





Jordan - Chapter 8

A few more months had past, I knew now that whatever shred of hope I had about me being found was gone. I wondered how long they would keep me here before killing me. I felt so dirty, customer after customer, I now had roughly three a day and it was horrible.

Sometimes while they were 'having their way with me' I would try picture myself with Elliot. Try to remember the date we went on. Even trying to remember what he looked like was difficult. But...every time I tried doing that, Jordan appeared in my head and Elliot would be gone. I try running at him to strike him down, but I can't move.

We were always standing in a field with him underneath an oak tree. The wind rushing through his fur, the sun blazing off him. He was wearing an open white shirt and while shorts every time.

He would never say anything, but he started walking towards me now in my dreams. Before I knew it the client was finished and I would awaken. I drift off without realizing but at least I don't remember what they done with me.

I was now waiting for my weekly shower. But something seemed strange. I couldn't hear paw steps in the hall anymore. I couldn't hear the shouts from furs in other rooms. Also the fur that came to escort me to my shower hadn't shown up yet. I had no clock but sometimes you just know when something is late, or maybe it's just a fox thing.

I had now been waiting too long so I decided to sleep until either dinner or another customer arrives.

I had the dream again. The one with me and Jordan. I tried so hard to picture Elliot in my mind but my sub-conscience wouldn't allow me to.

He was standing beneath the tree again, looking as handsome as ever. I knew what lay beneath his fur was pure evil but he was still gorgeous.

He started walking towards me again. I was expecting to awake once again. But nothing happened, he kept walking to me. As he got closer I could see he was smiling, it wasn't the usual way he smiled though. It was nice, comforting and without evil.

He was now about 15 foot from me and I could see his eyes clearly now, they looked the same as ever. To me they used to be comforting, but now they scare me. They looked straight at me.

He got closer, about 10 foot. His eyes still staring straight at me, I started getting scared, like, really scared. I wasn't as scared when he threatened to kill me.

He sped up now, walking fast for a few feet and then sprinting. I could see it. Him bashing into me at the speed of light. Pinning me to the floor. Ripping my throat out with his teeth. I wanted to run. I tried but got nowhere. I was paralysed with fear.

He was now only a few feet in front of me, he jumped. Straight towards me but I awoke. I awoke with sweat dripping through my fur, panting. I leaped out of bed. I was well rested. I'm guessing around six to eight hours sleep. No food had come. And obviously nofur came to wake me up for my shower. I started to get seriously hungry.

'Do they think I'm getting fat or something?' I thought to myself.

I sat upon my bed scratching at the wall. I had drawn a picture of my mom the day I got here with my claws, of course it wasn't too well drawn but it still reminded me of her.

I drew around the 'Kyle loves Elliot' that I drew on the wall. I then reached under my pillow to get the note I had from him. I still read it every day. It gives me hope that someday I might be able to get out of here alive. I clenched the note to my chest.

I looked up when I heard a yelp from down the hall. I was wondering what it was until it started whimpering. It sounded like Jordan whimpering, but it's hard to tell. I then heard someone shout my name.

I ran to the door as fast as possible and shouted "Hello?!" back. I heard no answer but he was near. I could smell blood lingering through the halls...















Jordan - Chapter 9

I shouted once more. No response. I started to believe it was just my imagination playing games on me, since I haven't eaten in quite a while, until I heard banging from down the hall. I was sure that this was for real. I was yelling at the top of my lungs now, not even realizing what I was saying but as long as I made some noise somebody could hear me I figured.

After a long time of shouting and yelling my throat started getting hoarse and I gave up.

My stomach was grumbling endlessly now and I started to feel sick. I still had my water but it didn't look very clean so I limited myself to only drinking it when I desperately needed to.

I lay in my bed again and tried to sleep but it didn't work. I sat up and stared at my drawings for a while when my mind started to drift.

I imagined myself and Elliot. I started wondering how I was so hung up on this guy, I mean; we only went on one date. Yes, it was amazing but I had just come out of the closet. Maybe all gay relationships are like this?

No, Elliot was different. He promised to come back for me and I believe him. Or, maybe Jordan found him? No, Elliot's smart and he's agile, I'm sure he could get away from him.

I argued with myself for about half an hour until I fell asleep. I had the dream again. The exact same thing was happening, him standing there and then sprinting towards me. I felt the same fear as before but I didn't wake.

He was sprinting towards me. I was petrified until he stopped. He was only a foot away from me. His smile was gone. His eyes were.....they were different. His face was emotionless. He just stared straight into my eyes. I felt....No! I can't be one of these dreams about JORDAN could I?!

As he stared into me I felt my knees go weak. I thought I was going to collapse until he put his arm on my shoulder. He squeezed a little too tight.

His eyes still staring into mine, he started smiling again, showing his fangs. His eyes turned dark, scary and fearsome again. He squeezed my shoulder even tighter.

He raised his other paw and put it on my neck. I was still paralyzed, I tried moving but nothing. He started gripping my neck even harder. His claws were digging into me now.

He took his paw off my shoulder and raised it above his head, claws extended he struck me across my muzzle. I fell to the ground hard. Still unable to move as he mounted on top of me and struck my head again. I could feel every bit of the pain. Finally, he raised his paw again and swiped it across my throat.

I awoke to this. Breathing hard as usual and gripping my throat. I sat up and immediately noticed something was different. My door was slightly ajar. I ran to it quickly and heaved the barrier open. I sprinted into the hallway and seen the dead body. I stood there staring in shock of who it was! I started balling and my throat seized up. I fell to my knees in tears.

I couldn't believe who it was. I had just been thinking of him not so long ago and now he's dead. I had loved him once and...and I never got to tell him. His fur was ruffled and his clothes were torn. His throat was slit. Just like how my dream had been.


Jordan - Chapter 10

He was laying there in a pool of blood....Elliot. He was trying to break me out, I figured. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I could see his face for he was turned the opposite way but I didn't want to, I knew it was him. I remember every element of his body, every curve, muscle and colour patterns.

I heard some noises coming from down the hall and I didn't care, I didn't care for anything but him at this moment. He was gone, my one and only love, gone.

I knew it was Jordan, he wanted to kill him, he probably tortured my poor fox too. When I find him...When I find him I will make him beg me for forgiveness, I will make him pray for breath before I tear him to shreds!

The noises from down the hall grew loader as a large bear approached wearing a police outfit. "Hey! Hey, guys I found someone!" He shouted down the hall as he ran towards me.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? Were you being kept here?" He asked quickly.

"I'm...Um, I'm Kyle Black a-and yes." I stumbled out through my sobs.

"Right come this way, follow me." He said and he put a paw on my shoulder, I shivered and cringed at his touch. I was scared with fear from the horrible few months I had been here.

"Oh, sorry, right this way." He apologized and he started walking down the hall. I followed as quickly as I could, wiping the tears from my muzzle.

He led me far down the hall and towards a door. The same door I entered a few months back. The sight of the door brought mixed emotions. I was unbelievably happy to be exiting the warehouse but I didn't show from the sadness of my fox's death. It brought back memories of entering the prison, unaware of what it was or why I was there. It brought anger towards Jordan for leading me here.

We approached the door and he opened it slowly, the sunlight beamed through instantly. I was blinded from the brightness. I had not seen sunlight in so long. It was beautiful. People underestimate the joys of sunlight, I thought to myself.

He led me outside. There were lots of police furs around with many more scruffy looking furs wrapped in blankets. They took a stare at me for a split second and then returned to their conversations. He walked me towards a paramedic who seen I was in shock and crying uncontrollably.

He asked a few questions and took my phone number and details. I hadn't expected my mom or brother to be here though. She loved me yes, but she probably couldn't deal with my absence. I'm guessing she moved as far away as possible.

The policefur searched up my details on his laptop and found that my mother and brother had left the country a few weeks back and had no available number.

"Hey, did you know the fox you were kneeling beside?" The bear asked me,

"Yeah, obviously. He is....He was my boyfriend. Elliot Murs is his name."


"What do you mean no!?" I asked him frustrated.

"I mean, No, His name is Roger, Roger Doyle."

"What?!" He didn't answer me. I stood there clueless. Did Elliot -or Roger- lie about his name? Was he in on this the whole time? He was lying about the note! The note, that could be how the fake one smelled of him!"

"Here look." The bear returned with a photo in his hands. The photo was of the fox. But...wait, it wasn't him! It wasn't Elliot! "He was telling the truth!" I yelled. Everyone turned and gave me a weird look but I didn't care, I was overwhelmed with happiness. I still felt bad about Roger though.

"He also had this in his paw, it has your name on it. We didn't want to open it until we found you." The bear said and handed an envelope.

'Ha! Fooled you! But don't worry, I have the real Elliot too and unless you meet me in the park on Saturday at 2am...Well, you know what will become of him. Don't tell the cops what this note says, bring it with you and tell them it's a love not or some faggy shit like that. They'll believe you. They still haven't realized that them finding this place was a setup.'









Jordan - Chapter 11

"Hey, you done reading? We need that for evidence." The bear asked. I knew I had to give him the note, but I couldn't. Knowing Jason he would kill Elliot and them me, even if it means getting himself killed. Wow, Jordan really is messed up. I wonder how he got so messed up? I had just realized that I had been staring at the bear for several minutes now.

"Oh um, do you really need to take it? It's really personal and...and it has nothing to do with the case, I promise!" I lied

"No, sorry pup. We need it, now give it over."

I didn't know what to do so I ran, I ran straight past the bear and several other police. None of them seemed to pay any attention to me so I kept running.

I ran out of breath when I came into a town. It looked strangely like my hometown but yet it was different. I needed to get home, back to Phoenix Park so I can meet Jason.

The night air was wrapping around my shivering body when I stumbled across a coffee shop that was still open. I entered, even though I had no money, it was still warm inside.

"You okay, honey?" I rabbit asked me as she approached.

"Yeah,, I'm fine, I haven't any money with me. If you want me to leave I understand." I figured she might want me to leave since I was looking homeless or beaten up, or both. It could look bad for the shop.

"Oh no, Hun! You're perfectly welcome!"

"Thanks. Oh and where's the restroom?" I asked

"It's just down there." She pointed past two wolves talking, to a door.

When I returned to my surprise she was still sitting down at my table, she was drinking a coffee and across from her was another cup.

"That was quick!" She stated when I approached.

"Yeah, um, is this for me? I told you I have no money."

"It's on the house, now, what's a young fur like you doing out this late at night?" I didn't reply. Instead I just stared down at my coffee. It taste weird, I hadn't drank anything but water for the last few months I suppose everything will take some getting used to.

"Do...Do you have a home to go to?" She asked. I nodded my head side-to-side.

"I..I need to get to Richford but I have no money for a bus or anything. I need to be there tomorrow."

"Oh, well, why don't you stay upstairs here tonight and then we'll see if you can get there tomorrow?" She asked.

"Um...That's very kind, but no thanks. It looks like I will have to walk, so I will have to leave soon. Did I mention I have to be there at 2am? That's in like..." I stared at the clock on the wall. "...*sigh* 5 hours away. If...If I don't get there someone I care for very much will...they'll be hurt."

"Oh, well Richford is about a three hours' drive from here. There is a bus leaving soon, here..." She dug in her pocket and took out some money. "...Have this, there should be enough for a bus and some food."

"Oh, no I can't. I won't be able to pay you back. I..." She grabbed my paw and shoved it in it.

"When you love someone, money shouldn't matter. Take it. I'm sure you will repay it sometime. Now, you might want to get going. The bus leaves from down the street in ten minutes, hurry!"

I dashed down the street. I really loved the night. The light breeze was wonderful tonight. I arrived at the bus stop right on time.

I hopped aboard and found a seat near the back. The bus was nearly empty anyway. The bus took off.

I wrote a 'Kyle Loves Elliot' on the window in condensation. I drifted off on the bus without realising.

I had the dream again. This time though there was something different. Jordan was standing beneath the great oak, same as usual but...There was someone beside him, lying down.

Jordan raised his paw and signalled me to come over. I obeyed without realising. I strolled up to him no matter how much I resisted.

When I got close I realised the body was Elliot. But I didn't stare, weep or even tear. I glanced at him for a split second and back to Jordan. I was staring into his eyes and he glared back. We remained like that for a while until he came closer to me.

He wrapped his paws around my waist and pulled me close, into a kiss.

I woke up suddenly when the bus driver called down to me.

"Richford was it?"

Yeah...Richford, Here we go....






Jordan - Chapter 12

I hopped off the bus after giving the driver a twenty. It was colder now, my fur was standing up in places and I was shivering. I remembered my town now. The dim lit streets, the constant traffic I even missed the shouts and beeps of people caught in traffic, there never seem to be empty streets here, even at this time.

I looked at my watch... 1:46am. I started walking towards the park which brought back memories. Good and bad, they were still memories and I didn't think I would be having many more.

I wondered if Jordan actually had Elliot. I couldn't picture it, but I had a feeling inside of me that told me he did.

I strolled past my old house, vacant. I looked across the street to where Elliot and I first met. I remembered the night we had together. It was different, perfect.

I wish I could see my family again, I missed them so much. I wanted to walk inside the house like everything was back to normal. Ignore the 'For Sale' sign outside, go inside, toss my schoolbag aside and watch TV.

I approached the gate into the park, looking at my watch... 2:06am.

I saw his car but not him, nor Elliot. I strolled past the car looking inside. It was still the same messy way as ever. I walked down to the river and along the pathway. Then I saw him. He was standing at the end of the pathway, when he saw me he turned and walked slowly in another direction, knowing I'd follow.

I saw him climbing over a fence and I followed. He led me into a field. Over towards a tree...wait, and oak tree, just like the one I dreamt about. When I noticed this I stood still frozen, realizing how this could be. It was exactly like my dream apart from it being dark. The moonlight was shining off of him more beautifully though.

Beside him was a body lying down, alive. Seeing this I ran, as fast as I could towards him. When I got near Jordan didn't stop me. Instead he let me go up to Elliot. I knelt beside him and removed the tape from his muzzle.

"KYLE! Go now!" He shouted.

"What?" I replied.

Suddenly I heard the click of a gun. I turned slowly to see Jordan standing there, aiming it straight at me.

"This is your fault." He said calmly.

"What? Jordan, please! Put down thee gun...y-you don't want to do this!"

"Shut up, pup. It didn't have to be this way. You could have had me! I was there the entire time and you never realized!?"

"Jordan what are you saying?"

"I loved you Kyle! After you came out to me I realized what we could have been, I never knew it before. You made me realize who I am, Kyle. And then you ran off with....with him!"

"Jordan, please....j-just put the gun down!"

"Jordan! Don't hurt him!" Elliot shouted. He had been beaten, and badly. He was cut in several placed, he had a black eye and he ear was damaged. He tried standing up but it didn't work. He put his paw on his stomach and collapsed back down again.

When he removed his paw there was a lot of blood. He was either cut badly there or stabbed. One way or another I turned to Jordan, furiously.

"How could you! You bastard! Just because you can't have me so that means nobody else can?!"

"You don't get it do you?" he replied.

"Kyle, run!" Elliot shouted when I turned to him. I stared into his eyes. They were so beautiful. He gave me courage to fight Jordan.

When I turned towards Jordan he was only a foot away from him. I looked up at his face. He was determined about something.

"...Sorry." He said.

"For wha-." I felt it then. I felt its sharp edges. It was cold as ice, hard as rock.

He pulled the blade out of me and I fell to the ground. Blood was spilling from my stomach.

"Kyle! Oh my god, Kyle!" Elliot was shouting but unable to move. He must have had some broken ribs or something.

Jordan just stood above me, looking down, silent. I fell to my side clenching my stomach. The pain was unreal. Elliot was looking at me, crying, trying to move but it was no good.

Jordan left without a word, leaving me here. I reached my paw out to Elliot who grasped it. Neither of us had a phone. We lay back together staring into the night sky, paw in paw.

"I love you Elliot."

"I love you too."

The last thing I remember was staring into Elliot's eyes as he glared back...


Jordan - Epilogue

I was in a strange place, pure white surfaces everywhere. I wasn't floating like I thought I would when I die. Yeah, I know, silly me and my imagination, hehe. I was happy again. For the first time in a while I was clean...naked but clean. I walked forwards but got nowhere. Everything was the exact same.

"Looking for something?" I voice said from behind me. I turned to see who it was. He was another fox, one I have never seen before but yet he looked familiar. He was older looking. There were grey tipped hairs around his muzzle. He was wearing a pure white shirt and pants. He was a lot taller than me, about a foot and a half taller.

"Are...are you GOD?!" I said shockingly.

"Hahaha, No young one I am not. You can only get to god when you're dead." He said in his low husky voice.

" I'm not dead?"

"Haha, of course not! You only got a 3inch knife in your stomach. That won't kill you unless you're unable to get doctor help."

"But I can't. Last I remember I was in a field with Elliot at 2 in the morning!"

"Ah, Elliot, a wise and brave fox, that one. Yes, he brought you to a hospital, even though he had severe injuries. Hold on to that fox. He's a good one!"

"What? He did! Then where am I now?"

"You're in a comma, but don't worry. You'll wake up soon."

"And who are you?"

"Kyle, I'm your watcher."

"My what?"

"Your watcher, sort of like a guardian angel, but unlike angels I was never born, I was never alive. You created me as a cub; the way you played with things told me what you liked. The way you cried for something's told me what you needed or hated. I have been here looking over you all this time. I didn't know you were gay until I saw you looking at boys in the locker room, Yeah, I seen that, hehe."


"It's okay Kyle; I know what's best for you. You like boys' right, I know that fox is the best thing that has ever happened to you."

"And what about Jordan? What will I do about him?"

"Don't worry about him. He won't be bothering anyone anymore."


"Do you not think the doctor were wondering how you got so injured? Elliot told them when you two got there. The cops caught him soon after. He was sitting in Phoenix Park, on that same bench you and Elliot...yeah."

"Oh, hehe. Well that's great! When can I go back down?"

"How do you know you're up? No pun intended. Pup, you're not dead! Or in heaven or hell or anywhere! This place is from your imagination, there isn't anything here now because you haven't had any great memories that weren't spoiled by Jordan or your mom or some fur. When you have unforgettable good memories they get stored here."

"...You still haven't answered my question."

"Well, I'll let you go now then, naïve pup. You got a court case with Jordan next week by the way."


I opened my eyes, it was night-time. There was a TV on the wall showing some kids program but the volume was turned down. There was one lamp on the corner and on hanging from the ceiling.

In the corner, on an armchair asleep, with a copy of Fur-piled in his paws, was Elliot. I stared at him smiling. Too tired to wake him and he was exhausted anyway.

I reached over to grab his paw and when I did he awoke.

"Kyle! Kyle you're awake! Thank God!"

"I Love you Elliot! So much!"

"Me too, Kyle...Me too."