Kalysta's Choice: Chapter Two

Story by Intendant Alias on SoFurry

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#2 of Kalysta

It was nearing sundown and they needed to find shelter, but Trent and Kalysta had opened up to eachother after their emotional encounter at the stream a few hours back, and they found it less awkward to talk to eachother as they walked with the sun to their backs, only pausing long enough to hear if anyone was following them.

"Whats you last name?" Trent asked her curiously. He only knew her as Kalysta.

She paused for a moment, contemplating something unseen by him, until she spoke.

"Noir." She said after her long pause, "Kalysta Noir."

He looked at her, wondering why she had paused.

"Thats a bueatiful name." Trent said, giving her a large smile of sharp teeth.

"What are you?" She laughed, "You look like a mix of dragon and...actually you don't look like a mix of anything...your like a dragon with no wings." She commented.

Trents smile vanished, "Bingo." He said to her, pointing a singular claw in her direction.

"Your a dragon with no wings?" Kalysta asked, puzzled.

He nodded, "Thats about it." He checked the sun, it was nearly dark and his survival insticts were kicking in, "We need to find some shelter now."

She was suspicious of his quick subject change, but she kept it to herself.

They walked on a bit more, but they didnt see any form of natural shelter to sleep in.

"Alright heres the plan." Trent said finally, but before he could finish, he felt a tingle go down his back.

Suddenly he threw him self into Kalysta and knocked her to the ground, pushing he out of the way just before a large explosion ripped up the dirt around them, sending a grey plume of smoke and mud into the air.

Senior Operator Jessie Halen had scoped out the target, double checked his trajectories, and took the shot with precision accuracy. What had gone wrong? At the last second, moments before impact, something startled him and he evaded the high-explosive shell Jessie fired.

He switched his shell configuration to incindiary and took another look at the largets location. Suddenly a red light flashed next to the screen and his view was replaced by static for a few seconds. He realized the ARON platform he was operating was nearing the edge of its operating zone, and his uplink was switching links.

He forced himself to let go of the joysticks and take a deep breath, running his hands over his face.

"C'mon Jessie," he whispered to himself, "you can get this guy."

He slid his hands back onto the joysticks and recalibrated his visual angle to the targets last known location, this time the platform was almost directly above him. Through a gap in the trees he had a perfect shot at the very top of the targets head, when suddenly a large black cloud obscured his vision.

He swore out loud, knowing that rainclouds were an operators worst enemy. They had no instruments to see through those. He checked the size of the cloud, and the speed it was moving, and calculated he had enough time to make himself a pot of coffee in the kitchen.

Trent and Kalysta were panicked. That explosion had come from nowhere. There was no indicator of a spotter, no fire in the distance, no laser, nothing. Just, BOOM then silence, a silence which was soon replaced by a thick torrent of rain that had been released from a dense raincloud hovering above them.

Eventually Trent made a plan, his thoughts of the explosion far behind him as his instincts again took over. He took a small tarp from his rucksack and propped it up on a few low twigs, giving Kalysta a small ammount of shelter from the rain. The shelter was small, so he stayed outside, watching guard in the rain.

"Traveler." Came a throaty voice nearby.

Trent spotted a large Aligator, about twice the size of him and twice as strong to boot, with large jaws that could cut him in half easily. This creature was not a normal aligator, he was too big to be normal. He was covered in mud, but Trent saw green combat pants covered his lower body.

"Who are you?" Trent asked cautiously, aware of how easily he could become this beasts next meal.

"Don't be afraid, I know your misgivings about me, and they aren't solid. I do not eat other reptiles. Only canines." The beast returned.

"What do you want with us then?" Trent asked, still very cautious, his shotgun at his side.

"I will give you shelter, my home is nearby." The beast informed him.

Despite Trents feelings, he took one look at Kalysta inside the makeshift tent, and had to agree to the creatures offer. She was running out of energy. She needed heat or sunlight to stay active, and her energy was sapped.

He carried her, following the beast to a nearby river (probably the drain of the first stream they came across). When they reached the edge, the large alligator beconned to Trent for him to pass Kalysta to him.

When he hesitated, the alligator called out to him over the gale of the tropical rain,

"If you want to leave her out here in the cold, that is your choice, but if you give her too me I will take her underwater to my home."

Trent gave in, and as the alligator disappeared into the muddy brown water, he wondered if he had made the right choice. Suddenly, a large hand reached up from the water and pulled him roughly under. He was being dragged through the freezing water by the ankle, holding on to his gun and rucksack for dear life.

Suddenly it was over. Tent coughed up some water and cleared his eyes, looking around him. He found himself in a small metal chamber, there was plenty room to stand and move around for him, but the large alligator had to hunch and in some places, crawl. He spotted Kalysta on a mat, sleeping next to the fire, drying off and warming up.

The alligator turned to him,

"Forge," He said as he placed a large claw over his heart, "My name is Forge."

"Trent." He Responded. He pointed to Kalysta, "Kalysta."

Trent reached out a claw and shook Forge's hand, who responded with a firm grip, "Thank you for taking us here." Trent said as he felt the warmth of the fire heating the room.

Forge bowed, "It was the right thing to do." He said.

Trent walked over to Kalysta, placing his hand on her smooth shoulder. She smiled in her sleep, pulling the thin blankets closer to her shoulders.

"Trent." Forge called from the pool of water where they had come in (the stone chamber was only accessable from under the water), "I will be back with food."

Trent nodded and Forge disappeared into the deep pool.

He took a look around the metal room. A crooked door led off to a hallway which led into an inky blackness, and another door led off into a smaller room, maybe Forge's room.

He looked down at Kalysta, her smile still on her face, and notcied that there was no other bed in sight, but also noticed that Kalysta had been placed on a double sleeping mat. Forge must have thought they were a couple.

Kalysta was in her wet clothes still, so he took the liberty of taking them off and setting them closer to the fire to dry. She was in her bra and underwear now, but he didnt look, he respected her enough to refrain from that. He did however slid under the blankets next to her, keeping a careful distance.

Trent laid there for several minutes, waiting for sleep to come, but his mind was too active. He hadnt slept in days, but yet he was still hyper-alert.

Kalysta initially was facing the fire, but she fidgeted slightly until she was on her back. Then suddenly she made a large comical movement that left her face pushed into Trent's armpit. He chuckled to himself and lifted her into a more comfortable position, resting her head on his shoulder and wrapping his arm around her.

Suddenly she smiled again, opening her eyes slightly and taking a peek at Trent.

"Trent?" She asked him in a puzzled voice, "Why am I naked?"

He stuttered, "Uh, Y-you looked wet and, uh-"

She cut him off, "I like it." She closed her eyes and planet a kiss on his chest, sending his mind into overdrive.

Suddenly she was a lot closer. Her leg slid over him, as well as her arm, and soon he felt her lips press against his sensually. He gladly returned the favor, wrapping his arms around her as she crawled on top of him, her average sized breasts pushing against him through her bra.

He felt his member getting hard, and he felt her hand rubbing at it through his combat pants.

They broke the kiss, leaving them to stare into each others eyes longingly.

"Are you sure you want this?" Trent asked her, concerned.

She kissed his scaly neck, sending shivers down his spine, "I'm sure." she said sexually.

She slid her face down his body, smelling him, all while keeping her bright green eyes locked with his. She reached the buldge in his pants and began to undo the zipper, releasing his member a slight bit more as it pushed at his briefs. She pulled them down just enough to let his 7 inch member spring out into her face, surprising her slightly. She lloked at the scaly pole of muscle in front of her, sizing it up, when she kissed the tip of it, sending a wave of pleasure through Trent's body. He closed his eyes, feeling everything as Kalysta licked the length of it as if it were candy. She used her hand and grabbed the base of his member, massaging it tenderly as she fit the first 3 inches of his dick in her mouth.

"Uhhhhh...that...uhhhh...thank you...." He stuttered, pleasured by her actions.

She giggled as she slid her tongue in circles around his cock, bobbing her head up and down to add to the experience. She sucked on his tip like a sucker as he clawed the mat, refusing to buck his hips. The inside of her mouth felt so good, warm despite she was cold blooded, soft, sensual. Waves of pleasure found their way up his spine and she nibbled on it slightly, running a finger down his balls, pushing on that sensitive spot between his scrotum and his asshole that hardened his dick further and caused him to buck of of pleasure slightly.

"God...I'm cumming..." He said quickly. To his surprise she stayed, her mouth around his penis and her tongue coaxing it to cum even more.

He released. It felt so good. He sprayed string of string of warm semen into Kalysta's mouth as she massaged his member more, swallowing everything he could throw at her. He wondered where the small innocent girl he had known before had gone.

As he went semi-limp in he hands, she panted, licking the overflow of his sperm from her lips.

"Eww, that actually tastes horrible." She said as she laughed looking at the look on Trent's face. His eyes were half lidded, and his mouth hung open slightly.

"You. Are. Amazing." He breathed out comically and she giggled.

She slid back on top of him, taking his head in her hands, and said "You know...I have something else in mind as well..."

His eyes lit up, "Really?" He asked, excited as his dick began to harden again.

"Yes," she winked at him, "Now lets get these off.

Kalysta undid her bra as Trent slipped out of his clothes. As soon as her bra was off he was floored. Her breasts were the perfect size he figured as he set his claw on one, groping it slightly, causing her to bit her lip. They were firm, but soft, yet not saggy (how you get that combination is beyond me).

So he laid down, exposing his fully erect member to her eyes. She licked her lips and he knew it was time. He wrapped his arms around her and used his muscles to lay her on her back. He wanted to get down to it, but he wanted this to be more, romantic than that, so he slowly used his two claws to pull off her juice soaked underwear, exposing her moist entrance. Her outer lips were tight still, reducing her womanhood to a thin slit, but he knew how to change that. Trent watched her reaction as he took his left claw and spread her lips open, revealing her inner tunnel, and slipped in the middle digit of his right claw. She winced slightly, biting her lip.

"Does that hurt?" He asked compassionately.

She shook her head and told him to keep going. So he did.

Finally he had slipped his entire finger inside her and began to pump it in and out, watching her arc her back from pleasure, making her tits bounce slightly.

"Unnn...just....p...put it in already...please..." Kalysta whispered in between moans.

He positioned himself above her and placed the tip of his cock just inside her entrance.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, please, please fuck me." She pleaded with him with her eyes closed.

He slowly slid his length into her tight cunt, causing her to claw at the mat in pure pleasure.

"Unnn...uhhh..." she made constricted moaning noises as she adjusted to his size.

Suddenly a wave of something came over his body, and his animal insticts kicked in, rendering his control useless. He began to thrust faster, deeper into her entrance, his scaly member being massaged by her tight entrance. She moaned in pleasure as he fucked her harder. He hooked his arms under her shoulders for more leverage and penetrated deep into her cunt pleasureing her to her core. Her tongue hung limp out the side of her flat snout, sripping saliva onto the mat, and her eyes unfocused in the pleasure of Trent pounding her harder and harder. Eventually she loosened up for him and she took all of his length into her pussy, giving each of them more pleasure. His ballsack slapped against her cunt as his thrusts got even harder. Eventually she wrapped all her limbs around him, hanging limply from his body as he filled her again and again.

He bit at her neck as she screamed in pleasure, not even at orgasm yet. She had to give him, he lasted a while.

Suddenly her orgasm hit like a ton of bricks. As he slid in and out of her with vigor, she began to shudder and tense up, squeezing his cock with her vaginal muscles. Her entrance began to leak cum as she tried to hold it. Suddenly she couldnt take it anymore and it squirted out around his member, causing him pleasure. She may have had an orgasm, but she wasn't even close to being finished. Nor was he luckily.

Her body was in constant waves of pleasure, his member sliding into her easily, filling all of her, pleasuring every inch of her cunny. Suddenly he stood up higher, laying her on her upper back with her rump and tail exposed in the air.

Trent still couldnt control himself, it was all just a blur as he pulled out his member from her sopping wet vagina and placed it just inside her tailhole, opening it slightly. She began to stop him, but just as she was about to say something, he pressed inside, his cock fully lubricated with the gecko's slippery jucies, and she tensed up, absorbing the pleasure like a sponge.

"Oh....uhn....god...." she moaned.

As he began to thrust in and out of her tailhole, she loosened up, making it even more pleasurful. His large penis filled her tailhole perfectly and she began to rub her clit in addition to the pleasure she was recieiving already. As her anal walls tightened and loosened around his dick, massaging it in a way no hand ever could, she felt another feeling inside her loins ad nknew she was about to cum. He had the same idea, and soon, they were both orgasming, Kalysta rubbing her cunny as her juices flowed out, and Trent hilted deep inside her, his sperm shooting deep into her body as he muscles clenched.

As they lay there on the matt, naked, gasping for air, she uttered the words he had never heard before in his life.

"Trent..." She asked him.

He placed an arm around her, "Yes?" He responded.

"I love you."

He paused, shocked in a way, he wanted to say it to her so badly, but...oh screw it...

"I love you too Kalysta."

As they drifted off to sleep, their bodies beside eachother, Trent became aware of several more bodies in the room. He cursed himself for having his senses dulled by sex as he flew off of the mat. He was about to roar at the group of canine soldiers pointing a myriad of guns at him and Kalysta when she stood up, dusted herself off and walked, naked, into the group of them.

"I was wondering when you guys would show up." She told them absentmindedly.

A wolf barked orders to a trio of black labs that then approached him and handcuffed his hands behind his back. He was too stunned to fight back.

He stared at Kalysta, his mouth wide open in shock, "Why?" He screamed at her, "Why did you do this!"

She shrugged as the wolf handed her a pair of combat pants and a tank top, "Same as you, money." She opened up her palm to reveal the small data crystal that had been tucked in a fold of scales at the base of his neck, and handed it to the wolf officer, he nodded curtly and ordered his men to take the "Target" topside through a metal hatch Trent had previously overlooked.

Suddenly Kalysta turned to him, now dressed, and ordered the officer to stop. He did so.

"Ok listen," She said to him as she walked closer, "You seem like a nice guy so im going to be straight with you. Here's the deal,"

She went on to explain how the attack on the village, while meant to also kill reptiles, was also the perfect insertion opportunity for her. She explained that she was a double agent, placed in the path of an escaped spy to lure him in and eventually activate a beacon and have him seized at just the right time. She told him that the "rape" was set up and was actually pleasurful for her, of course until she had to cut herself with razorblades to make it look realistic. But that was just a small price to pay for money and freedom.

"The sex, was unplanned though," she told him with a smile, "I was horny and you were a muscular dragon. A canine can never compare to what you did to me tonight. You were amazing."

He felt none of her praise. Nor did he feel the last kiss that she gave him before the canines carted him off.

He didnt feel anything.