Belial: Changes in the Air

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#1 of Belial

Belial: Changes in the Air By Von Krieger

Esther groaned as she shifted in her sleep. She rubbed absently at the sore spot upon her backside, the discomfort easing her out of her dreary haze of unconsciousness and into a twilight state between waking and dream.

She sighed softly as her touch brought relief and then not merely relief but pleasure. Her sleepy mind wondered why her tailbone ached so badly. There had been the protest rally the previous day where she, her sister, and several other students from Madam Dominia's School for Pure Girls had attended to shout slogans and wave placards outside the unpleasant place that had popped up near the nice section of town.

She couldn't quite remember what happened, and though pure in the flesh, the students of Miss Dominia's were not above sneaking a few sips of alcohol in celebration. Perhaps she'd gone back to a classmate's apartment and had fallen asleep on an odd piece of furniture?

The young woman yawned and shifted around, feeling the large, soft mass that she was lying on beneath her. She had likely fallen asleep on a beanbag chair.

Esther sighed contentedly as she massaged the tender spot. She felt much better now that she'd rolled over, no longer with her tailbone jammed against a spot where the beans were compacted or something. Her hips began to buck gently, instinctively as she began to rub the aching spot harder and deeper.

A warm wetness leaked from Esther as the unfamiliar sensation of arousal crept into her. It flowed not merely from her sex, but from the place where she rubbed upon the base of her spine. Esther groaned in annoyance at having popped a blister.

Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to wear her nicer clothes to the rally. They weren't really suited for moving around in. After all, even now her feet ached from the previous day's exertion. So did her back for that matter.

Everything seemed kind of hazy to Esther. She couldn't quite recall what had happened. She recalled going to the protest, joining in with a crowd of others who felt that the Regina shelter smack dab in the middle class section of town was an unwanted nuisance at best, and outright dangerous at worst.

After all, the organization catered to those whose bodies had been altered into the very expression of the deviant thoughts and desires that went through their heads. After all, Demon Seed needed fertile soil in which to grow. That was what Miss Dominia taught, after all.

Esther moaned as her fingers found an unpleasant knot in her muscles, a rather large, hard, solid protrusion of muscle that must've been the result of all the walking around she'd been forced to do yesterday. Her mother had not wanted to risk one of her carriages getting... dirtied by some deviant's overly sexualized body coming too close and doing what gigantic sex organs tended to do.

The young woman shuddered, recalling an event occurring the previous spring where a student at the school had her deviance come to a head and transform her into some sort of hideous bovine-lizard thing. She'd gone lust-crazy and after attacking her roommate had gone on a sexual rampage. Esther shuddered once more as she thought of her own violation.

The sex-crazed pervert had spilled her seed on the balcony, and the foul fluid had dripped down and stained one of Esther's favorite dresses with its presence as she walked beneath.

She was rather thankful that such was where it had ended, as she'd recognized the slight glow of the stuff and had run screaming back into her room and managed to strip off the tainted garment before it had a chance to soak through. She had, unfortunately, never been able to forget the scent of it.

Another shudder wracked Esther's body as she unconsciously recalled the scent. It was... familiar for some reason. It had a weird, almost floral quality to it that tickled at her mind. Oh right! Some inconsiderate woman had forgotten to put on her perfume at home, and so had spritzed it all over herself and the people standing around her.

Esther had gotten a goodly blast of the stuff to the face and had tried to ignore it at first. But it had soon dried to a sticky film upon her face and she'd excused herself from her friends to wash up at the restroom in the park.

The park was the reason for the protest. After all, it was in the center of the city and lacked proper gates, though it had walls. She didn't have a problem with the middle class walking the streets and admiring the beautiful houses and estates that they would never have, but it also allowed the dregs of society to do much the same.

Esther snorted, or tried to as the sound was turned into a quivering moan of pleasure as she moved on from working the knot to massaging the aches out of her wrist and forearm, which had gotten achy from holding one of the many protest signs that had been made up beforehand during Arts and Crafts classes at Miss Dominia's and distributed by the students.

The young woman shuddered again at the thought of the park. She'd never been to the southern side of it, and to her surprise the facilities were just as well taken care of. She supposed the merchants and horse traders ought to be thankful that families like hers paid the groundskeepers to maintain the entirety of the park in such a magnificent state.

Not to mention the wretched poor who couldn't afford indoor plumbing or the bathhouses and were forced to use the stream that ran through the park. Thankfully the spring-fed flow headed southward so that the scrubbed off filth and potential taint of the transformed stayed well away from proper people.

Esther grinned as she recalled one of her favorite places in the park, a secluded area just off one of the nature trails where a pond burbled up with fresh, cool water that made a wonderful place to swim (and tan) in the summertime. Esther muttered to herself about the warming flow upon her back and down her legs. Her friends and herself had decided that they'd be heading to the park to do just that the following afternoon. She grumbled at the carelessness that had led someone to place an open bottle of tanning oil near where she'd fallen asleep, as it had obviously fallen on her as she'd shifted around to relieve the aches and pains of her body.

She sighed happily as she moved on from her wrist to... what? Her leg? Her thigh? It felt too muscled to be one of Esther's skinny arms, but not quite solid enough to be a leg. Whatever it was, it seemed to rather appreciate having the aches worked out of it and it had been absolutely coated in the slick tanning oil. Had it been sitting out in the sun? Was that why it felt so warm?

Esther stroked her aching limb faster and faster, then added a second hand into the mix, assuring that it was most certainly not her arm. She arched her back at the delicious sensation of the massage, delighting in the way it felt. Her body had begun to move in response to the sweet sensations of Esther working out her pains, as well as a new set of pleasant sensations that had nothing to do with Esther's hands, but rather something to do with her front.Her thi

That stirred something in Esther's mind, some sort of bad dream that she'd had recently that she could only recall in her half-sleeping, half-waking state. She remembered washing her face off and then... then felt a weird tickle all down her front. She'd been standing in front the mirror, looking over her tall and scrawny frame. Esther took a bit of pride in her slender, almost boyish look. She lacked the sexual traits that would fill her mind with thoughts of wicked, prideful lust and thus was safe from the ravages of deviant alteration.

But in the twisted logic of the dream world, such a thing had not kept her safe. Esther had watched in horror as her clothes began to tighten. She'd fumbled at her belt as the broadening of her hips made the tight strap of leather almost painful in a few moments. She'd watched in silent horror as her blouse pulled upward, untucking itself and exposing her midriff as breasts blossomed upon her chest.

She had gasped in horror as her body rapidly sexualized before her very eyes. She'd popped several buttons from her blouse in her haste to see what was underneath and she'd felt sickened by what she saw. Not merely two breasts, but three. Three smallish tits that seemed to swell just a little bit larger with each passing moment.

Esther had been nearly hyperventilating with shock, horror, and panic. It was then that she noticed the similar sensation of growth and swelling in her loins. She'd hiked up her skirt and tugged down her panties and was aghast at what she saw. Her clit was swollen, red, and the size of a dollar coin and her netherlips were similarly oversized and enlarged.

But that was not the full extent of the violation, oh no. It was merely the beginning. Esther had watched with horror as... something began to extend from her crotch, just below her waistline. Within a few moments it had been obvious what it was: a pair of testicles and the sack in which they were kept. They'd reached what Esther had been taught was normal size in biology class in seconds, but they were not content to stay that way.

Oh no. It seemed that they were going to compensate for Esther's lack of deviant desire by growing to a more and more obscene state with each second that passed by; golf balls, then oranges, then grapefruits, cantaloupes, melons, pumpkins, and then leaving fruits behind entirely for beach balls, and then beyond the knowledge of round things that Esther's mind had on tap for the moment.

They'd finally come to a stop at some point where they were just mere inches above the ground, spreading Esther's stance wide if she wanted to avoid having them smack against the backs of her calves when she walked (a motion that brought not unpleasant, but obviously deviant bursts of unfamiliar sensation) or having her shins outright connect with them with each step she took (which was not even the slightest bit pleasant and was instead outright painful.)

Esther had waited in horror, expecting something else to happen. There had to be something else, another change of some sort on the horizon just waiting to strike. You didn't just add balls to a girl and call it a day. That was silly! The testicles produced and stored semen, which was meant to be expelled from the body and into (or onto considering the scale) somebody! She'd stood and stared into the mirror and looked over herself, waiting for the next change to strike.

But no such change had occurred. She needed help then; surely someone could help her and easily change her back since Esther was certainly not one of those sexual deviants that would naturally end up with such hideous alterations. She'd buttoned up her blouse as best she could, wanting to be as modest as possible, even with a huge pair of balls hanging out of her knee-length skirt. She'd cursed her decision to wear heels, as they were not suited much for walking or running, though the padding of her knee-high socks made them a bit more comfortable.

Recalling her dream sent bolts of warm pleasantness through Esther's body, seeming to center on whatever it was she was rubbing as well as some other bit of her body close to that. The dripping of the tanning oil on Esther was really getting annoying and it made her clench her thighs together, which seemed to help loosen another set of achy muscles and made Esther feel even better.

She was panting with exertion at the intensity of her massage, her skin flushing, heat spreading across her bared skin. Her blanket must've fallen off in the middle of the night and Esther had probably fallen asleep in her swimsuit, which was why she felt so much bare skin. She remembered her steps in the dream, trying to figure out how to walk so that she didn't end up hurting herself, didn't end up 'pleasuring' her deviant alterations, and still managed to set a decent pace.

Esther had managed to make it to the door and opened it. She'd felt a sense of relief as she saw her sister and her friends standing outside, probably having come to look for her after she'd been gone from the rally too long.

Before she could open her mouth to say anything Edna, her sister, had let out a snarl of disgust and shoved Esther. Edna was as short and thick as Esther was tall and lanky. Usually such a shove would knock Esther on her scrawny ass, but the extra weight of her new balls seemed enough to only make he stagger.

"Get out of my way, you fucking whore!" Edna had growled, her head just about on level with Esther's breasts.

Esther had been struck speechless. How could Edna not recognize her? She looked to her other friends, surely they would recognize her!

"You're on the wrong side of the park, mutie slut!" one had said.

"Yeah! The freakshow section is in the southeast! No one wants to see those gross things hanging out beneath your skirt!" said another.

A third had laughed, "And look at her tits! I think I'm going to be sick just looking at them!"

Edna had shoved her again, "I mean it! Get out of my way you ugly lumbering deviant!"

Esther's bafflement had turned to anger. Making fun of Esther's height and clumsiness was something that Edna knew would absolutely set her off. Edna didn't recognize her sister, but it was still no reason to be rude.

In her rage Esther had shoved her little sister back, making her stagger into the foursome of friends that were behind her. "Don't you call me a lumbering deviant, dickhead!"

When they were little Esther and her friends were telling scary stories, and Edna had been freaked out by the story of the woman whose head became a penis. So Esther had taunted her ever since with the word "dickhead."

Rather than respond with more words, Edna had merely roared in rage and lashed out, "Fucking mutie whore!" she snarled, grabbing Esther's blouse and ripping it open.

Esther had been stunned, even more so when the other girls joined in, laughing and holding her arms so Edna could get a few punches in.

"Like showing your gross, freaky-ass... things off! Here! Let me help!"

Esther shirt had been expensive, rare material from far off dyed in a beautiful pattern with gorgeous colors. But it was not very sturdy and the seams had torn easily as Edna and several of the girls grabbed it and pulled. Esther then shuddered as the cool spring air fell upon her breasts and she felt her nipples, all three of them, grow erect.

"Oh ew! She's getting off on this!" one of the other girls had said.

Edna had shuddered and dropped the scraps of Esther's ruined shirt, then gave her a hard kick to the rear.

"Get out of here you mutant freak! We're not interested in your freaky pain fetish! Get lost!"

Esther had looked back at them with tear filled eyes, but several of her friends had stooped to gather rocks from the gravel path and seemed intent on using them. She'd had no choice but to flee as fast as she could, without regards to comfort or modesty.

After a few steps she'd begun to pant as her freakish form began to get off on the sensation of her balls smacking against the backs of her legs as she ran. Remembering the phantom sensations of her dream seemed to ignite something within her as she worked the pains from her body.

"M-mutie whore..." she murmured, her body trembling in a delicious shiver as she gave voice to the words, "F-fucking mutie whore..."

Esther's senses seemed to ignite all at once, leaving her breathless with a silent cry of blissful pleasure squeaking from her throat. Some hot, thick, wet fluid splattered on her back, in her hair, on her legs, her arms, dribbled on her hands. It was everywhere.

She groaned, "Aww... come on guys, don't play pranks on me!" Esther murmured softly, convinced that her friends were pouring hot maple syrup on her or something. She brought her hand to her mouth, licking at the tasty goo. Nope, not maple syrup. It was an odd, strange taste, kind of fruity, but with an odd, almost flower-y aspect to it.

Whatever it was, Esther found it absolutely delicious. Rather than show ire, she instead decided to just play along; hungrily licking the stuff off of her hands and forearms, and then reaching back to scoop up more.

That seemed to be enough to dissuade the others from toying with her as Esther lapped up every drop of the syrup that had been dumped on her. It was so good and so tasty she found herself moving around, even lapping up dribs, drabs, and puddles from the stone floor beneath her as the sweet, familiar, fruity-floral scent drew her to it.

"Mmm... what is this, anyway?" she murmured, sitting up upon the beanbag chair and opening her eyes.

She was not at some apartment. It looked like she was in one of the narrow alleyways between the estates that allowed access to back gardens. The flowering hedges to the sides and growing overhead, as well as the soft blue glow of magelights set into the paving stones told Esther that this was one of her favorite shortcuts to the park.

With a growing sense of horror she looked downward and gasped at the sight of her breasts. Three of them, not merely two. Her half remembered dream hadn't been a dream. It was real, and it had happened to her yesterday. Not only were the three tits still present, but they were bigger. Lots bigger.

They were huge! Especially with Esther's lean frame. Esther blushed as she mentally compared her bust to Miss Dominia's, her headmistress having the largest rack Esther had ever seen. If she kept growing, she'd leave that size in the dust and look like something out of one of those disgusting magazines where the models willingly altered themselves to appeal to other people's sick fantasies of huge-breasted sluts.

Esther let out a soft moan and shuddered as she felt a new wetness ooze forth from her and begin trickling down her...

"Oh no..." Esther whispered, "Oh no, oh no, oh no!"

She looked down past the breasts to the soft thing she'd been sitting and lying on. It was decidedly not a beanbag chair, though it was about the same size. Esther felt an involuntary moan escape her lips as the juices of her feminine arousal trickled down her massive ballsack.

The young woman drew in a deep breath, trying to keep herself from panicking. It was then that she noticed the familiar scent upon the air. The one that she couldn't help but bring to mind each and every time she thought of it.


She stood, looking down over her breasts, groping at her groin to try and find the offending appendage. But thankfully there was no penis to be found. She sighed with relief and leaned her head up against a nearby stone pillar and found herself trailing her tongue over it, the sweet, delicious flavor spreading over her tongue.

Esther gripped the hedge tightly, the rough twigs sending sparks of pain through her to snap her out of the oddly instinctual action. She forced herself to pull back away from the pillar, to see the slightly glowing, pearlescent droplets that had splattered there, and then down at the large puddle on the ground. The aches had not started in her loins but rather...

Esther nearly screamed at the sight of what grew from the base of her spine. It was still fully erect, dribbling the last bits of seed. A cock. A human cock growing from just about her backside. A drooling, foot-long cock that made her mouth water even as she looked upon it, wanting to take it into her mouth, to suck on it, to lick it clean, to pleasure it until she climaxed once more and awarded herself a tasty treat.

Esther felt horrified, sickened, disgusted by the urges that filled her mind and body. She went weak in the knees and yelped as all her weight crashed down onto her two massive testicles. She tilted slowly forward, moaning and clutching her agonizing additions, whimpering softly as physical pain joined the emotional.

She winced as she felt the sticky puddle on the side of her face, unable to help herself as she began to lick up her seed from the paving stone before her. It seemed to make the pain dim; it tasted so very, very good. She couldn't help herself.

"I'm not a cum-guzzling slut," Esther whispered between licks, not noticing her involuntary moans and the gentle rocking of her hips that came from giving thought and giving voice to such a thing.

"I'm not! I'm not a semen-gulping freak! N-not a seed-slurping deviant," said the seed-slurping deviant.


Esther shuddered as she waddled down the alleyway, sickened by what she had done a few minutes before. Not literally sickened, as her stomach seemed quite content with its contents, but rather a mental feeling of sickness and disgust. She had just hungrily lapped up every drop of her own spunk that she could find and she had done it without her conscious mind having anything resembling a say in the matter.

She wasn't like that! Not in the slightest! She couldn't imagine how she could have participated in such a lewd, filthy, disgusted, deviant act! She was a nice, proper, pure person and had taken every step that she had been brought up to learn in order to assure that she would remain pure and untainted be deviant sexuality and lust. Thus it made her very, very uncomfortable to move around in the state and manner that she had been forced to take.

Her sister and her friends had ripped off her shirt and her shoes were nowhere to be seen; likely they had fallen off during her almost mindless running and urge to flee the previous evening. She had absolutely nothing covering her upper body, and so as difficult as it was to walk while doing so Esther had her arms arranged to cover her three nipples as best she could from sight. Her lanky body had grown taller and filled out, resorting in her skirt becoming already scandalously short even if she lacked the massive set of balls that hung nearly to her ankles most of the time. Though thankfully at the moment (,) with the coolness of the morning the skin of her massive scrotum had tightened, and they were only at her knees instead.

For modesty's sake she'd removed one of her kneesocks and placed it over her annoyingly erect manhood at the base of her spine. Even the act of covering her indecency had aroused the hated organ, which had made the slight scratchiness of the sock even worse by saturating it with precum. It was now soggy, cold, and seemed to offer more in the way of stimulation than modesty. Esther had the other sock tucked into her waistband, but replacing it would only relieve the discomfort for a few second until the second sock was similarly moistened.

She felt absolutely disgusting, both in her looks and the state of her body. Esther's skin felt all sticky and gross from the sweaty exertion of her accidental masturbation and her back and bits of her hair, as well as her hands felt even stickier due to their being... doused in the vile fluid of her release. What was more was that her scalp had also begun to itch, as if she hadn't bathed for days rather than not even 24 hours beforehand.

Esther was thankful that it was still early in the morning, and not too many people were up and about just yet. She most certainly couldn't go home, not in such a hideous, malformed condition. So in order to properly bathe she would have to visit one of the places in the park. There was a nice, forested area with a nature trail running through it that contained a few places where the spring burbled up that made them perfect for such a task. Especially since most of the morning sunbathers would be on the beach.

The young woman sucked air through her teeth as she walked, trying her best to ignore the sensations coming from her loins and the deformity upon her spine. Her testes were massive; the size of beach balls, and Esther estimated that odds were they likely weighed about as much as she did. But she seemed to be able to heft the weight and move along at an acceptable pace, certainly not as fast as she would like, but certainly faster than her sister's usual slow, dawdling walk.

Esther felt her anger flare as she thought of Edna, insulting her, pushing her, ripping her clothes off. It was her fault that Esther had spent the night in the alley! Her fault for not seeing what would have been plain in front of her face if she hadn't been a sawed-off little preening midget. She'd probably been so grouchy because Esther had gotten in between her and the mirrors in the bathroom.

"Fucking dwarf dickhead, calling me a fucking mutant whore..." Esther murmured beneath her breath, barely noticing the pleasurable shudder that ran through her body upon giving voice to the words. She focused on her anger, on thoughts of her sister, dumping the blame for her current state entirely on her little sister's shoulders. After all, if Edna hadn't acted the way she did, Esther might very well have been able to get help by now!

By the time Esther had walked about a block she was panting from a mix of anger, exertion, and arousal. She hated that her easiest, most comfortable way of walking was the one that placed her balls and sack behind her legs, pressed up against her pussy and clit. Esther hadn't explored down there, it wasn't proper to go touching yourself there just because, but everything felt overly large, swollen, and sensitive. She stank of her own arousal and climaxes, and she could feel her body's perverse need causing lubrication to leak from her womanhood.

She stopped just before the alley emptied onto one of the main roads, trying to figure out what to do. Esther did not want to be seen, but she needed a bath, and the only way to do so was in the park. Even in the post-dawn hours of the morning there would be servants up and about on the streets, heading to the estates they worked at, heading to the market, walking the pets of their employers, that sort of thing.

A deep blush spread across Esther's face at the thought of someone, anyone, seeing her like this. Edna had not recognized her, but then Edna was a short-sighted (and outright short) self-centered little dickhead. That didn't mean that someone else wouldn't see Esther. They'd probably laugh at her, laugh at the rich girl with her breasts bared and a pair of balls hanging down past her knees and a huge dick stuck to her like a tail.

Esther groaned and pulled her hair out of the severe braid she usually wore it in, allowing her mousy brown hair to fall down to her shoulder blades. She used her fingertips to purposely brush it in front of her face, to perhaps hide her visage from anyone who might be happening by.

She took a deep breath and stepped out from the alley and onto the sidewalk, keeping her head down, walking at a brisk pace. Esther bit her tongue as a moan built up in her throat from her fast movements. The sock covering her dick was proving inadequate to contain the flow of precum and she shivered as she felt the flow drip down her rump to join with the other flow of arousal to dribble down her sack and drip on the ground.

There were footsteps on the other side of the road, a young maid on her way to work. She turned her head slightly, looking Esther over for a few moments and then turning her head to look away. Probably to hide a chuckle as Esther's freakishness. Or was it something else? Maybe to hide her perverse desire? Esther looked her over, long platinum blonde hair, bit on the shortish side, generously busted. Yeah, definitely a woman given into sexual deviance. She probably wanted to sneak off with Esther and ride her tailcock. Though as the two approached one another Esther could make out the somewhat familiar features of Olga, her friend Madison's maidservant.

A soft gasp parted Esther's lips as she imagined the woman naked, sitting astride her cock. She could almost feel it, the servant's hands upon her breasts, legs wrapped around her middle, the young woman's feet pressing her balls back against her pussy, making them rub deliciously against them with each thrust and buck her body made.

"No, no, no!" Esther murmured as she felt her body tense. She could hear, literally hear, the wet sound of her cock erupting, thankfully contained by the sock, though it oozed out of the woolen covering and onto her rump. It made her nethers tingle oddly. Esther shuddered at an unwelcome thought: could she accidentally impregnate herself? She felt almost nauseous at the idea.

She began to pick up her pace, realizing she had slowed incredibly with the unwelcome climax. Had the servant noticed? Did she realize what Esther had just done? Esther started to turn her head to look, but a memory of earlier made her snap her gaze straight forward.

Cum. She was dripping cum onto the sidewalk beneath her. If she looked at it that hellish compulsion that had overcome her before might rear its head once more and she would find herself slavishly licking the sidewalk. She needed to wash herself off and do so quickly.

Esther began to run, not caring how it aroused or pleased her body as she almost found herself drooling as she licked her lips. Tears began to fill her eyes as sick desires and fantasies entered her mind that were not her own. She whimpered as she removed her arms from her breasts so that she could run faster and nearly stumbled as she felt her heavier, heftier breasts bouncing around uncomfortably as she ran.

She had never had that problem before. Hell, she had only ever worn a bra out of modesty rather than needing the support. But she put up with the discomfort of her bouncing breasts as much as she put up with the intense, erotic sensations of her cock and pussy. Esther quickly lost track of the number of times she'd climaxed on her run to the park.

Her breaths came in deep heaving sobs as she looked around, making sure no one was around to follow her into the hidden pond. There were perverts everywhere and one might sneak up on her and assault her. Shove a cock into her...

Esther smacked herself upside the head. What was wrong with her? These desires and perverse daydreams weren't hers! They weren't anything a proper and pure girl would ever think of. How had they ever managed to get inside her head like that? She'd never fantasized about anything like that before, and not five minutes before she'd just been thinking about having a commoner riding her cock. Not merely having deviant, same-gendered sex, but with a low-born woman who probably had all sorts of unspeakable germs crawling around on her hands from manual labor.

But it was all Esther could do to keep herself from imagining those hands wrapping around her cock, stroking it, caressing it, accompanied by a hot, eager mouth and tongue, shortly followed by the maid's own cock slipping into Esther's dripping depths.

"Oh no, no, no, no!" Esther moaned as she stumbled through the tall grass. Now she was thinking about having sex with a TRANSFORMED deviant lesbian commoner! She wasn't sure if that was better or worse.

If she couldn't get herself fixed, what did that mean for her if she actually wanted to take on a... husband or wife? She had a cock and balls, would she be considered a man? She had all the proper plumbing still to be considered a woman too, though. Did that mean that the proper thing to do was find someone else who also had both?

Esther shuddered as she stepped out onto the soft sand surrounding the pond and she let out a sigh of relief. She shouldn't think about silly things like that. Once she got herself washed off she was going to...

What was she going to do?


Esther winced as she tugged the gooey sock from her manhood and tossed it aside in a single motion, not even giving her traitorous body the chance to make her... she shuddered, not even wanting to THINK about what she'd done that morning. No matter how much it turned her on. Esther was not going to give in to her deviant body's strange urges and desires ever again, and that was going to require her to focus and pay attention.

She poked a toe into the water and found it cool to the touch, almost cold. But she welcomed the chill that she hoped would drive the obnoxious arousal from her body. She reached down and began to remove her skirt, but it took a few tries before she realized that the elastic waistband was not stretchy enough to fit over the girth of her legs and her balls, no matter how she arranged them. She sighed and then began working it upwards. She had to suck in a breath in order to make it fit, just barely, over her three ample breasts.

Esther paused for a moment on the bank of the pond and stared at her reflection. She didn't look hardly anything like herself. It wasn't merely the alterations, nor was it the unfamiliar hairstyle. Her bodily proportions had altered. Her waist was as narrow, or perhaps even narrower, than it had been before. But her tall thin build had been amply padded in all the right places. Her drawn face had even filled out a bit and had gained large, lush lips that seemed to be naturally a shade of whorish red. She looked... similar to herself. But at first glance no one would recognize Esther as herself. More likely she'd be seen as her own cousin. Or a sister.

The thought of her sister made Esther growl and stomp into the cold water, the heat of her rage only serving to bolster her as she submerged herself in the cool waters of the pond. She drew in a deep breath and reluctantly moved her hand downward, slipping between one thigh and the skin of her hefty scrotum to try and clean her pussy.

The damned thing had been leaking pretty much nonstop since Esther had woken up. She winced as she felt the unfamiliar sensation of sexual stimulation shoot through her as she found her grotesquely swollen clit and netherlips.

"If I can't walk around without make myself leak all over the place, what the hell am I going to do?" Esther asked herself. "Hell, what am I going to do anyway?"

She couldn't go home, couldn't allow her mother to see her like this, and most definitely not see her sister like this. Even if she managed to get cured, she'd never live down all the insults from Edna that she would work in about balls, breasts, and dicks. It should've been Edna that had been afflicted with the changes Esther was suffering through. Edna with her wanton ways, her busty body, her fondness for jewelry, and makeup, and skimpy clothes, and flirting and... mmm...

Esther let out a soft moan as she found herself absently stroking her golf ball-sized clit. She imagined Edna stripped bare, tied to a bed, a rubber ball gag stuffed in her mouth as Esther slowly lay back upon her, slipping her dick into her sister's slutty, deviant pussy.

"Oh that's so... so wrong..." Esther murmured, a deep blush spreading over her cheeks. Her other hand sought out one of her breasts and began to instinctively caress it. That would feel so good, her cock deep inside Edna, her sister's big tits pressed against her back. Maybe have their mother join in?

Estelle had been born into money, but her ability to gain more or gain political power through marriage had become somewhat limited by the partygirl lifestyle she had taken on in her late teens. Esther's mother had been younger than Esther was now when she had been born, and she'd merely passed her daughter onto the servants to raise. It had taken a second such 'accident' for Esther's mother to realize that she needed condom spells and anti-fertility charms.

Esther had never learned what exactly it was that had scared her mother from that lifestyle, but she had quickly enrolled both daughters in Miss Dominia's School for Pure Girls, attended Dominia's own adult education classes once a week, and fervantly adhered to her teachings.

Estelle hadn't even hit forty yet, and she had the best features of both her daughters. Esther's litheness and Edna's curves, coupled with flame red hair that neither of her children had. She had gotten into trouble some time in her past because of her deviance, and she'd never talked about it.

But from the rumors Esther heard, Estelle had been... incredibly deviant. Maybe even deviant enough to show her two daughters all the fun one could have with other girls. Esther imagined her mother's lips upon her own, her tongue tracing down her cheek, her neck, circling each of her three nipples...

"What the fuck am I doing?" Esther whimpered, gritting her teeth and exerting all the will she had to pull her fingers from her aching loins. She shivered in the cold water, frightened of her own mind.

She wished she was back to normal, back at home in her grand, private bathroom with all her lovely scented soaps and shampoos, where she could bathe under the nice, hot spray of a shower rather that a chilly pond without even a towel to dry her off after, or the smallest scrap of soap to help get the cum out of her hair.

The young woman gritted her teeth and swished her hand around in the water, seeking to free it of her own clinging juices before trying to rid her hair of the mess. It seemed next to impossible. The more she scrubbed and ran her fingers through it, the more tangled and sticky it seemed to become.

Esther sighed and went about her normal hair washing routine rather than try to work out the mess. Maybe she would feel better if she could do things in a more familiar manner, even with an unfamiliar bod...

A moan tore itself from Esther's through as her fingertips brushed over a spot at the back of her head. It was beneath her hair and felt funny, kind of like a painful pimple, but instead of pain it gave pleasure.

"No..." Esther whispered softly in disbelief as her fingers sought to find the spot again.

"Please! No more!" she said, her words trailing off into a soft squeak as she found the spot again, found the round, rubbery patch with the raised middle, found herself sporting a handful of fallen away strands of mousy brown hair darkened by water.

"Haven't I been changed enough?" she whimpered, her hands frantically moving over her head, hoping there was just the one spot. But her motions made more and more of her hair fall away, revealing the bare skin underneath as well as the many new nipples that adorned it.

In a few moments Esther's hair had all fallen away, floating in the water around her. She gently and tentatively explored her bare head, finding several nipples adorning the smooth skin.

"Well, that's just... silly," she murmured, looking at her reflection. Truth be told the only reason she wore her hair long was due to school rules. Pure girls had to have their hair at least a certain length. Below that you looked like some cunt-sucking butch dyke lesbian.

The thought made Esther giggle, "Butch dyke lesbian my ass," she snickered, "I don't look anything like that!"

In her eyes it didn't look good or bad, just... different. "Well, at least I don't have to wash it when I make a mess." she mused, turning her head from side to side. She thought about her other changes, being in the crowd at the protest. Getting stuff sprayed on her that she thought was perfume.

"This is all totally random." she said with a small smile, "This isn't my fault for being deviant or not deviant or whatever. Some bitch just sprayed crap all over the crowd and just let random, silly changes happen."

For some reason Esther was almost giddy."It's not a punishment for being a pervert, it's not someone targeting me for revenge or anything, and it's just some stupid changes because I was at the protest."

Esther laughed, "There's no one in control of this. I mean what kind of a fucking shithead would think this was a change that would bother me? I'm... kind of glad my hair is gone."

She paused. "No, that shouldn't be right. I'm not one of these weird fetish sluts..." she licked her lips and shivered at the words, "That gets off on having her body altered. But... this should be more upsetting than it is."

The young woman glared at her reflection in the pond. "Are the changes altering my mind now? Or am I just... in shock? Or am I... getting used to being a fucking freak?" Her body reacted once more to the words with arousal.

"Oh my goddess, I am! I... I'm actually getting used to it! Disgusting! I'm a filthy fucking fetish mutant whore!" Her knees went weak as her body quaked with pleasure at the words. Esther stood in the water with wide eyes, her expression half bemused smirk, half disgusted gaping mouth.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? And why do I keep fucking swearing? They'd wash my mouth out with soap back at school if I said such filth. Or Miss Dominia would call me into her office and I'd get a spanking." Esther's mind went to Miss Dominia, the tall woman's pale skin and hair, her red albino's eyes, her lush tits in the perfectly tailored gowns that stopped just short of being deviant and perverse. She imagined herself being spanked, made to kneel before her headmistress and forced to lick her pussy.

"Those are NOT my thoughts!" Esther protested to the air, "I'm NOT thinking those fucking g-gross... n-nasty... mmm..." Her pulse had risen and her loins and cock began to ache anew with arousal, "Goddess, but they're s-so fun..."

Esther took a deep breath and submerged beneath the chilly water, hoping the sudden shock would snap her out of her sudden state of unwanted arousal. But a tiny voice nagged at her. She was already in the bath, after all. And with her hair gone there wasn't really any part of her that would not be easy to clean with the mess she made every time she came. There wasn't really any reason why she shouldn't give in to her body's sick, twisted lusts and indulge herself with a few orgasms while she daydreamed about sexy things.

Esther broke the surface and took in a few deep breaths, the plunge having done nothing to banish her arousal. She tried to force the fantasies from her mind, but rather than leave quietly every effort seemed to bring forth new and perverse ideas to perform with her mother, her sister, her teachers, her friends, even random people on the street.

"A-absolutely fucking disgusting..." Esther said softly to herself. Her words rang hollow even in her own ears.

Esther suddenly heard voices in the distance and the sound of rustling grass. She gasped softly and dived under the water, swimming over to a nearby patch of reeds and hiding herself among them.

She watched as a tall figure came walking through the brush and Esther covered her mouth to prevent herself from gasping at the sight of her. A tall, muscular, well-tanned woman with honey blonde hair looked out over the pond and grinned. The newcomer sighed happily and set down her backpack before stripping off her t-shirt and tossing it aside.

The hidden woman found herself enraptured by the sight of the transformed newcomer. It was obvious to anyone who was looking, as she sported a rather large pair of horns that grew from her temples like a bull. Also reminding Esther of a bull were the two large copper rings piercing the woman's nipples. She'd never seen such a thing before. Oh certainly she'd heard of getting body parts pierced, but it had always sounded to her like a weird and decidedly deviant thing to do. She'd never imagined that it could look so sexy.

Her fingers twitched, wanting to play with those sexy rings, and Esther's mouth watered, wanting to suckle on those beautiful nipples. The woman began removing her pants and Esther had to cram several fingers into her mouth and bite down on them to keep herself from making awed, astonished sounds as more alterations on the woman's body came to light.

Between the newcomer's legs hung a huge, thick, bestial shaft, halfway out of its sheath and elongating in the cool morning air. She gripped her cock with a three-fingered hand and gave it a few tugs to adjust it. Esther felt her mouth filling with saliva, and tried to swallow, but instead found herself drooling between her fingers. She didn't dare give herself the opportunity to be heard and it... it kind of felt good.

Esther found herself imagining what it would be like to run her tongue over that delicious foot and a half length of slick, black bull cock, to grip those big, heavy balls with her hands, to feel the hot splatter of the woman's seed on her face and tits. She whimpered softly as she found herself slowly pumping her fingers in and out of her mouth absentmindedly and found herself unable to stop.

Something had happened to her, made her a filthy cum-sucking whore. She didn't even have to say the words aloud to get off on them. And once she brought them to mind, Esther found herself having difficulty not thinking about them. She just couldn't stop gawking at the woman and imagining the two of them doing something disgustingly deviant and fun.

"Hey, Horns!" an accented voice called from behind the woman, "Are you just going to let me sit here and get eaten by ants while you do a striptease?"

The horned woman chuckled and turned to her large backpack, bending down and showing off her toned backside to Esther, who felt her cock and pussy throb at the sight. Her other hand reached back through the water and began to stroke her aching erection, making Esther sigh with relief.

After a few moment of fiddling, Horns seemed to pull out another person from the backpack, or... well... part of one. Esther's eyes widened at the sight of the second transformee; she seemed to be mostly tit. Four huge melons hung from her chest and abdomen, looking almost obscene. Especially when there was hardly anything else to her. Esther could see the smooth, unmarked skin on her hips and shoulders, marking her lack of limbs as something caused by magical alteration.

"Keep your pants on, with you whispering all those filthy things in my ear on the walk up here you only have yourself to blame for me having to take a few moments to adjust myself," Horns teased.

"Too late. They must've fallen off on the way here. Along with my legs," the limbless girl said with a giggle.

"Ah! Back in the bag then, we have to go back for them," themuch larger woman teased.

Esther found herself staring at the limbless girl's four hefty tits. They were absolutely huge! Each one about the size of one of Esther's balls and each topped with an elongated teat-like nipple. They were the most unnatural breasts that Esther had ever seen and she couldn't stop thinking about them. Couldn't stop thinking about how sexy they looked, about how wonderful they would feel pressed up against her, about how awesome it would be to have such a pair (or a trio) herself.

The young woman's motions ground to a halt as she realized exactly what she was doing and what she was thinking. She was actually envious of another person's deviant alterations! And not only that but she had been gawking at them and masturbating! She'd started jerking off again without her mind weighing in on the subject.

It was shameful, disgraceful, and disgusting! There was something wrong with her mind if every time her cock got annoyingly hard she would start jacking off like any normal human being would scratch an itch.

"No! Not back in the bag, you silly cow! Just put out the towel and oil me up just how I like. Mmm... you have such strong hands," the girl said with a giggle.

"You sure you're okay? It's a touch nippy out..."

The girl scoffed, "I'm fine! Honestly, if all I needed last winter was a scarf, a little breeze isn't going to bother me you big goof. Now lean down here so I can kiss you."

The horned woman did as she was told, embracing the smaller woman and kissing her deeply.

"I'm sorry we couldn't give you your usual bath. From the looks of things it seem like someone's been sneaking around out back and turning off the valves. They were outright broken off this morning." Horns said, setting her friend down and reaching into the backpack to remove a beach towel.

It took all of Esther's will to keep herself from jacking off, but she still kept fingering her mouth, still kept sucking on her fingers, still worked them over with her tongue as she imagined any of a dozen different sorts of dicks crammed in her mouth.

A muffled whimper escaped her as Horns placed the beach towel down on the ground and picked up her friend, sitting down upon the towel and placing the limbless woman in her lap. The herm's bestial cock stood upright, just in front of the other girl's breasts. For a moment Esther felt jealous that their size put her own to shame. She clubbed that thought down amongst others as she tried everything to keep sex off of her mind. But she just couldn't.

Esther let out a soft whimper as Horns poured tanning oil over her hands and began to rub it in to her friend's huge, sexy knockers. Esther found herself wondering what it would be like to both give and receive that treatment and she found her hand drawn back to her cock.

Her eyes filled with tears as she realized that she could not tear her gaze away from the two sexy transformed women before her, nor could she deny the urges of her body any longer. Her cock actually hurt with need and she was hurting her fingers from biting down.

"I'm not. It's nice to get out of the shelters once in awhile. Especially on days like this when there is a whole flood of newbies sobbing and whimpering over growing a dick, or a tail, or a second set of tits or webbed feet like it's the end of the world," the girl said with a snort.

"Be nice, Maxine, people are kind of nasty out here in some sections of town. And considering how... shall we say that their family trees have a tendency to look more like family poles, I would think webbed feet might be just a normal fact of life around here," Horns said with a grin.

Maxine giggled and moaned as Horns began to oil up one of her elongated nipples, "And you're telling me not to be mean! Mmm... stop teasing me with that silly thing! Bring it over here and let me play with it, or stick it in me!"

"Yes ma'am," Horns said softly, seeming to blush a bit. Esther clenched her eyes shut and tried to look away, tried to think about anything except the two sexy women fucking a stone's throw away. But not thinking about them only made Esther focus on her own body's arousal. Her body felt... weird. Tingly in places. Mostly on her head, her breasts and her cock.

Esther's eyes widened as the pain from her cock suddenly dulled; it felt like it was fully flaccid again and starting to fill up with blood. She turned her head and looked over her shoulder to see what was going on, only to find it growing as she watched! Her dick began to elongate and thicken, scaling up inch by inch with each passing moment.

"Oh shit no! I didn't mean it!" Esther whimpered, the words muffled greatly by her fingers. She nearly yelped afterwards, having forgotten not to make noise. She began to stroke her cock, thinking that maybe playing with it would make it stop growing and that ignoring her raging erection was causing her to change again.

She peered out worriedly from between the reeds and sunk low into the water, crouching and sitting atop her hefty balls, grinding her pussy into the soft smooth skin of her sack. Maxine was looking in her general direction, but hadn't spotted her in the reeds.

"Hey, hold on, I heard a noise!" she said to her lover.

"Oh it's probably just some foxes fucking in the bushes or some birds or something. Trust me, I've got a lot of experience with the great outdoors and there is nothing here we need to worry about. More tongue please."

Esther watched, enraptured by the sight of Horns' thick animal cock sandwiched between Maxine's two pairs of tits, the girl's mouth open wide to take in the flat, feral head of the shaft, her tongue working it over every time it slipped from her mouth. Hot tears leaked down Esther's cheeks as she realized how very, very badly she wanted to do exactly that, and how she wanted it to be done to her. She swore up and down that she's wasn't some sort of cum-guzzling mutant slut, but as time went on Esther's body seemed more and more intent upon proving that she was.

Everything about her altered form that she hated seemed to grow larger or more sensitive as time went on. Esther could feel the slow growth of her trio of tits with each breath she drew in. It was as if she were blowing her breasts up like balloons. Esther pulled her fingers from her mouth, her tongue instinctively reaching out after them and trying to bring them back in. She reached across her chest, almost hugging herself, trying to stop her already oversized knockers from growing any more. But all her cool, smooth, water-slicked skin managed to do was draw sweet sensation from her growing gazongas.

Esther bit her tongue to suppress a giggle, she was using all sorts of words to refer to her breasts, and it amused her for some reason. How funny some of them sounded. She choked back sobs and sighs of pleasure as she found herself groping one of her breasts, the middle one, the new one, the unnatural one, and she liked it. Esther liked having her breasts caressed, rubbed, stroked, played with. But what worried her more was that she was enjoying the action of the groping even more; the smoothness of her skin upon her palm and fingertips, the softness of the slattern, oversensitive flesh below. Merely pleasuring herself seemed no longer be enough to satisfy her traitorous body.

There were more unnatural additions to Esther's body than there had been body in the first place. It was almost terrifying to imagine that she was now made up more of hideous, perverse additions than the amount of purity-obsessed schoolgirl that had been there before. It was like she was being invaded by some other person, some lust-crazed creature. It was getting hard to recognize what was Esther and what was the Invader.

The transformed girl suddenly stood stock still, a terrible, horrible, wicked thought having entered her mind; what if there was no mental aspect to the transformation? What if her actions were merely a response to her unfamiliarity with the intense sensations and instinctual desires that filled her? What if she felt this way because she stuffed her sexuality into the dark corner of her mind labeled "Things I Am Not Going to Acknowledge or Deal With" and proceeded to banish all things even remotely tied with sex from her conscious thoughts. What if she was behaving like some filthy, lust-ridden, mutant sex-queen precisely because she was not at all prepared for what it would feel like?

She'd been told that the changes were a painful, agonizing thing inflicted upon social and sexual deviants; a punishment for their wrong way of thinking and behaving. But Esther had been a shining example of what she'd been taught, and yet here she was with her body altering and sexualizing more and more by the minute. It didn't hurt, it didn't feel bad, and odds were if Esther had not been brought up to hate and loathe the sort of thing she was becoming she might actually enjoy it.

No, that was a lie. She WAS enjoying it. There were parts of Esther that were absolutely delighted with what was happening. The way her cock and pussy throbbed every time she thought of herself as something dirty or slutty, or thought of something sexual. She wanted to embrace the limbless girl, feel what it was like to have Maxine's four tits smashed up against her three, wanted to wrap her lips around one of her elongated, teat-like nipples, wondered what it would feel like to...

Esther gasped as her nipples tingled. Already erect from the cool water and her arousal she felt a similar sensation to the one in her still-swelling dick. Her eyes widened and Esther ducked her head under water to stop a scream as she realized precisely who was directing her changes. Her alterations were responding to her own thoughts and actions somehow. The first changes may have been something random or planned, but just about everything since her massive sack and balls were related to Esther's own thoughts and desires.

Though she prided herself on a body that would not entice others into deviance, she had been somewhat jealous of Edna's curves, though not her height. She'd idly daydreamed on occasion about what it would be like to have a bigger bust, to have more tit than even her sister sported. That was the exact wording of her thoughts on the matter 'more tit,' and now not only did she have more tit, but she had more tits. If she weren't so shocked or horrified she might have laughed.

Her cock had appeared when she'd rubbed a sore spot at the base of her spine and enjoyed the relief that was felt; relief that soon blossomed into outright pleasure and from pleasure to sexual bliss. Her hair had fallen away as she was annoyed at her inability to wash the delicious cum from it. The thought made Esther wince, despite all that had happened she still wasn't comfortable with the way she had hungrily lapped up her own cum, like a dog.

She quickly drove the thought from her mind, not wanting to add animalistic features to her already grotesque array of alterations. After all, her body continued to change according to Esther's own thoughts, whims, and idle fantasies. She'd wanted tits like the four-breasted girl that had shown up, and a cock like her large, muscular, horned friend, and now her assets were growing to provide exactly those things. Esther shuddered, what the hell was wrong with her; that would make her want to have large, hideous, freakish, disgusting... sexy, sensual, mouth-watering additions.

Her thoughts seemed to slip away from her more often the further she changed from her original self, the more her mutations had to corrupt her... her... a choked sob escaped Esther's throat, not muffled, but it went unnoticed by the two newcomers who were deeply caught up in their own pleasures. Esther felt sick to her stomach as she thought back over her past, over things she felt; emotions, faint stirrings in her loins, half-remembered dreams.

She truly was a cum-guzzling mutant whore, and she'd always been that way. She had just done all she could to suppress her urges, her fantasies, and her desires, burying them under a tide of anger, loathing, and disgust. Deep down she was enjoying what happened to her, not merely enjoying it, delighting in it, getting pleasure from it. Being transformed sexually excited Esther, each one of her additions and alterations turned her on more and more.

She'd never had an interest in dating or sex or anything, and it wasn't out of an interest of remaining pure or adhering to Miss Dominia's teachings. Half the girls at her school had boyfriends, and another third probably had girlfriends, but Esther never had the slightest attraction to another person. Her true attraction had always been to the freaks, the mutants, the undesirables that she was taught to loathe.

And now she was one of them and the very thought of it was almost enough to make her cum. What kind of a sick pervert was she? What kind of a twisted, deviant person would get off on having her body warped and corrupted in near-crippling and incredibly sexual ways? What sort of a slut would cum so hard she could barely walk down the street while parading her freakish body down the street, on display for everyone to see? What kind of a... a.. aaaaah!

The dam finally burst within Esther and in the incredible tide of pleasure, the sweet sensation of her seed splattering onto her back, her neck, and her head from a two and a half, maybe three foot length of cock, mixed with the tight, clenching sensation as her pussy climaxed as well. The tide of her fluids clouded and warmed the water around Esther and she let out loud, lusty cries, not caring if the two newcomers heard. They didn't, as Horns and Maxine were occupied with their own intense, blissful climaxes.

Esther gasped in deep breaths, her body heaving, trembling with climactic aftershocks that were delicious, sweet, better than any sensation that she had ever felt. She had her answer as to what sort of a freak would get off on being transformed: a filthy mutant slut like her; a slut that loved the feel of her huge balls hanging between her legs, of three heavy tits on her chest, a nice big cock growing from her back, the cooling slickness of her own cum covering her body.

"I'm a slut," whispered Esther softly, almost proudly. A delicious, satisfying sensation spread through her loins and manhood. It made Esther wonder what it would feel like to actually fuck another person. Not make love, fuck. Making love was, to her mind, a soft, gentle, loving, sweet thing that people with feelings for each other did. Fucking was something that whores and sluts did because they fucking loved the way it felt.

A chilly wind began to pick up, raising goosebumps on Esther's skin. She sunk into the water, letting the flow rinse the cum off of her body. She didn't feel horny any more, but now there was another odd ache in her belly.

"Damn. It looks like we'll have to cut things short and head back to Regina, Maxine. Looks like rain," the quasi-minotaur said with a sigh, giving her limbless companion a hug.

"Ah, don't worry about it, it's almost lunchtime anyway," Maxine said, rather loudly, "I've been looking forward to those grilled hamburgers all week."

"Did I not have enough beef for you?" Horns teased, cleaning her friend up and placing her back into the backpack that made Maxine easier to carry in comfort.

Esther stopped paying attention as they two began to leave upon realizing what the ache in her belly was. Hunger. She hadn't eaten anything solid since lunch the previous day. In fact she was downright ravenous.

As the two left, Esther slowly crept out of her place in the reeds, following along behind them at a distance.


Esther leaned against the wall of the alley, panting hard. Even with her altered muscles it was still hard work carrying around her huge balls. She could swear they'd gotten bigger while she'd been in the pond. They didn't hang any lower, but they seemed to fill much more of her ballsack than they used to.

And not only was she hauling around bigger balls, but she was also sporting three huge tits that bounced pleasantly whenever she walked, as well as a throbbing erection that just about smacked her in the back of her head every time she took a step. Despite having just masturbated in the pond, Esther's body was already horny again and eager for more.

The two girls that she'd been following were probably long gone. But then again, Esther already knew where the Regina shelter was, and could make her way there on her own. Once it was clear that she'd most definitely lost them, Esther had slipped back into the familiar alleyways between mansions and estates; after all the other alleys had stinky things like dumpsters and garbage cans. The alleys she was familiar with were clean and swept out at least twice a weak, meaning that Esther could take a seat on her titanic testicles and take a breather.

Despite the effort it took, Esther found that she rather enjoyed walking. The discomfort she'd felt earlier had vanished. The bits of sunshine that filtered through the darkening clouds above felt delicious on her bare skin. The pavement and cobblestones beneath her feet oddly didn't bother her in the slightest. Every step made her breasts jiggle, her balls swing, and her cock sway. Her clean, pristine state had already been ruined by the plentiful lubrication that leaked from her male and female sexes alike.

To Esther's surprise she found that she didn't really care. A small smile appeared upon her face as she cupped two of her heavy breasts, feeling their wonderful weight. "Goddess, I love tits," she murmured, leaning back to press her member against the wooden fence behind her, resting her head atop the tip of her cock, delighting in the sensation of gooey warmth upon the back of her head.

She moaned softly as one of the nipples upon her head encountered her warm, slick pre and delighted in the sensation as she felt nipple and cockhead rub against one another. Mmm... and why not allow the mere nipples on her head to blossom out into full breasts? That would feel even better. More sensitive tit-flesh to rub, to caress, to bounce while she walked.

She could just picture herself with tits growing from her head, how sexy they looked. They looked much nicer than the bald head with nipples she sported at the moment. Esther thought it made her look kind of like a soccer ball. She began to rub the large, elongated nipples of her normal breasts as she felt a warm sensation spread over her skin, followed by a pleasant tingle.

"I am such a fucking freak..." Esther whispered softly, "A horny, mutant sex-fiend." She moaned as a spike of pleasure went though her as she spoke the words. "A fucking mutant freak sex-fiend that loves to talk dirty... such a dirty, dirty whore I am. Goddess, I wish I got do something with this third tit of mine, left all alone like... ah!"

Esther arched her back, her hips bucking at an incredible sensation. Faint emotions of anger and uncertainty began to stir within her, but Esther stuffed them into the dark corner of her mind that had so long held captive her lusts and fetishes, letting them grow and mutate in the darkness, taking root deep within Esther's subconscious and growing massive. Her own perversions had become wild and overgrown in her mind, and once the tiniest bit of light was cast upon them, they surged out of the darkness and strangled nearly everything else.

"S'what I get for being a stuck up, sexless prig," Esther moaned as she wrapped her fingers around her elongated, teat-like nipples. "Yes! Yes! That's exactly what I want!" she cried, gripping her middle breast, positioning the long, thick nipple so that she could take it into her mouth. Tears leaked from Esther's eyes, not in sorrow or anger or fear as they had before, but from sheer contented bliss. She felt whole, she felt complete, and she felt good for perhaps the first time that she could remember.

Esther moaned happily around the teat in her mouth as she felt her neck muscles shift subtly, to allow her to comfortably carry the additional weight of the added breasts upon her head. She could already feel them jiggling delightfully with each motion she made. She found herself wishing that she had someone to share her experience with, a lover that could help Esther explore her sexy altered form. She wanted to feel a pair of tits pressed up against her own, the added weight of a lover upon her balls, caressing hands on her cock and breast hair, lustful lips pressed against her own.

But Esther didn't want a normal girl for a lover. She wanted someone else who had undergone alterations. Someone else who could understand what it was like to have both a cock and a cunt aching for attention at the same time. Her ideal lover would need breasts and a cock at the very least, as Esther was very, very eager to suck on both. Her mouth began to water even now at the thought of slurping up delicious cum. The very idea of it seemed almost enough to bring her to climax...


Edna chuckled to herself, tossing the wrench she'd stolen over the fence. The Honeywells were on vacation for a few months yet, and their gardening staff left at five o'clock on the dot every day. No one would likely even notice that it was gone, and they would probably blame it on one of the laborers that hauled fertilizer around for a living or some such other undesirable. They'd probably fire them and hire a new one with little or no inconvenience to anybody. Anybody that mattered, anyway.

Take control over those inferior to you, that was what Miss Dominia taught in her advanced classes. The weak willed were there to be exploited, and those lacking the resources to combat you were there for your amusement.

The poor, pitiful creatures at the Regina shelter would have to buy bottled water and stink of the sexual juices that probably leaked from every pore of their filthy bodies until the pipe valves could be repaired. Of course Edna had wanted to have her private bathing suite renovated for quite some time now. It was a shame that she'd hired several plumbers from several contractors so the job would get done at a reasonable pace.

Now that she'd amused herself and asserted her dominance over the freakish invaders into her neighborhood, Edna was going to go celebrate with a bit more domination, her favorite sort of domination as a matter of fact.

She'd immediately recognized the shy glances and looks from her friend Madison's maid. Lower class and even lower willed. Edna had confirmed her suspicions that Olga was a girl-loving freak of nature. She'd been so eager when Edna had gotten her into a supply closet, shoved her up against the door and virtually rammed her tongue down the maid's throat.

Olga was so sweet and passive, so easy to control and mold. It was not deviance on Edna's part, Olga was just there for her amusement and pleasure. In another month or so Edna was sure that she would have the maid so bound to her will that she could take her on a leash down to the seedier side of town and have Olga start whoring herself out.

Edna grinned at the thought; she was already paying the maid for sex, paying her quite a lot actually. Hell, she was probably getting more for having a bit of fun with Edna every afternoon than she was as Madison's maidservant. She looked on Olga as an investment, the perfect skin, the platinum blonde hair, the stunning bust (though not quite so stunning as Edna's own), and once she had made a proper pet of her plaything she was sure that she would easily recoup her initial investment.

Olga ought to be heading home in the next half an hour or so. She always took the same route, and Edna liked to surprise her somewhere along the way. Though today she had something specific in mind; she'd instructed her toy to wear a pair of vibrating panties to work and have them active all day. She wanted to make sure that her submissive little thrall had actually completed the task, rather than going home and slipping a pair on before she met Edna at the usual spot. That and she wanted to make Olga kneel in the alleyway and pleasure her in a near-public place. She'd cum so hard the last time, when she'd made Olga strip down and put on a show for her while Edna played with herself.

The short, busty young woman sighed loudly in annoyance. She also had to limit her fun with Olga today because her mother wanted her in the house well before sunset, when most of the hired help started to head home. Esther hadn't come home the previous night after the protest rally at the Regina station. She'd probably snuck off to do something their mother wouldn't approve of.

Edna snorted with her usual mean-spirited laugh. Esther was probably staying with some other rally goers, thinking up signs and symbols and slogans or something. She was most likely off designing leaflets or something disgustingly passive like that. Actions spoke louder than words, and none of the other girls at the rally had probably even thought of taking action like Edna had. She was rather proud of herself for showing dominance and initiative. In fact she was so proud and full of herself that she turned the corner, a self-congratulatory grin on her face and her mind so caught up in mental back-patting that she ran headlong into something soft and warm.

She blinked a few times in bafflement and took a step back, her eyes going wide at the sight before her. Some transformed monstrosity had wandered into the good part of town and was intent on ruining the whole atmosphere with her sexual stink. Edna took another step back as she saw the giant puddle that had formed beneath the... she wasn't sure if she ought to call the mutant a woman, not with a cock the size of her leg.

The freak wasn't one of the really gross ones that were made up entirely of breasts and cocks and other sex organs, but everything sexual about her had been blown up to obscene size. Three tits bigger than her head by a goodly margin, testicles the size of beachballs and a scrotum so big that she was sitting on it like a beanbag chair, nipples that stuck out so far the pervert could wrap her hands around them and not cover them entirely. But what really grossed Edna out was the fact that there were breasts on her head instead of hair, and they seemed to be GROWING as Edna watched.

"Eww. You couldn't do that somewhere else, you fucking freakshow? Couldn't do something constructive like fondling those beachballs out in the middle of the street and get run over by a carriage or something?" Edna growled.

The mutant's eyes fluttered and seemed to take a moment to focus on her.

"Did you hear me, you tit-sucking bitch? I told you to get the fuck out of here! Scram! Vamoose! Hit the road and take those oversized pumpkins you call nuts with you! Nobody wants your filthy spunk messing up the place!"

The woman blinked a few times and stared at Edna, the nipple she was sucking on popping from her mouth. The freak's eyes widened and she looked almost horrified.

"Yeah, that's right honey; you're getting off in public. The park is like three blocks that way. You can go and jack off there to your heart's content. They have people there that deal with the messes that the freakshow will make on occasion. If you splooge on my street, you fucking rugmunching bitch, then I'm going to make you lick it up with your tongue!"

She looked like she was about to say something, but Edna's words seemed to hit her like a slap to the face. Or... something else. Her head snapped back, but her hips thrust forward, a strange squishy, wet, churning sound coming from her, followed by another squishy, wet sound and an eruption of an incredible amount of semen.

Edna yelped and covered her head with her arms. She didn't feel any of it go on her, as a matter of fact most of the stuff splattered onto the fence or up in the air, landing back on the mutant, who seemed to delight in it. She opened her mouth and giggled happily, swallowing mouthful after mouthful of the strong smelling stuff.

"Goddammit it, you clumsy cunt!" Edna cursed, "Do you fucking know how much these clothes are worth? If you'd gotten anything... on... them..."

Edna's words trailed off as the mutant's expression turned angry and she stood up. Edna's big mouth had gotten her into trouble again. The woman had looked smaller sitting down, especially with those overlarge assets. She loomed over Edna, who stood essentially face to cum-covered breast with her.

"I thought I beat calling me clumsy out of you when you were twelve, dickhead!" Esther snarled.

Edna's eyes went wide. She sputtered, her mind working to match up the voice and the facial features of her sister up with the towering transformee that stood in front of her.

"Y-you're not..." Edna stammered. She'd always found herself uncomfortable with mutant freaks, Esther had always tried to gross out her little sister with pictures of them from magazines or the newspaper. Edna had always harbored a fear that she might be attacked by one of them. They were almost like wild animals, after all. Unable to control their sexual urges.

"Don't believe me, you sawed-off little dickhead?" Esther said, taking a step forward, her angry face suddenly breaking out into a smile, eyes gleaming with a wicked idea. "That might work... it might be just the right size for my pussy now..."

"W-what?" Edna stammered, taking a step back, her designer shoe slipping in her sister's thick, slick seed, sending her sprawling onto all fours. Edna yelped as bits of semen splattered onto her blouse and skirt. Not to mention her hands were soaked with the stuff.

"Oh yuck!" she virtually squeaked.

"Oh it's only going to get worse!" Esther said with a giggle.

Edna looked up to see her sister turning away from her. No, not turning away from her, spinning; spinning very fast. Esther's hefty ballsack struck Edna right in the face, sending her sprawling, the thick puddle of seed cushioning her landing somewhat.

"Oh goddess, it's in my hair!" she murmured as she lay on her back, somewhat stunned.

"It's going to be more than your hair, little sister! I know how you just ADORE your hair like the dedicated little slut you are. Making sure it's all perfect, not a hair out of place. So let me help you with a nice cream rinse!"

Edna stared up blankly at Esther as her sister stood over her and turned. Edna opened her mouth to protest as those two huge balls rested down atop her legs. They were so big and heavy, they pinned her in place. She had no idea what Esther was going to do. Edna gawked in horror at the three foot long cock that was dripping a mix of semen and precum down onto her designer blouse. Edna sat up and tried to shove her sister off, but she couldn't get a good grip on Esther's cum-covered skin. Her hands just slid off and allowed the mutant to grab her by the hair.

"Be gentle!" Esther said with a giggle, "This is my first time, after all!"

Edna hadn't even noticed what lurked between her sister's legs. She hadn't gotten a good look at it. It was weird and swollen and thick, everything oversized. It looks more like some plastic-molded sex toy than an actual set of genitals.

"No! No! NO!" Edna cried out, struggling against Esther's grip. But her sister was always the stronger one, and her alterations had made her bigger and stronger still. The hot, sweet, musky scent was overwhelming as Esther buried her sister's face in her netherlips. Then not merely into her netherlips, as eager muscles took hold and pulled her head into Esther's massively oversized cunt.

Edna's scream was muffled and the sweet juices of her sister's pussy flowed into her mouth. She choked and sputtered, trying to draw breath. It was like being smothered with a warm, wet pillow soaked in honey. Her arms flailed around, trying to find something to grab hold of, to help Edna pull herself out. But all that she found was her sister's cock. Edna gripped it with both hands and squeezed as tightly as she could, trying to crush it and cause Esther pain.

But instead of an agonized cry, Esther moaned with delight. "Goddess, you're such a whore, sis; taking my virginity like this and all." She said with a giggle. "Mmm... turns out I've been right all these years, your head makes a WONDERFUL dick!"

Esther yanked Edna's hair back, pulling her partially out of her sopping cunny, allowing Edna to take in a gasping breath before shoving her back in again. "We've been doing this all wrong, you dickhead, this isn't something to get grossed out by and be afraid of. This feels fucking awesome! I wish you could feel what it was like to have these... mmm... these huge, sexy, sensitive tits and these gigantic, massive balls, and especially what it would be like to have something shoved into your big, puffy pussy."

An incredible amount of warm, wet, sticky fluid poured from Esther's cunt, around Edna's head, seeming to saturate her entire body with its filth. It even got into her mouth and Edna was forced to swallow it. It... didn't taste bad. It tasted pretty good actually. But she didn't want it forced into her like this. Especially since it made her feel funny, it made her feel all tingly wherever it touched.

Edna tried to pull away, but Esther's vaginal muscles were too strong. All she could manage was to pull her head out far enough to draw in another gasping breath before Esther tightened her grip and pulled her back in. But the hold they had on Edna's head wasn't so tight that it was painful. It actually felt... kind of comforting.

"No, no, no!" Edna screamed, her words muffled once more. She felt an unknown force taking hold of her body, seizing the faint pangs of arousal she'd had while thinking of Olga and ramping them up. Edna's body was turning against her as she felt her own sex moisten, her own nipples growing erect, then not merely growing erect, but actually growing.

"It started with my chest, a weird swelling..." Esther said softly, rubbing her hands over her three cum-covered tits.

It was getting harder for Edna to breath, not because of her sister's pussy clamping down on her face, but an uncomfortable tightness in her chest due to her bra suddenly feeling a size too small. Then two. Then three. She was forced to pull her hands away from Esther's cock, it was useless to try and strangle the damned thing anyway. With each passing moment it felt like someone was turning a vise tighter and tighter around Edna's torso. Her bra felt weird, it no longer fit quite right. Edna felt like she was going to pass out, and then she managed to unhook the clasp of her bra.

She reached beneath her shirt, tearing the garment away and tossing it aside. She gasped, sucking in more of her sister's pussy juice as she did so, as her other hand felt her breasts. Unlike Esther, Edna had not denied the urges of her body. She sought to master them rather than allow them to master her, as Esther's obviously had. She was quite familiar with the feel and sensitivity of her gorgeous breasts, and they were far larger and more sensitive than she remembered. Another gasp as she found why her bra had suddenly become so ill-fitting: much like Esther, Edna now sported a third breast that had appeared between her original two.

Edna began her struggles anew, lashing out as best she could, trying to get purchase on her sister's cum-slicked body in order to attain the leverage she needed to pull away. She wasn't going to let her sister turn her into another freakish mutant slut like her! Edna squirmed as thinking the words made her feel... well, it felt like having Olga give her pussy a good hard tonguing.

Edna howled in rage as her body betrayed her and she tried punching the two massive orbs in front of her. Esther grunted with the first impact, but began to giggle as Edna threw ineffectual punches that served only to heighten her pleasure, as her femsex began to tighten in time with each blow.

"Having fun with my balls, sis? I just love how you're paying attention to them. I bet you're rubbing mine all over because you're jealous you don't have a set of your own. But don't be upset, that's what came next for me after my tits..."

Edna's body tensed and she forcibly bucked her hips, cramming her head so deep into Esther that she felt her sister's netherlips down upon her shoulders, gripping her neck tightly. But oddly going in deeper allowed Edna to breath easier. Physically at least. Metaphorically Edna was not breathing easy as a new sensation began building in her loins, just ahead of her clit.

Pressure began to build in her panties as something new grew forth from her body and rapidly began to swell. Edna's hand darted beneath her skirt, slipping into her panties in time to cup her new golf ball sized testicles. The sensation made her moan and she found herself fondling them with one hand, the other rubbing her sister-seed soaked breast.

It was horrible, frightening, disgusting. Edna couldn't believe how Esther had managed to not merely warp and deform her body, but to make it act against her as well. Her balls and tits were getting bigger by the second and Edna couldn't even put her hands in a position to try and free herself. She managed to coax her head halfway out, and that felt rather weird. It was like someone had run a finger up her spine, but all over her head.

"Then I felt my innermost desires coming out, making me behave like the cum-guzzling, cock-sucking, tit-licking, mutant freakshow fucking sex-fiend that I really am!"

Edna and Esther both seemed to quiver with pleasure at her words.

"But I don't know what it will be like for you. You've always been a whore, always slutting up your appearance. And you've always been an idiot and a dickhead, so I have no idea what's going to happen with you. That was the part that really freaked me out, letting all the things I wanted hidden boiling to the surface. The first thing I did was lick up all the cum I sprayed out from my first climax. But you've got a better deal, don't you?"

Edna whimpered softly, getting her face free to her nose, but the air felt cold and uncomfortable on her skin after the sweet, wet warmth of her sister's depths. Her tits were as big as Esther's now, and her balls had caught up to them in size. Esther had been right, they felt so good. So wonderfully, terribly good. And Edna found herself wanting to lap up Esther's juices. Her tongue poked from her lips and began to instinctively lap at Esther's golf ball-sized clitoris. Edna was rewarded for her effort by a tightening of Esther's pussy muscles that felt... rather nice. Kind of like a hug mixed with Olga sucking on her nipple. The delicious, tingly sweetness spread across Edna's tongue and she found herself shoving her head back into her sister, eager to get closer to the source.

"Y-yeah, you're an old pro at licking pussy aren't you? H-hanging out with Maude and Marion at school. Creepy fucking twins. Everybody knows how into each other they are, and I bet they taught you a thing or two. Goddess, I'm so jealous. But I guess I don't have to be, eh sis? We're going to fuck all the time now, I'm sure. You'd just love that, wouldn't you, you fucking ditzy dickhead?"

Edna's body arched and she crammed her head as far as it would go into her sister. It felt good this time, so very, very good. Better than rubbing her balls, better than playing with her breasts, better even than having Olga's untrained tongue practice what the Merryside twins had taught her. It was even better than having the twins sucking on her nipples and fingering her, working over her clit with a buzzing little egg shape.

Her balls and breasts were getting so big now, they were beginning to push Esther's aside. She supposed she ought to feel cramped, ought to find it hard to breathe. But it all felt so natural, so comfortable. She couldn't imagine anything better in the world than having her head stuffed into her sister's big, sopping, sweet, drooling pussy, lapping up her sweet juices while Esther's muscular womanhood massaged her so sweetly.

"Mmm... that's a good dickhead." Esther giggled as Edna's struggles ceased. She leaned back and turned her head, lapping hungrily at her dick. "Goddess you feel so good, sis. We should've fucked ages ago. Don't you think?"

Her incestuous lover could only murmur softly in agreement as building sensation drove all thoughts from her head. She loved the way her body felt now, her massive breasts so soft and sensitive to the touch, her ballsack so smooth and sweet to rub, the weight of her sister's own sack atop her own feeling so delightful. But what felt the best was her head, oddly enough. She couldn't have ever imagined she'd feel anything like this.

She ran her tongue up and down her sister's walls, stopping for a few moments at the bottom to give some attention to her clitty, loving the way it made her wiggle and squirm. It made her feel all tingly inside from her head down to her groin and into her balls. Her fear and anger faded away until the memory of them baffled her. Why had she ever been afraid of something that felt so good? Why would she be angry for having her sexy big sister show her these fun things? She licked faster and faster, giggling as she made it hard for Esther to talk.

"Oh goddess, oh sis, oh you fucking dickhead... th-that's all you're good for. Using your head for a f-fucking dick... you d-dickhead you're g-gonna m-make me... c-c-c..."


Esther's pussy clamped down hard, forcefully pulling her sister in as deep as she could go and latching onto her tightly as she climaxed. Esther felt her balls release their bountiful burden, and then felt Edna's own balls beneath her own do much the same.

"CUUUUUUUUUUUUM!" Esther howled as she did so, her cock erupting with it even as more was pumped into her hungry womb. Her climax felt like it went on forever and ever until finally the jets of seed slowed to a mere dribble and only the faintest twinges of pleasure.

Esther stood, her sister's head parting from her cunt with a wet, sticky sound. She grinned as she looked down at Edna. They definitely looked like sisters again, each of them with similar porn star-ish versions of their original features, each of them with the same trio of huge, heavy tits and equally massive balls. Ever the slutty deviant that Esther had always pegged her for, Edna balls and knockers were bigger than her own, a lot bigger.

But that was where the similarities of their changes ended. Instead of having a big cock growing from the base of her spine and a myriad of tits growing from her bald head, Edna featured both in one. A dickhead now in body as well as mind and attitude. Her face remained, but her head and neck had transformed into a cock. The purple-red head started just above Edna's eyebrows.

"See? I always said you were a dickhead," Esther teased.

Edna giggled in an airheaded fashion, a vacant look in her eyes. "I'm a dickhead!" she said proudly, shivering as the slit atop her skull dribbled with precum, clearing out the remainder of the seed.

"Yup, youre a dickhead, Dickhead!" Esther crooned to her sister-turned-sex-pet. Esther had to admit that maybe all the crap Edna had spewed about clashing of wills and control and dominance might have had something to it after all. The most satisfying thing in Esther's life thus far had been pitting her will against her sister's, seeing if she could coax Edna into accepting Esther's image of herself. It had turned out magnificently.

Esther offered her sister a hand, helping her get to her feet. Edna wrapped her arms around Esther in a hug, pressing their six tits tightly together and making their cum-slicked balls rub up against one another.

The elder sister leaned down, kissing the younger deeply. Edna moaned and quivered, her cock-head erupting with thick jets of seed that covered the both of them. Both sisters enjoyed it, bathed in it, rubbed it over one another and themselves.

Esther broke the kiss and grinned at her pet Dickhead. "Goddess, you're the sexiest thing I've ever seen."

Edna giggled, "Big sister sex-fiend!" she murmured as she ran her tongue up Esther's cheek, swallowing the seed she found there, teasing one of her sister's head-breasts and coming to a stop on her temple where she suckled on something that Esther had not noticed.

It felt just like her cock, only smaller, and as she reached up with a hand she found another one on the opposite side. A pair of curved cocks, always erect, jutting from her temples like a pair of demonic horns. "Sex-fiend!" she replied with a giggle.

"Sex-fiend and Dickhead!" Edna said, giggling as well.

Esther's belly rumbled rather loudly and she recalled why she had trailed after the two Regina girls. "Mmm... as fun as it would be to stay here and cuddle, my dear Dickhead, I'm starving." A grin spread across her face. "The servants should all be on their way home right now, and the cook should have prepared a big dinner to eat whenever we like."

Esther began to help her pet out of the scraps of her torn blouse. "Plus we're probably going to have to cut that skirt off of you. I don't think we'll be able to squeeze it over the top and definitely not down the bottom. So what do you think, sis, should we stop in and say hello to Mommy?"

Edna grinned and nodded rapidly, "Sex-fiend, Dickhead, and Mommy is...?"

Esther placed her arm around her sister's shoulders, "Well, considering all the crap we got our heads filled with at that school, I think Mommy is a dick for sending us there. What do you think?"

"Mmmhmm. Mommy is a dick," Edna agreed.

"A big, sexy, drooling dick..." Esther murmured, her mind already thinking as to what sort of alterations would best suit Estelle as the two transformed sisters waddled home.