Krystals Orgy extravaganza or... Encounter with a frog named slippy

Story by Asalis on SoFurry

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Jenny sighed as she pulled into the studio parking lot where her friend Krystal worked. As she exited the car after parking she glanced at the studio lot. She often wondered how that blue fox could handle all that hustle while working on whatever show she was on. Then again if any of the stories Krystal boasted about were true, that blue fox certainly had the energy for it.

"I guess i'm going to have to go retireve her yet again." Jenny sighed walking towards the back lot. She was good friends with the security guard so he didn't really give her any trouble as she passed. She only stopped to ask him. "You know what set she's in, Felix?"

"Yes, Studio B this time." the pale orange tabby answered honestly. "I think they're just about wrapping up. Frankly I don't know how she puts up with that pretentious ass of a fox she works with."

"The answer to that is very simple." Jenny grinned. "She simply cut him off at the source and he leaves her alone."

Felix simply grinned. "I guess that'd just about do it. Anyway you'd best get going. She'll be done soon no doubt."

Jenny nodded and walked on back to the indicated studio. The pathways were lined with many other actors and the like though it didn't take her long before she found the indicated studio. She could see the light above the door wasn't lit indicating that they weren't shooting. She nodded and pulled the door open. Inside she could see various constructed sets that were made for the show Star Fox. On the set were Slippy and Fox, both of them looking over what appeared to be their next script. Slippy happened to look up and see the white furred cat with pink hair and waved. Jenny only lightly waved back as she went looking for her friend.

"You're here a bit early Jenny." Krystal said coming up behind her.

"Well you know me." Jenny smiled. "I always like to arrive a little early."

"Just give me a few minutes to clean up." Krystal said with a smirk. "

"So who is he?" Jenny asked with a smirk of her own.

"Join me in the shower and you may just find out." Krystal offered.

"Thanks but no thanks." Jenny giggled. "I can entertain myself with that bar over there."

"Suit yourself." Krystal replied, using her fake British accent she often used in the show before heading towards the showers.

Jenny sighed reaching for a bottle on the set-up mini-bar. She had half a mind to make the blue fox drive home, intending to get smashed but instead chose to reach for a soda. She was just about to turn around when the aroma of a familiar musk reached her nose. She knew right away that there was a short green frog standing right behind her. The thought of him there made the skin under her fur crawl.

"Hey Jenny!" slippy said happily.

Jenny begrudgingly turned around just in time to see the toad lick his eye, nose and chin in one go before winking to her sugestively, making an emphasyzing move with his tongue before he walked off.

"Call me." the toad croaked before walking off.

All Jenny could do at that moment was stare blankly as her mind tried to process all of what she had just seen.

* * *

Krystal stood in the showers after having stripped completely bare from that awful purple jump suite she was forced to wear. Her tail swayed softly as smiled to herself, waiting for her encounter for the night to arrive. Her ears perked up as she hear the patter of bare feet enter the shower.

"You're late." The blue fox cooed.

"Honey, for you i'm always late." The tall blue bird said to the now very surprised vixen. "You know I only bat for the same team anyway.

"So you keep telling me." Krystal said while recomposing herself.

"So whose the lucky man tonight?" Falco asked with a curious quirk in his brow.

"Wait around and you'll see." Krystal half teased.

"Perhaps I will." He said with a smug grin.

As if on cue a tall fox with a red shean to his for stepped into the shower. His eyes quickly fell on Krystal with a sly grin. "I hope I'm not too late my dear." The fox said with a voice almost as smooth as silk.

"Only a little, Leonard." Krystal half cooed while circling the fox as if sizing him up.

The taller fox half chuckled. "Well, I know you don't like it when I come early, darling." His eyes quickly lit up as he felt Krystal's caressing hand brush over his fur covered balls.

Falco watched with idle interest, eager to see the show unfold. He was soon rewarded to see the fox take Krystal into a long passionate kiss while, his hands caressing over her shoulders through the kiss while Krystal took the initiative and began groping his ass. The fox responded with a soft coo before breaking the kiss.

"A little eager today aren't we my dear?" Leonard said more than asked, his hands drifting towards the front of her body were her supple fur covered breasts were firmly pressed against his chest.

"Shut up and fuck me." Krystal commanded the much taller fox.

The taller fox could only chuckle as he guided her towards one of the walls. He swept his hand over the knobs to start the shower, hoping to use that to hide the sounds of their pleasure. Krystal on the other hand decided to take further initiative teasing and squeezing his balls lightly. The soft member soon poked from it's sheath in reward for her efforts, shortly followed by the quickly firming length. She could feel the blood pulsing through his fox hood while she started caressing it as it emerged.

Back in the studio Jenny was busy fighting the sensual images that Krystal was deliberately transmitting to her mind. The scene getting her hot and bothered with each passing moment that she failed to notice a silhouette approaching her from behind as she took another drink from her beverage.

"Why does she always have to do this to me when I come to pick her up?" Jenny groaned.

Another shriek of pleasure filled the shower as the taller fox was now thrusting rather eagerly inside of her. The two were so caught up in the passion that they hadn't noticed a fourth occupant step into the shower. He was a gray furred rabbit whom didn't even seem phased by the scene as he walked over towards Falco.

"So how long have they been at it?" Peppy asked.

"They've only just gotten started." The blue feathered bird replied.

The rabbits ears perked up as a grin spread across his face. "Then I guess they wouldn't mind if I joined in."

"Two is fun but three is better. "Krystal half giggled.

"Couldn't agree more." Leonard half cooed, stepping back to give the rabbit some room to play.

Krystal got on all fours between the two, she lifted her tail for either one to take. Peppy of course not wasting any time to quickly fill her from behind, thrusting wildly between her sensual nether lips. The taller red fox kneeling in front of her, presenting her with his swelling length as if in offering to the blue vixen whom eagerly took it into her muzzle, caressing along the length with her tongue. Peppy signaling for Falco to come up behind him and satisfy his own need after noticing the bird's own firming length.

"Don't mind if I do." Falco said with an eager grin while taking up position behind Peppy, thrusting slowly at first but quickly working up to a steady pace.

Back at the main studio Jenny had already resigned to her fate just letting the many sensations that Krystal was transmitting just overtake her. Her outfit almost completely undone as she attempted to satisfy her own need. She did not take notice of a very long and flexible frog tongue creeeping around over her leg, nor did she notice Slippy's tongue slither down into her pants caressing over her needy sex, pushing into it now while working delicately within her. Jenny's cries of pleasure were his reward for his sneakly act as his tongue started snaking it's way up her body next, the end of it remaining firmly lodged within her sex as he managed to reach one of her supple breasts, caressing it delicately.

It was In this instant that Jenny started to notice something was wrong though the pleasure within her was so strong that she really didn't care at this point so long as the need was sated. She could feel Slippy's tongue continuing to extend over her body causing her to wonder just how long he could possibly make that appendage.

Back in the shower things had got increasingly more heated now as the group was gathered in a massive orgy now, a couple more stage hands had inadvertently wandered in, now opting to join in on the mischief. Peppy had managed to slide underneath krystal, continuing to pound inside of her while another stage hand filled her remaining hole, Falco filling the newly arrived coyote from behind with an eager thrust. The other was a girl whom was now being eaten out by peppy as she had somehow managed to squeeze herself between Leonard's legs.

Krystal couldn't help but smirk at the sight around her as she was being filled from all sides now, her body alight with pleasure as she gave long drawn out sucks on the larger foxes pulsing length. His knot swelling as the vixen on his loins worked her magic. He looked at the coyote across from him and couldn't help but chuckle at the attention they were causing. Of course the rabbit pinned beneath Krystal wasn't making things any easier as he would often switch from eating out the stage hand beneath him to licking his balls sensually. He couldnt help but wonder if things could possibly get any hotter in there.

As if on cue several more individuals entered the room. All but one of them belonging to the star wolf team, or as they played on the show. Each of them grinning eagerly as the watched the sight unfold. The four of them didn't waste much time either in shedding their outfits either. As Wolf discarded the last piece of his outfit he heard another set of foot steps behind him. He turned to see a very stunned Fox McCloud standing in the door way. The look only lasted a moment before Fox reached up to his collar to start shedding his own clothes.

Wolf quickly reached for the foxes hand and with a sadistic grin replied. "Can't let you do that Star Fox." the rest of the star wolf team quickly stepping up on either side of Wolf.

"Or have you forgotten what happened last time?" Panther replied with an equal grin that immediately turned fox pale white. All four laughed as they watched Fox make a very hasty exit.

Once they were sure that the short orange fox wasn't coming back they quickly took up positions of their own in the orgy already in progress, finding an open hole wherever they could. One of them lucky enough to find a muzzle from the eager stage hand underneath Leonard. Another coming up behind Falco whom was in shear near orgasmic bliss at this point. The other tow member took up position on either side of Krystal, letting her caress their lengths. Her body close to it's own release as the mass of bodies melded as one through the pleasure. The moans could be heard well into the hall now despite all he shower heads having been turned on by this point.

Jenny however had already climaxed once and was working on her second as she was being forced to witness the orgy going on in the showers, Slippy had already managed to relieve her of all her garments as he continued working her over with his tongue. He was currenly kneeling beside her, doing his best to send more pleasure thorugh her breasts while he could. The white cat next to him could only writhe and moan with pleasure, completely at the frogs mercy. Jenny could feel the pleasure continuing to rise as she was on the verge of her second orgasm.

The tension in the shower however continued to rise as the group were nearing their own collective orgasm. The Krystals nostrils could smell the heavy musk in the air as she clenched around the coyote's length. This seemed to be the only thing the coyote needed as he was soon climaxing within her. Not long after Lenard was next to climax into the blue vixens muzzle followed by the two member of star wolf on either side of her face, covering her entirely with their juices. It wasn't too much longer before one by one they joined them in the orgasmic climax. Krystal was the last one as she sprayed all over the coyote's pelvis. Falco had already collapsed having spent himself into the coyote from behind, along with wolf whom was holding onto him.

After catching their breath the group soon got themselves cleaned up and left the shower. Krystal making her way back to the studio to find a fully clothed Jenny standing triumphantly over a naked hogtied Slippy of whom was bound at the wrists and ankles by his own tongue. She paused at this sight as if venturing to ask but decided against it before approaching her.

"Sorry that took so long." Krystal smirked. "You know how heated things can get sometimes."

"Can it." Jenny retorted. "You transmitted the whole thing to me knowing full well what would happen."

"I guess that explains the hog tied frog."Krystal couldn't help but laugh. "He does have a bit of a wicked tongue."

"Let's just go." Jenny grumbled, storming towards the parking lot. Leaving a bewildered frog to wonder just what the heck happened.

* * *

"Ever since then I cant let that toad get near me." Jenny sighed leaning back into the seat of Renamons car. She glanced up looking at what appared to be a very lavish mansion. "Oh, is this it?" she asked before glancing to see the odd look on her friends face. "Renamon?"