My Knight in Shinning Armour ch 8

Story by Sindal on SoFurry

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#8 of My knight in shining armor

Disclaimer: Ya know the drill; this story contains gay sexual activity and is not suitable for peoples under 18. If you find this offensive or don't like it, please leave before you get into trouble for being tati.

My Knight in Shinning Armour

Chapter 8: Say hello to the family

The days and nights passed and Alex's affectionate bond with David just grew and grew. They had been on a couple more dates and at the end of each one, the end results were normally both of them ending up in their birthday suits under Alex's bed covers having -fun- and snuggling ever so closely together, falling asleep in each other's arms. Alex felt so happy, proud and mostly lucky that he had found the bat. He was always looking out for him and making sure he was happy, which Alex was every time the guy was around. It was like he had some kind of happy embracing aura around him.

As far as anyone knew, Daren and Nicholas had made good progress as well. They even had a double date with Alex and David once at the movies. Sam and Jeff whined on about wanting to know how far the two had gotten but they remained tight-lipped on that particular subject. The canines were basically the same, considering the fact that they had been together for almost 2 years now, no real news bulletins.

Alex liked the little group of friends he now had, even though it was still pretty small. The fact he liked the most was they were all gay, so they all understood what it was like to be that way. Except for Daren maybe, who only found out about it meeting his roo. He wasn't that experience in that area, but he was still proud of it, mostly because of Nicholas.

Alex had gotten to know David a lot better over the time. The only subject that never came up between the two was David's family. In fact, Alex didn't even know where his boyfriend lived. Alex knew that David would not hold any secrets from him, considering how up front David always was and Alex had never even heard him lie about anything except for joking reasons. He assumed there was something there that he wanted no one to find out, maybe for embarrassment or another reason. But Alex felt he at least needed to know where his lover lived.

He ceased his chance to ask about it just as school's first term ended and turned into that very short little break from it. They were just walking out the front door as David said "One term down, three more to go..."

Alex smirked at him, planting a kiss on his cheek "Yea, too bad we only a quarter done...hey Davy?"

David faced him as they walked to the car "Yea?"

"Can we go to your house today?"

"Um sure...why?"

"Cause I don't even know where you live or what your family is like sweetie"

David rolled his eyes as they got in "Oh, my family is defiantly...something special alright...but if you really want to we can go today"

Alex smiled at him "I they even know you've got a boyfriend?"

David smirked and drove off "There is no way I can keep a secret like that from my family, they are WAY too nosy"

Alex giggled and looked out the window. Where David was driving everything was getting darker or things at least looked darker.

He faced David to ask why, but before he got the words out David answered, "I live in a nocturnal neighbourhood love, not cause I wanted to but my parents wanted to" turning the cars headlights on.

That was another thing that chewed on Alex's mind a bit. Sometimes David knew what he was going to say before he said it, like he was reading his mind or something. Alex always found a normal and logical excuse for these happenings, for this one, Alex thought he must have guess that somewhere suddenly getting darker needed an explanation. It still didn't explain how he always answered a few seconds before Alex was about to say anything, but that was probably just dumb luck.

They pulled into the driveway of medium sized house painted in a dark maroon. It was basic, windows, door, walls...the typical look of a house from the outside.

As they walked in Alex looked around. He was in a hallway with some stairs next to them, a big open space that led to what looked like the living room and another space at the end, probably leading to the kitchen. There were some paintings on the onyx painted walls too, as well as a stand with some bright flowers on them to cheer up the look a bit.

They walked into the living room and David shouted out "Dad I'm ho..." he paused, then face pawed "Oh boy..."

Alex blinked at the bat and then found why with a gasp. There on the coach was a male bat and a male cheetah making out half naked. They looked old enough to be his parents.

David mutter out, clearly frustrated "Dad...s how many times have I asked you guys to get a room for this kind of stuff?"

The older bat smiled at David "Well, you know how it is...hello, hello what do we have here?" noticing Alex.

Alex just blinked with a confused fact, trying his best to find something to say "Er..."

The cheetah smirked "I'm going to guess that's your boy"

David sighed and nodded slowly "Yea, this is Alex...Er...can you too find that room now?"

The bat smiled "Say please"

David snorted, "Pleaseeeeee leave us alone"

The cheetah smirked and got up, pulling the bat with him "Alright, Come on Harry, lets finish up in our room" both of them walking out.

David sighed again and flopped down on the couch. Alex didn't know what to do, until he eventually sat down on the bat's lap "Uh...Davy...who were those men?"

David scratched the back of his head and reluctantly answered "Um...They both my fathers..."

Alex blinked and tilted his head "Um...where's your mother...?"

David sighed once more and frowned "'s the thing, my real dad, the bat you just saw, and my mom married out of convenience, simply because they both wanted children, they did love each other but like a brother or sister dad was gay and my mom didn't have a problem with it...when I was ten she died from a car crash...My dad, bro and me had a tough time dealing with it but it was ok after we kinda got used to it..." he paused for a moment "That other dude you saw is my dad's boyfriend, they have been together since my dad got married to my mom and she still didn't mind...he moved in after my mom died, so he's basically my step dad...and he does look out for me like he really was my dad, so we just call him dad too..."

Alex frowned, no wander he didn't mention it. He didn't blame him though; it must have been hard for him, so Alex understood. Alex slowly wrapped his arms around the bat and hugged him "Wow...that's rough...I'm sorry hun"

David smiled and hugged back "Don't apologise sweetie, it's not your fault and you've done nothing wrong..."

They cuddled like this for a while...until David smirked at the mouse "So, how about we mark -my- bed with our love?"

Alex giggled and let the wonderful bat, with fur like freshly fallen powdered snow, pick up and carry him up the stairs and down a hallway. Just as they reached what looked like David's room, Alex could tell since there was a sigh that said 'David' on the door, A voice came from behind them "Hey, you too have fun"

David winced and coved both his and Alex's eyes with his paws, muttering out "Bro, please tell me you have clothes on...?"

The voice giggled "Nope, just had a bit of a session myself with Bruno"

Alex blinked in confusion, even though he could not see with David's hand over his eyes.

David sounded annoyed "Well, go back to Bruno and keep him company"

The voice giggled again "Oh he'd like that" then footsteps could be heard walking away and a door closing.

David opened his door and Alex looked around. The room was actually, in Alex's opinion; pretty cool looking for a room. It was filled with little gems that gave off a very pretty and rainbows of coloured lights. There was even one of those dream catcher things hanging over David's bed, with looked like it was covered with silk.

David set Alex down on the edge of the bed and then sat down next to him. Alex frowned a bit "Why wasn't your brother wearing clothes...and by the sounds of things he's gay too"

David rolled his eyes and sighed "My brother, Anthony, feels more comfortable naked when his inside the house, even though we beg him not to...and yea, Bruno is his boyfriend...he's a rottie..."

Alex now TOTALLY understood why David didn't mention his family, any person would regard them freaks. "You were afraid of telling me this right?"

David nodded slowly "You think?"

Alex smirked "And why is this?"

David smirked back "Because my entire family is know...weird, a 9.5 on the freakiness scale"

Alex smiled and kissed the bat on the nose "So? That won't change anything between us baby, I don't care if you live in a circus, I'll always love you"

David put on a hopeful face "...Promise?"

Alex nodded and crossed his heart with his fingers "I promise dear heart"

David cheered up a bit and hugged the mouse tightly "...You are just the most wonderful and kindest fur I have ever come to encounter in my entire life!" he kissed Alex fully on the lips and then whispered into his ear "I just love you so have my heart in your hand and my undying care..."

Alex wanted to say something but it was replaced with a giggle and a dark red blush...he then smiled and whispered back "So, how about you show me how much you love me"

David licked his lips and gently pushed the mouse on his back, lying on top of him now "It would be my pleasure honey" and basically ripping both of there clothes off, though he did it in such a gentle manner that they stayed intact.

Alex squeaked with delight and let himself be handled by the stronger, more dominate male. There was nothing more that he wanted. Before he knew it he was naked, like they vanished just like that. He didn't really care though, he was almost erect and what he could see David's soldier was standing tall at attention

Now fully exposed, David pressed a flurry of kisses all of over the mouse's upper torso. Starting at the neck then going lower to the chest, nibbling fondly at the nipples and then sliding his tongue all over the belly area, emitting a low murring as his mate did the same.

David lifted his muzzle back up to face the mouse again and kissed him deeply. Alex kisses back with everything he had and opened his mouth for the bat. David took the hint and continued like this with David licking at Alex's teeth.

David gently whisper into his love's ear "Flip over"

Alex did as he was told, getting on his paws and knees on the bed, which surprisingly felt like silk.

David licked his lips and licks all over the tail-hole, kissing and rimming it to cover it with a tiny layer of saliva. Alex moans and leans his head back, his eyes semi-shut with a dazed look on his mousy face. David then positions his member where his tongue was a few seconds ago, moving the tip slowly and teasingly around the plucker.

Alex moans loader and mutters out "Stop teasing me Davy"

David chuckles and stops "Do you want me mousy?"

Alex sighs happily "Oh god yea"

David chuckles some more before sliding his length inside, after doing so he paused to ask, "You still ok baby?"

Alex winced a little at the intrusion, he wasn't so tight since they had started, and then nodded "Uh-huh" Alex really like how David would ask if he was ok when they did this, it may be a delay but it showed that David didn't want to hurt him, it showed that he really...cared and didn't do it purely out of lust.

David grinned and pulled out and then thrust back inside, creating the rhythm he mostly used to do this kind of thing, and Alex loved it. As he did so he leaned over Alex's back, resting his chest on it gently. Alex moaned even loader and rocked his body into the thrusting, making seem like it went deeper.

David reached down and tugged at the mouse's member, pawing him off. Alex also loved how everything David did always seemed so gentle but gave off so much...he could not find a word for it, so he chose affection, because it made him feel loved and special. It was amazing what the slightest touch could do.

David continued pumping in, now keeping his length inside longer and deeper with each thrust. Alex moaned happily with his length throbbing painfully, wanting to release it's juices from all the attention given "Yea davy, take me!"

David really started to drill inside, feeling his climax coming and as soon as he could not hold it any longer he gripped his lover's hips and bucked his own in as he thrust in the final time, making him shoot a long stream of seed inside. Alex always came right after David if his cum was sprayed inside him, so he did, staining the bed with a big blob of ivory coloured liquid.

David panted and whispered into Alex ear " stain on my bed"

Alex giggled and sighed happily "Do I need to clean that?"

David pulled out and collapsed on the bed, a few inches from the stain "Nah, I'll be a little memorabilia of our first my house that is"

Alex smiled and collapsed on top of the bat, straight into his arms "That's one of the reasons I don't care what your family is like by the way"

David chuckles and snuggles the black and white mouse in his arms "Then I guess we should keep that up eh?"

Alex snickers "Oh, defiantly honey"

They stayed like this, David holding him tightly and securely and they talked about random stuff. Before they knew it Alex had to go home. They slipped their clothes on and David drove him homeward. When he had done so David drove back home and when to lye on his bed. He looked at the stain left in his bed covers and frowned.

He looked down and muttered to himself "There is only so much weirdness a fur can take...he must never know of his or my powers...or the true bond we share...I don't want to lose him to something I can't change"

He groaned and looked up "Why, why, why did this have to happen to me?" the light of the gems and stones in his room suddenly dimmed before falling asleep. His dream was not a pleasant one...the dream catcher above him shivered silently.



