Strange Fruit

Story by Arcane Reno on SoFurry

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#1 of Strange fruit

Author's note: Well, at long last, this has seen the light of day. This is the final result of a commission I've been working on for the past few month's for a certain Nicobay. Approximately 45k total wordcount, so yup, it's going to be a long one. As such, I've broken it into three chapters, each of which breaks off fairly easily, if you don't feel like taking on the whole thing in one shot.

WARNING: This story contains both consensual and semi-consensual, and, in some places, non-consensual, explicit sexual scenes. If you're under the legal age wherever you happen to be, you probably shouldn't be reading this. Go play some M rated video games or something. Of course, we all know that if you've come this far, you're not going to stop now, but at least I tried, right? :P

Pokemon is trademark of Nintendo. All other characters belong to Nicobay.

_As always, big thanks to Guri for proofing and motivation, and thanks to Nicobay for his patience. _

Strange Fruit

(A Nicobay Adventure)

"Err, dad, why are we all the way out here again?"

Skrien gave Nico a withering look, the kind that made the bayleef wish he could fit his bulky form into a very small hole in the ground. "Patrol duty," he barked. "We need to keep our territory safe." Unsurprisingly, he didn't elaborate further.

Nico snapped his mouth shut on a protest. 'Patrol duty,' he thought sullenly, 'is an incredibly boring exercise. No cookies, no other fun things to do, and dad is always more irritable than usual until we finish the route.'

On top of everything, this was several hilltops further than their usual boundaries, and all that had happened so far was an encounter with a startled caterpie, which had done its best to shoot them with sticky string. Dad had discouraged the idea.

"Sure, I know, dad. I was just wondering why we're out so far."

Skrien took no notice of the question, his posture in a firm "don't bother me" stance. Nico huffed a quiet sigh, disappointed that they were still in the 'irritable' stage, and not yet at the 'going home for fun' stage. The one good thing about patrol duty, was that it made dad rather... pent up. Honestly though, they never had any troubles. Skrien was scary enough when angry to frighten away pokémon with... dominant ideas... simply by living in the area. Now, apparently, that area would be three hilltops larger.

The late afternoon sun sparkled across the grassy slope, seeping down towards them like melting butter as they plodded up the grade. At least, Nico plodded. Skrien strode determinedly. The hilltop looked more or less like any of the others they had seen today. A few scattered rocks, a stunted bush, grass. A panting, in-heat luxray presenting herself. Nico shook his head to clear it. No, that part was, sadly, just his imagination.

There was one thing different about this hilltop however. Nico plunked himself down beside his father, who had halted to eye the murky looking forest sprawling below with a mixture of suspicion and appreciation. "This will be a good spot to explore next time," Skrien said approvingly. "You see Nico? THIS is why we went further than usual. New territory for us. You'll thank me for this later."

Nico's leaf twitched in dismay. Next time? Why couldn't they just stick to their OWN forest? This one appeared to have more than its fair share of thorny bushes. Probably lots of springy, whippy branches too, just waiting to slap unsuspecting 'mons across the face.

"Sure, dad," he said disconsolately.

A breeze gently tugged at him, carrying a whiff of something sweet and sticky from the forest. It was like maple syrup on top of a slowly melted cream-puff, wrapped in something fresh and fruity, and roasted slowly over a pinewood fire. It gave Nico the distinct and reassuring impression that this particular forest, might not be so bad after all. At least, worth exploring for the source of that lovely smell.

Interestingly enough, Skrien also noticed the smell, sitting on his haunches to dissect it with a critical discernment. The umbreon breathed deeply, rolling the faint aroma around his palate. Yes, as he had thought. This forest needed to be taught a lesson, attempting to fool him like that! If there were nasty things like THAT down there, this forest would be easy to defend. 'After all,' he rationalized, 'anything that smells like THAT can only be unhealthy. Or at least up to no good.' If anyone down there had issues about him claiming this territory, they would have to take it up with him in person!

Nico leaned forward, as if stretching his neck a few inches would grant him a better view of the trees below. It didn't, but it made him feel like he was doing something, perhaps something akin to whatever his father was silently contemplating. The trees remained staunchly indifferent to the pair observing them. Trees tended to be that way, no matter how hard you stared at them. "Are we going down there, dad? Or are we going home? I'm hungry."

"In a moment, Nico," Skrien said, seriously considering the notion of exploring the forest now, though the idea was rapidly losing the battle. It would be nice, but his mate was waiting for him. The forest would keep until tomorrow. Ciel would too, but she would be far less inclined to reward him if he came home late... again. She could be so creative with those vines of hers! Nico had picked up on some of her tricks too...

He rose to his paws, stretching his limbs lithely. "Good job today Nico. We'll head for home. Not much more to do tonight, except-"

He cut off, a faint noise pricking his ears like a buzzing fly, arresting his attention from thoughts of his mate and all the things they might do to each other tonight. Nico looked at him expectantly, the confused look in his eyes offsetting the smile at the word "home".

"Anything wrong, dad?"

Skrien's long ears swivelled and twitched, a fuzzy, living radar machine. The sensitive organs honed in on the distant sound with pinpoint accuracy. "Human," he said with a definitive nod. "In the woods."

"A human?" Nicobay said incredulously. "Why would a human be all the way out HERE? Are... are you sure, dad?" His own ears were not nearly so well attuned as the umbreon's, but the notion of a human was so ridiculous, that he couldn't help wondering if his father was hearing things.

A midnight hued paw whipped through the space between them, smacking Nico soundly across the muzzle. "Of course I'm sure!" Skrien growled, having picked up on the 'you're losing it' tone in Nico's voice. "My ears are never wrong!"

Nico's leaf drooped, and he hastened to make amends. "No, of course not. But... why?"

Skrien shrugged, his irritation disappearing faster than a large bill dropped at a seedy bar. "Who knows? Why don't we go find out?" A human could mean one of two things: danger, or opportunity. This human sounded distinctly distressed, making him lean more towards the latter possibility. "Let's go, Nico!" Without waiting to make sure Nico followed, Skrien bounded down the slope like his tail had caught fire, heading straight for one of the less brambled spaces between the trees.


'Pitching camp BEFORE exploring the woods,' Derek thought ruefully, 'was a very bad idea.' Like most bad ideas, it had seemed like a good idea at the time. No need to worry about pitching the tent or anything once he got back, no need to lug cumbersome supplies through the dense brush. Such a nice, peaceful little campsite too.

Until a hungry rhyperior had found it.

"Come on Taya, you can do this! Use Whirlpool!" he cried, flapping his arm ineffectually, as if he could assist his feraligatr by doing so. His free hand twitched, reaching for an empty poké ball on his belt, only to close on nothing but air, reminding him that he had already used all of them.


Taya shot him a disparaging look, her expression quite plainly saying, "I'm a little busy right now, idiot," as she held grimly to one of the snarling rhyperior's burly, thrashing, arms. Tall as the water type was, the enraged pokémon topped her by more than a head, and had to be at least three times her weight.

Derek frowned at her back as she resumed her arm wrestling. It wasn't his fault it had woken up grumpy! Anybody would have tried to catch it! It had been asleep! On top of the sorry remains of his tent no less, and surrounded by the crumbs and wrappers of two weeks worth of food supplies.

How had it managed to escape while asleep anyway? Regardless, it had not been amused.

Derek cringed as the rhyperior redoubled its efforts, letting out an ear splitting roar and shaking its arm wildly, attempting to dislodge the third member of Derek's party. Cyril looked decidedly cross-eyed, the beleaguered flygon doggedly holding onto the flailing limb as he was shaken like a magic eight-ball.

For his part, dispensing fortunes was the last thing on Cyril's mind at that moment. He was far more concerned with not losing his breakfast, as every cell in his body was roughly jostled about. As well as preventing a rampaging, tauros-headed, walking mountain from turning his trainer into a colourful stain on the forest floor. Cyril was rather fond of Derek, even if he did have a tendency to overturn a beedrill's nest instead of leaving well enough alone. Sleeping rhyperiors fell into that category, even if they had eaten all your food.

Cyril trilled a battle cry and held on tighter, raking a glowing claw across the brute's stony carapace. The mysterious, swirling energy roiled up from somewhere behind his heaving stomach, infusing his strike with a power both ancient as death and steeped with draconic lifespark. Unfortunately, it didn't even make a scratch.

Their ears rang with a primal roar, a massive, clawed foot crashing to the loamy ground with thunderous force. A wave of elemental energy swept towards Derek, shattering earth and snapping rock, tossing the human backwards with a yell of surprise. Wind whistled past his ears for a sickening moment, before he crashed down on his back with a painful thud, breath wheezing from his lungs.

Derek stared up at the tiny patch of blue seeping down through the emerald canopy. He knew that moving would likely be in his best interest, if, as it seemed, the rhyperior was indeed about to break free from his team's restraining grip. However, he decided to start by taking stock of every bone in his body, ensuring all were present and accounted for, before moving on to more strenuous activities.

Derek's foot twitched in response to his mind's command. Good. Pins and needles aside, everything was still attached and working properly. Now for the legs. Cyril's distressed trills called to him, mingling with the skull-splitting roar of the awakened beast, and the lesser battle-cry of an incensed feraligatr.

While Taya was far less affectionate than Cyril, she too bore a firm loyalty to Derek, and was particularly annoyed that her opponent had taken such a cheap shot at the human. The familiar temper flared white-hot, snarling from her impressive maw with wordless rage. Even as a totodile, her ire had been quite... spectacular.

"Come on, ya big dumb boulder brain! Ya got a problem? Fight someone your own size!" she grunted, jabbing the creature in its stony ribs. She didn't get anything more than bruised knuckles for her trouble, the recoil shooting pain up through her shoulder, her biceps bulging with the Herculean effort of holding its arm at bay.

Reptilian eyes narrowed to eviscerating laser beams of sizzling crimson, her glare doing its best to bore through the rock pokémon where it stood. Her straining limbs trembled with renewed strength, her blood heating from it's usual chill with the fury of battle. She could smell... anger, a spiky, potent nip in the air. She dredged up reserves of concentration she barely knew she had, fumbling mentally to seize the gurgling strength lying dormant within her, and douse this hot-head for good!

She didn't get the chance.

Something green flashed from the corner of her vision, several half-seen blurs streaking towards them to skitter across the rhyperior's armoured hide. It bellowed an incoherent expression of pain, a quiver racking its massive form.

"Good, Nico!" she heard someone shout in a bass growl. She turned her head towards the sound, the bubbling attack half formed in her maw. Her eyes widened in surprise as a lithe, well muscled form, furred strikingly in abyssal black and shining gold, joined the fray. A battle god, filled with righteous wrath, poised to deliver a crushing blow.

Skrien gritted his teeth, bracing for the impact even as he whipped his body around on his forepaws, bringing haunches to bear with devastating force against the rhyperior's belly. The mighty kick staggered the beast, Taya and Cyril dragged along as it stumbled back a step, roaring in surprise and pain.

"But, it's my spot!" it wailed, flailing for balance, Cyril buzzing in alarm as he was roughly jostled about. "I found it first!" It snarled fiercely, attempting to break free of Taya's grip to swipe at the attacking umbreon.

Skrien glared at the larger pokémon, not the least bit intimidated by its superior height and weight, confidence marking his posture. "You will leave," he growled in his most menacing tone. "Now." His rings pulsing dangerously, a tidal wave of barely restrained energy, bubbling under his muscles like boiling ink, sought freedom.

If the command in his voice was not enough, he would have to be more... persuasive. He deduced from the scene before him that it had attacked the human: an act of cowardice he despised with cold fury. Behind him, the boy groaned something incoherent, a note of surprise in his voice as he took in the two new pokémon in the battle. Humans were largely defenceless, weak creatures. Skrien had issues with bully 'mons.

The rhyperior roared in defiance, meeting his steady stare with a stubborn, irrational glint in its eyes. "My spot!" It lifted a foot to unleash another quake, intent on defending its right to the campground, heedless of the odds against it.

A bolt of pure darkness split the air in two, the shrouded power of the eclipse and the crushing weight of the void between lonely stars, black lightning that drew all surrounding illumination into its being and snuffed it out. Faster than a striking arbrok, it impacted the rhyperior's chest.

Taya and Cyril were thrown to the ground, the rock type ripped bodily from their hold to fly backwards, bellowing in shock and pain. A tree shuddered, cracking in two as the large pokémon crashed heavily into its trunk, the loud snap sounding like a massive bone breaking.

"Holy-!" Derek exclaimed, now sitting up and shaking off the creeping soreness of his tumble. "What was that?!"

Skrien didn't bother with a reply. The boy wouldn't understand him anyway, although his pokémon may have been able to translate. He held his wide stance, breathing deeply, the scent of burning ozone crackling in his nostrils. The rhyperior shook its head to clear it, sitting on its rump against the destroyed tree, a dazed look in its eyes. Unsteadily, it lurched to its feet, tottering a moment, before giving a mournful grumble. "Fine. You can have it."

Puffs of loam marked its heavy tread, as it stumbled off through the trees, rumbling disconsolately under its breath. Four to one, he decided, was a little too much for him after all, not worth fighting over a comfy bed. As if he had no right to be there, in his own forest! It wasn't his fault they had left food lying around! Anybody would have eaten it!

Shakily, Taya got to her feet as well, mirrored by Cyril, who immediately buzzed a cry of relief and hover-jumped over to check on Derek. The feraligatr took in the newcomers with a mixture of respect and awe, eying the umbreon particularly closely. He was a handsome one...

"Wow... I gotta hand it to ya, I've NEVER seen anyone take out a rhyperior like THAT. That was style!" she said, as casually as she could. She didn't want to seem TOO eager. "That was better'n a troop of wartortle!" Adrenaline seeped from her body, leaving her with the pleasant tiredness of a good workout, and plenty of energy to spare for any other... activities. 'Heh, I wonder if this studly fellow will stick around...' Smaller 'mon didn't usually interest her, but this one... there was something about him, some quality she couldn't quite place. He radiated power, dominance. He drew her like a mothim to a charizard's tail. "Ya gotta teach me what ya did there sometime."

Skrien nodded coolly, acknowledging the accolades and relaxing his posture, though he was not quite ready to assume this group to be allies. Humans were, after all, human, and this one may harbour ideas about capturing him or Nico. That would be... unfortunate.

"We're very grateful to you for helping us," Cyril trilled, feeling better now that the nausea of being shaken so fiercely had settled, and helping Derek to his feet. "Any longer and it might have broken free." He glanced between the two, Nico nodding with a friendly smile from the edge of the small clearing. "I am called Cyril. May I ask your names?"

Nico trotted closer, stopping beside the flygon and tilting his head curiously to examine Derek. Humans weren't something he'd seen often, and usually only from a distance. Derek stared back, still a little too shell-shocked to speak and break into the pokémon's chatter. "Of course! I'm Nicobay, though I just go by Nico." He nodded towards his father. "That's my dad. We were nearby, and he heard this guy yell," Nico gestured at Derek with a nod. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine, as far as I can tell," Cyril said, finally releasing his hold on Derek's arm and allowing the human to deal with gravity on his own. "I think he's just a little overwhelmed by everything right now. That-" he trilled something incomprehensible, a twist in his expression that indicated it to be an insult, "of a pokémon destroyed all our supplies! We're going to have to fly back to town tomorrow it looks like."

"Uhh," Derek said, oblivious to the conversation in poké speech. "Well now." He stepped away from the attentive flygon, surveying the two wild pokémon with a mixture of interest and bewilderment, wondering if he'd been knocked unconscious and was merely dreaming. "Hi?" Nico nodded, waving his leaf, making Derek blink.

"Never mind that, we'll deal with it when we have to," Taya said, as if her trainer hadn't spoken. She grinned toothily, sidling a step closer to Skrien, her tail twitching slightly "I'm more interested in finding out a little more 'bout our friends! What's your name, handsome? I'm Taya."

The umbreon relaxed finally, seeing no threat to speak of, and also paying the human no mind. "It's Skrien," he said, examining the feraligatr mildly. She was doing her best to pose flirtatiously, but with the air of someone who didn't have much experience with such things. Perhaps she could have done better with some lessons from Malya. "Glad to help. Besides, it was good exercise." He grinned wryly.

"Ooh, I'll bet! I ain't seen many that can pack that kinda wallop into one hit. Ya must've trained pretty hard!" Taya said, trying to be subtle about displaying her own well-muscled form. Subtlety was not her strong suit.

"Something like that."

"Exercise hmm?" Cyril said in a low voice, with a small smile at Nico. "Your father has an unusual method of keeping fit. I would not want to get on his bad side."

Nico chuckled softly. "You should see him when he's REALLY angry. That rhyperior got off easy." Nico's memory flickered, his grin widening as he recalled a certain incident, involving a venusaur who hadn't taken his mother's "no" for an answer. He'd never known people could make sounds like that!

Skrien suppressed a gruff laugh as he overheard the comment, and shot them a knowing look. "No, Cyril, you wouldn't. Don't worry though, I won't practise on you. You're all under my protection for now, at least until you leave this forest."

"Aww, that's so generous! Ain't it, Cyril?" Taya said, her eyes still roving freely over Skrien's lithe body. She couldn't help herself. She hadn't seen a male that exuded such raw... dominance... for a long time. She liked her males dominant. "So you're in charge here? Does that mean you'll stick around for awhile? Boulder brains might decide to come back after all, and it'd be nice to have ya here... Just in case, ya know?"

"My tent..." Derek groaned, turning from his contemplation of the conversation to look morosely at the squashed mass. After the excitement of the day, a night without a roof over his head was not a pleasant prospect.

"In charge... yes." Skrien nodded. He was claiming this territory after all, might as well start now. "As for staying..." He looked conspicuously at Derek. "Your trainer won't get any ideas, will he? I would hate to have to disillusion him, so soon after taking the time to save his butt."

"Aww, he's not a bad guy," Taya said, surreptitiously curving her tail around Skrien's hind legs as she edged closer, attempting to lean against him while not acting like an arcanine in her first heat. She only half succeeded. "It'd be bad manners to try'n catch ya guys NOW. 'Sides, dopey used up all his pokéballs on that walking pile of rocks."

"Hey dad, remember that thing you taught me? With the trees or caves and stuff? Couldn't we use that to make him a new house thingy?" Nico asked excitedly. The idea of staying overnight here with new friends sounded much more pleasant than trudging all the way back home now, especially with the approaching nightfall. That tickling, pleasant smell was also very persuasive. At some point during their run, they'd passed the source of it, and he was anxious to go back and find it again.

Skrien looked thoughtful, sitting on his haunches and considering their options, while Taya did her best to act like she wasn't pressing against his side. On one paw, there was Ciel. But, this little detour had ensured they would be late in any case, so what was a little later? She wouldn't be any MORE annoyed than she would already be. At least, until he softened her up by telling her about his new find. He'd offered these three his protection too, it would be bad form to not see it through.

"Sure, I don't see why not. I'm guessing you won't be flying anywhere tonight, and this is as good a spot as any for all of us to den up. We'll stay."

"Great!" Taya exclaimed, already planning ways to get herself alone with the umbreon. "Now we just hafta figure out a way to fix this place up a bit. Cyril, ya wanna fill in short-stuff?" she gestured to her trainer, who had begun dejectedly poking around for what supplies were still salvageable. "Derek understands him a little bit, if he talks slowly and uses small words," she explained to the other two.

"Really?" Nico said, as Cyril got Derek's attention by tapping on his shoulder, and began speaking carefully and precisely in low tones. "Tell him not to worry about his..." He considered for a moment, recalling the word the trainer had used. "Tent? Yeah, that. I can take care of it. Check this out!"

Showily, he flourished his vines, waving them at Derek. The human stared back, blankly. "Um, thanks? I-" Cyril murmured something in his ear. "Oh really? You can? Great!" His eyes lit up, a sudden surge of hope flaring. "I thought bayleefs couldn't even learn vine whip?"

Nico shrugged, trotting over to the split tree. "Mom learned it from her mother, and she taught me," he replied conversationally, while wrapping the two vines around the shattered trunk. "It's come in handy."

Skrien snorted at this, sending a wave of heat up Nico's long neck. His father knew all too well some of the other tricks Ciel had shown him. Thankfully, the others couldn't see the blush staining his cheeks, and he focused on the task at hand. Closing his eyes, he didn't feel with the vines, but felt through them. In his mind's eye, tiny flares of pulsing green danced down the appendages, pouring out into the damaged foliage. They streamed into the wood like an army of glowing ants, skittering and searching, tiny feelers probing for... There!

"So, that's it? You hug a tree?" Taya said flatly, not impressed.

"Just watch," Skrien said, a hint of pride in his voice. He knew what Nico was up to.

Nico heard the comment, and with a swell of satisfaction, flared his power. The green ants rallied, surging to muster with the one who had discovered the spot they needed, a glowing tide, roiling into a seething mass near the core of the trunk. There was another loud crack! as the fissure in the tree widened, then a creaking groan that seemed to come from the very earth beneath Nico's feet, like an elderly man stirring from his place of rest and testing arthritic joints. A soft rustling sound followed, along with the creak of bending wood.

"Hey, that's actually pretty neat! Thanks!" Derek exclaimed. Nico opened his eyes, grinning as he examined his handiwork. Myriad gnarled boughs now leaped from the broken stump, curving gracefully overhead to form a wooden dome at least six feet tall, and comfortably able to accommodate two people, if they weren't too fussy about elbow room. Verdant young shoots sprouted from the branches, twining dexterously around their neighbours to form a vibrant, living ceiling. The ends of the branches speared, claw-like, into the loam, anchoring the whole structure in place, and appearing more like roots than branches.

"Okay, I take it back. That was cool. Heh, you're pretty good, Nico!" Taya said, her attention leaving Skrien for a moment, as she looked at the bayleef with a new-found respect. She'd seen other trainer's pokémon use a similar move before, but not quite like that. "I can tell ya learned from the best!" She turned back to the umbreon with a wink, a little disappointed that he hadn't yet responded to her advances. She was probably being too subtle. She'd need to try harder! "Can ya teach it to sing too?"

Nico laughed heartily, retracting his vines as he squeezed out of the structure's entrance-way. The roof was solid, but the sides contained a few gaps that could be peered through. It was a warm enough night though, and the roof would keep the dew off. "Afraid not. Dad might be able to scare it into sitting up and begging though."

Skrien snorted a chuckle, rising to his paws and taking a subtle step away from Taya, who was becoming quite forgetful of the concept of personal space. "Watch it, or I'll make YOU sit up and beg," he growled with false anger. Nico reddened in embarrassment at the veiled reference.

Taya giggled, oblivious to the underlying meaning, and closed the space Skrien had opened between them. "Mmm, maybe later, you can show ME how you'd do that..." she murmured. Skrien's ears twitched. She was a persistent one.

"Maybe later," he replied in a similar tone, gaining a toothy grin from the feraligatr. 'Why not?' he reasoned. 'If she's going to all but throw herself at me...'

Derek crossed the clearing, excitedly inspecting his temporary accommodation. "This is great! I owe you guys big time!" His face fell, his hand resting on the smooth, sturdy wood of one of the branches as he looked between Nico and Skrien. "I wish I could pay you back somehow, but I don't even have any food supplies left."

"It's okay," Skrien started to say, a little perplexed about the boy's offer. "We-"

"Hey! I know!" Derek said, his eyes lighting up as he was struck by a sudden thought. Striding back to his bedraggled backpack, he unzipped it and rummaged inside.

Behind him, Cyril groaned, slapping his forehead with a claw. "Derek... "

Triumphantly, Derek pulled out a neatly folded patch of red and blue silk, which he flourished with a snap. Taya had despised this when he tried to enter her into a contest with it, claiming it made her scales itch, but maybe it would serve as a thank-you gift. He held the cape out to Skrien, looking hopeful. "It's not much, but..." Taya snickered, receiving a disapproving glare from her trainer.

Skrien was now completely baffled. Why would he want such a thing? Moreover, who in their right mind would wear something so garish? He couldn't feel any aura of power from the object, so what use was it? He opened his mouth, about to politely refuse, when a vine snaked out and pulled the cape from Derek's hand.

"Hey, neat! You don't want it dad?" Nico said, inspecting the cloth. Skrien shook his head, speechless, and the bayleef promptly tied the cape around his neck like a bandanna, grinning at the human and arching his neck to display his new fashion statement. "What do you think? Do I look stylish?"

"No," Skrien said flatly. "You look like you've gone colour-blind." The eye-wrenching blue might have blended nicely with the feraligatr's scales, the sharp, potent crimson with her tail and head spikes, but with Nico's softer tones, it clashed horribly.

"It looks great!" Derek said, almost overtop of the umbreon. Cyril merely shook his head with a sigh, Taya chortling with glee to finally be rid of the hated accessory. Nico beamed at the human, enjoying the way the silk rustled as he moved. Mayla would love this!

"I hate to break up the beauty contest," Cyril said dryly, "but the sun is not falling any slower. Do you perhaps know where we could hunt down a berry bush or two? I would rather not forage in the dark."

"Sure, there were several we passed on the way here, though I was a little more concerned about saving your butts, so I didn't take the time to see what kinds," Skrien said, gesturing vaguely East with his tail. He sniffed deeply, testing the air and sorting out the results. That, crackly, rasping smell of water-slicked scales was Taya, spiced with a subtle hint of feminine perfume... She really was getting worked up, wasn't she? He ignored it, continuing to sniff. The dry, parched, dusty scent came from Cyril's direction... Nico's own familiar, sweet-earthy smell... The also distinctive sharp tang of human... And the ever-present, cloying sweetness of this forest, that he had almost forgotten about. "There should be more that way, not too far I think," he said, nodding to the North.

"So, uh... what are you guys planning?" Derek said, stepping to the fore again. He knew that, as the trainer, he should probably be the one making the decisions, but he was a little unsure how to act around such independent wild pokémon, and his own team-members seemed to have caught the bug.

"Dinner plans. We're going to search for some berries. Rocks and dirt are not on the menu tonight," Cyril said, speaking slowly for the human to understand. A grin played across his face, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial hiss. "Except for Taya, perhaps. A little extra fibre might make her stop hanging all over our new friend."

The feraligatr shot him a withering glare as Derek and Nico chuckled. "I heard that, sand-for-brains! And I am not! Maybe I'll give YOU a little extra fibre!" She raised a fist, threateningly.

"I think that falls more in the realm of protein," Skrien said mildly. "And you should probably get going. It will be harder to find ripe ones in the dark."

"I'll go look for the ones we passed on the way here," Nico said helpfully.

"Alright, I'll look for the ones that way," Cyril said, gesturing in the direction Skrien had indicated. He affixed his team-mate a disapproving look. "Think you can handle keeping an eye on our trainer," he stressed the word, attempting to remind her what her focus should be. "While we're gone?" He knew she wasn't quite as attached to Derek as he was, and Skrien was obviously the only thing on her mind at the moment. He didn't care what she did, so long as she didn't let the human wander off on his own while she attempted to work her not-so-sophisticated "wiles" on the umbreon.

She shot him a "what do you take me for" look, though it was spoiled by her tail once more wrapping around the dark type's hind legs. "Yes mother." She grinned toothily at Skrien. "If boulder butt comes back, our fearless leader'll deal with him."

Oblivious to the jibes, and only picking up that they were about to go off on their own, Derek inserted himself once more. "Okay, that's uh, great. Good job guys. But, are you going to be alright buddy?" He frowned, genuinely concerned for his friend. The flygon had taken a bit of a beating from the towering Rhyperior. "It could be dangerous to go alone out here."

"I'll be fine. Here, Nico, take this." He reached down and tossed their poffin bag to the bayleef, the object now woefully empty and more than a little bedraggled. Nico caught it deftly with a vine, and Cyril equipped himself with an empty poke-food box.

Taya made a shooing gesture towards the other two, anxious to be relatively alone with the umbreon. With any luck, Derek would find something else to occupy him, and wouldn't interrupt while she got to know Skrien a bit better. "Go on, we'll be fine. No rush. Rustle us up something tasty!"

Hiding a smile, Skrien gently removed her tail from his shoulder. "Hurry back. I'm in no mood to sit around hungry." 'And,' he thought wryly to himself, 'I might not be able to fend her off long enough to HAVE dinner tonight. If she gets a chance, she'll be all over me before I can blink!' Not that it would necessarily be a bad thing...

Rolling his eyes at his team-mate, Cyril took off without a word. "Got it, dad, don't worry, this won't take long," Nico said, waving the empty bag like a flag. Mischievously, he winked, eliciting a glare from his father. "Don't have too much fun without us." His expression strained with the force of containing his laughter, Nico turned and beat a hasty retreat.


"Really? Down by Ilex forest then?" Cyril asked, reclining contentedly against the tree tent Nico had made. "That's a fair ways from here." A cheery fire blazed in the small clearing, and an inviting pile of berries lay neatly on a spread cloth nearby. Their hunt had turned up a veritable bounty of juicy fruit, both Cyril's box and Nico's bag bulging with freshly picked berries of every type. Of the ones Nico had chosen, Cyril noted, none were types he was familiar with. He hadn't yet tried those, sticking to his own favoured leppa and aspear berries, but those green striped ones looked tempting.

"Ilex forest?" Skrien responded, his tail twitching fitfully against Taya's side. He'd done his best to keep a modicum of breathing space between himself and Taya, but the feraligatr had continuously nullified his efforts, all but chasing him around the fire as he attempted to get comfortable. Sick of the appearance of fleeing from her affections, he'd at last allowed her to have her way, cuddling him like a giant plush toy.

"I don't know what the human name for it is, but there's a big cave not too far from where we live, and a human town near its entrance. We keep well away from that, it's actually further away from our den than we are now, but is that the place you mean?" Finally, he had resigned himself to the large water type's awkward affections, her claw resting between his shoulder blades, stroking occasionally as she hummed softly under her breath. Fine. If she wanted to take all the fun and subtlety out of it, he could work with that too.

"Yes, that's the place alright," Cyril said, popping one of the intriguing berries into his mouth. His eyes widened slightly behind their transparent shields, a hint of moisture rising to the dark orbs. It was sweet! More accurately, it was sweet enough to make his wings feel like they were about to fly away on their own. Acting contrary to what his instincts told him was better judgement, he plucked another from the pile. They were strangely delicious. "We stopped there on the way out to... wherever here is. Derek wanted to give us some wilderness training, and maybe hunt for another team-member to help us beat the gym leader."

"Gym leader? Nico questioned. "What do those do?" Against his father's advice, he had snuck close to the human town multiple times, eagerly observing their activities. This was the first he'd heard of anything so mysterious as a 'gym leader' though.

"Not nearly as interesting as it sounds," Skrien said gruffly, precluding a response from Cyril, as well as a more caustic one from Taya. His general opinion of gym leaders was less than complimentary, and he couldn't possibly allow a chance to state said opinions aloud slip by. "They're nothing more than humans with exceptionally high opinions of themselves." He snorted derisively. "That green-haired kid barely knows which end of a battlefield is which, and his scyther is the whiniest little brat I've ever met."

Cyril's mouth snapped shut on a retort with a nearly audible click. He didn't particularly wish to argue with the umbreon about gym leader's abilities, especially when it would sound like nothing more than a petulant attempt at justification.

Nico, meanwhile, merely stared at his father, a little surprised at his apparent knowledge of human affairs. He would have to ask about this on the way home. Assuming Skrien didn't refuse to speak further on the subject of course. He stifled a sigh. On the other vine, his father would be cranky after spending a night without some form of release -- unless the smokey looks he had caught Taya sending Skrien's way ended up leading to more than the feraligatr treating Skrien to a thorough back scratching.

Yawning profusely into the ensuing silence, Derek stood up and stretched, cat-like. The combined effects of the warmth of the fire, a stressful day, and murmuring conversation he couldn't understand had done a number on the human. "Well, you guys are welcome to stay up as late as you want, but I'm taking advantage of the hospitality our leafy friend has arranged. Try to keep it to a dull roar, eh?" Chuckling sleepily at his own joke, he sauntered into the tent.

Of course, part of his condition could only be the fault of the iridescent, pyramid shaped berries he had been snacking on. The other, more visceral effects of those same berries wouldn't reveal themselves until later, when the perfectly ordinary chesto berries he had consumed managed to fend off the lingering shackles of sleep.

'Finally, I thought we'd never get rid of him,' Taya thought, her fangs slowly revealing more of their pearly expanse in a toothy grin. 'Now I just have to ditch the other two, and it'll be smooth sailing for me and this sexy beast.' Skrien glanced up at her with mild amusement, making her relax the possessive arm she had placed around him with an embarrassed flick of her tail.

Heeling Derek's retreat into the organically constructed fauna hut, an animated discussion about various gym leaders broke out, Nico frequently interrupting with eager questions, while Cyril regaled him with tales of the various towns they had seen. Taya interjected occasionally, though she only kept half an ear on the conversation, even the contemptuous commentary Skrien deigned to throw in. All the while, the pile of berries, both the normal ones Cyril had obtained, and Nico's extraordinary find, grew steadily smaller in accordance with the dying fire. Even Skrien overcame his apprehension and tried a few of the unusual berries, though he chose not to remark on the exotic blend of flavours that graced his tongue.

The bayleef, on the other hand, had no compunctions about sampling the assorted delights of his find. Unfortunately for Nico, or perhaps fortunately, depending on your point of view, that particular combination of red-gold and blue-with-green-stripes berries was roughly equal to a goodly sized glass of distilled vodka, overtop a healthy dose of psychotropic hallucinogenic.

He might have been better off, if he hadn't crammed as many into his mouth as would fit, eating as if he were a the sole, bedraggled survivor of a ten-year famine.

However, it would take several moments for him to realize this effect. Around the same time as the vibrant pink berry with tiny polka dots began to work his hormones into a lather, and the aforementioned qualities would be largely unnoticed in any cognizant fashion.

All that mattered, was that they tasted like chocolate chip cookies.

At long last, the exhaustively detailed and surely very interesting discussion wore down -- likely due to Nico finally draining his repertoire of questions dry -- with Cyril admitting with no small amount of reluctance, that they had in fact only obtained one badge so far. Derek, after all, the flygon hastened to add, still had a long way to go on his quest to become a pokémon master.

By this time, Nico was feeling decidedly peculiar. Much like someone might after ignoring their mother's advice and going swimming directly after eating -- followed immediately by a somewhat disappointing orgasm. 'How strange,' he thought, Cyril's words droning onerously in his ear, a hiccup fizzing its way up his long neck and bursting from his maw. 'This tree's been patiently sittin' there... all night. All night! An nobody's lettin' it get a... a word in edgewise. No good. We should... ah, shouldn't... '

His thoughts trailed off into contended, off-key humming. Grinning in the most welcoming manner he could think of, he attempted to sort out the six extra legs he had mysteriously acquired, to make his way over to the disheartened tree and rectify the grievous oversight. The world around him though, stubbornly refused to hold still and cooperate, pitching him unceremoniously back on his rump.

Taya had just about reached the end of her admittedly small supply of patience, which likely was greatly aggravated by a sudden itch that had begun to taunt her nethers, courtesy of both her growing attraction to the umbreon beside her, and the more subtle siren's call of the pair of oddly shaped, golden striped berries she had eaten. Breathing heavily, she leaned down, fondling one of Skrien's ears with a somewhat dopey grin on her face, finding herself fascinated by the long, pliable appendage. Ears, she decided, were fun things to play with. But, there were even more fun things to be found, that were hopefully just as long and far less pliable.

"Psst," she hissed into the captive ear, in a tone that didn't remotely resemble a whisper. "C'mon handsome, let's you and me ditch these two for somewhere a lil' more private, eh?" A surge of heat flared in her loins, making it difficult to even restrain herself long enough to ask for his consent in the matter.

"Not now," Skrien growled, jerking his ear free and shooting her a peeved look. "I'm watching some... uhh, something." He blinked twice, as if trying to recall what it was he had been looking at, before whipping his head back towards the other side of their campsite. Why was he thinking about Ciel in heat now? And why did it feel like someone had poured aspear juice all over his fur? His skin tingled and crawled all over, as if he was meant to be in someone else's right now. What could-

His eyes narrowed into the fire, a snarl on his lips that temporarily forestalled the amorous feraligatr, who at this point was becoming decidedly forward with her advances. "Nico! What were those berries you found?!" His wrathful gaze fell upon his errant offspring, prepared to give him a chewing out he wouldn't soon forget, when the thing he had been observing suddenly came crashing back, full force.

Nico, quite unaware of the state of his father and Taya, had succeeded in befriending the lonely tree, and was presently giggling unsteadily at some joke it had told. "Ha! Tres bien! Now I... I have-one-for-you," he slurred, the words alternating in halting spurts and sudden rushes of syllables. "Pourquoi le torchic a-t-il traversé fleuve?" At this, his forelimbs gave way, sending him crashing onto his chest as he burst into another fit of giggles, at the same time raising his rear and, intentionally or not, presenting himself.

"That does it," Skrien grumbled, rising and stalking toward the fallen bayleef, ignoring Taya's protests. "Drug us, will you?" Infuriatingly, Nico didn't even look up, letting out a dainty hiccup and mumbling something to his arboreal amigo. "Dammit Nico, quit talking to trees and pay attention when I'm telling you-!" He staggered, trying to sort his thoughts. What was he trying to say to his son?

"When I'm, uhh, telling you stuff!" he finished lamely, trying to keep his balance on the swaying ground. A scaled hand suddenly trailed across his haunch, caressed his rump and squeezed his sac, Taya making an oddly avian cooing noise behind him. He yanked away from her again, irrational anger battling with the stirring in his loins her touch had aroused. "Talk to trees? Wiggle your butt at me? Trees can't even talk, Nico!" His own gait by this time was more of a stagger, his hips twitching of their own accord, as if they wished to be doing something other than walking. Nico's exposed rear jiggled insolently as the bayleef attempted to get his feet under him, only succeeding in crashing down once again with a grunt. "I don't care who's watching, you're going to make up for this!"

Still, Nico persisted in ignoring him. Skrien growled menacingly, the sound resonating between the trees in a way that would have made any sane creature sit up and take notice, then promptly dash away to their burrows. Nico remained unimpressed. Tired of venting his frustrations at his son's upraised rump, Skrien stalked around to face him, leaning down to glare balefully into Nico's face. "I said, pay attention! How many times have I had to tell you that I don't like to repeat myself! Trees. Can't. Talk!"

Finally broken from his stupor somewhat, Nico gazed up at his father, slack jawed. "Qu'est ce que sais?" He was more than a little peeved at the interruption in his conversation, as well as the suggestion that his new friend was in fact mute. However, words of protest failed him at the sight of the raging umbreon.

Thoroughly incensed by the unsatisfactory response, Skrien reached the end of his tether. "Fine, if you won't shut your mouth about trees, maybe I'll just fill it for you! Maybe you'll pay attention to THIS."

'This' did indeed get Nico's attention, as a pair of ebon paws fell heavily on his shoulders, bringing a stiffening, black-furred sheath uncomfortably close to his face, a hint of pink emerging to bump commandingly against his chin. The bayleef stared cross-eyed at this new development, uncomprehending. Once again, the encroaching maleness lurched forward, more of the hidden pink creeping into view as it tapped at his lips. Somewhere deep in Nico's fogged mind, a lightbulb lit up. Of course! His father was upset that he hadn't yet payed attention to this friend!

Grinning widely as the friendly fellow once again pecked him on the lips, Nico opened his mouth to introduce himself... only to have the jet-black sheath mash directly up to his lips, cramming a warm, soft pole of pink flesh into his maw! He sputtered around the intruder, unsure what to make of this overly forward greeting.

At that moment, a wave of relaxation rippled through him, a blast of heavy perfume roiling into his nostrils. 'S'okay, he's just... being touchy-feely... Must be happy to see me.' For some reason he couldn't quite work out at the moment, an odd tingling had started up somewhere... down, far down his body, a tiny shiver running from his stubby tail up his long neck.

"That's right! You'd better take all of it, or you'll have to answer for why!" Skrien roared, pressing his advantage. The warm, wet chamber surrounding his exposed flesh had been all he needed to excite him, his hips moving on auto-pilot, jerking rapidly into the proffered entrance. He placed a paw on Nico's neck, shoving his face towards his crotch to express his dominance, adding another thrust to really drive the point home. "If you can't be bothered to listen when I'm talking to you, then you're going to be a good little bitch!"

Nico gave a small, feminine cry of delight, his wide tongue embracing Skrien's pole eagerly as his muzzle abruptly became a tool for his father's pleasure. A quick series of hammering thrusts steadily shoved the heated, pulsing length deeper inside, the tapered tip stretching for the back of his throat. The stirring in his loins intensified, his hips quivering as his own rod began to emerge, cool air embracing the bayleaf's unattended arousal. As far as Nico was concerned, he didn't mind. He was more interested in the unusual greeting ritual Skrien's member had decided to employ, particularly with such salty flavour splashing across his tongue! How was he supposed to respond again? Oh yes, he swirled his tongue like that...

An enraged screech split the air, momentarily distracting Skrien and even managing to slow his erratic thrusts a little. Conversely, Nico seemed to think it was another order, and fastened his lips tightly around the pistioning length, instinctively beginning to suckle on it with a loud slurping noise. That was enough to draw Skrien's focus back from the inconsequential interruption, a lustful vocalization rumbling in his throat. "That's a good slut, keep quiet and show me how sorry you are for what you've done." Firming his grip upon Nico's shoulder and neck, he made up for lost time, determined to lodge himself as deep as he could possibly reach, heavy pre leaking from his tip.

The source of the unholy sound had of course been the scorned feraligatr, who had just managed to stagger to her feet, and was now looking aghast at the sight before her. This wasn't right! How could he? Why would he do this to Nico? She was supposed to be the one getting pounded! Though, she was hoping for it to be on the other end first.

She stumbled forwards, staring unashamedly at the sight of Nico's lips sliding along the glistening, red-veined shaft, a dribble of pre escaping to trickle down the bayleef's chin, jealousy running rampant in her blood. The sight of her desired lover vigorously shoving his delightfully sized (from what she could see in the flashes of pink) pecker into someone else made her want to fly into a fury, the commanding words of the umbreon only stoking the flames of envy. At the same time, the bubbling yearning in her loins intensified, her claws drifting south down her belly, that devilish arousal playing games with her feelings.

A giggle and a hiccup from off to her left drew her eye, seeing Cyril reclined against a tree, humming softly to himself. His own claws were also occupied, diligently teasing forth a growing pillar of flesh from somewhere bellow his belly. Apparently, this required both claws, and a considerable amount of concentration, to overcome whatever forces currently wreaked havoc with his senses of both coordination and propriety.

Taya's chest began to heave, her breaths sounding as loud as those of the rapidly rutting pair, masculine essence tickling at her nostrils, a groan ghosting from her lips as her questing claw found a home in her nethers. Her eyes flicked feverishly between the still growing meat emerging from Cyril's groin, to Skrien's bulging knot now pounding heavily against Nico's lips, then back to the bayleef's own package swaying lewdly between his legs, his body shuddering beneath the force of the umbreon's wild thrusts. Weird. She'd never even seen Cyril's bits before. He'd always seemed far too dry and stuffy for her to think of him as a male of any virility.

She stared with a somewhat detached fascination, as the flygon idly fondled his admittedly impressive tool, the long taper flopping, still not quite fully erect, upon his belly. He trilled happily, a child-like expression of bliss on his face, a lighter green blushing in his cheeks, just visible in the flickering firelight. Taya's eye twitched, considering, wet squelches from between her legs adding to the carnal music now permeating the clearing. Cyril began squeezing rhythmically with both claws, seeming to offer his exposed maleness to her. A simultaneous jolt shuddered up her spine, her wandering claw at last finding her clit, the sudden pleasure nearly making her sink to the ground once more. Could she? He was right there, and she was horny, dammit!

A muffled noise made her spin, knees wobbling and eyelids fluttering as her claw was shoved deeper into her snatch, tiny scales sliding wonderfully against her clit in passing. Skrien had both forelimbs wrapped around Nico's neck now, balancing precariously as he bucked with reckless abandon, the significant bulge of his knot doing its best to gag the bayleef. No, there was far more attractive prey than Cyril about. With a short, incomprehensible cry, she closed in.

"I said, all the way, bitch." Skrien growled, though some of the emphasis was lost through the obvious pleasure marking his tone. He wasn't getting nearly as much help from Nico as he would like, and, though he would never admit it, he was having trouble balancing like this when he was forced to do all the work. Determinedly, he danced his hind legs, attempting to work his straining shaft past the last bit of resistance, his senses afire from the enthusiastic tongue-work. "I bet you want me to... to cum now, don't you? That's right, you want to drink down all that tasty seed, you little cum-slut. But, you gotta take my knot first!"

It was muscle memory alone that saved Nico from gagging. Even in his hazy stupor, some deep part of him remembered to gulp at the right moment, engulfing the leaking tip just as it surged forward. A sloppy sounding squelch was just audible over the sounds of animalistic pleasure and laboured breathing, as Skrien's bulging knot at last found its way past the bayleef's frantically suckling lips, sealed in by the enthusiastic suction.

A raspy voice grunted into Skrien's ear, making the appendage flick, and breaking into his concentration. "That's it, get it out of yer system, I want ya to be ready for ME." The umbreon shuddered as a scaled grip caressed his sac, fondling his orbs as they drew tight to his body. He merely groaned in reply, his hips bucking feverishly as the tension in his loins surged past the breaking point.

The deep-throated shaft pulsed, pleasure shooting up Skrien's spine as Nico swallowed reflexively, just in time to siphon the first creamy spurt directly from its source. His grip on his son's neck slipped, sending him crashing down onto one paw, bracing himself against Nico's chest and attempting to embed himself even deeper. Nico burbled something unintelligible as his face was shoved to the dirt, a torrent of seed gushing directly down his gullet with an almost audible gurgle.

"Don't let any escape, slut, or it'll be worse for you," Skrien warned through gritted teeth, his tail flicking like it was swatting flies as he emptied his load into Nico's belly, shuddering with each mightly blast. To his credit, Nico attempted to nod, but it's not the easiest thing to do when one's mouth is stuck around a rather large phallus, and your top priority is just to keep your gag reflex under control.

Taya was only too happy to assist Skrien, helpfully massaging his balls until every last drop had made its way down the pinned bayleef's throat, becoming a substantial snack for the bayleef. After what seemed mere blissful seconds to Skrien, and days to the formerly talkative Nico, the geyser at last ran dry. Skrien slumped forward, huffing, allowing himself to slide onto all fours once more, the action stretching Nico's lips and yanking himself free with an audible pop. Taya gave a joyful cry, lunging to grab the retreating member, but misjudged and lost her balance, tumbling face first to join Nico.

Nico immediately pressed his abused jaw closed, obediently following his orders and licking his lips to capture the lone, glistening bead of briny cum that threatened to escape. In a flash, it too joined the rest on its way down to warm in his belly. He gazed adoringly up at his father, a wide smile on his face, appreciating the unusual meal. 'He's right... s'better than talking to... to... what was it again?'

"Bill," the tree supplied, helpfully.

'Right. Bill. Bill doesn't... taste like that. S-sorry, no offense.'

"None taken," replied the ever-jovial tree.

Taya had picked herself up by this time, fixated on her prize, only to be foiled once again as Skrien side-stepped away from her, his breeding tool already nestled safely back in its sheath. "Oh no ya don't, lover boy!" She advanced on all fours, one crimson gaze locked onto the other, though the female's were far more predatory. "It's my turn now!"

The reply was pure winter. "No."

Taya's jaw fell open, feeling as if she'd just been slapped by the rhyperior, halting her advance briefly. "Wha-" The betrayal only worsened, as Skrien turned his back on her, stalking around Nico, who had raised himself up on wobbly legs, and was grinning at something over her shoulder. Her folds quivered, crying out with need, which seemed to grow worse with each step Skrien took away from her.

"Not yet." Hope spread fledgling wings within her, only to be unceremoniously dashed at the next curt statement from her handsome prince, as he reared up to place two heavy paws upon Nico's rump, rudely shoving the bayleef's tail to the side. "This little bitch has another lesson to learn."

Nico turned as he felt Skrien's weight land on his back, not too sure what to expect after their last provocative exploit. The large quantity of berries he had consumed still held him in the iron grip of a drugged haze. "Why doesn't she want to play, dad?" Skrien glared him into silence once more, his leaf wilting. Taya snarled in protest, but the silencing power of the umbreon's eyes was enough for her as well. For the time being.

Suddenly, something firm prodded Nico's rump, forcing a surprised squeak from his lips. His brow furrowed in curiosity. What was his father doing back there? The next jab also landed off target, something warm stabbing against his sac, making his dangling length twitch reflexively. Curious, very curious. They'd done this before, hadn't they? Yes, he knew tha- "Oh!"

The exclamation came as Skrien managed to find purchase at last, his questing member angling upwards towards his goal. With a quick exploratory prod, his jutting tip met spongy, warm flesh that invited him inwards. Skillfully, he shifted his weight higher onto Nico's presented rear, scrambling up onto the taller pokémon's back, which successfully sunk the first inches into the welcoming tail-hole.

Before Nico could recover from his surprise, Skrien's hips quickly set a steady rhythm, his back legs forced to stretch to keep contact with the ground. "Hold still," he growled through the wash of tingling pleasure rising from his sensitive tool. "I'm not going to run all over the place just to fuck a little bitch like you."

Obligingly, the gasping grass type complied, bracing himself as his rear was pummeled by heavy thrusts, suppressing the urge to wriggle in time to the oddly pleasant sensations creeping up through his rump. With each aggressive shove, a tiny bit more of his mysterious depths were shoved apart, any pain there might have been from the rough treatment effectively numbed by the potent combination of berries. Of course, having a lot of practice also helped, even if he couldn't remember it to save his life.

Taya, now jilted twice by her heart-throb, was reaching the boiling point. Each squish and slap of the pair's meeting hips felt like a personal affront, and the source of her aggravation lay no more than arm's length in front of her, grunting and babbling blissfully as he was ridden by the more dominant male. 'Maybe this'll wipe that smirk of your mug!' Her features a mask of rage, vengeful claws reached for the hapless bayleef.

A harsh grip on his leaf rudely jolted Nico from his contemplation, the feelings being pounded into him growing increasingly pleasurable with each stab of Skrien's member. He quailed at the sight before him as a baleful eye lowered to meet his, the realization that he was now trapped by two angry pokémon sinking slowly through the haze on his mind.

"This is all your fault!" Taya snarled, one claw tugging on the handily positioned leaf, the other seizing him by the chin. There was a quiver in her words though, that suggested she might go from shouting to sobbing at any moment. "Why did you have 'ta hit on him too? You stole 'im, now you're gonna fix it!"

Abruptly, the wrathful visage disappeared from his slack-jawed vision, only to find his nose crammed unceremoniously into the very aroused pussy of the angry feraligater. The almighty smell walloped his nostrils, runny, lukewarm fluids making him sneeze as they dribbled into his nose, smelling faintly of fish.

"Fix it!" Taya demanded again, grinding her nethers into her hapless victim's face. "I need something, now! And I don't care who does it!" Skrien didn't even slow or deign to comment on her intervention, merely continuing to hump relentlessly into Nico's abused passage, his knot finally escaping from the confines of his sheath.

Hesitantly, Nico flicked out his tongue, catching a trickle of thin liquid as it trailed down her sopping slit. The reaction was immediate, and likely gratifying, had he been attentive enough to appreciate such things at that moment. Taya vibrated like a tuning fork as Nico's long tongue played across her clit, a gravelly moan falling from her maw as bolts of pleasure lanced through her. Reflexively, she ground harder into the probing tongue, even as Nico was driven forward by Skrien's aggressive brand of affection.

"He can be a good boy, if you know how to talk to him," Skrien grunted, now once again attempting to seal his knot into a willing entrance, this time a much tighter and more accommodating one. He could feel himself rising closer to the edge, his vigorous hunching working to overcome the effects of so recently climaxing. "Give her those talented vines of yours, slut!"

By now, Nico was having a hard time following his father's order not to move, as Skrien's enthusiastic ploughing began to jam into his prostate with increasing gusto. His untouched member swayed pendulously between his legs, a sizable puddle dripping onto the grass below, a burning tension building in his crotch. He tried to respond, but was silenced neatly by a thrust from Taya, sealing his lips with a lewd kiss. With some fumbling, he managed to summon enough concentration to extend his flexible appendages, waving them at the other two as if in surrender, allowing them to guide however they wished.

Taya murmured in approval, her grip on Nico's leaf not slackening in the slightest as she strove for more penetration, eagerly riding the flicking tongue. Her juices splashed across his face in rhythmic squirts, copious as they were for any water type, her sensitive walls rippling delightfully from the experienced tongue-work. Even now, the hours of practice Nico possessed came to good use.

With a cry, Taya let go of Nico's chin and grabbed one of the waving vines, yanking it over and cramming the tip between Nico's lips and hers. He took the hint, and with a wriggling sensation that nearly put her over the edge right there, several inches of soft plantlife plunged into her sodden depths. The other snaked around behind her, teasing and fondling at her rear with a life of its own, sending tiny shivers rattling up her scales.

On the other end of the trapped bayleef, Skrien redoubled his efforts, growling lustfully at the sight of Taya's folds spreading around Nico's plunging vine, and nearly shoving all three of them into a messy heap on the ground. Nico moaned effeminately into Taya's snatch, another cascade of liquids pouring into his maw around the questing vine, as he felt his anal ring stretching lewdly to accommodate the wad of flesh.

'S'not really gonna fit, is it?' he thought, disbelieving. Instinct screamed at him to pull away, to not let himself be tied and dominated like this, even though it would have been impossible with Taya's bulk in front of him, but the rising pleasure crushed the thought before it could fully take hold. Of course, there was also the looming, inescapable presence of his father, like a shadow that formed all in its gaze to his will. One simply did not argue when Skrien wished something to be.

He squirmed inwardly, wanting desperately to bury his own member into something -- anything! But for the moment, he was forced to be content with the overpoweringly erotic scent of female nectar, and the relentless pounding against that hidden pleasure spot, bringing him so agonizingly close for an instant, then fading away, spurting more of his own pre onto the grass below. Something about his predicament suddenly seemed impossibly hilarious. 'They're black and blue. Hehe, my ass will be too. Deedly do.'

He snickered aloud into Taya's folds, drawing a blissful grumble from the feraligatr as the vibrations added to her own experience, even as the adventurous vine sunk itself even further into her mysterious depths. Nico's body shuddered with the rollicking giggles of his mirth, his rear contracting wildly around Skrien's mighty thrusts, beckoning to the pistoning phallus. With a snarl of victory, the umbreon at last managed to time the pounding precisely, a noisy sucking sound overcoming the assorted squishes and slaps, as the massive bulb finally embedded itself in Nico's rump, sealing father and son together. Immediately, he crashed down over Nico's back, his black-furred sac and tail twitching as he blasted another load deep into his current conquest's bowels.

Nico's eyes widened, a muffled "Mmmph!" escaping from his otherwise occupied lips, as warm cream gushed steadily into his gut, lending him a positively stuffed feeling. He couldn't help but wriggle now, though it only intensified the bloating sensation, as his tunnel milked the buried rod relentlessly, drawing a groan and an extra powerful spurt from his father. Rope after rope blasted inside him, painting his walls white with a seemingly endless tide of sticky fluids, Skrien's impressive potency unmitigated by his previous use of Nico's mouth.

Above him, Taya hissed in ecstasy, both from the impaling vine and eager tongue, as well as the arousing sight of Skrien's pleased expression. "He's an even better... bitch than I thought he was! He don't even need a pussy to be one, ha!" Her claw fell unsympathetically on Nico's shoulder, a heavy slap that was half affection, half command, sending a ripple through his tense muscles. Somehow, through the haze of carnal aromas and mind-numbing sensations, Nico found the backhanded compliment to stir something deep inside his fogged brain, and resolved that, sometime during the night, he would show Taya how wrong she was.