Strange Fruit 2

Story by Arcane Reno on SoFurry

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#2 of Strange fruit

_Author's note: Chapter two of the Nicobay commish. Enjoy. _

Pokemon = Nintendo. All other characters = Nicobay

Strange Fruit

(A Nicobay Adventure)

A short distance off in the now thoroughly disturbed woodlands, a black pair of nostrils quivered, scenting the air cautiously, taking in every odour and defining its essence. Sensing nothing amiss, Fritz took another padding step, his tawny fur rippling in the gentle evening air as he squeezed almost delicately between a pair of neighbouring trees. He wasn't terribly sure why he'd chosen to wander this part of the forest tonight. Perhaps it was the solitude. Most of the denizens of these woods stayed well away from this part, for good reason.

His creamy tail twitched in annoyance, a frown marring his fanged muzzle as he considered the latest humiliating rejection. What did Crea want in a male, anyhow? She'd have been far better off evolving into a glaceon, with that attitude! Four months now, and it was still a victory just to have her acknowledge his existence! 'Bah, maybe I'd be better off searching elsewhere. There's plenty of 'mons in the woods. But...'

He halted in his tracks, recoiling with his muzzle twisting in distaste at the sickly sweet smell that suddenly walloped him full force across the snout. He gagged, sneezing, his brilliant emerald eyes watering as he searched for the source, though he already knew exactly where he had blundered into. He swiped a paw at his watering eyes, trying unsuccessfully to plug his abused nose at the same time. He hadn't been paying attention in his musings, and with the smell in this area so constant, he'd- There!

His gaze fixed upon the source of the unholy aroma, broken twigs and dripping sap marking the picked bare spots on the infamous bushes. For an eye-streaming, nose burning moment, he stared, disbelieving, before stumbling out of the tiny, protected glade, aiming for fresh air.

Beyond the walls of the bowl-like depression in the land, the appalling scent lessened considerably. At least, now it was more like an aipom that poked him in the nose repeatedly, rather than a nidoking that had taken offense to his ownership of the sensitive organ. He shook his head to try and knock a little sense back in. 'What kind of idiot would take berries from THERE? No one that lives here, damn straight! Even Crea knows enough not to do that, and she's only been here for a season.' He coughed, sneezed again, clearing his lungs of the last vestiges, grinning in spite of himself. 'Too bad though, some of THOSE ones would warm up the ice queen!' His tail beat a tattoo in the air, picturing the gorgeous flareon squirming in need and crying his name, tail raised invitingly...

After a moment of savouring that ravishing image, he snickered aloud, getting back to the matter at hand. 'Maybe someone needed a little stamina, and come for some "help"?' He cast a backwards glance at the clearing, peering past his own wagging tail in disbelief. 'No, I guess not. No one could need that much "help"'.

He swivelled around, eying the almost painfully obvious trail that lead away from the notorious berry patch. 'Okay then, so, who are you, and why are you... Scratch that, who would be dumb enough to even eat an unknown berry anyway? These may not be poisonous, but some of them will make you wish you were dead the morning after.' His muzzle parted in a distinctly canine grin, the kind that showed far too many sharp teeth. 'At least, once your friends tell you what you did. Like when Rephi slipped a pawful of the bright pink ones to Graven...' Once again, the Arcanine stood frozen, murring at the happy memory. Graven had been furious, of course, but he'd left Rephi alone after that! And the things Graven had done... Who knew a straight male could deep-throat like that?

"Okay, Crea," he said to the trees. "Whatever your problem is, it can wait for another day. This Arcy is going to get some practice!" With an enthused bark, he bounded off, well-groomed mane and tail flowing in the wind, unerringly following Nico's trail.


A short ways from the mutually groaning and squirming trio, Cyril looked on with blissful unconcern, hiccuping again as he fondled himself without a hint of shame. If anyone had asked him exactly what he was looking at, he would have replied, "Something very interesting," and left it at that. His exact thoughts were far too addled to be any more precise. At that moment, he broke into a noisy, bawdy song. More accurately, it was a mismatched collection of about five different songs, none of which were in the same key. Being that it was in his own language, it was all buzzes and trills that sounded rather innocuous to the uninitiated, but any passing flygons would have dropped out of the sky in horror.

With an air of total innocence for his visceral act, Cyril squeezed and massaged in time with his robust singing, rocking back and forth on his haunches and casually smearing the globs of pre that bubbled from his twitching tip all across his exposed maleness. For now, all he cared about was that it made him feel, "all tingly inside". A bit like warm sunshine playing across his scales, but far squishier, and concentrated in a place the sun didn't normally touch. Idly, he detached a gripping claw and popped another berry into his mouth, trilling happily as it rasped, swallowed whole, down his considerable neck.

Only one stray thought disturbed the contented flygon, even as his team-mate threw her head back and let out a noisy moan of bliss, copious runny liquids sluicing Nico's trapped muzzle. From what he could see, the bayleef looked more pleased than distressed, attempting to catch as much of it as possible. 'Where's... what's-his-name? He should... see this. It's... nice, really nice.' He buzzed with delight as he managed to hit an extra sensitive spot, his wings quivering. 'Should... do this more often. Has to see it for... himself.'

Meanwhile, within the intricately woven hut of roots, Derek sat up abruptly, as if summoned by the meandering thoughts of his flygon. He scrubbed his eyes in frustration, wishing they were far more bleary with sleep than they were. This didn't make sense! He'd been so exhausted before, and now it felt like he'd just had a triple shot of espresso! On top of that, what were they doing outside, anyway? Taya was always terrible at keeping her voice down, but why was she shouting?

'Oh crap, I bet she's gotten into a fight with that umbreon. She was shooting him funny looks earlier. And dammit, why do I have morning wood! It's past midnight!' In reality it was only about ten P.M. Derek hadn't slept nearly so long as he thought, and hadn't bothered to check his watch.

Angrily, he tossed his blanket aside, too peeved to care where it landed. He drew himself up to his full, diminutive height, attempting to fill himself with all the righteous indignation of someone who has been none-too-politely awoken from a peaceful sleep. No reason for them to know he'd been lying awake for the past twenty minutes. 'Best head out there and pull them apart before there's pieces to pick up.' How exactly he would manage this, he hadn't quite worked out yet. But, he was the trainer, and they would listen!

Not bothering to pull on pants or a shirt --after all, it was only the pokémon out there-- he strode purposefully through the door, ducking his head and feeling cob-web like streamers of moss trail through his hair, the sharp scent of pine swelling in his nose as cool air surrounded him... Only to promptly trip over something thick and solid, nose-diving quite ungracefully into the loam.

Cyril cooed in surprise, his half-lidded gaze slipping from threesome to the half-clothed form that had first trodden on his tail, then crashed so spectacularly to the ground. Where had he come from? He'd been... somewhere else, hadn't he? No matter. He needed to try some of these marvelous fruits! Abandoning his self-ministrations, the flygon swiped a clawful of the squiggly shaped berries, holding them up close to his face for inspection, selecting only the best ones for the fallen human.

Meanwhile, Derek clenched a fistful of grass, unwilling to raise his burning face to meet the others' scorn. Bile rose to his throat, as he imagined the persistent cries of "Feralll", "Breon!" and "Baaaayy...", to be uproarious laughter at his predicament. Well, if nothing else, he'd stopped the fight. But, where was-

A soft trill sounded above him, a clawed hand gently patting his shoulder, scales dry and cool against skin. Oh, there he was. Slowly, Derek looked up, ready as he would ever be to face the music. Something slick, warm and slimy slapped against his forehead, pulling a shrill yelp from his throat. He rolled away from his flygon, eyes wide as dinner plates, jaw falling open in pure shock at the pink, floppy thing which had left a sloppy wet mark on his forehead. "Cyril, what the hell?!"

The flygon gave him a bemused look, as if it were perfectly ordinary for his ten-incher to be flopping about in the open like that. Clicking and buzzing in pure pokétongue, he held a peace-offering out to his master, a dribble of unknown juice glistening on his clenched claws, which appeared to hold a somewhat mashed mix of fruit.

"Are... Are you okay, buddy?" Derek asked apprehensively, trying to keep from staring at his pokémon's all too obvious erection. Cyril looked... The only word Derek could think of was, 'loaded', but that didn't make any sense! Pokémon didn't do that kind of thing, did they? Cyril certainly never had!

Cyril trilled again in response, pressing the mass of fruit against Derek's chest, a dribble of vibrant juice squishing free and trickling down his skin. He shuddered, feeling it stick gooily into a few straggly and jealously cultivated chest hairs. Unthinkingly, his glance followed its progress, his eyelid twitching as the gently pulsing flygon penis hazed into his peripheral vision, where another bead of entirely different fluid glistened, balanced precariously on the narrow tip of the impressive tool. 'Him too? This is too weird... I've never even seen his bits before, and this is pretty up close and personal.' It twitched briefly, the shining sphere of liquid dropping free and narrowly missing Derek's foot.

The clenched claw pushed insistently against him, and he quickly held out his hands to accept the messy glob, before it was smeared all over him by the clearly adamant Flygon. "Okay okay, simmer down, I'll try them! Thanks, Cyril... I think." He edged his lower half away from Cyril, apprehensively receiving the glop as it was dropped proudly into his hands, the dragon giving a pleased whistle. It oozed a bit, more berry juice coating his fingers with its syrupy extract, a sharply sweet aroma wafting into his nose.

Oddly, the sight of the aroused pokémon hadn't done anything to deflate his own raging boner, which still stubbornly tented his boxers, proclaiming to all present that he too was indeed male. 'No way, I am NOT attracted to Cyril! I'm not!' His shaft seemed to mock the statement, pulsing almost in time with the looming pokémon's, which, he noticed sheepishly, he was once again staring at. 'Okay, I'm man enough to admit I'm a little jealous.' He wrenched his eyes away, taking a step back and trying to see past the dragon's bulk. What were the others up to anyw-

For the second time that night, he felt like he'd been nailed squarely by the rhyperior. Skrien was in the process of sliding a bit awkwardly off of Nico's back, hoisting his muscular haunch and twisting himself around into a protective stance, still firmly knotted in the bayleef's tailhole. He growled something gruff and important sounding, breaking off into something that Derek was absolutely certain was laughter. His rings pulsed wildly, twitches of his tail marking each thick spurt into Nico's stuffed rear as the two stood rump to rump.

Derek winced inwardly, a hand creeping unconsciously to rub his rear. He remembered seeing this position when his father had bred their family's mightyena, and the image of the unforgettable canine 'features' leapt into his mind. 'Ouch, that's gotta be painful...' Nico gave a muffled moan as Skrien twisted into place, hunching back into the penetration, a damp spot growing steadily on the grass below him. 'Then again, if HIS hard-on is any indication, he's having a good time of it! Guess he's had some practice.'

Inexorably, his focus flicked to the other end of the grass type, where two writhing vines twined and twirled about his feraligatr, her reptilian eyes squeezed shut in delight as she firmly pumped one of the dexterous appendages into her sopping womanhood, a continuous cacophony of moans rising from her lips. Now, he knew why Nico's voice had been so muffled. 'Taya... Oh wow, I'll never be able to look at her the same way again.' She was a bit of a butch, but... Aloud, he said to the air, "I see why you're all worked up now, bud! Hot damn, this is better than skin mags!"

Something squashed juicily against his waist, and he jerked his hand away from the hem of his boxers before he made an absolute mess with the berries. His chest heaved, each moan from his squirming pokémon mashing on some kind of hidden button inside of him, like a flash of heat from his hand to his member, as if the two were anxious to get closely acquainted. 'Gotta get rid of these,' he thought, distractedly, not wanting to miss a single sloppy moment of the exotic peep-show. 'Gonna want both hands.' Without really thinking about it, he crammed the sticky mass into his mouth, nearly gagging from the overpowering sweetness, and shooting any hope he had of regaining control of himself squarely in the foot.

Cyril peered curiously over his shoulder at the words, exclaiming happily as his trainer consumed the berries. Suddenly, he caught sight of the straining tent at Derek's crotch, even as the human made a muffled glmmmph! noise, the sound of one attempting to deal with a large mass of inadvisably eaten fruit. 'Oh! Does he feel all tingly too?' Cyril couldn't imagine his trainer wanting to be left out of such a wonderful experience. He could show him how to do it! Cooing just like he would to a female of his species, Cyril slid his claws delicately down Derek's sides, eliciting a shiver from the human, even as he gulped down the thick mass lodged in his throat. With a soft whisk of fabric, the thin barrier dissolved before the helpful flygon's claws, freeing the human's erection from its prison.

Before Derek could wheeze an objection around the lump sliding down his throat, a scaled grip descended upon his length, squeezing lightly as if to test for ripeness. In spite of his shock, his attempt at speech turned to a groan of pleasure, quickly rising in pitch as Cyril's lengthy neck rested heavily upon his shoulder, knocking him back into the flygon's lap. Dry, unexpectedly warm skin rasped against him, raising goosebumps all over, even as he was firmly caught up in an embrace, one clawed limb supporting him, the other not leaving its place around his shaft. The slightly slimy, squishy sensation sitting comfortably between his cheeks made him want to pull away reflexively, but at the same time, he was a prisoner of the dragon's magical touch.

A mighty thrill shunted through the now emotionally confused human, as Cyril's gentle squeezing grew firmer, the green-fisted grip steadily pumping Derek's rod. Derek made no attempt to stifle a gasp, hips hunching automatically, thrusting his rock-hard shaft into Cyril's grip. 'Okay, wow... no need for pinches with THAT. I'm in the woods, watching three pokémon screw each other's brains out, while my best friend jacks me off. This. Is. AWESOME!' Well, the feeling of Cyril's own meat sandwiched between his cheeks was still a bit disconcerting, especially when he felt something he didn't want to think too hard about dribbling onto his lower back, but he was already far beyond objections. Whether this was solely because of the berries, or due to Cyril's surprisingly skilled and tender ministrations, it was impossible to say.

A pleased groan toppled tipsily from Derek's lips, momentarily distracting Skrien from the way Nico's walls were milking him. He gave a snort of amusement at the sight of the trainer reclining atop the flygon, surprised to see that a human was deigning to associate with pokémon like this. Maybe the boy wasn't so bad after all. Though, he'd still have to learn who was boss. Experimentally, he pushed off from Nico's rump, straining against the tie, grunting with the effort. Although Nico produced a decidedly effeminate squeal of mixed pleasure and discomfort, he had no luck getting free yet.

"Don't worry Nico, it's good for you. It means you get to hold more of my cum in that pudgy belly of yours," he said, chuckling softly. The only response was a wet slurping, and an exclamation from Taya. 'Maybe this'll help cool her off a bit too,' he thought acerbically. He wasn't sure why, but even with the afterglow cooling his simmering anger, he still felt like he just might bite the next 'mon who looked at him crossways. Or, in her case, to try and foist herself upon him without even an "if I may," or a "please". Swallowing that urge would take a lot of self-control.

Derek looked on with utter fascination, his hips bucking slightly in time with Cyril's squeezes, as Taya cried out in ecstasy, her legs trembling with strain as a second climax ripped through her. With a noisy splortch! that even the human's lesser hearing could pick up, she tugged the vine from her sopping depths, the greenery glistening wetly in the firelight, as Taya stumbled away from her captive, freeing him to breathe a little easier. 'Wow, she is so hot...' he thought, a bit numbly. Had Cyril not been taking care of him at that moment, he doubted he could have kept from sprinting over and jumping the aroused feraligatr.

Taya kept her grip on Nico's vines, both supporting herself and using them like a leash. Tingling warmth shot up and down her spine, her lower lips feeling oversensitive and cooling rapidly from her seeping fluids. Nico gave her a dazed look, and a giggle bubbled up in her chest at the juices splashed all across his face. "Ha! Never figured you'd be such a slut, Nico!" Grinning, she yanked on the vines, revelling in the power she held over the smaller 'mon, even if the real prize was at his other end. "Betchya love the feel of cock even more than pussy!"

The trapped umbreon stirred at the comment, half turning to give her a baleful glare. "No one talks to my son like that, except me!" There was a gleam in his eye, which, had she been fully aware, she would have recognized as a sign not to push. However, she was far too caught up in the thrill of her own self-importance.

"Sure, sure, but check it out, I'll prove it!" she retorted cheerfully, before shifting her attention to the hapless bayleef. One thought had lodged itself stubbornly in her mind, and she wasn't about to let anything else get in the way. "If ya like dicks so much, I got a horny dragon over there that needs ya!" She nearly toppled over as her sense of balance tilted sharply to the left, her iron grip on Nico's vines pulling the panting grass type along with her.

Skrien yelped in surprise as he was yanked backward, causing him to lose his footing and hop along on his forepaws. "Hey! Cut that out!" he snarled, to which Taya only tittered, and yanked harder, dragging the two of them bodily across the clearing. Nico groaned, feeling tugged in both directions now, the pressure on his stuffed tail-hole increasing, stressing Skrien's seal. The tree was long forgotten now, and he irritably wished that these two would decide where they were taking him. That, and he was more than anxious for the wonderful sensation burning in his loins to come back. If he could just get his vines free, he might be able to wrap them around his untouched prick...

Cyril paused his loving ministrations as the curious procession approached, twittering a query that the feraligatr wouldn't have understood even had she been listening. He couldn't understand why she would want to show their trainer these two up close. Did she really think he would enjoy that so much? The human in his arms wriggled, breathing heavily and leaning forward, attempting to thrust into Cyril's now slack grip. Derek didn't care what happened now, so long as this impossible dream come true kept going. The movement freed Cyril's trapped rod, which plopped down to poke between Derek's thighs, sending a shudder through the human as it pressed against his sac.

Taya idly kicked a spar of wood into the fire pit as she passed, flaring the ebbing blaze anew as she hauled the mumbling bayleef and the loudly protesting umbreon over to her friends. "Brought a little present for ya, fly guy!" she announced proudly, grunting with effort and sitting down hard in front of the bemused dragon as she abruptly released Nico's imprisoned vines, leaving him like an offering between Cyril's legs. "I see ya got short-stuff taken care of, so let this little cock-slut take care of you!" Cyril looked aghast at her language, which she only found funnier than the sight of him slowly jacking their enraptured trainer, who was looking at her in a way she found strangely arousing. But, time for that later. Grinning wickedly, she gave the bayleef a hearty slap on the rump, narrowly missing Skrien's tail, and eliciting a startled sound from Nico. "So, get to it! I wanna see you taking all of that nice, juicy dragon meat, or daddy'n I'll have to do something about it!"

"Dammit, what did I say!" Skrien, rumbled, eyeing her with disapproval. "Even if he is a bit of a cock-slut sometimes, he listens to me, not you!" He pulled hard, at last feeling something give way behind him, his engorged knot straining past the stressed seal, freeing a white stream to run down Nico's icterine skin. Nico, oblivious to the argument between the two, cried out as a flare of pain blossomed in his thoroughly abused rear, the unbelievable stuffed-to-bursting sensation beginning to recede with a mighty stretching of his entrance.

Deciding it would be best if he merely imitated what he had done earlier, particularly if this new friend bobbing before his eyes would also squirt such delicious salty flavour over his tongue, Nico stretched his neck out and fastened his lips around Cyril's narrow tip. An entirely different delight, something like a warm day at the beach, cascaded across his tastebuds, and he quickly drew more of the already aroused dragon-tool into his maw, his nostrils flaring as the sharp scent of human sweat assaulted them, his nose nudging up against Derek's balls. His eyes watered as he felt his rump disgorging Skrien's massive bulge, and he stifled the groan with this new expanse of flesh to please, running his tongue across the ridges that striated the underside.

A thrumm of ecstasy rose from Cyril's throat, his iridescent wings singing along with the pleasure rising in his loins from Nico's suckling. Derek voiced an objection as his claw moved from the human's jumping length to caress the face of the friendly pokémon who had so suddenly engulfed him, new life surging into the dragon's member as Nico gulped it eagerly down. The trailing claw spread a line of Derek's spurting pre across Nico's cheek, before falling to the ground behind him, supporting himself so he could better enjoy the bliss leaping through his veins. The colours whirling at the edges of his vision were so pretty, and who knew having someone light a fire between your legs could feel this good?

Taya looked on with approval, though her crimson gaze had fixed upon the wad of canine arousal emerging from Nico's slowly widening ring, a thrill running through her at the sheer size of it. 'My turn now!' The buzz from her fun with Nico's vines and tongue was dying down, and she was more than ready for more substantial fare.

"Aww, come on Cyril, don't just leave me hanging like this!" Derek grumbled, as the flygon reclined with an excited buzz, once again breaking into a rollicking song, this time one that would have shocked his mother, had she heard him singing it. The discordant notes only encouraged Nico, who reached for more with surprising fervour, Cyril's erotically flavoured pre shooting a surge of desire through him. His maw was beginning to stretch around the middle of Cyril's length now, the narrow tip painting more of the salty delicacy across the back of his tongue.

Derek, who had a front-row seat to Nico's mouth-work, squirmed against the restraining arm, each movement the bayleef made tickling against his sac, but not quite offering enough, even with the odd teasing brush the swaying leaf made against his manhood. He'd been getting so close too! Worse, he'd slid down in Cyril's grip enough that his arms were forced up a bit, preventing him from reaching down to finish himself off unless he got free.

A lewd popping sound added to Nico's noisy suckling as Skrien managed to withdraw, pleased to have all four paws on the ground again. A gush of pearly liquid, no longer blocked in, spewed from Nico's gaping rear, making it look as if he himself had climaxed, as it ran down his bobbing length to drip into a puddle on the grass. "Sorry, I'd ask you if you're alright, son, but it looks like you've found something else to occupy you again," Skrien said, turning to face the others. Taya made a disappointed clucking noise as his shrinking package was hidden from her sight. Skrien gave her his best, 'I'll deal with you later' look, and continued, glancing up at Cyril's pleased expression. "Besides, I doubt even you could answer around someone that big." He wasn't sure if the sloppy noises Nico was making were meant to be agreement, but he decided to take them as such.

"Cyril ain't the only one here with a lot to offer," Taya's lust-spiked voice said huskily in his ear, her claws once again making themselves familiar with his rump. He barely restrained himself from lashing out at her in reflexive self-defence. How did such a bulky pokémon move so stealthily? Then again, Ciel was also surprisingly quiet when she wanted to be. Perhaps it was a female thing.

She crooned in wordless desire as she squeezed his rear approvingly, sliding a claw down his inner thigh that was clearly meant to be sensuous, but only managed invasive. Her expression was now completely overwritten with feral need, as she mirrored Cyril by laying down onto her back, gazing at him over her belly with her legs spread wide, offering herself to his desires. "Take me, lover boy," she panted.

Cyril temporarily broke off in his song and gave a chirp that sounded like encouragement, though really, it could have been anything. Lightning bolts of pleasure lanced through him, Nico's expert oral treatment being the first experience he'd ever had with another pokémon, and it was really a shame he wasn't fully aware of what was happening. Of course, if he had been, he likely would have been shocked to see another male doing his best to deep throat his dragon-hood.

Nico, meanwhile, found this a far easier task than taking his father. Cyril's rod was more of a steady taper, and flexible enough that with his talents, he would have described it as, "comfortable", though that assessment might have changed if Cyril had been a more active participant. He gulped heavily, the tip poking its way down into his throat, though now his jaw was forced to open wide around the thicker base if he wanted to have it all. Swallowing hard to draw more of the lovely music from the flygon, he pressed forward, burrowing his muzzle under Derek's rear.

Taya's aroused nethers pulsed in time with her racing heart, a hint of a blush rising to her cheeks that she was presenting herself so willingly. She didn't care anymore, all she wanted was to have him inside of her, even if she had to beg for it! As far as she was concerned, the others behind her didn't even exist. He was closer now, his nostrils flaring as he took a deep whiff, sampling her fragrance and sorting it from all the other potent aromas. 'That's it, get a good snootful, hot-stuff.'

Skrien met her gaze coolly, almost as if he'd heard her thought, and pronounced his judgement. He shook his head. "No good, sorry." She stared back at him, unable to believe her ears. "No!? Whatta ya mean, no? Dammit, I've been waiting for ya all night!"

"That's fine, it means you've built up some patience. Since you'll be waiting awhile longer, after all. I'm taking a break." He turned away from her, striding away and lying down next to the fire. At the same time, Derek let out a triumphant shout, and slid out of Cyril's grasp, tumbling to the ground. Her trainer's exuberance seemed to mock her. She pounded a fist on the ground, denting the loam. "Get back here!" she almost sobbed in anger. "I didn't stand by and watch ya screw the slut just to be jilted now!"

Skrien's look all but frosted her scales. "You would be best off not to keep speaking like that about my son. I will indeed deal with you. I'll give you what you want... and what you deserve. That is a promise." The sheer power and raw dominance in his words sent a shiver down her spine. She needed this male. She didn't care how. She would cheerfully do anything he asked her to, if it meant she would be allowed to be with him. It was as if he had her under a spell, and she couldn't break free even had she wished to. Pointedly, he turned away from her, his rings pulsing with an angry glow. So, he would deny her again, would he? Fine. She could wait, so long as he kept his promise!

Derek, oblivious to the drama unfolding between the domineering pair, had picked himself up, and was staring fixedly at the strangely erotic sight of Nico sucking busily on Cyril's maleness, his cheeks undulating with the force of his ministrations, a loose dribble of liquid coursing down his chin. "I'm getting in on this action," Derek proclaimed, furiously yanking on his shaft as he rose to his feet, groaning at the glorious sensation of his resurging arousal. Grinning, he reached out and patted Nico on the shoulder. "Something tells me you won't mind too much if I 'get to know you' a bit better."

Nico's eyes widened in surprise, an instinct of self preservation kicking in. His rear was still decidedly sore from Skrien's not-so-tender mercies, and the thought of another male 'getting to know' him in that way was not something he looked forward to any time soon. A trickle of an idea cracked the fog around his mind, even as he slurped contentedly on Cyril's offering, feeling the dragon tensing and relaxing with each pass of his tongue. 'Can switch it, can't I. Hehe, he won't go for the butt if he has another hole back there. I'll just be too sexy to resist.'

Acting completely on auto-pilot with his intention, his anatomy began to shift and change, the weight between his legs dissipating and shrinking, his insides squirming to readjust themselves for a different gender. He could feel Derek's fingers sliding along his side, inexorably getting closer and closer to his rump. Subconsciously, he raced the teasing sensation, exposed male flesh vanishing into his body, altering into a much more compact bundle of flesh, a tiny nub of arousal that peeked from his... her... newly formed slit. The feeling of blue balls was suddenly gone, drawn in and absorbed by his body, only to be replaced by something even stronger, more potent. A burning desire flared between her legs, alighting all her nerves with heat and effervescence, crying out for a male to answer the call, to breed with her, to fulfill her need.

Derek could only stop and stare at the sight that greeted him. "What the..." He knew this pokémon had been male only a moment before. The image of Nico's junk swaying beneath the grass type was still fresh in his mind. Not only that, Cyril had introduced him as he. Yet, now, beneath a rather abused and still loose looking tail-hole, a pair of pert lips blushed at him, swollen with arousal and leaking a dribble of sweet-scented nectar. He rubbed his eyes, turned his head away to expunge the view from his mind, and looked back. No, it was still there. Unthinkingly, he pinched himself, hard. His yelp made Cyril look up with a concerned trill. No, he still wasn't dreaming either.

Seeing that his trainer was unhurt, Cyril's attention immediately turned back to the incredible feelings flowing warmly up through his groin. He tugged gently at the back of Nico's head, feeling a tiny bit more of his shaft lodge itself into the bayleef's rippling throat. This could only be better if he would try it too... somehow.

The flygon's urgent buzz brought Derek's focus off the conundrum for a moment, the dragon gesturing pointedly at the grass type, seeming to want to warn him about something. A proverbial lightbulb went off in Derek's head. "Ha! You're right buddy, thanks! I knew it had to be a trick." Gleefully, he gave Nico a playful swat on the haunch. "Thought you had me, didn't you? Funny guy. I'm not that dumb though." Offhandedly, he wondered how a grass type had even learned how to make an illusion like this. They couldn't even cast things like confusion, normally, but there were far more pressing matters at hand. He didn't even mind that it was another male, he was far too concerned about finding a wet, warm hole to screw, and this was the closest one at hand.

Swiftly, he grabbed his shaft and positioned it at the bayleef's tail-hole, using the other to hold the tail aside, and giving a little prod to show that he hadn't been fooled in the slightest. He thought he saw Nico trying to look back at him, a dismayed gurgling noise coming from around her mouthful of dragon meat, but Derek merely gave her a wide smile. "Knock knock, open up!"

Frantically, Nico attempted to raise her rump, rising up onto her toes and edging her back legs closer together. Unfortunately, with her tail incapacitated and her mouth stuffed tightly with Cyril, she couldn't move nearly enough to get the message across, and Derek plunged forward with a sigh of pleasure. She burbled a protest into Cyril's crotch, drawing a twitch from the member in her maw, but not managing to do anything about the one now spreading her back door. More of Skrien's thick seed, somewhat cooled now, squished out around Derek, easing his entry somewhat, but not nearly enough to prevent her rump from feeling battered and bruised. Sighing in vexation, she steeled herself for another pounding, one that would be far less satisfying than the last, and likely would only make the burning need feel worse. Although, at least this one would have a little less trouble stretching her out, what with how loosened up her father had left her.

The cool, sticky sensation of the other male's leavings almost made Derek pull away, a tinge of his buried, more feminine inclined sexual preferences rising to the surface. However, it was quickly smothered by the feeling of Nico's insides squeezing him tight, the loosened walls easily welcoming him in deep. 'Just think of it as extra lube, nothing more,' he reasoned, drawing back with a grunt. "But even secondhand, you're tight enough for a good ride, sweetheart," he said with a chuckle, speaking his musings aloud. Nico rolled her eyes at the comment, though this went completely unnoticed by the overly enthusiastic human.

Derek found he was able to settle quite comfortably over Nico's rump, and was quick to take advantage of the position. His arms grasped her hips, encircling her belly as he launched himself into a burst of rapid thrusts, anxious to bring himself to completion in the spitted bayleef's rump. Curiously, he felt nothing but empty air beneath his fingers, which should have been brushing against well... it should have been brushing against something. 'Huh, strange... ngh... He's good enough to hide it from touch too?' The pleasure of the moment however, quickly pushed such analytical thoughts from his mind. Better just to enjoy it, and not think too hard.

His rabbit-like thrusts propelled Nico forward with each slam of their hips, forcing her maw to creak open a little further around Cyril. She could almost feel the pressure building up in the flygon's hidden balls, vibrating along the pulsing meat in her maw, the dragon's song lilting in time to the beat. Her throat rumbled with the moans she attempted to eke out, the pounding fullness at her back-door ratcheting the burning need in her loins to unbearable levels. Spurts of mingled human and umbreon fluids dribbled down over her slit, as if to tease her with what she was denied. The steady stream pooled with her own desire-summoned juices, following the other dried on tracks down her thighs.

'The big boy s'about to blow... But I wanna taste!' She attempted to shove back, even as she increased her own muted humming, undulating her tongue along the underside of Cyril's twitching pride. Just then, Derek powered forward with a mumbled encouragement, something about making her squirm, which pushed her right back where she'd started, her lips straining around the thick, warm flygon meat.

Buzzing in delight, Cyril clamped his claws to her cheeks, as if to pull her up for a kiss, were her mouth not otherwise occupied. The glorious, golden tension in his loins echoed in the notes of his mating song, signifying his peak to any who could understand his trills. His member seemed to bulge, like a dam about to break free of its moorings, a torrent of seed lying hidden inside him, surging for freedom. Before she could try to pull back again, the geyser erupted. Ropes of unseen cream blasted out into her engaged throat, the treat passing agonizingly close to her tastebuds, and coursing directly down to join the mess already resting heavily in her belly. She felt like she was taking a drink from a waterfall, briny cum gushing wildy out from Cyril's formidible shaft, adding a substantial, creamy snack to the bubbling cocktail in her belly.

"Looks like he managed to satisfy your partner," Skrien said, observing the blissful look of release on Cyril's face from his place by the fire. Taya hovered over him anxiously, murmuring agreement as she did her best to hold herself back. What would he do if she simply jumped him? No, probably not a good idea. He'd shown what he could do, and he'd promised to take her tonight. More subtlety was likely best for now, but maybe just a little bit of snuggling?

Trying to be unobtrusive, she sidled closer, until her belly rested against his back, spooning them nicely together. His ears twitched, a crimson eye glancing warningly sideways at her, but he allowed her approach with an exasperated sigh. Gleefully, she settled in, stroking behind his ears in anticipation, her claws quickly kneading their way along his upper shoulders and massaging the tense muscles in what she thought was a soothing fashion. Even Skrien had to admit, it felt nice enough to relax a little, at least, enough that he didn't immediately leap up when an unfamiliar, rumbling bass voice said, "Wow, room for one more in this action?"

Both Taya and Skrien's heads swivelled towards the intruder, the feraligatr's arm tightening protectively around her prize, and a low growl popping in the umbreon's throat. Fritz, tail waving merrily in the air, nostrils twitching to absorb the floating scents of sweat, sex, and desire, trotted boldly into the firelight. The massive form of the Arcanine loomed out of the dancing shadows, his fur seeming itself aflame, a friendly grin belying the dangerous fangs that composed it.

Fritz's eye wandered across the trio that included the trapped Nico, Cyril, now spent, flopping limply backwards with a contented groan, and the furiously rutting Derek. With her mouth now free, Nico licked her lips, panting, catching up the few tantalizing morsels of stray dragon cream that had spattered her lips and tongue as Cyril's member retreated, and moaned in need. Fritz grinned wolfishly at the enticing view, feeling his own maleness stir in its fuzzy home, before his gaze settled once again on Skrien and Taya. His emerald glance swiftly took in the clearly possessive stance of the feraligatr, the darker, matted fur around Skrien's lower belly, and added it to the sum of the spiky scents of concluded mating coming from the pair, to arrive at the only available conclusion.

"I see you've claimed the biggest and strongest for yourself," he commented, meeting Skrien's red-hot glare. The raw dominance of the umbreon rolled towards him like a wave, eclipsing the presence of the far larger female, even with her draping herself over him so protectively and cradling him like a pup. The abrupt staring match between the canines declared exactly who was in charge, and there was no question that, as far as the umbreon was concerned, it wasn't Fritz.

Fritz suppressed an annoyed snarl, forcing his hackles down. He was in no mood for a fight, especially not with one who had "alpha" written all over him, and when there was plenty of free tail to go around. Against all his canine instincts, he dropped his gaze, scuffing a paw in the dirt. "I don't blame you, she looks like a sweet little honey. Maybe when you're done, you'd let me borrow her for a bit?" Taya's equally sharp look made him add hastily, "If she wants to, of course." He made sure to keep his ears and tail perked, his stance and gazed relaxed submissively.

"Who are you," Skrien intoned, still radiating "I-don't-like-you" with every pulse of his markings. "And why are you here?" As far as he was concerned, the arcanine was welcome to the overbearing water type, but he wasn't about to give back the ground he had won in the brief wrestling match for supremacy. If this visitor continued to keep to his place, he wouldn't object to the fiery canine joining in, but at the first sign of insubordination...

"Oh, I'm sorry, awful rude of me," Fritz said with a grin that could have been mocking, or could have just been a trick of the firelight. Skrien's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Name's Fritz. I live around these parts, and when I... err... stumbled upon this little party, well..." he trailed off, glancing back over at the other three.

Derek, oblivious to the arcanine's arrival, had elected to trade speed for power, and was now driving into Nico's tailhole with full-length thrusts, squeezing gasps from the bayleef, who had stumbled forward to rest on Cyril's belly, her rump raised invitingly for the human to avail himself of. Cyril trilled soothingly, half-conscious, hugging and stroking her leaf idly, looking as if the bayleef's frond was his favourite teddy bear. Fritz licked his lips. "I guess you could say that I just have a nose for a good time. Can't really blame a guy for wanting to get some, can you?" he said with a conspiring wink.

A moment of awkward silence ensued, punctured only by the lewd sounds coming from Nico and Derek, as Skrien took his time responding. He wanted to leave no doubt in this Fritz character's mind just who he was dealing with. Taya, however, decided his lack of response required one of her own. "S'long as ya know that I'm reserved for this big boy first," grinning she reached around Skrien's belly, thoroughly molesting his privates in full view of the other canine. "I'd be happy to get more acquainted. I'm Taya, and this big stud is Skrien."

White hot anger flashed through the umbreon, showing its face in a dangerous growl that made Taya's groping claw still. He rolled to his paws, shooting her a look that made her shrink back, cowed. He knew she hadn't been purposely trying to make him lose face, but he was fed up with her incessant nattering. "You are trying my patience." Taya and Fritz both had the same thought, though Fritz's came with a tinge of wry humour: even glaceons were far warmer than Skrien's voice at that moment. Skrien gestured imperiously with a paw. "Leave me be, until I'm ready to deal with you. Now." Dismissing the dejected feraligatr, he whirled on the arcanine. "As for you, I don't care what you do, so long as you don't try to make trouble. I am the alpha of this forest now, and as such you are subordinate to me. Clear?" Without waiting for an answer, he stalked away from where Taya sat, and lay down by the pile of assorted berries. "Good. If that's settled, then I have no argument with you."

Fritz, picking up on the red-hot emotions running rampant through the clearing, quickly zeroed in on the source. A devious idea prickled the back of his mind, that would greatly soothe the chafing of submitting himself to this... interloper, especially one not even half his size. Claim this forest as his, would he? Well then... "Hey, no need to be pissy," he said good-naturedly, strolling towards Skrien with a friendly expression. The umbreon made a good show of not being concerned, but Fritz picked up on the subtle warning signs, the tension in Skrien's muscles, that signified he was ready to strike at a moment's notice.

Dutifully, Fritz stopped several paces away, flopping down on his side submissively, exposing himself if the umbreon chose to attack. Not usually wise in the presence of a strange canine, but this one would certainly expect the extra courtesy and the appearance of complete capitulation. "Like I said man, I'm just here for the action, ya know? You won't get any trouble from me, dog's honour." He raised a paw, flashing a grin that showed all his teeth. "You look a bit tired if ya ask me. Guess you've been pretty busy, huh?" Casually as he could, he rolled a berry from the pile, his gaze following its progress as it tumbled to a halt directly in front of Skrien's nose. "Why don't ya try one of these? They'll change how you feel, trust me."

Skrien relaxed in mirror of the arcanine, placing a paw on the offered berry thoughtfully, sweeping several more berries from the pile with his other paw. He was feeling rather hungry, but to eat when Fritz had told him to would make him appear vulnerable. "Thank you for the offer, but I'll choose my own."

Seeing he would need to show more good faith yet, Fritz nosed two more berries from the stock-pile, whisking them into his mouth with his long tongue. Showily, he swallowed, then yawned, surreptitiously showing that his mouth was empty. "Damn, those are tasty berries, man," he said, flashing another grin. Skrien did not look impressed, but he did swipe one of the offered berries closer. Fritz's tail swished the grass, his diplomacy completed, and turned to watch the show, and wait for his chance to grab a piece of the action.

A blissful cry reverberated through the night, announcing that Derek had reached his limit. The erotic moans of the pokémon beneath him were making him feel extremely 'macho', her writhing tailhole milking him desperately for his seed. He'd done his best to hold on, to prolong the experience and show Nico what a stud he could be, but the burning pressure in his crotch was too much. He felt like his balls were about to burst, though in fact his ego was in far more danger of doing so.

Breathing heavily, he did his best to imitate some of the manly, heavily muscled porn stars he'd seen, proclaiming dramatically for his audience, "I'm... cumming now, baby, whether you're ready or not." Grunting, he drove forward one final time, burying himself deep in Nico's rear, cramming his crotch against Nico's tailbase.

Wave after wave of his creamy gift spurted into the stretched and abused depths, making Nico sigh gratefully at the pleasantly warm and full sensation trickling through her bowels. She was beginning to feel decidedly water logged, her belly swishing with every movement, thanks to the bountiful mix of various seed filling her. Skillfully, she worked her rectal muscles, milking Derek for every last drop of his progeny, wiggling her rump against him to keep him embedded as deep as possible, the stuffed sensation of her rear providing a temporary salve for the agonizing ache just an inch below her spread tailhole. Glancing back tiredly, her neck resting on the Cyril's leg, she fancied she could see a bulge in her belly, proof of the potent cocktail burbling in her gut. It gurgled faintly, as Derek's offering stirred itself into the mix.

All too soon, the spurts painting her inner walls tapered off, and Derek slid back with a sigh in perfect mirror of the flygon, his softening member sliding out with a slurp, flinging a string of sticky seed across Nico's rump. He sat down abruptly, a soft "Oof," escaping him as his butt hit the ground, his eyes fixed on his handiwork. 'Heh, bet he wasn't expecting such a ride out of me. That'll teach him to try and pull one over on me.'

Surprisingly, the bayleef was still pretending to be female, even with Derek's seed beginning to leak from his stretched tailhole and run in sticky trails down his rear. 'Then again, looks like I wore him out. Maybe he just hasn't bothered to let the illusion go yet.' These thoughts all came through the blissful haze of afterglow, Derek's features a mask of contentment. As far as he was concerned, his first time being with a male pokémon didn't make him gay. No, he was just a horny stud who took his chances when they came to him. That was all. Who wouldn't?

Cyril, noting the pleased expression on Derek's face, felt a surge of warmth run through his chest, breaking through the sleepy after effects of his climax. Gently, he leaned down and hoisted up the panting Nico, pulling her face towards his. Nico's eyes widened in surprise as the flygon planted a slow, tender kiss on her lips, humming softly in gratitude, his claws massaging her shoulders. Gradually, Nico allowed her lips to part, and Cyril's questing tongue slipped inside, uniting them in a heated kiss that quickly grew passionate, though confusion still fraught Nico's mind with doubt. Why was Cyril being so romantic all of a sudden?

Behind them, Fritz whistled approvingly. His sheath felt plump and heavy, the spicy scent of his arousal spiking the air. Glancing sidelong at Skrien, he assured himself the umbreon's attention was fully on the kissing pair, the umbreon's jaws working to crunch through a few more selections from his berry pile. Taya, who had made her way closer, morosely keeping well out of range of Skrien as instructed, was also fully absorbed in the spectacle.

Eagerly, Fritz raised one of his hind legs, and ducked his head down, as if to assist things along down there. Before he got down to business, however, he carefully rolled the two unconsumed berries from their hiding place beneath his tongue, spitting them onto the grass in a wad of bright pink mush, glad to be rid of the sickening sweetness. Not to mention the other, potentially disastrous effects. It had been a bit of a trial not to swallow that whole time, and he judiciously spat several more times, clearing his maw of any remaining juices. 'Phew, don't want to try that again. Playing with fire, not such a good idea. Ain't that right, Skrien? Well, guess you'll find out soon enough.'

Chuckling to himself, Fritz began lapping slowly at his heavy sheath, washing the mahogany fur with wide, teasing swathes, rolling his orbs in their fuzzy home as his dexterous tongue passed by. Tingling pleasure skittered up through his crotch, a hint of canine pride beginning to poke out to greet his questing tongue. 'Easy boy, there's a lot of night left, and the competition's about to get a lot less intense.' Regretfully, he pulled back after just a few licks, only the tiniest portion of his endowment exposed to the night. 'Save it for someone else to enjoy. There'll be plenty of takers in THIS bunch, and I want at least one turn at the 'great one's' ass later. Bet he's nice and tight too...' Smirking, he shuddered in anticipation, shooting another sidelong glance at Skrien.

"Oh wow, an arcanine," Derek grunted, finally catching sight of the newcomer out of the corner of his eye as he lay on his back. The fire canine looked remarkably relaxed, his massive form at ease near Skrien, the berries between the two as if they'd been sharing a snack. Derek's eyes slid along the large dog's body, admiring the powerful build, the flowing, luxurious fur. His gaze hitched up as it passed along Fritz's belly, fixing without his command upon a plump, hefty looking sheath, a glimmer of pink peeking out from the tip, and a pair of sizable orbs rolling loosely at its base.

Quickly, Derek wrenched his eyes away from the hypnotic sight, licking his suddenly dry lips. Yeah, he'd already admitted to being a bit jealous of the pokémons' manhood, but he didn't need to stare at it. They might start getting ideas, and he didn't swing that way. He didn't! Normally, he'd have been eager to try and capture such an obviously powerful pokémon, but there was no chance of that. Besides, it was pretty obvious why the arcanine was here. Why ruin the moment? Flopping back down, he stared up at the sky, ignoring the pair locked in passionate embrace a few feet away. Cyril, it seemed, had no worries about how his orientation appeared to the others, and Derek wasn't eager to consider the implications of that.

At last, Cyril pulled back from the breathless Nico, a strand of saliva connecting them briefly, before breaking off and flying away into the night. Cyril looked down with half-lidded eyes, chest rising and falling evenly as he allowed Nico to slide to the ground, the bayleef staring up at him in wonder and bewilderment. "That was... nice, real nice," Nico slurred, her head still a bit muzzy from the berries, though the fog was clearing gradually. "A reg'ler good smooch, ma cherie. But I gotta ask... What's it for?"

Cyril smiled benevolently, fascinated by all the colours that were pulsing across Nico's skin. That neon green hue with the swirling blues and purples was quite entrancing... When had the bayleef taken up flying, anyhow? "You're good with your mouth," he responded simply, his powers of speech now restored to intelligible levels. "And your rump, too, I see. Thanks for accommodating us, for showing him a good time." Offhandedly, he added, "I think I love you."

Thoroughly shocked, Nico regained her feet, swaying a bit off balance, mixed juices still dripping down her thighs. "That's... real sweet of you, but I think I'm taken." Tipsily, she backed up a step, as if pulled along by the burning between her legs. She was desperate for relief, but the pull of gravity was threatening to overwhelm her at any minute, the weight of her activities taking their toll. Another round now would put her down for the count, no matter how gentle the love-struck flygon was.

"No, no, don't you see," Cyril trilled dreamily. "What we have together... So beautiful." Smoothly, he rose and advanced on the retreating bayleef, claws outstretched in a welcoming gesture. Or, at least, it would have been smooth, but his tail got in the way. He crashed heavily to the ground, looking as if he were bowing to Nico, and eliciting a hoot of laughter from Fritz. Skrien didn't comment, merely watching the ongoing romantic developments with cool detachment. Fritz stole another glance at him, a smile tugging at the corners of his muzzle as he noted how the umbreon was beginning to pant softly, and another pink berry was disappearing into his maw.

"Hey, are you okay bud?" Derek asked, sitting up as he noticed Cyril's plight with a surge of alarm. It was unusual to see the normally graceful pokémon trip himself up like that. What had Cyril gotten into to become so tipsy? Derek never drank alcohol, so that couldn't be it...

Cyril attempted to heave himself up, eyes fixed on the retreating Nico with an amorous expression. True love... he'd found it at last! A heavy claw fell on his shoulder, restraining him, a gravelly voice husking in his ear. "Alright lover boy, take it easy. He... err, she, whatever, ain't what ya think she is." Cyril looked up, staring open mouthed at Taya. What did she mean by that?

"I know you're all worked up right now," Taya continued, flashing a toothy grin at her team-mate, "And you probably want to find a home for Cyril junior. Instead of chasing Nico, why don't you try me on for size?" She could feel her breathing picking up at the thought, her slit pulsing in anticipation. If Skrien wanted her to wait, fine, she would wait all night for him if she had to. But she would have some fun while she did so! Cyril was a dry, stuffy stick-in-the-mud, but he looked like he could show a girl a good time.

"I love you too," Cyril suddenly buzzed, a foolish grin spreading across his face. Taya she was so sweet, so caring... why had he never realized that before? "I love all you guys..." He stumbled upright, teetering precariously. "You, and you, and you, and you too," he continued, gesturing grandly at each of the others in turn. Even Fritz, who Cyril hadn't even seen enter, was given the declaration of devotion from the addled dragon, who then sighed softly, and fell into an affectionate embrace with the startled and mildly amused feraligatr.

"Alright there fly guy, whoa now," Taya said, patting his back awkwardly. She had to admit, his current state made him awfully cute. Behind her, Fritz had collapsed into a fit of hearty chuckles, and Derek was watching with bemusement. Nico had sunk gratefully to the grass, mindful of her bruised rump, the stretched and cum-leaking lips of her tailhole only now beginning to close, and attempting to recover her strength.

Regretfully, Nico decided to once again switch back to her male self, to at least rid herself of the infuriating burning desire in her heated mound. That arcanine was looking at her in a measuring way that she wasn't ready for just yet, and being male would hopefully discourage him. With a concentrated effort, her body shifted once again, molding her privates into their masculine contours, making the bayleef feel a bit dizzy with the hormonal indecisiveness. Sighing tiredly as his body once again gained a moderately sized male package, retracted modestly into his body, Nico glanced back at his father. Skrien had closed his eyes, and appeared to be napping, though anyone who looked closely would have seen him twitch in ways that suggested he was sitting on a bed of poison ivy, and his breathing was beginning to grow heavier and more erratic, not the deep even breaths of sleep.

After a moment of adorable cuddling, Taya's patience was beginning to fray. She rolled her eyes as Cyril continued to gush murmured words of devotion, his head nestled against her chest, rocking and trilling in her arms like a female in heat mooning over her mate. "Yeah yeah, enough of that already. Since you're in such a lovey-dovey mood, Cyril, why don't ya show me you mean it?" His dewy black eyes stared up at her from with an innocent trust, making him look younger than he was. He seemed to have completely forgotten that he'd been getting a blow job and jacking their trainer mere moments earlier. 'I'm horny though, dammit! I'm not gonna stand around and play momma to a dragon with puppy-love.' Especially not when she could take advantage of the second to take care of the first.

"You're a lucky boy tonight, Cyril," she said, giving him a smirk. "I'm going to give ya the honour of taking me up the ass. No buts!" she forestalled his trill of surprise, her arousal driving her on. "You'll need to be gentle, but I can handle ya." She pressed herself against him, grinding her lower body against his in a teasing fashion. Derek sucked in a sharp breath at the erotic sight, and Cyril gave a small moan in response. She nearly moaned as well, as she felt her attentions generate a stir in the dragon's loins, his genital slit bulging against her entrance. 'Nuh-uh, I'm not taking you in there, big guy,' she thought, pulling away before the protrusion grew more aggressive, and Cyril decided to take matters into his own claws. 'It'd be nice, but compatible or not, I'm not takin' any risk of YOU knocking me up.' That scenario was far too awkward to even bear thinking about.

"Are... are you sure you want me to do this?" Cyril asked, his claws massaging her heavily muscled shoulders. Taya's teasing had broken him somewhat free of his stupor, though he still clung to her with an obvious infatuation, confused as to how he could possibly choose which of his wonderful companions to show his affection to while neglecting the others. She, however, was the closest at hand, and his body's approval of her attentions was making itself known. "Arceus himself could not hope to describe your wondrous beauty, and delicate grace. I would be loathe to bespoil it with my clumsy affections."

"I don't care how clumsy you are, so long as you stop talking like someone crammed a stick up your butt and lie on your back for me." she shot back with a huff of annoyance. Brushing his clinging claws from her shoulders, she gave him a rough shove, eager to get started. Buzzing with surprise, he was easily toppled with a thump, and she promptly straddled his belly, bracing herself with a beefy arm holding down his chest. "Don't worry, I'll show you how it's done"

"Go get 'im," Fritz cheered, egging her on with a wolfish grin. He, Derek and Skrien were now being treated to an erotic show, Taya's tail raising high to flash her dripping nethers at the assembly of males. Derek felt his own hard-on springing back to life, imagining the phantom sensation of strong claws around him, as Taya reached down and began to massage around Cyril's bulging slit, quickly encouraging the flygon's endowment into the open once again. Cyril thrummed in gratitude, helpless before the aggressive female's whims.

"Please, do not neglect your pleasure on my account," he murmured gallantly, though it came out a bit strained as she gave his emerging tip an experimental squeeze, sending a sparkle of that warm, vibrating goodness up his spine. His claws drew sensuous lines down her sides, eliciting a barely constrained shudder from his partner. "Allow me the honour of servicing you as well."

"Cut the sappy crap," Taya growled, seizing what she could of the flygon's meat and sandwiching it between her lower lips. "I'm not doing this just for you anyway, so just shut up and enjoy it. You're starting to piss me off." In truth, she was hoping the sight of another male taking her would inspire jealousy in Skrien, though she fully intended to get as much out of it as she could. Flashing her fangs at her captive audience, she ground her entrance across the stiffening expanse of dragon flesh, moaning as her engorged clit dragged against his maleness.

Eager for more of the sparking pleasure the action elicited, she began to slide up and down his growing pride, pressing its width firmly between the softness of her aroused lips. "Need you good and lubed if you're going to be taking me under the tail," she grunted, a fresh wave of her copious fluids cascading along Cyril's flesh. Cyril trilled in agreement, his hips bucking into her ministrations as his endowment achieved its full glory, the taper jutting proudly from between his spread legs for the lustful feraligatr to enjoy. Enthusiastically, she braced the firm shaft of meat in a massaging grip, her leaking snatch pressing against it in a forbidden kiss, teasing both as their erogenous zones were fondled and stroked delightfully.

'Hot damn,' Derek marvelled. 'I never thought they liked each other THAT much. Oh wow, this is getting sexier by the second.' He edged closer, haphazardly playing with his own arousal as he tried to get a better view. He'd probably never have a chance like this again. 'I've gotta get in on this, somehow. Maybe she'll let me take her at the same time?' Unable to understand what the two were saying, he assumed Taya would begin to ride Cyril the usual way, so he was considerably surprised when she turned around, deciding that the flygon's member was as lubed as it could get from her free-flowing juices, and began lining him up with her virgin tailhole.

"Are you certain you're ready?" Cyril queried, his chest heaving with the pleasure rising in his crotch, as Taya found her target and steadied herself, taking a deep breath to prepare for the plunge. "I hope you're-"

"Stow it," came the curt interruption, and without waiting further, she let her weight carry her down. Cyril's claws tore at the grass as his tip speared past the resistance of Taya's tight pucker, warm, clenching insides engulfing his arousal. Taya's breath caught, stopping herself short to allow herself to adjust to the large intruder, even with barely a fraction of the impressive maleness spreading her open. She could feel her insides knotting, a tight ring of muscle clamping down to resist this unusual invader, rebelling against allowing such a large object into her untouched passage. It burned, even with the precaution of her natural lubricant, but she gritted her teeth against the minor pain, determined to push through to the pleasure she was certain lay ahead. Her vacant folds spasmed and dripped her arousal down her scales, reacting to the pressure in her rear. 'Damn, he's a big boy too, but if the slut can take him and daddy-o at the same time, I can handle this.'

After a moment, in which Cyril waited patiently and Taya far less so, Taya managed to relax her tense muscles enough to allow herself to ease lower, the tapered shaft squeezing its way past her loosening sphincter. A simultaneous groan came from the pair, Cyril delighting in the incredible tightness embracing his sensitive shaft, a dribble of pre coaxed forth to ease his entrance. Taya shuddered, the pressure in her rear rising, feeling unstoppable as the thick, pulsing dragonhood probed the mysterious depths of her backside, already seeming like it would break her.

Now with the first barrier cleared, Taya's unused tunnel offered much less resistance to the fleshy invader, her anal star widening gradually as inches of dragon meat pushed slowly inside, murmurs of affection and gratification streaming constantly from the amorous flygon with every bit of penetration gained.

"T-taya.... are you okay?"

"I...oof... told ya I can take it, you big, sappy dragon!" A curious feeling was beginning to build in her vacant folds, the rising pressure and fullness in her rear aiding a delightful thrill that made her wriggle upon the impaling phallus. "Just... keep going!" Oddly, the farther down she went, the easier it got, new places inside of her welcoming the arrival of that deliciously warm, firm shaft. Cautiously, Cyril halted her sinking motion, drawing a growl from her as the steadily growing presence in her tailhole was limited to the halfway point and began to draw away. "I said, keep go...ooooh..."

Her snappish protest broke off into a moan as Cyril, anxious to comply with his 'gracious lover's' request, hunched up to meet her, smoothly driving his throbbing taper even deeper into the clenching depths than before. Quickly, the amorous dragon set a steady humping rhythm, spurred on by Taya's gasps of half pleasure, half pain --though they were beginning to swing more in the direction of pleasure-- and Fritz's huffing hoots and witticisms of encouragement.

A continuous slapping noise and an unrestrained exclamation brought Taya's attention away from the bizarre feelings assaulting her senses, her squeezed shut eyes popping open to see her trainer standing in front of the rutting pair, gawping wide-eyed at her exposed and gushing womanhood. Not to mention the ten inches of throbbing dragon-hood stretching her backdoor to its limits with each stroke of Cyril's powerful hips, a hint of heavy pre running down the probing shaft. Derek's eyes rose to meet hers, a look of such pleading in his face, she nearly laughed out loud. One hand pumped furiously at his own twitching length, the unasked question ringing out clear as a bell over the sounds of sex.

'The squirt wants a piece of me? Huh, didn't think he was that into girls. Never thought he even knew what a girl was, before now. After that show with fly-guy, I'm surprised he didn't jump the arcy. Ah well, sure, why the hell not? Two are better than one, after all.' Forcing a toothy grin onto her maw and a seductive wink into her expression, Taya patted her belly enticingly. "C'mon, short-stuff. Gimme what you got."

"For real? You mean it?" Rolling her eyes at the need to confirm her invitation, she gestured more firmly, a 'come hither' motion. "Oh god, thanks Taya!" Eagerly, the painfully aroused human dog-piled on top of his two pokémon, Cyril pausing mid-thrust to allow him to mount the bucking body of Taya more easily. His shaft dragged erotically along her dry, cool scales, bare skin prickling with goosebumps as it was treated to the unusual texture of her flexible armour, his eyes locked in with her crimson gaze. It only took a moment of wriggling for his shaft to find its target, following the constant stream of female fluids to nestle in Taya's engorged lips. It was warmer than he anticipated, making his rock-hard member twitch, already thoroughly bathed in her copious, runny emissions.

"I gotta admit, somehow, I've always wanted to try this," he said, his hands caressing her barrel chest as he prodded experimentally, thrilling at the sensation of the water lizard's sopping treasure parting easily before his manhood. "Not with you... though I'm not complaining!" he added hastily, a blush staining his cheeks at the startled look flashing in her eyes. "I... I just mean with a... a pokémon. A female pokémon, that is. I-I'm not gay." He was stammering, and her expression was flickering from surprised to an infuriating amusement with his garbled explanation.

Pointedly, Taya ground down on Cyril, signalling him to resume his efforts with due haste. "It's just really kinky," Derek attempted, still floundering to save his assertion, despite the fact that Taya couldn't have cared less at that moment. "You're really... Oh, screw it!" Muttering under his breath, he matched Cyril's upward plunge, driving eagerly into Taya's sopping snatch. Immediately, all other thoughts flew from his mind, pleasure blossoming in his groin with the incredible grip of warm, thoroughly soaked velvet around his member.

"Whoops, I think that's my cue," Fritz said to no one in particular, rising to his paws and stretching his powerful muscles as the three began to move in a syncopated rhythm of lust, the sounds of human, feraligatr and flygon pleasure rising up over the crackling of the merrily burning fire. A fiendish grin crept across the blazing canine's muzzle as he glanced over at Skrien, a hint of sarcastic subservience entering his tone as he addressed the alpha male. "You've got dibs on the action I suppose. You getting in? No? I didn't think so." The umbreon didn't even seem to hear, instead far too focused on grinding his rear against the grass, his tail arching high over his back, an intent expression on his face. Fritz bit back a chuckle, thrilled at how well his plan had worked. "You sure? Oh well, if you insist. More for me then."

His fluffy tail waving high, Fritz bounded across the clearing to the rutting trio, licking his lips at the lovely view of Taya's entrances stretching around the two males. Her eyes were half closed, sturdy jaw gaping with her panting breaths, her hunching motions almost stilled by the combined efforts of Derek and Cyril. Casually, Fritz strutted alongside, puffing his chest out in a domineering manner, nudging her shoulder with his nose. "Room for one more? I see an extra hole that could have something large and juicy stuffed into it."

"What? What do you want, I'm busy," she snapped irritably, vexed at the distraction from the building pleasure in her loins. The twitching dragon meat in her rear stretched her to her limits, a curious feeling of fullness --pleasure spiced with mild discomfort-- while the smaller yet more vigorous human flesh lit the nerves of her womanhood on fire. She pounded a fist on Cyril's chest, eliciting a groan from the flygon. "Harder, fly guy! I ain't made of glass!"

"Yup, looks like you can handle it," Fritz said, nonplussed by her tetchy response. "Honestly, I think you could fit a rapidash in there, so this should be easy." Flashing a toothy grin at her confused expression, he swung himself around, hiking a leg over her chest and blatantly dropping his stiffening arousal into the face of the startled feraligatr. "Open up, sweet-heart. Got a tasty surprise for you"

Cyril wheezed as the arcanine's hind paw came down on his chest, pinning him under an even greater weight than before. Looking up around Taya's shoulder, he caught sight of the canine's plumping sheath, swallowing hard as a hint of crimson arousal peeked out. He would have been all too happy to please the delightful fire dog, such a charming fellow he was! But there was the small matter of all the bodies piled on top of him, keeping him in place.

Taya stared cross-eyed at the considerable endowment that had just been plunked upon her face, the exposed tip pushing against her lips insistently. 'Crap, another one? When did this turn into "Everybody fucks Taya"? Who does this guy think he is, anyway?' Her nostrils twitched, the heavy aroma of salty musk creeping purposefully inside, playing havoc with her instincts, forcing her breath into ragged pants, a spasm through her folds that drew a groan from Derek, who hadn't even slowed his wild hunching for the arcanine's arrival. 'On the other claw, he is pretty hot... no pun intended. What the hell. What's one more?'

"Oh god... Taya, are you really going to-" Derek's panting query cut off as Taya pre-empted the question by licking her lips seductively, her pink tongue darting out and flicking across the heavy balls, drawing a wet line down the bulging sheath. Derek's hips stalled, entranced by the erotic sight, his rock-hard shaft hilted in the feraligatr's soggy folds, the shuddering depths seeming to suckle enthusiastically at his length. Fritz rumbled approvingly, his crimson rod twitching in response to the teasing tongue, a jolt of pleasure rolling up his shaft. As Derek watched, Taya plunged in without hesitation, her enormous maw engulfing the proffered shaft with ease.

Mindful of her deadly, steak-knife sized fangs, strong enough to snap bone in a single, swift bite, Taya fastened her lips around the fuzzy package, snickering inwardly as she managed to even gather in the dangling orbs, enjoying the pleased moan it brought from the arcanine. 'You want me to suck ya off, big guy? Fine. You're gonna remember this.' Fierce determination roiled in her crimson eyes, not even the building ecstasy from the affections of the two males pounding her lower regions deterring her from her goal.

With sultry precision, she rolled her powerful tongue around the growing rod, lapping up the tangy flavour of sweat and masculine musk, hefting first one turgid orb, then the other. Fritz hissed in rapture, his legs stiffening as the feraligatr fondled his jewels with her slippery muscle, his emerging tool growing rapidly into the forbidden kiss, fuzzy sheath receding back to expose the sensitive flesh beneath. "Mm, yes... that's it sweet-heart, just like that."

A long trill pierced the air, Cyril's juddering motions slowed to mere squirming by all the rutting forms piled on top of him. His claws tightened upon Taya's hips, his neck curling affectionately about hers as he worked himself in as far as her lewdly stretched anal passage would allow, tight clenching fleshy walls surrounding the entire length of the dragon's pulsing length. "Great Mew," he started, only to cut off with another whistle as the pleasure streaking through his body tipped over the edge, his buried shaft swelling, twitching, then loosing a geyser of potent cream into the feraligatr's formerly virgin tailhole.

Taya murmured ecstatically around Fritz's still growing package, the tip of the fiery rod now resting comfortably on the back of her tongue, each wild rush of pulsing heat through the tapered member sparking a similar thrill in her tingling and stuffed nethers. The absolute monster impaling her rump spasmed in rhythmic bursts, each heady pulse bearing a new wave of warm, thick seed into her bowels, far too deep to go anywhere but up, filling her with its liquid weight.

"Cyril, you done already buddy?" Derek joked, a trickle of sweat rolling down his brow from the effort of holding off his own climax. "Guess I need to train you for more stamina," he added with a smirk, thrusting once more into Taya's continuously gushing folds, secretly reveling in the sensation of the rhythmic bursts spattering against the thin barrier between the feraligatr's two passages. "Yooou-oh hell!"

Before he could clench down on the urge, Taya's sodden walls clamped wildly down upon his straining shaft, throwing him past his feeble resistance into his own glorious climax. Moaning feverishly, the overwhelmed human plunged himself in, grinding into her aroused and gushing lips, adding his significantly less potent load to the mess already swilling about in Taya's belly. Copious feminine juices spilled out across his crotch as if squeezed from a sodden sponge, soaking his lower body in sticky, lukewarm nectar.

Taya's eyes squeezed shut as Derek seemed to attempt to cram his entire pelvis into her, which, because this is not that kind of story, didn't work, aside from lending some extra penetration. Her insides felt impossibly stuffed by the two males and their creamy offerings, her legs shuddering as the ecstasy roiled agonizingly close to that surging waterfall of bliss.

Above her, Fritz rumbled a query, asking why she'd stopped, his tone a careful neutrality that was at once friendly and commanding. For the moment, she chose to ignore the interloper. Her crimson eyes fluttered, a moan vibrating on her lips as the waves of thick seed began to slow, some of the thinner human progeny dribbling free of her aroused pussy to slide down her scales in a warm trail. The more prolific offering Cyril had given her seemed to slosh and slide in a sticky mass, plugged tightly in place by his spent and gradually softening member.

'Almost there, just a bit more...'

With a quiet sigh of satisfaction, Derek slid bonelessly off of Taya's belly, rolling off to the side with a thump, mumbling incoherently. Galled, Taya allowed the thickened canine arousal in her maw to slip away, drawing a line of saliva and pre across her cheek as it bumped against her scales. "Oh for... Come on, short-stuff!" she complained irritably, panting, frustrated by how close she had come, only to be yanked cruelly back from that glorious brink as the two males shuddered to their own finish before she had. "Ya couldn't even stick around to help a girl out?"

The human gave no response, save for a soft snore. Fritz huffed a grumbling laugh, deciding to forgive Taya's abandonment of her tonguework for the humourous sight of the exhausted human and the feraligatr's apparent distress and lack of fulfillment. Taya, it should be said, was far less inclined to laugh than she was to snarl in fury, only the oddly satisfying sensation of Cyril's seed in her belly and the dragon's affectionate and dreamy murmurs in her ears keeping her from taking the nearest available male by force. In her defense, most, save perhaps the unconscious Derek, would likely not have objected. 'Males...' Taya thought peevishly. 'Think they're all that, but don't last long enough to prove it.' Longingly, she tried to peer around Fritz to catch a glimpse of Skrien. ''Cept for my umby, of course.' A grin played across her muzzle. 'Hope you're ready for me, sweetie...'