Behind Closed Doors

Story by Kazuo on SoFurry

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#4 of Kazuo

Behind Closed Doors

Dated in mid-June, the summer of the year two thousand and six, there transpired an event. It was a small event; insignificant to the course of humans or furres alike, unknown to those save for a select few furres. It was something that all parties involved wished to forget... But the omnipotent eye sees all, and through its power, can relate this event in greater detail. It was a case of degradation in which there were lewd and sexual implications. What those were exactly, are known by less than those who know of the event itself - those who swear themselves into silence, pushing such memories from their minds. But alas, they are powerless to stop omnipotence. Come. Allow me to show you, a shameless, carnal soul, exactly what transpired... Whether you find pleasure within these words, or are disgusted by them, read on and you shall see all which refuses to be revealed...

... Day One...

A man by the name of Kentaro Yoshi arrived at the mansion belonging to his much more successful brother, Rhonin Yoshi. The mansion was a grand building of several stories, looking to be several times larger than a normal home. But it was nearly empty within... Those who resided there once turned a blind eye to the lures of wealth and greed. Their millions upon millions of dollars were once spent in a fashion that did rarely revealed itself to the world. But, with time, they fell victim to the need to be recognized... Soon, their lives became flooded with lifeless material possessions, all of which seemed to stand merely as a testament towards their owners' wealth. Superiority became very much apparent, and Kentaro could see that.

Kentaro himself was an overweight, older male. His stomach was quite rounded, his cheeks rather flabby... His eyes were squinted, so that they glimmered from his dark gray fur in such a manner that he looked both angry and hungry at the same time. He dressed in suits that seemed to barely contain his overweight form, and the smiles he shed bared straight teeth - and a silent, yearning malice. His voice was most unpleasant to hear, being of a higher pitch, and his laugh was simply unbearable to those who held any ounce of good in their heart. Regardless of this most unpleasant demeanor, however, Rhonin Yoshi welcomed his brother into his large, expensive home without so much as a second thought. Rhonin was very much the thinner, better mannered of the two, and he realized some time before that family was direly important, above all other things.

Kentaro's arrival marked the first night of which desire would reign.

Several servants resided within the mansion. There were so many due to the simple fact that the owner of the lifeless abode had put far too many rooms within. So many, in fact, that the servants were probably the only ones to visit some of them. But one servant stood out from the rest. It was hard to tell why she seemed so radiant in such a bland environment. Perhaps it was her pelt - the purest of whites, like freshly fallen snow. Or perhaps it was her hair, such a wealth of golden blonde, so soft and long it was... It seemed to only consummate how it would shine in the light of the mid-day sun. Perhaps it was her eyes, so gentle and content they were, bearing a green within that seemed vivid in comparison to that around her, even to the navy blue of her maid's uniform which her eyes contrasted so well. Most would say however that it was not any of those things. No, this young woman held something much more apparent. Her kind and gentle nature seemed to go unnoticed by most when set next to the one dominate feature she held - her body. So flawlessly shaped, it was. From the structure of her face to the slender curve of her throat, and further past the ample swell of her bosom to the inner curve of her waist, past to the outer stretch of her hips and rounded backside, all down her smooth, perfect legs. She was a true paradisiacal beauty in a place that seemed to openly mock paradise itself. This, naturally, rarely left her unnoticed. Her name was Jessica Elwood, and Kentaro Yoshi noticed her the moment he had stepped through the grand wooden doors at the entrance of such a large waste of space. From that point on, his shining, beady eyes followed her with each movement she made while a snide and suggestive grin crossed his features. Lewd, dark desires clouded his thinking, and within possibly half an hour of being at that mansion, the robust old cat found himself greatly infatuated with the angelic beauty.

But there was a problem. One other stood between him and his object of desire. That was his accursed nephew. Kazuo Yoshi was his name, and Kentaro knew him very well. He knew that Kazuo was a very good-natured, all be it quiet young man. He knew the slender-built, nearly effeminate-looking; black-furred feline also seemed to radiate a very welcoming aura from him while he stood within that mansion. Kazuo had come to visit his parents, Rhonin and Lynn Yoshi, for a brief moment via invitation. In all truth, Kentaro had Kazuo working under him for some time, and had come to check when he would return. But much like Kentaro, it seemed that Kazuo had taken a liking towards Jessica. They way Kazuo seemed to meld so well with Jessica, and spend nearly all his time with her, made Kentaro feel sick. Why? Because of her smile. It was a smile that his meaningless compliments and admirable stares could not surface. Kazuo simply spoke with her, and listened to her, and she smiled and laughed. He seemed to fit so perfectly with her, despite looking almost completely the opposite, with black hair bearing red dye from the tips to a few inches up, and brown eyes that remained hidden behind a pair of thin-lens spectacles. She welcomed him, while Kentaro seemed to be silently shunned.

Kentaro's desire grew throughout the day. He watched in silent jealousy as Kazuo and Jessica got along so well. All they did all day was do chores together, which was Jessica's job as a servant. How could he have her alone like that, Kentaro wondered. How could he lure Jessica away from Kazuo, and welcome her closer to him instead. It wasn't until the evening when dinner came around that Kentaro would come up with a plan. Kazuo seemed so oblivious as to the formal training of servants of Jessica's stature. As he watched the two of them, he noticed that Jessica was almost awkwardly compliant with every order given to her, and this gave Kentaro an idea. Maids like the young Jessica fell under the servitude of not only their owners, but also the immediate family connected to them. Thus, Kentaro was free to give her orders and commands that she was required to follow, less her report contain some area depicting an act of defiance. Kentaro's mind was sharp, despite his usual tendency to completely neglect his own insurance company. He knew right then what he was to do.

Night fell upon the mansion. It was a night that seemed to foreshadow ill intent, with a raging wind that tossed about the branches of trees, rapping them against various windows. Rain pelted the glass windows, and the mansion walls, and the roof, an the grounds, seeming angry and unforgiving - and the sudden crashes of thunder and flashes of lightning sounded off in loud, sudden boom that would strike fear into most, and leave them feeling at the mercy of the gods. Jessica felt this way. In her quarters, she was restless, feeling uncomfortable, feeling alone. She would have given anything to be sleeping next to someone - but she was a grown woman, and a servant. Such things weren't acceptable. It was then that the door to her quarters creaked open slowly, and she sat up in her bad in a flash, a quiet gasp sounding from her gorgeous vocals. She immediately pulled the satin white sheets against her body, and looked to the door. The radiant light of a candle crept through, followed by the pudgy, squinted face of Kentaro Yoshi. Awkwardly, Jessica didn't feel exactly relieved to see him. The man gave her a bad feeling, and he could tell that his words were simply baited with lies every time he spoke.

"Did I wake you, Miss?" He asked, his voice seeming to be trying overly hard to sound kind.

"N-No..." Jessica responded, trying to still her beating heart. "I can't sleep."

"Oh, well, if you don't mind then," He continued. "All the other servants are asleep, and there is something about my room that I need tended to. Could you come take a look?"

"Oh, um... Yes sir." Jessica replied. "Give me a moment to get dressed and I'll be right there."

So, she got out of bed, somewhat relieved to be able to busy herself during the night. Getting her maid uniform back on, she stepped out into the halls. At night, the halls of the mansion seemed eerie. The finished wooden walls, the tiled floor, the way Jessica's shoes echoed ominously with each tap of her heel. Kentaro was out of sight, and the only sound Jessica could hear other than her own footsteps was rain pelting the windows, and thunder crashing through the clouds outside. She felt very uncomfortable indeed walking down a few hallways until she reached Kentaro's room. The door was open, so naturally she rested her dainty hand on the knob and stepped inside.

The room itself looked very simple, but large - after all, it had room for a large green rug with a golden trim around the edges that rested before a fireplace, and before that fireplace rested a two-person, regal-looking loveseat. The door rested on what would have been Jessica's left side of the room, while looking to the right there was a large, two-person bed, which was draped with a silken veil. Along the far wall rested a large set of drawers that was longer lengthwise than it was in height. A large mirror reflected everything before it, including the bed and the loveseat, not to mention the door on the near wall leading to Kentaro's private washroom. The floors were tiled brown and black like a wooden chessboard, and the walls were a polished hardwood as well. For a guest room, it was very grand. However, Jessica felt very uncomfortable stepping inside. Something lurked, and she could feel it.

Before she could even call out Kentaro's name, however, the door behind her slammed shut with a resounding bang, which was followed by an immediate flash of lightning. Jessica's heart nearly leapt from her throat, and her breath was taken away as an arm wrapped around her throat. Someone had grabbed her. She was in a daze, her heartbeat echoed in her head as she began to panic. A cloth was smothered over her muzzle, covering her mouth and nose rather suddenly, and she tried to scream. But it was too late. The cloth smelled of chloroform, and before she could react, she had inhaled. What minor struggling she had done was ceased as she fell into a rather sudden state of unconsciousness...


Jessica later opened her eyes to complete darkness. She was light-headed, unable to tell where she was or how she got there. Her ears flicked up and twitched about to pick up what sounds she could. She could still hear the rain pelting down on windows, and the thunder outside occasionally crashing. She wasn't out long to her relief. She could also hear a fireplace crackling at a far distance. She must have still been in Kentaro's room. But there was still the matter of her blindness. She shook her head left and right, which was when she felt fabric shift. It took a moment to register, but she was in fact blindfolded. She gasped and jerked her arm to remove it, but felt a tugging resistance at her wrists. She was bound, arms spread. From the feeling beneath her, she must have been on a bed, and the bindings that kept her wrists in place seemed to be leather of some sort. She tried to scream out, but she was still weak, and all that came out was a little whine of protest, muffled by something in her mouth. She bit down to feel what seemed to be a hard sphere in her mouth - a ball gag. She gasped and muffled protest as she tried to thrash about, though weakly. As she moved, a cold gust seemed to wash over her body, making her realize that she had indeed been stripped naked. Her heart began to race in a panic as she realized that she was in a very dangerous position. That was when her ears swiveled upon hearing a familiar voice.

"You're awake," It said, sounding like Kentaro. "I thought you were going to sleep for ages."

Jessica muffled a protest and squirmed and thrashed about some more.

"Oh don't be like that," Kentaro said with puckered lips and a mock tone. He was standing at the foot of the bed, still dressed entirely in his navy blue business suit, his squinty black eyes glimmering. He moved around to the side of the bed and leaned in to speak softly into Jessica's ear.

"You wouldn't want to be a bad little maid, would you?" He asked, Jessica's ear flicking to attention while she squirmed about. "After all, we wouldn't want a bad report, would we? We wouldn't want to be fired, would we? This is part of your job, after all, isn't it?"

Jessica fell still for a moment when Kentaro's ugly voice threatened her with her job, and she made a confused sort of whimper.

"That's right, you know very well, don't you?" Kentaro asked. "Maids of your sort don't just come beautiful for no reason, oh no. You've been trained to service your mistress or master in any way they please, haven't you?"

Jessica was silent.

"Haven't you?" Kentaro asked again, but once more there was no response. There was a short pause, and Jessica heard Kentaro pull away from her for a moment. She could only whimper nervously as there were no sounds after that. Suddenly, she felt something drip onto her abdomen. It was a heavy liquid, and she couldn't quite tell what it was. However, it burned on contact. She drew in a deep, breath through her nose and hissed in pain, crying out pitifully as drop after drop of the burning liquid fell onto her stomach. It dried into her fur very quickly, and became a solid... much like wax.

"Well?" Kentaro asked, standing over her and holding in his hand the very same candle he had been carrying when he found his way to her room. He had dripped the melted, hot wax onto her stomach. All Jessica could do was keep from crying as she nodded a few times, a muffled "mmhn!" breaking free from behind the gag. Kentaro chuckled then and leaned in close, setting the candle down on the bed next to her shoulder. When he leaned in closer, he bumped the bed with his knees, more melted wax sloshing out and splattering onto her shoulder, making her cry out again in pain as it burned her fur, and she thrashed about, only to wiggle the bed and send more wax dripping into her fur. She soon fell still, trying to keep her breath as she tried not to sob, her blindfold becoming slightly moist with tears.

"Then you're going to pleasure me... Understood?" Kentaro asked. Jessica woefully nodded, trying not to pull her hair as it rested under her back.

"Do you mean that?" Kentaro asked. She nodded quickly again - anything to make this end. Rhonin never asked her to do things such as these. She was afraid, and worried as to what might happen to her. She was completely unprepared.

"I don't believe you." Kentaro said with a chuckle as he took the candle away and fell back again. His footsteps could be heard as he stepped back to the foot of the bed, and the mattress sunk under his weight as his pudgy form climbed onto the foot of the bed. He forced Jessica's legs apart and squeezed in between them, keeping her knees bent. The beautiful feline whimpered in protest, but he ignored her pleas and raised the candle once more. She could not feel or see what he was doing, or even hear it very well... But it all became very apparent when more burning wax dripped down between her thighs. It landed right upon her sensitive slit. She screamed as it burned into her sex, her scream drowned out by a sudden crash of thunder from outside. Kentaro could only grin sickly to himself as he watched the wax dry up around the puffed out lips of her cunt, tilting the candle a little more to drip further into her thighs. Jessica cried out in pain again, bucking and thrashing her hips, trying to close her legs, but Kentaro's body was positioned between them so well that she was unable to do so. She sobbed, pleading in muffled whines for him to stop. His actions were cruel, and relentless... For all purposes, he was trying to break her.

Kentaro stopped his cruel torture for only a moment as he left her to set the candle on a bedside table. Jessica closed her legs immediately and curled up in pain, trying to catch her breath. She felt like she was hyperventilating, and that her heart was going to explode from her chest. She couldn't think straight either, all she could think about was how to end this. Kentaro returned after having gotten something from the drawer, and forcefully spread Jessica's legs again, crawling in between them. That was when she heard a heavy mechanical buzzing. It sounded like a toy moving about, and she could only guess what was in store for her. She was given little time as Kentaro pushed her legs as far back as they could go. She found her knees to be level with her chest, a cold breeze washing over her now over-sensitive, puffed out sex, and even the tight little hole of her ass. She panted to keep herself steady, and shook her head repeatedly in protest. Regardless, she felt a smooth object push against her cunt, and it being recently burnt, the contact was painful, and she whined a muffled whine.

"Ohh you naughty slut..." Kentaro teased as he was holding in his hand a dildo of sorts. It was electronic, and looked to be a good eight inches in length, coloured red. It was ribbed along the surface, and near the base there came a separate sort of shaft. This one was much smaller, and stood out from the other, having a pliable, spiked tip arched in a hook, looking similar to a scorpion's tail. While it was running, both tips moving about in circles, while the entire length vibrated wildly. Kentaro's eyes shined as he saw that despite the punishment she was receiving, Jessica's cunt had secreted the beautiful juices of her arousal - she liked this! Of course, in truth, her body's stimulation was more out of fear than anything. "You're so wet... How could someone be so shameless as to like something like this? You're horrible..."

Jessica gasped out loud as the vibrating length was then pushed forwards. It slowly sunk into her, her cunt being virgin-tight. The mechanical beast was very thick, and stretched her cunt out wide. Jessica couldn't help but moan in both protest and a slight pleasure as the wiggling; vibrating plastic cock brought her body a pleasure it couldn't ignore. Kentaro laughed at this, and continued to push in, her stretched cunt lips giving her a burning, stretching pain that made her openly cry. After the first few inches sunk into her, Jessica felt that hooked tip prodding at her anus. She gasped in fright, body immediately tensing, the hole clenching shut. Kentaro teased the pink but with the tip, and Jessica shivered from head to toe. However, she did not become any more accessible. Lacking the patience, Kentaro pushed roughly forwards with his hand. Jessica would once again scream out as the other tip penetrated her ass, and scratched along the inner wall with its pointed tip. All at the same time, the other length sunk deeper into her cunt. Her body was alight with pleasures she'd never felt before, and her body writhed and bucked as she came to her first orgasm. Her thick juices spewed from her cunt, soaking the plastic length and Kentaro's hand. Kentaro could only stare in awe as this happened, nestled on his knees between her quivering thighs.

The fat little man leaned forwards then, pushing roughly inside until the sex toy could go no further. He laughed down at her, as he stared upon her blindfolded and gagged visage. He didn't thrust the toy inside her, but simply left it there. Upon moving his arms then, the toy stayed inside, and he reached aside to get something else. Jessica would then feel two jagged-shaped object clamp down on her nipples. She'd gasp and whimper and moan as the toy thrashed about inside her, and Kentaro tugged upon the two clamps on her nipples lightly in order to test their hold.

"Now, you're going to do everything I say, correct?" He asked her. She didn't respond right away, so he picked up a remote he had taken out, and pushed a button. The two clamps on Jessica's nipples surged with electricity, working to shock her like an animal prod, jump-starting her heart at a rapid pace. She thought she'd have a heart attack at this rate, and nodded quickly. 'Mmmhm! Mm!' She muffled and whined. Kentaro grinned and nodded softly at this. "Good," He said. "We wouldn't want to get fired, would we?"

Kentaro's hand took hold of the dildo one more time, and began to forcefully slam the thing in and out of Jessica's soaked cunt and much more dry tailhole. Jessica cried out in pleasure-pain and her hips were sent into a wild thrashing movement as she tried to resist. But she simply couldn't. No matter how hard she pulled on the bindings on her wrists, they didn't come loose. No matter how hard she squeezed Kentaro's body with her legs, he wouldn't budge. He just continued on slamming into her time and time again. Over and over and over again, it hit as deep as it could inside her, scraping with its other tip against her inner-tailhole. It wasn't long until Jessica was gasping for air, her body writhing in pleasure as she once again exploded in a serious of convulsions as she hit another orgasm. This was followed by a series of smaller ones, and her juices squirt out lewdly once more. Immediately afterwards, Kentaro yanked out the dildo and yanked off the nipple clamps, making Jessica whine in pain. He then unfastened her gag and restraints, and while she was weak, helped her to her feet, gave her back her clothes, lead her to the door.

"Come back tomorrow night." He commanded before removing her blindfold. "And don't tell a soul, or you'll regret it."

His door then shut, leaving Jessica alone, and naked in the empty hallway. Tears trickled down her beautiful face as she walked on wobbly legs back to her room... Once there, she dropped her uniform and clothes in a pile on the floor, and collapsed on her bed. Hugging the sheets around her body rather than crawling under them, she closed her eyes tight. She began to cry again, the thunder and rain outside offering her no comfort. The angel of that bland place would cry herself to sleep that night... Only to be forced to return to business as usual the next day.

... Day Two...

The second day came and passed with no particular events of interest. Those seemed to be saved for the night, entirely. However, throughout the day, Jessica was very troubled. Life seemed to be expected to go on as usual, and she was having a hard time. Nobody knew of what happened the night before between her and Kentaro. She didn't want anyone to know, especially not Kazuo, who had ironically warned her of his uncle's affinity for unpleasant behavior like that Not only would telling someone risk her job, but it would embarrass her greatly. She'd be forced to quit anyways, out of shame. Needless to say, she was quiet for most of the day, too absorbed in her own thoughts to really be of much use around the mansion.

Night came around again, and she lay awake in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She hadn't gotten undressed just then, knowing Kentaro expected her. However, she couldn't move. That man was vile. She didn't like him at all. In fact she hated him. He was a crude man, who was fat, smelled somewhat strong of cologne, and had no appeal to him whatsoever. She didn't want to go, and decided to lie in that bed for a good hour or so. But sleep would never come to her. She knew if she didn't go, she would risk being fired, or at least reported, which would end up leading to her getting fired. She was worried, torn between what was best for her and her fears. She started to wish someone were with her, so she didn't have to go. But no one would come. She was alone, and distraught.

Soon she decided, out of fear, to go see what he wanted... If she listened, he would be more kind to her, she figured. So, she slid out of bed and walked the lonely path from her room to Kentaro's all over again. She'd open the door without knocking, peeking her head inside to see where Kentaro was. He was seating in that loveseat in front of the fireplace, sipping wine from a golden goblet as he just stared into the fire, dressed in a large dress shirt and gray pants tat matched a suit he had been wearing earlier that day. He was obviously waiting for her. She was about to turn around and leave when Kentaro turned his head and looked right at her, telling her to come into the room. She did as he asked. Stepping inside, she closed the door nervously behind her, and watched him as he sat in silence. She felt much like a child, standing in wait, as her parent seemed to drag out some sort of lecture. Soon, he told her to approach, so she did, and stood before him.

"Yes sir...?" She asked. But her emerald eyes flickered when she saw that in his free hand, he held a jockey's whip at his side. She gasped, and unwittingly turned to flee from him. He stood up in a display of speed rarely thought possible of someone of his stature, and cracked the whip across her back harshly. It made a loud lashing noise, and she cried out in tears and pain, falling to her hands and knees on the floor. Kentaro got up, finishing off his wine and setting the goblet down before he approached her, and cracked the whip over her back again harshly, making her scream out in pain again.

"Don't you listen?" He asked coldly. "I told you to be here. You've kept me waiting."

"I-I'm sorry sir!" Jessica answered, before a lash punished her again across her back, Kentaro standing at her side.

"From now on you'll call me 'master,'" Kentaro said, his squinty black eyes glimmering in domineering passion. "Understood?"

"Yes s- Yes Master!" Jessica wailed, sobbing a bit. "Yes, please just... please don't..."

Kentaro reached down and hiked up Jessica's skirt, exposing the beautiful half-moon shape of each cheek on her supple rear. Once more he raised his arm, and brought the whip cracking down over her ass this time, making her cry out in pain, and bow her head, biting her lip as she tried not to cry. The fat little man grinned and moved around in front of her then, reaching down quickly to grab a pawful of her beautiful golden hair and yank her head up. She yelped, and looked up at him, eyes moist with tears, and he stared back down at her ruthlessly. He undid his belt and pants with his other paw, and quite simply let them fall around his ankles, exposing the lower curve of his round belly, which nearly hid the small, soft cock beneath them, and two large, furry balls.

"I'll ask you to do one simple thing tonight," He said. "Just one."

"Yes master..." Jessica responded, the sight of his lifeless looking, small cock nearly making her sick.

"Use that talented little mouth of yours for something other than moaning and whining." Kentaro demanded with a grin.

"... Yes Master..." Jessica would respond with a gulp.

The beauty leaned in a little, raising a hand to hesitantly reach beneath Kentaro's groin to cup the large balls that seemed disproportionate to his small member. Her breathing was faint, and she gulped. It was clear she was hesitant to do anything more than that. It felt so strange to her... She was by no means a virgin, especially after the night before - but somehow, doing things like that to Kentaro felt... awkward. It gave her a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. But he was watching her, squished eyes alight with anxiousness, and she knew she had to do what he asked, or she would be hit again. So, hesitantly, she leaned in, closing her eyes so shi didn't have to watch. Her other hand came up to grasp the lifeless organ between the seedy feline's legs, and she stuck out her tongue to hesitantly lick it. She was going very slowly... too slowly for Kentaro's liking.

His hand took the back of her head, and he pushed her roughly towards his crotch. She gasped, her open mouth being filled with the soft, dully throbbing, velvet flesh of his cock. She gagged and coughed a bit at the mere taste of it, let alone the sudden action that had just occurred. She placed her hands on his thighs, eyes closed tight as she tried to pull away. For some reason licking at his cock as she was just then, made her tongue feel clammy. Regardless, however, Kentaro groaned as her rough feline tongue ran over his cock and balls, and her saliva washed over his arousal. His member began to twitch, and hardened in a quick, smooth action to her actions. He wasn't very large at all, a meager five inches, it seemed. He held her head there, letting his cock slide into her muzzle and harden as she was forced to lick it.

"Now suck, bitch! Suck!" Kentaro rasped.

Jessica was forced to react by doing as she was told. With teary eyes shut tight, she steadied herself. Soon, light, but lewd sucking noises began to fill the room. Jessica began to suck and slurp at his member, her saliva causing the sounds emitted from her to be most disgusting. The older man had already begun to pant as Jessica's reluctant yet skilled mouth was put to a rather simple test. Had this been consensual, she would have found it to be an easy challenge. However, her brows were raised and twisted, her expression showing her more than obvious discontent. She hated what she was doing, and she wanted it to end.

The beauty sucked and slurped on that vile, chubby man for some time. Kentaro groaned and purred in delight while Jessica whimpered in discomfort. Slick, oil pre-cum had begun to dribble from the tip of his cock after some time. Jessica found its taste to be bitter, and she gagged as it trickled onto her tongue, and she did the best she could to let it drool out with her saliva. Kentaro had released his hold on her hair; confident that Jessica was going to behave like the sex-slave he had forced her to be... and did she ever! Now, whether Jessica was really good, or Kentaro held little to no endurance was up for debate, but Jessica had managed to bring her forceful 'master' to the edge of climax very quickly. His chubby hips began to buck against her face as he held her by the ears, and she whined and whimpered in protest as he fucked into her mouth, barely able to touch the back of her throat.

Soon, Kentaro's body tensed, and he tiled his head back with a deep moan. "Don't spill a drop!" He demanded before he grunted and moaned. His little cock began to twitch and spasm, and from the tip, a few measly spurts of runny feline cum jet out to hit the back of Jessica's throat, gagging her. She was forced to swallow, held against Kentaro's body as she did, his peculiar scent filling her nostrils. She wanted to puke, the taste, smell, and sounds that he was making were so awful. Once he had sighed and released her, she recoiled back and began to cough. Kentaro was panting as if he'd run a marathon, and he barely managed to pull his pants back up before he hobbled to the loveseat and collapsed into it with a happy sigh. In the meantime, Jessica was regaining herself, eyes shut tight. It was perhaps the grossest thing she had ever done.

"Very good my dear..." Kentaro panted. "I'm worn out."

Jessica could see the positive side to her new 'master' having low stamina.

"I-I'm glad you liked it..." She forced herself to say timidly. "... Master."

"I trust you'll... listen t me from now on..." Kentaro said with a smirk. "Less I fire you..."

"I... I promise..." Jessica said.

"Just to be sure..." Kentaro grinned, standing from his seat to move to the drawers, reaching into one and taking out the very same black tape electric nipple clamps he had used on her the day previously. Her cheeks flushed as she saw them, and her heart raced. Jessica didn't like where this was going... Kentaro returned, and knelt down to her, grabbing her blouse and ripping it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. Jessica gasped, and he quickly attached and smoothed the clamps over her sensitive, firm, pink nipples peaking her wondrously large and perfect breasts. He then stood up, revealing the remote control that he had used to cause the shocks to be in his other hand. He quickly pushed the button, sending a jolt of electricity through Jessica's body, making her gasp for air and her heart race.

"You'll wear this all day tomorrow." He said, giving her yet another shock, making her gasp again and cringe as she barely had any time to catch her fleeting breath. "Now leave."

Closing up her blouse, Jessica nervously stood up and walked from the room on shaky legs. Once more, Kentaro had managed to leave her frightened, and when she stepped out of the room and closed the door, she took a few deep breaths. "Oh god..." She muttered to herself time and time again as she walked down the hall, her reaction to what was happening being a fairly strong one. She had managed to bring herself to tears. She wanted it to stop; she wanted nothing more than for it to stop. But again, she was afraid. Her job was on the line, her reputation being on the line as well... But most importantly... Her home was on the line.

Had she been fired from Rhonin Yoshi's mansion, she would indeed have no other place to turn to for shelter. No friends, no family... nothing. There was so much more riding on the safety of her job than she may have liked... But she had to brave it. She wished, however, that someone were by her side - someone who could protect her. Someone kind, someone gentle, someone who understood... Someone like... Well... She couldn't say.

... Day Three...

The day following the second seemed like torture to poor Jessica Elwood. Throughout the day, Kentaro watched her with an evil glint in his eye, and held that remote within his pocket. He watched as she did chores, and spoke with his accursed nephew, Kazuo - which was when he decided to put her in the most embarrassing of situations at any chance her could. He would push that button at every most inconvenient time, and laugh as she became flustered, humiliated, and forced to act as if nothing happened.

When Rhonin requested his afternoon tea, a shock into Jessica's chest caused her to drop the tray and cups, spilling the hot tea all over her master. She felt horrible when this happened, but he seemed understanding, figuring it was merely an accident. It felt bad to lie to the man who had graciously given her a job, but she was forced to smile, cheeks alight with red blush, and simply pass it off as exactly what he assumed it was - an accident. However, it was anything but. Kentaro would do it again as she made beds, and cleaned windows, or even when she was mopping floors, making her slip and fall. His cruelty seemed to amuse him, and he would laugh aloud, especially when people came to help her. Then, he would act concerned.

Something seemed to connect however, at suppertime. Jessica was helping with the preparations for the meal, doing what she could to help in the kitchen. Kentaro decided it would be fun to shock her again, and she gasped for air, whimpering and faltering. Kazuo was with her, and he raced to her side as her hand accidentally hit a boiling pot, giving her a small burn. Kazuo immediately looked at her burn, his brown eyes seeming cool and collected, and Jessica watched him as he observed the burn. She didn't feel so bad when he did. But, she didn't notice that he was also feeling her blood rush through her fingers, and observing the way her chest heaved with her panting breaths. Finally, when Kentaro was laughing about it from the doorway, Kazuo shot the elderly man the coldest of glares. Kentaro was silenced immediately and, to Jessica's relief, lurked away.

When night fell again, Jessica did not hesitate to leave her room and be at Kentaro's once more. When she entered, the older man smiled sickly, almost too happy to see her. She managed to take a few steps into the room before Kentaro pushed the button again, causing Jessica to cry out, and her legs gave out. She fell to the floor on her hands and knees, and began to sob again. She had been humiliated all day, degraded even, and she was being drawn to her wit's end. She couldn't stand it anymore, and she simply had to cry. Kentaro watched her cry, crossing his legs, as he got comfortable, saying or doing nothing to comfort her.

"Please, please Master Kentaro..." Jessica sniffled, looking up at the man. "Please stop, I beg you..."

"Hmm? Stop what?" He asked.

"Stop... shocking me..." She answered.

"Hmm? Stop making you seem like a dumb blonde whore who can't even walk down a hall without falling?" Kentaro asked.

"Yes..." Jessica said. "Please..."

"Please what?" Kentaro asked, his finger hovering over the button.

"Please stop making me look like a dumb whore!" Jessica cried out, clenching her hands into fists. "Please!"

"... Good girl." Kentaro said after a pause, setting the remote aside, patting his lap. "Come here, let Uncle Kentaro take that thing off. You've done well today."

Jessica slowly stood up, unable to help it. She had to go to him, just as he asked, even as he continued to pat his lap, mocking her with catcalls. She stood up and took a deep breath, walking over to him and standing before him. He didn't move however, and pat his lap one last time. With a sigh, Jessica climbed onto his lap, straddling him, making her as comfortable as she could. However, the chubby gray face of Kentaro was right at her breasts, and he didn't hesitate to stuff his muzzle against her bountiful bosom. Jessica rolled her eyes as his own were distracted, and waited until he leaned back again. She then undid her shirt one more time, and bared her chest to him. He grinned, and tugged off the clamps. A sigh of relief came from her as he did. He then tossed the things aside and laughed lightly as he looked up at her.

"That's enough of those for today. I hardly expected you to be so well behaved!" Kentaro chuckled. "I think you deserve a reward."

Jessica wasn't at all thrilled, but she did her best to look curious. "What's that, Master?"

"Take a seat," Kentaro responded with a smirk. "Please."

Jessica removed her self from the older man's lap, and sat down next to him. Immediately, he sunk down in front of her, lacking any sort of style or finesse at all. Then again, he didn't care. He spread her legs quickly, and gazed beneath her short skirt. He looked up at her with a grin then and said, "No panties?" Jessica shook her head, having removed them before she left her room that calm night. She knew very well it'd be one less step, and the old man would wear himself out before too long if she did that. Kentaro shrugged a bit and licked his lips before stuffing his chubby muzzle between her thighs. Jessica would gasp as the male's tongue lashed out to flick over and tease her slit rapidly. She blushed deeply and closed her eyes, biting her lip as she fought back a moan. Kentaro was surprisingly good at what he was doing!

The older male flicked and smeared his tongue over her sex until her juices had begun to flow. Her body trembled as shivers ran up and down her spine while he went to work. Spreading her slit open with his thumbs, Kentaro eased his tongue along her inner cunt lips with an agonizing, intentional slowness. The rough surface of his feline tongue felt wondrous against Jessica's most sensitive of flesh, and her hips began to roll a little, and she moaned out, unable to hold it back any longer. He was teasing her, and no matter how much she hated him, she couldn't deny that she was impressed by his technique. His tongue teased her cunt a little before he finally prodded her gushing inner centre, and slowly forced his tongue inside, once again taking his time.

Once inside, his tongue began a flurry of movements. Wiggling, twisting, lapping, his tongue was all over her inner walls and cunt, and his precision was fantastic. His tongue was torturing her less sensitive of areas, yet only briefly brushing past her most sensitive of spots. This caused her to pant and squirm, and her hips rolled and bucked. Her clit had swollen, the sensitive bud of flesh occasionally being brushed over with that sandpaper-like tongue, but otherwise horrendously ignored. He had Jessica squirming in minutes.

"Enough of this." He said suddenly, pulling back and standing up, undoing his pants.

"What?" Jessica gasped, her eyes going wide. "N-No..."

Despite being on the verge of climax, she was ignored as Kentaro removed his pants and kicked them aside quickly, and he practically dove on top of her. She squirmed and protested as he turned her to lie on her back on the loveseat, and pinned her hands to either side of her. He positioned himself between her thighs, where her drooling, yet disappointed and unsatisfied cunt lay in wait, and she knew what he had planned. She didn't want it to happen, and she did her best to kick her feet and wiggle her body, but nothing could be done. His weight was on her too quickly, and she was pinned whether she wanted it to happen or not. Kentaro wasted no time then in taking his small, rigid cock into one hand, and simply thrusting it as deep as he could into Jessica's cunt, making her gasp and cry out in protest. Once again, however, Kentaro ignored her. He wasted no time thrusting his small member inside, hilting himself in one swift thrust.

It didn't feel good, not to Jessica anyways. Kentaro groaned and seemed to love it, but it seemed empty to Jessica. The male started immediately to thrust and buck his hips as quickly as he possibly could, his flabby body in swift motion. His weight was so unevenly balanced that Jessica's discomfort was nearly unbearable. She groaned, and moaned, but more so in pain and discomfort than pleasure. Plainly stated, it was horrible. The only pleasure Jessica got out of this action was what little she could from her inner walls desperately trying to clench at the pathetically performing cock within. However, Kentaro seemed completely at peace with the fact that he could grind the underside along the bottom. He continued like this for some time, "treating" Jessica to a raunchy romp, and she soon simply began to fake it. Exaggerated moans, fake shivers, and false orgasms soon made up the most of Jessica's activities, and it was all the lifeless encouragement Kentaro needed. Thrusting himself deep inside her after perhaps five minutes of desperate fucking, he finally came. Though his orgasm was meager at most, and his juices were once again thin and seemingly oily within Jessica's depths. Kentaro would sit up after unloading, panting once more as if he were near having a stroke, where as Jessica barely seemed tired.

"Did you enjoy that, Master?" She asked.

"Greatly." Kentaro panted. "You may leave."

Jessica gathered her things as quickly as she could, and left to clean herself up. She'd close the door behind her as she left, and sighed to herself. The experiences with Kentaro she was having were horrible... How much longer would he stay? She turned as she wondered this, and started down the hallway towards her room, but stopped for the slightest of moments as something moved quickly. She couldn't be sure what it was, but it seemed like someone had ducked back into his or her room. Walking towards the door she thought she saw this person move into, she stopped and looked at it... It was Kazuo's room. She began to wonder, then, if the younger man was catching on to what was going on... She certainly hoped he did. Maybe, she thought, he could stop it.

... Day Four...

The day everything came to an abrupt halt...

While the sun was up, things were generally uneventful. Jessica did her best to go about her daily activities, her sudden hope in Kazuo giving her the strength she needed to ignore Kentaro's stares, and to keep her mind off the events that had happened the three nights previously, and what was undoubtedly going to happen tonight. Somehow, being with Kazuo, as slender and weak as he truly was, made her feel safe. Perhaps it was his kindness and friendship that helped her along, perhaps not, but regardless there was certainly something about the young furre that kept her at peace. That was of course, until night fell upon the mansion once more.

It was as if things had gone full-circle. Once more, rainfall, and the pitch-black sky was occasionally light by flashing thunder, and everyone within the mansion heard a resounding boom every time thunder struck. It was the same as it had been three nights previous to that night, however one thing was different. Jessica was not scared, not like before. She knew what was going to happen, as she sat at the side of her bed, hands folded in her lap, white, bushy tail curled next to her. She was bound to get up and go to Kentaro's room... Where the greasy, weasel of a man would dangle her home and her job over her head in order to convince her to do as he said. She knew that, and didn't necessarily accept it as right, but she knew it had become something she had to do until her home and job were safe. With these thoughts in mind, she rose from her bed, and left her room, her uniform having not been taken off.

She walked quietly through the halls, and came to Kentaro's door before she knew it. It was as if she'd walked the path more times than she ever would have liked. She knocked quietly on the door then, and opened it without waiting for an answer, only to slide it shut behind her. Yet, her hands left the door before it could close, and it remained open slightly. Kentaro sat there on his loveseat, dressed in that same, freshly cleaned blue navy suit he had worn during his arrival. He looked to her, his black eyes glimmering as he smiled to her. She stood, not returning the smile, hands folded in front of her politely, standing in her blue maid's uniform, with her white apron, and stockings with a red trim, black high-heels, a choker, and a frilly head band. Her emerald eyes showed no fear. Whatever this man was going to do wouldn't possibly be as bad as losing her home, she thought. He could do anything he pleased, she didn't care.

"Remove your uniform, and serve me." Kentaro demanded, gesturing towards a silver tray on an end table beside the door. He then turned his eyes back to the fire, which was crackling within its containment.

Jessica's eyes fell upon the silver tray. Upon it stood a goblet - a golden goblet with red rubies along the outside of the small cup, barely large enough to be a shot glass. She looked back to Kentaro and nodded sternly. "Yes master," She said, before slipping off her uniform. First her apron, then her blue dress, draping both over one arm before she took the silver tray into her free, delicate hand. Balancing it from beneath, she moved to the love seat and set her clothes down, looking to Kentaro for direction. All he said was He said nothing. She took it upon herself to act, and moved to stand before him, offering him the tray. The man took it, and sipped what looked to be red wine from within. It was gone in an instant. He set it back on the tray then, and Jessica set the tray aside on a nearby table before standing before him in that same polite stature.

"You look very lovely." Kentaro said. They were charming words, but his tone betrayed any false sincerity.

"Thank you... master." Jessica responded, her voice a gentle whisper, bowing her head gratefully. She was blushing at the mere fact she was following his direction so willingly. Though Kentaro raised his hand as Jessica bowed her head, and clipped something to her choker. She looked up quickly to see that she had been leashed, and Kentaro was holding the other end firmly.

"Now you look much better." Kentaro calmly stated, before tugging the lease hard to bring Jessica to her knees before him. She blinked, her ears twitching a little as she could have sworn she had heard something nudge the door. But she ignored it, looking up at Kentaro curiously. She was getting that awful feeling in the pit of her stomach again.

"M-Master..." She looked up at my uncle nervously, who simply smiled at her with a sick, squinty gaze.

"You know what to do, dear..." He spoke almost longingly, reaching to his pants to undo them.

It was in that split moment that the door burst open, and Kazuo came running in, his black furred, slender form dressed in naught but a pair of black track pants. Both Jessica and Kentaro were startled. Jessica actually stood up and tried to cover her body, one arm wrapped smugly over her breasts, her other hand covering her sex. Kentaro just zipped up his pants with a speed that would normally be thought of as inhuman. Kazuo stood there, looking confused, his chest heaving in deep breaths, as he seemed to have excited himself. He must have, too, judging by the tent in Kazuo's pants she had noticed. The three of them said nothing for what seemed like the longest time... Jessica, though, was the first to speak.


"Oh boy... Kazuo... Uhm..." Kentaro stammered, tongue-tied.

"Uncle Kentaro, what the hell?!" Kazuo yelled, looking at the chubby man. "What are you doing to Jessica?"

"Nothing!" Kentaro responded quickly.

"She's naked... wearing a leash..." Kazuo responded back at him flatly as Jessica just seemed to watch.

"Well, she is a servant!" Kentaro retorted.

"So? She doesn't deserve to be treated like that!" Kazuo responded. "I can't watch my friend be treated like that!"

It almost looked silly to Jessica, watching Kazuo stand there, a large tent in the crotch of his pants, defending her. At the same time however, she was touched deeply by the gesture. She knew Kazuo could be trusted... And it seemed the young man had seen everything that was going on. A rush of excitement sent Jessica's heart aflutter. Her job couldn't be threatened if Kazuo could vouch for her! Suddenly, she was overjoyed, forgetting entirely that she was naked for a split moment before she blinked, and seemed to fade back in to reality.

"Uhm... Kazuo?" She spoke up, finding it appropriate to warn the young man about the position he was in.

"What?" Kazuo blinked at her.

Jessica gazed at the tent in Kazuo's pants, and he followed her eyes with his own to his arousal. Kentaro's eyes followed too, and he laughed, causing Kazuo to blush. But the younger man didn't waste any time. He walked in, grabbed Jessica's clothes from the arm of the loveseat, grabbed one of Jessica's hands, and turned, nearly dragging her out, causing her to be so horribly embarrassed that she kept her eyes to the floor, blushing a scarlet red. As soon as Kazuo and Jessica exited the room, the door slammed shut... marking the end of Kentaro's lewd activities towards the maid.


And so marks the end of the tale which has been kept secret for some deal of time. Kazuo, who worked for Kentaro, was fired shortly after they both left the mansion. Of course, Kazuo knew exactly why, and when he told Jessica about it, she too knew that it was merely an act of spite. However, it mattered not. Rhonin's family fortune was more than enough for Kazuo to live off. But the hard-working, independent feline insisted he get a job and work for what he received - not that he didn't accept his parents' help. With Kazuo gone, Kentaro's business nearly crumbled to its foundation, but he had somehow managed to save it, and runs a successful business even today. Jessica also had a happy ending. While she didn't receive any sort of special treatment, she was able to return to business as usual, and kept close contact with Kazuo, even though he lived a fair distance away. She enjoyed talking to him over the Internet, and their conversations lasted as many minutes as they could squeeze out. It gave her relief knowing that someone, somewhere really, truly cared about her. And even though Kazuo was her friend, and perhaps not the biggest or strongest male, or even the most self-confident and dominant, she couldn't help but feel a longing for his gentle presence again, and urged him to visit whenever he had the chance - which he did. He visited on holidays and during vacations, and had very pleasant times with Jessica and his family at the mansion. Their bond as friends grew and grew until they seemed very much attached to each other.

However, both of them seemed to harbor feelings towards one another that they were afraid to admit. That would change though, a year later. But that is another story for another time...

Jessica Elwood is copyright to Her player

Rhonin, Kentaro & Kazuo Yoshi are copyright Scott Vandergroef