Tales of the Yiffing Mask! The story of Mark and Tom

Story by Khaos of Envy on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales of the Yiffing Mask

Greetings Furries, this is a little story I cranked out last night. It is based off an rp my master and I had one night and I just adored it so I decided to make a short story with it. This is a little odd as I twisted things to make them a little creepy and a bit more interesting so here you go. If you don't like male on male sex then turn away. Hope you guy enjoy it and leave a comment if you want. Thanks!!

Tales of the Yiffing Mask!

The night was black and cold, like coal from a West Virginian mine left out in the icy snow. Mark was not sure why he was rushing home as he was. He was normally a hyperactive little wolf, but for some reason after his encounter with that eerie old fox ,at the diner he worked at, he just had to get home with the strange package the strange vulpine insisted he take. Now Mark was usually cautious about these kinds of things, and he normally did not do this thing, but the fox's story was quite compelling, even if the fox was missing half the right side of his face.

To be perfectly honest, the wolf was freaked out by the gentlefox at first. Then he gazed into the ocean blue orbs and it was as if Mark was entranced beyond his rational mind. Glancing at a piece of weathered, tattered, and stained fabric, the wolf thought back to everything the elder fox spoke about at the diner.

The fox sat in a stool next to the bar, his blue eyes glinting in the low light as he spoke to the young seventeen-year-old gray wolf cleaning the counter tops. "Come 'ere pup. I've got somethin' I wanna show ya." The southern drawl of the graying orange fox rasped. He reached into a satchel he had hung on the stool next to him and fished out the same stained, and worn out cloth Mark was cradling now. "I've come across somethin' of interest to a young fella' like yerself. Interested?"

Mark barely gave the fox a second glance, waving him off with a paw as some old fool out of his mind. "I'm not interested in nothing your selling pops." He said with a hint of disrespect.

With a wave of his bony paw, the fox unveiled a rather odd-looking mask. "Oh but this here is somethin' worth your while. Somethin' that makes all your dreams come true." As the old vulpine hissed, Mark looked at the rather plain mask. Two rather large holes, which Mark assumed, would be for the eyes around the top, and a few wide vertical slits around where the nose and muzzle would be. The mask was canine in appearance, and looked rather cool he thought, but he was still wary of the old fur and taking something from a stranger.

"So what is it about this thing that makes it grants your dreams?"

The old fox leaned forward with his elbows on the counter, his blue eyes piercing from under the wide brimmed hat and he wore an eerie grin that creeped Mark out. "Take it and you shall see."

After looking at the ordinary mask for a moment and then back at the old fox, Mark tilted his head to give the vulpine a curious look. It was then that the young wolf saw the depth of those blue orbs, and for some strange reason he felt compelled to try this mask out for a spin. He cannot explain how, or even why but he was giddy to try it after that. Mark grabbed up the wolf shaped mask, but as he went to thank the old fox he was gone without a trace. A small note attached to a one hundred dollar bill where the plate of food the misshapen fur once sat that read; 'Once you put this mask on, all your desires of lust shall come true. Enjoy, The Yiffing Mask.'

After all that, here he was panting and trying to get home to test this out with a strange giddy excitement, he could not explain. Mark made it the last two blocks to the apartment that he shared with his boyfriend Tom, another wolf. A loud slamming of the door awoke Tom from his nap on the couch.

Tom was a tall, athletic, black furred wolf with a patch of white that runs from the bottom of his muzzle all the way down to inside his boxers, which was all he was wearing now. Mark let out a murr at the sight of his hot boyfriend, his hazel eyes flickering over each of the defined abdominal muscles under Tom's white and black pelt. Each movement of his wolfy mate made his muzzle water in lustful thoughts, which was quite uncommon for him for Mark was well reserved, but for some reason at this very moment, he just wanted Tom to pin him to the ground and just pound his ass crazy.

After stretching a bit to wake himself up, Tom turned to greet his wolfy boyfriend with a hug and kiss on the side of the muzzle, and his paws resting on the smaller wolf's waist. "Hey baby, how was work tonight?" he asked the most mundane of questions that Mark did not want right now, his mind wanting only one thing.

"It was good hun, but not near as good as being here with you and having some big wolf meat." Mark grinned, swaying his hips to tease the taller, more muscular lupine.

Tom just smiled and rubbed his paws over Mark's hips. "Well babe, aren't you frisky tonight. What got you all wound up huh? Usually you snuggle with me on the couch until we both fall asleep."

He hated to admit it but Tom was right. For some reason the small grey and white wolf was just so horny that even the jeans of his uniform were feeling tight around the groin area. The forgotten mask in Mark's paws felt like it was pulsating which made him pull the cloth back to look at the odd object he was given. The taller lupine tilted his head, wondering what in the world his mate was doing with this plain, ordinary mask.

"What's with the mask babe?"

"Some weird old fox gave it to me and told me it would make my deepest lustful desires would be made true."

"That's gay Mark. I mean really? You mean to tell me some old codger gave you some mask and said it would make your sex dreams come true?" Tom scoffed and made light of the whole thing that made Mark's ears droop from embarrassment at being taken for a fool.

"Sorry....its just....for some reason he seemed....you know....to be telling the truth...." Mark responded, looking at the mask in his paws. "I guess I was being stupid right?"

"No you weren't sweetheart. It's kind of cute that you would want that." Tom gave his mate's ears a few soft caresses with his tongue, murring while he held the smaller wolf closer. "Look, why don't we give it a try huh? Just see if it works, and if not then we can use it for some kinky role play later on." He grinned down, both of their tails wagging.

"Thanks hun, I'm glad the whole ordeal wasn't a waste."

"Of course not, now get your cute fem ass into the bedroom and I'll get this mask on." Tom commanded while taking the mask from his feminine boyfriend.

Mark let out a girlish giggle as he dashed off to their bedroom, his bushy tail wagging happily behind him. Tom smirked, his own tail swishing as he took a long look at the ordinary wolf like mask. It appeared ordinary enough and harmless so what the hell right? After debating in his mind a moment he slipped the mask on and to his surprise, it was oddly comfortable.

When the newly masked Tom padded into the room he was greeted with a completely naked wolf on the bed, tail draped over his groin and his paws behind his bed. Mark just gave a smile and sat up onto his paws. "Come and get it big wolf."

"Oh I plan to make you my bitch tonight babe." Tom chuckled, stripping off his boxers to reveal his swollen sheath.

Both wolves on the bed began running their paws over one another, exploring each muscle and curve of one another in silence. That silence did not last very long when a deep, sinister voice came from Tom saying, "Look at that Tommy boy, look at that nice ass."

"What the fuck hun?" Mark looked somewhat shocked at his mate, still turned on by what was said but the tone shook him somewhat,

"It wasn't me babe I swear. It....it came from the mask...."

"Yeah right, that's a lie. Now how did you make your voice go that low?"

"Come on Tom, don't you wanna just tear that ass a new one?" the strange voice they found was coming from the mask. "Just stick that dick of yours in it and tear it up."

Tom shook his head and growled. "Shut up...w-whatever the fuck you are..."

"Make me Tommy; I'm just saying what you're thinking. Come on, just pin him down and rip his ass a new hole!" the evil mask's voice roared.

The sound of tearing came from Tom as he let out a scream, his muscles popping and ripping as they bulged under his fur. Growing bigger and bigger until Tom resembled a massive body builder, muscles rippling under his black and white bur as if trying to break free. Mark, having been pinned by fear was feeling a wash of uncontrollable lust fill him. He could not help but drool over the mass of muscles Tom had become, and the transformation was far from over, for as Mark looked down he caught sight of Tom's sheath. The sheath of his lover was twice its normal size, as Tom was now twice as big as he was in height and muscles.

It did not help matters none that Mark was throbbing hard from the whole ordeal and his mind was swimming in a cloud of lust. The overwhelming scent of Tom's musk hit his nostrils and that made him moan low, grinding his hard canine cock against the chiseled abs of his newly transformed mate. Tom on the other paw only had one thing on his mind and that was 'fuck', which is what he planned to do.

"Atta boy Tommy, fuck that bitch, fuck that bitch so hard." The mask spoke with a sadistic tone.

The muscle bound wolf did not hesitate and he ground the massive sheath against his small fem lupine boyfriend. Mark did not have to wait long before he felt the heat radiating off Tom's massive thick cock. Another thing that grew was his cock, Tom's member now being well over a whopping seventeen inches and with a girth that made Mark wince at the thought. He was too far gone in his world of lust to care when his mate lined that massive pole of meat at his rear, and with a bit of grinding and several gushes of precum along the small wolf's tail star, he pushed forward.

A yelp from Mark rang out as the large, fluted tip of the canine cock pushing inside him stretched him beyond anything he ever thought possible. He felt that if he took any more he would tear, but that was short lived when the masked Tom growled and gripped his hips. The odd lust filled them both and Tom gave in to animalistic urges, his only thought now was to tie his knot and cum into the bitch below him.

Inch after thick inch of lupine dick slid into the stretched hole of Mark, his moans and pants egging his mate while his paw pumped his own erection to build the pleasure he was feeling. No pain was felt, even after all seventeen inches of thick, throbbing meat was pressed inside his ass and stretched more than humanly possible.

Then slow at first, the big muscle wolf began to thrust. Pulling his cock in and out of the hole of his mate, making the fem wolf moan in sheer bliss as he then began to push in harder. Tom kept driving his dick deeper and deeper into Mark, causing the smaller lupine's tight belly to rise and fall with the head of his massive cock. When Mark saw the bulge moving his stomach up and down, he blushed, he was filled beyond all measure and it felt fucking amazing.

Tom fucked harder, his large meat pistoning in and out of the over stretched pucker while Mark jacked off faster. His body was full of both dick and ecstasy as he jerked his member, pumping over and over, as his entire length was coated in precum. The smacking sound of Tom's large; low-hanging balls against the tight ass of his mate were heard over their moans as Mark arched his back. Filled with so much male meat, he couldn't help but cry out as his balls drew up and long sticky strands of hot wolf cum splattered all over the muscles of the beastly Tom as he kept jack hammering his own dick deep into the moaning wolf.

Mark soon felt something push against his hole, and with large eyes he gasped but it was short as he felt Tom's claws dig into his sides and with tremendous strength, he shoved the huge bulb of a knot deep into the already stretched hole of Mark. What Mark thought should have torn him in half was the most pleasurable thing he felt in his life and it caused him to release even more cum as he howled in pure bliss. He has long cuts in his sides from Tom's claws but he did not feel a thing as the knot his mate's knot ground inside him and the bulge in Mark's belly was now more prominent.

Reaching down with a paw, Mark rubbed the belly bulge, which was the head of his boyfriend's pointed tip, which caused Tom to groan and buck his hips, driving the lupine dick even deeper. Then with that movement it happened, Tom's huge balls pulled up to his body and he let out a long, loud howl that could even be heard by neighbors as he released his cum deep inside his mate. Mark moaned out, his belly growing even larger as he became filled with a large torrent of wolf cum. Tom growled, his claws on Mark's chest as he raked them down, making more cuts into his boyfriend as he kept unleashing more and more cum.

Mark was battered and panting, but his body only felt bliss as he could feel every shot of that hot wolf seed surging in his body. There was so much cum that Mark swore he felt some drip out of his muzzle before sleep hit him like a wall of bricks. Tom too could not stay awake as he passed out on top of his mate, his body slowly returning to its normal size and height. The sinister mask plopped off Tom's muzzle and onto the floor, pulsating as both the wolves slept unaware.

A few days passed by, no one heard from either of the two wolves for that time. It was a leisurely Saturday morning and the old fox that gave Mark the mask was standing over their bed, his ocean blue eyes gazing at the two as they lay in the same position the night they used the mask. Neither of the wolves were breathing, motionless and bodies stiff. The fox leaned down and picked his mask up, wrapped it in the cloth as before and stuffed it away in the pocket of his tan trench coat. His muzzle parted in a creepy grin as he looked at the lifeless bodies of the two wolves. The graying vulpine turned so that the sun hit the mutilated side of his muzzle, half of it missing and exposed tendons and bone began to heal up. The mask pulsated in his pocket as his muzzle healed and his fur took on a bright rust hue as one of a young kit of twenty.

The old fox chuckled, his body now young and spry as he whistled. "Thank you boys, its good to see you enjoyed....The Yiffing Mask." He said with that creepy grin. He removed his hat and bowed to the bodies of the young wolves before leaving the building, whistling a tune as several police cars pulled up and headed into the apartment, none of them seeing the fox at all, as they found the dead bodies of the wolves Tom and Mark.

Remember Furs, when a stranger gives you what seems to be a harmless mask, you never know when it might be....THE YIFFING MASK!