The Party Never Stops

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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This is a piece of original furotica by me David Bennett. All characters involved are © Myself, and are subject to all rights reserved. Do not read this if you are offended by Gay sex or gay relationships in general. Do not read this if you are under the age of 18 or 21 depending on the area you live in.

Now enjoy the read.


The Party Never Stops

Nolan was high and he knew it. Don't bother asking him hoe he knew, he just knew. Nolan had been high enough times to know when he had lost his sense of soberness and had slipped away into the happy glee that was only available from the drugs he had taken. The drugs were bliss, sugar on the tart that was life, and Nolan loved life just about as much as he loved getting high. Perhaps he was loosing track of what he loved more - the drugs, or life.

The room, Nolan's room was filled with smoke. The weed he had toked up on before he had started up on the others, shrouded the room like pea soup. The smoke reminded him of a foggy San Fransisco morning. If it was possible the smoke was making him higher, the still burning weed cigarettes were an amazing kind of incense, making his world spin. He felt so GOOD! It was little wonder to him why Tobias had him try all this months ago. Where was he anyway?

Tobias didn't really matter at that point anyway, and I couldn't tell you where he was anyway. All I could tell you is where I was...which was sitting right across from Nolan. I was pretty buzzed myself. I had gave in and allowed myself to get high off the weed cigarettes that Tobias had made for us, They had taken their toll on me, and it had hit me hard. My tail seemed heavier and harder to lift, it was as if i was lifting some great and terrible weight when all I was doing was a simple swish of my tail. And yet, I felt as if I had all the energy in the world. It was odd.

So you don't wonder, let me introduce myself. My name is Ozz. I am a white furred, short-haired catling. My physical makeup is something along the lines of an albino cheetah. Eh, I don't mind. Nolan is a blond, a whitish gold colored catling. Nolan had a swimmer's build to him; he was tall, had a 6-pack abdomen, well defined muscles, a small waist, and one of the most beautiful faces I'd ever seen. I loved his outfit, which consisted of a simple purple thong, a sleeveless shirt, and a white silk shirt that was opened in the front which let me catch a glimpse of that flawless chest and abdomen.

Me? I'm built the same as Nolan, only about six inches taller at about 6'-6". This night I was dressed in a black jock strap and black hip-high boots. I had fingerless gloves on my hands, and a black bandanna on my head. My hair was long, down to my knees. I had my hair done up in 3 stacked braids, a Shawn Michaels look if you will. My braids came to the middle of my back when they were done up that way. I had a pair of sunglasses on which were perched upon my forehead, resting on the top of my bandanna. And I was baked out of my skull.

I looked at Nolan. The drugs Tobias had given us had done their work, and my apartment was a mess, but I didn't care. There was a party going on in the living room that was all for us...all for us.

"Oh Ozz, I can't believe this! I can see through time!" Nolan stated to me. After the drugs that he had done, I didn't doubt it. Nolan was much more hardcore a user than I was. I was a little more apt to get high off someone's sexual musk than I was off of what he had done.

"Sure...whatever...I just want you happy."

Nolan turned towards me, or what he thought was me, and gave me a nod. He giggled once, and then collapsed into the beanbag chair at his feet, sending a little bit of smoke flying from the cigarettes that were still burning in the ashtrays.

After about a moment of silence, Nolan finally spoke again. "Whoa - awesome - the ceiling has a dragon swimming through it." Nolan said in that voice a stoner gets when talking becomes a chore. I looked to the ceiling, and scratched my balls. I didn't see any dragon, but I was very far gone. I knew that we'd never make it back to the party, at least not until I had finished up with Nolan. I was in the mood, the mood for love with the one I love.

Oh, where are my manors? Let me explain a little; first off, Nolan and I are lovers through and through. We didn't want to get "married" or anything like that. Instead, we went through something more spiritual, and we did a tribal style wedding. It was pretty damn spiffy getting mated to him in that way; getting around all the press, the protesters, and the fans that would have just gotten in my way. I hate it when people get in my way. I also don't do organized gatherings of that sort - I like my life to have some Chaos to it. Well, Nolan and I had been dating for five years, and we decided to get mated. This was our mating night. The drugs? Well they weren't a first time thing, nor were they really for the occasion as perhaps you would like to think. The fact that Nolan and I were doing them in our bedroom while people partied in our living room and raided my our fridge and messed with my $5.000 stereo system an d and more than likely were having sex on our furniture was the odd part. Couples; gay, straight, lesbian, and bisexual were all more than likely engaging in sex, which would make for an interesting impromptu but blissfully chaotic orgy.

My clothes? Ah, I bet you think I am one of those leather fetish guys huh? I bet you think that I am just like that guy from Village People. Well for your information, this is the way that I dress all the time. I expose myself to the maximum that law will permit. Nolan dresses the same way about 24-7 himself. Also I should make you aware, that with as little as we were wearing, this was still fully clothed for us.

Well, we were dressed, and I was horny. Nolan I wasn't too sure about. We cats can get hammered really easily, so I wasn't sure what he was feeling. Now Nolan and I are no pansies when it comes to drugs, and we had to hit them pretty hard to get just the right effect out of them, yet not as much as other species had to. I hate it how canines have it better in that field sometimes.

In my bedroom I laid on the bed. It was a king size, and was decked out with sheets of blood red. They were silk. All around the room was our collection of books on shelves, Nolan's wardrobe, my wardrobe, the fish tank, and my three gold records. Yes I am a singer. Call it a rip off that I am British and I am a rock singer and I am named Ozz. I say you can suck me off if you don't like it.

In the living room of our apartment, the radio was playing queen. It was our song they were playing - "Save Me". I laughed at the thought of that. I did love Nolan just like the words of the song. So with my award winning voice I decided to sing along.

"Save me, save me, save me...I can't face this life alone. Save me, save me, save me...I'm naked and I'm far from home."

For my excellent bardic efforts, I earned some laughter from Nolan, who started crawling towards me across the floor. "You're not naked." He said with a grin.

"Well you're not helping that now are you?" I said, looking at him with a stern face of compassion. He simply crawled, and was probably seeing his hands come alive before him. How he knew it was really me talking to him and not some vision brought out by the drugs was beyond me. The hallucinogenic properties of LSD can make you feel, weird. I sat forward and beckoned my beloved Nolan closer to me with my gloved fingers.

"Oh please sing again Oz z! Please, sing our song? Don't sing Queen, sing the one that you wrote for me." He begged, as he was trying to get closer to the bed. At the rate he was crawling I could have sung it through to the first verse and I would still have been alone in my bed. My sex drive is healthier than normal, but that didn't mean that my wondermeat would be so chipper and welcoming if the love of my life hesitated any further.

The song that he spoke of was called "Tears of Pink". I had written it right after we had met. What had happened was, I met him at a sex club, and Nolan had given me the best night of sex that I had ever experienced. Now I know that's hardly something to write a sad titled song about, but that's not where it comes from. You see, after that night of sex, I had to go and do a European tour opening for the Scorpions, and I couldn't take Nolan with me. I wanted to, but my manager just didn't see the point; we weren't dating, and we had only really just met. So there I was, stuck in Berlin, with nothing to do really other than to think about the fact that I was missing out on the best love I had experienced in all my life at that point. I was driven to tears almost nightly. And so I wrote the song Tears of Pink as a way to express the pain of missing Nolan that I felt. The song when recorded and released won me my first gold record, and got my name on the map. I owed everything; my success, my fame, and my millions of dollars, all to Nolan. He was the reason I was a success, and Loved him for it. So I sang,

"Sitting here near the grave of the wall,

I think of you all alone

Sad, without me, and again alone

I want to give you a call

Operator dials you up, and the phone rings

I think of you there in solitude

bored, without me, and again in solitude

Oh how to me your voice sings


I think of you and I cry tears of pink on my arms for you

I think of you and I cry tears of pink because your love is true

I speak of you, through these tears and pink and say,

Take my heart please and make it yours from now till the end of days

I hear you're not in, and I don't believe it

You have to be there all alone

Naked, without me, and again all alone

It has to be complete bullshit

I throw the phone against the wall

I love you so much I start to cry

Body shaking, without you, and again I start to cry

Wondering if you'd ever call


"Take my heart please and make it yours from now till the end of days." I sang, just as Nolan had climbed in bed. He had shed his outer shirt of white, and was looking at me like a predator stalking his way across the bed. I grinned. It was so exquisite that I got to have him all to myself, and no one else would get to see of him what I do.

I traced my left hand over my body piercings. Oh yes I have piercings - several. I have a thick Jacob's ladder running through my cock, I have 3 barbells in my sheath, a ring in my navel, my nipples have a ring in them each, and my right eyebrow had 3 barbells in it as well. My right ear was wrought with regular silver studs, but that was it. Tattooed around my navel was a tribal sun which surrounded the outer ring of my belly button. I loved my body art.

Nolan looked at me and giggled. He pointed to the thick erection in my jockstrap, the head of my penis sticking out of the lip of the garment a little. I reached down with my right hand and cupped my groin a little. I smiled and beckoned for Nolan once again. The time for speech was over, and now it was the time for body language.

Nolan crawled on top of me and laid his silk clad groin against mine as out bodies met for the first time that night. I let out a sigh and held my love as he took my sunglasses off my head and set them on the side table. I looked into Nolan's pretty green eyes and began to purr, as I leaned in and nuzzled his chin with my nose. He giggled once more, and started to grind our groins together, sending a wash of pleasure through me every time he ground my wondermeat. I made a little pleasure noise to convey my approval, and I brought my lips to his, and kissed him. His mouth tasted like the LSD and weed he had partaken of. I didn't like it, so I broke the kiss' deepness and simply kissed him in a flurry of pecks, making little smacking noises as I went.

"I (kiss) love (kiss) you (kiss) Ozz." Nolan said in a lovelorn voice through the flurry of kisses we gave one another. I smiled and stopped to tell him that I loved him too. He laughed and clapped couple of times, and then set back into grinding me once again.

I loved how Nolan did that. You see, Nolan and I aren't your storybook gays, nor are we fairytale romantics. We had limited sentiment, limited foreplay, but ungodly wonderful sex. There was no need for that all over the body kissing stuff, nor was there a need for a full body tongue bath. That kind of love just bored me and Nolan to boot. Sex for us was a deep passionate kiss, a little more foreplay, and then the big long nasty.

He kissed about my lips, chin and face with those soft pursed lips of his. His lips were like two warm rose petals upon my cheeks. I sighed and embraced him in a big hug, and he kissed me in one long peck until I let him go. When that was done, he started to travel his way down my body, and he pulled my jockstrap down. There my pointed and barbed cock stood erect with the 20 barbells in it. They went the length of my rod down the middle, and were all damn near prince Alberts. I loved them, but not as much as I loved Nolan.

Nolan lowered his face onto me, as he tossed my garment aside. He wrapped his lips around me tight, firm around my head, and began to loosen a little bit as he would reach my base. Just like that...that's how I like it. Now he was starting to get it. I groaned and opened my legs a little bit as I let out my noises of pleasure. Nolan simply took what I did as a gesture that I was enjoying his cock sucking, so he kept right on like that; up and down...with a little snap of his head as he reached the top. I liked this kind of sex. I was what I called a "low - middle - high" sex man, as in I liked a little bit of kissing and licking, a moderate amount of oral sex, and a lot of anal love.

Anyhow, Nolan worked his fangs around me so as not to hurt me, nor to get them caught on my piercings. My wondermeat was thick, and long - hard for any old queer to deep throat, but cake for Nolan. Nolan was skilled with my body, and he knew me well. Even as I started scratching behind his ears with my neon blue painted fingerclaws, he started to slow the speed of his oral sexing, but increased the power instead. I gasped and gulped.

"Oh fuck..." I said through gritted teeth. He was sucking me so hard, the tugging and the moistness of his mouth was sending me to love and back. Nolan seemed to be sucking at me as one might suck on a Popsicle; slow but hard. The fact that I am pierced only added to my pleasure, as I brought my right hand to my right nipple and started to tweek my nipple ring. Oh how the mighty have fallen, my mighty flesh tower that was disappearing and reappearing from the gullet of Nolan was getting a serious attitude adjustment.

And just when I thought that I was going to be finished off, my wonderful play was over. Nolan slowed down even further...ever so nicely. Nolan started to simply drag his textured tongue across the oversensitive skin of my sex organ, and lick me just like that. His upper lip still hugged itself tight around me as he stripped himself our of his thong with his hands, and then brought a hand to my testicles. I wasn't sure what he was going to do. Then, he reached and grabbed one of the barbells in my sheath, and started to spin it with his fingers while his right hand steadied his balance and gripped itself at the base of my massive wondermeat. FUCK...SHIT...I was loving that. He kept licking me, playing with my piercings and licking me, holding my cock firmly in his hand.

"Oh fuck baby, holy fuck I'm gonna cum if you don't stop!" I spat out weakly. I was clenching my eyes shut and gnashing my teeth, making a face that might look as if I had a hemroid that was getting popped. Oh how I wanted to erupt into his mouth, but I knew that if I did, that would be the end of my sexual activity for the night. Hey, I am not some kind of storybook male that can cum multiple times in a night, even if i am a rock star. I am sorry, but my cannon only fires once, but I guarantee that it is one big kaboom!

Nolan with one last swirling suckle of my head, swallowed up an offering of preccum. It goes without saying that I was precumming. Nolan looked at me, and I supposed that his high had capped, and he was coming down just a teeny bit judging by the look of sincere love that was in his eyes. He then started crawling up me, dragging his own own wonderflesh across my abdomen and ribs, until it sat, poking me in the chin as Nolan brought himself to sit on my chest.

"Love you." Nolan whispered.

"As do I." I said. My cock seemed to take on a life all of it's own, throbbing as if it had a pulse. It helped me calm down a little bit as I looked at the reddish pink member in front of me. Mine was more of a whitish pink, not that I minded of course. Nolan had himself a 7 inch penis by one, mine is 9 by one and a half. No lie. I was thrilled with my body and I loved his as well. That's why I leaned forward, and took him into my mouth - into my body...swallowig him into my mouth.

Nolan started to dig his claws into my shoulders, nearly drawing blood with how good my oral pleasuring was. I was surprised that he seemed to be having that much fun. All I was doing was the simple bobbing suck, the maneuver that any cocksucker can do but usually doesn't because of how simple it is. The maneuver, however you saw it was effective in my pleasuring of my mate Nolan, as I felt precum being deposited on my tongue as I sucked.

Nolan stared to rock himself back and forth as I went, bringing us into an odd rhythm for us. I was worried about smacking my head against his abdomen more than anything else, but we knew one another well enough to keep from doing that. I just took my lover deeper and deeper into myself, his cock hitting the roof of my mouth and sliding it's way into the back, and then retracting itself bit by bit. Mmm. I wrapped my lips around him tightly and gave him a few extra powerful sucks before I pulled my head back and rested my head back. I stared up at the naked male above me and watched him peal his fishnet shirt off. He was a vision, a god. I could call him nothing less.

Nolan reached over kind of shakily, and grabbed my bottle of lubricant, and gave his hand a squirt, jetting the cherry scented stuff into his palm. He then reached back behind him and started to massage my still throbbing meat, giving me a feeling not unlike his mouth had earlier. He was getting me ready for him. Up and down his hand went, caressing the lube into me, working every crevice and every little vein. I grinned in an evil grin as he squired a little more onto his hand and started to finger himself a little, his other hand still caressing the lube onto my wondermeat.

When he was through, he crawled his way backwards until I poked at him a little, and lowered himself slowly...very slowly onto me and into him. No condom? We are both clean and trust one another. The lube? Hell I am packing a horse cock in my jockstrap, and it was now inside of Nolan. This was nothing to joke about. Lube helped, and made it easier and better, well at least I thought so.

The feeling of his moistened innards around me sent me trilling into a fury of purrs, and sent me into humping him very slowly, A drop of lube began to cascade off his asshole's lips and down onto my scrotum, just the perfect amount had been used. I stared pushing myself in a little deeper, until I could go no further into him because his buttbones were digging into my hips as I plowed him over and over. His ass was mine. And then Nolan took over, letting my hands go to my sides as he stared to slide further onto my body and then snap himself backwards with a forceful downward snap. It went like that: Slide....snap and sit....slide....snap and sit. A moist little nose began to escape from the thrusting of my cock into him, the plesure around my penis was way better than his was 800 times better. His lubricated anus massaging me and bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

As Nolan slid, he started to make a definite upward motion, having me hit his inner walls at an interesting angle when he would sit back further...getting me deeper into him. Oh how I had missed this indeed. Nolan gave an unexpected laugh and suddenly bent his back backwards as he started to slide up and down me like I was a pole. I took it upon myself to wrap a hand around his cock and jerk him off. I didn't know if he was going to cum yet but I knew he was definitely having almost as much fun as I was.

"I fucking love this! I adore you! I a-dore YOU!" I called as I started to buck my hips a little, making odd slurping noises as my shaft moved in and out of him, The Jacob's ladder piercings made an interesting sensation; a kind of ba-da-da-da-da-da-dum in and out of his asslips. I groaned and gritted my teeth again, increasing my speed of my hand jerking on his cock.

"Cum baby..." He asked. I simply nodded, and took both my hands and placed them on his hips, and began to take him like that. He was almost laying down backwards with how far he was bending. It didn't take much longer but a few more pleasuring humps before I orgasmed. He groaned and stroked himself...not even close I imagined, but well on his way. He grinned and sat forward so he was perfectly straight, pencil humping and making a wonderful jackhammer motion up and down to milk the last bit of semen into himself, and then pulling off to lay flat on my belly.

"That was nearly twice as much come than last time." He observed. I said whatever and for myself ready for intrusion. It was my turn now, I inhaled deeply and swung my legs backward and underhooked them with my arms, making for a pretzeled kitty who's pink sphincter was puckered and ready for love.

Nolan slid down me, and leaned in and started to lick at my hole a little while he got on his hands and knees, and started to lube himself up. It was so sudden when he leaned forward and pressed his cock against my hole. I bit my lips, and felt it...his cock spreading my lips apart and coming inside of wet and so hot. His rod was so warm against my inner membranes it went without compare...not even a microwaved dildo felt this wonderful.

"Love you." I chirped softly as I untucked my booted legs and rested them upon Nolan's shoulders. He nodded and simply started humping in long but sharp glides. My butthole burned with the sensation, but I loved it, it wasn't that bad at all, I'd just bite my lips that's much better. As the minutes clicked away, and I used my powerful kitty legs to guide him, I got into the flow of things as I started to feel my prostate and other areas inside of me being stimulated by the cock inside of me. Nolan was in me...IN me...and I loved it.

"Yeah...yeah..." Nolan began to shout and grunt as he now humped in sharp upward thrists and slower retractions on the downplane. I groaned and I leaned up to suckle on his left nipple as I took my legs down off of his shoulders and wrapped them back around his waist. Nolan patted my head in a gentle "there there" motion, while he took hold of my dick and began to use it fore added leverage. Nolan was going faster now, in almost rabbit like humps. Hard and fast and deep.

My cock spewed one last wad of cum, probably one that I'd been storing in an after burst of sorts, rocketing it onto my chin. It dangled there only for a moment, as Neil pushed me down to lay back down, and licked it off of me. As now he was close, he stated spooning himself to me while he rabbited me deeper...harder...and deeper. It was like consensual rape with how hard and fast he was going. I'd have as much of it as I wanted!

"Oh Fuck...I'm cumming!" He screamed,

And like a balloon being filled with water, so I felt my innards being saturated with his offering of love juice. We made mirrored love noises as he lowered himself down to my chest, my prick sandwiched between us. He laughed again, and brought my lips to his and kissed me. Despite the flavor, I kissed back.

When the kiss was broken, he sang,

"I cum wads of pink for you..."

"That's more drugs." I said jokingly. I was going to kick Tobias' ass when I saw him. I laughed and decided to be a tease and I took my my tail an started inserting it inch by inch into the still lubed tailhole of Nolan until he could take no more. I started to wiggle my tail about in his warm moist innards as he whined and gave one last laugh before he passed out from the pleasure. I would cry tears of pink for you now Nolan, but for right now I like your idea. So I'll let you jiz wads of pink for me.

And off in the distance the door to my room opened. I looked up, not bothering to cover our clasped bodies as the person entered. I couldn't tell who it was, but it was a male I knew that.

"I see you two hit it off."


"Who is that?" I asked, not being able to see to clearly.

"It's me, Pike. Great party man."

"Oh thanks."

"You two looked you had fun." The male said as he walked in. I could see him now, a dolphin. He was naked too. His odd shaped manhood standing out of his slut as he walked over to the bed.


His blow hole opened for a moment, and he sneezed. His eyes going wide. "Damn! How much weed did you have?"


He shrugged, and folded his arms. The bottle nose was really attractive...and I didn't mind his presence there. He then smiled and looked at me. "There is an orgy going on...mind if I play with you?"

"Bring your cock here, and I'll service you." I said. Letting Nolan sleep in me.

The dolphin brought his cock to my lips, and he cupped my head gently, as I took his odd shaped member into my mouth. His flavor was distinctly more salty than Nolan's, but not that bad at all. I started to bob my head so I could contour to the odd shape of his penis. Suckling gently.

"Yeah...that's it Ozz..." He whispered.

I leaned out and took my hands onto his buttocks, just under his tail, and squeezed. I wanted him to cum, and I wanted it bad. Fortunately I didn't have long to wait. Before I knew it, my mouth felt a liquid-like wad of cum start to fill my mouth. The flavor was like raw salt, but I liked it. I just let my mouth fill more and more, as like a hose he started to fill me. He could cum!

For a solid minute he came, my mouth was over flowing, and I had to drool some out the side, and swallow the rest. Pike, the blue bottle nosed dolphin groaned. And slid into bed next to me. Panting.

"God damn!" he said.

"Your telling me! I said with a still cum filled mouth. I licked the insides of my cheeks as Pike snuggled into us, and passed out himself. I gave Pike a helping shove as his body rolled off the bed and onto a beanbag chair next to the bed. No one shares my bed but Nolan.

I simply laid there and watched the orgy in the living room through my open door. Men were fucking men, women were fucking women, and men were fucking women in one great pile. Some looked inside at us and gave Nolan and I the thumbs up

What a party, and what a night! The kind that never stops...