Secret Desires part 5.txt

Story by Ahmar_Wolf on SoFurry

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As Shar went to comfort him, I assume you have what you need. With tears streaming down his face, I have all but the very last item, and thanks to what I learned while I was in Great Timber I know where it can be found. As Callisto pulls away, I am going to need help. After all you done for us, all you need to do is just ask, Shar said. I know I am going to need both of you and as many guards as you can sparebut no weapons only ropes and a very heavy net, Callisto said. We have all of that aboard our ship, Shaun said.

That was when Wave turned to Simon and openly wondered, You know what the hell he is taking about.

That was when Callisto stood before everyone, I wish I could tell you all, but this is a private matter for now. Simon, Wave Ill tell you both the complete truth once we arrive in River Bendas I am going to need your help as well.

That was when Shaun seemed to have something on his mind, but when Simon said, Excuse me Shar, I wonder if you could help me with a little problem I have with this fur named Brush. He replied, I wish we could, but we only dropped by to say hello to our good friend. We want a little alone time. Callisto with all due respect, I want that as well, Shar adds. Go ahead, be off with you. After all we are going to be here at least 2 days. I need to add to my stock of supplies for my medicines, Callisto said. We could always meet up tomorrow morning, Shaun said. That sounds like a good idea, Callisto said. Go on with the pair of you, see you later. They wished each other well as they were off.

Which left Simon staring directly at Callisto, so was Wave and Summer. What do you expect me to do, Callisto exclaims. Your the man who can do miracles, Wave said. I agree with Wave, Summer adds. I cant make any promises, I cant even say how long it would last, Callisto said. You mean you could help me?, A hopeful Simon asks. I could but you have to stay awake, and you can not get excited in any way, Callisto warned. Anything, that Brush scares me and that warning you gave, Simon said. Raising his hands in the air Callisto says, Its my fault, I tried to relay some facts and it came out all wrong. But you are going to have to hide out, but good. When you feel safe, just sleep you will be back to normal by the time when you awake. I thought you could not forcefully change someone, Wave wonders. I can and I cant, but its too complicated to explain here. Lets go some place where we all can be alone.

It took sometime to find a place clear of prying eyes, but they found it. Are you sure this is only for the night, I am, and I dont have to get naked, Of course not, Callisto said. This world is filled with objects that contain great power. It takes those like myself who studies these objects to learn how to control such power, Callisto says as he pulls out the key he got from Herman deep from a pocket inside his robe. Herman discovered by accident that this key has the power to make someone think they are in love with you. But that is only one of its powers, understand what I am going to need this later for. Might just drain all the power out of this key foreverwhen this happens Summer I may need your help. You got it, Summer adds. Now Simon take the key in both hands..good. Now Wave, place your left hand on your friends shoulder, and with your right take your crystal, and I will do the opposite. Summer watched as the crystals gave a soft glow and slowly Simon transformed in to a fox. He even had to pull his pants down partially because he didnt like having his tail jammed in to his pants. That is remarkable, Summer said. Simon nodded in agreement. Now disappear, we will see you in the morning. Simon waved and then ran in to the forest as fast as he could.

Next morning there by the lake, Callisto was sitting nearby surrounded by the children of the furs preforming his magic tricks. The old man was smiling ear to ear as he was so happy. Some of the kids had questions about how did he do some of his tricks and did the crystal he wore gave him some special powers. But instead of shrugging it off he would tell them, Most of my bigger tricks come with literally years of practice, and I wont say if any of my crystals have anything to do with that. Only because it could spoil the trick not only for you, but any one else who know. But let me show you a trick where you can stump your own parents. He then proceeded to teach them his own version of the shell game, which started out with 1 small pebble under one of the shells. But when he was finished there were 3 small pebbles under each of the shells.

Finally Wave and Summer arrived on the scene, Callisto had them wait until the kids seemed to have at least one part of the trick down. You practice on your own for a while, and how about later today you show me what you can do. They were just plain excited, and ran off with there own shells.

When Wave and Summer joined Callisto, it was Summer who said, You would of made a marvelous father. Frankly he answer stunned the both of them. The truth is I was a great father, and even a better husband. Being around these kids brings back so many wonderful memories. But when they started to ask him what became of them, Callisto simply refused to answer. Now its time to get what I need to make my medicines, after all we are going to set up shop in River Bend. This is the first I heard about this, Wave said. After all who is the master and who is the apprentice here. Summer you can help too, I need just about everything, roots , berries, nuts, bark, you name it I need it. But Ill show you what and how much, after all you just dont know what is good for what, and Summer you can learn as well.and that means lots and lots of hard work.

I just wish Simon was here, Wave sighed. I dont expect to see him anytime soon, Summer replied. Its no time for talking you two we got to get to work, Callisto insisted. First of all we need

It was almost around noon when Simon finally arrived, he was back in his human form and tired as hell. He was stretching and yawning as he made his way along to the lake where both Wave and Summer where in getting what and how much Callisto was telling them what to get. Look who dragged in, Summer said from the lake after spotting Simon. That was when Callisto took notice, How was your night?, Dont ask, Simon yawned. I had the worst night I ever had in my life. I was so scared that the Brush would find me, I hardly slept a wink. I think I dozed off near dawn. Callisto was a bit mad and understanding at the same time when he said, Your no use to me today, why dont you just take it easy the rest of the day. What about that Brush?! Simon insisted. Dont worry I have a plan, you take a rest, but then he turned to both Summer and Wave. As Wave was bringing some roots he had gathered to Callisto, That does not apply to the pair of you. It is going to mean you both are going to have to work even harder.

It was late in the afternoon, as Simon was sitting up against a tree watching along with Summer and Wave who were sitting nearby as Callisto explain what each of the items they had gathered, along with this, You know how sometimes you come across someone with a infection. I have a simple and easy to use treatment. All you need to do is start a very smoky fire, then take up a damp tree branch or something that will make a lot of smoke and head for the nearest bee hive. I know what your going say, but the smoke will claim the bees down, and you only need a small amount of honey then place that upon the infection. I know this sounds hard to believe, but in a few days the infection will be gone, but you have to watch out for the ants who will want to go after the honey.

That was when Brush came upon them saying, That is where that Simon is, but look at him you ruined him for me. Callisto was in no mood to be accused of something he did not do, Look Brush, it wasnt me who did this to my apprentice. It was all your fault, he is a human and the thought of mating with a fur sent him to beg for my help last night. So why should I care he is just a body part to me, Brush said. But this made Callisto even more angry, I assume by what you said, you know little about me or my work. If you did you wont of said anything so foolish. I want you to leave Simon alone, he is under my protection. So, Brush every so casually said. All Callisto did was grin and he quickly snatched Brushs paw, and the next thing anyone them knew she was crying out in pain. Callisto then smiled, It wont take much effort to break your wrist. I could teach Simon this move in under a minute, and given what I have left today, imagine what I could teach him. I give, you can have him, Brush said as her paw was freed.

As she was rubbing her left wrist Brush adds, Neither one of you could be awake all of the time. Foolish woman, Callisto scorns before removing a small blue green crystal out from under his robe. As soon as Brush saw it, she instantly winced back like she was in intense pain. Which did not seem to end until she had taken 10 steps back. From there she shouts, What did you just do to me. Its the crystal I now hold, it breaks down your walls. You see you foolish wolf, everyone of us has walls. Where behind we hold back all our fears, all our deepest darkest secrets. This crystal brings them all to the surface. I advise you dont even step near Simon, for long enough exposer to the crystal will cause you to pass out, Callisto said which caused Simon to smile.

As Callisto handed the crystal over to Simon he asked, Why didnt you give this to me last night. Callisto replies, I had to see Brush in order to activate the crystals powers.

Simon just sat there begging for Brush to get him, it was like she didnt try. In fact she did several times. But eventually she gave up and walked away in discuss.

Your a tricky one, Summer said. All Callisto did was nod in agreement.

Holding up that same crystal Simon wonders, If this happens again how do I set this crystal to that one. Callisto replied, Almost too simple, all you need to touch the Barrier crystal as they come within a few feet of you. Good and effected, thanks Callisto, Simon said. Your welcome, now lets get back to what we were talking about. After all there is quite a bit you still dont know.

The rest of that time by the lake, was uneventful, and besides in another day the entire group was on the move once again.

By the time they arrived in River Bend it was decided that Simon would stay in town until Shar had returned and was ready lead the soldiers from Karma to aide Callisto in this mysterious plan of his. Then Simon would join them, when they all meet up in that town Callisto was planning on building.

But as soon as they made there was through the gate, Callisto made it a very strong point he had to see David above anything else. Once some of the guards helped both Wave and Simon set there cart so it wouldnt topple over, Callisto was gone. That was when they turned to each other and agreed, We got to find what that big secret of his. They then decided to follow him, which itself seemed more of a comedy of errors than anything else. As they always had to keep asking someone Had you seen Callisto?. They always seemed to just kept on missed him.

In fact by the time they heard where he actually was, they not only lost Summer, but they got lost themselves. Wave was sure it had been at least an hour had past since they actually had seen Callisto, before they were finally pointed in the right direction. They not only found Callisto, but there he was standing in front of a large storage building talking to David. Who as he handed over some candles to Callisto was saying, We put that statue of your in here for safe keeping, and I promise the furs you brought with you will be given food and place to rest. I also need a house here, where I can set up shop, Callisto said. That can be arranged. Also I need a couple of axes. You will have them by the time you and them will get ready to leave. If there is anything else I could do for you, all you need to do is ask, David said. Ill keep that in mind.

When David was gone, the first question out of their mouths as they came on to Callisto. What was that all about. I think you both need a good explanation, just help me light these candles and follow me inside this building.

Lit but the light of the candles Callisto pointed to this statue which was that of a binturong, craved out of a solid black stone which felt warm to the touch. But as Simon noticed as he held the candle up to its face, It isnt of you. As Callisto went to put his hand upon it, both of them could swear Callisto was holding back tears. First of all I owe you both an apology, for my actions. But when a father comes finally close to freeing his son. SON?!!! they both exclaimed. Yes, this is my son Triton. He has been like this for the last 40 years. I think I owe you both a good explanation, but all I ask is neither of you please dont say anything, and that goes especially with you Hershel. What forever?!, Wave exclaims. Only until we return from getting the last item that I will need to free my son.Is that what you need that army for, Simon wonders. Yes, and why we can not harm it. That monster we must defeat in order to get the Bell of Ages, which is hidden in the cave its guarding, could either be my daughter Thalassa or my wife Leda. WHAT?!!!!, they both shout.

As Callisto scratched the back of his head, I guess I better tell the both of you the truth. My life did not start this way, in fact my life was picked out for me back when I was just starting school. I was told it was because I had a way of getting my fellow classmates to listen to my every word. You see I am from a place called Pleiads, where we have lived at peace for 1,000s of years. Set between high mountains, and the sea. My home was the jungle, where we live in simple homes and dedicate our lives to knowledge. We know more about this world of ours, than anyone on this planet. We have invented the telescope, looked at the surface of the moon. Seen other such worlds that orbit planets, that in turn orbit the very same sun that shines upon us today. We are ruled by the wisest of the wise whom sit upon the Council of Wisdom. They see what is best for all, and not what others may only want for themselves. But the one thing they do believe in is love. It was in school as I was coming of age. I fell in love with the lovely Leda, we soon pledged our lives to each other, and gave of ourselves to each other desires. I love her with all of my heart and I still do. If I could I would gladly die for Leda

As Callisto wipes the tears away from his eyes, You might be asking yourself what caused this all to change. One of our very own number, an expert in the natural ways, our expert in the crystals of this world. A man called Ganymede, he openly spoke out about using our knowledge to conquer our neighbors. I am afraid that Ganymede was the one that spread both the word and use of those Vengeance Crystals you both are aware about. But that was only after our Council of Wisdom called for volunteers to fight not only Ganymede, but those who joined him. I want to make this quite clear that both Thalassa and Triton were in their teens by then, and I was apprenticed to a Master myself one of are greatest instructors Nereid. And I was teaching my own classes by then, under his guidance of course.

It took almost 10 years to drive Ganymede and his followers out. We used what some call magic to force them to flee. But everyone who volunteered paid a heavy price. We lost every member of our own families. There in the candle light Callisto stared at them with an emptiness in his soul. Ganymede and his followers attacked our families with the same sort of magic we used against them in relation. Sadly most of our original volunteers died before they found the loved their ones. It was up to those who remain to find themand free them. As soon as I discovered what had happened to my own family. I found myself forced to wandered this world on a seemly endless search for them. I have found and freed most of themsaved for the ones I lost. Then only recently during my last visit to Karma that would lead me to the whereabouts of my family, and therefore put an end to my wandering. It all began when the King their unveiled this statue in my honor, after my many visits and you already know the reason why the honor, my little magic act. When I saw thisI almost lost it. I then asked to speak to the King and his family in private and I told them the truth. That was when I learned both about the Key I eventually got from Herman, and the bell, as well as the monster that guarded it. My only problem is what I needed to free them both. Dont think harsh of me, I am a father and husband who has been in torment for far too long. You see it was because I needed a crystal so rare only one has ever known to found. It is so rare it doesnt even have a name, but according to the legends of my kind, that crystal can free anyone from the strongest magic that holds them prisoner. I also learned in Karma that a band of humans were in possession of that crystal. So I set up shop where you found me, I had been there so long time has lost all meaning to me. Then that group of former Vengeance Warriors came and wanted a way out. I gave it to them, only because I needed this crystal. That was when out from a pocket under his robe he pulled out a small crystal about the size of a hens egg that was so golden in color it could have been made of solid gold.

This is the crystal of Life, its most magical object on this planet, over time I will teach the pair of you to use it. But right now I must keep it from you in order to eventually free my own family.

May I ask you what is the spell to free your son?, Wave asked. Callisto replies, I place the key of Time at his feet, while I wrap the crystal to his hand. While 2 friends ring the Bell of Ages.

Later when they all left that warehouse Summer watched as they all went in separate directions. Except for Wave who came directly towards her, I thought we were going to wait for each other, she said. Thats the problem about being an apprentice sometimes your life isnt your own, Wave sighed for he too had a far away look in his eyes. So what happened in their, by the time I heard where all of you were, this guard showed up and wouldnt let me in. By the way Wave took his time to answer Summer thought that he might be ready to break up, so she was ready for the worse but not the answer Wave gave her, That Callisto, he really has some major problems. If I had to tell someone what he told me and Simon I guess I want to be alone. Is there anything you can tell me, Summer then insisted. As he took her by the paw, Only this, you and the others here will find out soon enough. In the meantime were only going to spend the night here in River Bend, and we will be gone in the morning. Dont worry your coming with me, but not on the journey when Simon and the guards from Karma arrive. Callisto has something rather important to do with than, and its rather dangerous. Even if half of what he told us is true in there. I dont want you anywhere near, where you could get killed. Is it really that dangerous, Summer wonders. Waves reply, Its amazing my knees arent knocking together, SummerOh Summer. That was when she held him close, and gently kissed him on the cheek.

Summer was the first to notice the change with the men in her life, it wasnt the fact that Callisto had not been seen since he left the warehouse. It was only by the next morning when there were ready to leave, that he returned carrying 3 axes. Simon wasnt there not even to say Goodbye to Wave, meanwhile Wave did not seem to care.

They rarely talked, even then it was only what Callisto had planned for his new town. Which all of them knew in quite detail when they arrived to where it would be built. A total of 2 buildings would be built. The first being a long house as sort of a communal building, where they sleep, eat or what ever. The 2nd and much smaller building would be used to store supplies of food. Each building would be of simple construction, tongue and mortise on the timbers, walls woven of saplings. They would not be exactly weather tight, but enough so it would keep them out of rough weather.

If any one had a question Callisto would answer it, especially about construction methods. He would have an answer for them. But not for Summer, she had a rather important question to ask Callisto and she was afraid, there were more important things on his mind to answer her question. You see Summer believed she was pregnant, and there was a good chance Wave could be the father. Given the problems , some had have with the transformation process. It had become so obvious to the other female otters, that is was one named River approached her, Hun its your first isnt it. River had 3 of her own, 2 boys and a girl. Summer had no choice but to say the problem was about her 1st, rather than her real concern that her child might be born a human.

The reason for this worry is what Wave had told her back in Great Timber, You know that Callisto does these transformations, changing human in to fur and vise versa. Given what he told me there reasons, I cant blame them for seeking his help. But it seems a little problem can come up if both parents has been transformed in to the same species. There child could be born what they once were, it doesnt happen that often but its a chance. Surprisingly, this does not happen if one or the other had been born what they are, but only if they have been transformed, Summers concerns grew as each day went on. For she loved Wave with all of her heart, and it did not take no mastermind to see that Wave could have been the same man that once watched over her from that tower. But she loved him, and the reason she became an otter in the first place was to find love, something she was unable to find as a human being.

To be continued