Secret Desires part 4.txt

Story by Ahmar_Wolf on SoFurry

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Meanwhile Callisto after speaking to Surf about a meeting he like to hold for all of the furs to take place near sunset. Wave and Summer walked over to him, That was incredible!!!, Wave shouted. Callisto was happy, even more so when Summer kissed him on the cheek, You are a wonderful man.

A short time later Callisto had tracked down Herman who asked, Are you going to repeat that disappearance trick, but instead of answering dragged him back to his home saying, We need to speak about something more important in private. It was only then he removed his hood revealing he was still in his fur form. Why Callisto are you a fur?, Herman wondered. Herman why are you lying, you know the truth after all you were the one who contacted me, Callisto shouted. Herman attempted to walk away, I dont know what your talking about. God damn it! Herman I need that key!, Callisto shouts. Only then Herman confronts him, There is no way your getting that key, its mine. You have to kill me to get it. Herman we have known each other long before you ever decided to move to Great Timber, why are you doing this to me, Callisto pleads. That is my own business, or do you want your secret revealed, Herman warns then starts to leave. But not before Callisto smiles, Speaking of secretswhat about yours, Herman seemed mildly interested, but waited to speak. What about you and Belle. Thats when Herman said something, I dont know who your talking about. Belle is just outside your door, and how about we ask her what she has to say about you two. Herman refused to answer, I guess you dont want to get out the only kind of women your interested in has a wolfs tail. After you gave that poor Hershel such a hard time, and his only sin was to love from a far. I should of guess it, his best friend Simon, the way they look at each other, Herman said. That was Callisto went right up to Hermans face shouting, You say anything and Ill let everyone know about you and Belle and all the other furry women you used and tossed aside like an old rag. Suddenly Hermans attitude suddenly changed, You know what that will mean, you would ruin both our lives. Herman I am desperate, I need that key, Callisto insists.

Herman then turns and takes a few steps away, What if I promise I will never touch a woman with fur again. I heard that same line out of you, ever since I caught with Meadow, and that was how many years ago. I dont have the key here, but I can get it for you before this day is out, Herman pleads. That is not good enough, Herman I am sick of you using women period. It doesnt matter if they have fur or not this is going to end now. I am going to tell you how this is going to work out. I am planning on going to River Bend in 2 days, I am takinga number of furs with me to resettle in to a new town. Your coming with us. I dont want to be naked, Herman said. You dont have to be, River Bend is filled with town furs, you can settle in to a new life there, and live out your obsession in public as a wolf as you agreed to.

That was when Herman got down on his knees and pleaded with Callisto, I dont want to be a wolf!. Your going to be one and like it, or I will tell everyoneor do you want see what Taylor has to say about this now, especially after I told Belle everything. Herman just started to cry. I cant believe you promised to marry her, that only lead Herman to cry even louder. You are one sorry man, anyway I got to go. But I warn you lay a hand upon me or Belle and everyone will know. Now you have 2 days to settle your affairs, I suggest you do. With Herman begging, Callisto leaves through the door.

It was near sunset when all the furs as well as some people who were curious what was going on, had gathered near the main gate. Surf was the one to get everybodys attention as Callisto was heading up towards him, I know your all curious why Callisto called this meeting, I think it would be better if he tells us. First of all I want to tell you all I very much appreciate your response to my little magic act, and if I ever come around this way again. I will put on an even grander act. The crowd cheered. Next Wave come here pleaseas my otter friend makes his way towards me. I ask if any one has seen a otter couple come any where around here within the past year. They would of come from the Point Beak, Cove Harbor area. Waves parents were fishermen and disappeared around the time they had the real nasty storm a little over a year ago. He doesnt know if they are dead or alive. There names would be Maria and Hector or Pip and Pepper. Any information you could give us would be more than welcomed. From the crowd came a voice it was Belle, who then worked her way through the all the way to Wave, A couple named Pip and Pepper did come here around that time and I believe they said they were from Point Break. Where are they, a concerned Wave said. I am sorry to say they are long gone, they only stayed here for about 3 days. Once they learned about the other furs at River Bend, they said they would be heading toward it. I hope that helps, Belle said. At least we have a lead, a hopeful Wave said. Thank you, which makes the main reason for this little announcement of mine more urgent. With all respect to Surf, I know some of you arent happy here, and wish things were better for them. My apprentice Wave, repeated to me such comments from more than one of you, and you know who you are. I am planning on starting up my own town, as soon as we can get the supplies from River Bend. I know the spot it is perfect for any of you otters out there. Its on a low bank of ground that just sits above the inlet about 2 days north of River Bend. The area is filled with wild game, the inlet has rarely been fished, and the marsh itself which lies to the north. Has not seen a hunter, neither fur or human in many decades. On my last visit there, which was only 2 years ago. I found it both a place of natural beauty, and of more game that would satisfy the hunger of more foxes and wolves than I seen here. Of course we are not going to over hunt that area. That brought a few laughs.

I guess that is about it, expect it will be a place that no one will tell you what to do, not even me. I and my apprentices are just going to stick around long enough. To make sure the shelters get built, as none of us like getting rained upon. Then we will be off depending on what happens, is where were headed. Other than I promised to escort a human or two to River Bend that is just about. We leaving in 2 days at sunrise, any one who wants to come be here by the main gate. Then a voice rang out from the crowd, Which route will you be taking. The one by Closet Lake, I am not going to that inlet unless I am sure you otters know how to swim, that brought out a few laughs. Any one else whos coming I want you otters to make sure they know how to swim. Thats it, have a good day.

As the crowd disbursed, both Wave and Simon walked over to Callisto. It was Wave who asked, What do you mean depending on what happens is where we go. I mean just that, look Simon and Wave depending on whats there for me at River Bend. I mean a delivery for me, is where were going. I cant say much more than that. Other than it is super important to me, they if not a bit reluctant agreed. Simon before we leave here, I want you to get a few supplies for me as we are going to prepare someone for transformation. Who, Wave wondered. Herman and dont laugh, Callisto said. Herman wants to be a fur?!, Simon exclaimed. Sshhh, keep your voices down. Meanwhile Wave who just wanted to laugh, Wave, I know how you feel but you got to keep this to yourself and you cant even mention this to Summer, Callisto said. Shit. Herman is going to be a wolf, a townie as some call themselves. We need to make a brew that will help him, we can get most of what we need here in town. There are a few things we will get along the way. Ill show you both what and how much we need. I would kill to see that, Simon exclaimed. You dont have to, you both will see the transformation process. But we also need a small pot and a bottle, after Callisto transformed himself in to a human they were off to see what they could barter for.

But they had not gone 20 steps before all 3 of them saw Herman talking to Belle and getting his face slapped in return. As it looked like both Simon and Wave were going to say something, Callisto said something else instead, In our line of work, its better to keep those thoughts to yourselves.

It was that night, when Simon, Wave and Callisto were in Simons home cooking seemly a pot of wine, next to the fireplace, where burned a low fire. As Wave was saying, Where did you get the names Pip and Pepper, my parents names were Maria and Hector? Callisto replied, as he was sorting some herbs at a table, You know I was at Cove Harbor for quite a few years, I was also friendly with the otter community at Point Break. I learned from them that these 2 otter fishermen was trading with them. It really did not take that much to find out there names, and the boat they were using was the same one that your parents. As Simon knelt by the fireplace stirring the hot wine, It seems we hooked ourselves up with quite a detective as well, as well as a man of many talents. As Callisto turns to add more herbs and spices to the wine, I was forced in a way to be many things. I could tell you both of my past, but there are many things that still trouble me. What, you had problems with your leaders, Wave wondered.

No, I am from a species where magic is apart of our daily lives. We know more about the different kinds of crystals this world has to offer than anyone. We try and live at peace with everyone, Callisto said feeling a bit sad. You say try, Wave wonders. Oh sure we have our enemies, other species that want to destroy the world.and my family, Callisto sighed. Your family, both Simon and Wave wondered. There are many details I can not go in to right now, and dont ask. All I am willing to say, it has taken me nearly 40 years to bring back just one part of my old life. I am so close, neither either one of you dare get in my waydont ask!

But Wave did have a question, What are we making again?, Callisto kinda laughed, Its the same thing I gave you to drink back at my house, save for 3 things. Once the essential oils are released in to the wine. We let it cool and pour it back in to the keg we got today. And the rest, Ill show you what we need to do once we get those items, and Wave your lucky your an otter. Because I can barely swim and I doubt your friend would be able to go deep enough to get 2 of what we need. Because both of them are found near the bottom of Closet Lake. His response was Oh goody, he wasnt very happy about that.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, when Simon opened it, they discovered it was Herman who was carrying a small leather bag, I need to speak with Callisto. Let him in. As soon as Herman went in and Wave, he turned to him, I know your getting the biggest kick out of this. Never mind either one of them, your business is with me!, Callisto exclaimed.

That was when Herman tossed that leather bag on the table, as soon as it hit the sight of gold could be seen, You can have that, and another if you forget about that wolf nonsense. By now both Wave and Simon went to check out that gold. So its true what I heard about the gold, Callisto said. Its all true, that is only a small part of the hidden wealth this fortress holds to offer. But Callisto held his ground, Gold means nothing to me, I want the key and the location of the gold..or at least what would be left of it. So you want it all, but why the key I only use it to get between those bitches legs, and I know you have no interest in sex. I have my reasons, so do we have a deal or not, Callisto said. And the gold, Simon wondered. Both the gold, the key and a small cart, Callisto adds. I see the sage has a touch of greed, but instead of shaking hands Herman reached inside his shirt and pulled out a solid gold key, that was encrusted with gems. Callisto then took it, and it looked for a moment as if he prayed, before adding, You know you have to leave town with us. That goes without saying, but as long as that wolf nonsense is out of the picture, you got a deal.Callisto just nods his head. But before Herman leaves, Youll get the location when I meet you at the main gate, and dont ask where I am going, a man has to keep some secrets. Then Herman was gone.

Simon and Wave just stood there staring at each other, each of them had lots of questions for Callisto. But there biggest question they were unsure if he would answer for now as Callisto held that key close to his face, it seemed he was crying.

Until the day of the migration Callisto would find a spot up on the fortress wall. Away from prying eyes and ears, and left word for anyone that wishes to speak to him. They had to come to him up along that wall. As Callisto would tell his apprentices later, Most of whom I saw only wanted to talk, some had problems, while others had questions about what Wave seemed to brought up, when he asked the guards from River Bend about me. Any in need our our special services, Wave wonders. Simon believed that old man waited as long as he dared before answering, Yes, not many only 4. 3 men and 1 woman. I cant tell you there names yet, or if they are furs or humans. But I told them, I would be setting up shop in River Bend in the meantimeand before you asked I already figured out how we could do this. Since most of what we have to do can be done anywhere, as for the transformation itself. I know of a couple of places we could use, Callisto said. So, are any of them coming with us?, Simon asked. Maybe, but that is up to them, Callisto replied. I bet your going to use the same cover story as Herman is going to use, Wave said. Its a good one, why not use what works. But we have to see if they saw up, Callisto said.

The morning came of the migration, both Simon and Wave had the cart loaded with what little they both owned, Callistos canoe and the other supplies he wanted to bring. Not to mention a small bag of gold packed among those items. The cart was full and as they tested briefly it was also heavy to move. They were there waiting when slowly furs began to arrive, mainly otters, but a few foxes and wolves and some of them had their children along. Which would soon react 34, including at least 8 kids. The 34th was thankfully Summer, Sorry I over slept, before kissing Wave on the cheek. But still no Callisto or Herman. But as their companions grew a little restless, Taylor, Herman, Surf and Callisto finally arrived. I hope Surf isnt giving up his leadership here, Summer wondered.

But as the people behind them joined the furs gathered there it was Surf who spoke first, I am sorry to see most of you go, but I understand even though this reduces are number to just over half of what it was. I call this taking your own chance at life, and its hardships. I worked hard to instill within you what it means to be apart of this natural world. Now is the time for you to live it. Dont be surprised if one day I visit you there, I just have to see if I staythat depends on the fishing. Then came Herman, I am sorry to say to all who I know here in Great Timber it is my time to move on. I know you already heard this, as I met with all of you and explained my reasons. Which in brief for the rest of you was I am looking for a bride, who knows I maybe back one day myself. Meanwhile Callisto agreed to escort me to River Bend, from there who knows where my search will take me. Next up was Taylor, This has been a rather interesting last 2 days As you know we have very little if anything worth trading for goods, and now that things have claimed down on the roads. We know that trade routes will some come along with their merchants. It seems when Herman her was packing up his belongings. He found this map, and the reason we are a bit delayed. We found gold, silver, jewels, you name it we found it. In this vast treasure trove, just off of Hermans home. That was when Simon noticed the bundle Herman was carrying seemed far to heavy for just clothes. If you dont mind instead of seeing who can grab for the most, we use this new found wealth to trade for items we really need. And that we set up a committee to decide what to spend this funds on. Given the crowds reaction it appears that was going to be discussed in detail after they were gone.

Finally Callisto spoke, I am both happy and sad today. Happy we are finally going to a place we can call or own. Sad for leaving our good friends behind. Before you all go, say what you have to say and join us beyond that gate. That was when he signaled to Simon and Wave to get the cart moving. Summer found she had to help get it started. But they were soon joined by the others and they were on their way.

Meanwhile both Wave and Simon kept an eye out for any human that decided to come along. There were only 2. They both barely knew them one was guy called Bosley and the other a woman named Sally. But if the other 2 were furs, they had no clue.

It was during their walk as Herman neared Wave, I think I said it all, meanwhile Wave reaction, That was the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. All Herman did was walk away from them carrying his bundle.

They walked for the most part, rested when needed. Shared there food with all. Callisto was happy they were all getting on so well. And at least Herman gratefully accepted what was giving to him, as the other human travelers.

But after 2 days of this, and they finally made it too the lake. Everyone was happy they could finally take a good rest. Even Callisto, (yawn), I need a good nap. Which he soon did, in a clear spot under a bright sun. As both Simon and Wave used a pole to steady the cart. When Summer came, Wave lets have some fun, we got a whole lake to ourselves, Wave turned to Simon, What can I say. Go ahead have some fun, who knows I might join you, its a long time since I been swimming, Simon said as he began to seek out Sally and Bosley. Admittedly he was curious if either one of them was potential clients of Callisto. But all he found was their belongings as they too seemed to be off somewhere.

It almost seemed funny to Simon being off on his own, as he and Hershel were always together except when he had a date. But instead of being jealous, he was happy his friend had found love. He wished he had as his girlfriend didnt want to come, so one again he was alone.

That was when Simon decided to go swimming. Since swimming in the nude was the only way he found a good spot by the lake. Which was filled furs having a good time, naturally most of the otters were swimming. He even got splashed by one, soon he was joining them in the water. It turns everything he had ever heard about them were true. Otter love to have fun in the water, and they were. He was having a good time by himself, in fact the only reason he later got out of the lake was because he was tired.

Instead of getting dressed, he figured it was a good time to wash out his clothes. By then they really needed it, it was as he hung them up on 2 bushes that something unusual happened. He heard a woman say, Nice ass. He thought he see Sally not a female wolf smiling at his naked body. I hope this doesnt get weird, Simon said. No it wont I heard what happened to your friend, Wave told me, the wolf said. But I do love a fine ass, also nice package and I really do mean that. I know this is going to get weird, Simon said. Arent you supposed to be only interested in other wolves. Not aways, a man is a good change, I could do things to you that would make you beg for more. I dont even know your name, let alone fuck you, Simon said. Oh sorry, the name is Brush. Brush?!. What can I say I had wild parents, I think one actually ate a man. Of course I would eat him a different way my parents would not approve, that was when she smacked her lips.

Why doesnt that scare me, Simon wonders. Because your eyes say yes, and you have not stopped checking me out since you first caught sight of me. Even right now I see your eyes are on my tits, and every few seconds they check out my slit. You want a better look, Brush said. Simon who now was having a harder and harder time to not to think about fucking Brush. You know why Herman had to leave Great Timber, and I dont want either the furs or any person to talk about me this way, Simon explained. Good enough Simon, maybe next time. I dont think so. Brush then came up and kissed him on the cheek, while at the same time she pinched his ass.

That was when he turned to find a good spot to take a nap himself that this male wolf came up to him and says, That Brush, she usually gets what she wants so be your guard Simon. Who only just caught sight of him as he disappeared in to the forest that surrounds the lake.

It was late in the day that Simon, Wave and even Summer returned to Callisto who seemed slightly upset, I know its a good day to have a little fun, but while the rest of them are having fun we need to track down what I need for the medicines I dispense. Wave was so proud of Summer when she said, Dont blame them, it was my fault. Callisto seemed not so mad, Okay, tomorrow them all 3 of you will be helping me. You see when we left Great Timber I forgot I am short on quite a few supplies, and this is the perfect chance to get them. You know what Summer did she kissed that old man on the cheek, Simon was sure under all that fur he had to be blushing.

Callisto I need your advice, Simon said. Sure, tell me your problems that is what I am here for He then told him about what happened with Brush, but answer he got back wasnt what he hoped. You see they get in to season, not every one of them wants to get pregnant. So its not too uncommon for some furry females to seek out partners out of their species. Its more common among wolves, not so much with foxes, and otters. Also sometimes the need for sex drives them almost to the point to madness. Take what happened to this human man I ran in to a few years back. He was actually kidnapped by this wolf female and kept as her person love toy for 14 days, until she came out off season of course. You think that is going to happen to me, Simon wonders. Why dont you sit back and enjoy it, Summer adds to this mess. Why do you think she is going after Simon in the first place, Wave wonders. You see most everyone here, has one partner or another save for Herman, me and Simon. Everyone here knows Hermans rep and I am not that interested. That leaves just Simon, who adds, I wonder if I could sleep in a treeif only to get away from her. He then started to look up at the branches with hope to find a good spot.

But before anyone could make a suggestion, a crowd seemed to be headed there way. This got there attentions rather quickly and they were ready for just about anything. Until Callisto caught sight of a snow leopard and wolf, and ran towards them. The crowd stopped, so did them, as Callisto spoke in a language that no one save the pair understood, Shar and Shaun, it has been far too long. Callisto, great sage, great man of wisdom and even a greater friend. Yes, in deed it has been far too long, Shar (the snow leopard) spoke in the same language. Before they gave one another a quick embrace, and Callisto announced back in the language everyone spoke, Everyone I want you to meet Shar and Shaun, they are both great friends of mine. It seemed everyone wanted to welcome them, but Callisto wanted to talk to his friends, So what brings here. You might as well say Bam-bo, he wanted to see Storm and his family in River Bend, and you never argue with a Prince, Shaun (the wolf) said. That sounds like he is very demanding, but in reality he promised to meet up with them. Little did any of us realize they had moved to Great Timber, Shar said. I assume you heard of their problems, Callisto said. Sadly, yes, Shar said. But you know Bam-bo, he wants to see what he can do to help. But in the meantime he gave some of us leave, and being the head of the Royal Guards of Karma I dont get that much chance to be alone with the one I love. That was a sweet thing to say, Shaun said before kissing Shar. Simon really had a hard time accepting this gay love, I want to apologize for my apprentice their Simon, you have to accept fur and human a like at face value, Callisto said. I am sorry if I offended you in any way, Simon said. No need to be, Shaun said. I hate to say we get this almost everyplace we go outside of Karma. Callisto here is going to start a brand new town, north of River Bend that is going to be open to any sort of love, Wave said. That is my other apprentice Wave, Callisto adds. My, my both a human and a fur how things changed with you. That is not the only thing, Callisto said before showing off the crystal that hung around his neck. This seemed to empress both Shaun and Shar.

Oh that reminds me, we brought your statue from Karma, Shaun said. Callisto for the first time since both Simon and Wave met him seemed speechless, before asking, Is that true?. Once the royal family thought it over, after that heartfelt speech you made to them on your last visit. They felt they had no choice but to returned what belonged to you in the first place, and what better opportunity than Bam-bos visit, Shar said.

What happened next, stunned everyone who saw it, Callisto started to cry.

To be continued