Pokebrothel 9

Story by solar on SoFurry

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#9 of Pokebrothel

Crystal knocked on the door to Brian's room. It wasn't too early in the morning and at the same time it wasn't too late either. She suspected that in all likelihood they would be having some fun before the day began.

"Come in," Brian said as he opened the door. He was just rewinding a tape in his VCR. "I didn't want Stacey to leave without a copy of this," he explained.

Stacey poked her head out from under a pillow. "That was one wild night," she said. Then she took a look at Crystal, across her chest was a tattoo that read, "Fuck me, you know you want to."

"My night was pretty fun too," the charmander remarked, "I picked up a totally cool temporary tattoo."

"Ok, here's your copy of the tape," he said passing her a video tape. "As a superior to you in the hierarchy, I forbid you to destroy that video."

"But it's so embarrassing," the rattata complained.

"That's ok, videos that can't be destroyed are all just a normal part of training process. I just didn't want you to put you through a really crazy stunt that would warrant making you keep a permanent record. Don't feel bad about it, I have quite a big collection of those myself," Crystal said.

"It's no big deal, I even have my own embarrassing video that I'm not allowed to destroy," the growlithe admitted.

"Oh, can I watch it," Crystal asked.

"Yeah, I want to see it too," Stacey said.

"I don't think so," he said.

"Oh, come on. I'll let you watch all my videos," the charmander offered.

"Tell ya what, I'll look over the tape and consider letting Stacey see it but she won't be allowed to talk about it," he snickered.

"Yay," Stacey said jumping to the air.

Crystal took Stacey's tape in her hand. "Can I take a look at this?" She asked.

"No, never," Stacey said defensively.

"Is it really that different from what I've already seen you do?" She argued.

"You aren't seeing it," she yelled.

"And there's the fun in having those videos. You all do the same things but refuse to let others watch it," Brian laughed.

"I guess there's no point arguing over it, I'll be watching a few of my own videos sometime soon. Unlike the usual ones, one of mine has orders to watch it at least once a year," Crystal said, "You're free to join me if you want."

"This ought to be good," Stacey said.

"I don't know about you, but I'm hungry and you'll have to leave now," Brian said.

*** *** *** ***

After a hearty breakfast, Crystal took Stacey to meet up with Edward. The two of them were going to give Stacey that introduction to bondage that she didn't get a chance to go through. They walked up to a room full of pillars.

"Welcome to my favorite place for bondage, the room of pillars. There's always a thing to hold a rope to get you in just about any position I could possibly want," Edward said.

"This place kinda appeals to me too. Anyways, you don't need to be so shaky, we'll be following my lesson plan and that doesn't involve hurting you in any way," the charmander.

Edward motioned for them to get in and then closed the door behind him. "I'll start with a very brief introduction to the basic equipment," he said. "This is called a cuff," he put it on Crystal's left leg. "And this is called a rope. These are the two most basic

pieces of equipment. Sometimes only a rope will be used but it's not something that you'll have to worry about often. They can cause damage by cutting off circulation but we don't let customers use only rope. We only let them use it for joining cuffs like so." He took the rope and ran it through the cuff on Crystal's leg and tied a knot on the end of it.

"And then it's a simple matter of attaching the other end of the rope to something else," Crystal finished, "There's the two most basic pieces of equipment for you and now for a little demonstration."

Edward took the other end of the rope and wrapped it around the bottom notch of the closest pillar. Then giving it a hard tug, he pulled Crystal up to it and tied her foot in place. He backed off and directed his attention to Stacey.

"Come on, you can do better than that," she said.

"I'm not done yet," he too another cuff and another piece of rope. This one got attached to Crystal's right thigh. Dragging it up, he forced the charmander to bend over to remain comfortable. This then allowed him to drag he leg up higher were it was secured to the pillar.

The next cuffs went on Crystals wrists and held her hands behind her back. "This is what makes this room so nice," Edward began as he brought the front hook on Crystal's collar out of hiding. "I always have places to tie things," he concluded as he tied a rope from Crystal's collar to the pillar in front of her forcing her to remain bent forward on one foot.

"Here's another two pieces of equipment," the dragonite said showing Stacey a bungee cord and a clover clamp. "This first one is called a bungee cord. Unlike the rope, it will stretch as you pull on," he explained, "This other one is called a clover clamp. The more you pull on it and try to escape from it, the tighter its grip becomes.

Trying to escape only makes it more painful."

He attached a cuff to Crystal's right ankle which was still mobile in the air. Then the clamp was attached to the charmander's right pussy lip. "This is going to be really nice," he muttered. Another clover clamp was attached to her other pussy lip. "This is where it gets fun," he said. Taking one length of bungee cord, connected Crystal's ankle to one of the clamps. First the cord ran out front then down a pulley. Another pulley made it travel along the floor then up to the clamp. It pulled down on the charmander's pussy but bending her leg relieved the tension. With a second length of bungee cord, the other clamp was connected so that straightening her leg would lower the tension. The dragonite backed off to admire his work.

"You see, bondage is really all about power. The one in bondage gives up the power to control him or herself to the one applying the bonds. Any time that the pokemon in the bonds gets to decide something makes it that much more agonizing mentally. Like for now I'm being forced to choose between which half of my pussy hurts more but both are always going to be in lots of pain because the bungee cord is stretched. This is also putting strain on my leg. This transfer of power will manifest itself usually in one of two ways. One is pain and humiliation, such as this. The other is forced sex. Usually those won't involve clamps and other painful things. They also have a set of very generic or standard positions which are commonly used," the charmander explained.

The dragonite grabbed the side of Crystal's face in one hand and ran his other hand down the middle of the charmander's face. "How about I put you in one of those standard positions right now?" Edward asked.

"I'd rather you didn't," Stacey said looking down.

"Too bad, in the spirit of the occasion, I will do that anyways," he asserted.

"That's not part of the lesson plan," Crystal immediately objected.

"Do I need to review my signals with you? Running my hand down the middle of your face means to be quiet," he reminded her. Then he turned his attention on the rattata. "Don't worry, we can stop anytime you want to," he said.

He started by attaching four cuffs to her, one on each paw. Then he brought over a t shaped piece of metal. "Spread your legs," he ordered.

Stacey did as she was told and exposed her pussy for the world to see. Her hind legs were then locked in that spread position by a pair of padlocks and the metal t. Her reactions to that were somewhat mixed not really sure if she was liking it or not.

"There's the first part, how does it make you feel?" He asked.

"Vulnerable," she replied.

"And does being vulnerable really turn you on? I'm sure Crystal would say that if I allowed her to speak now," Edward asked.

"I'm not really sure," Stacey said.

"I guess I'll go further till you feel completely helpless. By that time you should be able to tell," he said. Pulling her fore paws out in front of her as far as they would go, he attached them to the t as well. He showed the rattata a collar. "This is just a plain ordinary collar. It has no electrical capabilities," the dragonite assured.

"I'm not going to have to constantly wear that, am I?" Stacey asked.

"No, I'll take it off when we leave the room," Edward said.

"Ok then, carry on," the rattata said.

The collar was attached to her neck and then fastened down between her extended paws. "You see, now that you are in that position, any pokemon could come up to you and do anything they want. If I wanted to use my club on you, I could and you wouldn't be able to fight back or get out of the way. You'd just have to sit there and accept it." He raised his club and brought it down stopping just short of Stacey's head. "But you haven't done anything wrong yet and I said I wouldn't earlier, so I won't," the dragonite said putting the club down in front of the terrified rattata. "If someone came by and wanted to fuck you," Edward said probing Stacey's pussy with his finger, "You couldn't do anything to stop it from happening. They could also decide that they like your ass better and fuck that instead." He pulled his finger out and forced it in to the rattata's rear as she tried squirming away. "And all you can do is sit there letting them take advantage of you. How does it make you fell now?" He asked.

"Horny," she said.

"That's good," Edward said backing away. He stayed out of view for a little while and didn't say anything so that she would be forced to wait not knowing her fate. Then he stepped back in front of her.

"This thing is called a ring gag. Up till now, the only thing that wasn't immediately fuckable without your permission was your mouth." He tickled Stacey's throat till she began to laugh and forced it into her open mouth. "I hope you don't mind my methods, but it the current situation, it seemed like that was the appropriate thing to do. The experience just wouldn't have been complete." He backed off out of view again. "Now that it's holding your mouth open, if anyone stuck their cock in there, you'd simply have to accept it and suck on it. Now you have nothing else you can defend. One, two, three places that you could be fucked without so much as needing to tell you about it before hand. Arousing isn't it?"

Stacey just sort of blindly nodded not knowing what to do or what would happen next.

"We'll see how you feel about that in a minute when we put that in practice. First, there's something else I want you to know about," he said blindfolding Stacey from behind. "Now they can do all those things and you'd never get to see them. You can't stop them now and there's nothing you can do for revenge after. In fact, you won't even get to know who they are." He turned to Crystal, "And just so you won't say anything about," he said as he covered the charmander's eyes with another blindfold.

"Come on in," the dragonite said. Stacey could hear the door opening from behind and the footsteps as three pokemon came up to survey her. She waited for them to say something. Anything would be a great help narrowing it down but they stayed silent as they circled her. The first one slid under her and approached her pussy from bellow.

Wasting no time he began violating her. All she could tell was that it wasn't Brian. The second one mounted her and went straight for her anus with a slickly lubricated cock. That wasn't Brian either but she had a rough impression of his fur. The third one took to her mouth completing the three way assault. He jammed his cock down the rattata's throat without regard for her feelings. She felt like throwing up afterwards before he backed off a little. That wasn't Brian either but she had a rough idea how big his penis was. She was never going to find out who they were based on fur length and texture or penis size.

That last action wasn't very comforting. She tried to remember how fun Crystal said it would be and focused her mind on good things. It was the second time that she had a real penis in her rear and that wasn't as bad as she first thought it would be. The penis in her mouth was coated with a thick strawberry syrup. I was delicious and kept her tongue actively trying to lick it up. It was simple but effective. It also kept her from recognizing the taste of his penis, not that it was ever likely she would be able to tell him apart by taste alone.

He was right about never finding out who they were and being completely at their disposal. They wanted sex and there was no way that she could avoid providing it to them. She couldn't keep her

mouth shut and now had to suck cock. She couldn't hide her pussy and now it was being fucked. She couldn't her anus and now that was being fucked as well. Everywhere, she was being taken advantage of she couldn't avoid it.

The feeling was quite interesting though. It did make her feel horny and for some reason so did having that big throbbing penis in her mouth. The fucking that she received was simply spectacular. They weren't anywhere near synchronized but it felt great. It also made her suck his penis more vigorously. Everything that was going on had her wanting more, more.

It was over almost too quickly. All at once it came crashing down, starting with the hot salty taste of gooey cum propelled to the back of her throat. Then the shaking of the penis in her rear and finally the warm spray in her pussy.

When the blindfold was taken off, the three pokemon disappeared without a trace. There was no telling who they might have been. The gag was next to go and then he removed Crystal's blindfold. "Why don't you tell Crystal how good that felt and how badly you want another?" The dragonite suggested as he removed the clamps from charmander.

"It was kind of fun. I probably won't mind doing that again," she confessed.

"Crystal, you may now go on with the lesson you had planned," Edward said.

"I'm glad to hear you say that. I was afraid that you wouldn't like it. Can you free us now?" She asked.

The dragonite got up and took the padded cuffs off Crystal's wrists. "Let yourself out," he said turning his attention to Stacey. Before long they were both free again.

"Ok, so I guess we'll talk about pain now. Starting with the dull ones that take time since you've already seen the clover clamps," the charmander said picking up a tray full of various clamps. "Some of these are made to cause serious pain like these alligator clamps that have a really stiff spring. Others are meant more for hanging weights with those causing most of the pain. The majority of them however are just made to squeeze. The real pain for those comes from when the circulation returns, she explained, "There's one here that's sort of flexible with a soft spring that I want you to try. Do you object to this?"

"I guess I'll have to do this sometime. Better now than be scared of it later," the rattata reasoned.

"Ok," Crystal said picking it up. Then she opened it and held it up to Stacey's pussy, gently closing it around her delicate flesh.

"It's different than what I'm used to," she said.

"That's what makes this fun and sexy," Crystal said, "It's not what we are used to and we don't immediately get out of it."

"Speaking of clamps and different situations being sexy, I think it's time for a demonstration," Edward said. He picked up Crystal and a pair of clamps. Those were then attached to either side of her pussy with short lengths of rope attaching hose to her ankles.

"You see, now I have to crawl around on all fours. It's different so I find it arousing," the charmander explained.

"And we already established the fact that everything turns you on," Stacey laughed.

"Fine then, next time I'll demonstrate on you and you can tell us how it makes you feel," Edward said.

"Ok next, things that cause immediate pain. Basically they are anything that hits you, cuts you, shocks you and the hitting category can be split into two categories. Flexible things such as whips, riding crops, the cat of nine tails and something that has only happened to me once, an actual ninetales. There are also the stiff objects such as canes and the club over there. Not much you need to know about them. Only building your tolerance for pain will help you here and I already promised that I won't hurt you," Crystal explained.

"I wouldn't ask to be hurt," Stacey said.

"I would," Crystal said turning to Edward, "Master, will you whip me?"

"Well, maybe but I said that I would do the next demonstration on Stacey," he said picking up a whip.

"Ok, then don't," Crystal said, "Does the clamp still hurt?"

"No, it feels kind of numb now," she said.

"I guess it's time to take it off then," the charmander said opening the clamp and putting it away.

Stacey rubbed her pussy over the area where the clamp had been. "Starting to hurt a little again," she said.

"I think it's a good time to stop now. Shall we go eat?" Crystal asked.

"About time, I'm getting hungry," the dragonite said, "We'll go now.

*** *** *** ***

After lunch, it was just Stacey and Crystal again. "I guess we don't really have that much left to cover now that we've gone through bondage rather quickly. You won't need to learn how to use the cuffs, just get used to wearing them. The only thing left is just to get you into more awkward situations so that you don't freak when they actually come along," she said.

"Does that mean I start working soon?" Stacey asked.

"Yes it does but there's still a few more things that need to be done before then. You still need your shock collar, another round of medical testing, a collar calibration, an evaluation and your rites of passage," the charmander said, "That shouldn't take more than a few days. You also need to get your endurance up a bit more, you never finished that last test."

"Are we going to finish that test now?" The rattata asked.

"Yes and this time we have something to keep an eye on your speed. It's the same thing that Edward used on that ninetales except it won't be hooked up to a shock collar," Crystal said going over to the door, "It's in the dungeon so we have to go down there."

*** *** *** ***

Crystal led the way down into the dungeon which for once didn't have as much horrific screaming. "That's a good sign," she said, "I guess if there's less screaming then that probably means they are getting closer to the end of their training as well. That means we'll be able to get to your initiation sooner."

"Just what is that?" Stacey asked.

"I can't tell you, it'll take all the fun out of it. I can tell you that two pokemon are needed though," she said, "Here we are. I'll just switch this here."

The charmander took the dildo off the machine and replaced it with a pair of linked dildos so that there will be one in her pussy as well as her anus. "Come here and get on the machine," she instructed, "I'm going to secure you to it."

Stacey got on and one by one, cuffs were put around her legs and then secured to the machine. Lubricants were applied to both her holes and then she was pushed forward.

"Hold that position," Crystal said. The twin dildos made their approach, coming in contact with her two holes. Gradually their twin heads began making their way in with the pussy dildo slightly ahead of the other. The rectal dildo then began gently parting its path.

Stacey could feel the intruder opening her wider and wide wondering when it would stop. The tip had already passed through her tight opening and it kept expanding her back door as in went. A little more and then it stopped.

"Give it a try before I turn the machine on," Crystal said.

Stacey backed up slowly and her anus opened a little more as the dildo made it's way a bit deeper. It was wider than the dildo in her pussy now. It took a bit more force getting the head in and then in was a smooth gentle ride down the rest of the shaft. "What did you expect this to feel like?" She asked.

"Well, the one in your anus should be larger than the one in your pussy. It should feel kind of big for you and that should make it a little more difficult to move," Crystal said.

"That's what it feels like. Turn it on," Stacey said.

Crystal turned the machine on and the display lit up. Then she started increasing the speed. "Ok, start to slowly speed up. I need to find out what number is a good speed," Crystal said.

Stacey started going back and forth on the double dildos and one of the numbers on the display started going up. She started going slowly at first getting faster as time passed. Then it started reaching double digits as she was getting up to what would make a nice long slow fuck. It kept going up for a while as she progressed towards normal speeds.

"Ok, there. That'll be your target speed," Crystal said after adjusting the controls. "I guess now all I have to do is give you a little encouragement, since we don't have a shock collar hooked up to force you to keep going. Does that thought turn you on or is it just me?" She asked.

"It's just you," the rattata claimed.

"Anyways, let's think of something. How about this, your training just wouldn't be complete without more videos that you can't destroy and more experience in situations. The longer you stay on, the more I'll tell you about them in advance," Crystal proposed.

"Do we have to have those on video?" Stacey asked.

"Yes, we do. How about this instead, there is four hours of work in a day. If you can keep it up for four hours, I'll get you a safe to put your video collection in," the charmander proposed.

"Deal," Stacey said not knowing if she could do anywhere close to that long. The idea of having those videos locked away so that nobody could ever watch them was too enticing. It also meant that she could throw them in and forget about them.

"Ok, don't push yourself too hard though. I'll give you another chance at a free safe next time," she said. Having a safe was not at all a fool proof solution. It just made it more difficult for others to watch the video. At anytime, she could be ordered to open the safe and let others see them. But it did keep the videos from being watched without her knowledge.

Crystal's id beeped. "I'm being paged," she said. The charmander looked down at the display and back up at Stacey. "Listen, I've got to go. When your speed drops, the machine will give you a warning beep. Then if you don't speed up again, it'll page me. I'm sorry for having to leave you here alone," she said.

"I understand," the rattata replied. She watched as Crystal walked out. This place scared her. What if someone were to come by and try to force her into something? Stopping would page Crystal but it would be a while till she arrived and she might not be able to leave right away. How could she stay safe here? What if she was asked something and didn't address them properly when she answered? She couldn't read their id from a distance if it were covered or at a bad angle. They might be understanding of that and they might not. It was probably best to remain silent and claim to have been ordered not to talk afterward. Crystal would probably back her up. What if someone turned the speed up on her? The unknowns were mind boggling and there was nothing to take her attention off them.

*** *** *** ***

Crystal made her way back to where she was working under the command of the aerodactyl the day before. She met up with him at the beginning of the corridor. "You wanted me, sir?" She asked.

"Yes. I know that you've made up the lost time for the company so this is just a personal favor. You see, because we were short staffed here, by squirtle had to do an extra hour overtime. I was wondering if you would be nice enough to relieve her an hour early," he


"I guess I could do that," Crystal said.

"Thanks, I'll see if I can do you a favor in return sometime." He said. Then he picked up a card and gave it to the charmander.

"Here's your first assignment."

Crystal took the card and started reading.

Description: straight fuck, pain and simple.

Time limit: 45 minutes

Additional notes: None

"Got it," she said.

"Third door on your left," he said pointing down the hall way. Crystal walked up to the door and walked through.

*** *** *** ***

"Hello there hansom," she said cheerily to the awaiting wigglytuff.

"Hi there, come for a good time?" The wigglytuff asked. He was laying to the bed showing off his non-erect penis.

"Yep, I'm hoping you and I have a really good time together," she said going up to the side of the bed. "I'm not really sure that you're ready for it yet." She picked up his penis in her hand and ran a finger over the tip. "Would you like a hand preparing? Or perhaps you'd like a mouth," the charmander offered.

"A mouth would do just fine," the wigglytuff answered.

Crystal bent over and ran her tongue over his testicles. She pulled one into her mouth and swirled it around. Then, she slid it out and did the same to the other one. Crystal slid her tongue along the lengthening shaft. When she reached the tip she curled her tongue around and drew it into her mouth. Licking it a few times in her mouth, she made got it hard.

The charmander then slid the penis out of her mouth and climbed onto the bed next to him.

"Have you been waiting for me long?" She said wondering if that might be why he was soft when she came in.

"Oh, it hasn't been too long. Besides, it was certainly worth the wait," the wigglytuff replied. He took his hands and ran them down her side in a hidden little push to get her straddling him.

"You eager to get down to business?" Crystal asked. The charmander moved her leg over him. Then she took her hand down to his penis and held it upwards as she leaned forward.

"After your little warm-up, I'm just dieing to get started," he said while brushing Crystal's cheek with his hand. His other hand connected with the charmander's free hand in a sort of understanding handshake.

The charmander positioned herself over the penis and prepared to guide it in. She lifted her body up and gave the wigglytuff a good look at what he was buying before drawing herself closer. Over a period of several seconds, she began to bridge the gap between the two of them. Now she was practically upright. After a brief pause with one hand on the penis, she parted her lips with the other, intent on making a good show. She lowered herself only enough to keep things in place. Bending forward again, she gave him a kiss before sliding the rest of the way down.

"You sure know how to get things just right," he said putting his hand behind the charmander's head. He forced her head down again for a second kiss.

Crystal used this time to slowly raise her lower half. Gently, she eased her lips off and got back into an upright position before descending again. Things were going very slowly at first leaving more time for touching. Crystal reached down and made little circles on his belly. He reciprocated by extending his hand out to fondle the charmander's genitals as they fucked. The experience was quite pleasing for both of them as the whore started riding his cock faster. Even without the aid of flames, the room and the action was heated.

Crystal lay over the wigglytuff again allowing him to make better contact with her. He rubbed her down the sides and made her laugh by tickling her throat. The pleasureful exploration continued as he moved one hand up towards her armpit. Brushing her bald head and rubbing her shoulders playfully, the charmander felt compelled to do something but it took both her arms to support her in a horizontal position as they had sex. That left him free rein.

After a few more minutes of being explored by wigglytuff's busy hands, Crystal decided to simply collapse on top of him. This freed up her arms and allowed her to poke and prod her eager customer. One hand was kept tracing the contours of his facial area while the other ran down his side. She lowered her head for another kiss. They locked lips and twisted tongues allowing them both two feel the heat that was building between them.

The charmander was sliding up and down the penis at a reasonable pace. Her tail danced above in a hypnotic display. She rested her upper body on the wigglytuff's belly and gave him a little hug. The wigglytuff ran his hands down Crystal's back and around the base of her tail. He took a firm hold of her and tried to get the two of them to roll over. He wanted to be in control for a while. She recognized this and went along with it.

It was now his turn to pump and make his way in and out of the charmander. He used his arms to support himself in a horizontal position so the Crystal could have control for a while. She took her hands and massaged the wigglytuff's shoulders. He enjoyed it better this way.

It was Crystal's turn to explore the wigglytuff's body the same way that he explored her body earlier. She traced the outline of the white part of his body and tickled his belly. She was trying to be as playful as she could.

The wigglytuff starting to fuck the little whore for all that she was worth. The touching was just the icing on the cake. He was driving faster and faster. He was about to cum and wanted to make things worth it. He wanted to leave his mark on the little whore right bellow the tattoo. Maybe even try to underline it. He took the charmander's hand and with drew his penis. Wrapping the slut's fingers around it he began to masturbate with the charmander's hand.

Crystal didn't really need the assistance of his hand around hers forcing her to finish it off by hand. She wanted it to happen. He took aim and landed the first glob on the word fuck. The bulk of it landed on the word want.

"Good work," he said drawing his hand across her chest upwards and smearing the cum in the process.

*** *** *** ***

Crystal stepped out of the room. After escorting the happy customer to the door, she made her way back to see the aerodactyl. "May I have a minute to wash up, sir?" She requested.

"Go ahead," he said, "But come right back here when you are done."

Using a quick flame would have incinerated her new tattoo off her skin so she was back to scrubbing. It was nice that her last customer that night gave her the temporary tattoo. She felt that it was an excellent representation of how she felt most of the time. It was back to the good old fashion scrubbing that she didn't like.

When she emerged from the washroom, she met up with the aerodactyl again. "What's my next job?" She asked.

"Blow," he said handing her a card, "That room over there."

*** *** *** ***

He was right about it being a blowjob and this one was going to be in a pair of metal handcuffs. She walked in and found a charmander wearing dark sunglasses and holding his tail in one hand.

"Howdy there," he said. "I recon you know what I want."

Crystal nodded.

"Good," he said, "Put your hands on the wall." Crystal was doing as she was told and the other charmander took her hands and cuffed them together behind her back. "On your knees cock sucker."

She bent down and took the male charmander's penis into her mouth. This pokemon's attitude suggested that he didn't want a lot of fooling around like the last one. All he was looking for was a quick suck. She closed her eyes and worked on licking it while it was inside her mouth.

He just stood there with his arms crossed as the whore made one lick after another. It was intimidation that he wanted, not intimacy. The feeling that he had intimidated an unwilling little charmander into doing what he wanted but didn't want to shell out the big bucks of the

elaborate set up and damage deposits for doing what he really wanted.

What really would have his day was a room with a rack and ordering his slut onto it. Then watching her squirm as he fucked her with one dildo after another, each one larger than before, till she agreed to let ride his cock. Being the controlling party here had to do for the time being, besides, the whore knew how to do things right.

Crystal didn't really mind this job but the last one was more enjoyable. Her tongue was giving the male charmander a good time.

His penis was deep in her mouth as she sucked and licked. She had been creeping closer since the start and could almost plant her lips on the base. His head was starting to tickle the back of her throat when she stopped and decided to back off to a more comfortable position.

The occasional glance up didn't reveal much about her customer. He his crossed arms and the dark sunglasses made him look sort of confidently empowered. Those hand cuffs were the key element. Without it, the symbolic effect of the pose would have been lost. His penis was more telling than his facial expression. At the time, his pecker was quivering with delight over the hired slut's fluttering tongue.

"If only I could get a picture of this," he said breaking the silence.

Of course Crystal wasn't in a position to respond because he was now holding her head over his cock. She closed his eyes as he started to rock his hips. At the peak the head rubbed against the charmander's mouth. He didn't move a whole lot during the face fuck though. The furthest he ever went out was a fifth of the way, maybe a quarter at most.

Pictures required a small prepayment for the film, and photographer. It wasn't expensive. After developing a little wallet size, a larger one could be ordered for an additional fee. There was also the option of mugs, mouse pads, and shirts but those weren't very common. Most of the time they just wanted a small photo to remind them of their wildest dreams coming true to look at when they masturbate.

Crystal could feel the moisture building between her legs as she continued to suck. The handcuffs kept her from playing with herself. They did however help further her arousal. For the next couple minutes, all she could think about was herself and how horny she felt.

The customer stopped with the face fucking as the intensity of the blowjob increased while Crystal thought about herself. She was working that tongue faster and quicker than she was before when he thought it wouldn't get any better. The treatment was too much for him and he couldn't stand it for long before spraying his load into the charmander's mouth.

Crystal took that as her cue to raise and turn around so that the handcuffs could be released but she was stopped on the way up by a hand on her shoulder.

"Not so fast," he said, "I want you to beg to be released."

At the moment it seemed like a fun thing to do but she was worried about Stacey so she didn't. "You know that wasn't in the contract, now release me," she said.

"Fine," he muttered. He bent down and took the hand cuffs off.

"There, are you happy now?" He muttered.

Crystal knew better then to mess with bad attitudes and went to report to the aerodactyl.

*** *** *** ***

"I'm finished sir," she reported.

"Good, you are the last one left. I can finally leave now. I hear that you like to masturbate after work to get that last orgasm that builds during the final job but never gets released. Had you owed me a favor right now instead of the other way around, I'd have you put on

a little show for me," he said.

"Sir, I'm flattered that you'd like to watch and normally I'd let you but today I'm in a hurry," Crystal said.

"Ok, then get going we're all finished here," the aerodactyl said.

*** *** *** ***

Crystal got back down to where Stacey was. It had been an hour and a half since she started. "Hello, everything ok here?" She asked.

"I'm getting a little thirsty. What did you need to leave for?" The rattata asked.

"I had to do a little work. Glad your ok though. Normally I don't like to take advantage of others but you need to get used to get used to being treated that way. Lick my pussy for me," Crystal insisted.

"Sure," Stacey said waiting for her to get closer.

Crystal stepped up in front of Stacey, who extended her tongue in response. The rattata made a little lick as she was fully expended and stopped again as she went back towards the dildos. She kept making the occasional lick till Crystal moved closer allowing her to gently fuck the pussy using her tongue.

"Very creative of you," Crystal remarked patting Stacey on the head.

She was trying her best to use the fact that she was constantly going back and forth to her advantage. It would have made it difficult to do some of the more common things. The constant probing and withdrawing of her tongue with the licking provided Crystal with a unique felling.

Stacey felt something strange. It was something about being stuck in this position and not being able to stop fucking the dildos. The two intruders had a certain welcome feeling that had her liking it and she didn't know why. Only a couple weeks ago she would have dreaded this situation. There was also the order to lick Crystal's pussy. For some reason that just had a peculiar indefinable quality about it.

Crystal closed her eyes to enjoy the treatment that she was receiving. Stacey might have been inexperienced but she had a very good teacher and that was showing. She opened her eyes sometime later to find Stacey had a blank stare on her face and things seemed to be happening mechanically. It was like she started zoning out again like that first endurance test. "Stacey, are you still with me?" She whispered.

There was no reply.

"Stacey?" She asked in a slightly louder voice. Then a dramatic scream from across the room brought her back to reality. She blinked a few times and got back to licking. Crystal took a step back to stop her. "Are you sure you're ok?" She asked.

"I guess so," the rattata replied.

"I don't think you are. I think you're getting bored and need something to keep you focused," she said. "You've been pushing yourself too hard and your physical resources are drained making it hard for you to keep your concentration up. You need a break."

"Ok, I'll stop," Stacey said, "I need to rest my paws." The machine beeped like she said it would and then Crystal turned it off before it started paging her.

"Ok, that's not a bad time. It's enough to start working but I'm not sure that you should start with a regular schedule right away. I'll see if you can start progressively," she said as she backed the dildos out. The cuffs were next to go and Stacey jumped up on to Crystal resting her front paws on her.

"Do I get anything for my efforts?" She asked.

"You could take the rest of the day off now or I can get you a milk shake to drink, maybe an iced tea as well, and give your muscles a good rub before you get your off time," she said.

"I'll take the second option," she said before walking to her room.