Love Without Limits

Story by Ohhdarnit on SoFurry

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Early morning was the most active time in the life of most students. Time to get ready, eat breakfast, get dressed and more importantly make yourself attractive. It didn't matter who you were, the natural reaction to make yourself more appealing. Nobody was this rule's exception; however no matter how much Kayla tried she could not make herself appealing enough.

Kayla was a shy girl, a grey furred mouse, who loved books and learning almost as much as she did her best friend. An odd friendship it was, Kayla spent all of her days with a much larger girl, Sara, a massive Clydesdale horse, who was not very bright, but the two were insufferable nonetheless.

Kayla awoke that morning particularly determined to make herself as beautiful as she could. She sighed gently as she looked at herself. Very skinny and about four feet tall, unable to put on weight it seemed her small B cup breasts were firm and drew nobody's eye. She ran her hands over her backside, feeling little more than a small bump to show where her thighs began. She ended her pitiful self-examination by staring down at her small feet. Petite and smooth, the fur on her feet was silky and shiny, her small toes curling themselves up as she gazed over them.

After a long groan of disappointment she ran her fingers through her long brown hair then grabbed some clothes off the back of a chair. Sliding them on her slender frame a small pale blue tee tightly covered her entire body. Slipping into a pair of tight black skinny jeans. Last but not least she parted the hair on her head and slid her moon rimmed spectacles over her face.

Grabbing a messenger bag off her kitchen table and her most recent literary endeavor she headed out the door. A gentle breeze greeted her as the dawn brought the sun's gentle light to guide her path to her high school. Dropping the large tome up in-between her thumb and palm she picked up on where she left off, reading as she trekked along the sidewalk to school. Her ears occasionally picked up on the idle chatter of her peers who also walked to their destination.

"Look at her, her nose buried in that book like always!" One would say "I don't think she has any other friends besides that horse outcast, freaks of a feather I suppose..." said another. She didn't let it bother her; she was lost in her world. An affiliation for fantasy novella brought her to her recent tome, a story about a young boy whose parents had been murdered before his eyes and somehow inexplicably gained special power from it. Normally she would have questioned this, but she knew better than to judge the nature of books too critically.

One day she had planned to become an author, but despite her ability to read, and her patience, she was unable to make anything she considered worthwhile. As her eyes skimmed the pages of the book like clockwork she was suddenly picked up from behind. Her head was pressed into the cleavage of a familiar set of breasts as a pair of large arms lifted her and squeezed her tight. She immediately knew who her assailant was.

"Sara! What's with the attack hug?" Kayla sputtered blushing slightly. The mare giggled as she held her friend tight in her embrace nuzzling her head friendlily.

"Sorry, you just looked so cute I had to!" Sara spat out bluntly. Kayla's face grew hot as she noticed everyone's gaze turn to her and her friend. She knew everyone's implications that Sara was a lesbian, but Kayla knew them to be false, the horse was simply a ditz and treated everyone like this. This disappointed Kayla greatly, as she loved Sara more than the horse did her. After being set down she turned to face Sara.

"Everything about her is perfect" she thought to herself. Gazing at her friend's body, nearly 2 feet taller than her own, she began to fantasize. By now she wasn't even shocked remotely by her feelings. The horse merely looked down at her friend with confusion. In the mouse's mind she saw her would be lover completely nude, her mind raced as she pictured the sight of the horse's large D cups revealed to her to see. Her friend was all she ever dreamed of, and all she desired, her intelligence or lack thereof didn't matter to her anymore. Everyday seeing Sara was the highlight of her day, and one day she would make her move.

Until then she had her fantasies, and the fun time the two shared at school and afterwards. But today was special for her, the start of the second semester was today, and with it came gym class. She herself was not very athletic, but she would be lover adored exercise, it was in her nature. School ended with it, and after a day of dissatisfying classes the time had finally come. Kayla put her book in a gym locker and came in to see the sight she desired. Sara stood in the middle of the gym floor in the customary gym uniform. A pair of very small shorts, tightly wrapped around the horse's large rump made Kayla blush and pant slightly with desire. She quickly hid behind a nearby wall and gazed lustfully at her friend. The shirt that was tucked into her shorts confined the horse's breasts to the point that the nipples were completely visible through them. Instinctively Kayla moved her hand down to her moist crotch and gently probed her pussy. Moaning softly she continued this act, not to the point of orgasm but until the bell rang and class was designated to begin.

She walked out onto the gym floor panting slightly with all eyes on her; she didn't have any idea what they must have been thinking. She briefly wondered if they knew what she was doing, but quickly threw it out of the realm of possibilities. Suddenly a burly classmate wearing a football jersey walked up to her with a condescending smirk. He was a large man, a bull and she glowered at him with hatred from behind her fogged up glasses.

"What, you winded already from walking up the stairs to the gym? God you're such a freak, maybe if you tried working your legs instead of your eyes you wouldn't be so sickly!" he said with a laugh. Kayla looked down out of shame, but was secretly glad they didn't know what she had been doing in reality. She gasped slightly as the large figure of her friend stepped in front of her and began to lecture the ox student.

"So what if she's small, doesn't mean she isn't fit, I bet with her and me on a team we could beat you and any of your little friends at any sport of your choosing!" Sara shouted out at him. Out of surprise the bull backed down then quickly stepped back up glaring at the horse. Apropos of the timing, a loud whistle was heard, and the gym teacher stepped into view from behind the bleachers. He surveyed the students and blew the whistle again. He was a short falcon man, wearing a hoodie over his feathered body.

"Alright children, round up," he gathered them all around him in a circle "I heard what just went down, n' you see I feel obliged to help settle this disagreement the way I know best." He reached down and picked up a ball at his feet. "And that's with dodge ball! Everyone form teams, and I'll make sure that Mousey over there is with her pal, and Marvin," he gestured to the bull, with the obvious pride of a football coach "will be with Steffen." He gesture again to another horse on the opposite side of the room. "Any questions," he didn't stop for the few hands raised "Nope? Well everyone pick teams."

The student body scattered to each side, roughly evenly, though the larger players favoring the ox's side. Kayla shivered nervously until she felt a hand touch her shoulder. Sara smiled down at the mouse happily. "Don't worry about a thing; I know you have my back. Just focus on picking up the balls that go astray and I'll cover you." The horse rubbed her hand over Kayla's head as the whistle to get ready was blown.

Before them in the center of the gym lay roughly 15 dodge balls in a row. With the teams about 13 to 12 there were more than enough per side. Everyone in the room was tense in preparations, and with the blowing of the whistle they were off. Each team dashed off as fast as possible attempting to grab a ball. Most were snatched up by Marvin's team, but that didn't stop Sara from grabbing 3 at one time. Sprinting back to the wall to join her friend Sara glared backwards just in time to see a flurry of rubbery balls flying at her.

She winced slightly as she saw one heading for her face. Yet surprisingly it was caught in the small hand of Kayla, trembling with excitement. "I-I got your back Sara" she said panting slightly. Despite the lack of pressure a junior year game of dodge ball put on the mouse, the fact that the girl she loved was counting on her made her shake with pleasure. She dropped the ball at the mare's feet and began to run for other ones scattered around. Her small frame made her the hardest target to hit, along with her natural agility.

One by one members of each team fell, though the rivals for which the game was scheduled remained standing. The other horse was amazed by how Kayla and Sara were in sync, each one working for the other one. He knew what was going on from the moment he and the bull were the last standing on the court. He turned to Marvin in time to see a ball fly from his hands and connect with a poodle on the other side's stomach making her collapse. Steffen sighed and looked at his friend as the final two remained on each court. He walked over very calm and handed the bull the ball. "Hey Mar, looks like we're gonna lose."

Marvin looked at him baffled. "What on Earth do you mean? There's only the horse and that mouse bitch left, and we still have you and m-" But he was cut off by the hard smack of rubber hitting his friend in the face. The horse hit the ground with a hard thud and was called out to the bleachers. He sat watching not the horse that had pulled victory from the jaws of almost certain defeat, but the tiny framed mouse that had been pushing her body to the limits to make that horse's victory certain. Marvin was outraged, he roared and began throwing balls blindly at the other side. "What? You think you're great because your friend is good at some stupid playground game!?" he shouted at Kayla, who wilted slightly at his anger. "You're still nothing, you're still a freak!"

Kayla closed her mind to the harsh insults and grabbed a ball off the floor. Ducking and weaving through the wild hard swings from the other side. She summoned all her will raising the ball above her head. She starred down the angry bovine figure ahead of her with a calm expression. With precision and all the strength her tiny arms could muster she took the ball and let it fly loose to the other side. She held her breath as it soared through the air and struck the bull directly in the chest. He stood baffled that the mouse had hit him.

Expecting the crowd to uproar in cheers Kayla turned to her teams bleachers, yet nobody cheered or looked remotely happy. Then she was snapped back to the reality that it was in fact, just a silly playground game, and that it didn't change a thing. She blushed slightly as the whistle to go and change was blown. All the girls walked into the room on the left side of the gym, the boys to the right.

As she walked in Kayla was hit with waves of amazement, the land of her dreams. Steam billowed out of the showers as the figures of the more developed women prominently stood out against the fog. The hot steam was able to hide her erotic expression. She looked each woman that passed up to down. She had never regretted opting out of gym every year so much as she did that moment. Suddenly she was knocked back into reality by the sound of her name being called.

She looked around for the source of the calling to find it coming from the showers. She walked slowly in taking in all the wonderful sights, immune to the disapproving gazes. She came into the steamy wet area and stopped dead. The voice that called her into the apex of her wonderland was none other than her would be lover, beckoning her in through the fog. "Hey Kayla! I need you" Kayla nearly climaxed upon hearing this. She wasn't stupid and knew what the mare meant but it didn't stop her from dreaming.

Kayla quickly ran over resisting the temptation of the other women and their voluptuous bodies for the smooth curves of her desired mate. She quickly stood next to Sara and awaited her orders. "Could you help get some of the soap onto my back, I can't reach back there." Sara motion both her hands backwards attempting to lather herself, breasts flopping side to side gently with the motion. Kayla nodded meekly, all the blood rushing to her face as she picked up the bar of soap.

She lightly passaged it in little circles on the much larger woman's back. Gently leaning in with each complete circle eventually the inevitable happened and she presses her moist pussy against the mare's rump. Sara gasped slightly at the contact with her backside but didn't pull away. By now most of the girls had left leaving the two nearly alone. Kayla felt more pleasure now than she ever had in her short life of 17 years. Eventually being snapped out of her erotic trance she pulled away, allowing the soap to be washed from the beautiful back of her friend.

"Thanks! I don't know how to thank you, especially for your help in the game today," The horse pondered this to herself then decided on a suitable reward. She reached down and softly kissed Kayla on the cheek. The mouse went dead silent as he friend smiled and skipped out of the shower to her clothes. Standing in the hot, steamy room, the mouse girl had received her first kiss, though not where she wanted it, she thought that it counted nonetheless. In a daze she wandered out of the shower to put on her clothes.

Quickly she slid into the garments and headed for the door deeply confused by this happening. "Is she really... No she couldn't be..." Kayla thought to herself. Her tail twitched nervously as it did when she was in deep thought. Suddenly stopped by a large hand she looked up. It was the stallion from the game earlier, with a much gentler expression than his cohort.

"You love her, don't you?" he asked plainly. Kayla's eyes went wide with panic, had her secret been so easily found out by this complete stranger?

"w-what are you talking about? I d-don't love any girls... I-I love guys!" she stuttered, in a vain attempt at persuading him. He stared at her with eyes able to see through to her soul. She shuffled her feet slightly attempting to avoid his gaze. "... Yes" she whispered unable to lie to the stallion's stalwart gaze. He nodded gently and put a hand on her shoulder to let her know it was okay.

"Don't worry, I won't tell her anything. My name's Steffen, you're Kayla right?" he asked with a pleasant smile. The mouse nodded at him with an approving grin. "And your friend," he put emphasis on the word "her name's Sara right?". With another nod she blushed slightly and mumbled at the ground, never before had she met a boy who was kind to her. "Well it's nice to meet you, so, are you two officially a thing or are you closeted?"

"N-no, I'm still hiding my feelings..." The mouse girl's whiskers twitched as they talked, she never thought it was this easy. Steffen rubbed her head gently, consoling her with his touch.

"Would you like my help? Finding out if she loves you too." The blushing rodent quickly shook her head back and forth. With a gentle nod the horse accepted her choice. "Alright, but make a move quick, those feelings will just torment you." With that he waved goodbye and walked off. She stared at him as he strutted away proudly. For a short time she pondered his advice then began to walk home. She could hear more disapproving voices of her peers.

"Did you see her? I think she was checking me out in the locker room!" one stood out. The mouse was embarrassed, she couldn't help herself. Quickly she fled to the safety of her house, not bothering to announce her arrival, she knew her parents weren't home. Quickly she went up to her room, but instead of propping up her new book and reading till she fell asleep she had a different agenda. She walked in and quietly closed the door to her room, eyeballing the PC in the corner.

Walking over slowly, she pressed the nub on the center to begin the piece of technology and sitting on the corner of her bed closest to the monitor. It began a small hum as it started up and the monitor on her desk lit up. She began to type in her password on the front page, gently tapping away at the keyboard. Slowly the start screen to her old operating system booted up, and she systematically went into her files. Pulling up the one marked "Video" she clicked through various folders and found a page that seemed completely blank. With the ease of a professional she moused over a section in the bottom left corner of the page and double clicked it, pulling up a hidden file. Her slender tail swished back and forth from excitement as she looked over the pictures contained within.

She started off slow, simply gazing at them with lustful intent. The pictures began tame and slowly descended into the more erotic. She unbuttoned her jeans and slid the zipper down slowly. Shimmying her slim fame she managed to get them to fall to the floor. As she clicked through the files the feeling in her stomach build up as she began to drool. Reaching down with her right hand inside her panties and rubbing her labia she began to moan softly. The feeling was like white hot fire running through her body.

Clicking again with a loud moan she pushed her first finger gently inside her wet pussy. Gazing at the woman on screen, her legs spread apart and her hands cupped over her large breasts. This entranced young Kayla more, rubbing her clit with her finger she moaned loudly. Panting hard her body was racked with waves of pleasure. Her sex leaked slightly as she clicked through the next and final picture. She had always paced herself so she came to her favorite image. She moaned loudly clicking to the final image,

She gazed at the screen lustfully as she continued to rub her clitoris gently. The picture flashed on her modem, a young mare girl naked in what appeared to be a bathroom. Her long blonde hair wet and flowing down her back. The horse's sex was revealed and her large 24 D cups lay off her chest dripping with moisture from the shower. Leaning back with a loud shuttering moan she felt the juices of her orgasm rack her fingers and spilled onto her bed.

Laying back panting in the glow of the moment she looked up at the picture. She knew this image by heart, and could place every single pixel by memory. She felt slightly embarrassed at how she had obtained the photo, because the horse in the picture was her friend Sara. During a sleepover a few years ago Sara had left to shower and when she knew the horse was done Kayla snuck in, opened the door and took a picture. She couldn't help herself, she was in completely love. Sitting back up she was ready to begin again when she heard her front door open and close.

With a dissatisfied sigh she slid her pants up and licked the fluid of her orgasm off her fingers and went downstairs to greet whichever parent had arrived from work. Kayla was surprised to see her mother with tears in her eyes gazing into her sorrowfully. She made a few false starts blinking tears out of her eyes then touched Kayla's shoulder mournfully.

"K-Kayla..." she said with a sigh "Sara's been in a terrible accident..." Kayla took this news surprisingly calm on the outside. She kept a strong composure and walked out the door and sprinted in the direction of the hospital. She panted and sweated going as fast as her legs could carry her. Her mind raced to what could have happened, each thought growing worse than the last. She rushed beyond her limit, her leg muscles screaming. Running away from the vicious predator fear was becoming, she quickly reached the hospital and burst through the doors, startling a nearby nurse.

Not stopping for directions she rushed down the hallway until she found the door marked with her friend's last name. She quickly ran in, gasping for breath but ready to be by Sara's side. A family member was just walking out, when she saw her, Sprawled out on the bed, hooked up to a breathing mask attached to an oxygen dispenser and struggling for air. The mare's eyes opened slowly and looked upon the face of the panic stricken mouse. "K-Kayla" she managed to eke out. "I-I'm glad you came..."

The mouse surged forward and placed her hands of Sara's, feeling them grow colder with each passing second. "Kayla... I'm not v-very long for this world..." she paused for a second and winced in pain pulling her hand up and sliding the breathing tube down off her face. The mouse was confused and scared, but watched in surprise as Sara pursed her lips and leaned forward. Kayla took the invitation and kissed the girl gently. The kiss didn't last very long as the mare began to violently cough, but it was enough for the two of them. Sara smiled weakly and closed her eyes breathing slowly. Kayla shuttered and put her breathing mask on, and had accepted what was going to happen.

Sara gently shook with each breath and stopped moving. Her eyes shut she mouthed the words "thank you" and slowly stopped breathing. Kayla parted the hair in her friend's face and walked out of the room. She witnessed the doctors and nurses rush in, but the mouse just walked home silently. Her parents expected her to be crying, but she was fine, just tired. As she trekked up the stairs to her room a tear rolled down her cheek. Quietly she opened the door and turned off her computer, then lay on her bed. The girl quietly sobbed herself to sleep.

Morning arose quietly, nobody had bothered to wake her for school, and she was told she was allowed to miss a few days. And these few days came and went, as she knew they would. Spending much of the time sobbing and regretting not chasing her friend earlier. The rest of the time was spent in remembrance of the kiss given to her on the brink of death. She felt so strange, so conflicted, the feeling of being touched by one marked for death was surprisingly erotic to her.

Before anyone knew it the week had passed, and the morning that followed brought out the Saturday morning, the day after Sara's funeral. Kayla had been too emotional that day to go, so her parents advised her missing it would be better for her. She didn't want to miss but couldn't overrule her parents. Getting out of bed she was greeted by a familiar face standing outside her room. She jumped at first, surprised at why this person was in her room. The person she recognized as the horse she met at school earlier.

"S-Steffen!? What are you doing in my house?" she stammered. He grabbed her by the arm and escorted her out of the room. He waved to Kayla's parents and took her out the door.

"Look, we need to talk, I told your parents it was school related, but It's about Sara." He said blankly continuing to drag her by the arm. She struggled lightly in his firm grip, but listened to what he had to say. "You still love Sara right, and you didn't get to tell her right? Or maybe you did but didn't get much time with her, correct? I have a proposition for you, feel free to say no, but the offer stands nonetheless." He dragged her into a local park and plopped her down on a park bench. She looked at him intently, surely he didn't believe in the resurrection of the dead?

"Do you know about necrophilia?" he asked with an intense expression. She gasped slightly and nodded her head; he knew exactly what she was thinking. "Good, well here's my proposition, I offer you my physical services. Sara's parents had her body preserved, forever; she won't rot or age, so you don't have to worry about this. So I'll dig her up, and let you do whatever it is you want under one condition, I get to watch." The last part he mentioned slightly quieter, as if embarrassed. Kayla was surprised at the horse's bravery; bother of them knew this act was quite illegal. The mouse nodded her head in agreement and the two shook on the deal. Steffen agreed to pick her up later that night to perform the act, her parents would just assume it was a date.

The time had arrived fairly quickly, at about 9 PM he showed up at the door, wearing a set of slightly fancy clothes. Kayla came down in a fancy dress, all prepared for her date, though the date wasn't with who her parents thought. The two scurried out the door and ran to the stallion's white pickup truck. Kayla struggled, with her tiny limbs, to climb up into the truck. Eventually making it up the two sped off in the direction of the cemetery.

Kayla fidgeted in her seat, imagining the sinful act she was about to commit. She shook her head and tried to put it out of her mind, thinking of it as a sinful pleasure. Steffen looked at her to ease the rodent's mind, with a wide grin he assured her they wouldn't get caught and that it would be alright. The car pulled into the bumpy cemetery road and the two jumped out. Steffen went around back and produced a large shovel from the back of the truck.

The two strolled casually into the dark garden littered with gravestones. The shadows danced around them creating a wonderland of illusions. Checking each headstone with a flashlight the pair of friends made their way up one end and down the other. Eventually they came to it, a simple grave marker, no cross, just a rectangular headstone that read her name.

Kayla looked back at the horse, who had already advanced with his shovel and began to overturn the dirt that hid the prize they sought. Shovelful after shovelful and barely a dent was made. But Steffen wouldn't give up, he was used to hard physical work, and so he continued to shovel the dirt making slow but steady progress. Eventually a loud thunk was heard as shovel collided with casket. He motioned from the 6 foot hole for her to hop in, and that she did, landing on the wood frame of her dead lover's casket.

She looked down with a fearful expression, but pried the door to the heavy wooden case open. The horse beside her climbed up out of the hole and looked around for any others. The moment Kayla looked inside she saw her love in a snow white dress with a frilly lace garter attached to silk panties. Her mind raced with the possibilities. She got down on her hands and knees atop the cold body of her love and placed her teeth on the garter gingerly. Very slowly she pulled it down, bringing the panties with it, revealing to the world the horse's wide sex.

She reached her hands up and groped the beasts on the deceased horse's body and massaged them softly. The mentality had sunk in by then that Sara was hers forever, and nobody could say no. she ran her hands under the lace gown and felt each cold, supple curve on the mare's young body. Above her the horse watched with growing interest, his think member erect and clearly visible from within his running shorts.

The mouse's hands gently squeezed the slight love handles her love had developed and moaned as moisture leaked from her pussy. She took hold of the horse's cold palm and used it to trace small circles around her labia. The moisture growing more and more with each circle she clambered up and locked lips with the cold mare. She pushed her tongue in and mingled it with the limp appendage in the mare's jaws. Continuing with this she placed the horse's hands behind her and slipped her delicate fingers behind her rump and gently fingered her tail hole. Moaning loudly at the new sensation she pushed her own fingers into her wet sex. Reaching up with her hand and biting softly on the nipple of the cold mare, gently feeling her warmth spread to the body of her love.

Steffen looked down from above, his hands firmly locked around his long cock, stroking it to the sight of the girls below him. Kayla twisted herself around poking her finger in her mate's rump, imagining the moans she would have received. Massaging her clit gently she was racked by the waves of pleasure the orgasm caused her. At the same time she felt a surge of sticky fluid cover her body, she looked up to see the horse's erect cock throbbing with the release of an orgasm. The two decided she only had enough time for one, at least for this round. Quickly they buried the body back in the same place, and fled the scene.

Every Saturday night from then on Steffen would come to visit Kayla and take her out, though the two both insisted they were friends. Kayla became much more active in her school life, but never made any advances on the boys or the girls, she had who she needed. The grave site of Sara's always had fresh flowers, but no grass would ever grow there. As for Kayla, she had no sexual appetite at home; her parents checked her computer and found no images at all. But she always wore a pair of silk white panties and a white lace garter she had gotten on her first night out with Steffen...