Silvercobra Chronicles - Diplomatic Manuevering

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Silvercobra Chronicles

Mortimer sighed as he crossed his arms and laid his head down on his paperwork-filled desk, he had spent the last several hours trying to plow through the backlog of reports the Captain had pushed on him and he wasn't even a fourth of the way through. There were expense reports, maintenance reports, sick bay reports, and they all had to be approved by him before they could be sent to their sponsors. It was the bane of being an executive officer on a successful research ship, everyone and their mother wanted to know exactly what they were doing exactly when they were doing it. He couldn't get a moment's respite, unlike the other lucky members of the crew.

"Screw it, I need a break." He said finally as he got up from his chair and stretched. At first he thought he would head to the mess hall and get something, but he wasn't really all that hungry. Instead he decided to pull out the small bottle of bourbon he had smuggled aboard the ship and turned up the opera he had been listening too in the background of his tedious work. If he was going to spend the next three days doing paperwork, he thought as he took off his uniform, he may as well make his relaxation time count.

As he walked over to the bathroom to grab a glass, he happened to notice himself in the full-length mirror and frowned slightly as the slightly overweight Clydesdale horse stared back at him. He used to be in fantastic shape when he was a mere deckhand, with muscles that bulged in all the right places that attracted many a girl on their shore leaves. Unfortunately ever since he had been promoted he'd lost some of that definition, his former six pack abs covered by a thin layer of fat from sitting at his desk all day. There was just never any time for him to work out it seemed, something he would definitely have to talk to the Captain about someday...

He chuckled sadly to himself as he sat down in one of his comfy chairs and poured the alcohol into the glass, he knew that the Tobias would never entertain the thought. Despite being almost a foot taller than the wolf, Mortimer just couldn't find the fortitude to stand up to him and demand what he wanted. It was why his desk was buried under several layers of reports. With a swig from his glass he sat back and closed his eyes, for just a moment he wanted to sit there naked and listen to his music in peace while he got a good buzz going.

Unfortunately it seemed he would be denied that pleasure too as his door com beeped, which singled the presence of someone who wanted to come in. A look over at the door control panel revealed it was Security Officer Panzer's id card. "The door is open Panzer." He said as he tried to hide a sigh when the doors opened with a small hiss. The bottle disappeared between the couch cushions and he tossed a blanket over his lap to keep things modest as he waited to hear what the latest disaster aboard the ship was that needed his urgent attention.

What he got instead was the sound of wood cracking and cloth tearing as the back of his chair was pulled away, which caused him to grip onto the sides as he started to fall backwards. He didn't have far to fall, however, as his back fell against something that felt like a waterbed as what looked like blue ropes wrapped around his arms and secured them to the remains of the chair. As he opened his mouth to try and yell out for help he was quickly silenced by a large tentacle that filled his muzzle and formed a gag that merged into the thing behind him to keep his head still. After several seconds of futile struggling, he stopped as he heard a cold laugh that caused him to shiver.

"Executive Officer Mortimer." The horse heard hiss right next to his ear. "We would like to speak to the Captain but he has shut himself in his office and only will allow you in, so we are stripping you of your title for our own use. Oh, and we'll need to use your body as well."

Mortimer's breathing quickened though his nose as he renewed his struggles once more, but the binds around his body and head moved fluidly with him as he thrashed. Despite his lack of progress he continued for another minute before he finally lost the last of his energy and slumped down, exhausted. The creature behind him took advantage of his state and he could feel something cold press between his muscular cheeks. With little resistance the thick tentacle began to slide its way into him, he screamed as loudly as he could into the gag as the lubricated tip pushed against his tight walls and brushed up against his prostrate. It seemed to coat over that area in particular and stimulate it, his blanket tented as his blood rushed to his member from the unwanted pleasure.

"Oh no, that won't do at all." A large, translucent blue paw seemed to flow around his body and rip the blanket off, which exposed his rather impressive tool that jutted out proudly from his lap. The Clydesdale could feel his cheeks heat with embarrassment, the last thing he wanted the deranged alien that molested him was that some part of him actually enjoyed it. Once the paw had tossed the blanket aside it wrapped itself around him and began to stroke, a thin blue membrane of slime soon coated it as Mortimer let out a muffled moan. His vision hazed over slightly as his body became more and more relaxed under the creature's ministrations, every so often a wiggle from the tentacle lodged firmly in his tailhole reminded him it was there. "See? It's not so bad... giving in... letting someone else take control..."

If Mortimer could talk he would have agreed, instead all he could manage was a weak nod as his body swam in a sea of pleasure. The creature was relentless in its invasion of his orifices, though he knew it should have hurt like hell as his muzzle and throat began to bulge out from the tentacle gag there was only a numb pleasure. Something had already happened to his body, he vaguely realized, as what seemed like a never-ending tide of goo pushed into his bowels and stomach. His stomach began to distend from the sheer amount, which only added to the pleasure as his belly rounded out.

As his body continued to submit the sheer pleasure the goo became more aggressive, the vague paw melted and deformed before it completely encapsulated his member and began to push its way inside of him. This only made his cock throb harder as it seemed to grow in size as it bulged with goo, his body shuddering with pure ecstasy as it threaded its way down into his sack and began to expand those aas well. The ring of goo around his mouth also formed several tendrils, which immediately pushed themselves into his nose and ears. For a panicked second he couldn't breathe, but as he inhaled the goo in it settled in his chest and he suddenly found the act unnecessary, which only gave him more room to think about the bliss he received as the tendrils in his ears pushed in and began to fill his skull.

Mortimer grunted and groaned like an animal as he felt the two massive tentacles in his body begin to branch out, which easily wormed their way through his bloated body as he could see them push out against his fur. His entire body burned with pent-up pleasure, which grew more and more frustrating as despite being violated so wonderfully everywhere he couldn't reach climax. Eventually the bonds around his arms and legs withdrew as more and more of the goo pushed into him, and immediately his hands darted to his now massive two foot tool and began to stroke. It squished slightly under his powerful grip like a balloon, but it only spurred him on even more as the gag around his head flooded his head and he was allowed to let out a lustful groan.

Now completely free of the chair he kicked it aside with his huge foot and stumbled over towards the window, hands still occupied with his member as the lust burned hotly in him still. He was no longer just past-prime warhorse, his frame was engorged with muscle as he stood nearly a foot and a half taller than before. His eyes were a solid blue as his body shifted and expanded as he moved, almost as though his skin was filled with water rather than solid flesh. The tentacles were still very active in his body as he finally fell to the floor, his face and next continuously distorted by the appendages as he felt himself 'drift' towards his genitals. It mattered nothing to him though, the only thing he wanted to do was cum, no matter what it took as he felt his hands begin to move on their own accord harder and faster against him as his face went from agonizing lust to an almost serene look...

Finally, silently, the horse's cock twitched violently before it finally blew, a thick stream of blue goo shot out from it as the hands continued to coax out as much as possible. After several minutes of pure climax his musculature lost some of its freakish proportions, though it still retained a bodybuilder's look as his fur was covered in a thick layer of blue goo. Once the orgasm subsided the Clydesdale's body stood up once more, the goo on him slid off easily until it formed a large puddle next to him that slowly began to bulge upwards. With an evil smile on his face he watched until it pulled together into the similar form of the horse that stood in front of it, only completely translucent and with several large tentacles that wiggled out its orifices.

"I have a date with the Captain." Mortimer's voice said as the creature inside his skin flexed and tested his new body experimentally. As he did so his sheath filled out, his cock now a light, mottled blue with a head that vaguely resembled a head as it spoke to his new slave. "Make sure it is not disturbed." The goo horse nodded and lowered his head, then moved as quickly as his new form would allow as his former body began to put on clothing.


"Did that... did that just happen?" Tibri balked as he and his pets continued to look at the monitor as their former first mate continued to put on clothing. They had made their way to the security office to find Panzer and hopefully initiate quarantine on the entire ship. Only when they got there they found the entire room coated in blue slime, as well as several things smashed and destroyed. Their fears were only confirmed when they watched as the now completely transformed panther went into Mortimer's room. "This has to be some sort of dream..."

"I'm afraid not, young Tibri." Zar replied as he sat down. "Your security officer has been corrupted by someone most foul, a Master named Falcai that has long since given up the ghost on any morals or ethics. Why he survived when so many others died is a mystery to me, but nevertheless it only hastens our efforts to destroy him before he can take over the ship. With this technology at his hands as well as the powers of the Anarki the entire galaxy, not just your friends, is at stake now. If we fail here I fear that he will continue to spread his vile corruption with nothing that could stop him."

"So... no pressure then." Tibri replied with a weak laugh before he turned to Taz, who was busy fiddling with some of the controls on one of the computers. "Can we access the communications systems and warn the captain?"

Taz sighed and shook his head. "Unfortunately it seems that the security system has been completely locked out, so there's no way to issue an alarm. Panzer made sure that none of us could access the system except for him, that much I can be sure of."

"Then we're going to need to reach the captain and protect him before Falcai can get his venomous fangs into him." Zar said as he stood up.

"It is not that simple Zar." Samson spoke up from the small puddle of blue he was analyzing. "The captain is currently off-duty, which means that only the executive officer or the computer can call him. The former is for urgent non-emergencies while the computer is for emergencies only."

"Well we certainly can't ask the Exo anymore." Tibri said. "But... what if we used the computer to inform him of the emergency? I've seen Syr'kan do an emergency override before, I'm sure he could open the Captain's chambers that way."

"Considering that he's been untouched by the other Master's goo slaves." Taz scoffed. "But I guess we really don't have too much a choice in the matter, if Tibri needs more pets to be more powerful so we're not all goo slaves, then more pets he's going to get. Let's go, I'll take point."

As the group ran out of the security office towards engineering, Tibri gave Zar a worried glance, which caused him to ask him what the matter was. "It's Akidumaru." The tiger finally confessed. "So far there's no word on whether or not he's ok, and I'm really worried about him. He's one of my closest friends you know, and I thought... maybe... you know."

"Ah, our new Anarki has an interest in someone it seems." Zar replied with a smile as he ruffled his hair. "Don't worry, everything is going to work out, but once we put everything in order I will expect you to profess yourself to this person. No excuses!" He said before Tibri had a chance to refute him. "You never know when you're life will be over, even if you may be immortal."

Once more Tibri attempted to reply about his possible courtship with a fellow shipmate when he realized that Taz had stopped as he reached a T intersection. On the other side of the hallway were two blue goo creatures, a jackal and a cheetah, that stared at Taz intently as the tentacles that had sprouted from their bodies moved excitedly back and forth. "You guys keep going, find Syr'kan." Taz said with grim resolution as he took a few steps forward before he stood his ground. "I'll chase these guys off. Besides, I have a bit of a bone to pick with Lanis... of course, he doesn't really have any bones at the moment, so this might get a little tricky."

"Taz, I don't know-" Tibri started to say before he saw the metal on the snow leapord's skin ripple and shift. The black metal skin became plated and bulked out slightly until he had what looked like an exoskeletron of armor that coated his entire body. He still had the humanoid shape of his former form, but the angles and bulk of the armor smoothed out even more features until he looked even more machine then before as he raised his hand towards the two creatures.

The two creatures began to lope towards him, the telltale gleam of lust in their eyes as their mouths and cocks drools a trail of slime as they moved towards their potential new convert. But before they could even get halfway down a small port opened on Taz's gauntlet and a beam of black light blasted the jackal, his form splattered all over the hallway as the cheetah continued unabated. With a slight movement he aimed and fired, but the cheetah's quickness seemed to be amplified as it easily dodged out of the way. Taz fired several more shots, but the creature was annoyingly fast as the armored leopard found himself face to face with his enemy.

Tibri and Samson stood horrified as several tentacles formed out of the goo cheetah's mass and wrapped themselves around Taz, only Zar'dirin stood confident as he watched. Just when it seemed that he would be completely engulfed, however, black metal spikes jutted out from the metal plates and splattered pieces of the tentacles everywhere. The creature hissed and screamed in apparent pain, its wrecked appendages flailed loosely in the air as Taz took a step back and drew back his fist. The armored fist began to crackle with the same black energy before he drove it into the cheetah's head, which yielded and allowed it to sink all the way up to the wrist. At first it looked like the attack was ineffective, but in the next second the power that had developed around it exploded outward and ripped the creature's body apart, goo splattering everywhere as Taz lowered the smoking fist back to his side.

"Wow..." Tibri said in awe as the snow leopard lowered his smoking palm . "How do you feel Taz?"

"Like I just orgasmed." Taz replied, his voice a far more electronic tone as the plates that covered his short muzzle and face didn't even move.

"A warrior's heart, a warrior's pleasure." Zar commented. "Using your powers in combat, especially to defend your Anarki master, is almost going to be as good as sex. Almost." The group chuckled a bit, though their jubilation was short lived as they could see the pieces of blue goo begin to slide back together until there were two large puddles of it on the ground instead of scattered everwhere.

"They're... they're not dead?" Tibri asked as he watched the liquid twist and form as it looked like the two creatures were clawing their way out of the puddle itself.

"Like I said, it's very hard to kill an Anarki totally." Zar replied as he started to back himself down the hallway once more. "Taz, I trust you can take care of the situation?"

"Yeah, no problem." Taz replied as his body began to glow once more. Even though he really couldn't see or hear any emotion, Tibri could tell that the leopard was very excited at the prospect of fighting once more. "Keep going, I'll take care of them so that it'll take a little longer for them to reform."

The rest of the group didn't need to be told twice, as the two creatures began to rise from their collective pile of goo once more. As they continued down the hallway they continued to hear the sounds of Taz's cannon rumble down the metal hallways as they moved towards the engineering sector. It housed the main reactor core as well as most of the essential components for both the computers and engines. Syr'kan rarely left the area, in fact as Tibri opened the door into the sector he could hardly remember a time when he had seen the naga outside of his orientation tour. All he remembered about him was that he was quiet and loved the Silvercobra more than anything else, it disturbed him a little as he referred to the ship as 'her' and told him if he ever did anything to break 'her' then he would eat him and it didn't sound like a joke.

"Syr'kan?" Tibri said timidly as he slowly stepped inside. It was very quiet, much more than he expected it to be as the latex dragon and fox tiptoed in behind him. The hum of electronics and the soft throbbing noise of the converters to and from the reactor were their only response as they looked around. The space was huge, most of it filled by the computers and core of the ship, and as they started to look around they realized that there were a number of utility tunnels that snaked from there through the ship, and the naga could have been in any one of them. By the time they could properly search the area, he realized, the captain would be compromised and they would all be in a lot of trouble.

As the tiger looked down one of the tunnels, however, his questions on where Syr'kan were quickly answered as he narrowly dodged a large pipe that tried to smash down on his head. "Get out of my ship you alien bastards!" He heard the naga shout as he continued to swing at him, though after the initial surprise attack Tibri found it easier and easier to dodge the blows. Before long Zar ran up and wrenched the pipe out of the distraught engineer's hands and tossed it to the side.

"Syr'kan, it's me!" Tibri shouted as Syr'kan refused to calm down and had to be restrained by the dragon after getting clawed and punched several times. "We're here to save the ship!"

"Take over the ship more like!" Syr'kan hissed as he continued to struggle. "I've seen what happened to the others; saw it from the utility tunnels! You won't stop until everything on this ship is turned and then you'll do sick and disgusting things to her! I won't allow it!"

The naga would have continued to rant, but Samson finally had enough of it and after a bit of careful maneuvering managed to take an auto-syringe and inject a sedative into him. His eyes fluttered slightly before he slumped down a bit in the latex dragon's arms; though he was still able to stand and speak he tilted a bit as though drunk. "That should make him a little easier to handle." The fox said as reloaded the syringe once more, just in case. "I figured we don't have the time for him to wind down."

"Good job Samson." Tibri replied as he scratched a hand through his headfur, though after he realized what he was doing they turned away from each other a bit as they both blushed slightly. In order to alleviate his embarrassment he quickly explained the situation to the naga, who slowly grew from drugged anger to drugged understanding as he nodded drunkenly. "Anyway, Syr'kan, we need your help to reach the captain. The Exo has been... compromised, and we were hoping that you could use the computer to reach him instead."

"Yeah, it's possible." Syr'kan replied, though his slurred speech combined with his hiss made it increasingly difficult for them to understand him. "I'll have to go to the control room with you and override the access codes to indicate a dire emergency. That's against ship protocol, but I think in this case no one is going to make too much of a fuss about it."

"Well I don't know about you, but dragging a drugged out snake all the way from the back of a ship to the front does not sound like a good idea." Samson said as he examined the engineer to make sure the dose wasn't too excessive as to complicate his health. "Even though the sedative I gave him wasn't too strong, he will certainly be in no condition to move quickly for a couple of hours. If we get ambushed by any more of those creatures..."

"Well, there is one way to purge the drugs from his system." Zar said with a small grin on his face despite himself. "If you make him one of your pets, then the conversion process will be more then enough to get him clear-headed again."

As soon as the latex dragon mentioned it, Syr'kan's fear started to show through the haze as he backed away from them. "You're not going to make me one of you! I know what you have to do to 'convert' me, and I won't allow it! I ain't no queer."

Zar sighed and took Tibri aside as Samson continued to look after the drugged naga and spoke in a hushed tone. "This one is quite stubborn, even in the presence of a master and two pets and drugged he still has some pretty big issues."

"What do you mean, in our presence?" Tibri replied.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that?" Zar said with a sheepish grin. "All Anarki release a pheromone into the air, especially masters, that help lure in potential pets. I already told you your body is designed to help get you more pets, and therefore more power, this is just one of the ways to do it. That's why I'm so concerned, normally most people would have loosened up a little bit after a bit of time in our presence, inhibitions lowered, curiosity growing."

"Wait, so the reason Samson and Taz became my pets was because of something my body releases?" Tibri asked. "I don't know if I like that, it's almost like taking their choice from them."

"Oh trust me, it's nothing like that." Zar explained. "Though your concern about it is extremely refreshing, I knew I made the right choice when I gave my powers to you. In any case, the pheromones don't override their free will, just makes them a bit more open to the possibility. Plus you're your Anarki powers are still incomplete, so Samson got only a small bit and Taz maybe a little more so. But back to the problem at hand, we need to get Syr'kan up and running again but he absolutely refuses to be a pet. What we need is something that would arouse him, maybe get the ball rolling."

As Zar and Tibri pondered their situation Taz strutted into the engineering room, his body back to its feline form. "Well, we're not going to see those two for a while anymore." He smirked as he walked up to the two. "So how are things going here? Is Syr'kan going to get us into the Captain's office?"

"Yeah, we're having a bit of a problem..." Tibri started to say before he trailed off as he looked back over at Syr'kan. The naga's eyes were glued to Taz' form, and even in his sedated state he quickly slithered over to the metal leopard. As the two began to talk about what being made of metal felt like it was clear to the tiger that Syr'kan was very interested in the body, to the point where he could start to see the tip of his member poke out of his genital slit as his scaly hands brushed against the cool metal skin. "You have got to be kidding me..."

"Taz, perhaps you should 'show' your new form more fully to Syr'kan in his office." Zar said with a wink as he nudged both of them to the empty office. Taz grinned and winked back before he took the naga by the hand and led him in. He had been more the willing to allow himself to be touched, his chrome member fully erect as he was caressed more or less as the naga examined his smooth chest. Whether still under the effect of the drugs or sheer fascination Syr'kan didn't protest as he entered the room and shut the door behind him.

"You have a lot of interesting people on this ship." Zar commented as he peeked through the window for a second as Syr'kan's examining quickly turned to groping which turned to kissing as the two dropped out of sight behind a desk.

"I knew he loved mechanical things, I didn't think it was that much though." Tibri replied in amazement. "What would he even fall under? Technophile? Plus Taz is still male, technically if they do start... you know... then shouldn't he still be disgusted at the act?"

Zar laughed at that, and then put his arm around Tibri's shoulder. "Never underestimate the lengths one will go to in order to fulfill their fantasies. If what you say about our scaly engineer is correct, then the fact that Taz is a machine will override the fact that Taz is male. It sort of makes you wonder what he did when he was alone in here, surrounded by all this machinery. If we had time I'd say we could take a look and see what sort of files he may have hidden away inside of the ship's computer for his 'personal use'."

Tibri was about to comment on the disturbing nature of the dragon's comments but was suddenly interrupted as an electric tingle shot through his entire body. He looked up at Zar in worry, but his comforting grin put him at ease as the tingles continued to pulse though him, his fur stood on end as he fell to his knees from the sensations. Samson, who had been content to wait after his examination of Syr'kan was interrupted, ran over towards the two as he saw his master fall, but he was held back by Zar's strong hand on his shoulder as the tiger let out a small groan. .

As the pleasurable sensations continued, the tiger's body began to alter once more. The patch of black fur around his groin spread like wildfire across his body as he grew out slightly, which added another few inches of height as muscle grew in proportionately to his new frame. Soon his fur was completely black, save for white stripes that went from the standard horizontal bar to a more runic configuration that seemed to highlight his new form even more. His hands darted down to his sheath as the pleasure only intensified, one traveled up to his chest as his pecs and abs rippled and thickened while the other massaged his rapidly growing erection.

Though his eyes were squeezed tightly shut, Tibri could sense Zar and Samson as they too began to stroke themselves from the lewd spectacle. While he desperately wished they would help him, somewhere deep inside he knew they couldn't, not until he had finished 'maturing'. He could also sense Taz and Syr'kan in the next room as well; their deep, lustful mating continuing even after the naga had become a pet for the Anarki master. It was almost too much for him to handle, but as he started to lose himself in all the sensation the connections also gave him a sense of... stability. The symbiote had finally fully integrated with his form, his mind and body fully Anarki as his network of pets both gave and fed to their communal pleasure. The sensations overwhelmed all of them, and before long they all let out roars and moans as they climaxed together, their shared orgasm stronger than any of them had ever experienced before, particularly for Tibri as he fell to all fours as he shot his load onto the steel floor.

Once the pleasure-shock began to fade he felt himself regain control of his faculties once more, and he opened his now-black eyes to see that Zar kneeling in front of him, his member still was leaking its black seed as he smiled broadly down at him. "How does it feel now?" He asked as he helped the shaky tiget back to his feet, careful not to slip on the large black puddle of his own cum.

"I can't describe it..." Tibri managed to reply. "You, Samson, Taz, Syr'kan... I can feel them, their devotion to me, their feelings, the power they give me. It's like I'm a part of all of them, and vice versa."

"You are truly an Anarki now." Zar stated as he gave Tibri a gentle kiss on the forehead. "I feared you would not be ready, but with the strength of your pets the power I was able to give you has flourished within. You now have the capability to challenge the other master and win, as long as we can do it before he converts the others and gains an advantage in numbers. Now since I'm sure Taz and the naga are finished, lets grab your new pet and continue this to its final conclusion, I cannot wait to see the look on Falcai's face when we beat him."