Thunder and Lightning

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#17 of Pokè-Treat

Pokemon (c) the usual groups

Original characters (c) me

Blah blah blah (blah) Blah...

Yea... this is what happens when I get an actual night to myself away from work. I get off my ass and actually do something... Enjoy though I must admit the sex scene is not very well detailed this time and is at the end... so... yea....


A week after the trip to Pallet town, Jason, Lisa, Grace, and the Zor family found themselves searching the nearby Viridian Forest for clues for their first stop. Grace had to recall Moon after she stated that she was getting worn out from the "Constant circles" they were taking. As soon as they did find the powerful, very well hidden, Moss Covered Stone they were to head directly north of it. There was no stopping the trio from finding that rock including the weak Trainers that jumped them from time to time. Grace took on most of them allowing the children to gain experience in battles and get their exercise. Once a young boy pegged Lisa in the back of the head with a Pokèball, it was the last thing the boy saw for a few hours. An Aura ball to the gut of a Trainer whom never saw it coming did have those kind of effects on them.

They did venture out of the forest to Viridian City to heal up and re-supply themselves once. But as soon as the rock showed itself, so did a band of guardian Pokèmon. Apparently, outsiders were not allowed to see the stone, which is why nobody knew about it but Red. Red said he was brought here once by Celebi herself, at least one Celebi, and revealed his destiny to him about a certain quest of his. Between the Scythers and Heracross and Pinsirs, Jason saw the ancient path used by wild Eevees and other Pokèmon so they could evolve into what they wanted.

"Please, allow us to pass, we are on a mission for Mew. We only have to use the Stone for a waypoint to find the Raikou clan."

They did not speak only moved into a fighter's stance.

"Don't even try to harm our father!" Lisa growled, her paws starting to glow blue with the Aura power she controlled.

Her action got some to shift slightly. But what got their attention was a silent thunderbolt striking the ground between them. Suddenly a lone Pikachu ran up, Jason recognized it as Red's though right now he was very 'Red-less,' he stared at the guards then turned to Jason.

"Come, Warrior of Arceus, I will show you the way." The Pikachu walked between the bugs, they hurriedly dispersed.

The group followed, Grace took the moment to climb onto Jason's shoulders and kept an eye on her fellow electric user. When the Pikachu turned out of sight or got too far ahead, she would send out a spark in the direction she saw him go. The Pikachu certainly got them lost on the already unmarked trails; they knew he did it to keep the solid path hidden to them. Once they finally did get to see the Stone, Pikachu pointed them north then disappeared. Jason thanked the empty air then looked his adopted girls. The Plusle and Lucario smiled at him as best as their faces allowed, which was still impressive given they were non-human.

"Well, here goes nothing. Sam, Flame, come on out." Jason waited for the two Legendaries to appear before returning the balls to his belt. "Supposedly we go north from here. I do hope that we will not get attacked on the way there."

"Considering that the Legendaries were to leave the Kanto/Johto region about a decade or so ago, you might get attacked before us. Just be prepared for anything... and keep your head low." Sam squatted as Lisa climbed onto his back.

"I could use my power to make you look like another Zoroark, but I need constant contact."

"Just don't let Azu know that. Zorua, ride with Lisa. I want the keep Flame's load as light as possible."

The boy grumbled but did as he was told since his mother placed him in Lisa's open arm as she gripped Grace with the other. Then Zoroark and Jason climbed onto Flame's back and settled into a comfortable spot.

"Sam, take point."

Sam zoomed off without a thought, Flame was right behind him. Zoroark did as she said, though he could not tell. As they ran through the trees, Jason could not help but feel like they were being followed. He turned to look behind them, he saw nothing. He nearly fell off as Flame slid to a halt, a creature unknown to her stood in the path, Sam stood not two feet away from her staring at the thing. The creature held a sword in each hand, its head hung low. It did not move, as though it was a wall, not sign of life on it. It looked up suddenly, its eyes as black as coal. It once was human, that Jason knew.

"I am here for your heads. Master demands it!"

"Who is your master?" Lisa asked quietly not really getting an answer from it.

"The Dark One if you must now. And He will use your skulls to vacate his bowls with. I saw laugh truly as he does. Now! DIE!" The creature lifted its swords and took one step.

It was enveloped in a Thunder attack from Grace. Jason gulped; he was forced to call this a life or death situation. He felt his nerves crumble under the pressure. Finally he decided against death.

"Kill it. We cannot risk our lives yet. This thing is no match for us. Save me those swords."

Jason jumped to the ground as Sam and Flame attacked. Lisa charged an Aura sphere then tossed it at pointblank as Sam charged it. Flame spewed liquid fire over it as Grace struck it again with a powerful Thunder. Pieces started to melt off of it, yet it just smiled swung a blade through the air cancelling the attacks. Jason cursed loudly as he involuntarily took a step back. The others faulted upon hearing him swear, except for Grace, of course, she attacked again. Stars as brilliant as the sun itself came from her and struck home. Then she used Charge before using Thunder. She panted as she retreated to a safer distance as she looked at the others. She calmed herself as the others focused their attacks.

She still had Last Resort, one attack she had never used since learning it a few weeks ago. Her body went white; she charged at the creature then launched herself at it. Jason saw her do this and rushed in himself to try to break the swords from their wielder. She went for the face and struck as an Ice Beam and Flamethrower hit. An Aura sphere was not far behind. Sounds of ripping flesh and snapping bones erupted from the epicenter of the mess. Jason went for his target and wrenched free a hand still gripping onto a silver hilted long sword. He ripped the hand free then tossed it at the beast.

He held onto it sloppily, but he knew the basics from mimicking the professionals at fairs when he was little. He let out a feral scream as he rushed in to attack himself. The group broke their attacks after that and jumped back. As the dust cleared from it, charred flesh remained. Grace slumped against Lisa and panted. Jason went in to attack again, but the body crumbled and vanished in a flash of bright light. Once the stars vanished from his eyes, an elderly Raikou stood on the other side of the ashen remains.

"Keep the blade, Warrior of Arceus, it suits you." It was male, old and wise beyond Jason's thinking. "I foresaw your coming and rushed to help you. Sadly, I could not prevent the Child of the Blackened Moon from sending his warrior to you. Please, join us. Volunteers have lined up to battle to be the strongest choice for your guidance."

They followed the elder wordlessly. Tired beyond measure, they knew that before long they would have to rest. As the clan home came into view, Jason heard someone gasp. He was panting too hard to follow suit. At least a thousand of Raikou clambered about a rocky Cliffside and below them a large arena filled with combatants dueling for the strongest of the strong title.

The elder lead them up a well beaten path that stopped at a vista of the arena. Machops dragged up stumps for bipeds and oddly crafted buckets full of water and berries. The group did not protest, they ate and drank. Zoroark clutched her son, she knew that creature all too well, it once was her 'handler' and that the Dark One blessed him to keep an eye on her. Hopefully, that would be an end of the torture he brought to her.

"Let the champions come forth." The elder shouted over the noisy crowd, the entire clan went silent as they heard his voice.

Twenty-five warriors came forward; they appeared to be of all ages.

"Clear the arena! Forge the field for them!" Someone below shouted.

"Warrior of Arceus, standing before you is the strongest of warriors this clan has to offer you. They are willing to battle to the death for you."

"Let's not let it come to that. Arceus has chosen the Guardian already; let the choice come to our knowledge."

"As you wish. Warriors, you submit defeat, you leave the arena! The Holy choice has been placed upon you. Only the chosen will pass. Begin!"

Jason took a long drag at his water bucket as multiple battles began. His eyes were on a runt amongst the others. The warrior was quick, the attacks fierce, yet the warrior was foolhardy. Running headfirst into the fight and taking the first hit, always. Before he knew it, ten warriors had submitted. The runt howled in victory as it readied itself for the next fight. He leaned forward to watch the next battles intently. He did not know that Sam and Flame were watching the same one just as focused; somehow they already knew the winner.

The elder chuckled as he studied the group. He quickly noticed they saw as one despite of what they thought. He could not help but think that he would have to lead his clan into battle behind the Warrior's name. This thought saddened him, but if the Father wanted him to do so, then he would. He would have to meditate on it before the Warrior left.

The final round was starting; it had dropped down to a One-on-Four match. The runt howled out as the battle commenced letting the Melee Royale take on the full speed. It attacked once and dropped two; the remaining allowed the downed ones crawl away before attacking again. The three attacked with full force. They struck hard enough on each other that a shockwave struck the crowd. An explosion erupted suddenly then several cracks of thunder sounded as attacks struck. The cloud blew away slowly in the gentle air current leaving behind three downed targets. One stood and howled as it realized it was the only one conscious, it was the runt.

"Well, well. The youngling managed to win after all. Even after going against her father's wishes, she still wins and gains the glare of her father." The Elder rose from his spot then went to the edge and roared. "The Champion shall now go through the rite. Champion, come to the Elder's post and await your orders!"

"Wait, she's a cub?!" Sam gasped out trying to keep his voice under control.

"Indeed, it is in her blood. I figured that she would succeed. Her father was the one who helped the Human Guardian. I assume it is the same for you two as well. Though young, she will be a strong paw in the upcoming clash. Excuse me; I have a Champion to send to Arceus for her path."

Jason watched as the youngling came up the path, truly she was a cub; she only came up to his chest at her shoulders. He saw the dramatic change in her as she entered the alcove. From hyperactive to a stern calm.

"Elder, I have come as requested. I await your orders."

The Elder beckoned her over to him; Jason saw what looked like nightshade and sage in his maw as she trotted over to him. He laid the plants down then touched them with a single claw; they ignited and began to smoke. A cloud began to form; he drew a deep breath then blew the cloud into her face.

"Breathe deep, child, let the vapor take you." The Elder sat on his haunches and placed a paw on her brow.

She took a breath, and if it was not for the Elder's paw, she nearly swooned forward.

Jason chewed on his lip as he watched the young female go on the brink of death itself. She gasped after a moment and backed away from the smoke. Her breathes came heavy and deep, her eyes dilated in the overall high. When she came back down she laid and started to bawl.

"I will never be able to return home. My blood must protect the Sword blood until the end of time. I am the Blade of Thunder, and I am to give myself to the Sword fully. I...I don't even know what that means. Am I to declare myself mate to someone I have never met? Am I even ready for that?"

"Well, I can tell you this, Blade, I already have a mate and a child." Jason said as she looked at him. "You are more than welcome to try to fight Azu for that. You may have the type advantage, but I think she would gut you without a second thought."

"The name's Loraline."

"Not around other humans its not. Pack what you have, say your good byes, and be ready to leave by morning. Lisa, me and you need to talk."

"Oh no," Lisa muttered, she knew what he wanted. "We'll send Tryanitar back, she's not too happy being out of the Tree anyway."

"Very well, but that was not what I wanted to talk about."

"Then what?"

"The fight, you seemed... hesitant. Were you afraid of hitting on of us?"

"You. Hitting you. Grace can take a hit from me and live... humans... not so much. I-" Lisa stopped and brought her paw to her mouth and chewed on the spike.

Jason had never seen her do that, he figured she was having a flash back. Even when the kid in the forest attacked her with a Pokèball, she only used a little bit of her power to knock him out. He scooted up beside her and pulled her paw away. "You're going to chew it off. You read the manual, you know that in Trainer's School we take on every attack possible to learn its effect on us. If I could not take a hit from your Aura, I would have said so. But if it makes you feel any better next time we get into an all out fight like that, shout out the attack or call on someone else like a true Trainer."

"What about you? You could have called on someone else."

"I did, sweety, I did. I called on Sam and Flame. If I could yell at Grace I would, but she held her own. More so than I imagined she could. Now. You take the others and rest. I need to see if the Elder is willing to talk to me. I will see you later." Jason lean over and kissed her on top of her muzzle then rose to go talk to the Elder.

Later that evening, dinner of fine meats had been brought out. Jason refused to ask what they were. Then actors of the clan clad in what looked like Entei and Suicune costumes gathered in the midst of the area. The Elder rose and nudged Loraline towards the other actors. There was an inquisitive hush of the crowd.

"Is this the story of the First?" Sam asked quietly as the Elder passed by him and Flame.

"Yes it is."

"If I may be so bold... can we play the parts? The current Guardians of the Land have been gathered after all."

Flame just stared at Sam with fire in her eyes. She did not make a sound though.

"You are our guests, I would not dare to allow myself to ask that. But since you asked, Blade of Water, you may join if you wish."

"Yes! Come on, Flame." Sam rushed ahead and gracefully donned the ceremonial relic from the Suicune actor. It was a replica, he knew, for only the clans of the original Guardians still had the original pieces. Luckily, Loraline was being garnished by the real thing.

"Oh, I am so going to kill him." Flame muttered. "I have not done this since I was a cub younger than her."

Flame went out and allowed a servant Machop to put a golden flame charm around her neck. Sam had a water charm, and Loraline had the gleaming thunder charm. She stiffened as soon as it was clasped. An odd feeling taking over, though not a bad one, just one that told her that she was doing this just as those before her have done. It was sacred. The Elder took his place behind a wooden podium-like object, Lisa sat at an angle to Grace ready to mirror in Sign, but Grace just released Moon with a smile.

"Friends, Family, Allies. We have gathered before us, three of our strongest Champions. Before they leave this gathered council tonight, we have brought them forward to join in the most sacred act any one of us can perform. They shall call forth the Father and beg for his blessing on the task before them. For they fight in His name and they shall die for His name. To protect the alliance He set up amongst the predators of all of our kind, the Humans. That He gives us all His blessing will assure us that we shall remain for all ages to come. Begin, our Champions, you have the blessing of the Elders of the Three Clans to proceed. FIRE!" The Elder took on his task as has been practiced for years.

"I am the Champion of Fire, with my very essence I call forth the fiery wrath that our Father can bestow upon us all without mercy!" Flame spat a fire ball into a pit in the center of the Trio.

"WATER!" Another voice shouted, most likely another elder that represented the Water Clan of old.

"I am the Champion of Water, with my essence I call forth the watery depth of the sea which was that of our Father's tears from whence the first of our kind was killed without mercy." Sam spat a ball of water into the pit.

"THUNDER!" Cried a third.

"I am the Champion of Thunder, with my essence I call forth the booming voice of our Father, for without it, He cannot speak to us all." Loraline spat a ball of electricity into the pit.

A pillar of smoke arose from it, sending water, fire, and electric sparks everywhere. The Champions held their ground. Everyone else seemed to gasp quietly. A young male was tossed away from the pit screaming, but landed gently. Then the smoke parted to reveal a magnificent beast with golden rings to its side. A white and black pelt covered it with golden socks to adorn its paws. It seemed to float down to the ground to the very three champions.

"Normally, I would have just watched this ceremony without interrupting. But since the First have joined their very essences for me today, I could not resist coming personally and giving my blessing. Even today, the blood of the Human champion is here. Though he may not know of his ancestors, I met the strong male then as I have in this present. My blessings are upon you, my Champions. But there are still others you must gain. My own son rebels, without your help, darkness shall reign and the balance shall shift. Then I will die. Balance must be restored. Take heed! You follow a hard path, give yourselves fully to the Blade of Life, for without him, everything will perish." Arceus waved his paw over the three, the charms shattered. "Take these, when the time comes, you will know how to use the power within and save this world of mortals. Fear not death, but fear it self. Fight my child and send him back to me, his sister will come to finish the task. Blade of Life, rise and present your prize from your challenge."

Jason rose from his hard piece of ground and brought forth the silver hilted blade. He came to kneel in front of the beast with the blade held in both hands above his head. The ten foot tall beast looked down on him then without a word, sliced his paw on its edge. The blood transformed the metal into a blood red and divine gold mixture, the gold swirled around the blade from the very point to the pummel. The pummel itself shifted and grew pure jewels of every kind until it sparkled with its own light. Then with a single drop of blood, Arceus tapped Jason on the head. A sheath appeared in front of Jason as he stared at the ground, unflinching.

"Arise, Jason, New Guardian of Life, for now I have given you the strength of old. You will be able to tap into the power of Groudon and Kyogre. With it, comes the knowledge of the Blade of Breath and Blood and how to use it. My children, my blessings and eyes are upon you, always. I shall guide you, always." A crack of thunder sounded and Arceus vanished.

"I know how to fight with a sword. This sword. What did He give you?" Jason said as he looked over the blade.

"Charms of new powers." Sam stated. "I think I am strength."

"I am wisdom." Flame chuckled as she blushed heavily under her fur.

"Energy, I suppose."

"So, um, what now?"

"Well, the only brother/sister pairs I know are Latios and Latias then Cresselia and Darkrai. So, I guess we seek them out after we search for the birds."

"ELDER!" Loraline shouted as she saw the elderly male collapse. She ran to his side and tried her best to wedge herself under the bigger male.

"Loraline, don't. He is having a heart attack. Allow me." Jason said in a calm tone, almost as if he were a different being.

He went to the Elder and pierced his finger to the point that it dripped freely with blood then he stuck the finger into the Elder's mouth.

"With my essence I command Life itself, and thus I command you. Arise! For your task is yet completed!"

The Elder gasped and jumped to his feet and looked around. Jason blinked as though he was awaking from a trance.

"What happened?" The two asked in near harmony.

Loraline just stared at the two for a moment. "The Human saved your life. I mean, my Master saved your life."

"You are not a slave, child. Don't call me that. Besides, I have yet to use a Ball on you."

"Then I must thank you, Child of our Father, for allowing me to go on. I have seen the Father, I am ready for the day He calls me to Him. But until then, I will send word to the other Clans that a gathering must happen again. Go well children, and listen to His whispers."

"What about resting?" Loraline asked as the Elder started to walk away.

"You are Energy itself, think about it."

She grumbled and looked to Jason in a sad manner.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on leaving while it is dark. When day breaks, we'll make a trip to a human settlement so we can do the dirty work."

"Fine. Um, I think Daddy wants to talk to you." Loraline backed away slowly.

Jason turned around to see an overly muscular Raikou with a jagged scar down his face. The scar looked less than a decade old.

"Sir?" Jason straightened up his posture and tried to act like a warrior.

"Stop the act, I know you are only a child yourself. If anything happens to mine... Just be prepared to deal with my wrath."

"I think she will be able to handle herself rather well. Especially with training. I am sure you know what I mean. It's not like she is the first one to be taking in by a Trainer, though I am sure she is the youngest."

"That she is. I helped stop the destruction of this realm a few times myself, I feel that I will be needed again soon. But she is the one to stop a war amongst Pokèmon themselves, that I sense. You treat her as you would a mate with egg, you hear me?"


The male snorted then retreated to another Jason guessed was a mate. He turned to find Loraline missing. As he searched further, he found her cowering against Flame. A servant Machop came up to remove the podium, Jason went up to the young male.

"Excuse me, is there a more private place for my team to rest at, a place where mates could be with each other?"

"The clan has already been instructed to look the other way should there be any scents or sounds of mating occurring among your followers. You could freely mate here if you wish, though I am sure some of the younger ones will break the Elder's wishes and watch as you do so."

"I never had an audience before, that may add to the loving. Thank you."

Jason rejoined his family and took the eldest of his walking group and told them what he was told. Flame grew very interested at this as did Lisa. Lisa grabbed after Adrian's ball, but was smacked away. Jason then said that they needed to get the younger two asleep before anything else. They agreed to that, mostly. Sam did not like the look Flame was giving him, even if he wanted the sex.

After Grace and Loraline finally fell asleep, the couple's night began by first releasing Champ, Clair, Azu, and Adrian. Then they made their way out of their makeshift den despite Jason's wishes, they wanted to stay as a group this time and have some joined fun. Jason just blushed, he would have rather been back home or in his tent when it came to sex after thinking about it. The group found several adolescents moving away from the clan, they decided to follow them.

The "teenagers" unknowingly led the group to a secluded cove where many couples cuddled together. The slow movements stopped as the adults walked up. Many blushed and quickly parted from their selected partners. Sam chuckled as he looked around.

"Hey now, don't let the party stop before it even starts. As long as you all don't tell on us, we won't tell on you. Right, gang?"

"Mmm, I don't mind a little mix-up. That is if you don't." Flame gave Sam a loving lick.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with my Entei?" Jason asked with a slight sarcastic tone.

"Oh, she's tied up in the basement and being whipped by a wet noodle."

"I see, she's just came into her heat." Jason smiled.

"Smells that way... whelp, I'm game for a little show." Sam bumped against her.

"Don't even think about it." Lisa growled as Adrian shifted slightly.

"I have the same warning." Azu poked Jason. "But I do want to watch her go at it."

"Really? Never mind, I won't try."

"Clair?" Champ asked quietly.

"No. You are mine." A loud thump came afterwards, the group turned to see that Clair had pinned Champ and started to pull his member out to the world to view. "And I will prove it to all of them!"

Jaws dropped, mostly in the adolescent crowd. The sight alone of the dragoness dominating her mate was enough for most of the males to become aroused. There were plenty of male couples, Jason noticed- not that it bothered him any- and a couple already began to work on a more intimate act. This truly got the party going, the blast of pheromones in the air sent the younger Pokèmon into a mating frenzy. The elder ones watched for a moment, then joined in as everything became too much to resist. Even Jason could not resist the flow, given he was shoot down with a blow to the knees then Azu pouncing him. Flame had wedged herself under a mating male couple and had started to lap at the bottom male's member as Sam dry humped her rear a few times before striking home. The chain quickly grew as another young couple dropped beside them and one wedged their muzzle under Flame to lick at her hidden teats while that one was pounded by their partner.

Jason was in heaven, Azu bounced freely on his groin while he was the sex train on one side of him and several pairs on the other. He barely heard his mate growl, but he did realize why she did, a lone female squatted down on Jason's face and grinded her dripping wet labia on him. He licked happily enticing a growl from the gal. He lost track of the time it took for her to get her fill of his face, he just knew that after three orgasms, she left and a male back up over him. He feared that the male was going to force oral on him, but with some relief, he back up to get Azu to service him as he leaned down to clean Jason's face. His eyes, Jason noticed, were hazy, as though he was nearly blind, and on top of that, they were glazed over with lust.

The male grunted and arched his back, Jason knew that Azu was using a gentle, yet strong pressured Water Gun on his shaft. The male howled out as he quickly lost his control and let loose a torrent of electricity through the three of them. Jason felt Azu tense up briefly then went back to her tasks. The flow did not hurt him, but he was sure the Water type felt it. The male came back down to earth and quivered on his shaky legs then rolled off to the side. He panted as he sprawled out beside Jason, which he then got to see the male's massive spear. It stood out against his cream colored underbelly, a deep blood red. The shaft was tapered and visible barbs ran down it. A mass that looked slightly like a knot at the base suggested that this male may not be a pure blooded Raikou, but Jason was not in the mood to ask. Jason finally lost it, his load and stamina blew in a feral roar as Azu milked him. Her pace was unusually slow, when Jason looked up at her, he saw that she had been servicing plenty of males while Jason was preoccupied. She slumped down unto his belly and panted and covered his semen. Jason smiled as he soon came back up to par.

Jason smiled, and tapped the male beside him. The male looked at him and saw Jason nod towards his mate. His response was to splay his legs then wink at him. Jason quickly grabbed Azu and pulled her off him with a grin. As Jason maneuvered around to the backside of the male, he placed her ass gentle at his groin. She gave him the dead eye look, but he ignored it and forced her to lean back onto the male's stomach. The male gasped at this and quickly gave a thrust sending the head of his member into Azu's virgin tail hole. She gasped at the sudden stretching and a second penetration as Jason lay on top of her and forced his way into her. Even though he was in her, he still gently forced her onto the male below. She howled in pain as she was forced to hilt the large male within her ass. Jason waited a moment for her to get used to the shaft before giving the male below the go ahead. Jason quickly matched the male's pace, he winced as she bit his stomach to keep from howling out.

Jason and the male slowly gained speed. The male did find it difficult to thrust upwards, but he was not about to complain and lose the extreme tightness of the Azumarill on his stomach. The males looked deep into the other's eyes then grinned at each other with understanding. They were very much alike, in a sense. They were loners amongst their own kind and this was a bridge in the gap of social differences. They both howled as their unnoticed orgasms took hold, they filled the stuffed Water Pokèmon to the brim as she leaked her own fluids onto them.

The trio huffed and panted as they virtually collapsed. The male slowly withdrew his barbed shaft back into his sheath then allowed his eyes to close. Jason rolled away and slumped beside him equally exhausted. Azu just lay on the male's stomach, too sore to move. She noticed that everything had died down, except for Flame and Sam. She closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Jason, where the hell are you? A voice called out within his head.

"Just five more minutes, mom, it's Saturday."

Jason! The voice yelled jolting Jason awake. Better, now... so that's where you all are. Humph, I am glad that Grace did not wake up to the sight. You have two worried little girls down here in this ravine. You best wake everyone... and don't forget to dress.

Jason was too dumbfounded to talk back, he looked down at himself then blindly grabbed for his strewn out clothes. He noticed that the male and Azu never moved from the position they had stopped in. He groaned as his back protested moving after laying on rock.

"What a night," Jason muttered.

The male snorted beside him as he woke. "I concur, wholeheartedly. The name's Hazel."

"Jason." Jason responded as he picked Azu up and cradled her limp form as he would a toddler. "This is Azu. About last night..."

"Best night of my life. Don't worry, I'm clean. She was my first. I have a bad habit of being unsociable and just watch the others from the bushes. I really don't know why I came out and did that stuff."

"Don't know either, but I'm just hoping she doesn't kill me when she wakes."

"I doubt it, judging from that bruise there, she loved it. May I ask to join you? I know you have your Champion and all, but I really don't fit in here and I would like to see different places."

"I don't mind at all, the more fighters the better in the end."

"Sweet. I'll meet you in the ravine in a while... I probably should wake the others before their parents wake. Um, you may want to cover your ears."

"Go for it."

Hazel shrugged and let out a low roar, somehow it did not echo. The couples rose slowly, and all looked at Hazel then the sky before bounding off. Jason's group rose with them, Lisa hissed as she rubbed her back and pulled a sharp rock free. Then Jason recalled his team to allow them to rest up, except for Sam. Sam grumbled as Lisa and Jason climbed onto his back. He raced off down into the ravine and to the cave where they were supposed to sleep.

Jason smiled sleepily at the three females even though Moon was chewing them out, he did not hear it. "We'll be leaving as soon as we pick up another. Then we'll go to the closet Human settlement so we can complete the first duty of the Champion's duty." Jason jumped off of Sam's back long enough to grab Lisa's and his packs.

"Another? Who?" Loraline asked.

"A male called Hazel."

Loraline's jaw dropped and a solid blush revealed itself. "How?"

"He asked. Don't ask for details, I am not speaking of it."

"Good, let's go." Loraline rushed by Sam and looked outside.

"Someone's got a crush." Sam chuckled.

"Yep, I'd say so. Grace, go with Loraline, please."

Grace nodded then recalled Moon before climbing up the Raikou's leg.

Sam walked up beside Loraline and spoke calmly, "Try to keep me in sight at all times. With you not being protected by the Trainer's contraptions, you are vulnerable to other humans. Even if you do have a Trainer on your back, she can't protect you from what she can't hear."


She followed Sam out to the middle of the Ravine where they saw Hazel talking to the Elder and Loraline's parents. Her father placed a satchel around the younger male's neck then rubbed his head against the male's. Loraline stumbled as she recognized the gesture. Hazel had just gotten her father's blessing. The duo carriers came up beside Hazel, Loraline bowed carefully at the Elder then nuzzled her parents.

"Warriors, I wish you well. But to you two, a warning: Let no other humans besides the ones the Blade of Life Okays to see you together. One must hide while the other protects. Am I clear? No unworthy human must learn that there are multiples of our kind."

The two nodded.

"If I may interject. Humans know there are multiples of the 'Legendaries' they just don't know the population size. They just know they are rarely seen and never in pairs unless two worthy Trainers are publicly battling their like Legendary partners."

Zoroark appeared out of thin air behind the elder Raikou and walked around them with her son in her arms. "Are you ready to leave, sir? We have been waiting patiently outside the ravine."

"Just about. Elder, thank you for your clan's hospitality. I hope, with your ingenuity, you can convince the others to join the upcoming war in His name. I am regretting to say this, but we must take our leave. We have a long journey ahead of us."

"Very well." The elder trio turned and left them as Jason gave instructions to his own trio of runners.

The three ran off towards Viridian City, or rather the forest outskirts of it. They made camp in a small clearing under the cover of the trees. Then Jason told Grace to watch over the two Raikous as he and Lisa went into the City. She grumbled but agreed. Lisa and Jason huffed it to the PokèCenter and went straight to the counter and presented their teams to her. She looked at Lisa with shock as she looked at the belt. Lisa handed Joy her Trainer's Card then as the teams were being checked, they went to the PC and called the base. Morning Glory answered.

"Ah, sir, good morning. How is you journey?"

"Great, we found our Raikou Guardian now we have to contact the birds."

"Good luck. Are you sending any back here?"

Lisa pushed her way into the camera view, "Yes, Tryanitar and Rickerts. Make sure to tell Ditch to keep an eye on Rickerts, I don't want to see anyone hurt while I am away."

"Yes, madam. Is there anything else I need to pass on?"

"No, I'll make contact again soon."

"Very well." The Chansey closed the channel leaving the terminal screen black.

They went back to the counter and picked up their belts and then dropped the two balls into the storage containment unit that Jason had to pin the destination to the base. Then went to the market where Lisa picked up a graphic skin for a ball depicting an electrical storm and a pregnancy test. Jason questioned this but all he got was a 'Just in case.' Then it struck him, she planned on capturing Hazel. He grinned, he blamed the lack of sleep for his slow thinking. After they paid for her items, they went back to camp. Once there, they started a meal while Lisa pulled Hazel aside.

"Hazel, I wish to capture if that's alright."


"To protect you, mostly, but I also want you to be my first capture. I wish to battle you as a Trainer would."

A ping sounded beside them, Jason took the opportunity to capture Loraline then released her. Once free of the light, she shook as if freeing water from her pelt.

"It would only be fair since you were not chosen to be with Jason."

"Why not."

The two parted and Lisa grabbed a Pokèball and smiled.

Time to March on

Since I'm starting to travel into dangerous territory.... Jotho, Trainer Red, Professor Oak/Elm, Pokemon, Ecruteak City, Pallet Town, etc.(c) to GameFreaks/ Pokemon Inc. Other characters(c) to me and those specified on first show date Yeah, I...

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Send in the Problems

I had to do something different this time, enjoy a slight insight from behind the eyes of a few party members. Along with a surprise at the end that I tend to toy with later on. Enjoy ...

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A Lesson Learned

(( since I have not done it in a while: Pokemon(C) goes to Pokemon Inc. and original characters goes to me. If you do not like self pity type stuff, then you may not want to read this, but I suggest you do to make me feel better about myself ;) Enjoy...

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