Unstable Affection: Voidwalker

Story by Wolfembody on SoFurry

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Hello =3 sorry I have been lacking in stories but i'll get around to it so here we go


After all the fun time Reugus and his new imp had inside the cave it was time to move out of the training area and finally begin his journey though thick and thin. His next stop was Sen'jin Village which was a home to the Darkspear Trolls and was on the costal line of the jungle forests that sat on islands teeming with lush wildlife. The orc and his minion jogged their way to the mystic village with excitement of discovery and exploration. As soon as they arrived they were greeted by the tall blue skinned creatures known as trolls.

"Ey' dere mon. I see you be a new adventurer." The warlock nodded and was given a tour by the troll see all the types of jungle growth and what kind of things live here ranging from crabs to tigers. When they returned to the village they asked around for and quests that may need to be done, and with greater speed they rushed off into the forest to grab some tiger pelts and crab meat. While looking around the orc bent down to grab some loot of a crabs corpse and saw that his minion was watching his ass as it move around. He giggled as the imps eyes were glued onto his rear end no matter where it went. They returned with the appropriate amount of loot needed to receive the reward. The warlock began to get curious see it as he has not upgraded his spells yet he looked around the village for a warlock trainer. After asking around he talked to the troll who was dressed in dark purple and black clothing about what he could learn.

"Ah, you be seekin' wisdom from me? I am honored." The two warlocks bowed to each other to show their respect. After a proper introduction the more advance warlock began to show the young orc on how to do multiple thing:Casting the life tap and illuminate spells. Finally came the time

"Oh, and by the way mon', I be show ya a new demon and don't worry you be able to summon your imp back." The orc nodded and watch as the trainer set up some demonic runes for something different the a imp. The troll motioned for the orc to stand on the circle and the orc did just that. As for his minion he began to feel a bit of nauseation then the was sucked backing into a fire. As for his master the rune began to glow as he said the dark demonic words that should never be said by any other mortals. He closed his eyes and saw a dark shadowy figure looming a bit taller then him with white eyes and a purple-ish body. He opened his eyes to see that demon standing (more like kind of floating) in front of him. He then approached this demon carefully examining it see that it had two gold bracers and that was it. He reached out to touch his new demons, but to his surprise the demon quickly recoiled and bent down in the fetal position and letting a dark cry out.

"Please... don't hurt me..." His new master looked down at the shuddering mass of darkness and kneeled down to gently stroke his back. When the demon calmed down he looked up at his new master curiously as to why he was treating him so well. The orc only smiled and helped the void walker up so that they could greet each other.

"My name is... Grimgrave." The orc looked in awe not only did he demon have a badass name, but that he was a beef cake... err well more a shadow cake. With muscles beneath all the shadow he then walked out of the tent with his new master. They walked around for a bit and got to know and trust each other. They were done with their quests no sooner and began their long walk to razor hill in the hot afternoon. On the way there they stopped by some palm tree to rest a bit. Grimgrave has never know his sexuality mainly because he just didn't have the time nor the will but he was going to figure it out today. He watched as his master stripped down to his thong hoping to cool off a bit. As Reugus wiped the sweat from his brow he knew that Grimgrave was watching and wanted to see which way he swung. He then spread out below the tree showing his well toned orc body and let the musk roll off his body like some aura. Grimgrave quickly caught the scent and strolled over to his masters side and sat next to him not noticing a bit of dark mass was erected near his midsection.

"Ah, master it is quite hot today." The dark shadowy voice said hoping to get his masters attention. He only nodded and watched the dark matter start to take shape. It slowly erected into what appeared to be a human like phallus but it much much thicker and longer then a humans. The voidwalker looked and a bright red blush appeared when he saw the throbbing erect shadow cock waiting to be sated. He then reached down and began to stroke it for the first time. He let out a gasp and pleasure shook his body while his master watched intently and decided it would be fun to test out how voidwalker atonomy works. He rolled over and pressed his nose to his minions crotch a stange musk that smelled like a mix of well... some type of flower that smells really good. Grimgrave could only watch as his master took interest in his sexual organ and slowly inveloped his thobing member. He moaned and felt the pleasures of humanoid flesh and his new sex drive toward whatever he lusted for.

The orc noticed two orbs forming below his demons cock which malformed into a quite heavy ballsack containing his demon-makers. He reached down and groped them which won him a load groan from Grimgrave and coupius amounts of pre drippping into his maw. Reugus felt a hand on the back of his head which pushed his mouth farther down on the large pole of demon meat. Grimgrave couldn't help but to buck and thust so get the maximum amount of pleasure and wanting to have his first orgasm ever would be like firing off a firework for him. Reugus began deep thoating his minions cock trying his best not to gag and was somewhat sucssesful getting the demons manhood to the back of his mouth and suckling away at it. Soon he felt a pulsing from the hot manhood then the next thing he knew his mouth was filled up over and over again with warm demon seed.

"Oh...master.... the feeling is soooooo.... gooood..." Gimegrave moaned drunk on lust and high on sex. He felt the warmth of his masters mouth leave his cock and rooled back over with a erection almost tearing though the tiny peice of cloth he was wearing. He felt his minion almost instantly grab form his meat like a lustful slut and moaned when he felt him tugging at his foreskin and rubbing his balls. Reugus was so horny it took only 45 seconds of fapping to get him off and to shoot his hot sticky cum all over his demons face. When his orgams ebbed away he licked the demons face clean and hugged him tightly assuring that he would never abuse him and that they would become the bestest of friend.

Unstable Affection: Imp

Hey guys For this one I am going to try my hardest and hopfully it turns out okay =3 warnings:Contains sexy demons, hot naughty stuff and other stuff like that so yeah...

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Kings slutty boy part 2

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Kings slutty boy

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