Training Day - by Jeeves

Story by Antoneth on SoFurry

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#6 of A New Acquisition

Antoneth's note: This was written for me by Jeeves the Roo (find him both on SoFurry and FurAffinity) as a commission, and is reposted here with his kind permission, to keep the series together.


This commission was written for Antoneth, and takes place in the world of his awesome series starring the characters within this story. It fits in between 'A secret makes a dragon, dragon' and 'Unexpected' and contains M/F and F/F sexual acts.

Training Day

"If you don't mind me asking, Jennifer, where have Luna and Tali been all day? It's almost two o'clock, and I haven't seen either one of them since breakfast."

As he spoke, Sky followed his owner through the open front door of the vixen's large home. They hadn't been gone long, just walking around the gardens which surrounded Jennifer's house and kept her at a distance from the loud, intrusive world of roads and cars and other people beyond. Nevertheless, the absence of Sky's companions; of Jennifer's other two slaves, was odd. Normally, unless instructed otherwise, Tali and Luna would leap at the chance to accompany Jennifer on a peaceful walk. The four of them were, after all, very close, despite the fact that they were slaves and Jennifer alone was the mistress who owned them. Sky, Tali and Luna all loved her, just as she loved them, and they rarely passed up the opportunity to spend time together.

Indeed, this was especially true in recent weeks, with Jennifer spending increasing amounts of time away from her home at work. She never talked about work at home, always desiring to keep those two parts of her life at the greatest possible distance, but it was clear to see that there was a grey, slowly darkening cloud resting over the vixen, growing a little more each time she left for another day at the office. She may have been one of the privileged; a fur worthy of great respect and renown within all society, but that didn't make her immune to the same stresses and worries that all business leaders felt in these hard economic times. Sky wished that it did, for he, perhaps more keenly than anyone else, felt her lingering aggravation and worry each time she returned home. But no, she wasn't immune to worry or fear, and thus all that he could do was be there for her. Along with Tali and Luna, of course, wherever they were.

"Don't worry, Sky. I know exactly where they are. In fact... perhaps you and I should go to see them right now. I'm sure Tali will be more than eager to see you in particular, and I myself am quite ready to get the day's training under way."

The sky blue dragon looked at his owner with some curiosity, and a little confusion too. She spoke of training as though it was something he should be aware of, like it was a fact long established that he should be 'training' today, when in reality this was the first that he had heard of it. Before he could raise a query in that regard however, Jennifer turned towards him, and saw his furrowed brow and wide, curious amber eyes set upon her.

She smiled, knowingly.

"You are a dragon, Sky. After recent events, and some discussions with Max, I am fully aware that while you now possess all the knowledge of your people regarding your magical abilities, it will take practice before you can apply that knowledge successfully and faultlessly. Before you came into my service, I know you underwent intense training in all aspects of being a slave. However, there was no training of magical abilities involved. So it falls to me, and Luna, and Tali, to be your teachers. And today, Sky, is your first day of class."

Gazing at his owner in wonder, Sky did not speak. He didn't need to. He couldn't have complained or argued, and indeed the thought never so much as entered his mind. After the time he had already spent in Jennifer's service, he had come to love all the women of this household dearly, each in their own way. Mingled in with his love for Jennifer in particular however was a deeply ingrained desire to please her not just physically, or emotionally, but through good behaviour on his part too.

Jennifer turned away from Sky with that same knowing smile still lingering upon her lips, and as she did so the dragon followed without pause. He fondled the collar about his neck as he did so; the collar he placed upon himself of his own free will, binding him to Jennifer forever. Yes, he would go with her, and take part in this training, whatever it might turn out to be. Not just because he was intrigued, and not just because Jennifer had told him to. He did it because she wanted him to, and because he wanted in turn to do it for her.

The two anthros, mistress and slave, curvy, beautiful vixen and lithe, uncharacteristically feminine dragon, descended a set of stairs hidden down a small corridor leading off the main hallway. These stairs Sky and Jennifer knew all too well, for they led to the dungeon; the portion of the house in which the vixen kept all the equipment and accessories too large, or too visually intrusive, to keep anywhere else. This was where some of Sky's most erotic, passionate memories were held, though not by any means all of them. It was also a place of punishment, when necessary, but those memories did not linger in quite the same way. They always stood in his and the other slaves' minds as reminders not to repeat the mistakes they'd made, of course, but they gave no negative associations to this wonderful series of custom built rooms and chambers.

"Sky, I am going to go ahead into that room over there. Please strip down and knock on the door when you are ready. Do not enter unless I or Luna open the door for you."

The dragon nodded, a slight blush rising on his sky blue scaled cheeks as he felt a warmth begin to rise in his crotch. He was in the dungeon, and had been ordered to disrobe. Sky had learned never to jump to conclusions, as Jennifer loved to keep her slaves on their toes when it came to sex, but those commands sounded very much like the precursors to an afternoon of immense fun. Quite what it could have to do with his training, Sky did not know, but as Jennifer left him and began to stroll quite casually over towards the room to which she had gestured the blushing male found himself eager to find out.

Having dressed only casually, in a pair of trousers and a shirt specially designed by Jennifer's tailor to fit around the protrusions of his wings with ease and comfort, it took Sky very little time to disrobe. He peeled his shirt off, and knowing Jennifer's distain for unnecessary mess folded the garment and placed it on a small table. This revealed his upper body, not that there was anyone present to see it, as Jennifer wordlessly slipped out of sight through the door. Cream coloured scales ran from his chin down to the point where his trousers began, all across his chest and stomach. They continued too, as he unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers, blushing deeper in spite of his solitude when they fell down around his ankles, revealing a lower half bearing no underwear whatsoever. His member, though still mostly soft, was thickening and beginning to grow already. It hadn't taken much training on Jennifer's part, or indeed those of her two more experienced slaves, to associate visits to the dungeon with pleasure, and his body knew it.

Red faced and shivering slightly, not with cold but rather with excitement, Sky walked forward to the door through which Jennifer had vanished some thirty seconds before. He stood before it, the strong wooden portal impenetrable and soundproofed, as was most of the dungeon, and knocked three times.

He waited. Five seconds. Ten. Twenty.

No response.

Sky didn't knock again. He knew Jennifer was inside. To knock again would be showing impatience, and to think that perhaps she hadn't heard him knocking would have been pure foolishness.

A few more seconds later, perhaps thirty after his knocking, Sky gasped softly. He shuddered, and put out a hand to the wall to steady himself as his stiffening shaft strained upwards in a sudden burst of unexpected, unexplained arousal. It was as though... as though he had felt someone in need; sexually in need, that is, reaching out to him. A month or so ago Sky would have passed off such a feeling as wishful thinking, but since unlocking his magical abilities, one of which he knew was telepathy, such an empathic connection was not unknown to the dragon. It was that empathy which was with each passing day making him more and more certain that Jennifer's work woes were greater than she was letting on, and it was that empathy which during various sexual encounters over the last few weeks had led him to enjoy giving pleasure to his mistress and fellow slaves even more than usual.

Of course, he hadn't learned, or tried, to concentrate and focus that general awareness of emotion and mental state into true telepathy; such invasive violations had been forbidden by Jennifer unless explicit permission was given beforehand. But now, as he stood before the doorway and felt a burning, desperate sense of arousal that was not his own well up inside his mind and spread out through his body, Sky was all but convinced that whoever possessed these thoughts was reaching out to him directly, and purposefully, urging him to pick up on them.

At last, after a full minute of waiting with those charged sexual longings passing through his mind, Sky saw the door handle beginning to turn from the inside. He straightened up, very aware of his now rampant, fully fledged and yet entirely untouched erection. It was nine inches long, the one part of his draconic anatomy not diminished by his uncharacteristically lean, lithe figure. From a deep midnight blue at its tip to a sky blue base, it bore several curved, smooth ridges upon its surface. It was no small wonder that the majority of draconic male slaves, of which there were few, were prized as sex slaves in particular.

"Oh, mistress... we have a visitor."

The large, strong, grey furred form of Luna stood in the now open doorway, naked and grinning from ear to ear. She was naked, and at the sight of her Sky let slip an unexpected growl of lust. A small trickle of pre-cum oozed from the tip of his shaft, and the wolfess licked her lips.

"Or maybe I should say two visitors. One certainly seems to be leading the other, just as you suspected, mistress."

A short distance away, over Luna's shoulder, Sky saw their owner. Jennifer was naked too, and she was standing beside a third figure who appeared to be all but hanging from the ceiling in a strong set of chains with padded but powerful metal manacles around her wrists. Jennifer's left hand was caressing the bound fur's cheek, and her right hand was between the figure's legs, two fingers lost beyond sight between the legs of that lucky fur.

It was then, as Sky set eyes upon the bound figure of Tali, Jennifer's skunk slave, that Tali opened her eyes. They stared past her mistress, and past Luna, boring straight into Sky's own bright amber coloured hues.

A bolt of pure fire pierced Sky's heart, and a thousand wordless pleas rang in his mind. With one hand the dragon clutched at his forehead, snarling loudly, and with the other he grabbed hold of his aching erection.

"Stop, Sky. Do not touch yourself unless I say so!"

Jennifer's voice rang out, clear, commanding, and yet not angry or surprised by the dragon's response. The begging, pleading non-words echoing in his mind did not abate, but Sky's love and loyalty to Jennifer won out, and he instantly released his erection, straightening up and dropping both hands to his sides. His face however, and his eyes in particular, betrayed his continued bombardment by those feelings. It wasn't pain, far from it in fact, but... it was as though a second set of emotions were being poured, undiluted, into his mind. This was far more than just the general empathic echoes which Sky picked up from those around him without even trying. It was aimed right at him, and now that he knew it his mind was opening up to receive them.

Turning towards Jennifer, moving forward as Luna stepped back into the room and walked over to Tali's other side, Sky found it hard to tear his gaze away from the skunk's eyes. He did manage it thought, if only just, and the intensity of the feelings faded as his attention turned itself towards Jennifer.

"Sky, for the last six hours, Tali here has been tied, gagged, and pleasured almost non-stop. She has watched some of her favourite home movies; starring you with either herself or Luna, or alone..."

At the mention of those movies, recorded at Jennifer's behest for times when she had to go away on work and couldn't bring any of them with her, Sky blushed deeply.

"...and has watched Luna getting off three times already, without a single climax for herself."

A muffled whimper, which no doubt would have been much louder if not for the tightly fitted ball gag stuffed into her muzzle, escaped Tali. Sky didn't dare look at her, not until Jennifer had finished explaining herself.

"That makes it more than thirty six hours since Tali has cum. Now, normally, after such a protracted period of denial and teasing, you can imagine that she'd be rather pent up."

Another stifled sound, this one more akin to a groan of desperate desire.

"Two, maybe three climaxes would relax her. Four would sate her completely."

For a brief moment, Sky hoped beyond hope that his job was to bring her to those four climaxes. Already in his mind he knew how each and every one would be delivered. It didn't even occur to him that such a plan would in no way involve his magical abilities, even though that was supposedly the entire reason for them being here right now.

"So now, Tali, I give you this command as your mistress. If you, by your own actions of that of anyone else, disobey, then you will all be severely punished."

At the knowledge that if Tali disobeyed they would all receive punishment, both Luna and Sky stood up a little straighter, and paid closer attention than ever to what their mistress was saying.

"You may cum once, and once only in the next twenty four hours. You must remain tied and bound, including your gag, until that orgasm has been achieved. And, from this moment forth, only Sky may touch you in any sexual, or sensual manner. Your satisfaction is entirely in his hands."

Turning away from the skunk, who had been thrashing in her bonds ever since it was declared that she would only be permitted a single orgasm, Jennifer smiled at Sky.

"Sky, I have discussed this with Tali prior to beginning this session, and she has given me her word that she trusts you implicitly. It is for that reason alone that we are able to do this, but I want to be very clear that what I am about to say is only a temporary grant of permission. After this exercise is over, your permission to do what I am about to say is once again revoked. Do you understand?"

The dragon nodded curtly, both towards Jennifer and towards Tali.

"Yes, mistress. What do you need me to do?"

Jennifer pointed at Tali, and looked deep into Sky's amber eyes.

"You may use your telepathy to read her mind, to communicate with her, and to learn how exactly to satisfy her according to her innermost desires. You may not free her, or take off her gag. No matter whether you succeed or fail, she will be released after she has cum. If you have read her thoughts clearly, she will be satisfied, and amiable towards you. If you don't succeed, then I will give her free reign to choose a suitable punishment for you, and hell hath no fury like a woman sexually frustrated."

Sky's eyes widened, and he stared at Jennifer with nervous surprise spreading across his face.

"B-but... I've never used my telepathy before. I know how it's supposed to work, but... I don't know how to make it work."

From a short distance away, Luna chuckled.

"That's why this is called 'training', Sky. You're going to have to learn."

Crossing the room in front of the dragon, momentarily passing between him and Tali's bound, gagged form, Luna took the outstretched hand which Jennifer had offered her. Together they retreated into one corner of the room, where a soft leather couch awaited them. They sat down on it together, Luna snuggling up to her mistress and stroking Jennifer's hair, both watching Sky as he turned back to face Tali head on once more.

"O-okay, Tali. Tell me what to do..."

Sky stepped forward, and almost instantly felt his mind flooding with intense, passionate emotions once more. He tossed his head back, roaring in arousal, but did not let his hand fall to his erection. Still Jennifer's words of command echoed in his mind, and he knew that like Tali he would have to rely on others for any satisfaction he was to receive.

Closing his eyes, the dragon sought to focus his mind and make some sort of meaningful contact with Tali. He remembered Max, and how it had felt when the elder dragon had made contact with him mind to mind. Like Max had then, he tried to think comforting thoughts; attempting to calm and pacify the raging torrent of Tali's pleasure stricken consciousness. He opened his mind to the skunk, just as she had apparently opened hers to him, and...

Tali lay on her back, pinned beneath a snarling, trembling Luna. The two of them were alone, their mistress away at work. Sky... there was no Sky, not yet at least. It was just them, and as the double ended toy between them buzzed and shook within their bodies that was all either one of them needed. Loud shrieks of pleasure escaped the skunk as Luna began to thrust, hard, fast, more powerful and passionate than any man ever could. The moonlight glinted off the buckles of their collars, and the glistening moisture between their legs.

...Sky fell to his knees, gasping, trembling, groaning in pleasure. Had he not dropped to the ground, he might well have turned and rushed Luna. In that moment, just as Tali had, he wanted her. He craved her!

The memory had struck him like a freight train, so vivid and powerful it was like he was there. He tried to close his mind, to shut it off, but...

The skunk's tongue slid forth, lapping at the well cleaned, fresh pucker of her mistress' rear at the same time as Luna kissed and lapped at Jennifer's clit. She heard her mistress moaning happily, and whispering her love to them both. All the while her fingers played with herself, increasing in speed and force as Jennifer's moans rose and grew, and backing off when the vixen too fell quiet, simply murmuring and moaning in soft, giddy contentment. no avail. Sexual memories surged through his mind just as they surged through Tali's own, as though the skunk was searching for the perfect fantasy to fuel her desires and drive Sky wild. As though she wanted Sky to act on these desires in her stead; to fuck, to love and lust over the people she cared for while she herself could not.

Through the mist and fire of his arousal, a spark of sense dawned on Sky. It was just a flash in the dark, a single ember in a lush woodland, but it caught, and flared, and grew. Maybe... maybe she wasn't trying to drive him wild at all. Maybe she was trying to show him what to do.

As soon as that thought crossed the dragon's mind, a bright, shining word seemed to light up in front of his eyes. It wasn't a coherent, audible sound, not outwith or within his mind, but its meaning was so clear that it might as well have been.


Yes. That was what Tali was trying to do.

'Show me, Tali. Show me what you want.'

Rising shakily to his feet, Sky stumbled forward a few paces until he was standing right in front of the smaller, shorter female. He didn't know whether she was hearing him, or rather, if her mind was receiving what he was thinking, but the dragon was hopeful that she was at least able to feel the desires behind each thought. That, at least, was a damn good starting point.

'T-try to think of one thing at a time. I know it's hard, but... t-try to show me what you want right now, and I'll give it to you.'

A short distance away, Luna and Jennifer were no longer cuddling. Both females were sitting up on the couch, leaning forward and watching as Sky slowly stepped towards the bound, gagged skunk. He wasn't talking, not out loud at least, and from what they could see his and Tali's eyes were now utterly fixated upon one another. Jennifer smiled, and looked at Luna.

"He's doing it. I think he's really doing it."

The wolf said nothing, but nodded. She didn't admit it, and never would aloud, but right then... she was jealous of Sky. For so long she and Tali had been the closest of friends, and lovers, and in many ways they still were. But despite all that, she could never know Tali the way that Sky was discovering her right now. She could never truly know what it was that the skunk was thinking, and Sky would always have that advantage over her. A skill that no physical prowess on her part could ever outmatch.

'Sky, I'm so horny. I need this. I need this. I need this. Please. Make me cum. Fuck me. Lick me. Take me now. Take out the gag. Untie these manacles around my hands and feet. Let me lie down with you. M-make love to you, all night. I'll cum again and again and again.'

Tali's mind finally made coherent contact with that of the dragon, and the moment it did, Sky realised just how big a challenge this was going to be. The moment that myriad of lustful, longing thoughts charged through his mind, they became his thoughts. Suddenly all he wanted to do was turn round, rush over to Luna or his mistress, and plunge himself deep inside one of them as his muzzle buried itself in the crotch of the other. He wanted sex. He wanted cum. He wanted it all!

Except... it wasn't him. It was Tali, and she wasn't in her right mind. If she had been free, of course the skunk wouldn't have done anything to disobey her mistress. But bound, gagged and restrained like this, she wanted to fight. To be free, and to that end to express her sexuality with the unbound, limitless freedom of all the fantasies still rushing through her mind.

'One orgasm, Tali. Just one. How shall I do it? Tell me.'

A pang of desperation surged through the dragon's mind, and just as Tali let slip a muffled whimper, so too, freely, did Sky.

'Why just one... one isn't enough. I... I can't take it. You don't know, Sky, you weren't here. Luna, she's been torturing me for the past six hours. Toys, fingers, her tongue. Videos, whispering memories of our favourite times in my ear, always touching, always teasing. So many times I was so close, and I tried to not give myself away so she'd take me over the edge. But she knows... she always knows when I'm about to cum. I love her, Sky. I love you all, our mistress most of all, but... one isn't enough, Sky. She must know that. One orgasm isn't enough.'

The dragon sighed softly, both outwardly and within his mind. He laid his forehead against the skunk's own, and kissed the tip of her nose, just above where the ball-gag held her muzzle in its firm, helpless grasp.

"It has to be enough, Tali. It has to be."

This was the first thing which he had said out loud for almost three minutes, and it made both Jennifer and Luna jump. Neither he nor Tali noticed the difference though, and even if they had, it wouldn't have changed anything. The connection was established now, and the more time they spent with their minds in contact; mentally, not physically, the easier it became to maintain that contact.

A fresh memory surfaced, and Sky smiled.

Sky stood behind the skunk, his arms wrapped around her wet, glistening body, caressing her lean stomach with his hands. It was almost midnight, and the new moon had given rise to a rich blanket of stars above them. The two of them were outside, beside Jennifer's swimming pool, listening to the soft sounds of their mistress moaning as she was attended to by Luna on a sun lounger close by. Sky had only been with them for a few weeks, but already he was beginning to feel like one of the family. As he held Tali, and felt his semi-erect member rubbing between her buttocks, at the base of her large, fluffy tail, he leaned his head down and kissed at the back of her neck. To his surprise and wonder, Tali groaned loudly, and almost collapsed in his arms. She blushed, and giggled as he asked nervously if he'd done something wrong.

Standing before Tali now, with his collar upon his neck and so many more nights of wonderful memories within his mind, Sky laughed warmly, a sound which despite the lack of context made both Jennifer and Luna smile too.

'That was one of the first nights I didn't sleep in my own, or our mistress' room. We were late to breakfast the next morning, and she punished us...'

Tali finished the unspoken sentence for him, a warmth, and a happiness accompanying those thoughts.

'...but it was worth it.'

Drawing gently away from the bound body of the skunk, Sky looked over towards Jennifer and Luna for the first time since making true contact with Tali. He was relieved to feel his connection to the skunk maintained even as his gaze left hers, but surprised by the expressions set upon Jennifer and Luna's faces. They were staring at him in wonder, and he couldn't help but feel a little self conscious and proud at the same time. Self conscious because he was still very much naked, and erect, and fuelled by the desires and wishes of Tali. Proud, however, because against all odds and his own lack of self belief... he had done exactly as his mistress had commanded. He had made the telepathic connection, even if it had been as much Tali's reaching out as his reaching in which had made it possible, and was well on the way to completing the task assigned to him.

"Mistress... you said that I may not touch myself. But, if it is Tali's wish for me to please her with my body, may I?"

Sky was relieved when Jennifer nodded, and waved a hand in his direction as though urging him to stop looking at them and continue. The expression on her face was one of anticipation and excitement, as though she was enjoying watching him unlock his abilities every bit as much as Tali was hopefully going to enjoy benefitting from them. Thus the dragon turned away from his mistress once more with a gracious nod, and circled around Tali's restrained, trembling body until he came to rest directly behind her.

Just as he had that night, poolside and outdoors, Sky wrapped his arms around Tali's body. This time however he did not simply caress her stomach, but allowed his hands to roam gently across her flanks, and down to her curved hips. He wasted little time in re-enacting that wonderful night's first moments of intimacy, and as he brought his head down close to Tali's neck, his warm breath washing over her, that memory sprang up within their shared consciousness once again.

'Do it... touch me... taste me...'

This was a new experience for Sky. He knew all too well that Tali would beg and plead not to have her neck nibbled or kissed under normal circumstances, were she able. She could never resist it, and since the skunk loved to fight back and play hard to get when allowed to do so, that method of placating her body was always met with as much squirming and whimpering and pleading for restraint as she could muster. On this occasion however, Sky wasn't paying attention to the frantic groans and shakes of her head being delivered to him as a physical response. He was listening to her mind, to what her heart was saying, beyond the bravado of her exterior.

The dragon's long, rough tongue reached out from his muzzle, and lapped gently at the back of Tali's neck. She groaned loudly, even through the ball gag, and from a short distance away Sky heard Jennifer giggle in approval.

'More. Please, d-don't tease me. I can't take it anymore.'

Though far more under control than he had been, Tali's longing thoughts did still affect Sky in a manner beyond emotions alone. When he heard her ask for more, he wanted to give her more, not just because it was the right and nice thing to do... but simply because she wanted it. Her thoughts were his thoughts, and thus her motivations, to some extent at least, were his motivations too.

It was for that reason Sky wasted little time in pressing himself closer than ever to the skunk's bound, helpless body, his arms now encircling her inner thighs and actively beginning to lift her compact form as she leaned back against him. Tali murmured in delight, and in his mind's eye Sky now realised that the image was seeing was of his own imagining, and it was Tali who was now on the receiving end.

'Yes. Just like that, Sky. Please'

The restraints in which Tali was bound seemed tailored almost perfectly to this very position which the dragon and skunk were now both wishing for with equally fierce anticipation. There was just enough slack on the chains to which Tali's hands and feet were bound to allow Tali to be lifted off the ground a foot or so, but to impair any meaningful movements she alone might try to make. Thus as Sky used his inherent draconic strength to lift her body, he was able to do so to the extent that before long his erect member was no longer resting between the cheeks of her rump. Instead the throbbing, needy shaft found itself twitching directly between Tali's legs, and as the skunk leaned back against him as best she could both she and Sky knew that at long last, they were ready.

This was where the true test began, as Sky rapidly discovered. For now that he was ready to begin pleasuring Tali in earnest, they both knew that in order to achieve the satisfaction she so desperately required he would need to follow her commands to the letter. No longer just inhibited by her overwhelming arousal rushing through his mind, but by something far more powerful which Sky had never before even considered as a force to be reckoned with. Two minds open to one another, connected at a deeply intimate psychic level, sharing the pleasure of sex. Each mind feeding their own pleasure back to the other, while their partner in turn experienced the natural bliss of the sexual act itself.

In the moments leading up to the commencement of the act however, Sky could only guess at the force with which the feelings of telepathically enhanced sex would strike him. Had he known, he would have taken far much more time in mental preparation.

"O-oh Tali..."

Sky groaned aloud as he felt Tali's mind reaching out to him once more, begging him to begin. He shifted the skunk against him, searching, seeking with little exploratory thrusts of his hips. Finally he felt a warmth and a wetness against the tip of his shaft, and within his mind a blazing fire of lust and passion erupted. His eyes widened, he tossed his head back in a roar, and as he allowed Tali's body to slide down a few inches onto his stiff, thick and fully engorged erection his draconic cries echoed around the dungeon like the deep, barrelling rumble of an earthquake.

Clutching Tali close to him as he felt her body sink onto his cock, four, five, six inches burying themselves inside her before the skunk shuddered and proceeded no further, Sky's head sank forward upon his shoulders and buried its muzzle in the soft fur of the skunk's neck. There, silent, still and shuddering violently, Sky went to war with his and Tali's libido.

'Please... d-don't move. Don't thrust. I n-need you to stay still.'

And yet, even as Tali's mind begged him to hold himself back, another part of the skunk was pleading from an entirely different angle. Now connected to her in every conceivable sense of the word, Sky could feel the pleasure and the sexual frustration surging through Tali as though it was he who had been kept on the edge of climax for six hours. He knew how much she wanted to cum, and how deep down, in spite of her training and loyalty to her mistress, part of her wanted to keep cumming over and over again until she couldn't breathe or think or worry about punishment. He knew it because now he felt it too, every bit as needy and horny and stricken by lust as Tali herself.

A thousand new fantasies and treasured sexual memories sought to overwhelm the dragon, and he clutched her body closer to him, and kissed the back of her neck as he tried desperately to clear their minds and focus on the task at hand. He saw himself tear the manacles and chains from the dungeon floor and ceiling, snapping the clasp which held Tali's ball gag in place and kissing the skunk deeply as she wrapped her arms and legs around his body. He would press her against a wall, and make love to her with a speed and power that would overwhelm them both in seconds. It was possible. He believed that he could do it, and so too did Tali. But... no. No. That wasn't what Tali wanted, not really. Her body might crave such open, wild passion as that; fighting and denying all the restraint which this act required, but the skunk knew deep down that it would be wrong for them to attempt such an act. It would go against Jennifer's wishes, and putting aside the fact that they both loved her and wished to obey her, she was their owner. All they did, all they felt, was by her leave, and that was a privilege not to be cast aside lightly.

'Tali. Tell me what to do. Tell me how to satisfy you. Don't think about what might be, or what could be. Think about now. About your body, and what you want me to do to it.'

It was with a great amount of effort, far more fatiguing than the most active sex of his life, that Sky spread that coherent stream of words into Tali's mind against the ever waxing tide of her fever stricken consciousness. They made it through however, though only just, and slowly, steadily, Tali's wild fantasies began to fade. They didn't diminish entirely, still present as vague shapes and urges, but no longer were they so compelling and urgent that Sky felt as though he might give in and begin to act them out.

'That's it. Focus on now. Focus on me. My body. My hands. My lips. My cock. Focus on what I can do for you.'

Sky let slip a long, shuddering release of breath as he drew his head back from the skunk's neck, only to return his lips there a few seconds later and kiss her tenderly. She trembled, and an image glimmered before Sky's mind's eye for a moment or two before blurring and vanishing once again. The dragon chuckled, and on either side of the red ball gag within her muzzle, Tali's cheeks burned pink.

A deep, rumbling growl escaped the dragon, and as he snarled, he bared his long, sharp teeth. He brought those teeth to rest against the flesh of Tali's neck, his tongue surging forth to lash and moisten the fur and skin beneath it. Slowly, hungrily, Sky began to nibble at Tali's neck. Not kissing, not licking, but actually nibbling at her neck with his long draconic teeth, growling in a rather dominant, powerful manner all the while. His teeth never broke the skin, nor even came close really, but as they dragged back and forth over Tali's flesh with their sharp, carnivorous points, they more than did the job which the skunk had wordlessly requested of them.

Tali's eyes widened, staring out into the room, towards the couch where Jennifer was now sitting with Luna behind her, the wolf's arms reaching round over the vixen's shoulders and fondling between Jennifer's legs. The skunk let slip a choked, muffled sob of overwhelmed, over-stimulated excitement as she felt the dragon's teeth against her flesh, and her blush deepened as the sound drew forth a moan of excitement from their beloved mistress.

Another image formed in Tali's mind, passing seamlessly over to that of the dragon. Sky chuckled, and looked over the skunk's shoulder to see that very image in the flesh. He was looking, both in reality and in his mind's eye, at Luna pleasuring their owner, and the meaning of this message was clear. Tali wanted the very same sensations for herself. Just as Luna was rubbing slow but shameless circles in their mistress' clit, so Sky should do so to Tali.

Holding Tali around her waist with one arm, Sky's right hand drifted towards the skunk's nether regions. Already she was damp with desire, an expected consequence of six hours of solid teasing, and the length of two thirds of his member inside her had done nothing to remedy that situation. It was for that reason, or so Sky could only assume, that Tali's clitoris was so slick and sensitive from the very first touch. He had barely grazed the small pink nub with the tip of his index finger when the skunk shrieked through her gag, straining against him and clutching around his erection violently. For a moment, Sky thought that she was cumming already, and a wave of such pleasure crashed over his mind that he stumbled, very nearly falling to his knees and pulling himself out of Tali. Leaning on her bound form however he was just able to maintain his balance, and staggered upright again just a few seconds after the initial shock had passed.

'Please... again. I can take it this time. I'm ready now, I swear. Please, Sky.'

The dragon's hand, which had fallen away from Tali's nether regions in the wake of that violent first contact, returned to its target. Again Tali squirmed and groaned loudly, but this time both she and Sky were prepared for the pleasure which followed immediately in the wake of that touch. They shuddered and grunted and gasped in delight, but the contact persisted, and Sky began to rub his digit back and forth over the skunk's sensitive, needy little nub in the very manner that her mind had instructed him to.

"Tali... oh god, Tali..."

Tali couldn't cry out, though her muffled moans and whimpers through the ball gag made their way to the ears of all those present, but Sky most certainly could. He groaned and cried Tali's name on the skunk's behalf, releasing a little tension and passion in the one manner which she could not.

"Mistress... Tali, s-she's going to cum..."

It was still some way off, which in itself seemed a miracle given all that the skunk had been through, but already both Tali and Sky could feel the build up of pressure within the depths of her body. Bit by bit, as Tali's mind pleaded for the tiniest little alterations to the speed, direction, and force of the dragon's stimulation, the telepathically linked lovers felt themselves rising towards an orgasm of greater and greater potential. Tali could barely breath, she felt so good, and Sky... Sky was experiencing for the first time in his life pleasure from a woman's perspective. He could feel the waves of pleasure as they washed over Tali's mind, and he was amazed both by how similar, and how simultaneously unique clitoral stimulation felt compared to that of a male member.

Jennifer, meanwhile, and Luna too, watched and listened to the two slaves attentively. The vixen's own body was quivering with pleasure as Luna's fingers dipped between her legs, fondling here, rubbing there, not driving her towards climax at any real speed but arousing and pleasing her deliciously. She and the wolf observed every touch which Sky lavished upon Tali, and they marvelled in particular at the eyes of the pleasure stricken, telepathically linked individuals. Tali's eyes were sharp and attentive, surprisingly so given her current state of pleasure. She looked back at them, drinking in the sight of Jennifer in pleasure, and only now and then would her eyes roll back into her head as Sky hit a particularly sweet spot with his wandering fingers. The dragon himself, however, was another matter entirely. His eyes were glazed not just with lust, but with a faraway expression that seemed to look not just through them, but through reality. Perhaps Jennifer was imagining it, for Luna never mentioned anything about this, but she swore that as she watched Sky, she could see the dragon's amber irises glowing faintly.

'It's coming Sky. You need to go faster now. Harder, too. Really push me to my limit. I need this to be the one. The perfect orgasm. If it's not... god, I know you've tried, but... I swear, I'll make Jennifer string you up just like this, and tickle you until I'm allowed to cum again.'

Jennifer and Luna never found out what it was that made Sky whimper like a frightened little girl, and neither he nor Tali ever said, but after doing so Sky's fingers upon the skunk's clit became a blur. He rubbed and fondled her body's most intimate regions like it was a matter of life and death, even going so far as to buck his hips up against her for that little bit of additional stimulation. Jennifer wondered briefly if perhaps he'd lost control, and had simply resorted to mindless pleasure in an attempt to salvage the situation. It only took one last look into Tali's eyes however to see that this was not the case. Far from it, in fact.

Only now, at the very end of her six hour plus torment, did Tali's eyes glaze over. In fact tears began to stream down her cheeks as she groaned and wailed through her ball gag, thrashing, kicking, flexing her hands and curling her toes in abject bliss. Her eyes stared out, wild and savage, from a face afire with the brightest and most livid of blushes, and then... then she went rigid, stiffening violently for just a moment. It was in that instant that Sky tossed his head back, and roared with renewed vigour and lust, and right then Jennifer knew that both he and Tali had achieved the very goal which she had set them.

Tali had her perfect orgasm, and Sky had joined his mind with hers in order to provide it.

Droplets of moisture began to patter down onto the ground between Tali's legs as she climaxed, shuddering and trembling within Sky's arms while he grunted and bucked his hips in a manner all too recognisable. Her orgasm had, whether through simple stimulation or through the depths of their telepathic connection, triggered his own. Jennifer watched, licking her lips, as Sky unloaded the contents of his hefty orbs deep into the skunk. Droplets of glistening white seed began to join the more transparent fluids of Tali's orgasm on the ground as the well endowed dragon overflowed within his petite partner. The skunk seemed to recognise this, for her groans and muffled cries grew all the more intense in the latter stages of her climax. They persisted until with one final whimper and one last shudder of intense, joyous rapture she sagged limply back against the breathless, giddy looking dragon, lost in the final throes of his own ecstasy.

Tali's eyes fell shut almost instantly, her head leaning back onto Sky's shoulder. Similarly the dragon seemed to be propping himself up against Tali rather than actively bearing his own weight. In short, both of them were completely, utterly spent. Thus as Jennifer eased Luna's hands away from her crotch with some reluctance, and rose to her feet with the wolf following close behind her, she wasn't really all that surprised when neither Sky nor Tali immediately responded to her increasingly close proximity.

It was only when she was standing right in front of them, a key in one hand and the skunk's wrist manacles in the other, that Sky's eyes seemed to recognise that there was someone new resting within their gaze. He barely had time to stiffen his posture before Jennifer twisted the key within the manacles' lock, and Tali's arms fell free. Now with nothing to support her upper body, the skunk toppled backwards, and all her weight came to rest upon the fatigued but once more coherent Sky. He slipped his hands under her arms, and as Jennifer knelt down to release Tali's feet the dragon turned Tali towards him, and embraced her fondly.

"Well now, Tali..."

The skunk's eyes fluttered open once more as she felt warm breath upon her face, and then a few moments later Sky's smiling features slid into focus directly in front of her. A second or so later there was a soft click, and Tali's jaws slid together as from behind her Luna unclipped and removed the female's ball gag.

" are you feeling?"

The voice which had addressed her belonged to Jennifer, that much the skunk could now put together. For a short while she said nothing, opening and closing her jaw, rolling it from side to side as its stiff muscles realised that they were able to move once again. Before long though she back smiled at Sky, and nodded as if to say that she was okay. The dragon released her from his arms, at least enough to allow Tali to support her own weight, and the skunk turned away from him, towards her mistress.

"He... he did it, Jen. He was inside my head, and... oh god. I... I feel fine. I mean, I'm dog tired, and... I could kill Luna for teasing me so well and making me so damn horny I thought I was gonna die..."

A short distance away, the wolf chuckled. Jennifer grinned too.

"...but, he really did do it. I'm not saying I couldn't cum again if you let me, but it doesn't bother me that I'll have to wait till tomorrow. That... what he did to me... it was more than I ever hoped for from a single orgasm."

Jennifer nodded, and hugged Tali, then kissed the skunk gently on the lips before turning her gaze towards Sky. Tali slipped out of her embrace, and went to stand beside Luna, eyeing the large, muscular wolf up with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. No doubt she was already plotting her revenge.

"So, Sky. You did it."

The vixen gestured to Tali as she addressed the dragon, who bowed his head modestly.

"You believed that I could, mistress, and I'm glad I didn't let you or Tali down."

Jennifer nodded curtly.

"Just remember, Sky, that you must never use your telepathy on a stranger without my permission. And within this household, you may only use your telepathy on myself, Luna or Tali if they themselves, or I, give you permission. Now that we know you can use it, and now you know you can use it, these rules are even more important than when I first established them. You know how important honesty is to me, but honesty is only real if the information is given voluntarily. Breaking into someone's mind and finding out their secrets or wishes isn't honesty, it is a violation, and I will not stand for it. Is that clear?"

Her demeanour may have been sensual up until this point, but as Sky regarded the vixen while she spoke, he saw the grim sincerity in her gaze and knew that Jennifer was taking this matter very seriously indeed. Of course, given what he had seen within Tali's mind; the detail and the complete transparency of everything which she had showed him, he now understood why that was the case.

"Yes, my lady."

Again, Jennifer nodded.

"Good. In that case, let's take a little break and get a drink of juice or iced tea. Then I think it'll be about time to move on to training exercise number two."

Sky's eyes widened slightly, and as he looked from Jennifer to Tali to Luna, all three women smiling, he realised that all of them had known that this wasn't to be the end of the day's events.

"Number two, mistress? Will it be more telepathy training, or..."

Jennifer held up a hand. Sky fell silent.

"A drink first, to cool and refresh us. Then I will tell you what to expect for your next challenge."

The vixen turned on her heels, walked to the dungeon room door, and exited. Luna followed close behind, with Sky hurrying after them. At the doorway however, he was stopped by Tali, standing in his way and not moving an inch further. She turned back round, facing the dragon, and appeared for a few moments to be in conflict with herself.


Their psychic connection had been abruptly severed when Tali's orgasm struck, the pure pleasure searing through both their minds, setting off the dragon's own climax and wiping the male's mind momentarily clear of all things, telepathy included. Of course he had felt an absence since then, an emptiness which seemed as unfamiliar as the fullness which had first struck him when Tali's thoughts pierced his own. He had recognised it for what it was though, just his mind recovering from its first telepathic experience, and had tried to not let it linger in his thoughts for too long. Now though, as he looked into the skunk's eyes, he could see that she was feeling the same sense of loss.

He tried to smile, but instead, a few tears sprang into his eyes. Tali sniffed, he sighed, and they flung their arms around one another for a moment or two, squeezing tightly.

'Thank you, Sky.'

One last thought, clear, pure, happy, ran through Sky's mind. He chuckled, and kissed Tali's forehead tenderly. They parted a few seconds later, the closure they needed now achieved, and without any further hesitation ran to catch up with their mistress and with Luna.


It was about an hour later that the four members of Jennifer's household descended the stairs to the dungeon once again, all as naked as ever, and somewhat refreshed by pleasant conversation and cool, cleansing tea. Jennifer walked in front of her slaves, with Luna on her right, Tali on her left, and a rather curious Sky bringing up the rear. Much of the last hour had been spent discussing his abilities, what Max had told him they were and which ones needed training most urgently. There were some, healing for example, which could not be trained until there was a sick or injured person to work on, and Jennifer most certainly was not going to harm any of her slaves just to give Sky some practice.

Precisely what they were doing in the dungeon now however, Sky still did not know. The dragon had wondered if perhaps they were going to try and make him fly, but that would be a bad idea indoors. Teleportation was an option, but again, doing so for the first time indoors was potentially dangerous. Sky didn't like the idea of stepping across dimensions and landing inside the middle of a brick wall, after all. Jennifer and the girls were keeping their mouths shut, providing not even the smallest clue beyond some eager giggling from Tali and a few broad smirks from their owner. If anything Luna also seemed somewhat out of the loop, for during their tea break Tali and Jennifer had gone off together for a chat, leaving Sky and Luna alone and in the dark.

Once within the dungeon, Jennifer led her slaves along the central corridor which led to the main chamber, past the doorway to the room in which Sky had been tested on his telepathy. Before arriving in the large, open room which housed the majority of the vixen's kinkiest, sexiest items and accessories though, they turned off towards another doorway. This one, on the right hand side of the corridor, led to a room that Sky had never been in before. When Jennifer opened the door and led them inside soon afterwards, Sky discovered why that was the case.

Somewhat underwhelmingly, the room was empty. At least, it looked like it would have been except for whatever was to take place here today. The smooth tile floor and the ceiling were bare. The walls bore electric lanterns upon hooks, but no other decoration. The only furniture, which as Sky had already observed looked rather out of place, as though it had been brought in especially for today, consisted of a pair of basic wooden chairs and a small side table resting beside one of them. On this table was a bowl, and within the bowl there was some sort of purple liquid.

Turning to Jennifer, Sky cocked his head curiously.

"Now that we are here, mistress, may I ask what I am going to be trained in?"

The vixen smiled, but shook her head. She simply gestured towards him, then to the chair without the table next to it. Sky walked over to the chair, and sat down in it without complaint. He shifted from side to side, settling his bare, scaled rump against the wood, and leaned back. It was surprisingly comfortable.

"Now, Luna, you sit in the other chair. Once seated, neither of you may rise from the chairs unless otherwise instructed by me."

Addressing the grey furred lupine, Jennifer, with Tali now grinning alone at her side, moved to stand by the small table. She delicately picked up the bowl, a light, plastic container the kind of which would serve a child as a dessert or cereal bowl. Carefully she carried it between the two chairs, and laid it down upon the floor at an equal distance between Luna and Sky. All the while she was careful not to spill a drop of its contents, which both wolf and dragon were regarding with suspicion and curiosity.

"This bowl is filled with purple fur dye."

Sky's eyes widened, though not half as far as Luna's. Never had the dragon been so glad to be covered in smooth, liquid-proof scales.

"Sky, I want you to levitate this bowl over Luna's head."

Both Sky and Luna stared at their mistress in amazement, and horror. Luna, putting a hand to her gorgeous, dyed, ice blue hair, shook her head at Sky in warning, and the dragon swallowed nervously. He didn't want to think about what would happen if he failed in this challenge, not just because Jennifer would probably punish him, but because Luna's wrath would likely be far, far worse!

"For thirty minutes."

If Sky could have, he would have turned white with fear. If Luna could have, she would have gotten out of that chair and put as much distance between herself and that bowl of dye as this house would allow. Neither of them had those options though, whether due to biology or obedience and loyalty to their mistress.


It was Sky who spoke up, not to try and talk his owner out of this idea; to do so was neither his place nor his intention, but to raise what he thought was an honest worry on his part.

"I... I've never even tried to levitate something before. What if I can't even lift it? What if I drop it after just ten seconds?"

Jennifer looked at him sternly, but with a gleam in her eyes that told the dragon she didn't believe that either of those outcomes would be likely to occur.

"Then, Sky, you are not the resourceful and talented dragon I believe you to be. Before today you had never used your telepathy, and while I understand that you may have come close to losing control in the beginning... you didn't. I trust that the same dedication, and the same desire to avoid tormenting one of your fellow slaves, will serve you well here."

As she spoke, the vixen turned away from Sky and Luna, and walked over to the side of the room where Tali was already standing, practically bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet with anticipation.

"Your thirty minutes begins when the bowl first leaves the floor, Sky. And Luna, be nice. If you scare him half to death with threats of what you'll do if he makes a mess of you, it'll be that much harder for him to concentrate on succeeding."

The wolf, who until that point had looked like she was waiting for a chance to say something herself, slumped back in her chair with a soft growl of acceptance. She glared at Sky however, and the dragon's weak, comforting smile did little to inspire confidence in either one of them.

Sky drew in a deep breath, and looked at the bowl.

It sat there. A perfectly normal, perfectly average bowl on a perfectly average tile floor.

He looked at it harder, willing it to rise off the ground.

Had gravity been a living, breathing creature, it would have laughed at his foolishness.

Suddenly, Sky remembered something that Max had told him after imparting his draconic knowledge and helping to unlock the potential Sky had to achieve all these abilities. He had said that they were all connected, and they all came from the same place; within and beyond him. So, if that really was the case, then maybe telekinesis and levitation was really no different in terms of mental ability than reading a mind.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Sky thought about the moment when he'd made contact with Tali. Not the initial contact, the moments when he'd been at the mercy of her feelings and had almost been driven to carnal rapture by her innermost explicit fantasies, but the moment of true contact. That instant during which his mind had opened up like a flower blooming for the first time, and her words had floated like soft clouds into his head.

The dragon opened his mind, reached out, and felt the bowl. He felt its edges, its curves, and its weight. He felt its contents; the vibrant colour, and the slight viscosity which confirmed that it was indeed pure dye, not just purple water to scare Luna. A hand, not physical but still very much real to the dragon, reached out, and Sky closed it around the bowl. He checked his grip, such as it was, and lifted.

Sky opened his eyes just as Tali, Luna, and even Jennifer gasped and crooned in amazement.

Before them, the small bowl of dye was hovering about six inches off the ground. It was perfectly level, perfectly stable, and felt no more of a burden on Sky's mind than if it had been held aloft by one of his hands.

"Good, very good, Sky. Now, move it up over Luna's head."

Jennifer's command was obeyed with due haste, the dragon surprised how easily he found himself able to move and manipulate the bowl now that he had managed to connect with that portion of his mind. By the look on her face, Luna was surprised by how easy Sky was suddenly finding these supernatural actions too. The wolf was actually smiling, beaming at the dragon and nodding encouragingly as he watched the bowl floating up to and over her head with ease. Once it was there, floating still and steady, Sky's eyes dropped, and they made contact with those of the wolf. She winked at him, a sincerely thankful smile still resting upon her lips, and he grinned back, allowing himself a moment of what felt like justified pride in his accomplishment.

Footsteps nearby drew both Luna and Sky's gaze towards them, and the two seated slaves watched as both Jennifer and Tali approached the seat in which Sky was resting. The dragon didn't pay them too much heed though, not only because he wasn't particularly surprised to see them wandering around, but because he didn't want to take his concentration entirely away from the bowl. It wasn't difficult to hold up when he focused on it, in fact it was rather simple, but Sky suspected that he had to keep at least a little focus directed towards it in order to maintain its stable hover.

A few seconds later, just as his eyes drifted back towards the bowl and left Tali and their owner to whatever business they wished, Sky felt a hand on his shoulder. He gasped, and his eyes widened slightly as the bowl seemed to shiver in mid air. It was just a momentary wobble, not even enough to send more than a ripple across the surface of the dye, but it confirmed what the dragon had suspected. He did need to maintain focus on the object in order to hold it in place, and something as simple as an unexpected touch or sound which caused a momentary distraction could disrupt that focus. Thus this particular skill, just as with his telepathy, wasn't just about achieving contact. It was about maintaining it, and controlling it under pressure.

"Do you know what I told Tali when we were upstairs, Sky?"

A soft voice, the sultry, sexy voice of his mistress, whispered in the dragon's ear. The bowl trembled again, and Luna, who had been looking up at it at that moment, shot a worried, warning glance in his direction.

"I was telling her that if she wanted to get her own back on Luna for all that teasing... now is her chance. I even said that I'd help her out. After all, I'm the one who imposed the one orgasm rule on her. This is the least I can do to make up for it."

Before Sky could even consider asking what exactly his mistress was going to do in order to make up for her sexual torment of Tali, she answered him through action. Sky's member had softened as he set to work on his telekinesis, far too focused on and excited by his successful levitation to consider that there might be any sort of sexual element to this test. But now, as he felt Jennifer's left hand caress the scales of his smooth, pale stomach and reach down to grasp his soft but still thickened shaft, the dragon realised the truth of the matter. The levitation itself wasn't the test at all. This was. Levitation while under the influence of the most deliciously distracting pleasure.

"Hey, that's not fair!"

It was Luna, not Sky, who raised an objection to this latest twist in the tale, the wolf clearly having felt that she was home free before this new torment had been unleashed upon Sky. Jennifer turned her head to face the large, muscular female, and her eyes were momentarily cold and sharp.

"Are you questioning my recreational wishes, Luna? Are you telling me what I can and cannot do to help Sky in his training?"

The wolf's ears hung back against her head, and she whimpered softly. She hadn't meant to question her mistress, and yet she so clearly had just done so.

"N-no, mistress. I'm sorry."

Jennifer's gaze softened, though not entirely.

"Good. But, as punishment, I must let you know that I'm no longer going to hold back with Sky for the remaining time of this test. Before, Tali and I were just going to tease and toy with him a little. But now..."

She looked from the wolf, to the skunk, then to the wide eyed dragon whose stiffening cock she was still holding in her left hand.

"...I think we may take him all the way. Let's see just how far your focus goes, Sky. Unless of course you have any complaints, too?"

The dragon groaned softly as Jennifer squeezed his swelling erection, the bowl of dye trembling once more in mid air, but shook his head firmly.

After just a short while, perhaps thirty seconds of Jennifer fondling his member and planting a few tender kisses on the side of his muzzle, her hand withdrew. The vixen stepped back a few paces into the line of sight between Sky and the bowl, and stood there, naked and proud. Tali swiftly took her place beside Sky, falling to her knees before the dragon and gently parting his legs with her hands, exposing his manhood in all its glory. She reached out, fondling his balls, and caressed the very base of his shaft with her fingertips. As pleasing and distracting as her efforts were though, Tali was only one half of this renewed assault on Sky's senses. The other half, and that which Sky truly feared, was that under the control of Jennifer.

Still standing before the dragon, licking her lips and blushing softly, Jennifer dipped a hand between her legs and ran a fingertip through the lips of her nether regions. It ran all the way from the rear of her slit to the nub of her clitoris, where it lingered, rubbing in a slow circle similar to that which Luna had done to her and Sky had done to Tali just an hour or so before. It was rare for Sky to see his mistress masturbating, for that was in essence what she was doing, and it took his breath away.


For a serious second or two Sky was entirely drawn in by the vixen's self pleasure, watching Jennifer's voluptuous hips rocking from side to side and her tail swishing cutely back and forth. It was only a yelp of nervous shock from Luna which brought him back to reality, snapping his attention back to the bowl as, momentarily visible thanks to the vixen's side to side movement, he noticed that it had dropped almost a foot in height. There were just a few more inches between it and the top of Luna's beautiful ice blue hair, and had he remained distracted just a little longer, it would have capsized all over her.

"Please, Sky. Please, stay focused."

The wolf's plea further renewed Sky's determination, for it wasn't often that Luna allowed herself to show dependence on another, Jennifer aside. No sooner had she fallen silent though, Jennifer herself spoke up once more. She addressed Sky with the same seductive tone with which she had whispered in his ear, and her voice grew thicker and more passionate than ever as while speaking Sky observed her slipping a pair of fingers inside herself.

"Yes, Sky, stay focused. Don't look at me at all. D-don't... a-ahh... think about how you could stand up, rush over to me and bury your head between my legs. Because, while I would punish you for failing the challenge... I wouldn't stop you. I dare say that you, myself and Tali would all enjoy it. Just imagine, you lying upon the floor with my body resting over your face, while Tali rides you. Yes, that's right, if you gave in, I'd let her cum again too. So you'd be helping yourself, and Tali, and pleasuring me. That, or spend another twenty minutes denying yourself, watching me get more and more aroused, your owner and mistress; needing the comfort and pleasure of her dear slaves, yet going unsatisfied while a virile dragon sits just metres away."

Such temptation had never been placed before Sky before. His mistress had always liked getting inside his head, but normally her methods were far more subtle. Then again, under the circumstances what she was doing was precisely the most effective way of tormenting Sky that the dragon could think of. Subtle teasing would have been lost on him now, as focused and concentrated as he was trying to be. Such open, clear and brazen declarations of lust however... they rocked the male to his core, and left him shaking violently with barely contained longing. His levitating bowl, too, began to quiver more and more violently, rising up and sinking low, not moving from its spot above Luna's head but varying drastically in the height at which it hovered.

As if the vixen's vocal and visual torment of Sky wasn't enough, it was around that time that Tali apparently grew bored with simply fondling and stroking the dragon's erect member. One moment the skunk's smooth, soft paws were rubbing him up and down, pleasurable but not unbearable, the next, Sky felt a warm wetness engulf his erect from the tip down. A paw squeezed his balls gently, and another rubbed his right inner thigh, while at the same time he looked down in pleasure stricken horror to see Tali's black and white furred head bobbing downward as she took his cock into her mouth.


Jennifer groaned in excitement, watching her slave trembling in pleasure as Tali began to suckle and bob upon his erection. She slipped her fingers out of herself as Sky's head drooped, gazing down at the skunk while one of his hands came to rest on the back of her head, caressing her ears fondly. Luna whimpered loudly as the bowl full of dye tipped slightly to one side, the first time it had done so, and the dye within it sloshed almost right to the edge. Sky's head snapped up instantly, and his eyes fell upon the bowl once more to bring it under control, but his hand continued to softly caress and stroke at Tali's ears.

Walking over to her draconic slave's side, Jennifer smiled warmly as he looked briefly up at her, his eyes filled with simultaneous longing and dread. He wanted to succeed, he wanted to complete his training and make Jennifer proud of him for doing so. At the same time though, his body craved contact and stimulation with anyone and everyone who would receive it. Such was the dilemma of any good sex slave, loyal yet libidinous, and all of those whom Jennifer possessed.


The dragon's eyes turned towards her, though only briefly, and he whimpered under his breath as she reached down and lifted his free paw from where it was resting, clenching and unclenching rhythmically, at his side. Slowly but firmly she guided his hand to her loins, parting her legs slightly to grant him access, and when Sky looked up at her once again, she nodded.

"Touch me, Sky. Make your mistress feel good."

Jennifer rested a hand on Sky's shoulder, and her head sank back on her shoulders as she felt his fingers exploring her, caressing her, then, knowing that she was already aroused and ready, slipping inside her. The dragon's fingers were long and slender, more so than her own, and his claws were filed down to smooth curves so that he did not accidentally injure any of them during their more intense sexual play. She felt his hand twisting, and his digits curling round inside her, and groaned even before the first wave of powerful pleasure hit home. He was going for her g-spot, knowing full well what that did to her, and she adored him for it.

With Tali's muzzle wrapped around the upper five inches of his member and her hands alternating between his balls and the untouched four or so inches of shaft still exposed to the cool dungeon air, and one of his own hands with two fingers now buried inside his mistress, Sky now knew that he wouldn't be able to hang on much longer. He wasn't speaking about his control of the bowl of course, though that too hung in the balance, but rather his impending orgasm. Being pleasured by Tali was one thing, all the girls in this household being extremely talented with regard to oral sex, but bringing Jennifer to a potential orgasm at the same time was more than Sky believed he could handle.

"L-Luna... I..."

Tali's tongue wrapped around his shaft, slurping and squeezing its length before lashing the very tip and drawing a dose of pre-cum back into the skunk's muzzle. Jennifer rocked on the tips of her toes, her hands wrapped around that which bore two fingers within her, riding the digits eagerly. Her moans, and Tali's murmurs of contentment as she suckled on Sky, seemed to drown out the dragon's words as he spoke them. Nevertheless, the wolf's eyes met with his and she pleaded with him to hold on.

"You can do it, Sky. You can keep control! I know you want to, and I know you can if you try."

A loud groan escaped Jennifer as Sky's fingers flexed within her, rubbing against that sweet spot firmly with their smooth, scaled tips. The dragon answered, snarling in bliss, and the bowl of dye sloshed once again, very nearly tipping over.


Luna cried out in frustration.

"Oh Sky!!"

Jennifer cried out in pleasure, stiffening, clutching around the fingers buried within her, a choked howl escaping her lips as she climaxed.


Tali moaned incoherently around the dragon's erection as, overwhelmed by the voices crying his name and the sudden sensation of Jennifer's treasure clutching and squeezing around his fingers, Sky too lost control of his body's rampant desires. For the second time in two hours he reached orgasm, and roared to the heavens in rapturous elation as his potent load poured forth into Tali's muzzle. The skunk swallowed four bursts before she was overwhelmed, and drew back from Sky's shaft just in time to see the fifth and sixth eruptions spill out over the male's own chest. He roared, Jennifer moaned, and Tali watched with wide eyes and reddened cheeks, longing for the time when she would once again be able to indulge in the joy of such potent climaxes herself.

No-one, at least, none of those three, paid any heed to the very purpose of this event as Jennifer and Sky's orgasms wore on. The bowl of dye, floating, trembling, shaking from side to side above Luna's head, much to the wolf's surprise, had not instantly fallen as the dragon signalled his climax. Indeed Luna was beginning to hope that it would not fall, and that some shred of Sky's consciousness would linger, its focus fixed upon the bowl, throughout the entirety of his orgasm. Then, no matter how much it was shaking and drifting now, he could bring it under control again once he was done. By the time he recovered enough for any more teasing to be effective, the thirty minutes would be over, and not only would Sky have succeeded, but she herself would escape dye free from this at first seemingly inevitable soaking.

Luna watched, half fixated on the bowl, half on Sky himself, as the dragon's shaft flexed one least time. Tali's right hand was now stroking it through the remainder of its climax, but even that stroking ceased as the male let slip a satisfied groan and Sky's body fell back, limp, into his chair. There he sat, staring, glazed, towards the bowl as though amazed to see it still airborne. He smiled softly, and sighed heavily with satisfaction.


Jennifer's voice caused his head to turn, and there, bending down so that she was face to face with the dragon, was his mistress. She was red in the face, though not nearly so much as him, and looked rather content.

"Thank you, Sky. That felt wonderful."

The vixen pressed her lips against the dragon's muzzle, and with a soft, happy growl, he kissed her in return. His eyes left Luna and the bowl, and gazed deep, deep into Jennifer's own. Her own bright, violet eyes sparkled with joy and mischief, and they drank in Sky's amber hues both hungrily and knowingly. Here, she knew, was a male utterly devoted to her. A slave, but like all of her three companions a slave who sought out her happiness above all else, and loved her dearly.

From a short distance away, there came a clatter, a splash, and a howl of grief.

For a moment the kiss continued, and then reality and reason dawned on Sky like a slap in the face.

He pulled back from Jennifer's lips, the vixen giggling as he did so.

"All the pleasure in the world couldn't distract you from your goal, but a single kiss... you're a real romantic at heart, aren't you, Sky?"

Jennifer turned, and with Sky and Tali doing likewise she looked at Luna. The wolf sat, silent and still as a statue, with the empty bowl resting just beside her right foot. A small pool of purple dye, with flecks and droplets littered all around it, lay beside the bowl. The majority of its contents however sat, glistening and slowly soaking in, over the wolf's head, shoulders, and dripping in trails all over her upper body. Droplets rested on her legs and arms, and a little even made it onto her tail as it ran down her back.

She stared at Sky, unspeaking, her gaze tearing through his soul like a hot knife through butter. The dragon whimpered, truly repentant, and gazed from her to Jennifer in dismay. He had let them both down.

"A valiant effort, Sky, but I see we have more work to do in future sessions. You must learn to remain focused even under the most traumatic, or, in this case, pleasant and disarming of situations. Still, you did last through your orgasm, which I'll admit was what I initially believed would be your downfall, and for that your punishment shall be... well, I won't say less severe, but I at least will not be the one deciding it."

Turning to Luna, around whom Tali was now walking, looking the wolf over from top to toe with a broad smirk plastered across her face, Jennifer addressed the dye stained lupine.

"As for you, Luna, I have two things to say. First, I think that purple rather suits you..."

Jennifer smiled, Tali snorted with laughter, and even Sky couldn't help but feel the corners of his muzzle twitching upwards. Luna just scowled, and flicked a droplet or two of dye off the back of her hand towards Tali. The skunk squealed, and dashed for cover behind her mistress.

"...and second..."

Undeterred, Jennifer proceeded.

", as the victim of his failure, shall decide Sky's punishment. I do hope you will be lenient though, as you must understand that he did do very well for his first try."

Luna looked gratefully at her mistress, then turned her gaze, hardening as it did so, towards Sky. It was harder to take the wolf seriously with all that purple dye staining her fur, but the expression on her face was such that Sky's slight smirk faded instantly. He wasn't afraid, as such; the punishment was deserved after all, but he didn't want to give Luna any reason to make it more unpleasant than was absolutely necessary.

"I think, if it is alright with you, mistress, I will go and take a shower now; try to wash off whatever I can of this dye. Perhaps Sky can come with me, and assist me in cleaning, brushing and drying my fur. After that... I think I could find some other uses for an obedient dragon, if you could to lend him to my service for the remainder of today, and tell him to do as I ask."

The vixen chuckled, and, looking at a rather nervous Sky, nodded.

"Yes, that seems fitting. Sky, go with Luna. Help clean her off, and then service her as she wishes for the rest of the day."

Her gaze turned back to the wolf.

"Luna, do whatever you want with him, but I want him in one piece and fit to continue his training tomorrow."

Grinning toothily in spite of her purple fur, Luna turned her gaze towards Sky once again. The dragon bowed his head in submission, accepting that she was in control for the time being, and blushed as Jennifer's choice of words rang in his ears. Service her as she wishes.

Rising from her chair and moving towards the door, Tali ensuring that she kept Jennifer between Luna and herself all the while, the wolf heard Sky fall into step behind her. She didn't look back, but addressed him as they headed out of the dungeon door and back along the corridor towards the main household.

"I know Jennifer said your training is going to carry on tomorrow, but I think I might just give you a little training of my own once you've helped me get the worst of this damned dye out. Lesson one, why you shouldn't spill dye on a woman who knows how ticklish your wings are."

Sky's whimper of fear and bashful excitement echoed back down the corridor in which they were walking. Unseen by him, Luna smiled.

"Unless, of course, there's any truth in the fact that you can conjure electricity. Because, if so... perhaps we can have some fun with that instead."

Back in the dungeon, Tali and Jennifer listened to the two voices as they grew more and more distant. Tali shuddered at the mention of electricity, a bad memory flashing through her thoughts. Jennifer noticed this, and took the skunk into her arms with a fond, soothing smile.

"Let's leave them to their business, Tali. With Luna out of commission for the next few hours at least cleaning herself up, and Sky hers for the rest of the day, that just leaves me and you to enjoy the rest of this afternoon together."

The vixen caressed Tali's thick, fluffy tail, and let her hand slide down to cup the lean skunk's rump.

"How about we go upstairs, and I make an exception to that 'one orgasm' rule. There's a new toy I've been dying to try out, and I was thinking that maybe you could help me."

Tali's eyes widened at the mention of an exception to her one orgasm restriction, and whimpered happily at the vixen's suggestion. She nodded eagerly, and flung her arms around her mistress in delight.

"Oh Jen... thank you!"

Both beaming, owner and slave followed Luna and Sky's course out of this particular portion of the dungeon and along the corridor leading back to the house. Soon, throughout Jennifer's large country home, fresh moans and cries of pleasure echoed off bedroom walls and pierced the rushing of shower water. Sparks, emotional and physical, flew as afternoon passed on to evening, and when night fell only a dim buzzing and Tali's soft whimpers of joy pierced the peaceful calm.

For a while after both Tali and Luna had fallen into slumber though, both Jennifer and Sky lay awake. They too felt a quiet, empty calm surround them, but rather than proving comfortable and peaceful, it made them restless, and fended off sleep at least for a while. For all the joy in their lives, and all the good things that had come to them both in different ways, they could not find rest on this quiet night.

It seemed, to the two of them at least, like the calm before a storm.

By Jeeves