An End to the Loneliness

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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An End to the Loneliness

A Digimon Fanfiction

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Commissioned by JadeStyx

She was standing out there still. Rika Nonaka looked out her window at the church just next door, her eyes focused at the sword-slender yellow vixen on top of its steeple, her silhouette clearly visible in the bright full moon.

"Why won't she come inside?" Rika asked herself. "Why has she never come inside? Doesn't she ever sleep?"

Life with Renamon was strange, it was true, but usually Rika felt herself lucky to have the beautiful, slender digimon by her side, ready to defend her at all times. They had been through so much since the fall of the D-Reaper, and it had been so long before Renamon had recovered enough to be able to return to Earth from the Digital World. Now Renamon was back, and Rika realized, deep in her heart, that she had changed in her feelings. She and Renamon had merged in the battle with the D-Reaper, had become a single being in ways that Rika didn't fully understand, and Renamon couldn't really explain. They shared something at that time, something vital and precious. Whatever it was, it still linked them, formed a bond that connected them, even during the time when Renamon had just been Vixymon, trapped in the Digital World, waiting for the right time when she would be strong enough to return to her trainer's side.

But despite the bond that had formed, despite the need that Rika felt now to be close to Renamon, to be with her whenever possible, tonight Renamon was still outside, while Rika sat inside, watching her, unable to sleep.

"I need you, Renamon," Rika whispered to the cold glass of the window, before she opened it, letting the cool breeze of the outside in. Even though she knew sleep wouldn't come, she turned away, dressed only in her t-shirt and pink panties, walking to her tatami mat and settling down. Rika pulled her blanket over her head and lay back, closing her eyes to blot out the tears of loneliness that threatened to spill down her cheeks. She was supposed to be the strong one of the Tamers, the one who didn't feel fear or remorse, the one who could do whatever needed to be done. She wasn't weak. She wasn't vulnerable. She wasn't some sissy girl that cried because she felt the need for a friend to hold in the dark of night when all the rest of the world was still. She didn't need anyone.

"I don't need anyone," she whispered to the night, rolling over, away from the window. But then she added, her voice so soft it was hardly more than a faint breath, "Except Renamon."

"I need you too, Rika," said the softly-whispered voice of Renamon.

Rika rolled over, her eyes wide as she sat up. There, crouched only an arm's span from the bed, was Renamon, watching her with those large, dark eyes. Despite herself, despite the resolve that she'd set inside that she wouldn't be weak, wouldn't be vulnerable, Rika couldn't suppress the shiver that ran down her spine as Renamon reached out, and lightly stroked the very tips of her clawed fingertips against Rika's smooth face.

"Renamon," Rika said, the word a choked gasp in the night. But then she was reaching out, not holding herself back any more, her arms wrapping around the slender-but-strong yellow-furred vixen, burying her face in the digimon's chestfur, right between the plump mounds of her breasts. Renamon was warm in the chill of the room, and Rika held her friend (not just her digimon - her friend) tightly, the tears finally flowing in a trickle, rather than a gush.

Renamon's arms wrapped around Rika in their turn, holding her as the digimon knelt at the foot of the tatami mat, stroking the human girl's back with a slow, soothing touch.

"I will never leave you alone again, Rika," Renamon said softly into Rika's ear.

Those words thrilled Rika's heart, and the human teen reached up, her hands caressing Renamon's cheeks, before she pulled her dear friend downward, her own face rising up, their lips meeting. Renamon tensed for a moment, surprised, but the moment passed rapidly. Rika felt Renamon's tongue enter her mouth, and returned the motion with her own efforts, their tongues eagerly dueling, their bodies pressed tightly against each other. It surprised Rika slightly to discover her breasts rubbing against Renamon's, both of them aroused now, their nipples erect, separated from each other only by the thin cloth of Rika's t-shirt and Renamon's chestfur. That chestfur had made it hard for most people who knew Renamon to tell what sex she was, besides her own denials that digimon even had a gender. In reality, until that time of her most intimate union with Rika, becoming their ultimate form, she had been sexless. But since then, though she had never used her new body parts, she had been female, just like Rika. She had shared something deep with Rika, a change that had altered her forever. Truthfully, Renamon didn't regret the change for a moment. It meant that she could enjoy this moment, now, with her dearest friend.

It was thrilling, intoxicating, overwhelming. Rika moaned deeply as she felt Renamon's large hands roaming her back, her sides, her arms, her legs, her bottom. As tall as Renamon was, and as long as her arms were, she was able to reach every part of Rika's body above her knees when she was crouched low enough to kiss the human girl. Rika tried to return the favor, shivering in heightening arousal at the wonderfully expert touch of her digimon, but all she could think to do was brush aside Renamon's tuft of chestfur, and cup her lovely, full breasts. Her hands roaming those beautiful mounds, Rika was gratified to hear the stoic warrior vixen moan deeply in pleasure, breaking their kiss, her head falling back when Rika's fingertips teased the pink circles of Renamon's aureoles. Taking the hint, Rika closed her mouth over first one and then the other of the digimon femme's upthrust nipples, feeling herself rewarded by the tensing of Renamon's hands on her bum when Rika closed her teeth gently on each erect teat, giving them an almost brutal twist that left Renamon's legs weak.

"How do I know all of this?" Rika asked Renamon, looking into the dark eyes of the vixen digimon as Renamon went to her knees, gently pulling Rika down by her shoulders, until they were facing each other on the tatami mat. "It's like something has just opened up in my mind. I know how to kiss, Renamon. I know how to touch your breasts just right. I even know how to..."

Renamon's finger gently silenced Rika from finishing that sentence, and the human girl blushed deeply as she realized what she'd been about to say.

"The Internet, as I have heard it said," Renamon explained with a shy smile, her own cheeks flushing lightly, "is made for pornography. After I discovered the changes that our union had made to my body, I wanted to know all that I could about the female form. So I made a system search, and downloaded several how-to manuals. And when we kissed, our lingering connection let me share a portion of what I collected with you." Renamon looked down, her blush deepening. "I was rather thorough in my research. After all that we had been through, I thought that we might want to do any number of things together. So I decided to collect information about everything that I could."

"You...thought that we'd have sex?" Rika said, her eyes wide, jaw dropping. "Way back then?"

"Before that, actually, Rika," Renamon admitted. "I knew we were meant for each other the moment that you chose me out of all the others that you could have had for your digimon. I wanted so badly to please you, knowing how much it meant for you to be my trainer. I still do." She looked up, then, into Rika's eyes. "You have let me achieve the true ultimate form of a digimon, that of having a sex of my own. Now that I have one, we can bond in the deepest way that digimon and trainer possibly can. Closer even than our former merging."

"But we were one being then," Rika said, frowning slightly as she lifted her hands almost of her own accord, stroking them up through the soft fur of Renamon's belly and lower chest. "How could we possibly be closer?"

"Through a bond of pleasure and love," answered Renamon, before she bent down, and nuzzled Rika's chest through her t-shirt. Taking the hint, Rika reached down, grabbing the hem, and pulled the bit of cloth up and off, tossing it carelessly aside, baring her small, somewhat conical breasts to the light chill of the room. She blushed, realizing her breasts were so much smaller than Renamon's, and moved her arms to cover them. But Renamon stopped her, smiling into the face of her friend and trainer. "Don't hide them, please, Rika," Renamon asked, before winking. "I like them."

As though to prove her words, Renamon closed her mouth gently over one of the teen's breasts, her muzzle almost large enough to engulf the entire smooth mound. The digimon's tongue flicked out in a rapidfire lapping, and Rika felt herself start to swoon at having her body treated so by another person. Renamon's hand rose, gripping Rika's other breast, squeezing it, massaging it, a clawtip teasing the perfect candy pink of Rika's aureole, before pricking lightly at the very tip of her nipple. This made Rika's body jerk forward, her back arching as she gasped into Renamon's grip. The yellow-furred digimon used this motion to tilt Rika back onto the tatami, leaving the young trainer completely at the mercy of the vixen warrior.

Looking up at the beautiful digimon she had trained, Rika bit her lower lip as Renamon gave up her handhold on Rika's breasts, and instead hooked her fingertips into the waistband of Rika's panties. The human girl lifted her bottom and then her legs as Renamon slid her panties off, setting them almost reverently aside, leaving Rika utterly naked as Renamon crawled over her, covering her smooth, pink body with her soft-furred one. They kissed again, and Rika jerked a little as she felt Renamon's muscular thigh press up, rubbing against the snug little cleft of the girl's cunny. Her own more skinny leg lifted in response, squeezing tightly into the same place on Renamon. In this position, the two females, human and digimon, ground against each other, their bodies pressed so tightly together that it seemed almost as though they would indeed become one being, joining like two living flames into a single, greater whole. Their flushed slits clasped against each other, moist lower lips sharing a kiss even more intimate and almost as deep as the one shared between Rika's mouth and Renamon's muzzle. The sound of Rika's rabbit-rapid breathing filled Renamon's ears, the human girl's heartbeat so loud to the vixen's heightened senses. Rika, in her part, felt herself engulfed in the warm, soft fur of her dearest friend, her ears filling with the soft, almost kittenlike moans of the proud warrior, now basking in deep, sensual pleasure.

Wanting to make this experience perfect for her trainer, Renamon lifted her strong hands, fingers finding Rika's nipples, squeezing them, making Rika yelp, her body jerking against the yellow-furred digimon's, her hips starting to hump faster, harder, more eagerly against Renamon's own female flesh as Renamon's hands closed over Rika's breasts completely, the tips of each pink nipple poking through the spaces in her fingers, letting Renamon simply close her fingers together to squeeze those precious nipples.

Not wanting her digimon to escape such exquisite sensations, Rika reached up with her own hands, grabbing Renamon's full breasts firmly. The human girl ground the heels of her palms against Renamon's nipples and in tight circles against her breasts until Renamon's nipples felt hard enough beneath Rika's hands to cut glass. Wrapping her hands around each full breast, loving how yielding they were under her hands, how soft the short fur beneath Renamon's white ruff was, Rika began to eagerly, needily lavish oral affection on Renamon's beautiful breasts, her mouth doing things without even her conscious volition, essentially downloading the skill she needed straight from Renamon's own body at the same time Renamon's muzzle parted to allow her to lap at the smooth-skinned breast opposite the one that the redheaded trainer was fixating upon on Renamon. The shift in attention was enough to draw out the moment just a little bit longer, but only just a little. As tightly pressed as each female was to the other, and with the pleasure their actions were bringing, now hitting the most powerful, primitive parts of their brain in hard waves, the inevitable could not be held off any longer.

Their cries were as one as Rika and Renamon came for the first time that night, each adding her juices to the slick pink flesh of the other with their sopping wet cunnies. For Rika, the experience was more intense than anything she'd ever done on her own, those lonely nights of masturbation nothing compared to the shared pleasure with her dearest friend. It was as though they were plugged into each other, and Rika could feel every sensation going through Renamon. With the pleasure of her own body as well as Renamon's running through her, Rika knew she couldn't possibly last long, no matter what Renamon did to her.

Panting, helpless, her whole body flushed with that first orgasm, Rika looked up at Renamon as the yellow-furred vixen rose to her knees, smiling down at Rika, before stroking one gentle hand over Rika's smooth-skinned body. Rika trembled at the touch, her back arching upward, all the better to keep that contact for as long as possible. She wished she could do something for Renamon - anything - but she was too spent, too tired out, her stamina for pleasure nowhere near her stamina for other physical things. All of this was just too new for her. But one look into Renamon's eyes revealed that the digimon knew and understood everything without any need for words. Renamon simply smiled down at her pleasure-flushed trainer, and bent to kiss Rika once more on the lips.

Once more their tongues wrestled against each other, but this time the kiss didn't end there. Instead, Renamon bent her head slightly, kissing Rika's chin, and then down a bit more, sucking on the human girl's exposed neck.

"R-Renamon!" Rika gasped out, starting to rise as Renamon flicked her tongue over one of Rika's perked nipples, only to have the stronger digimon push her gently back onto the mat.

"This is for your own good, Rika," said Renamon with a grin, before Rika suddenly felt her wrists cinched together above her head. Renamon had somehow grabbed Rika's belt, lying near the tatami mat, and used it to bind Rika. "Just let me serve you."

Lying there, her arms over her head, wrists tied together, Rika watched, wide-eyed, as Renamon began to eagerly, wetly suckle and slurp and lick the human's smooth pink breasts, until both tiny, pert mounds glistened, the nipples as hard as pebbles. The sense of helplessness from being bound just heightened the sensations, but as Rika opened her mouth to scream out her pleasures, Renamon deftly pressed Rika's panties between her lips, muffling the sound to an adorable whimper. Those whimpers continued and grew in volume as Renamon continued to nipple and kiss her way down Rika's smooth body, her taut, furry belly stroking against the puffy mound between Rika's legs, even as the digimon kissed her way down Rika's own belly, flicking her tongue into the young trainer's belly button, making the redhead's eyes roll back into her head.

Her legs kicking feebly on either side of Renamon's head as the vixen slid further down Rika's body, Rika admitted that the sense of being completely in Renamon's power, of being totally helpless, and having to trust entirely on the mercies of the much stronger digimon femme was an intense turn-on for her. The first nibble to her aching little clitty from that gentle, talented muzzle made Rika's bottom leave the mat with the force of the orgasm that rocked her hyper-sensitive young body, she was so heavily turned on by this, by the thought of giving herself up completely to Renamon, of letting the beautiful, furry woman do with her as she pleased.

Squeezing her eyes tightly shut, her body so flushed her pink skin was turning red almost all over her chest and belly as well as her face, her nipples hard enough to cut glass, Rika's scream was only barely muffled as Renamon carefully squeezed her furry fingers into the human girl's cunny. First one and then a second filled Rika up, and she was sure that she had never been so thoroughly stuffed before in all her life. Then the third finger followed, and all Rika could do was tremble and sweat, feeling certain that the light breeze from the open window was all that kept her body from bursting into flames.

The nibbling on Rika's throbbingly erect clitoris continued then, supplemented now as Renamon's fingers began to thrust, good and slow and deep. The fingertips curled upward as well, squeezing firmly against Rika's G-spot with each thrust. Rika's legs snapped together hard, instinctively closing up to somehow keep from exploding from so much pleasure hitting her brain all at once. But one of her legs was quickly pinned to the ground by Renamon's free hand, the other blocked by the digimon's shoulder. Shifting her weight slightly, Renamon easily spread Rika's legs wide apart with shoulder and free hand, showing no mercy as she started to pick up the pace. Rika's ears were filled with the loud, wet, messy slapping sounds of Renamon's hand hammering against the human teen's sopping sex, of her muzzle slurping on Rika's clitty like it was an ice pop. It was obscene! And then Renamon's free hand came into play, as Rika felt one fingertip teasing against her tiny bumhole, working against it, teasing it slightly...and then gently squeezing inside.

Everything went white, and then scattered into a spray of red and black dots as Rika felt fireworks go off inside of her belly and her brain. Her body thrashed, jerking, arching at Renamon's fevered attentions, her hammering hand and probing finger and merciless mouth. If not for the panties in her mouth, Rika didn't doubt that she'd have woken people for blocks around with the noise of her orgasmic screams. Renamon had started a chain reaction, a set of interlocking orgasms that each fed on the next one, like the waves of a storm at sea, a storm that was wracking through Rika's body, making her convulse over and over again, her juices squirting out to soak Renamon's chin and chest. The yellow-furred digimon didn't even have to do anything else now that she'd gotten Rika's multiple big O going; all she had to do was sit back and watch. But Renamon didn't stop there, didn't even pause as she just kept going, kept pumping her hand good and hard and fast, adding in a second finger to the first penetrating Rika's virginal anus, starting to pump those fingers as well, even as she clamped her muzzle around Rika's clit, her tongue battering and abusing the tender, needy nub as though she really were trying to set her trainer on fire. Time stopped having any meaning for Rika in the midst of these throes of pleasure. Her heart was pounding so hard, so fast, she was almost sure she was going to die. And when everything suddenly went black, she had the momentary certainty that she had, in fact, died.

It had been almost ten o'clock when Rika had been looking out at Renamon as the digimon stood there, silently watching in her endless vigil. When Rika's eyes finally opened again after passing out from pleasure overload, it was almost two a.m. She was lying on her side, her arms wrapped around Renamon's strong, soft-furred body, her head resting between the digimon's beautiful, full breasts. She was unbound now, but still naked. Looking up at Renamon's face, into those large, dark eyes, Rika decided that this was a very pleasant way to wake up. She hoped she'd get to repeat it often.

"Are you all right, Rika?" asked Renamon, her face and voice showing her concern. "That was much more alarming than my research led me to think it would be."

"I'll show you how all right I am," said Rika with a lusty grin, before she pounced Renamon, rolling the digimon onto her back while mashing their lips together, kissing the other femme with fierce, desperate passion. Rika felt her small breasts squeezing against Renamon's much larger ones, and decided to enjoy this sensation, rubbing her body against her digimon's firmly.

" good to know," said Renamon, her cheeks deeply flushed as Rika broke the kiss. "I suppose that you would like to pay me back for what I did to you?"

"Oh yeah!" exclaimed Rika eagerly, getting up onto her knees between Renamon's splayed legs, and then reaching out to the yellow-furred vixen's arms. Renamon blinked, watching curiously as Rika lifted each of the digimon's arms, one at a time, and then shivered as Rika slowly slid the purple armbands on her arms down and off, the human girl kissing her way down to Renamon's fingertips as she did so, making sure to pay attention to every bit of freshly-exposed fur.

Her forearms now naked, Renamon felt truly exposed in a way that she never had before. She always wore those cloth arm guards. They never came off, ever, except when she digivolved into another form, but even then she always wore something. But Rika was in charge now, eagerly taking control, and Renamon didn't resist. She didn't have the power in her to do so, her inner submissive self, the part of her that craved the attention and affection and love of her trainer, reveling hotly in this act of ultimate submission, letting herself be laid completely bare. It didn't end there, however, as Rika took Renamon's hands and pulled them back behind Renamon's back, helping Renamon up to a kneeling position as she did so. Renamon looked over her shoulder with mounting trepidation as she felt one of her arm guards cinching around her wrists, tying them together. They were strong enough, despite their lightness, that even she couldn't easily break the cloth. She really was bound now. And as Rika cinched the second one around Renamon's ankles, Renamon realized that she actually was completely at the mercy of her trainer. That thought alone sent shivers up and down the vixen's spine, her legs trembling slightly as her white-furred labia grew swollen and flushed with her mounting arousal.

"Just wait right there," said Rika, kissing the side of Renamon's neck before she stood up. "I'll be right back."

That was all that Renamon could really do in her present situation: wait. Wait, and squirm, the fur of her inner thighs so soaked that it stuck to the skin beneath. What was Rika going to do with her? It was too much anticipation for the normally-stoic Renamon to endure for long. If Rika didn't get back soon, the overwrought digimon was likely to have an orgasm just from what she imagined might come next.

"You're really pent up, aren't you?" said Rika with a girlish giggle as she stroked Renamon's back. Renamon had been so caught up in her inner feelings her normally incredibly senses hadn't been able to pick up the return of her trainer. "I just hope the wait was worth it for these."

Renamon's dark eyes turned to look at what Rika had brought, and they widened quickly. In the redhead's hands were a rather sizable orange carrot, and a long and almost intimidatingly thick daikon. It was rather small as far as daikon radishes went, but as Renamon considered where such a thing could possibly be used on her...mrrrr!

Renamon also noticed that Rika had some oil in her hands, the water-based sort used for a variety of common household medical needs. Rika's grandmother kept some around for use in the various little tests and things that her oncoming age required of her so that she could stay healthy and spry despite advancing years. The stuff was nontoxic and would wash right off, and before too long Rika was lathering up both of her erotic vegetables with the stuff, leaving the long stems unlubed, as well as a space around their bases, to let her control them. Renamon didn't resist as Rika guided her with a hand, bending her over, resting her belly on the pillow of the tatami, her firmly-muscled bottom thrust invitingly into the air, her tail arched up over her back, out of the way. Renamon held her breath as she turned her head to look back at what Rika was doing, her loins tensing and quivering despite all her efforts to relax, to take deep breaths. And when she first felt the touch of the daikon, still a bit cool from its time in the refrigerator, she had to bite down on the blanket beneath her to keep from screaming. All her strength had turned to weakness at the touch of her trainer, at this final, great joining.

"It's okay, Renamon," said Rika, bending to kiss the small of her digimon's back, even as she continued to tease the daikon up and down Renamon's near-gushing folds. "I'll be gentle."

Renamon hoped it would be otherwise! At least, she did at first. Until Rika gave the large white radish a slow, steady push, twisting it as it slid inside, all the better to get the thick, heavy thing into the achingly tight cunny of the digimon. Then Renamon was glad for the slow, steady pressure rather than a single, mighty shove. That daikon was huge! She'd completely forgotten that, technically, she was still a virgin, having never had anything really pushed into her sex before, save for her fingers. The yellow-furred digimon was glad that she didn't seem to have a hymen, like she'd read that human girls had on the Internet during her searches for information on the subject of sex. She knew that Rika had lost hers by accident when she'd started using tampons - Renamon had come rushing to the door of the bathroom at the cry of her precious trainer, but Rika, still not having grown to trust Renamon fully at that time, had thrown something at the digimon, yelling at her to get out. The single glance, though, of the tampon box, of the blood on Rika's thighs, of the obvious pain on her angry face, had been imprinted on Renamon's photographic digital memory, and she'd found out what had happened on her own along with the rest of her researches. It was how she knew that she could penetrate Rika's folds without fear of injuring the one most precious to her in two worlds.

Suddenly thought became impossible as the tip of the daikon tapped the tight barrier of Renamon's cervix. She'd read that this could be very uncomfortable for some women, a reason not to look for men with obscenely large penises as partners. But for her...ngh! Renamon's eyes squeezed tightly shut, her bottom tensing, squeezing her cheek hard against the tatami as her body bucked, breasts rubbing against the mat beneath her body, nipples pricked by its surface, adding just that much more pleasure to her over-sensitized body. For a moment, seeing Renamon's reaction, Rika almost stopped, not being able to tell if her digimon, her dearest friend, was in pain, but a single desperate look from Renamon removed her doubts, and with a slow twist of the daikon, she buried the thick vegetable to the roots in Renamon's juicy pussy.

Still panting, her inner walls clenching and pulsing from the thick intruder inside of her, Renamon was only just barely beginning to adjust to these new sensations when she felt the second vegetable, the carrot, teasing its pointed tip at her previously untouched tailhole. She gulped, looking back at Rika with a little trepidation, her hands squirming together. From what she'd read online, anal sex could be pretty painful. Rika had used a whole lot of lubricant, of course, but still...

"Quit squirming, Renamon," Rika scolded, giving the vixen's bottom a light swat, making Renamon 'eep!' cutely. "You did this to me with your fingers, remember? And it felt really good then." Rika's face scrunched up into an adorable expression of part-concentration, part-concern as she slowly and very carefully twisted and pressed the thick vegetable forward. "I just hope this isn't too big for you," she said softly. "If it hurts, I'll stop, okay?"

"O-okay," panted Renamon, biting her lower lip, doing her very best to relax, to just let this happen. Then her back arched and she gave a loud gasp! as the carrot suddenly popped past her tightly-clenched sphincter. Rika immediately stopped, putting one hand on Renamon's back, stroking her almost like a cat, gentle and soothing.

"Are you all right, Renamon?" the human girl asked, concern obvious on her face. Renamon nodded, her voice failing her for a moment.

"I feel so full," she finally got out, giving Rika a reassuring smile. "It doesn't hurt."

Encouraged, Rika grabbed the base of the carrot more firmly, still stroking Renamon's back with her other hand, and slowly, carefully squeezed it all the way inside, twisting it frequently to counteract the sudden and frequent tensing of the vixen's tailhole around the thick intruder. It wasn't nearly as hard as either of them had thought, and not painful at all: Rika was indeed quite gentle, and she had used a lot of lube.

"Ready for the next step, Renamon?" Rika asked, grinning at her handiwork as she admired the pair of thick vegetables stuffing the proud warrior digimon woman like a Christmas goose. As she asked the question, both her hands went to the daikon and the carrot, one hand on each stem, giving a hint at what was going to come next. Renamon's voice failed her - she felt so full! But she managed a nod, panting heavily as she tried to brace herself for what was going to come next.

It wasn't enough. Nothing could have been enough for a sensation so new, so completely unexpected. Even after her first experience with Rika before, this sudden, complete filling of her body was more than Renamon could have ever anticipated. Researching the subject of sex was one thing. Actually having it was quite another! Rika pulled on the stem of the carrot first, slowly pulling it out, right up to the very tip, making sure not to let all of it escape Renamon's clenching tailhole. Then, with a single, steady thrust she squeezed the orange vegetable back into Renamon's tailhole, while at the same time pulling the daikon out, right up to its tip. After the third exchange of thrusts, pushing and pulling, Rika started to get into the rhythm of her enjoyable task, speeding up as she did her best to piston Renamon into the oblivion of orgasm. Renamon, for her part, latched onto the blanket with her muzzle, using it as the only thing that kept her from yowling like a cat in heat being spiked by her tom. Even so her sweet, kittenish cries were only just barely muffled by the thick cloth, her whole body bucking and humping back against Rika's thrusting replacement penises.

Then, suddenly, Renamon felt Rika shift her position, felt the twist of the carrot and daikon this required, and her eyes, once squeezed tightly shut against the rush of exquisite pleasure, popped open, letting her stare straight at the light red pubic fuzz of her trainer. Rika arched her hips forward, her cunny looking so moist and inviting, her upper body still bent forward, arms outstretched to keep working the makeshift dildos in and out of Renamon's body. Without a moment's hesitation as she realized what Rika wanted, Renamon dropped the blanket and buried her muzzle in her trainer's pussy instead, licking, lapping, gnawing like a wild animal on her dearest friend's most precious places. Now it was Rika's turn to bury her mouth in Renamon's shoulder, her hands jerking convulsively as she pounded the vixen with all her might. There was nothing else she could do to muffle the loud scream that was torn from her with the burst of sudden, explosive pleasure that came over her. It was too much, too good, too sweet!

As orgasm overtook her with explosive force, Rika's back arched suddenly, and she fell back onto the tatami, relinquishing her hold on the carrot and daikon on the process. But this didn't matter much to Renamon, who had hit a chain reaction of orgasms herself, unable to keep from cumming, hard and fast, her inner walls pulsing like the rattle of a machinegun. It was hardly more than a footnote when her constant orgasms - or was it just a single, protracted one? Renamon couldn't tell any more - caused first the carrot and then the daikon to shoot free of her tightly clenching cunny and tailhole, the force of her body's contractions turning them into missiles as they hit the far wall with a thump.

Just before ultimate bliss hit her, stealing all that remained of her senses, Rika had presence of mind to reach out and perform a single, final act or mercy for her digimon: she tugged the slipknots she'd tied to hold Renamon's armbands in place around wrists and ankles. The instant they came free, Renamon was on her like a hungry beast! But Rika's answering lunge against Renamon was no less feral and savage in its need. Their kiss was desperate, wild, passionate, overwhelming, human and digimon squeezing their eyes tightly shut against the unbearable tide of pleasure washing over them both. Hands, large and small, furry and smooth, stroked against skin and soft fur, and the pleasure-riven pair fell to the surface of the tatami, thrashing and rolling and thrusting against each other, humping their bodies like animals in heat. Their cries filled the room, muffled only when they kissed each other, sweet and pure and precious.

The first rosy rays of dawn were just peeking over the horizon when Rika finally rested her head on Renamon's chest, hugging the strong warrior digimon tightly to her naked body, the sweat cooling on her skin. This made her shiver slightly, causing Renamon to wrap her arms around the human girl, pulling her close, enfolding her in the warmth of her soft, furry body.

"Thank goodness it's Saturday," Rika said, her voice muffled by Renamon's plush fur. "I'm not gonna wake up until noon at least."

"Rika?" Renamon ventured gently.


"Do you want to do that again?"

Rika looked up at Renamon with a tired grin.

"Unlike you, silly girl," the human said, beeping Renamon's black-padded nose with a fingertip, "some of us around here need sleep." Rika settled her head down on Renamon's breasts, their softness making an excellent pillow. "But when I'm awake again, I'd love to. Just don't...don't leave me alone while I sleep...I don't wanna be alone...not ever again..."

Rika's eyes closed as she couldn't resist the strain the pleasure of the night before had placed on her, sleep claiming her almost immediately. But a smile was on her face in her sleep, brought on by the last words she heard from Renamon before sweet dreams took her from consciousness.

"We will never be lonely again, Rika. We will always have each other."