New school, New romance

Story by Woxx on SoFurry

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Warning*** If you're under 18, or do not aprove of yiffing, LEAVE THIS PLACE IMMEDIATELY!! Anyone else interested, please continue reading.

  • * * I was just entering the gates of the school yard, everyone staring at the human, me, or atleast they think I am. I was walking up to the building to get my class times when a fem wolf ran infront of me and stoped me. She was beutiful when I laid eyes on her, obviously one of the "popular" kids. "Hey, new kid, What is YOUR kind doing here? This school was human free until you showed up." she barked at me. I just simply walked past her, which made her very, very annoyed at me. As I entered the bleak colored building, I noticed the office next to the door. I entered, and shyly asked the receptionist for my classes. "Name?" her voice rang out as if it had been silenced for a millinia. "Uhh...Refel,... Refel Blackpaw." I uttered, still scared of her screeching command. She then typed something into the computer and a list printed out. She handed me the list and I walked to the locker, which number was on the slip of paper. The bell rang after I left the office and I hurried to find the locker. To my utter hatred, the girl that was teasing me in the front of the building was near my locker. She stared me down as I walked next to her, using the combination on the paper. "You have some nerve, human. Why were you allowed to go to the (Raimer Elective Private Institute Of Furres) REPIF?" she demanded. I opened my locker to find my school books had been left there for my classes. I ignored her to some extent before she slammed my locker on my hand. I yelped, and rubbed the sore mark left by the evil girl. "How did that feel human? Why don't you leave us alone and leave." she barked again. I couldn't hold it in any longer, and I pushed her agains the locker, as everyone besides her and I had left the hall, going to classes. I slid my tail out of my pants, and when I did, she gasped, feeling sorry for treating me badly. "I'm sorry I wasn't born full Furre! Why don't you pick on someone ELSE?!?!" I demanded. She whimpered, realizing I wan't fully human. I let go and got my books, as I made my way to the first class on the sheet. As I entered class, the teacher asked my name and looked onto a list of students. "Alright..." he said in a ugly tone before I waged my tail into view. "OH!" he exclaimed. "Class, meet Refel." he said, as the class spoke "Heeeellllloooo Reeefffelll!!" in a faked cheerful voice. "Why don't you seat back there , in the seat left of the other empty one." he pointed out. Right before I completely sat down, the wolf girl barged in, late I suposed. "Sorry Mr. Wulez!" she exclamied as she sat in the empty chair beside me. Once she caught her breath, she began to scribble a note, having noticed me as she sat down. She quietly passed the note while the teacher lectured us about geometry and algebra. As I opened it, the note read 'Sorry about that at the locker...I didn't know, and I feel sorry. Please forgive me? By the way, my name is Vicky'. I made a thumbs-up sign with my paw-like fingers she had overlooked, and as I took my cap off, she noticed my ears, fully pierced on both, and seemed to blush at me through her soft white fur. I was stunned a little and blushed back, uncontrolably wagging my tail. After most of the day was done, we had come to know each other a little bit better, and she asked where I live after the final bell rang. "I live on...uhm...West Rd and South Ave." I said bashefuly. She brightened up and said she would walk home with me, saying she lived on the same road. To my surprise, she lived opposite the street from my house. Before I left her to go across the street, she grabbed my tail playfully, making me blush and her giggle as she ran to her house. Over the course of about seven months, me and Vicky came to know each other in and out, no secret hid, except that I loved her. I wasn't sure that she liked me the same though, so I never asked her out. But one day, she asked for me to come over to her house. I accepted, not going to turn HER down. When we finally reached her house, she opened the door, and told me to leave my shoes and bag next to it. She told me to follow her into the living room, explaining her parents were out visiting family for today and tomorrow. This made thoughts just pop up in my head, trying to suppress them as she asked me if I would like anything to eat or drink. "I'll have some cola if you have any." I said, trying to think cleanly. She walked back in with two classes, sitting closely beside me, handing me a glass, as I took off my beanie. When I took the glass, she turned the Tv on, which had been left on some porno channel. She quickley changed it, our faces red all over, and left it on a movie, 'White Light III', as we both relaxed and watched it. At the end of the movie, the light devoured the cast of the movie, scareing Vicky, as she leaned into me, trying to hide from the sight. I was blushing furiously, and put a hand over her head, "Its over Vic." I said, rubbing her hair, coaxing her out of hiding under my arm. After realizing who she was with, she backed off, looking shyly at me. "Ummm...theres been somthing I wanted to tell you..." we both said, almost in perfect unison. We both argued over who should say first, and I finally said, "I....really like you Vicky..." under my breath, hoping she wouldn't notice. She smiled a warm smile and pinned me to the couch, and fell on top of me, whispering, "Me too...", kissing my cheek. I warmly held her on me, and we laid there for a while, enjoying the others warmpth. After an hour or so, she led me to her room, I, following like a sick puppy after realizing she loved me too. When we came in, It was a solid pink girls room, with child-like dolls on the higher shelves of her bookcases. She sat on the bed and patted next to her, signaling me to come over. I was almost there when she pulled me over and layed me ontop of the bed, grinning sly'ly. She sliped off her top, revealing a sky blue bra, and then moved to remove my shirt. Under mine, was my only tuff of hair, which she played with for a minute before taking my pants off. I had on silk boxers with japanese symbols, whitch she snatched off with no problem, revealing my sheath, my head pokeing out slightly. She cupped my balls, and kissed to tease myself out of the sheath. After little kissing and licking, I was fully erect as she felt up my shaft. I moaned softly, as she licked my head, tasting my pre, and then enveloped it in her muzzle. I let out a shiver and watched her, holding onto the bed and trying not to buck and shove it into her throat. She slowly slid it into and out of her mouth, making me moan with each enterance and exit. She began to speed up, and licking it all around with her toung, making me whine coming near my climax. Still enveloping it, I came in her mouth, and she swallowed ever last drop. After I came, I pulled her onto the bed, her grinning and I said, "You're turn.", pulling off her bra, revealing her mature breasts. I moved my hands to them, kissing and licking one, while playing with the nipple in the other hand. She moaned with pleasure, probably from never having them touched by someone besides herself, as she did for me. After a time, I moved down to her waist, kising her as I want down, and removed har pants and underwear, revealing her mound. I licked across it, makeing her sigh and shiver, before inserting my tounge. Her pre tasted so nice, and I decided to go deeper, thrusting my tounge in and out. She started to moan louder, with each faster thrust of my tounge. I wanted more of the nectar, so I gave a few final deep plunges, which made her orgasm right there, clinching my tounge. After our orgasms, we lay in her bed, holding each other, panting from each other's touch. I fondled her chest and belly fur, making her giggle as she gently squeezed my balls, making me shiver. Soon, she got up, and laid on top of me, so I could feel every inch of her body on mine. She smiles and pulled my sex into her wet cunny, making me whine a bit with pleasure of her tightness. We kissed as I drove it into her, breaking her hymen, and shooting out a little blood. She whined in pain, but I quickly rocked in and out to replace it with pleasure. The wetness inside of her was an amazing feeling, her virginity just taken away. She soon started to moan with passion, as was I, bucking faster and faster, as I couldn't help myself. She was holding onto me, driving me in deeper and deeper, as I felt my climax comeing soon. "I'm going to come out before I..." I began but was interupted, "No...come inside me Refel!" she whailed. She kisses me so no more words could escape as we both were near our climax. I felt her orgasm, triggering mine as we howled together, me shooting my seed into her. After it was over, we lay there panting once more, her cunt oozeing our mixed fluids, as we lay there in her bed, we fell fast asleep, holding onto each other. "I love you Vicky..." I whispered. "I love you to, mate..." she whispered into my ear.