Playing with your food.

Story by Fedack on SoFurry

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Fedack: So... Hes food?

Xorik: I hope not o.o

Darkshadowdragon: And I don't eat bat

Fedack: Ah... but i do O.O

Xorik: Backs away -very- slowly

Darkshadowdragon: Then eat him

Fedack: Is behind him and put his hands on his shoulders smirking Hello there bat.

Xorik: ... Backing away doesn't work when your already lookinging away from them does it...

Fedack: Nope... It doesn't The fox says as he licked your neck keeping a firm grip on your shoulders

Xorik: Tries to pull away... fails... Ah... well... erm... Can I try to back away slowly thing again... this time going the right way?

Fedack: I'm afraid not. He says as i then pick you up and hold you into his arm licking your neck once again with a wide grin

Xorik: Would a please help here? Says the bat; shivering at the lick in spite of himself

Fedack: I'm afraid not. He said with a grin giving you another lick then nipping on your neck holding you firmly into his arms.

Xorik: Struggles firmly; quite sure you are going to eat him Pleading? Bargining?

Fedack: He hold you still then using his claws entered a little in your chest with one paw and the other in your stomach just a little to make you stop squirming that much. It won't work either.

Xorik: Fedack: The bat stiffened immediatly at the sharp pricks of pain from the claws; he was shaking slighly; looking over at shadodragon. "Hints? Tips?... help?"

Darkshadowdragon: Hehe mhhhShould I help him master

Fedack: No since i want to eat him.... He said to dark while ignoring Xorik pleading entering his claws a little deeper inside the bat, he licked his neck nipping gently at it and pulling a little on his skin without tearing anything yet.

Darkshadowdragon: Fedack: Ok have fun master

Xorik: The bat is beginning to squeek in protest. "P-please? I'd do anything..." He said; his heat beating quickly; terrified. The tongue lapping around his neck was unusaul to say the least... normally he was all for gentle nips and licks... but being held like such by someone so cauaully discussing eating him was unnerving.

Fedack: He started to nip a little harder on the neck, piercing the flesh there and there but never really damaging much. He moved his claw inside the bat a little more growling and murring a tthe same time. Tasting a ltitle bit of the bat blood while he kept him firmly against him. "This will be fun and tasty~"

Xorik: "... I'm not very tasty... I promise! I just don't want -" his protests and increasingly frantic pleads were cut off by a particually painful nip at his neck. Some of his vampireic cousins engaged in such practices from time to time; but never himself as a fruitbat. And that sound he was making; paniced squeeks; though he coul still hear that odd noise from you; that combonation of a growl and a murr; domninent for sure.

Fedack: The fox smirked widely before saying bluntly. "You are gonna be eaten... how much i play with you before is uncertain though." He continued to claw your chest and stomach, sinking it deep enough to draw a good amount of blood. His biting made him taste your blood, he removed the paw at your stomach feeling the claws tug on the bloody skin before moving it down to place it on your crotch with a wide smirk.*

Xorik: The squirms of the bat were getting quite frantic when he learned that you wanted nothing more than make a meal out of him; eeping again when the claws dug deeper into him; drawing blood freezing him... it was at this point he relized that the more he struggled; the more he would be injured; though having your paw; covered in his own blood placed over his crotch scared the bat... alot... "P-please... anything you want! I'll be your pet! Slave!" He begged; fighting his body; already betrying him; reacting to the touch; a slow twich indicating the start of its emerging from his sheath.

Fedack: The fox massaged the bat crotch slowly while keeping him firmly, seeing as he stopped struggling, he continued to nip at his neck rather hard, making small holes and tasting his blood. He growled and worked with a bloody paw on coaxing the member. Keeping you above the ground his claw moved a little more on your chest drawing more blood as it teared down your chest and stomach soaking your fur with it. "Hehe, you understood did you? If you wan't more pain keep struggling."

Xorik: The bat squeaked again; in pain and terror; though this time he didn't move his chest; his feet clenching tight as he tried to not to squirm and make things worse for himself. The bat was aware that; behind the pain; there was a feeling of warmth on his chest... he couldn't check. He dared not check. With your maw around his throat; nipping ever so often; he didn't want to open a large wound in his throat; still clinging to the hope that he would somehow survive this. Feeling your paw on his crotch and member stroking it slowly; he couldn't help but become hard; the normally pink length; stained in a faint sheen of crimson red; his blood. The bat bit his tongue; doing everything in his power to fight back movement... the claw on the chest hurt; but the coaxing strokes... they didn't... they felt nice; something to cling to in his moment of desperation.

Fedack: Fedack smirked widely continuing to nip on your neck making his presence sure and dominant as he growled, he nipped a little harder this time taking just a really small bit of the upper layer of your flesh. He murred and swallowed. "So tasty now..." He moved the paw that was stroking you down to your balls and passing a claw on the sack he said of a soft tone. "Should i also take this out?" Of course he had no intention of doing so, he just wanted to play around with you. He stopped moving his claw into your chest enjoying the smell of your blood and the fear you were showing him. The male tail went to wrap around yours while he licked on the open flesh where he just took a small bite.

Xorik: At the clawtips at his sack the bats eyes went wide. Terrifed. "Please... no... anything but that... sir..." Another small squeak puncated the nip at his neck' pulling away from the skin and muscle. This squeek however... it was differnet; it was more terror than pain. the bat was needy to; fear; for some odd reason or another; along with the stokes; had giving him a rageing hard on; something that he wanted to have taken care of. Then... another strange thing... the longer fox tail wrapping around his much shorter one; lapping at his flesh... though the skin was tender there... the licks felt nice... destracted him from the pain he was feeling.

Fedack: "Tell me why shouldn't I?" He said of a soft tone, yet it was menacing. He blew on your wound and bit right next to it, removing another little piece of flesh that he swallowed. Your neck was covered in blood, it was not enough to kill you at all and you could bleed like this for a while, he then pressed a claw entering it slowly in the lower part of your sack, letting his forearm brush against your cock and moving it on purpose to stroke it. He removed the claw from your chest, then went to pet your head with a bloody paw for a moment as he continued the slow torture, he was now unsure himself if he wouldn't open the sack, lost into his lust and feral instinct, the bat could probably feel the fox large member starting to raise and become harder, sliding on your back as it grew and as you were pressed tightly against him.

Xorik: "B-b-because... it would hurt... and really... wouldn't do anything for you... and I don't want you too... just... don't do it... I'll do whatever you want; just not that..." He said; a loud; frandic squeak when he felt the claw enter the bottom os his sack; his begging sped up "Oh please; no!" He stead; his ming ignorng the furry arm's brushes against his memeber; though his own member... well; it twitched in responce; a creature only aware of its pleasure; paying no mind to its hosts pain. As he did so; he felt faint lines of blood from the paw on his head roll down; he wanted to look down; to see the extent of his wounds; but with your teath still there; he remained afraid to... all the while; he felt something growing behind him; pressing into his back.

Fedack: "Here, ill give you a favor, ill allow you to see yourself." He said with a smirk as a wall of ice formed in front of them the ice soon reflecting like a mirror allowing the bath to see clearly his body. The fox took another bite swallowing enjoying his meal slowly then decided to take only one... allowing you to still cum and stay horny but still bringing you great pain. "I'll only take one ok?" Of course there was no real question, he pressed his claw more down and moved it to the side opening the sack really slowly knowing you could see. Once it was done, he then grabbed one of the balls knowing the other was still there and intact and pulled to take it out. He heard the sound of the small cord rupturing and then moved his paw up bringing the ball to your muzzle and said with a wide smirk. "Say ah~" He believed that if you knew what was better for you, you would comply. his cock now was throbbing hard against your back and his other paw the one that was petting you lowered to wrap around the front of your neck, pressing a little letting you feel his claw around it.

Xorik: The bat squeeled in pain' resisting fighting as best he could; struggling to no sucess.. it is in moments like that; true anguish... he wanted to look away; but he couldn't forced to watch that wicked claw open his sack; another shot of raw pain as the cord conecting ball to bat was broken; tears streaming down his face; mixing with blood; the bat wasn't even pleading anymore; to buisy instead with crying in pain... this was the single most painful expirence of his life... his vision blurred; he was sure he blacked out for a few moments; because when he came to; there was something in front of him; his own ball... cruel as it was... saw aw... a request? More an obey or die; and this bat wanted to live; no matter how unlikely it seemed... in spite of himself. He swallowed it; the coppery taste of his blood; every so slightly sweet; the fuits that made up his diet quite entience; espessally around his balls where his cum was made... a fact that was not apprecieted for the bat; who swallowed it; choking slightly around it; feeling your cock; needy against his back... a preamble of whats to come?

Fedack: His smirk widened, he felt your swallow on his paw around your neck and saw your face, he growled more and took yet another bite of flesh, he was working very slowly, knowing that he was still giving you some hope and that you were hanging on to that hope. He then moved a paw up and murred whispering into your ear as he petted you. "Good boy..." He then moved the paw back down poking around a little inside the newly open wound were one of your balls resided, the other one still there and intact. He then after a while moved it and wrapped it around your cock and slowly really slowly stroked the hard throbbing member. Moving his hips, he let you feel the member that was hard against your back, he then moved one of his bloody paw and when stroking you moving it in front of your muzzle. "Lick my paw clean, its a little bit dirty." He said in an innocent tone while growling loudly into your ears. "Hehehe, the little bat really wanna live does he?"

Xorik: The bat wimpered and squealed in pain as your finger probed his newest wounds; hurting more than the pleasure of being stroked ever could; and when it was presented; your orders clear; he licked at the paw; terrified; his long tongue lapping at your paw frantically; as if his blood were water and he had been standed in a desert for months on end; careful to get it completely out of your fur even as tears of fear and pain streamed down his cheeks. Please dont kill me he pleaded after your paw was clean. The whisper; in his diluted mind; was meant to confort him that strand of hope was all he needed to keep his eagerly obeying commands; even though you had made it quite clear that the bat was little more than a meal.

Fedack: He smiled and suddenly shoved two finger inside your muzzle, letting the claw scrape around a little doing some cuts but making sure your tongue would nicely brush against them. He continued to stroke you and moving his hips a little more you could soon feel the tip of his large cock against your hole. While growling and playing inside of your mouth he ordered still menacingly. "You feel that thing on your hole... well i want you to push down as fast as you can and get it fully inside of you... one trust if you do two to get it in, you will suffer." He said with a wide smirk, his tone was calm and he then nipped at your ear before biting down, tearing a large part of it then pulling slowly letting the skin rip before swallowing a piece of your ear.

Xorik: The bats eyes open with his mouth; feeling tiny cuts opening his cheeks; even as he felt the prodding member against his read. He might have been less than pure- in his day; but it was still fairly tight; and it was not going in in one go; regaurdless of desperation. As if to warn the bat of the great pain he was about the expirence; a sudden needlesharp prick shot though one ear; and with a horrible tearing sensation that caused the bat to scream out in pain; a portion of his ear was removed; leaving the bat sobbing and whimpering for a long moment; before he attempted to slam himself over the member the effort was heroic; and the pain it caused the bat more so nothing compared to what he had been though that day. But still quite painfuland he was clenched; tense and tight around the fox; trying still to go lower; begging for mercy when he failed.

Fedack: The screams were music to his ears. He closed his eyes and listened before removing his fingers from your mouth seeing blood mixed with your spit. He then groaned and moaned feeling yourself try to slam down and smirked widely as you failed to go in one shot. He didn't say a sound and simply breathed into your eaten ear then pushed you down in one slam not minding if anything inside of you would be damaged. He moaned and shivered from the pleasure. He then whispered into your ears. "Seems like you want to be more in pain... Lets see if you can kiss well." He said as he then lowered his muzzle and placed his fangs around your shoulder then closed his muzzle so his fangs had a tight hold of a good piece of your flesh, he then pulled letting the flesh tear and rip from your shoulder, not taking enough to put your bone bare and elaving enough so you don't been too much, it was still a good piece. His head yanked a little back as the piece finally came off, he then chewed right next to your ear, making you hear your own flesh being chewed. Once he judge that it was enough he raised a paw and turned your chin then said in a whisper. "Kiss me deeply, like if i was your lover and take some of your flesh, eat it as we kiss." He said with a wide smirk then pressed his muzzle against yours starting a rather passionate kiss, sliding his tongue inside your mouth and bringing some of the food that he decided to share into this kiss.

Xorik: Fedack: The bat finally got his breath back... and he was a mess; the sickly sweet smell of blood filled the air from his countless wounds; his pleas for mercy drowned ount under screams of pain as he was roughtly slammed down... there would be some damages... not that it would matter soon enough. The bite on his shoulder was agony enough... but then the chewing... the knowlege that it was his flesh set him sick to his stomache; but he was broken; and desperate for life. He wound his toung around your own' kissing him as though he was a lover... taking his own flesh into his mouth; chewing it doing his best to blot out the fact that that was his flesh from his shoulder; he swallowed it; bit by bit; suckling your tounge as he did so... the powr of denile taking him great lengths.

Fedack: The fox continued to kiss even after the whole amount of food was gone, he moved his paw back down and stroked the male for a few moments while they kissed trying to make you moan even through the heavy pain you were going. He intended to make you cum while you were being eaten and he made it a challenge. He then broke the kiss and looked into your eyes still smirking widely and growling. "Now, I will sit down and i want you to move your hips, to make sure it slides well up and down and do not for any reasons stop." He smirked, moving down on sitting position spreading his legs a little as he wrapped an arm around your stomach to keep you still as me moved. Once he was sitting he smirked and moved a claw down and using one paw to stroke you he pushed you forward with the other to look at where his cock was entered, he moved a finger down and passed one around your ring. "Its so tight... so really tight." He then stopped and let you move your hips deciding to give you a small break of being eaten instead pulled you against him and stroke your throbbing cock. He could feel the blood dripping out adding to lubrificating your violated hole.

Xorik: The bat noticed he was being stroked; the deep kiss; and the hand over his length was a faint relief... not much of one; but one all the same... then the kiss was broken; and the bat looked terrified at what you were going to do next; he was pleasently surprised to find tht he would be doing nothing more thand riding you. He obyed; wincing when he started; expecting something terrible to happen; He looked about; for a moment in surprise; then continued more; assued tht there woulnd't be much more pain as long as he kept this up; a frantic rythme soon built up by the bat; his hand/wing's cletching your chest as he did so to keep himeself upright as he was slowly weakening; from the effort and from the pain and bloodloss. He moaned against the slight rubbing... like it or not; he was a submissive... granted he hadn't submitted quite this far or put himself though so much; but a submissnive nonetheless...

Fedack: The fox was ready to wait, he knew that the bat wouldn't last that long at that pace and decided to add a little more, he simply stroke the bat with a wide grin. "Clench your ass more, its still not tight enough and remember do NOT STOP." He moaned smirking wide, he then traced a claw on your chest moving down with it and making sure it would open your flesh a little drawing more blood. He leaned then breathed into the ear that wasn't eaten and nipped only slightly on it, being surprisingly tender for now.

Xorik: The bat clenched as tight as he could; and that drained more of his endurence away... he was running ragged by now; the new wounds barely warrentling a wimper; and he was riding you like there was no tommorrow; putting everything he had into riding up and down; his ears lying flat when you yelled not to stop... a command he was going to obay as long as he could... even as his strength was flagging and his limbs were growing weak. when you breathed over his remaining ear he wimpered and looked at you pathetically. His purple eyes saying much more than his mouth could; a silent plea of 'please; no.' even as weak moans and wimpers of pleasure escaped his lips as your paw and your member pirodically burshing his prostate drove him toward the edge.

Fedack: He moaned rather loudly into your ear as you clenched, you were already tight but he didn't expect THAT tight. He murred and in response stroke your cock faster and a little bit harder while he let you use all the rest of the energy you had. He wanted you really weak for the rest of course you wouldn't be weak enough to not obey the occasional command he would give. He moved the paw that was clawing you to your neck and pressed a little cutting a little bit of the airflow but not too much while he started to nip a little bit stronger on your ear but not harming it yet. He was enjoying each of your movements as your walls were wrapping so good around his cock and of course he felt so warm inside of you due to the blood.

Xorik: The bat continued to bounce on him; lasting for barely a two minutes; the combined stroking between the large cock prodding his prostate and the paw; quite warm and pleasent... those sensations drove him over the edge; as he slammed himself down completely taking the rest of the fox into his rump his remaining ball clenching; a painful sensation on its own; splattering seed and blood as he came; at first; a gasp of pleasure; that went sharp in pain as his ball sack came down on yours. HIs consiesness faiding.

Fedack: He grunted as you came and your body clenching around him and the smell of your cum also made him go over the edge. He murred for a moment spilling his seed inside of you then raising a paw he brought it to your muzzle and gave you a task so you don't past out. "Clean your mess off my paw" He said with a wide smirk, he waited for you to obey before smirking and leaning to whisper into your ear he said with a rather menacing tone. "You stopped, i never said you could stop moving up and down?" He said while nipping at his ear a little stronger making a small hole in it. He then like the first time bit on it before pulling letting the soft flesh rip and tear leaving you without ears. He chewed near your open ear until he swallowed thinking about what to do next with you. "So what should i do to you next eh?"

Xorik: He languidly dragged his paw over your paw when it was presented to him; his normally bright purple eyes faded; tired as the paw itself swam before his vision; the bat giving the paw a few licks; still stready; he barely registered the fact that he had stopped; so when his punishment came; the bite though is ear and repeating of the tearing of his ear; the bat screamed out again; bubblieng out 'Please... don't... no more....' a plea made even more pathetic by the this lines of blood from the scratches you left.

Fedack: "I will take as much as i want. Now let's do something, you will chose what i eat next... You HAVE to chose, but i will let you chose." He said growling into your ears while moving his paw down and opening the second side of your sack taking the second ball out and pulling strongly so it snap. He then raised his paw and once again while putting it in front of your muzzle said with a smirk. "You won't need this anymore, say Ah~". He used his other paw to pet you rather gently but his petting was cold.

Xorik: "... Wings... just... don't make it hurt..." He said; having accepted his fate by now; denile having carried him this far into things... thoug no farther. But it was hope; that tiny spark in him that kept him going; that kept his desire for life alive and well. He could live without his wings; and so they were his offer; an attept to appease you; the preditor. He felt the cock shift withen him; the burning from your cum in his raw and bleeding ass told him that you had already released once; and had driven him to his very last orgasm.

Fedack: Xorik: He licked more of your wing and said with a wide smirk. "Of course you will have to eat some of it too, so before i start iwant you to beg me to make you eat it... Beg like if your life depends on it." He said while grabbing your neck and lifting your chin so you look straight into his eyes. His other paw went to your crotch once again and using a claw he entered your sheath and went inside pressing hard on your sensitive cock, clawing the member as he did so. "Beg!"

Xorik: The bat did beg; his eyes wide in pain again as your claw worked his way into his sheath; the sharp tip against the last sensitive part of his body... that made him wimper... "Please... please... my wing.. take me wing; eat it... just don't... no more; I give up... take me..." He wimpered; his eyes feeling with tears; he was afraid; terrifeid; and it showed in his eyes.

Fedack: He smirked widely and nodded then wrapped his fangs around your wings making you feel them, he lightly pressed on the thin membrane then as it tore through it pulled ripping kinda like your ears but slower and with much more thing coming off. Blood fell on the ground and he started to chew on it, he swallowed quite a bit of it but left some into his mouth and then lifted your chin telling you to open your mouth and as you did dropped the amount he had into it. "Eat it all" He said while moving to take another bite off you. Each of his movements made his cock move a lot inside of you, he didn't mind poking around your inside. He then took another bite, on the other wing this time and repeated the process until there was no more wings left, only your arms.

Xorik: The bat wimpered and followed orders; tasting his own blood; scared and begging for mercy; either to be let go or to end the ceasless torment... at thie point; he was okay with either. WIth the loss of both of his balls; his sex drive was gone; however; that didn't mean his sensitivity was gone; there was still a bit of squirming on the part of the bat when you shifted; while the bat himself ooked defeated; his own blood running from his maw; kept upright; half becuase of your member; half becuase of that sliver of hope.

Fedack: The fox decided to do something before finishing you off, he lifted you of his cock and got up then looked at you with a big smirk. "Get on your knees in front of me and press that nose on my balls and crotch sniff it and take the scent." He said while smiling devishly, he looked at you coldly whipping the side of your face with his tail so you hurry knowing your body must be in so much pain.

Xorik: The bat staggered to his knees; holding your legs for balance; leaning forward as he did so, his limbs weak with pain; barely working, the whip of the tail nearly going unoticed,; his cold, wet nose, pressed firmly into you balls; giving them a deep sniff... a moment of dilusional curisotiy passed over him, and he gave your balls a weak lick; a 'thank you' of sorts for ending his torment... one way or another.

Fedack: He laughed at the lick before placing a paw under your muzzle and then saying to you. "Open wide, of course ill shove it deep hope you don't choke too much." He smirked as he waited for you to open wide then as you did pressed the tip on your tongue and pushed in aiming down and slowly grinding on your tonuge, making you taste both his cum and your blood then he entered your throat and pushed as deep as he could moaning as he felt your nose flat against his crotch and held you like that* Lets see how long you can hold your breath."

Xorik: The taste of his blood was familiar by now... though your cum wasn't, he actaully took a few laps at it; to try to get the taste of blood of of his tounge as your member was slowly pressed deeper; he took one; massive gasp for breath before your cock was worked into his throat; weakly breathing though his nose before that too was denied; stuffed into your crotch fur... time passed; the bat slowly started to struggle; and the one real defence he had in that position; he didn't take; mostly out of fear of what would happen to him if he did.

Fedack: He smiled and let you struggle for a few moments before withdrawing himself, he was already really close so he came right away cumming all inside your mouth but he removed it from your mouth letting the rest fall on you, all on your wounds. He smirked then leaned lifting your chin and looking at you into your eyes. "There we go... before i finish i want you to tell me who own you." He said with a smirk on his face and once your done, go on your back lay down and put your arms above your head, show your whole body and spread your legs a little."

Xorik: "... you own me..." he said; looking up at you defeated that last spark of hope gone as you covered him in your seed... the wounds burned when the salty fluid covered them... but not compared to the other injuriers he had aquired over the past few hours. He collapsed on his back; his arms wide; high over his head; little pathetic flaps of wings hangling low; legs spread as far apart as they would; the blood from his woulds flowing to the gound; bleeding out was slowing becoming a concern if much more of the bat was cut. He looked high up; exposing the front of his thoat as he collapsed. his stomach rising and falling weakly with each breath.

Fedack: "You are a delightful boy, however it would be even more cruel to let you survive in this stake, so I will now finish and at least let you depart with a kiss." He said while he looked at you softly while saying that he moved over you leaning and kissing you deeply and passionately letting his food enjoy a little bit before what was to come. After a long moment of kissing he closed his eyes and started to work. First your other shoulder, tearing a bite that he chewed then your arms, he worked slow enough for him to enjoy and you to suffer but fast enough so taht he would finish right when you would die of loss of blood since he didn't find the organs tasty. He moved to your legs after the arms growling as he bit strongly and tore the flesh to the bone and once finished, he knew you were still alive but it would last just about a minute or two. "You were delicious." He said with a wide smirk and looked at you, his smirk turning into a soft and tender smile.

Xorik: The bats vision was the first to go; as he stared blankly up; heaing a faint chewing sound as you worked you way down his shoulder and arms.... the funny thing was... on the edge of oblivion... it didn't hurt. The worst part was probably the fear; the knowlege that soonl he would be no more... but the pain; the wonderful escape from the pain that had marked his last moments made the decent into blackness worth it. The way he knew when he was really done for was when even the sound of chewing stopped... though some part of him heard a comment that he was delicious... quite a dilusion... as everything faded to white.

From Warrior to Courtesan

**Hello there!! It's me Fedack again, this time I bring you a different roleplay, this one is way softer also shorter. Anyways i hope you enjoy ^^** Warning: This story contain sexual intercourse between minor, please don't read if offended! **( For...

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Hello everybody, Im Fedack and more or less a new user... Im submitting this and its somebody me and my friend did... its not a story but a RP but concidering its lenght I call it a story... I hope you all enjoy and please give comments! WARNING:...

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