Chapter One - Earnest Desire

Story by Kietro on SoFurry

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#1 of Kitsune Chronicles

This is my first yiffy story, as well as my first story online ever. no need for that warning guys should know it by now...

this story will be part of a series and more is yet to come...

for now...just sit back and enjoy. email me for some constructive critisism. i really appreciate that...

big thanx too Skie Strife for inspiring me to write this story as well as some other friends...

now....on to the story...

I am Mattikiro, formerly named Matthew. I once was human, but that was before Joka saved not only but also her own. We have gone through thick and thin to reach where we are right now. We are both currently Kitsune, fox demons with magical powers. I, however, have one more power than Joka. That, in time, I will reveal. But for now, I must continue.

My figure is extremely well built. I am pure white with a rainbowish tinge on my tails. My entire body is naked except for the long white cloak that covers my body. It has rainbow marks, one for every color. Joka is just as beautiful. She is also pure white with light brown marks around her body. Her cloak is white with light blue. It contrasts with her brown.

I am lost, not knowing where I am. There is no end to this tunnel I am traveling, it just keeps going. Where is the end? Is there an end? I wish to be back with my partner. Why can't I see her? This place is a maze. Taking one wrong turn might cost me my life.

I'm so tired. All these girls trying to hit on me...I wonder if Joka is the same as well...All I know is that she is well and alive. Hopefully, she can get along fine by herself...

For now, there is nothing I can do, except reminisce about my days with Jokalavira. Every single one of them were blissful, and very eventful. How I wish I could be laying with her. I never even been with her. I have always been too happy for her to take her virginity. Hmmmm...Joka...zzzzz

(Weird flashbacking music)

It was a bright and sunny day for the Kitsune. The sun shone brightly on all of them, all of them except for one. Her name was Jokalavira. She was accused of murder. As Joka walked up to the counsel, she played in her mind the worst possible scenarios. When she finally reached the counsel, she had no fear of what they were going to do to her.

"Jokalavira." The Nine-Tail Counsel's voice boomed throughout the chamber.

"Speaking, your honor."

Joka only called them your honor because she knew very well that they had the power to kill her whenever they wanted to. If she angered them, she would be dead before her first step to the door.

"You have been accused of murdering Karikiro. How do you plead?" one of the Nine-Tails questioned.

"Does it matter, your honor? In this place, my opinion does not count. Whether or not I plead guilty or not guilty, my punishment will be the same." Joka knows well about the Nine-Counsel and what they do. When a person is committed of anything, no matter what the outcome, they always receive punishment.

"Hmmm, that you are correct. I suppose that you wish for us not to just kill you?"

"With all due respect, I wish that you could just end my guilt here."

"But that is not what we will do. Instead, we send you to exile and you will wander this planet called Earth for one tail year." One tail year is equivalent to about one hundred years, since it takes that long to grow one tail.

Joka groaned. Exile was the worst thing to happen to a Kitsune. But, she knew better than to anger the Nine-Tail Counsel. All she did was bow and leave for the door. Outside, she walked calmly to the exit of this blissful place. She sensed, however, that with every step she took, another one was following pursuit. Joka turned to meet a jet black Kitsune staring at her ass.

"Such a shame that you will be leaving us, Jokalavira. I will be missing watching you wave your ass back and forth. It is just so seductive. This life of exile will change you. Maybe you will come back to love me, even."

"For the last time, Lorkiko, I have no interest in you. Why do you always stalk me wherever I go? You seem to even be in the girls' locker room. This life may change me, but I would love you only in your own dreams. You are a six-tail and I am a two. There is no way that I would fall in love with you, despite the age difference"

With those last words, Joka left her country. She wandered for days, eating bits and pieces of food. With the magic she could muster up, Joka teleported herself to another part of the world. She chose randomly so she did not know where she was going. While the teleporting was being done, she dreamt of a one that she could love, one that would make her happy for an eternity, maybe even longer. When she opened her eyes, she found herself at a school of some sort. Later on, she learned that it was a college. Joka wandered the paths of this school and soon her eyes looked toward my direction. I did not know she was there since Kitsune can turn themselves invisible to anyone they wished.

As she walked closer to me, she studied my stature. I was 21 then, and bored. All the girls I've ever dated have dumped me in less than a week. Some even left after three days. I was wearing a white shirt with khaki pants. Soon I heard a voice in my head, but I knew that it couldn't be mine.

'Hello. My name is Jokalavira. I wish to help you with your life. I will carefully watch over every aspect and aid you along the way. Here, I cannot reveal myself to all these humans, so you will meet me in your....what was it again? Oh yes, dormitory and stay there. Be there at around 9 p.m.'

With that, the voice was gone. Now I could look back and say that I nearly wet my pants. It isn't everyday that someone speaks into your mind. Nevertheless, I waited for 9 to come. Since I had no class that day, I just left for my room, even though it was only around 3:30 p.m. I waited, and waited. 9 o'clock seemed a long way off, but, eventually, it did come. It came with a soft knocking on my door. I opened it and was surprised at what I saw. No one was there. Still, I felt soft fur brush by me as I held the door open. As soon as I closed the door, she became visible to me.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU??????" Despite my usual calm nature, I was totally freaked out at what I saw. I calmed down and told myself to breath. As I regained control over my body, and hopefully my brain, I spoke again.

"I'm very sorry. I'm just surprised at your...errrr...appearance."

"Yes, I'm quite sorry, too. I should not have scared you like that. As I told you before, my name is Jokalavira. What is yours?"

I did not answer straight away. I was too busy gawking at her body. She seemed flawless in every aspect. She was white with light brown streaks across her body. Around her body was a white cloak with light blue markings. Her body was in perfect proportion. Too late, I realized that I was staring at her for almost 10 whole minutes.

"Crap, I'm sorry. My name is Matthew, Matthew Liero."

"It's quite alright. I am please to meet you, Matthew. I trust that my stay here will be to your advantage."

Soon after she said that, she disappeared, and her voice once again echoed in my head.

'This is where I leave. I will soon move in with you, without anyone noticing. Hopefully, you can wait until then to meet again.'

With that, I heard nothing but silence as the door creaked open then shut.

The next day, I eagerly waited to see Jokalavira again. I had a hard time trying to pronounce her name. When the whole day passed by, and she did not arrive, I headed straight for my dormitory to find her sitting on my couch, apparently waiting for me. All of her possessions seemed to fit into a box, that was the only foreign object in my room.

"How was your day?" she questioned me.

"It was fine. Tomorrow won't be. I have at least 3 exams and I really need to study."

"Okay, I'll just sit here and read some of your books."

This was getting very lame, very fast. Still, I just walked to a corner and pulled out a couple textbooks. Slowly, sleep crawled over my body like a blanket.

Couple Months Later...

It was now about half a year and the end of school was nearing. I couldn't wait for it. After this, I would be free. Nevertheless, I already have a date for today. I don't have school and I have a date. What more could a person ask for? I told Joka, as I have come to call her, that I would be leaving and would be back. She did not bother answering as she knew me well. I would have a date then get dumped a couple days later. For some reason, I felt that this was going to be different. Maybe this girl is the one I'm looking for. Could it be that she is the one for me? I highly doubt it, but there is no harm in taking chances, is there? When it comes to the game of love, I believe that everything hurts.

I met this girl outside the Dulah Café. Her name was Catherine. I forget her last name, because what happened next was way overboard. I went inside with her. We chatted for a while. Then I went home, depressed.

Joka was wondering why I had come home so early when I walked in with my head down. Usually I came home with a cheerful look of happiness that a girl had accepted me. But this time, something was different, very different.

"What's wrong? Dumped again?"

"Yeah. But this time, it was completely a different scenario. We met outside, we went in the café, talked a while, I paid, obviously, and then she just left. I'm tired of being treated like this. Maybe a girl isn't out there that fits my part."

"Don't say that."

"Why not? All these girls are bitchy enough to dump me over and over again. All girls are like this. Why should they be given a choice to choose? Getting a guy is good enough, why not elope? Girls are just too damn bitchy."

"HEY!!!!!!!!! Don't go blaming all the girls in this world because of a few lousy girls."

"A few lousy girls? I've practically dated all the girls in this campus. They are all the same."

Joka couldn't take it anymore. She jumped on top of me with her claws extended at my throat, ready to kill. Though I was scared, I wanted my life to end. I wanted all this suffering to go away. I wanted to die.

"Just kill me, Joka. Help me end my life. I want to go on. None of this suffering crap. I just want to experience some kind of emotion that is besides being dumped."

Joka was just staring at me. What was she thinking? What was she planning to do with me? I knew that she had the power to kill me but she did not seem to be making any advances nor retreats.

"I'm supposed to be aiding your life. Here I am about to end it."

She started crying, but she had not moved her claws from my neck. Her finger muscles hadn't even twitched. In fact, she had the most controlled grip. The claws were barely touching my skin. This close, I could see her skin underneath the white fur.

"I cannot do this, Matthew," she spoke, so calmly.

She was so close to killing me but I knew that she wouldn't. Our friendship was much too valuable to waste. After all we have been through the last couple months, I feel as if I have gotten very close to her...too close. What are my feelings for her??? What is it that I'm feeling right now?

"Joka, I feel too close to you. I only wish to spend my time with you. No other girl is worthy to be like you. I...I..."

"Matthew, you cannot say you love me. We are totally different species. You cannot deny that we are too different. I am a Kitsune and you are human. Even though you love me, how will you react when I have had my say? How will you..."

I cut her off abruptly with a kiss. I gently, very gently, leaned forward onto my bed and lay her there, still kissing her passionately. She leaned back and just lay there as I pulled back.

"No, Matthew, I cannot. I am unable. We are much too different. That kiss did not mean anything. It could mean a bunch of different things."

"Then let this one count."

Once again, I leaned forward. This time, I met her lips without any resistance. Once again, we both fell into a trance of a passionate kiss. And once again, I took the dominant lead. I pushed my tongue against her lips, seeking an entrance. Soon, she parted and I was free to roam her mouth with my tongue. I felt along her sharp teeth and up the ridges on the roof of her mouth. Strangely enough, besides the sharp teeth, her mouth was the same as a human's. It seemed that we were not so different after all. For what seemed an eternity, we kissed and just lay on my bed, enjoy the warmth of each other's body.

"Did that mean anything to you at all?" I questioned her. "Because I felt a lot of emotions that I never though I could fee before. I really do love you, Joka. You have been so close to me and have gotten even closer these past few months. If all that has gone to waste, I suggest you just kill me now, for I have nothing else to live for but you. You are the only reason that I keep breathing, the only reason that keeps me alive. I shall repeat myself. If that kiss and the time we spent together means nothing to you, kill me now. End my suffering."

"Matthew, I know your feelings toward me. I know the reason why you took me in so easily, without much shock. You never took advantage of me, not even once. I was always within your reach, but you never touched me. I felt that you were scared. Is this true? You did not rape me because of the way you feel toward me?"

"Yes...all of it is true...the feelings, the actions...all of it. You are right. We are different. But such difference cannot keep love apart. Not even death."

That was all I could get out before she hugged me. I stood there motionless, until I slowly took my arms around her and embraced her warmly. Her soft fur felt so good against my face. Joka stepped away and I just stood there, confused. Ever so slowly, she started taking off her clothes. Since the robe was her only clothing, it wasn't long before she was naked, standing there in her perfect, cute little body. She even had a bit of brown near her secretive areas.

"Tell me, Matthew, is this what you want?"

...end of part one...

Just for a background note, i am a pure white Kitsune...i seem to have been deformed. i grow one tail every 50 years whereas others grow them every 1 years. i am a five-tail but have the strenght and magic of ten thousand nine-tail Kitsune. not get on my bad side. i could easily blow you to a million pieces before you could say sorry...

just kidding...i wouldn't do that...would i???