Misery Ch.2 School...

Story by MCRP on SoFurry

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#2 of Misery



Here's chapter 2



Here's chapter 2

Um, I have something to confess... This story is gonna be dark... Most of the time... So... Just warning you now. And go ahead and give and honest review. I don't mind if it's an utterly repulsive or horribly mean comment... I just want to know what to improve on.

And one more thing.......... Next chapter I'm gonna explain more... Describing more of Riley's thought's and life... And... Well I'm scared to write it up... Let alone submit it when I do... I have a feeling it's gonna be frowned upon. Or... Something similiar...

EDIT: Gah, this is my least favorate Chapter... Something about it that makes it seem like it's awful to me... Meh, oh well.


Riley and the creature searched and searched... Looking for the special food him and his fiendish friend were after. Obviously having no luck whatsoever, the morning is already beginning to end with School right around the corner.

The Eevee kept his pace, being fully alert of his complete surroundings. He hasn't eaten his 'meal' for two straight days, he couldn't live another day without getting his craving... He peered through every tree that'd pass by him, looking around like a desperate crackhead.

"I think were gonna have to go another day without food" His friend spoke cheekily, breaking the silence and bringing Riley back to his thoughts.

"What the fuck... I can't go another day without eating.." Riley responded quickly, the hunger and slight anger in his voice was quite noticable.

"Looks like this is it Riley. Face it, no food for the morning" He said while turning around, looking back a bit and eagerly waiting to see if Riley will flip out.

"C'mon, let's go" The creature spoke one last time as he walked towards the direction of the Eevee's School.

But Riley just stood there... He slowly raised his head to look up at the clear blue sky... It was such a beautiful sunny morning... And he absolutely hated it.

He then turned around and quickly caught up with his friend.

"This better be a short day... If not then-"

"Then what?" The creature interupted him, smirking at the Eevee.

"....This is gonna be a long day..."

The creature burst into laughter from Riley's comment.

"Hehe... Yeah, can't wait"

A few minutes into walking...

With more silent useless minutes passing by... Riley can't help but sigh every now and then... He's always mixed up with deadened thoughts that have been the same "Why am I still alive" Thoughts... So much thinking that always ties in with that causes him to feel like he's not even think at all when thinking those thoughts... So it's as if he doesn't even think almost everyday...

"I fucking hate school..." The Eevee said, looking down at the ground.

"I find it cute when you swear" The creature smiled, mocking Riley. Causing him to glare at him.

It was just loving how much it bothered him... He never took Riley seriously... Whether it was to piss him off for fun, or to simply feel good about itself. He always found any way he could to annoy him.

Riley rolled his eyes back to the ground...

"Guess I gotta go for the day" The creature spoke, slowly walking away from the path.

"Alright... Wait, can we meet after school? I'm still fu-" He stopped mid-sentence to quietly stare into the creature's eyes... Making himself not swear to avoid his friend annoying him even more.

"....I'm still hungry..." The creature chuckled quietly from his words.

"Okay then Riley... Meet here after school" The creature slowly turned and walked away. Disappearing into the tree's of the dense forest...

Riley looked back down at the ground once more... He knew that the entire day was gonna be long, boring and pointless... Just like always...

"I fucking hate life..." The Eevee talked to himself out loud, having the thought that nobody could hear him...

"What? You hate you're life?" Riley heard another familiar voice... A voice from somebody he disliked...

Riley slowly turned to see who this person is... And the moment he saw the intruder, he groaned loudly.

"So Riley... Explain to me why life sucks" The intruder asked him, seeming like he was telling The Eevee what to do.

"I didn't say any of that, Joseph..."

Joseph... Another Eevee... He was friends with Riley when they were younger. But now he occasionally bothers him... Whether it's slight bullying or a nice chat. Riley still considered it as bothering him.

"Riley... Come on..." The other Eevee said to him softly.

"I said I hate life... I didn't say mine" Riley tried to talk back to Joseph calmly.

"Oh, so you don't hate your life?" He said, turning his head to the side.

"I never said that..." Riley almost turned away saying that...

"Yeah, but now I'm asking you.." Joseph took a step closer in speaking those words. Making the other Eevee take a step back.

"Sorry.....Not this time..."

Right after those words were said. Riley turned the other direction and ran... Not knowing, or even caring about where he was going... He just wanted to go somewhere else, and far away from Joseph.

As the minutes passed by like seconds, Riley finally slowed down and stopped his sprinting. Checking his surroundings by looking in every direction around him.

"Christ, where the hell am I now?"

Standing there for merely 10 seconds... The Eevee began walking in a random direction on his way to School.

Over at the School, class was about to start... And most of all the students were already there, excluding a couple of students in one particular class...

In the class, only a couple minutes remained while all the students were chit-chatting... Interupting them all, and causing them to go silent came a Pidgeot flying down right into the class... He was the teacher obviously...

His class was an open patch of grass surrounded by tree's from dense forest... Being a School in a forest, the 'walls' were just tree's really close against each other... And like a mini field, the classroom was only large enough to hold about 20 Pokemon.

"Okay class... Is everyone here?" The Pidgeot sighed while asking, hoping everyone would hear him... But all the Eevee's sat there quietly, staring at their teacher and not saying a word.

"12..14..15...Oh. Guess not. I'm missing two students..." Mr. Aldo... Like everyone else, he didn't want to be here... It's not that he hated the school, or hated his job... He just hated his class.

"Wait! Wait!" Another Eevee came running in from the trees and stopped right infront of his teacher... Giving him an unpleasant stare.

"Uh... Hey teach..." The Eevee commented... Frightened.

"What's the excuse this time Wyatt?" Mr. Aldo said, raising his voice.

"I slept in....."

"Again? Take your seat" The Pidgeot stretched his wing, and gently pushed Wyatt to the rest of the class. The Eevee immediately joined in with his friends.

After that little scene, another Eevee walked slowly into the class.

"Oh look it's Riley, do you have an excuse too?" Riley stared at his Teacher the moment he began speaking.

Not answering, he went at the edge of the class behind all the other students.

"Alright let's get started" Mr. Aldo spoke, sighing another time...

Riley sat there quietly... Not paying any attention to his teacher... Time slowly passed, and so did his thoughts... Everything slowly faded black... Words faded away and became near impossible to understand.....

He....Fell asleep.

Misery Ch.3 Bullies...

Here's chapter 3 Here it is... Chapter three... I'm sorry it's taking long to submit these short chapters... But, um... There getting longer at least... This is where the creature is partially revealed... Yes I know the way I did it...

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Misery Ch.1 Morning...

Hi... This is my first story. And to be honest I'm scared... Before you read, this was inspired by MasterG's story "Kyurex" ..... So I'm sry if you see some sort of similarity... But I wont intend to make it the same. I DO NOT OWN POKEMON....

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