The Chronicles of Sethros: Chapter 1

Story by Gryphus on SoFurry

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#1 of The Chronicles of Sethros

Before you start commenting this is a repost, Id like to point out that this is my new account and it made sense to respost my previous work here so its all on one page, besides, I'd hate to leave out my first story :P anyways, enjoy ^^ - Gryphus

Here I am, standing at on the top of the walls of the city I had put my life into improving; For the justice I had brought, my brother usurped my throne, for the kindness I had shown, my cousin raped my fiancé. For the prosperity I had brought I was framed for treason and crimes unspeakable. I was to be hung at dawn, dangled over the walls like a common murderer. I had often looked over the greyish white marble walls, down at the sparkling blue sea which bordered this once beautiful port town, now seething with corruption and filth that seemed to follow my brother's presence. I was awoken just before the sun could be seen on the horizon by two guards clad in the armour of my Honour Guard. They where the dragons I trusted with my life and had become my friends. There was a deep sadness in their eyes, knowing all that the city knew was wrong. I knew that if I asked them to speak out they would be killed and I couldn't bring myself to waste the lives of two great dragons.

"I'm sorry my old friend...for all of this..."

The taller of the two said, clasping my shoulder.

"It's not your fault, I should have seen it coming....though can I ask something of you?"

I say, glad they aloud me a few minutes to speak.

"You know you can."

I clasp his shoulder back

"I'm not asking you this as your King. I'm asking you as this as your friend.... Make sure that bastard doesn't spend another night with my love. I don't think I can be at peace until I know she free from him."

The two of them nodded before a guard called that it was time to go.

"I will never forget you my friends...."

I say before I get up and they reluctantly march me out of the prison. We walked on the walls towards the final tower, a large bastion that was built on the cliffs that surrounded the city. As I walked up next to the gallows I had my hands bound in front of me with chains so wouldn't be able to use my sharp claws to set myself free. I turned to see my executioner, the man who had killed my friends and my family, my cousin Zapharis. His smug look filled me with rage as he checked the bindings on my hands. He leaned close and whispered.

"I think your fiancé enjoyed me fucking her like the whore she is; I bet you couldn't even satisfy her..."

I shook with rage as my blue eyes went red with anger.

"I hope the gods make you suffer."

I said and spat in his eye. He almost immediately punched my in the gut before winding up again and sending an uppercut into my floating ribs, two of the guards loyal to him held me up until I could regain my footing. He then turned to make a speech

"Sethros! You have been found guilty of-"

He proceeded to read out the 40 some on crimes I had been charged with, every single one a lie. Then and there I decided to take this bastard with me. As he announces my death I quickly threw my hands up, wrapping the chain around his neck and pulling them tight. His hands l flew up, clawing at me and the chains, gasping for air as he was turned into a pincushion by the half dozen archers that had their longbows trained on me. I let myself fall back, dragging his corpse over the edge as I plunged into the waters below. It felt like I had landed on stone, the weight of his body increasing the impact. I felt the air being forced from my lungs as I blanked out for a second.

I slowly regained consciousness opening my eyes as the morning sun glistened on the waves above. It was a beautiful day, much like the ones my love and I enjoyed; laying in our hammock on the balcony as we held each other close, whispering sweet nothings back and forth. My mind snapped out of the dream, realizing I was starting to sink at a distressing rate. I struggled for a minute to gain my freedom from his sinking carcass. The water was riddled with arrows, the little bubble trails rising as the archers kept firing, hoping to gain a lucky kill. I propelled my lean, muscular body through the waves. The gods must have given me strength, I must have swam at least a quarter mile before surfacing and swimming to a nearby beach, dragging my tired body to the shore. As I crawled up on the sand I felt the cool water trickle from my dark green scales. I coughed up a bit of the salty spray, managing to pull myself up a little farther so I was out of reach of the tides. My vision blurred as I lay my muzzle in the sand, my eyes slowly closing as the blackness came to claim me once more, maybe forever this time. A single tear rolled down my check as I thought of all those I had loved and lost.