husky hot alone time part 3

Story by Luke_Sukronius on SoFurry

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for those who just dropped by to see my work in this story husky was turned into cum and and is all over the floor now(as cum) but little does the rottwiler who vored him is about to get vored himself by prey read and find out note the rottwiler is still naked.

The rottwiler says"ah that was fun little pup didn't stand a chance.The cum on the floor starts to reform and turns back into the husky that was currently vored.the huskys says"you know this husky gets hungry as well but you know what i want to get my revenge frist toy with you a little before you enter my gut"the husky says this in a dark suductive soothing tone.The rottwiler says in a whimpering tone"I'm sorry for killing you i didn't mean to really kill you its just my cock got hungry."

the husky says"you should of thought of that before hand and now you will no longer have to worry about hunger." the husky cooed in an evil pissed of manner.The husky punched the rottwiler across the face ten times and then stabbed him in the stomach with a kitchen knife found on the table behind them.

The rottwiler screamed in pain yelping he said coughing out blood"please you dont have to do this." The husky frowned and said in a mean maner"aww poor baby here need me to qute you down slowly and painfully or want me to go fast to late i chose for you slow and painfuly oh boy fun".The husky licked the blood of the rottwiler and then stabbed the rottwiler's balls and then stabs him in the cock.The rottwiler yelped loudly crying and whimpering loudly he says"please dear god make it stop just end for me." he begs.The husky replys"but what fun whould that be huh?"

The husky laughs evily then drops the knife and picks up the rottwiler and stuffs him into his opening jaws.The husky swallows the rottwiler down into his thort and the rottwiler's head and shoulders are now down into the husky thort being moved downward the rottwilers waist was now into the huskys jaws and then the husky moved his head and body and the whole rottwiler slid down into the husky's stomach.

The rottwiler moved and kicked in the huskys stomach crying and whimpering as the acid burned away the rottwilers skin and turned into prue nothing as it burned away.The husky says"a dish of revenge is best surved boling hot."he laughs evily and moves his hand over his giant swollen belly as it digest his giant meal.