The Long Gift—Chapter 1

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#2 of The Long Gift

Jaime's day goes from bad to worse.

The Long Gift 1--Out in the Cold By Zmeydros AKA Lucien Quinn AKA Alexi Tishen.

Walking outside in the snow, Jaime curses winter. Every snowflake, every icy patch, even the billowing steam from each manhole, is not safe from his frustration. The long Russian wool coat his previous girlfriend gave him is doing almost nothing on this twenty-below day. He frowns as his jealousy of his current girlfriend's fur hits him hard. Why couldn't he have been born with fur? His Brazilian father and French mother had no anthros in either of their families, well, his father won't talk about his family, so he doesn't know for certain. Even if his dad's family was full of them, it's doing him no good right now.

Kinda the way that his mom's ability to speak perfect French does him no good. Jaime's brain was not made for language. It was made for designing large complicated virtual objects for TV shows and movies. The only language that really makes sense to him is the language of love, well, that and various computer languages.

If he were to choose anything to specialize in, it would be sex. When most of his friends were taking up pot, he was exploring the limits of masturbation. When his friends were out drinking, he was at home looking at anthro porn and RPing with furries. Whenever he spent time with his friends, he preferred going to movies and playing video games over partying and drugs. If Craddier-Zimblast syndrome--the ailment that turns humans into furs--was a sexually-transmitted disease, he might have done more partying and been a lot less careful. It would have been worth the risk to know what it was like to be an anthro for just a day if that's all he got. He sighs. At least he has Leneth.

His friends are how he met Leneth, the love of his life. She was a friend of a friend and randomly decided to go to the party he met her at. If Kurt hadn't bugged him over and over about this one party being different and more nerdy than all the others, he would have never gone. He would have never met her. Her form fills his mind, fur soft as a baby fox's, and fox markings that fit her lithe yet curvy from perfectly. He smiles despite the chill in the air and then his smile wanes as he thinks again about the unanswerable question of why she chose him.

Why she would give up the company of another anthro to be with him? It's been nineteen months and it still doesn't make any sense to him. He himself doesn't spend time around non-anthros. He's funny, intelligent, and creative, but is that really enough? He's only slightly above average in height and his penis is a bit below average in length and girth. His face is sharp and expressive, but his thin form is weak and not very manly. What does she see in him?

Jaime shakes his head. The question may be unanswerable because he may be incapable of seeing his own appeal. Humans just don't interest him, and that includes his own body. If he hadn't found so many local anthros to hang out with, he might have become sick with loneliness. When he's with them he can growl and show his teeth or cuddle against their scales and fur. Sometimes he's almost able to forget that he's completely human.

His body and mood warm as he walks into the computer science building at the U of M. All he has to do now is turn in his final project and then meet Leneth in the coffee shop. He takes out an envelope with his name on it that contains his eight-gigabyte USB drive and puts it into the slot in his professor's door. When he looks at his watch he sees that he's a bit behind schedule--he's probably going to be a bit late for his date with Leneth. The thought of making her wait causes him to turn around and run down the hallway to the exit.

The moment he opens the door to leave the building, a gust of wind blows snow into his eyes and he stumbles onto some ice. His feet slide right out from under him and the back of his head hits the door handle on his way down. The blow to the back of his head makes him oblivious to the the twisting of his body on the way down and the impact of his eyebrow on the icy concrete. Eventually the pain from both injuries can be felt--his head aches as if someone is trying to drill right into his skull. His arms feel numb and a cold sweat covers his body as his stomach lurches.

While he tries to get a handle on the pain, his blood starts to soak the snow and ice. A few minutes later he has an amazing headache, but he can stand. Putting pressure on the bleeding cut above his left eyebrow, he stumbles toward the coffee shop. Gusts of wind try to freeze him in place while he concentrates on putting one foot in front of the other. By the time he gets to the coffee shop, he hardly remembers why he's going there.

A blurry figure that looks a lot like Leneth runs out of the shop and grabs his arm. "Jaime? Are you okay?"

"Oh, it's you. I don't... I don't know." He lets his hand fall from his wound as he feels a wave of dizziness wash over him.

"We're going to the emergency room." Her paws guide him toward her car.

He tries to think of what she means, but only gets a vague sense that it's the right thing to do. "That's nice." It seems to take forever to get to her car as his head throbs so hard that he can't even think clearly. Each step seems to take hours.

Suddenly, he isn't moving anymore and he's sitting on something soft. He hears a vague clunk as the car door closes. Moments later, the car starts to move and his stomach fills with butterflies. His throat burns with vomit. "Stop!"

"No! We have to get help!" An exasperated voice comes from a blurry orange form.

He blinks his eyes to try and see the love of his life more clearly, but it does no good. The pain is getting worse. He can't even think of a response. Then he feels incredibly weak and the truth about his condition comes to him. A moment of clarity and complete serenity comes over him as he takes his last few breaths. "I love you, I'm so sorry that we couldn't... have more... time."

Just before his eyes close, he sees a blinding blue glow come from where Leneth is sitting. His body gets heavier and heavier as he goes numb all over. He feels himself drift out of existence...

A tingling comes from his extremities just before he feels himself slip into the void. The pain of his injuries hits him with full force. Why can't he just die? Why does he have to endure this again? He grits his teeth and steels himself against the pain. A few seconds later, the pain fades. Opening his eyes, he sees the blinding blue light once again.

Eventually, the blurriness subsides and he squints. He can barely make out Leneth because the area that she's in is glowing so brightly. Is he delirious? How can anyone glow like that? What does the glowing mean? He shakes his head to try to bring himself back to reality, but the glowing continues.

He just watches her, mouth agape with awe. The glowing fades over the next couple minutes, seeming to just disappear from the air around her and her body at the same time; he feels no pain and he is sure he's not dreaming or seeing things. When he touches his eyebrow, he finds no wound. There's no wound on the back of his head either. "How?"

She kisses him on the nose and then her ears fold down as she shakes her head. "I can't talk about it."

Grabbing her paws, he gives her a look of desperation. "Did you save me? I thought I was dying and then I suddenly started feeling better. I swear you were glowing when I opened my eyes."

Pulling her hands back, she turns away from him and starts driving out of the parking ramp. "I'm just gong to take you home. You've been through a lot today."

"No, I want to spend every moment until school starts up again with you. I thought that's what you wanted too." He puts his hand on her thigh.

"That's what I want, but not if you're going to keep asking me about what just happened." Her face becomes stern and the words come out hard. "Trust me when I say that I can't explain. Not now, and perhaps not ever."

He balls up a fist in frustration. His inquisitive mind burns with a need for an explanation. All his life, he's dismissed the supernatural and now he may have just witnessed it first hand. Maybe she's not supernatural, maybe she's from the future or an alien... Shaking his head, he tries to relax. "My love for you is stronger than my curiosity. My place or your place?"

Laughter causes her face to brighten. "My place from now on, unless you want your roommate to walk in on us again."

A smirk forms on his face. "Next time we do it, we have to go to my place, I'll let him take me in the ass while I pound you."

Leneth squirms in her seat. "Don't tease me like that. You can't be serious. You've never even mentioned being bi."

"That's because I'm with you and you don't have a cock. I never thought to mention my pansexuality. I like all sexes." Jaime watches as his lover shivers in delight at what he just said. "Wow, if I'd known you were that turned on by it, I would've told you on our first date."

She gives a nervous giggle. "I read a lot of yaoi and the thought of you being into guys is very hot."

He can smell her arousal building very quickly and he swears that she's starting to breathe harder. "Are you sure that's all?"

"Umm, well..." Pulling onto her street, she remains silent until she tries to start saying something a few times, but stops herself.

Now Jaime is absolutely sure that something is up. She only does this when she wants to tell him something, but is afraid to. Another time she did this was when she tried to explain why she had a masturbation sleeve. She told him that it was from a previous boyfriend that never came to pick it up... He starts to chuckle at his own train of thought. "Let me guess, you have a retractable cock."

Immediately, she pulls over and looks into his eyes. "And what if I did? Would it bother you?"

"Of course not, but this is hypothetical, right? I mean, I've never heard of a cock that could be hidden that well." The serious look on her face is causing him to gulp. She has to be playing with him. There's no way she's serious.

Looking into his eyes, she tears up. "You'd accept me no matter what I was, wouldn't you?"

"Of course I would. I love you." He puts a hand on her cheek. The almost surreal bright blue-green of her irises strikes him once again as he stares into her eyes. His arms reach for her instinctively as he sees her start to cry. Moments later, she undoes her seatbelt and bawls in his arms. Five minutes later, she is still crying. "Are you okay?"

"More than ever." Her arms pull him even closer and he vaguely feels her breasts push against his chest through their coats. Seeing her continue to cry like this causes him to tear up and a few of his sympathetic tears fall onto her shoulder before she finally calms down.

He wipes her eyes when she loosens her grip on him.

"I thought I was the one who was crying." She smiles faintly as she looks at him with a warm twinkle in her eyes.

"You know what happens when I see you cry, I just couldn't help it." He smiles at her expression.

Leneth nuzzles his cheek tenderly and whispers in his ear. "You're the best I could've hoped for." She licks his ear lobe with her long canine tongue. "I want you to fuck me the moment we get inside."

Jaime straightens with disbelief. "From crying to horny in under thirty seconds?"

She giggles. "I'm feeling a bit uneven today."

He nuzzles her back as best he can and licks her neck. "Well, maybe my cock can straighten you out then."

"Your cock isn't that straight." She nips at his nose.

He chuckles and licks her nose, causing her to yip playfully. "True, but I bet it'll improve your emotional trajectory nonetheless."

"Speaking of trajectories, how far can you shoot your load?" Her smirk is almost priceless.

After he stops laughing from the silliness of her question, he thinks for a moment. "Four feet if I try and it's the first time I do it that day."

"That's a bit farther than I can normally manage." Her smirk becomes an evil fanged grin.

His penis rages to an erection as a mental image of his girlfriend with a throbbing fox cock comes into his mind. When he feels his erection start to tent his pants, he tries to bring himself back to reality. She has no hidden penis and she's plenty hot without it. "You're devious."

She giggles and lets him go. "I know." Her hand rubs the tent in his pants.

"Oooh!" He grabs onto the seat.

"Looks like I know another one of your kinks now and this one's a doozy. Another one that we share, actually." Letting go of Jaime's bulge, Leneth starts driving toward her house again.

"You like herms?" Trying to sit in a position that doesn't make his problem worse, he stares at her.

She makes a left turn and tries to keep the car straight when it hits a patch of ice. Moving the wheel back and forth, she gets the car to stop sliding almost instantly. "Like isn't strong enough. I adore them."

He grins. "I've got thousands of pictures to show you then."

She giggles as she pulls into her driveway. "As do I."

They dash for her front door after getting out of the car. She catches him when he slips on the patch of ice that's completely encompassed the welcome mat before fumbling with her keys through her leather gloves.

As they stand in front of Leneth's place, they can't keep their hands off of each other. Jaime keeps licking snowflakes off of her face and muzzle while she gropes his ass with the paw that isn't unlocking the door. Once they stumble inside, Jaime closes the door. She's already taking off her black blouse when he starts taking off his coat. His boots and shirt come off after he lets his coat fall to the floor. When he sees her pull off her panties, his crotch starts to get even tighter.

He releases his erection from its prison and tosses his pants and boxers to the side. With a giggle, she runs over to the couch--he growls playfully as he chases her.

Suddenly, she looks at him with an an unusually serious face. "Wait, I think I'm going to show you something you've never seen before. I've hid this from you long enough."

Stopping dead in his tracks, he almost falls onto the couch. "Whoa, you're random today. What are you talking about?"

She spreads her legs apart and points at her crotch, but then she winces in pain and closes her legs. "Shit, shit, SHIT!" Her eyes become distant and then frustration is clear on her face. It looks as if an inner battle is raging within her. "I want to show you so bad, but I can't."

Annoyance wells up in him with each throb of his shaft. "Forget about showing me. Let's just have sex."

"It hurts too much." Leneth buries her head in her paws. "So many things I have to hide."

Sitting next to her, he pets the top of her head. "If it hurts to hide it, don't hide it."

"You think it's my choice?" She cries. "They made it so it would hurt if I told you or showed you anything about--" A yelp of pain comes from her before she can finish.

For a moment, he just listens to her crying, but then the absolute insanity of this situation hits him. His body tenses up and cold sweat starts to streak down his face. Is she insane? Is she part of a government experiment? "Who's hurting you?"

Her body shivers as she forces herself to stop crying. "I can't answer that."

He takes her muzzle in his hands and looks into her eyes. "If you don't tell me who, no one can make them stop."

"You're right, but not in the way you think." A long sigh comes from her. "No one can make them stop." She grabs his hands and pulls him across the room to their clothes. "Get dressed. I have to take you home."

Rage surfaces within him and his teeth clench. The injustice of her pushing him away when he wants to help and she obviously needs it is too much. All his fear and uncertainty is converted into anger at everything. He doesn't know who or what to be mad at, but she's the only one there and he can't keep the rage inside. "Are you FUCKING kidding me!"

"Please don't yell." Her fluffy tail moves between her legs as she backs away.

His eyes become wild as the rage flows through him. "What do you EXPECT me to do? Just go home KNOWING that SOMEONE is hurting you? FUCK THAT!"

"FUCK YOU for thinking YOU can make things better! No one can fix this! No one..." She beats her fists on the wall and falls to the floor bawling.

Too much anger has built up for him to feel sympathy. He doesn't remember ever being this angry at a lover. "Stop crying and tell me what's going on!"

"NO!" Her crying continues. "You're not listening to me." She looks at him through her tears. "You can't help and stop yelling!"

Stomping his bare foot on the tile floor of the entry way, he winces in pain. "God damn it! You have to let me try to help. Tell me who is hurting you."

"Listen to yourself, you're the one hurting me now!" She puts her paws over her ears. "My ears are ringing for fuck's sake."

The realization of what he's just done comes over him and a wave of nausea follows. "I'm so sorry." Deep sadness douses his rage and he hangs his head in shame.

"I'm sorry too." She wipes her eyes and starts getting dressed. "I may be gone for two or three days and I won't be able to contact you. I need you to trust me when I say that I won't be in any danger and that I will come back."

"Where are you going?" He puts on his socks and then his boxers.

"I can't tell you where, but I can tell you that I should be able to explain everything when I get back." Turning around, she lets him fasten her bra.

Fear and frustration clash in his head as he fastens her bra. He obviously can't go with her. Then suddenly, the love he has for her starts to flow through him like a warm summer breeze and blows away his dark emotions. "I trust you and I love you." Hugging her from behind, he kisses her neck.

"I love you too." Grabbing her blouse and coat, she leaves his arms. "Now, let me take you back to your dorm. The sooner I leave, the sooner we can get back to having sex."

"I like the sound of that." He nods as he quickly finishes getting dressed.

They leave her house in silence and then climb into the car. The silence continues for the next few minutes while Leneth deals with the terrible road conditions. Once she's on a well-plowed road, she glances at Jaime. "I've wanted to ask you this question for a long time, but I thought it would sound really weird to you. If you could be a fur, would you want to be one and if so, what would you want to be?"

"I think you already know the answer to the first part. Of course I would want to be a fur. I don't think I've ever had a day go by where I didn't daydream about being one." The second part of her question stumps him completely. "I don't know what anthro form I'd want. My sona's a cheetah, but I came up with him when I was twelve..."

She giggles. "That doesn't make it a bad idea."

"True, but I think I'd want to be hybridized with something or have interesting color markings." He looks off into the distance as he thinks about different possibilities.

Turning off of the main road, she enters the U of M campus. "By the time I come back, I want you to know what furry form you'd want to be. I think that should be your new sona."

With a big nod, he smiles at her. "I can do that. It'll give me something to think about while you're away." He already knows some of what he'd want, but he's going to let it be a surprise for her.

"Oooh, I'm looking forward to when I get back even more." When she pulls in to the parking lot behind the dorm, she leans in to kiss him.

The moment his lips meet hers, he pushes his tongue into her mouth. Her long tongue wrestles with his while they share a tender kiss. He breaks the kiss when he starts to get an erection. "I love you."

"I love you too." Her smile has worry and sadness behind it.

"I don't know where you're going, but I want you to play it safe. I'm here if you need me." As he gets out of the car, his heart refuses to move with the rest of his body, tightening more and more the further he moves away from his love. Shutting the door causes him to feel instant depression. The possibility that he will never see her again hangs above his head like a big shard of broken glass.

"I will." She gives him one last loving stare before she pulls away.

He watches until she is out of sight and keeps looking in the direction she went for a minute while a feeling of loneliness solidifies within him. Why does this feel so different from all the other times he's watched her drive away? Does he really think that she may never return?

This situation is so far out of what he even thought was possible. How can he not be upset? Pain from the act of revealing a secret is like something out of a sci-fi plot. If they are capable of that, there's a good possibility that he couldn't help her even if he knew who was hurting her. That is, unless she's insane. His nose starts feeling numb when a frigid gust of wind blows some snow right into his face. He blinks at the fact that he's been standing outside looking longingly in the direction the love of his life went.

Snapping himself out of his daze, he walks into the dorm entryway and half-heartedly looks for his access card after holding his wallet up to the sensor doesn't work. After five minutes of searching, he looks in his wallet. He shakes his head when he finds it between his driver's license and his GameStop card. Why does it work to hold his wallet up to the sensor sometimes, but not all the time? He takes it out of his wallet and holds it against the sensor. He pulls the door open when he hears it buzz and the light on the sensor turns green. The entryway carpet is caked in dirty melting snow and when he stomps his feet, he hears a wet smacking sound. Only three more months of this left.

Keywords: human fox vixen male female humor loneliness anthropomorphic anthro brain injury secrets winter snow student college foreplay erection kissing story zmeydros