Laboratory Seven -- Chapter 1

Story by biohazardbunny on SoFurry

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#1 of Laboratory Seven

Laboratory Seven - Chapter One

by Biohazard Bunny

Aidan hated working late at night, but he got paid more than working the day shift. He needed it too. After graduating from university with a hefty amount of student loans, this was one of the only gigs he could find that paid enough for him to live on his own and still pay the bills. It was hardly enough, he did not even have enough to pay for television or internet. He had a smart phone, though, and the only reason that was affordable was because he was still on his parent's family plan.

He worked at Synthesis Labs, among the largest employers in the area. They had a huge campus of disparate labs, seven in total, all around a central office space. He worked on the first of the office building's four floors. It was a cramped space the size of a closet. It might not have been so bad without all the computers and monitors lining three of the four walls.

He was responsible for keeping an eye on buildings six and seven, there were others on his team assigned the other five buildings. He wished they would have put all of them in the same room instead of being stuck by themselves. He supposed they thought they would goof off, and they were probably right. But still, it got awfully lonely working there.

Sure, he had his phone with him. For at least the first few hours of any given night, he was able to chat and text with some of his friends. Those were the hours that went by fast. But sure enough, one by one, his friends would log off for the night and sleep through the rest of his shift. By two o'clock in the morning, everybody was usually asleep and Aidan had to find new ways of keeping himself entertained.

Tonight he was playing a popular physics game on his phone involving critters of the ornithological variety. It was not particularly fun given its hype, but it was enough to pass the time. He had peered at the clock, almost half past four in the morning. It was hard to believe only two hours had passed since his last friend had gone to sleep. It felt like longer than that.

He dragged his finger along the screen of the phone when a flash caught his eye. A bright red LED blinked under one of the monitors along the far wall. Aidan dropped his phone on the table beside him and got out of his chair to get a closer look. The picture was of one of the labs in building seven.

Aidan cycled through the cameras in the lab, looking for any kind of intrusion. It was probably just another false alarm. That did not mean he was off the hook, he would still have to go down to investigate anyway. Technically, he should call one of his co-workers and have them go with him, but it was considered rude among themselves to make somebody tag along on a false alarm.

He grabbed his coat and flung it around his shoulders before he opened the door and slid out. The tapping of his boots against the hard tile floor sounded off the walls and through the hallways. It made his heart beat a little faster how creepy this place was so late at night. Or, rather, so early in the morning.

He crossed the lobby and used a key to let himself out of one of the glass doors before he took the sidewalk to building seven. He took his time, making it a leisurely stroll in the cool, crisp morning air. He could smell the moisture that clung to the perfectly trimmed grass on either side of the walkway. The leaves on the trees spread equidistant apart rustled in the light breeze.

Off to the east, a soft glow was already starting on the horizon. It would not be long until the bright black sky shone blue again, and after that would be the end of his shift for the weekend. He was looking forward to it. As he approached the building, he took out his flashlight. It shone brightly with an array of LEDs that were powered by three large batteries. It was enough to render a man useless if your shone it in his eyes.

He took one of the side doors to the building and walked down a narrow service hallway to the second quadrant. There he entered another, wider hall with labs lining either side. He game to a room labeled "7219" and brought his flashlight level with the window. He turned it side to side, trying to see anything the cameras could not.

Of course there was nobody in there. There was no blind spot in any room of any building, not even in the cramped room in which he worked. He pulled out his master key and opened the door to the lab, stepping inside. He could smell ammonia in the air, but these labs often smelled of one chemical or another.

"Hello?" He called out, flashing his light wildly around the room as he stepped further in. His heart was still racing in his chest, but only because of the flow of adrenaline in his system. He was not afraid in the least.

Aidan stepped further into the lab and shined his light down the aisles of workstations until he came to the second to the last. A glint caught his eye as he turned his light to shards of glass. It had been from a beaker, a black rubber stopper had rolled onto the floor. From the looks of it, the beaker must have fallen from one of the shelves. It was definitely something that would have set off the motion sensors.

Aidan walked down the aisle and flicked off his flashlight, bending over to pick up the stopper. While he was here, he might as well clean the mess up so nobody would cut themselves. They had janitors to do that work, sure, but it was just that much more paper work for him to call them in. Besides, he knew they kept dust pans and hand brooms in the closets at either end of the aisles.

He threw the stopper in the air, catching it in his palm before tossing it again, all the while walking back the way he came. He fished the flash light out of his pocket, all the while tossing that stopper. He was a few steps from the end of the aisle, twisting the flashing around to flip it on, when he flung his hand and did not feel the stopper land again.

At first, he looked around to see if he had perhaps tossed it wrong, waving his flashlight back and forth to search the floor. He blinked several times and shrugged before rounding the corner. He would just have to find it later. He held the light in one hand, scanning the shelves before he found the dust pan. He reached his hand out for it and paused.

His eyebrows raised as he saw his palm covered in black. It went between his fingers and around the back of his hand like a half-formed pair of fingerless gloves. It shone in the light and as he turned his hand, he could see it spreading. He let out a sheik and dropped his flashlight, one end opening as the batteries spilled out on the floor.

He fell to his knees trying to pick up all the pieces, but it was hard in the dim light of the lab. He gave up after finding the end cap and only two batteries, and instead he rose and made his way towards the light switch. He should have turned them on in the first place.

The light through the windows helped him to find his way back to the door. His hand flicked a switch, turning on all the lights in the lab. The stuff on his hand had spread up to the first knuckle on each finger and down to his wrist. He held his hand in front of his face, fingers pointed towards the ceiling as he watched it crawl upwards against gravity. He was smart enough to know something was not right.

He tried to pry it off with his other hand, using his nails to dig into the rubbery substance. It stung as he pulled at it as though it had somehow fused itself to his skin. He would need something to help get it off. How he was going to explain this to the higher ups, he was not sure.

He searched one of the workstations for anything he could use to dissolve the substance. Whatever it was, it looked organic, so he would need some kind of organic solvent. He read the labels of the chemicals he found until he came to one he recognized.

"Dichloromethane, should do the trick." He reached for it with his clean hand and used the dirty to try to twist off the top. His hand slid several times on the lid before he switched positions. The lid had been twisted on tight and as he tried to undo it, he heard the sound of liquid against the surface of the workstation.

Aidan dropped the bottle and stared as the dichloromethane leaked out over the surface of the workstation. The bottle had holes where his hand had been, eaten right through the plastic itself. His chest heaved several times before he looked at his hand, a sheen of plastic coated it and was slowly absorbed into the substance as it suddenly grew to the tips of his thumb and fingers and past his wrist.

Where his nails should be grew a thick, black mass of plastic shaping themselves into broad, dull nails on the tips of his fingers. Some of the solvent ran down his hand, and the strange thing was, he could feel the wetness, the coolness as it evaporated away. He thought it had to be his imagination.

He ran his paw through the puddle of solvent and rubbed vigorously with his other hand. The substance did not dissolve like it should have, in fact, it only crept further down his arm. Aidan started to panic, looking around for anything else he could use, anything else he could do.

He pulled his hands apart and yelped loudly when he saw the substance had spread to his other palm. Things were getting much too out of hand, he had to call for help before they got any worse. He might lose his job over it, but at this point, his only concern was getting this stuff off of him.

He reached for his radio, but by the time he brought it to his mouth and pressed the button, the plastic case had dissolved into his hand and the battery fell out. He dropped what was left of the radio and quickly backed up until he hit the door. He was covered half way up his forearms now.

Aidan fumbled for the handle to the door, gripping it firmly before he tugged down. The handle broke off in his hand. He stared, horrified as he watched the metal breaking down, swirling into the metal and up to his forearm. It solidified again in wavy stripes ranging from thin to thick, the silver metal glinting as it starkly contrasted against the shiny rubber.

Aidan felt like fainting, his left arm now covered past his elbow and his right following slowly to the same point. He took a few breaths to calm himself, he was beginning to hyperventilate and he did not want to pass out. He closed his eyes, thinking of what to do next.

Images danced through his mind's eye. At first, he could hardly make them out, but they became more clear as he tried to focus on them. He could see the image of a small box with a perforate hole in the top. It was filled with something, hanging next to what looked like one of the workstations. He opened his eyes and turned his head, staring at a box of latex gloves.

He was unsure what had gotten into him, but it almost felt like something else was moving his legs. He stood in front of that box and began to reach out. His mind screamed for him to stop, he was not sure what would happen if he touched those gloves, but he could guess and it terrified him.

His whole hand slid into that box, latex gloves surrounding his hand as he felt their grittiness compared to his smooth skin. No, it was not skin, it was some foreign substance! The gloves were absorbed into it like they were a meal and his hand was a ravenous beast.

Yet some part of him enjoyed it. There was a certain pleasure to feeding off those gloves. So much so that he turned around and slid his other hand into another box of them. His lips curled into a smile as he felt those gloves dissolve into his skin, making it stretch further over his form. He pulled his hands back and held them up to the light.

He rolled back the sleeves of his jacket, one arm was completely black from fingertips past his sleeve. The other was covered in those stripes from his wrist, upwards. He slid his plain arm over his striped one, feeling the softness of the rubber and hardness of the stripes, they acted like some kind of armor.

Aidan walked down the aisle, hands outstretched as he brushed his fingers against all the metal fixtures on the doors. Some fell off their hinges, others were missing handles. All the while, both his arms took up those stripes of black and silver as his new skin reached his shoulders and chest.

When he reached the end of the aisle, he brought his hands to his face. He was curious what the rest of his body looked like. He tore his jacket from his body, tossing it aside before he drew his fingers down the front of his uniform. The buttons were quickly absorbed into his fingers, his shirt pealing apart down to his belt. He yanked the shirt off of him, tossing it to the floor as well before he marveled at himself.

Though he worked out often enough, he had always had more of a soft physique. But wherever the rubber spread, crisp, masculine line of musculature appeared. He even felt stronger than before. He knew he should be scared, trying his best to get out of his current situation and back to his normal self, but there was another voice invading his mind. That voice was getting louder all the time.

He ran his fingers across his pectorals, even his nipples looked better covered in that new black skin of his. The spread was slowing to a painful crawl though, but somehow he knew just how to solve that. That voice in his head guided him across the lab to the very back where storage cases had been custom built. He knew opened the second set of doors, absorbing the metal handles as the bolts on the other side fell against the floor.

His eyes lit up as he saw a cabinet full of rubber tubing and burners. He practically fell into the cabinet, grabbing all the tubing he could in his arms and hugging it to his body. It was enough to make him throw his head back and moan as he felt all of that synthetic material rubbing against him before he absorbed it all.

It now covered his arms, chest, belly and back like some kind of form fitting rubber shirt and it was slowly creeping up his neck. It was missing something important though. That was when he grabbed up the burners, hanging them off each finger as his amazing new skin went to work incorporating the metal into his body.

He was amazed at just how much mobility he had despite the stripes that wrapped around his back, sides and part of his front. That voice telling him it was wrong screamed for all it was worth, but it was too late. He already felt that hunger for more. It was consuming his mind like that new latex skin was consuming his body.

He felt uncomfortable in his clothing - what was left of it at least. His uniform was mostly polyester, but yet he could not absorb it into his body for some reason. He could, however, manipulate the molecular bonds. He did not know how he knew that, he just did.

So instead of ripping off his pants like some kind of brute, he ran his finger along the leg, creating a clean cut that exposed his skin underneath. It was not long before he could pull those pants off, leaving on his belt at his side and his boots. He sliced through the boot strings and kicked them off before he pealed his socks off.

Now he stood naked except for that belt around his waist, which he did not bother to take off. Somehow, it felt comfortable there. He was surprised to find his cock hard and throbbing, leaking precum from the tip that dripped onto the floor below. He didn't know when he had gotten so horny, but he had no time to take care of it. He had to find more things to consume!

Aidan wrapped his hand around his cock, it was average size and cut, stroking his smooth rubber hand over his shaft as he walked around the lab. Precum smeared his palm as a soft squeak emanated from his ministrations. He dragged his fingers along any type of rubber he could find as his new skin flowed down his waist and to his crotch.

He did no have to look to notice his cock was already covered. It was thicker and pushed his fingers further apart as it grew. It also became more sensitive to his touch. He had to stop at one point as his hips jerked involuntarily, spraying the counter with some of his pre. As he stroked his dick, he noticed a bump forming in the middle - a ring around his cock that was thicker than any other part.

His curiosity would have to wait though as he spotted another jackpot of material. There was an entire container full of rubber stoppers for beakers like the one he had picked up earlier. Though, unlike that first stopper, these were perfectly normal. Until he placed his hand inside the container and reduced them all to a thick, warm liquid. He did not allow his body to absorb the mess this time, instead he picked up the container in his hands and lifted it over his head.

He spilled the liquid rubber over his face, letting it get into his nose and mouth as he felt his cock throb. His eyes were covered and he was thrown into darkness as the liquid covered every inch of his face and ran over his hair, behind his ears and down his neck. He dropped the container, grabbing his cock in both hands as he pumped it wildly.

He swallowed that latex and felt it pushing up through his nose. It would have been disturbing had he not been so incredibly horny. He tried his best to moan around the flow of rubber inside his mouth and eventually, the sound found a path to escape from. His head felt heavier from all the latex and somewhat off balance, but his mind was driven by the need to get off.

The darkness he was plunged into began to fade slowly. At first, Aidan thought it was just the rubber thinning around his eyes, letting a bit of light shine through in a hazy gray glow. When the haze began to clear and shapes formed once more in his vision, he realized he was gaining his sight back. The first thing he saw was the monster of a cock he pumped in his hand. It had a flared head to the top now and was leaking copious amounts of fluid. His balls were covered in rubber as well, and were swollen to a much greater size.

He laid his hand on the counter, his thumb resting on a metal strip that protected the side from nicks and scratches. The whole strip flowed into his body and Aidan pumped his dick faster and faster. The metal covered his legs in thin stripes, from his thighs to his feet. His toes were the only thing left uncovered for now as his new skin seemed to stall.

He felt a swell of lust surge through his body, a strange noise like a bleat forced from his mouth as it swelled forward. It created a broad muzzle with a large, silver nose capping the end. His teeth were all blunt and smooth as his wide tongue licked over them. He could not hold back any longer as he fell to his knees, jerking his manhood.

His cock flared and his balls churned as the first spray of cum exited his body, splattering a couple feet away from him on the floor. It was white and thick, he could smell the potent masculinity as a second and third shot sprayed almost as far as the first. The fourth rope of cum was different though, it was slightly grayer than the others. The fifth even grayer still.

He came over and over again, seeming expelling the last bit of his humanity through his nearly foot long cock. The cum was now shiny and gray like liquid metal. It dribbled onto the floor as the new cum was forced from his oversensitive cock.

Aidan was panting by the time he was done and it took him several minutes to recover enough to stand up. He stared down at the puddle of metallic cum on the floor before he stepped forward, wiggling his bare toes into it. He cried out as he felt his feet beginning to change as the cum was reabsorbed back into his body.

His feet grew longer, forcing him to stand on his toes. The metallic cum formed a hard, solid hoof that somehow felt easier to stand on. As his foot grew out, his shins bowed to his knees. He bounced on his knew legs, feeling just how sturdy and powerful they were before spotted a mirror on the other side of the room.

It hung the full length of a cabinet and when Aidan approached, he was somewhat shocked at his new form. He was very much an equine, but the stripes set it off immediately. He was a rubber and metal zebra. There was something missing on his body though. He reached out to the mirror, fingers squeezing the sides of it.

Metal from the back of the glass flowed into his fingers as fine strands of silver sprouted from his head and down his neck. The rubber joined with strands of its own, forming a striped mane that flowed down to his salt and pepper tail, a band of plastic wrapped around its base for show.

Only a small portion of the silver remained on the mirror. Enough so he could look at himself as he grinned in the mirror. The old Aidan was gone, replaced by some kind of synthetic demigod. He felt so powerful, so virile.

A flash of light caught his gaze as he saw a beam out the window of the laboratory. It must be one of his former coworkers come to check on him. Aidan grinned even wider and adjusted the belt on his hip. The gift he was given was far too good to be wasted on just him.

Laboratory Seven -- Chapter 2

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