
Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#30 of Cycled life

Jake leaned down and licked his mate's fur, the taste of cum still strong on his tongue, and on Lucas's fur. He nuzzled the wolf, who was biting along his shoulder. He let out a gasp as Lucas nipped at the fresh new mark on his shoulder-the wolf having marked him twice in one day. It'd been painful when Lucas bit the same place twice, the first time it'd felt great, the second he'd roared out in painful pleasure. Still, having the wolf to mark him was one of the favorite things; it made him feel so close to Lucas, though it could have a bit of pain with it. At the moment his mate was licking at the wound, cleaning around it. He'd gotten to the point where if Lucas bit him he didn't bleed too much, a speck mostly, but to have the wolf bite him twice in one day meant there was some blood-like the first time Lucas had mated him. It had stopped bleeding though, it wasn't an exactly shallow bite, but he wasn't thin either-his shoulder held enough muscle and stoutness to it so that it wasn't bad. If anything it was like someone kisses a sore as if to make it better, that was how it felt-and Jake was sure there was truth to it because he never wanted to let Lucas get away from him. After a moment he regained his breath as Lucas pulled back from his abused shoulder and smiled at him.

"I love you Jake Yellat," Lucas said with a smile.

Jake cocked his head when his mate said his entire name, yet somehow he felt like it carried more weight to it. It was as if the wolf made it sound more appropriate, more ceremonial and loving. "And I love you Lucas Vadikson...more than anything else in this world," he replied and licked his mate's nose.

Lucas saw the bear's goofy grin again and laughed, hugging Jake as close to him as was possible. He felt Jake nuzzle him roughly and returned it with the same amount of force-both pushing their scents into the other's fur. He pulled back and they began to share a deep kiss, still riding out in the throes of pleasure from one another. Soon he felt the bear's member slip out of him, and gave a moan as Jake pulled him even deeper into their kiss. Even though the bear had slipped out of him he didn't feel like anything had changed, they stayed as close to one another as they always did-though a bit of bear seed did slip out. A soft groan of pleasure escaped him as Jake pulled on him roughly, not sure Jake had ever pulled on him like this. They took turns in the kiss, Jake leading it at one moment, and then Lucas taking over at the next-their paws still roaming over their now musty fur.

Jake felt Lucas push on him and rolled over, letting Lucas be the one on top. He chuckled lightly through the kiss and felt Lucas shiver as he traced down his back. They had both been enjoying their day, him especially-though Lucas had probably enjoyed it just as much. A day all to themselves filled with lovemaking, and with all the pressure there had been lately, in every respect, it was a great way to relax. Jake chuckled again for a brief moment as he pushed Lucas back onto his back, taking the leading roll once more. His tongue doe around Lucas's, playing and teasing the wolf as his mate did the exact same to him.

Lucas moaned as the bear's heavy growl made him feel like he was vibrating a little. Jake was always a deep growler, not a bad thing; in fact, he loved it. He held onto the bear and focused on the kiss as Jake seemed to enjoy teasing his body. A paw went over his muzzle and he realized that Jake was stroking his muzzle. Lucas tried his best to nuzzle against it and let out something between a moan and a sigh. It was just one of Jake's ways of showing affection, and one he enjoyed a lot. Jake broke the kiss and whispered that his love to him, Lucas grinning as the bear did so. As their kiss ended he made sure to lick over his mate again, slowly licking over the shoulder too. After that they both lay there for a few moments, enjoying each other's presence.

"Are you hungry yet?" Jake asked with a light chuckle, feeling enough time had passed for them to speak again.

"It's your fault we haven't eaten yet to begin with," Lucas said, burying his head in Jake's chest. He'd gone out and gotten some Thai food, but when he came back the bear jumped him-quite literally. He'd come in and looked for Jake and when he walked into his room he felt Jake grab him and began to nip at him and already pull off his clothes as they made their way to the bed. Jake's antics did well though, and Lucas practically forgot about the food, melting in his mate's arms. He'd found himself on his knees and letting the bear get him ready for a ride a minute later. The bear topping him had been a nice surprise, and one that had filled him with something other than just pleasure. His mind traced over how the room had been filled with their noise. There was the distinct reminder of him practically barking for Jake to mount him, which the bear didn't object to in the least bit.

He'd figured that after he'd rubbed one out of Jake, pounded the bear twice, and swallowed a load then Jake would be sated, but there was still more left in him-not that he was complaining. Their love making had been prolonged to say the least, still, it had been great. Having Jake to be beneath him and to pull on him as he assaulted the bear's hole, there were some things that words didn't do well to describe, and such a reunion into the bed room was such a case. Lucas was pretty sure that both of their sacs were quite well drained, and that their members were happily sated-for the moment.

"Well...I could use some good food..."


"I was thinking anything but that,"

"Don't worry, I got you something else," Lucas said and kissed Jake on the lips again. Instead of moving they stayed in bed for a minute more, both unwilling to break their embrace.

"I love you," Jake said, repeating the words, but whispering them in Lucas's ear this time.

Lucas smiled and let out a sigh as he rested on Jake's chest, "Same here Big-guy, I love you,"

They both waited for a bit more before getting up. When the finally did they didn't bother putting on clothes, knowing that they would just be a hindrance to take off soon. He was sure they'd find themselves in a shameful position at least once more before Ana got home, maybe even twice more. Sure by that time he'd just be shaking with his orgasm, shooting blanks, but it would still feel great, save for the chance that his entire waist would be sore, from tail hole to balls.

Jake wrapped a towel around his waist as did Lucas and followed the wolf into the kitchen, where the brown bags holding their food waited. He put the food onto plates and began to reheat both their meals. As he closed the door he felt a pair of arms wrap around his stomach.

"Why don't we eat lunch in bed?" Lucas suggested, pulling on Jake. He ran his paws over the bear's stout stomach and could feel it rumbling from Jake's happy growl in his chest. He pulled his paw back up, knowing what would happen if it drifted even lower the bear's body.

"I want to actually eat,"

"We will...I thought you promised me a day in bed though," Lucas said, a small whine to his tone.

Jake chuckled and turned around, embracing him mate also. He lifted Lucas up and began to bite along his neck, the wolf moaning audibly at his ministrations. He set Lucas on the counter so he could rub at his fur, "Am I not pleasing my Puppy?" he asked, biting at the wolf's ear with small nips.

Lucas felt his breath escape him a little, "I didn't mean it like're doing amazing, it's just I don't want you to stop," he said as the bear stopped play with his ear and settled for his neck. He could feel Jake's tongue dancing under his fur, the bear growling loudly as he did so.

Jake heard the microwave signal him that the food was ready again. He pulled away from Lucas's neck and settled for a passionate wet kiss. He had promised to be the wolf's for the entire day, in a more lewd sense-he was the wolf's mate which meant he was Lucas's all the time one way or the other, but today was different. He was going to do whatever Lucas asked him. If the wolf asked for a session outside he'd probably do that. He heard Lucas moan again and gently patted him on the leg before pulling from their kiss too. "I'd hate for you to not be there anything I can do to make your day better?"

Lucas chuckled, "Well now that you mention it...we could eat in bed,"

Jake chuckled and pulled Lucas down from the counter, "You get the cups and drinks, I'll get the food,"

Lucas nodded and began to get everything ready. His mate was quicker than he was but he caught him before he left, "Jake!"

Jake stopped in his tracks and looked back at his mate, "Yeah Puppy?"

"What do you want to drink?"

"Oh...umm...water please," Jake replied with a smile. He got to the bedroom and set everything up, and soon heard Lucas come in behind him. They turned on the TV and slowly began to eat, both enjoying their time together. There wasn't too much of a chance of them beginning to rump the other-they were both hungry. That, however, didn't stop the stray paws that would occasionally drift over a sensitive area. When they both finished they set the plates on the night stand and were now just cuddling together, Lucas holding Jake close to him as they watched a bit of TV. They both preferred to watch in the living room, though in Lucas's room nothing terrible would come of the smells that were sure to be strong now.

"How is your shoulder Big-guy?" Lucas asked, nestling closer to Jake.

" feels a bit sore..." Jake replied with a light chuckle. He looked down at Lucas and smiled, "You have strong jaws,"

Lucas laughed, it was a strange compliment. He could've told him a lot of things, but no, he told him his jaws were strong. Still, the compliment was nice, "Thanks,"

Jake ruffled his mate's fur and sighed, "No problem...I should be thanking you,"

Lucas blushed lightly, " you need a something to wrap it?"

"No I'm fine Puppy," Jake said and kissed the top of Lucas's head, "Thanks though,"

"Well, later tonight we'll dab it with some rubbing alcohol," Lucas said and felt Jake breath in to complain, "No 'buts' about it..."

Jake sighed and let out a defeated groan. That was something weird about the wolf. It was his fault that he got pierced, in every conceivable way. Still, whenever the wolf did mark him he would take extensive care to make sure nothing bad happened. Sure there was a small chance of infection, but it was really small, miniscule really. "It's your fault anyway,"

Lucas smiled and nuzzled back against Jake's chest, "Don't pretend you don't love it,"

"Oh, you know I love it..." Jake said, his chest rumbling. "I love everything you do to me,"

Lucas let out a light groan as Jake pulled him closer, "Keep it up and I'll end up mating you again,"

Jake leaned down and nipped the wolf's head, "I think I'd be ok with that,"

"Well, maybe I'll take you up on that later..."

"I'm glad we had today together," Jake said, guessing the wolf was rejecting the offer for another go together.

"It isn't over yet,"

"Really? Does the Puppy want another ride or do I get that pleasure?" Jake asked teasingly.

Lucas couldn't help but to push his rump back against Jake a little, "A tempting offer to say the least," he said and looked over at a clock; it was already two in the afternoon. He let out an aggravated growl, "Oh, look at the time,"

Jake did so quickly and then looked back at his mate, "I don't see a problem..."

"Elementary schools get out at two-thirty. We have thirty minutes if we're lucky," Lucas said, exasperated at the fact.

Jake leaned down and nipped at Lucas's ear, "We have time...don't forget...there's the issue of picking up who you need to, and of getting here...I think that'll give u-" he was trying to say when the phone rang. He let out an angry sigh and pulled on Lucas, growling lightly. His mate tried to pry himself away, and he hesitantly let him go.

Lucas pulled away from Jake, "I have to get the phone Big-guy. I'll be right back," he said and got up once Jake let him go. He moved to the nearest phone and picked it up.

Jake leaned down and let out a sigh. He looked down at himself, his stomach moving lightly as he breathed. His sheath was swelling in the towel, and he looked back towards the door. His cock had been thoroughly used, abused, and drained in the past few hours with his mate. Still, it was telling him he could go another round, and his abused and filled rump would be sore no matter what so he was willing and ready to take another time or two with Lucas. The first time had been heated, rough, and pretty quick; Lucas had ended up blowing his load along with him just by the two stroking the other-covering the other in their seed, though they cleaned up pretty well. There were four other times, and by how his member was growing there might be a sixth. His balls told him he didn't have anything to give, but that didn't seem to stop his member from growing more. The memories of the day did little to inhibit the growth either-quite the opposite really. After a moment the door opened again and Jake looked over at his mate.

Lucas smiled and walked over to the bed. He let his towel fall from his waist and moved to the bear, "Guess what?" he said, propping up on a shoulder next to Jake.

Jake felt his member twitch as the naked wolf lay down next to him, "What?" he asked, looking over Lucas's body.

Lucas chuckled and shuffled closer to Jake, letting his paw teasingly travel through his fur, "I just got some good news,"

"Ohh?" Jake inquired, leaning closer to his mate's face.

"Yeah...apparently we have about two hours together. My mom is picking up Ana and they're going to shop for a bit...she apparently wants a new jacket. But my dad is still coming in around after three. But we have more time together. And..." Lucas said and kissed Jake on the lips, "I was thinking if you wanted to...we could...well..."

"Have another go?" Jake asked, coming right out with it. There was a smile planted on his muzzle. He leaned forward and licked Lucas on the cheek.

"Well...I was kind of thinking I could have another know, on you,"

Jake's eyes widened a bit and he smiled. He wasn't going to object. They didn't usually ask for what position they ended up in. Jake admitted he was a submissive guy, he loved to have the wolf top him; it felt great. He was a bottom and Lucas was a top, it wasn't something they really discussed in detail-that was just a matter of nature to them. It may start with a kiss and though he'd be the one to be on top growling and moaning it would be the wolf that would call all the shots for them. Lucas had a dominant personality and he was more subservient, as far as the bedroom went at least. That was why it was strange, they rarely asked the other to do something, not that he was complaining.


Jake shook his head and snapped out of his train of thought, "What?"

Lucas blushed, thinking the bear just wanted him to say it again. He still managed a smile though, "I was kind of hoping you could, well, you kn-"

"Yeah, I heard that...I just drifted off...sorry," Jake interrupted, knowing his mate, though aggressive, wasn't ever good with asking to do things in the bedroom. He moved so that their fur was beginning to intermingle, "Puppy wants me to bury my bone again...doesn't he?"

"Only if you wouldn't mind Big-guy...but yes, I'd love for you to,"

"Hey, it's not about me today...this is all about you," Jake nearly whispered as he lightly nuzzled Lucas.

Lucas chuckled; the bear was obviously more than ready to be the top again. Even in the nuzzle there was a notable amount of lust in the bear's actions and tone. He was pushed down and felt Jake roll over on top of him. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes as the bear's paws ran through his fur. He groaned as Jake bit at his neck, "I want my bear to breed me again,"

Jake growled and pulled away from Lucas's neck. He licked him once on the nose and smiled lustfully at him. He was more than willing to fufil that request.

Lucas pulled on Jake and let his paws travel over Jake's body. He moved down and groped the bear's rump, smiling as Jake pressed more tightly against him. The bear had been amazing today, and it seemed like that was only going to continue. The towel that covered the bear's waist was annoying, he wanted to feel his mate more. A nip at his ear made him yelp lightly and he shot the bear a scowl.

"What?" Jake asked and repeated the action, being gentler this time. Even though the wolf had yelped he didn't move away, his ears didn't move either. He kissed Lucas once on the head and moved down a little. A paw gripped the hem of the towel wrapped around his waist and it undid itself. He could feel his hips being pulled closer to the wolf, Lucas pulling the towel down to him. The wolf let out a moan and Jake gave a light nip on his mate's chin, and he felt the wolf lick at his lips.

"Jake..." Lucas said as he sighed through closed his eyes. At the mention of his name the bear stopped though. After a moment though the ministrations resumed, Jake obviously, not needing to know why he'd said his name, or already understanding the reason. He moved the towel off of the bed and wrapped his arms around the bear, pulling their bodies together finally. The bear's chest was rumbling and Lucas began to nip along his mate's body. He took special care to be gentle at the bear's shoulder, yet still rough enough to make Jake gasp at the feeling.

Jake's rumble in his chest increased greatly when the wolf moved to his shoulder and his grip became a vice around Lucas. He didn't do anything; he was completely dominated by the submissive wolf whenever Lucas was near his shoulder. When his mate pulled away he was allowed to catch his breaths and took time to breathe in the wolf's scent as he did. The wolf's member was poking his own and he rubbed against the wolf's soft fur, a moan coming from his own muzzle. He moved up to the wolf's lips and smiled, "You ready?"

Lucas leaned forward and kissed Jake quickly and wetly on the lips. He heard Jake moan and return it eagerly. After a bit he pulled away and adjusted himself a bit. He still had his arms around the bear and didn't really want to let go of him, "Bury that bone already Big-guy,"

Jake chuckled and escaped the wolf's arms. He stared down at him with a smile, "You're amazing,"

Lucas huffed lightly, "You say that to all the guys you get into the bed I bet,"

"You're right I do, but so far I'm only at one guy," Jake replied with a smile. He took hold of his mate's legs and pushed them forward, "Not to say I couldn't get more...after all, I do have those magic fingers,"

Lucas rolled his eyes and let his legs rest on his mate's shoulders, "Your shoulder good?"

"Yeah, it's long as you don't plan to kick me or anything," Jake said with a laugh.

"Then you should be good to go," Lucas said and shuffled a little closer to Jake, exposing his hole to him.

Jake grabbed his member and pressed it against the wolf's entrance. He saw Lucas's breath catch for a moment before relaxing. He smiled at the wolf and pressed against him a bit more, continuing to apply and release pressure. They didn't really need lube, they were both still good to go, instead, he took his time to tease the wolf. Each time he acted like he was about to go the wolf would take in a deep breath, which would always catch when he stopped. Lucas's cock told him the wolf was reacting to it, even if his mate's face tried to lie; it would twitch with anticipation and was leaking a bit of pre. Soon enough he made the wolf start to pant.

"Jake, you're a jerk," Lucas said, his grip on the bed sheets increasing along with the pressure on his hole.

"Sorry know me, I have to make sure when I bury my bone that I'm sure it'll be happy where it is,"

Lucas wanted to just get the bear in him but found it harder than it should've been; especially with Jake teasing him. His paws still gripping the bed sheets. "Please Big-guy, I really want"

Jake smiled and pushed a bit harder, Lucas grunting as he did so. They both groaned with pleasure as he slipped into the wolf. Jake moaned as the wolf's warmth surrounded his member, his cock throbbed in the confines. In fact, every noise that escaped them was wrapped with pleasure. Looking down at Lucas he leaned down and stole a kiss from the wolf.

"It's about time," Lucas groaned and moved his legs down to Jake's sides, Jake gently placing them around him. If Jake was going to be kissing him he didn't want to have his legs on his shoulders; it was a bit of a stretch to do constantly. With that he focused his attention on the bear's tongue that was currently traveling through his muzzle. He wrapped his arms around the bear and pulled on his fur, moaning as Jake's cock hit his prostate-each time making him moan a bit louder.

Jake pulled from the kiss and smiled at the wolf, stroking his muzzle with a free paw. The warmth of Lucas was nice; he was currently nuzzling against his paw and sighing. Eventually the more kind actions ended and he rested his paws on his mate's shoulders. He began to increase his pace, letting the physical feeling determine what exactly he did to Lucas. Every rough thrust made the wolf below him shake with pleasure and a rasped groan escape him. A smile covered his muzzle and he began to truly pound the wolf, and soon Lucas was grunting as his hole was abused. Jake could feel Lucas pull on him with every rough thrust, and with every coarse breath left the wolf's lungs he felt more intoxicated. He began to bite and kiss over Lucas's face, Lucas pulling more roughly on him as he did.

Lucas felt a pair of lips assault his neck and face. A wave of pleasure ran over him and he groaned loudly. His cock was trapped between both their warm, furry, bellies-making yet another mess of their stomachs. He heard Jake moan and felt his hole tighten around the cock-making Jake groan loudly. The bear's lips were most frequently at his neck, tickling at his skin. "Jake..."

Jake pulled back and looked at Lucas, "Yeah? You OK?"

Lucas smiled and leaned forward kissing Jake on the lips. He didn't reply and set his head back onto the pillow. Soon enough Jake received the message and leaned in to kiss him once more. They began a passionate kiss as the bear's hips continued to hit against his rump. He wasn't sure exactly how long he'd last, whether it could be hours or just a few minutes of pleasure. He knew there wasn't much to give, at least as far as cumming went, but his cock was still rock hard and felt every bit of the furry bellies that it was trapped between.

Jake pulled away for a second, changed his angle and pushed back into Lucas's muzzle, playing with the wolf's tongue in an entirely different way. It was good to kiss the wolf, especially with Lucas being so into it-they were both into it. He shuffled a bit and began to thrust into Lucas more brusquely. He began to growl and be a bit less gentle in his actions. Even his kiss with Lucas began to become rougher, Lucas adjusting himself along with it.

Lucas spread his legs around the bear a bit more and gave Jake as much access into him as was possible. And Jake took full advantage of such an opportunity, assaulting his tail hole with hard thrust and quick jabs. Their mouths muffled the others moans, groans, grunts, growls, and whimpers-every sound was meshed with pleasure and lust. He felt Jake's tongue slip away and then the bear changed his angle a bit, but before he finished Lucas pulled him back.

Jake let out a grunt as Lucas pulled him back into the kiss-the wolf wasn't about to let him get away even if it was to change his position. He was a bit surprised by the wolf's aggressiveness, but he wasn't complaining. Even though the occasional whimper escaped the wolf's muzzle he was very much a leader in the kiss. He made sure to match the wolf's enthusiasm though, and it was hardly something he minded. In fact, it helped him too, and he began to treat the wolf's rump even more roughly. He let his paws travel down and grab the wolf's legs to hold onto so he didn't lose any ground in his mate's hole.

Lucas moaned and his hole tightened as Jake's cock pistioned into it-causing Jake's growl to increase further in his muzzle. Jake pulled from his muzzle quickly, surprising him; there had been no indication of the abrupt end. He looked at the bear and couldn't complain, his body was being wracked with too much pleasure still. After a minute Jake took a break, and from the look of the bear he was beginning to grow tired of their current position. Lucas chuckled, "You want to switch things up?"

Jake smiled and grabbed the wolf's legs from his waist and held them up to Lucas, "Hold these for me won't ya?"

Lucas took hold of his legs and felt Jake push deeper into him and let his legs fall back onto his shoulders. Lucas groaned at the full feeling that he was getting. He looked at his own straining member and wondered if he could cum paws free or not. His prostate was abused, but maybe the bear could pound another load out of it-not that there was much to give. Neither was expecting to give the other anything other than physical stimulation, it was all they had to give each other. He noticed that Jake wasn't doing anything and looked up at the bear, "What's the hold up Big-guy...get to work,"

"Strong words for the Puppy on his back," Jake replied with a grin.

"Hey, today is my day after all...and I think I deserve a bit of a treat," Lucas replied with a light chuckle. " a good bear and give me everything you have,"

"Oh...I'll give you a treat," Jake said and pulled out of Lucas to the tip. After that he shoved his member back in, Lucas howling out in a combination of pain and pleasure. He watched as Lucas's chest moved and he caught his breath and then repeated the rough action, this time Lucas's howl holding more pleasure to it. He did it once more, and Lucas's eyes shut for a moment in pleasure. After a few more rough pounds he took it easier on the wolf's hole, just sliding in and out. "Like that you mean?" he asked with a sly grin.

Lucas huffed, catching his breath again and bit his lip a little, "Just like that," he moaned.

Jake smiled and let his paws traverse the wolf's body. He found that it was even more exciting to play with Lucas's balls. When he squeezed or rolled them in his paws the wolf would become lost in pleasure. He made sure to keep the wolf lost in pleasure-Lucas practically writhing on the end of his member.

Lucas moaned and let the bear do as he wished. His cock throbbed in the air and the occasional spurt of pre landed in his fur. He was pretty sure that nothing could be better than this. The bear gently rolled his balls in his paw, massaging his over worked seed banks. He heard Jake grunt and the bear growled a bit, a low and happy growl that showed his excitement. Lucas opened an eye and saw Jake's head tilted back as the bear rode out his small phase. He hoped Jake wasn't cumming, that would be a real shame at the moment. After a moment though the bear's breathing returned to normal-only for it to resume to hot gasping again.

" want me to shoot already Lucas?" Jake gasped, trying his best to focus only on the wolf's tail hole.

"I can't say it'd be a bad thing..." Lucas said and smiled at Jake, and the bear groaned loudly again.

"Lucas...please...I'm going to cum if you don't stop," Jake said and stopped moving entirely.

"Stop what?" Lucas asked.

"Yo-Your tail," Jake gasped and gripped onto Lucas's legs for support. He felt so close, like it was just a bit more. He buried himself as deeply into his mate as he could and began to pant, barely holding back his orgasm. The wolf's tail had been thumping against his balls, roughly coaxing whatever he had in him outside. After a second the tail stopped and Jake stayed still, trying not to move at all. Soon enough he was able to fight away his orgasm and looked down at the wolf, "Did you not know?"

Lucas chuckled lightly, " know I don't really think about it,"

Jake groaned as his mate's tail swished quickly and powerfully. He scowled at his mate who was slyly smiling at him.

"Sorry Big-guy...what can I say, you're just that amazing,"

"You did that one on purpo-" Jake was saying before it happened again.

"Yep," Lucas replied, watching the bear writhe in pleasure. He moved his tail more roughly, just barely brushing against the bear's balls, "I didn't think you had really sensitive balls though," he said, stating it more as a fact.

Jake bit his lower lip and sighed, "I wouldn't say sensitive...but, you're definitely doing something to me,"

"So...if I do this more?" Lucas inquired, thumping his tail once more. He saw Jake groan and grinned again, repeating the action. It wasn't hard enough to hurt, it was more like when he was rolling the bear's sack in his maw or muzzle, the occasional squeeze was never a bad thing. To realize he could still be doing that as the bear pounded him into ecstasy was a nice thing to know-most likely he wouldn't even know if he was doing it. His tail tended the move back and forth when he was happy, and he guessed that if it had been thumping against Jake then that just went to show how happy he was. He couldn't help but wonder what else he could find out about pleasing the bear's sensitive regions.

"Lucas..." Jake said, pulling more on the wolf.

Lucas chuckled, it was fun to do this surely, but not nearly as fun without Jake pounding into him. He stopped and smiled, "Well, you weren't doing anything,"

Jake sighed, letting himself calm down again. He nuzzled one of Lucas's nearby legs that were resting on his shoulders and smiled, "Fine...I guess I can't leave you to your own devices now can I Puppy?" he asked, pulling out a bit.

"I think you like my devic-" Lucas was saying before Jake slammed into him, causing him to grunt as his cock twitched and shot another healthy glob of pre.

Jake chuckled and decided to cut off any of the things Lucas was going to say. He shuffled a bit closer to the wolf and began to thrust into him like he had done before. He made sure to keep a slow pace though. He would pull out teasingly slow and then slam back in just as he was beginning to slip out. With every thrust he heard a small howl, almost a yelp as Lucas's cock jumped once more. "You ready Puppy?" Jake asked with a smile.

Lucas didn't really have time to ask what the bear meant before he found out. He howled out again and panted as the bear began to truly abuse his hole. He'd thought it'd been rough before, but Jake had only been getting started. Now the bear was taking full advantage of his hole. It was obvious Jake was wasting no time with letting him catch his breath, which only managed to come in small gasp and were pushed out in yelps and howls of pleasure.

Jake growled and gripped onto the wolf's legs. He was going to pound the wolf until he shot his load into the wolf, but he didn't want to be greedy either. He knew exactly what areas in his mate to hit to increase his pleasure, and it was fun to watch. Lucas's mouth was wide open, tongue lightly hanging out, and his chest was heaving out whatever it could take. Even the wolf's paws were gripping at the bed sheets just next to his knees, as if to latch onto something.

A loud 'ughh' escaped Lucas as the cock drilled into his abused hole. Jake's growl increased yet again, and with it the feeling of pleasure. A breath caught in his throat and he couldn't help a strange half-smirk, "That's it...right there Big-guy...oh yeah, please...right there," he groaned and yelped again.

Their musical love making had become a symphony by this time. They had the vocal growls, moans, groans, yips, and howls, along with the percussion of the bear's balls slapping against him and the head board as a bass, and finally the creaking bed to act as their metronome.

Lucas growled loudly and felt his hole clench around the bear's member; it felt great to have the bear pounding him. The treatment was rough enough to make them both sweat and exciting enough for his cock to be producing a surprising amount of pre considering how much he'd already used. Lucas arched his back and let out a small howl of pleasure as his cock began to twitch. When he rested again it was only to get in a quick reprieve before it happened again. Soon his back stayed arched as Jake breed him roughly, making him moan and call the bear's name, begging for him to continue. He could faintly hear himself barking orders to Jake, "Don't stop! Please Big-guy...gah....pound me Jake,"

Something about Lucas's calls sparked in him. He loved them, another part of Lucas he couldn't live without. "No problem this," he growled to the wolf and slammed into Lucas making him bark and gasp.

"Breed me and bury that bone Big-guy," Lucas growled with equal intensity at the bear.

Jake felt his balls twitch, and knew he was about to cum. He didn't have any trouble obeying the wolf, but did try to meet his mate's enthusiasm. He tried to keep his pace though, Lucas loved this too much for him to stop; it was the wolf's day today and he planned to make sure he enjoyed every last second of pleasure. The normal feelings weren't there. It was kind of like running a race that you weren't sure had an end but you knew if there was it was just around the corner. His body was crying for the last bit of pleasure that was needed to send him over the edge. He tried to think of the wolf, of filling up the wolf, of making him cum, trying his best to keep up the feeling. The fact that Lucas was calling for him helped-Lucas begging him to 'breed his Puppy and bury his bone' as he said it. It was almost a sure sign he was doing well if Lucas ever referred to himself as 'his puppy' and Jake wondered if Lucas even realized it.

"Jake!" Lucas howled and gasped. There was no way he was going to last much longer, but he didn't know if he could cum. He wanted to, he needed to, but his cock just twitched and throbbed. The bear's cock pummeled his prostate and milked him but that final edge eluded him.

Jake tried to math the wolf's own enthusiasm and knew it was almost over for them both. If he did cum though, he wanted the wolf to cum with him. He reached down and grasped the wolf's cock and began to stroke it quickly-which caused his hole to tighten like a vice around his hole. That was all it took to send him over the edge.

Lucas moaned as Jake stroked his member and the bear's cock began to pummel his prostate even more roughly. It was obvious the bear was cumming, he could feel it happening. Still, the bear was pleasing him-his mate was going to make him cum with him. Lucas felt the final rope being cut in him and began to shake as his cock throbbed in his mate's paws. He tried his best to ride on the bear, wanting feel that cock reach whatever it could in him and let out a howl of pleasure. He howled out as Jake just grunted and tried to get the last bit of cum into him, all the while the bear continued to please him from two directions. His cock twitched and throbbed and to his surprise a line of cum hit his muzzle, but that was it. After the initial hit no more came out, and his cock simply throbbed. Sure it wasn't paws free, but if there had to be a paw, Jake's was the best. He let his legs slide from the bear's shoulders and soon enough Jake collapsed onto him.

Jake groaned and pulled on Lucas, "That was fun Puppy,"

Lucas chuckled tiredly and his balls ached-he was sure they were truly drained of everything in them. He could feel Jake kissing at his face. Soon enough, as normal, the bear was soon biting at his ear. Normally Jake would just enjoy to bite along his ear, it was a strange thing about the bear. Then again, he bit the bear's shoulder and Jake bit at his ear, they both had a spot. He could feel his tail hole clench around the bear's member occasionally and groaned a bit. "Hey Jake,"

"Yeah Pupp-" Jake was asking when Lucas nearly attacked his muzzle with a kiss. He didn't waste any time with returning it. The occasional thrust into his mate's used hole cause Lucas to groan even more. He reached down and stroked Lucas's softening member, causing Lucas to nearly cry out through the kiss. Normally playing with one another after they had already cum was kept to kissing and hugs, but today was different.

Lucas felt his cock twitching again and groaned loudly. The feeling of the bear pawing on his already spent member was odd, but amazing. It was like he was trying make him go crazy. His member was sensitive and he felt every single part of Jake's paw pads move over him. When Jake let go of his cock he let out a relieved moan, now the bear couldn't tease him like that again. After a moment he pulled from the kiss and smiled as Jake continued to nip at his ears again. "Thanks for being my big pet bear for the day,"

Jake chuckled and pulled on Lucas's ear between his teeth. He let it fall and looked down at his mate, "I'm always your big pet bear...just say when. Just like you're my Puppy...right?"

Lucas blushed, the bear trapped him. There was no way he could say no, and at the same time he knew Jake loved to make him say stuff like this. Of course, it wasn't like he would ever say no-he was Jake's puppy. The bear loved to make him do this stuff. It was amazing how the name had grown on him though, he liked it now. It was Jake's name for him, and he loved to hear it. Still, it was slightly embarrassing. He smiled at his mate, "Yes, I'm your puppy,"

Jake smiled and moved down the wolf's body, "Yep...mine," he said, growling the possessive part of the word.

Lucas exposed his neck for his mate and let out a sigh as Jake began to bite at his neck for a brief moment. He glanced over at a clock, "Geez..."

Jake pulled away and smiled at his mate, "What was the 'geez' for?"

" much as I'd love to stay like this...stroking through your fur and playing with my big bear...we might want to clean up,"

"Why...I think you smell great,"

"I smell like your personal cum towel,"

"Like I said, you smell great," Jake said with a smile. "I like you smelling like that...just a bit of a way to let everyone know; you're my puppy and no one else's," Jake growled and smiled as Lucas groaned.

Lucas smiled up at his mate, "Well, you smell like my personal cum towel..."

"I like smelling like your personal towel..."

Lucas chuckled, "Yeah..."

" clean up needed," Jake kidded. He knew that they would need a shower.

"Well, we may have twenty minutes if we're lucky...and I don't think my family will like 'aroma le Jake,' which smells kind of musky,"

"Do you like it?"

Lucas took in a quick breath through his nose and smiled at his mate, "I love it,"

Jake smiled at Lucas and licked his fur, where the line of cum had shot and then leaned forward and kissed the wolf. A paw landed on his head and brought him deeply into the kiss as they exchanged muzzle terrain. A moan escaped Lucas and he knew he'd slipped out of the wolf. After a minute he pulled back and smiled, "All clean?"

"Hmm...let's see, I'm still a bit sticky," Lucas said with a chuckle. He felt some of Jake's cum slip out of him along with the bear's member and grinned a little, he was sure both their hole's were a bit cum stained at the moment. Not a bad thing though. He ran his paws through Jake's fur and smiled, "Not to mention I think we could both use a quick shower," he added.

"Together?" Jake asked, and licked another part of the wolf's face.

"Of course Big-guy,"

Jake chuckled and rolled off of the wolf. He heard Lucas let out a light yelp as he brought the wolf into his arms, "To the shower!"

Lucas nuzzled the bear's chest, and let the bear carry him. Usually he didn't like for Jake to do this type of thing, but it wasn't too terrible. He smiled at his mate and leaned up kissing under his muzzle, making Jake happily laugh. They soon arrived in the bathroom and he felt Jake set him down on his feet. He moved over and opened the shower down and turned the water on. As normal when his back was to Jake a pair of arms wrapped around him. He smiled and leaned back into the bear, "Thanks for today,"

"You aren't finished already are you?" Jake asked, his paws drifting lower. He was joking though. He was almost hoping the wolf didn't have anything left in him because he wasn't sure if he could give much more to him anyway-at least not until tomorrow or tonight at the earliest.

Lucas chuckled, "You're safe for now..."


Mr. Vadikson closed the door as he walked into the house. First day back, he couldn't stand Mondays anymore than the students could. When he walked in he noticed the sound of water. There was also the smell of spicy food, the two had probably gone out for Thai-no real surprise. As he moved past the living room he took his shoulder bag that contained all his work and put it next to his chair.

Jake and Lucas were here he knew that, but he couldn't hear them at all. He wondered where they were though; he could tell someone was in the shower. He moved to the bed room and as soon as he opened the door his nose pad wrinkled. The smell was pungent and strong. It didn't take much imagination to know where the source was, though it permeated the entire room.

They certainly had been doing something of an intimate nature. He moved to Lucas's windows and opened them before walking out of the room. There was no one else in the room, they were both in the shower. Mr. Vadikson couldn't help but the roll his eyes.

"Young love..." he chuckled to himself as he moved quickly out of the room. He shook his body a bit and made sure to close the door. He loved the two of them but did wish they had opened a window or something, their scent was permeating out of the room and he hoped the open window would make it go away. He wondered just how his wife would react if she had been the one-he'd probably never have heard the end of it.

He moved into the living room and sat down in his chair, letting out a sigh. Looking down at his bag he grabbed it and pulled out the psychology book his students were forced to read. He'd told them they were starting reading quizzes, so he wasn't their favorite teacher right now. He chuckled lightly to himself and began to look through the book on what he could quiz them on.


Lucas chuckled as Jake broke finally broke their very prolonged kiss, "You good?"

Jake shrugged his shoulders, "You don't like me kissing you?"

"I love you kissing me...I just think I like to breathe too. You don't have to lean up when you're kissing me...well, not when we're standing," Lucas said with a laugh. The water running over him had made it a bit difficult to catch a breath.

"You found out a good method though," Jake replied with a chuckle.

"Yeah...maybe you can write about it in a paper," Lucas said with a chuckle. He breathed using Jake as a source of oxygen. The body rarely uses all the oxygen it takes in, maybe half of it, and that was enough for him considering Jake took in very deep breathes.

"I don't think my professors want to read about me kissing you,"

Lucas shrugged his shoulders and turned off the water, "I'd read about it,"

Jake cocked his head a little, "You would? I may write you a book,"

"You should," Lucas said, "I could be a hero and save the universe from th-"

"I was thinking you were the scared Puppy in distress and I could be the brave knight who saves you," Jake interrupted.

Lucas thought for a few seconds, "Do I win you over at the end?"


"Do I get to be the strong guy who saves you from something about half-way through because you're the arrogant type who thinks he can do everything on his own, and this becomes a weakness? You end up making a mess of yourself and are writhing in darkness when I leap down and save you...or something like that,"

"Hmm...I don't see it but I might be able to put that part in. And then when you save me you realize that your feelings for me are just a bit more than friendly and you try to rationalize why you'd be attracted to such a big strong sexy guy, but the more you think about it the more you worry...and you begin t-"

"Save it for the editor," Lucas said with a laugh. "You've thought about this haven't you?"

"A bit..." Jake said with a laugh. He pulled Lucas closer to him, and wrapped a towel around his body, "But...I guess real life experiences make me think of things as some type of novel..."

Lucas smiled at Jake, "I was never in distress,"

"Yeah...but you did save me," Jake said with a chuckle and kissed the wolf on the lips lightly.

Lucas smiled, so Jake thought of himself as the guy in distress. He didn't say anything, there wasn't much to say after that. He leaned closer to his mate and kissed him once more, Jake encouragingly growling as he did so. The kiss didn't last as long as the others, but it held just as much affection in it. He helped dry the bear and was careful while at the bear's shoulder, "We should clean this,"

"I was just in the shower,"

"Come-on Big-guy," Lucas said and kissed the bear once on the lips, "if not for yourself than for me,"

Jake looked at his shoulder and sighed. The wolf was really persistent. It wasn't a bad thing, after all, the wolf was only being worrisome. It was as if he really expected the small bite to cause some terrible infection. Still, it was sweet of Lucas to worry, and he never let that escape him. He let the wolf lead him by a paw to where the mirror was and it was soon pulled back, opening the cabinet.

"Sorry Big-guy...I know you don't like this part," Lucas replied and looked back at Jake, who thankfully was smiling at him.

"It's fine..." Jake said, deciding that he couldn't sulk around with Lucas. A grimace did appear on his muzzle as the wolf pulled out some cotton swabs and a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

Lucas opened the bottle and dabbed a cotton ball in it, then turned his attention to his mate. Jake put on his best face and Lucas couldn't help but smile at him. He leaned up and kissed Jake once more, "OK...don't worry, I'll be as gentle as I can,"

Jake winced when the cool cotton came into contact with his mark. Lucas gave him some kind words-distracting him from the burn. It was just the sting of it that was annoying, not . The wolf was gentle and he was glad for it. Soon the wolf was done and he smiled at Lucas, "Thanks,"

"No more thing," Lucas said. He knew the bear expected it by now.

Jake watched Lucas pull out a bit of gauze and dressed his shoulder. Next came a small bit of tape to hold it all together and he saw Lucas smile at his handiwork.

"Flex your shoulder for me," Lucas said.

Jake did so and smiled at Lucas, "You're really amazing at this now,"

"What can I say...I have an amazing guy to do it with,"

"It?" Jake asked, giving a sly smile.

"Yes, it," Lucas said with a chuckle, "and this," he replied and kissed Jake once more. He brought the bear into a small kiss and smiled as Jake gently hugged him. It was the most gentle kiss of the bear; not that he didn't mind the ones that left him panting. Still, these held an affection that speed could never find. Eventually they pulled from the kiss as they always did. He felt Jake nip at his ear and hugged onto his mate.

"I love you,"

Lucas smiled to himself and pulled Jake closer, "Thanks,"

Jake grinned a little, the wolf was so weird. If he ever wanted to make him smile all it took was to nip at his ear and then gently say, "I love you," which he repeated a few more times. He held Lucas close to him and kissed him on the head a few times; it was nice to be gentle like this. The world seemed to just go away and leave him with the best mate you could find.

Lucas pulled away after a moment, "You know...I love you too,"

Jake chuckled, "Yeah, I know,"

"Good," Lucas said and they moved out of the bathroom. As soon as he did he chuckled, "Wow...that's kind of pungent,"

Jake smiled, "Smells like a combo of 'aroma le Jake and Lucas' if I had to guess,"

Lucas rolled his eyes, and then saw that the windows were open. He blushed, realizing that someone must've been in here. He walked over, "Come-on Big-guy...we need to get some clothes on, we're not alone anymore,"

"We're not?"

"The windows are open and I didn't open them,"

Jake's face turned a bit red too and he moved to his bag, where his clothes were and quickly began to put on something. He chuckled lightly as the wolf put an arm around him and pulling him closer.

"Thank you for today,"

Jake smiled and licked the wolf's cheek, "My pleasure,"

Lucas hugged Jake lightly and felt the bear return it, sharing a more emotional moment after all their physical times. He let Jake go and sighed, "Let's go see who's home,"

Jake nodded and followed Lucas. They found Mr. Vadikson in the living room going through a book.

Mr. Vadikson looked up at the two and smiled, "Hey there you two," he asked.

" was your day?" Lucas asked, and moved over with Jake to the couch.

"Pretty decent...but, hey, it is a Monday," Mr. Vadikson replied with a sigh. He decided against asking the two of them about their day. He was pretty sure what it consisted of, and he didn't want to embarrass them by asking for them to make up some excuse.

"So, you hate Mondays too?" Jake asked with a light chuckle. He put an arm around Lucas and felt his mate lean on him.

"Yeah, it never goes away. I love my job, I really do, but that doesn't mean you ever love having to stop from a break that is fun," Mr. Vadikson said with a chuckle. His eyes fell onto Jake's shoulder, where a bit of gauze was sticking out. He chuckled lightly, no wonder the two seemed so happy today.

"Yeah...thanks for the grim reminder we have to go back to school," Lucas said with a sigh.

Jake couldn't help but to chuckle, "I don't mind it,"

"Nerd," Lucas replied.

"You're just annoyed that I beat you in psychology," Jake said and stuck his tongue out at Lucas. They had finally gotten around to comparing grades. It was funny, they'd made the exact same marks in all the classes they had together save for psychology, where Lucas was five points away from a perfect score, and Jake had made perfect.

Lucas scowled, "Ohh, I'm Jake, I'm good at psychology!" he said mockingly and lightly pushed against Jake. The bear just laughed at him though.

"Hey, you beat me in the math classes," Jake said. They had taken different courses, and in truth Lucas's had been tougher and he'd still done better. Jake couldn't say he wasn't jealous of his mate's abilities with numbers. It wasn't that he was bad, but he usually did find himself asking his mate for help on his work-math didn't stick with him like it did with Lucas.

Lucas nuzzled the bear, "Well...we both have our nice places of the academic world now don't we?"

Jake blushed lightly but pulled his mate a bit closer anyway, "I guess so,"

Lucas smiled a little, "How about we start at the episode we left off..."

"For the show?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, sure...OK with you Dad?" Lucas asked.

Mr. Vadikson nodded his head, "Sure...hang o-"

"I got it," Lucas said, holding the remote in his paws. He quickly turned on the DVD player and the title screen popped up. He smiled and nestled back into Jake's chest as he picked the episode they were all on.

Jake lay down with Lucas and let out a small sigh. After a moment he draped an arm over the wolf, deciding that it was fine to show small amounts of affection. Besides, he was sure that Lucas would be a bit cold in a bit, and he was happy to provide him with a bit of warmth.

The show progressed slowly and Lucas sighed lightly. They all made their regular predictions as to who the killer was and with that it was underway. A pair of teeth found there way to his ear and he jumped lightly, but quickly relaxed. It was almost funny sometimes. Some people like to chew on their lower lip when nervous, but Jake found that his ear was a perfect substitute. Of course it seemed like Jake did what he did just because it was one of his smaller ways of showing affection.

Jake pulled Lucas closer to him and let out a huff through his nose, Lucas's fur splaying lightly as he did. His suspect had just died, and that meant that Lucas was more than likely right. Before that though his phone rang, Jim was calling him. Jake looked at Lucas and smiled, before planting a small kiss on his cheek. He quickly dismissed himself to speak with him.

The gorilla seemed a bit distraught today, but that was expected. Jake had no expectations for the gorilla to be up and about. After all, when Lucas had broken up with him his life had literally spiraled into despair for a good three months-Lucas had been his cure ironically.

Time moved a bit slowly and he made sure to just be there for the gorilla. He talked for about an hour before the gorilla hung up. Jake looked down at his phone and sighed, Jim seemed to be going through the apathetic stage. The gorilla claimed to not care about the break-up and was fine with it. That was a lie. He hoped that Jim would be OK, it was painful to hear him as he was.

"You OK Big-guy?"

Jake jumped lightly and looked over at Lucas, "I'm good..."

"I know you are...but are you OK?"

Jake rolled his eyes at Lucas, "That was pretty cheesy," he said as Lucas moved over and leaned on him. He returned the action and nuzzled at the wolf, "But...yeah, I'm ok...everything is going to be fine...right?" he asked, more doubt than confidence in his voice.

"Yeah," Lucas said and smiled at Jake, "everything is going to be just fine,"

"Thanks for being there,"

Lucas leaned over and kissed Jake, "You don't have to thank me...but...if you want to come be my blanket in the living room then I'll accept that as a sign of your appreciation," he suggested.

Jake smiled, " was the killer?"

"The farmer,"

"The guy with all those geese?"

"Yeah...he'd trained them to throw vials of poison down the chimneys,"

Jake looked at Lucas, "You're kidding me, right?"

Lucas shook his head and watched the bear's face show disbelief. After a moment the bear hit him.

"You liar. What really happened?"

Lucas couldn't help a laugh, the bear knew he was lying already. "It really was the farmer...but all the people who died had bought stuff from him and he'd basically stalk them,"

"Cool...kind of," Jake said with a laugh.

"Yeah...come-on, my dad said he'd wait on us to start the next episode,"

"Oh, OK," Jake replied and moved with Lucas to the sun room. Mr. Vadikson was working on a word puzzle and looked up at them when they came in.

"Everything fine Jake?"

Jake looked over and nodded, "Yeah, it's OK," he replied and smiled lightly, forcing it out. It wasn't bad, and he wasn't going to complain. Sure things could be better, but all in all, life was OK. He had Lucas-what else was there to need? The wolf sat down next to him and he put a caring arm around him and pulled him down to the couch along with him.

" two all nice and snuggled?" Mr. Vadikson asked, jeering the two.

Lucas couldn't help a laugh at the first of his father's taunts. They weren't rude, and if anything they were a sign of approval. His father wasn't humorous unless he approved of it. And if his humor was dry and mean, then it was more than notable, but this wasn't. It was filled with the loving, fun-picking tone it usually had. He could imagine Jake's face was pretty red, and felt Jake pull a bit more on him. "Give me a sec," Lucas replied with a smirk and pulled Jake's arm over his chest. He looked back at his dad, "...we're good," he replied with a small laugh.

Mr. Vadikson rolled his eyes and pressed the play button. He could tell Jake was embarrassed, but the bear took it in stride. The intro played once more as they all let the TV become their main focus. About twelve minutes in they all, as usual, made guesses and left the speaking at that. The day passed just like that; among a comfortable group of people.

Jake couldn't count a moment he went without Lucas in his arms save to eat. Besides that instance he kept the wolf buried in his chest, as if letting him go would mean he'd never come back. Lucas didn't seem to mind-he seemed to encourage it actually. When the night came Jake just held the wolf closer still and chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing..." Jake mused. "Just happy,"

"Me too,"

"Good, that makes me happier," Jake said and kissed Lucas on the top of his head.