Red Riding Hood - Chapter 1

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#1 of Red Riding Hood

Disclaimer~ I had read the first two installments of Jay Naylor's comic about Red Riding Hood, which gave me the inspiration for this story. But this is not based on his comic. After I finished this chapter, I got the third installment of the comic, so things that happened to Kliw in here were before I read that installment of the comic.

This is a solo work by myself, and edited by RuthofPern for me.

Red had been walking for a while along the almost overgrown path leading to Kliw's home. The picnic basket she carried was a bit heavy, since she knew he didn't cook much, and there would be leftovers from their picnic for him for the week. She had a strange feeling that she was being watched, but whenever she looked behind her, she never saw anything either on the path or off to the sides in the tangled undergrowth. She shrugged it off and kept going, finally reaching Kliw's woodsy cabin. Since he was expecting her, she didn't bother knocking, just pushed open the door, and entered.

The black wolf that had been following her, knowing the end of the path was Kliw's house, had gone ahead of her, concealing himself just behind the door. As she entered he slammed it shut behind her, moving to block her retreat. Three other wolves were further inside, smiling wickedly at her as they parted, revealing her tied up boyfriend behind them. "Hello there." One of the three by her boyfriend said, baring his teeth in a false smile.

Red paused, and then took a step back, then another, until she backed into the one blocking her from leaving. She dropped the basket and swung her small hands at them. "Let him go! Leave us alone!" She screamed battering fruitlessly at he captor.

The black wolf easily grabbed her hand in his paw. "Now, now... Be a good girl," he said, his free paw easily ripping her clothes off her, not that she had been wearing much to begin with. "We're gonna have fun," he said, throwing her on the ground. All four of the wolves were aroused, their giant shafts emerging from their sheaths.

Red struggled as her clothes were ripped from her and she was tossed to the ground. Kliw and she hadn't even... and she wasn't about to... not for these... these... animals! She flipped over and tried to crawl away from them, looking to get Kliw and get out of here.

"We're gonna take you in front of your boyfriend," The black wolf growled as he grabbed her legs, flipped her back over and pushing her to the ground, one paw on the middle of her stomach, holding her in place. Using his other paw, he guided his cock to her virgin pussy and pushed hard to squeeze himself inside.

Red looked at Kliw, her eyes beseeching him to find a way to help her; then gave a frightened yell as she was grabbed and pushed onto the ground of the cabin. She felt the wolf pushing against her, her tight entrance trying to hold him out of her. A scream ripped from her as he drove himself into her, tearing through her virginity, which she had been saving for Kliw.

The scream was instantly gagged by the white wolf's cock, as he started to fuck her mouth as the black one started to fuck her deflowered pussy. Kliw tried to struggle but all he could do was watch as his love, his girl, was getting raped by a band of savage wolves. A tear escaped his eyes as the last two, a grey and a brown, walked up to each side of her and put her hands on their cocks. "Make yourself useful or it will get worse," the grey wolf growled.

She didn't want to do this, her eyes closing so she could hide her humiliation at the hands of these wolves as they raped her, but she wasn't going to just let them use her. She pulled her hands back from the other two, a muffled growl of anger slipping from her around the swollen shaft buried in her mouth. Defiance strung her out, every line of her body written with it.

"Why you little..." the black wolf, buried deeply in her tight cunt, growled and hit her thigh, leaving claw-marks on her flank. The white one pushed deeper, forcing his cock into her throat as the other two started roughly pulling on her breasts, their claws threatening to pierce her nipples.

"You asked for this. Cooperate and maybe we'll let you live," the black wolf growled as he pounded her cunt harder, his knot starting to inflate as it beat against her outer pussy, wanting to force her to scream again.

Red screamed as he clawed her thigh, but that just made it easier for the one thrusting into her mouth to push deeper into her, gagging her. Her breasts stung as the other two pulled on her nipples, their claws marking her soft flesh. Her body hurt as they pounded her, fucking her harder. She couldn't just give in though, and started kicking her legs as best as she could.

The wolf just grabbed them and held them together and up against his chest, making it easier to penetrate her, but then he pulled out and lay down on his back. While the white one was still fucking her mouth, the other two forced Red down on the black wolf's cock. "Time to take your last hole..." the wolf under her smirked in pleasure. As he finished the sentence, the grey wolf roughly pushed into her tight asshole.

Red screamed again, the rough violation of her body too much for her, and she couldn't even fight back. This position left the brown wolf out of the scene though and she was afraid of what he was going to do to her next...

"You have a choice. Either do me with your hand... or take a second dick up your ass. What will it be, little red slut?" the brown wolf growled and smirked. The others where humping hard and fast giving in to their primal pleasure, violating Red right before the struggling Kliw.

Red growled at him, her eyes opening as she glared at him, defiance written in her body. She pulled her muscles tighter, practically sealing the two in her in her velvet grip. She shook her head, as much as she was able to.

He snarled. "Suit yourself, slut... You must like the pain." He smirked standing right next to the grey wolf and forcing his big cock right into her already stretched ass. The wolves had no mercy on her, starting to increase the pace and slowly inserting their knots into her holes. She struggled even harder, trying to fight them, not wanting this to happen. Glancing past the wolf in front of her, she stared at Kliw, shame written on her face as the wolves raped her, violating every hole, starting to erase who she was and make her over into what they wanted her to be... a slut.

Kliw was actually crying. He knew she didn't really want this but he couldn't help her. He couldn't even move a muscle while watching his girlfriend being turned into a whore. The wolves pushed forcefully, squeezing their knots fully into her and erupting their enormous loads of cum into their current cock-socks.

Red was forced to swallow the cum erupting in her mouth, her body trembling as they used her. Her ass and pussy aching from being stretched by the knots, but the one in her mouth hadn't pushed that deeply, not wanting to kill her. They wanted to make her their tribes new slut.

After a while, the wolves pulled out of her, and changed holes, the brown wolf, the last one to take her ass shoving his cock into her mouth while the grey wolf got under her and shoved into her cunt. The other two moved behind her, and the black wolf plunged deeply into her ass while the white one angled down, taking her cunt and stretching her tight hole wide, just as her ass had been taken moments before.

Red struggled, trying to get free, but the four wolves fucked her hard. They showed her no mercy, wanting to change her mentality. The white wolf suddenly pulled out, and moved to Kliw, his hard cock glistening with Red's pussy juices. Grabbing the boy's head, he sliced through the gag and shoved his cock into his mouth, forcing Kliw to suck him off. "Bite me, and you'll not see her again," he growled down at Kliw.

From the bedroom, a new wolf entered. He was red and decorated with tribal designs in black and slowly padded over to Red. He motioned to the one under her, who pulled out and moved to Kliw, and stripped the boy naked. He grabbed the boy's cock as he moved behind him and shoved him down to all fours. Kliw's ass was exposed now and the wolf shoved into him violently, his paw stroking the boy's cock.

The last two in Red flipped her over, the black wolf still thrusting up into her ass while the brown wolf ploughed her throat. The decorated wolf painted designs onto Red's breasts and nipples, making them grow larger and start leaking milk, then he moved down, painting another design over her womb, making her cycle change completely.

The males could smell the difference in her scent, her body letting them know she was ready to conceive, and would always be ready. She wouldn't be able to conceive when already carrying male wolf cubs or female human children for the tribe, but after giving birth, she would be ready to get pregnant again.

Finally, the wolf moved lower still, painting another design right over her cunt, making her ache to be filled by hard, thick, knotted wolf cocks. The moment the last design was painted on her, he growled to the one under her, "Spread her legs wide. I want to fill her womb."

The black wolf grabbed her legs, his cock thrusting hard up into her ass, her cunt dripping wet from the rape and the cum that had already filled her aching pussy. The tribal-decorated male leaned down, shoving his nose at her clit while his tongue slid into her cunt, tasting her juices. He took his cock into paw; then climbed over her, pushing the tip into her just a little.

"Get ready, slut. You're going to breed us some more wolves for our tribe and some more sluts for us to slake our needs on," he growled at her, then plunged himself into her wet cunt. A howl escaped him as he filled her, her tight cunt squeezing his crimson shaft. His knot, while still small, was not yet inside her, but as he pulled back and thrust back into her, he slipped inside, then shortened his thrusts as his knot expanded, locking her to him as the black wolf beneath her also slammed his knot into her ass, tying her to both of them.

Both males thrust hard and fast into her, howling in delight as her tight walls clenched their crimson pricks and prepared to fill her with more wolf seed. The one in her mouth thrust faster, his knot forming and pounding at her mouth then he spewed his load into her throat, forcing her to swallow as he howled in pleasure. Moments later, the other two wolves in her shot their loads, filling her with hot, thick, creamy wolf seed, howling themselves. Red's hands gripped the legs of the wolf in her mouth, her head starting to bob up and down as she sucked his cock willingly.

Kliw had tears in his eyes as he saw his girl turning into the slut the wolves wanted her to be, but he was still restrained, his own mouth filled with the white wolf's cock while the grey wolf ploughed his ass and stroked his own cock, which was hardening in the wolf's paws. He couldn't believe what was happening to them. Red raped and turned into a wolf slut. Him raped and...

He pulled his head back, slipping his mouth from the white wolf in front of him, screaming as he shot his load onto the ground beneath him. The wolf grabbed his head and shoved his cock back into his mouth, forcing the boy to deep throat him as he came right down his gullet.

The decorated wolf finally pulled out of Red's cunt, cum leaking from her as he moved over to Kliw. The white wolf moved over to Red and growled at her, "What do you want, slut?"

Red slowly pulled off the cock in her mouth and looked at the white wolf. "I want you to fuck me. I want you to use my cunt, my ass or my mouth for your pleasure. I want your cum filling me till I can take no more."

The white wolf grinned down at her, growling, "Then you shall get what you want, slut; many times over. An entire tribe of wolves to fill your holes with their hard cocks, each one of us knotting inside you as we fill you with our seed. Your belly rounding as you carry our pups."

The black wolf pulled out of her ass and three wolves surrounded her. "Get on all fours, slut. It's time for you to get used to your new position as our tribal whore."

She moved quickly, getting onto all fours, her ass up in the air and her legs spread just enough to show the males her hungry cunt, aching for more wolf spunk to be deposited inside her. The males moved behind her, the black one leaning over her as he growled huskily, "Watch your boyfriend, slut. See how he enjoys getting his ass reamed by our wolven cocks? He will soon find out something new about him as well."

The wolf grabbed her hips and thrust into her, fucking her vigorously, keeping her facing Kliw and forcing her to watch as the marked wolf painted a design on her boyfriend's hard cock as it dripped cum onto the ground beneath him. She gasped as she watched it shrink, disappearing. She couldn't see what happened next to where his cock had been, but the marked wolf moved to where his chest was, and painted designs, circling his nipples, and Kliw grew breasts in front of her eyes.

The grey wolf, deep in Kliw's ass, pulled out, moving to lie on his back then pulled Kliw back onto his cock, the hard length sliding deep into his ass, the wolf's knot popping in and stretching out Kliw's ring making him scream in pain. Red could now see that Kliw had a cunt just like she did, and the marked wolf drew a design over it, the same design he'd put on hers.

Then the marked wolf climbed onto the transformed Kliw and thrust into his... her cunt? Brutally taking Kliw's feminine virginity, making him scream anew in pain. "We have two sluts to train to please us and to carry our cubs now," he declared as he fucked Kliw's cunt. "The redhead over there will be known as Slut. This one will be Bitch, and all male wolves can fuck them any time they want."

The wolf inside Red called over to the marked wolf, "How does Bitch feel? Slut here is still so tight, even after having been filled with two loads of cum and being double penetrated in her cunt. I'm going to love ploughing Slut often. After she gives us some more human sluts to fuck, I want her as my personal slut."

The marked wolf called back, "Bitch is so fucking tight. I have to loosen her up, and we'll use these two to bring us more cunts and bitches to turn into sluts for us to breed. We need to really get enough for all our males to have at least one, if not a few more to increase our tribe."

The two wolves pounded Red and Kliw, both wanting to fill the wombs of the girls with wolf seed. The black wolf slammed hard into Red, his knot popping into her tight cunt as he pulled her hips back to his, howling out as he filled her with his seed again. A moment later, the marked wolf slammed his knot into Kliw, who screamed in pain from the sheer size of the knot entering his new cunt, then the wolf howled in pleasure, his seed spilling into Kliw's new womb.

Red smirked to herself, loving the feel of the thick wolf cock in her, the stretched feeling she got as he slammed his knot into her, and the heat of his seed filling her. "I have sisters, and Kliw has sisters. My village may be small, but we have many cunts you can make breeding sluts for the tribe."

The black wolf leaned over her, nipping at her neck possessively. "You will bring us there, Slut. Our males need females to breed," he ordered, growling at her.

"I will...Tomorrow. Until then, I want to service all of you, and get filled with cum in every hole. I want to be fed cum from your cocks, and when you fuck the other girls, I want to watch. I love watching you fucking Kliw. Will you do to him what you did to me? Double penetrate his cunt and ass?"

The wolves smirked at her words. "I do believe that can be arranged, Slut," one of them growled. A moment later, the marked wolf pulled out of Kliw's cunt, and two of the others moved forward. Kliw's ass was still filled with a wolf cock and soon, his cunt was filled by a new wolf cock. The wolf leaned over him, his paws gripping Kliw's breasts. "Now be a good bitch and scream for us," he growled as the other wolf that moved over to Kliw pushed into his cunt, stretching him wide, forcing a scream from the transformed Bitch.

While the three of them pleasured themselves in Kliw, the marked wolf padded over to Red and wrapped his paw in her hair, yanking her head back. "You're a good girl, Slut. Your womb is ready for our pups, and now to feed you as you asked. Open your hungry mouth, you eager cunt."

Red opened her mouth eagerly, her cunt sopping wet from hearing Kliw's screams at being double stuffed in his cunt. The black wolf, still buried inside her, growled in pleasure at the feel of her wetness increasing and started thrusting into her again. The marked wolf shoved his cock into her mouth, his paws in her hair, holding her still as he face-fucked her, his cock sliding all the way into her throat, her nose buried against his groin.

He looked at the wolf in her cunt and growled, "Slut is yours, brother. She will listen to you and serve you foremost, but any of our brethren can and will use her. You may mark her as yours, if you wish, in any way you wish to mark her. The rest of our brethren will respect your rights to her cunt."

He came hard, flooding her mouth and throat with wolf seed, which she eagerly swallowed. The black wolf smirked and pulled out. "Would you like another go at her cunt, brother? I think I will mark her with my cum. Soon enough, she will bear my mark and my pups."

The marked wolf grinned and growled, "I'd love another romp in Slut's cunt, brother. She squeezes so nicely when she cums, and she loves taking our knots. Even better, brother...Let's both take her cunt. That way, we can both flood her womb with our seed and get her pregnant."

Red moaned softly in anticipation of having both their cocks in her cunt again. She felt that the more wolf cocks filling her cunt, ass or mouth, the better. If she could take more than two in her cunt at once, she would, but right now, she was basking in the horny wolf cocks filling her holes.

The black wolf grinned. "Sounds like a plan to me, brother. Do you want to ride her from behind or get ridden? I've done both, and I must say, Slut is good either way."

The marked wolf grinned, growling out, "I think I want to take her from behind, brother, with Slut riding you. Slut, sit by my paws while your master gets on his back. This time, you need to climb onto him yourself. I want to see how willing you are to get filled again."

Red moved quickly, sitting on her heels next to the marked wolf as she watched the black wolf move into position. Once he was lying on his back, she smiled and crawled up between his legs, her ass swaying behind her. Her tongue slid up his shaft as she slowly crawled up him, then her breasts brushed his length before she finally got into position over his shaft.

Raising her hips, she angled his cock until she felt his tip at her entrance, then slid down on him, moaning loudly as she took his length deep into her again. She leaned forward, her breasts pressing into his chest as her ass lifted up some, giving a clear path to her cunt to the marked wolf.

The marked wolf stepped up behind Red-Slut, grinning, his appreciation of the view of her ass up in the air and her cunt stretched around the black wolf's cock. His paws stroked over her ass before taking a firm hold of her hips. "Get ready, Slut, cause your new owner and I are going to plough that tight cunt of yours for a while tonight," he growled, then slammed home into her. He loved how well her cunt stretched out to accept both their cocks in her at once.

Red cried out in pleasure as he slammed into her, stretching her, filling her with his length. "I live to please my wolven masters," she said breathlessly. She loved being fucked by them, her body filled with wolf cum while their knots stretched her even more as they tied her.

Just then, the other three wolves howled as they filled Bitch with their cum, all three having knotted inside him, tying Kliw to them as their loads squirted from their cocks and deep inside the transformed Bitch.