Anthro Sex Squad Story - Mooshi’s Inflated Sense of Self

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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Anthro Sex Squad Story - Mooshi's Inflated Sense of Self By Killenor Arc 3 - The Grand Adventures A.S.S. Side Story - Guest Character Included

You know, sometimes in life you run across things that you would never have expected. I know this very personally, having many dealings with the fey, the Eryst, and the magicks of this world as it spins along through the Divine Game.

But I would like to tell you of a uniquely odd experience. One that made me see things in very different ways and face my own mortality in a new and interesting light. I will tell you about the first day that I died.

Yes, died... and here I am telling you about it. When life is no longer marching forward on a string of time balanced through three dimensions, you'd be amazed what begins to make sense. Of course sense is usually the least of your worries. But please, let me begin.

It was during my travels, many years before I met my current dear friends. I was walking through the lands of Romaji, looking for a way to help beautify the landscape when I came across someone that simply didn't belong...


Mooshi cast her eyes back and forth across the landscape of the great Romaji plains. Wildflowers were blooming today and the air was filled with the sounds of buzzing creatures working merrily to gather their food and pollinate the plants. She stopped to smell a few of the larger blooms, smiling to herself as she discovered the brightly colored insects, hard at work inside. Such lovely scents they were.

Most of all, she was alone out here. Indeed, it was because of this that Mooshi skipped along completely naked across the plain. Casting her gaze upward from the fields to look at the distant mountains, she sighed at the natural wonder of her surroundings. Odd to think that just a handful of years earlier, this idyllic scene had been the scene of a great battle fought between the free folk of Romaji, defending their homes against the tyrants of Gurftheim.

Kneeling and placing her hands to the ground, Mooshi let her inner self detach from her body. Her goal was to ask, in broad mental strokes, how the landscape could better itself. The great battle of years past must have left things behind. Such things left marks upon the land, things that could mar the delicate balances of the region, perhaps leaving a spot of ground that begged for the touch of a plant, or covering the seed of potentially beautiful flowers. It was all abstract, she knew, but it was her job, given to her by the Eryst themselves and taken honestly and gratefully.

She saw the flow of aesthetic energies throughout the landscape, seeing first how she was affecting it, and expanding out to an awareness of how each stone, grain of dirt, insect, and plant wove together influencing their neighbors and, by extension, things even further away. A broken blade here, a bit of bone there, a clump of grasses growing from the upturned bowl of an old helmet... it was all so obvious to her now.

Something caught her attention suddenly. Out, perhaps a mile away, something large stood. Something that belonged here perhaps as much as she. Yes, the transitory nature of this presence marked it as another being... something taller than her... something sentient... yet whatever, no, whoever it was clearly was attractive enough not to disrupt things. Mooshi then sensed a fire near this being. Objects followed, making their presence known to her. Some of the things were a jumbled mess, thoughtlessly arranged by hurried hands.

In an instant, Mooshi was back to her own senses. Knowing that it was impolite to drop in on someone whilst nude, the grey little mouse chanted a little Erystian ditty. As she finished, a mist rose about her, wrapping her form and solidifying. Soon she was clad in a shimmery mist-silver dress with delicate, matching shoes and jewelry. So light was this fabric that it floated playfully in the wake of her passing breeze. So thin was it that it only served to accentuate her form. And yet, it was a substantial as any cloth.

Only a handful of minutes' skipping allowed Mooshi to see the figure out and away from her. Wisps of white smoke curled up from the fire, dissipating into thin air as they concluded their upward dance. A pile of gear was stashed near the fire and figure, piled in a most disorganized manner. Though she was still too far away to call out a hail to the traveler, Mooshi couldn't help but notice the camper's unusual features.

As she drew near, she noticed the extremely long nose that graced the traveler's face. The next most obvious feature was her billowing golden blonde hair, flowing first forward and sweeping down one side of her face, and then backward from a ponytail. Inwardly, Mooshi felt a light pang of envy, wondering how in all the worlds this one was about to get such volume and lift, especially out on such a long road as this. A few gestures and a word or two later and she was confident that her back-length straight black hair was woven into intricate braids.

Busy with her fire, the woman, for she was sure none but a female could have breasts as large as those, didn't even seem to notice Mooshi's approach until she was within casual speaking range. Mooshi was amazed by this creature, for she had not witnessed this species in all her travels.

"Good day to you," Mooshi said brightly, trying her best to appear and sound peaceful as she made her way briskly toward the little camp.

The strange woman looked up at Mooshi with her left eye, the other eye being surely covered with all that hair, and smiled.

"Well now. Who is this? It looks like company." She said with a smile and waved a hand, beckoning Mooshi forward.

It was then that Mooshi noticed that the protuberance was not simply a nose. No, it seemed that the entirety of the lower half of her face made up that long-forward sweeping rostrum. Her mouth was tiny, but her smile was pleasant. Mooshi imagined that gauging her emotions from her features might be a challenge thanks to that mouth being so far from her eyes.

What startled her most was when this woman turned her head to look directly at Mooshi. It was abnormally thin for being so long! Never-the-less, she was determined to make her first impression a good one. She confidently bounded the short remaining distance at full speed. A few body-lengths from the campsite, she halted, smiling and projecting an air of friendliness.

"Well met! I am Mooshi, beautifier and imagifier of all things." she said in her high, pleasant voice, "A pleasure to meet you."

As the woman stood, the next thing Mooshi noticed was how tall she was. Easily almost two-thirds again her height, she found this strange woman almost imposing. This was even in spite of her knowing intimately a male who stood more than thrice her height. And clearly, now, Mooshi could see that she wore only a single garment, what seemed to be a pair of coarse-fabric blue trousers that had been cut so the legs barely passed the end of her groin. What she had taken for clothes on the approach was nothing more than fur of different colors. A mane of red hugged the sides of her face and ran down to the top of her midriff, covering a pair of large, yet somehow still quite perky, breasts. From her shoulders to the tips of her fingers, the fur was a stark white, seemingly so clean that the dust of the road could not be found among the hairs.

"And I," She said with great presence, "am Amanda. But I don't really have a title as grand as yours."

"Just passing through?" Mooshi said conversationally.

"Yes, I am making my way... well... wherever this road happens to take me. I find I meet plenty of new people when I travel. Usually it's... a lot of fun when I'm around."

Something in the way she said it unsettled Mooshi in some slight, deep-seated way. Quickly she glanced around the campsite, but seeing no weapons out in the open, she calmed herself. Obviously this one wasn't out to hurt anybody. Besides, she thought confidently, I've taken on a lot tougher opponents.

"I was looking for ways to beautify the landscape when I noticed you. I've... well I've never seen one of your like before. What manner of folk are you and from whence do you come?" Mooshi inquired.

"My folk call themselves 'anteater'. It's not a very creative name, but it's very accurate. My kind originated in Mto-Rutubah and many of the surrounding plains. But I'm not from there. I was born... somewhere else entirely."

Mooshi felt a little nervous at this. However, "anteater" certainly seemed to explain the face. She couldn't imagine a better set-up for eating ants, though she imagined those features must get in the way of other life activities.

On second thought, her house-mates might just find that mouth, and the tongue it surely contained, quite the useful and alluring feature indeed. Not to mention those strong looking arms and her thin, but curvaceous body. Mooshi blushed just a little as a naughty thought or two fluttered its way across her mind.

"Mto-Rutubah ey?" Mooshi said, attempting to recover, "I have a friend who is actually from there... we met there in fact. He's one of the elephant-folk. Lovely rivers and savannahs out there."

"Eh," Amanda said disinterestedly, "I've never been... never plan to go. But I do find it strange that you've been there and never saw one of my folk before."

"Well, I've never seen the hippo-folk before either, though my friend Lizban swears they're simply too big to miss." Mooshi said.

Amanda let out a giggle.

"Look, I get that you're trying to impress me. I'm canny enough to see that. Why not sit down and enjoy mid-day with me? I was just about to have my lunch, maybe puff a little on my water-pipe. If nothing else you'll... improve my scenery." she said with a mischievous grin on her small lips.

Mooshi giggled back at her. Perhaps her impressions of this one were wrong. She was very lovely in the body, after all, and seemed to be light-hearted enough. Why shouldn't she share an afternoon with someone she may never meet again?

Amanda stoked her little fire back to life and, seeing it well lit, placed a small tin kettle on to boil. From a rugged knapsack, she fished out a few well-sealed metal jars and arranged them before her. Satisfied that she had all she needed, the knapsack was tossed casually back onto the pile of her travel gear. Mooshi found her eyes drawn to the disorderly pile.

It wasn't the mess that caught Mooshi's senses, but rather the seemingly careless way it just lay there. In her mind a mess could be beautiful, especially those sorts of messes made by creative, active people. Unfortunately, those messes were generated out of effort, even if they were not the intended product. This mess was simply something that was tossed down... it hadn't grown, nor had there been any purpose behind it.

"Want some?" Amanda said, holding a jar out to Mooshi, "They're preserved, but they still have a good lot of crunch."

"Ants?" Mooshi queried, certain of the answer but glad for the mental redirection.

"Mmmhmm," Amanda said immediately following a mouthful taken by that captivatingly long tongue. "Honey-pots."

"Aah, no," Mooshi giggled as she thought about all the uses for the word 'honey-pot' that she knew, "I can't eat fauna, even insects. They upset my stomach quite a lot."

"Ah well," Amanda said between heavy crunches, "I don't eat plants hardly at all. But I'll tell you what plants I do have."

Mooshi watched with a morbid fascination as Amanda set down her lunch jar and began rooting around in her pile of things. It was similar to watching a pair of caravan wagons crash into each other. She simply couldn't tear her eyes away as the mess evolved from careless pile to the efforts of an in-depth search. The only thing more mesmerizing, she found, was the swaying of Amanda's broad tail and the fine rump attached to it.

Finally, Amanda prized free a sizable case from the wreckage of her pile. Inside was an ornate water-pipe in several pieces. With dexterous hands she assembled it to a practiced rhythm. The final product was a pipe that reminded Mooshi of mad alchemist labs. Clear and colored glass made up several chambers, each girded in embossed copper and silver. The hoses themselves were of black rubber, capped in what appeared to be gold, the finest set up Mooshi had ever seen. Also, she noticed, there were several bowls at the top, apparently allowing for more interesting combinations of smoke flavors.

Without a second thought, Amanda filled one of the chambers with water from the tin kettle. Then, she selected a number of pipe-herbs from various little pouches, topping off each load with a coal or two scooped from the campfire. Satisfied that the complex hookah was loaded and ready, Amanda gave an experimental puff at one of the thin ends of the hoses, each end-cap obviously having been made for one with a mouth like hers.

Smiling, she rolled the smoke along the length of her tongue, savoring the rich flavor for a moment before exhaling lazily. She coughed once, a high and light cough, and then gestured to Mooshi with her hose. Taking a gentle inhale, Mooshi's eyes snapped wide in surprise.

"Is... is that... mint?" she said, losing her mouthful in her amazement.

"Sure is," Amanda said mischievously, "and I've got a couple more surprises in here for you."

Mooshi took the proffered pipe-hose and took a light draw. This time, she could taste a rich strawberry infused into the smoke. She smiled and exhaled a pair of neat little smoke rings which drifted away lazily on the light afternoon breeze. The pair watched them drift higher and higher until they dissipated in the wind.

"My, that was quite interesting. Where did you get such a thing?" Mooshi marveled.

"Oh, they're all over back where I come from." Amanda said nonchalantly, "Just happened to be a thing I enjoy. Here, try the next one."

Mooshi took the next pipe and inhaled. A tingly sensation washed through her. Somehow this smoke reminded her of passion. It was fruity, but unlike anything specific she had ever tasted. She couldn't quite explain it, but something about it made her grow warm inside. Warm and aroused.

"Good?" Amanda said slyly, playing with the end of her own hose.

"Mmm, really good," sighed Mooshi. A giggle escaping her lips as she felt her hardening nipples brush against the mist-light fabric covering her.

Amanda scooched closer to Mooshi and ran a hand playfully across her shoulders. Seeing that the grey little mouse girl did not resist, she allowed her hand to rub gently down her back.

"Want to have some real fun?" she said seductively.

"Sounds splendid," Mooshi said happily.

"Well then, take a puff of this stuff," Amanda said, handing over her last tube, "it'll really give you a sensation."

As Mooshi inhaled from the hose, Amanda twisted a tiny knob concealed. Mooshi's eyes widened in great surprise when not smoke, but a rush of flavorless air blew into her mouth. In an instant she jerked back, her head swimming with odd sensation and surprise. Amanda was chuckling lightly as Mooshi searched her face for an explanation.

"What was..." Mooshi started in an incredibly high, squeaky, outraged voice before she noticed the changes.

The first thing she realized was that her garment seemed tighter around the chest. Feeling briefly and looking down at herself, she let out a squeak of shock as she noticed that each of her three pairs of breasts had expanded by at least a finger-length. Somehow, whatever that air was had caused her teats to grow!

Experimentally she gave one of her erect nipples a pinch. Oh! It was just so sensitive that she let out a shrill gasp of delight. She looked back to Amanda with a smile of approval on her face.

"Well that was unexpected." she admitted, her voice returning to normal, "How does it work?"

"Oh, that's my little secret." Amanda said softly, yet firmly as her hands moved around to cup Mooshi's top, largest pair of breasts. "I'd be just as curious to learn just how you got all of these."

"MMMMmmmm," Mooshi moaned in response, relishing the new, stronger sensation that the anteater's fingers were causing.

"Take another draw. I like my girls... bigger." Amanda said seductively.

Eager to comply with this new pleasure experience Mooshi took another draw, deeper this time. Immediately she felt herself expand once more. With a giant smile she watched as her breasts grew by at least two handfuls each. They now looked as though they should torture her back, and yet they seemed light as a feather and defiant of any downward force. She giggled gleefully in the comical super-high voice that came with the gas.

The effect was also most humorous to Amanda, who laughed heartily as she squeezed eagerly on Mooshi's expanded tits. She also noticed with satisfaction that Mooshi seemed to have grown at least a few inches. Concealed from Mooshi, she twisted the knob on her hookah a bit more and paused in her groping to beckon Mooshi to take more of her hidden helium.

Too involved with her own changes to think anything sinister might be afoot, Mooshi took another suck from the pipe. This time, it seemed difficult to control how much was taken in. A dizzy lightheadedness engulfed her for a moment as helium was forced into her by the force of it exiting the hose. Blinking heavily, and 'mmmph'-ing in surprise, she found it difficult to react with anything beyond yanking the hose from her mouth.

As she recovered herself, she noticed immediately that her entire garment was excessively tight, feeling stretched across her body. As her sight returned, she noticed that Amanda seemed quite a bit smaller. In fact, if she wasn't mistaken, Amanda was now eye level with her!

Amanda smiled wickedly as she examined the now-plumped figure of the 'little' grey mouse. Her features had stretched across her expanded face just as if they had been drawn upon a balloon. The slender feminine curves of her latest victim had softened, making her seem... yes, 'fuller' would certainly describe it. But best of all, those breasts, straining against whatever kind of silk that dress was made of, were at least thrice the size that they had been, yet remained as perky as they started.

"Don't worry about that," she said reassuringly, "I just wanted you to be my size for the fun we'll have."

Though Mooshi was deeply concerned, her own arousal and whatever manner of smoke had been in the hookah before, told her to trust Amanda. Certainly it had been shocking, but so far she had done nothing to actually harm her. As long as she could play along, she thought, why not?

With a smile, Mooshi decided that it was time she returned some of the affection that Amanda had shown. A small amount of vertigo accompanied her move to embrace the now equal-sized anteater. As a gesture of good faith, Mooshi cupped Amanda's considerably sized, and very furry, fun-bags with cutely plumped hands.

Amanda muffled her moans as the mouse sought her tender, hidden nipples. This girl certainly had the touch, she decided, as one hand trailed down toward the clasp of her shorts.

Mooshi smiled, and decided to attempt a kiss as she felt a hot and moist patch of fur within the anteaters shortened trousers. This proposition was a bit difficult though, as not only did Amanda have a much smaller mouth than hers, but they both also had to lean back significantly to even make contact. But as their lips met they found it a quite amusing thing. Amanda's tongue was exceptionally long and slender. Tacky, but not sticky as Mooshi had anticipated. In fact, her breath even tasted sweet, doubtless from the smokes and the meal of 'honey pots' she had just had.

Amanda was intrigued by this exploration of her body. Usually, those partners she was with were more interested in their own enjoyment than hers. She almost felt a twinge of guilt at what she was planning to do with this one. But it was only a twinge... a momentary thing... it would change nothing.

The blonde anteater broke the kiss, quickly retracting her tongue and pulling Mooshi close to her. She moaned aloud as Mooshi's plump fingers found her clitoris among the moist folds of her nether regions. My, oh my, this girl knew what she was doing! A gasp sprung from within as the grey furred fingers slid down her slick, hot slit and pushed their way inside, curling as they went.

Mooshi smiled as the exotic woman wrapped her arms around her, pulling her sensitive sextet of titties firmly against the soft fur of her companion's chest. Summoning her determination, Mooshi pushed forcefully into Amanda's dripping wet nethers, making sure to massage the slippery, yet rough patch of flesh she found within. Feeling her insides start to clench, Mooshi slipped a third finger inside and angled her wrist to push Amanda's short trousers down with each thrust.

Amanda cried out as her peak was reached. For the first time in her life, she felt an eruption of fluid gush from her, soaking her shorts. But despite this, she was lost in the moment, riding the waves of orgasm that crashed through her.

But then, it was all over. Mooshi stood there, smiling, waiting for Amanda's response.

"Good for you?" Mooshi said sweetly.

"Ohohoooh yeah," Amanda said with deep giggles, "But I don't think I'm done yet. Know what I'd really like right now?"

"Mmmm, I hope it's something I'll like too," said Mooshi, her tone becoming lustier.

"I want you," Amanda said slowly, "to open your mouth and close your eyes. I've got a surprise for you."

Mooshi giggled a little as she complied. Little did she know that Amanda had already turned her concealed contraption up to full blast. Even now, the sly little anteater was making her way with the hose into the grey mouse's mouth. Just another second and...

"And, close," Amanda said with a dark laugh.

Mooshi's eyes snapped open as her lips closed around the hose fitting. Immediately, she found that she could not take her lips off it as her body swelled. A ripping sound made her consider the tightness of her garments. They had been extremely snug before, but now, it was just impossible for them to contain her expanding girth. She struggled to crane her neck down to get a glimpse at what was going on. Focusing her rapidly expanding eyes, she noticed that her breasts had swollen at least twice as quickly as the rest of her body.

Wide rents in the fabric of her dress stretched and widened, exposing ever greater patches of fur. Finally with an incredible 'SHHRRRRRIIIP!' her dress came apart and fell away, evaporating into wisps of the shimmery mist from whence it came. Mortified but somehow still excessively aroused, she tried in vain to move her hands to cover her nakedness.

Amanda watched with great enjoyment as Mooshi's clothes fell away. Her now-gigantic breasts, stretched facial features, and round, semi-squishy plumpness made her swell with pride (and not helium). The few little squeaks that Mooshi managed to emit past the tube gave Amanda a giggle-fit at how pointless and high-pitched they sounded.

She was now simply too inflated to move her arms or legs effectively and, despite being filled with helium, was still heavy enough to be propelled forward by the weight of her own sextet of flesh-balloons. Expressions of worry and concern crossed Mooshi's now exaggerated features as she rolled onto her stomach, her puffed out legs kicking ineffectually behind her, buoyed as she was on the flesh of six high-pressured nipples.

Amanda noticed that Mooshi had now grown to the size of a small carriage and would soon lift off the ground. A broad, wicked smile crossed her tiny mouth as an idea formed in her head. She would make sure that this nice little mouse, who admittedly gave her a pretty nice orgasm, went out with a bit more than just a bang. With a running leap, Amanda pounced on Mooshi's tight, swelling back and hoisted herself on top. Mooshi grunted a bit as her nose and tits were pressed suddenly down into the dirt. Luckily, things seemed alright from the anteaters perch. Mooshi was swelling nice and evenly, giving her a fine surface to be on.

It was just in the nick of time too, for soon after Amanda caught her balance, Mooshi began to rise once again off the ground. Now that there was no ground to counterweight Amanda's feet, they sank into Mooshi's grey, furry flesh. But Amanda was experienced with such things and made her way deftly down the small of her victim's back to stand upon her now comically plump buttocks.

Mooshi's mind was racing as she felt her top pair of nipples leave the ground. She was now completely airborne! Certainly this was not as fun as she had hoped, she thought. Why would anyone DO this?! Her vision was distorted, both by the new size of her eyes and the much greater distance between them. Judging by the size of the hookah, still on the ground, she guessed that her mouth must now be at least as wide as she used to be tall!

Amanda admired her work. That old wizard that had gifted her with this enchanted tank certainly had earned his commission! Even Mooshi's hair floated, the strands each as thick as a pen and long as she was tall! The transformation was progressing smoothly, she saw, as the skin beneath the now-sparse hairs, as well as the hairs themselves, were taking on a shiny sheen reminiscent of rubber.

Satisfied that all was well... at least from her end... she decided to proceed with her fun.

"Ready for a roll Mooshi dear?" Amanda said in a darkly playful way.

Mooshi had barely the time to decipher the words with her sack-sized ears and 'Mmmph!' in response, when Amanda began to kick her feet forward in a log-run. A few seconds sent Mooshi spinning until Amanda reversed her run and stopped her.

Amanda walked forward, between Mooshi's great pontoons to stare at her tent-sized face.

"I'm having such a good time, I do hope you are too." she said with an evil snicker, "But I don't want you to think it's all bad. Just try to relax. You get to experience what few people ever get to. And I'm gonna help you enjoy the moment."

Spinning on her heel, which Mooshi noticed didn't really hurt at all but rather felt more like simple pressure, Amanda marched back down to the bottom of Mooshi's belly. A test bounce confirmed that she had plenty of time to do what she wanted before it was too late.

Quickly, she unbuttoned her shorts and let them fall to her ankles. With a flick of her ankle, she sent them fluttering to the ground, several feet below. A hand moved down her soft-furred body, down to her own vulva as she bent down onto her knees. Her other hand, she put out before her so she could easily lay down, her head resting just above Mooshi's glistening, inflated cleft.

Gently, she snaked her absurdly long tongue down between those giant rubbery lips, smiling as she tasted the feminine flavor that still remained. Designed for capturing ants down their complex tunnels, a female's intimate treasures were no challenge at all for an anteater's talented appendage. In seconds, Amanda had navigated Mooshi's expanding nethers and found her precious flesh-pearl hiding within.

A startled gasp and a pleasured moan, all pitched comically high by the noble gas, confirmed that she had hit the right spot. Pleased with herself, Amanda played with her own clitoris in time to her tongue's tender ministrations. Her fingers, however, were no match for the sheer dexterity of her questing tongue. They could not, for instance, wrap around her clitoris or massage it with ophidianly contorting skill. No, she would have to settle for simple pinching and rubbing... she hoped inwardly that the little grey slut was enjoying her extra effort.

And oh, she was! Mooshi's mind was swimming... though possibly it was because her head was probably the size of a small room by now, she thought. Everything seemed hazy and indistinct within her head. Pleasure and desire remained, fear as well, and also a sense of wonderment, but somehow it all seemed distant... diluted. That tongue of hers certainly was talented though! Mooshi was sure that was what was playing around in her nether-lips, wrapping itself time and again around her delicate little clitty... well relatively little.

Try as she might, Mooshi simply could not bring her arms around to help play with herself. Turning her head side to side and looking past her monstrous air-jugs, she saw that her arms, and probably legs too, were now just giant, fleshy, shiny protuberances, tipped with fat hands and sausage-like fingers. She could still bend them and feel them, but they were simply too wide to do any good. Returning her gaze forward, she could only see the sky above... that and the few out-of-focus hairs that floated around her head.

Amanda's tongue was not having trouble wrapping around her victim's plump clit. She was just getting too big to keep playing this way. Glancing back towards Mooshi's gigantic, rounded chin, she estimated that her little mousie friend had to be the size of a small house by now! Time to finish her off and get out of here before she floated up too high.

Hugging on to the giant, squishy labia, Amanda made her way down until she straddled the huge, tail that arced up between Mooshi's legs. Grinding herself against the rubbery shaft, she took a deep breath and plunged the length of her proboscis eye-deep within Mooshi's sopping wet cunny.

Mooshi cried out as her discorporate thoughts solidified with the pleasure of her sexual treasure being filled. It didn't penetrate too deeply, but then, it didn't have too. Just having something there in her aching wet snatch was enough. Try though she might, she simply couldn't flex her abdominal muscles any more. Instead she simply elected to tighten her vaginal muscles all she could and hope that Amanda could give her a good ride.

Working her own stomach muscles like a belly-dancer, Amanda concentrated on grinding her own juicy cooch back and forth upon Mooshi's thick tail, all the while thrusting her face into the mouse's tight, slippery hole. Once again, she snaked her tongue out, this time to run it over the patch of textured flesh resting just above the bridge of her nose, and then out to flicker upon Mooshi's swollen love-button.

Breathing hard though her nose, Mooshi moaned and grunted as best she could despite her lips being locked onto a hose that was now the relative size of a hair. A grin the length of a room stretched across her now greatly mal-apportioned features. All she could do otherwise was look at the sky... in a way it was like surrendering control of herself in the same way her friend Angelica did with her bondage. Feeling slightly liberated by the thought that she had no control, she decided to clench down, relax, and get as much as she could out of it.

The first wave of contraction squished around Amanda's nose. It was time! She knew Mooshi was just seconds away from getting off! Just knowing this, coupled with her questing hand and grinding against the tail triggered her own climax. Screwing her eyes shut, she pulled back and shouted out as her orgasm hit, directing as much of her scream as she could right onto the curious patch of texture just inside Mooshi's vagina.

The contraction that followed, accompanied by a feral, but still amusingly high-pitched moan, nearly pushed Amanda's face right out! A gush of feminine fluid bathed Amanda's features, matting her hair to her thin head. The next contraction was at least as forceful, shoving her muzzle violently outward and then pulling it right back in again. The anteater nearly lost her balance after the fifth and final push, the vulva now having grown as tall as she was.

It was time to get down, she decided, pulling her face away from the massive, dripping snatch and retracting her tongue. Mooshi's skin was tightening, a sure sign that she was unlikely to take much more. Glancing down, Amanda noted that a fall from this high would certainly put a crimp in her day.

Hastily she climbed up Mooshi's stiffening labia, hoisting herself onto the relatively firm surface of her mons. A moment's notice revealed that her feet sank into the expanding flesh barely at all, and it was at least fifty body-lengths just to make it to the blimp-sized breasts, much less to the hose at Mooshi's face. Worse yet, every second that passed made the distance even further as Mooshi's flesh expanded past its normal tolerance!

Running with all her might, despite her slightly awkward gait, Amanda reached the first row of breasts. Nearly out of breath, she pushed on, through the narrow gap separating the massive helium-filled love-bubbles. But as she got higher on Mooshi's chest, her breasts got bigger. Even before her expansion, Mooshi's top-row breasts had been significantly larger than the rest. Boldly Amanda charged the foot-wide gap between them, hoping to push through before it was too late.

With an earsplitting squeak Amanda slid between the breasts as the gap between them shrunk another inch. Thank the gods for slim anteater bodies, she though as she felt the slipperiness from being doused with Mooshi's juices counteracted the pressing presence of those pendulous pontoons. After less than a minute's fighting, she slipped free and tumbled out onto Mooshi's clavicle.

Mooshi was caught in the afterglow of one terrific climax. Her cloudy, hazy mind drifted, taken by just how blue the sky was. She knew she was afraid and concerned, but these things seemed so dissipated that they just didn't really matter anymore. The pleasure was the most prevalent feeling. Offhandedly she wondered if she should have bothered to gather some of the fleeing eroticka from her release... but even that didn't matter much anymore. She could swear she felt a bug or something running up from between her legs, racing up her tummy and between her breasts... it tickled...

Amanda was thrown from her feet onto Mooshi's neck as a giggle that had more in common with an earthquake shuddered all around her. Only a handful of body-lengths away... just climb the chin and she would be able to get off and safely to the ground. Righting herself on the dangerously firm ground of Mooshi's neck, she raced forward and leaped at Mooshi's cliff-like chin. But try as she might, her fingers simply could not make any purchase in Mooshi's taut skin. She was trapped!

But then she saw it, Mooshi's head tilted to the side, revealing the hose, tight against her cheek! It was only a body length or two away!

Quickly, Amanda unfastened her hairband, a coiling length of ribbon that she kept for a dozen different reasons, the least of which was tying back her hair. Wrapping one end securely around her right hand, she backed up along Mooshi's neck. A reverberating groan vibrated the entirety of Mooshi's form, warning Amanda that there was clearly only seconds left. Hoping against all hope, she ran full-tilt toward that slender, black lifeline and leaped out and away from her erstwhile lover.

Miraculously, her arms went out, with the hose between them. With a practiced grace she slapped her hands together long enough for her left hand to grab the ribbon and twist it around for good grip. For a fraction of a second she felt weightless as gravity struggled to assert itself against the improbability of a naked, flying, anthropomorphic anteater girl. Then the ribbon caught on the hose, jarring her shoulders just a little as her weight reminded her that it was there.

The ribbon breaking her speed, Amanda zip-lined down toward her precious magic hookah. It's miniscule form grew rapidly as she ticked off seconds in her mind. Not a third of a body-length from the ground, she released her grip on her ribbon and tucked her limbs in as close as she could. With a painful thump, she hit the ground rolling, coming to rest not two feet from her campfire.

Full of adrenaline, she leaped to her feet and screamed out in exhilaration! She had made it! She was alive!

Craning her neck upward, she saw the immense, sun-blotting grey form of Mooshi, drifting ever higher.

"Hope it was good for you, baby!" she screamed at the sky with uncontainable joy, "I know it was good for me!"

She has to be the size of an arena by now, Amanda thought wickedly, I certainly ran enough trying to get off her. An amazing thing for such a small creature! Without doubt, her best work yet!

Her gaze stayed on Mooshi as she spiraled into the sky. Hearing the reverberating squeals of tortured, overtaxed skin, she smiled and gestured like a conductor at the head of a symphony.

"AAAaaaand FIN!" she crowed, and in a sudden flash, Mooshi disappeared.

Less than a second later, the land was shaken by a thunderous BANG! The final sound of Mooshi's expansion. A gust of hot helium blasted out in all directions, scattering tiny bits of grey and black and pale flesh for miles around. The campfire at Amanda's side flared for a moment, then extinguished with no real air to sustain it.

Smirking, Amanda calmly washed herself, replaced her clothing, broke camp, and left along the road. Her last thoughts of Mooshi were the chuckles that came as she saw tiny bits of her in passing, scattered along the roadside.


_There was no pain. I just... well... I suppose it was like what dissolving feels like. My mind was so stretched out at the time that the pop just felt like when you exhale real fast. Then I was gone.

I know my friend Wethers can relate to what happened next. I was... well... dead I guess.

Luckily, for one such as I, death is far from a permanent thing. Whether you believe in the Eryst or not, it doesn't matter to me. They may not be gods like the ones who play the Divine Game, but that doesn't mean they're by any means powerless. They found every little bit of me that had been scattered across Romaji. Each and every tiny little scrap of Mooshi. Using their artistry, love, and desire, they stitched me back together so that I might continue my dedicated tasks for them._

I remember waking up in Eryst'thianne wondering how I had gotten there and where Amanda had gone. Though I'm sure she did it all out of selfish intent, but I'll never forget how wonderful it was to fly... and how good a climax she gave.

We all run across things in life that we don't expect. The trick is to know how to be prepared for them. There are beginnings, endings, and sometimes simply chapter breaks in our stories. But what I take away from that one is... get to know the people around you. Learn to see the beauty in everything they do. Remember that somewhere deep down inside, even the most selfish and callous of hearts seek enjoyment. Through the basic sentient experience, so much can be learned.

And though we are mortal, it is still worth it to risk yourself to find the good in others.

I still think back... Amanda... that hookah... what it was like to be bigger than anyone else in the world.

I'll bet she'd be surprised to see me again. ______________________________________________________________________________ End.