One Place,Three Friends,One Orgy .:Part2

Story by Raven_Foxx on SoFurry

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The sensation from the wet tail against his member causing the fox to whimper softly, the dragon then lifted the vixen off his member to place her on the edge of the pool, her tail moved away from the foxes length to cause a small whine as the sensation from his member was removed.

"Mmmm...that was good, now...I could do with that stallion massage" Alex said with a toothy grin to see the two males smile. her gaze now down at the foxes knot as she was sat on the pools edge, the water slowly running down her damp fur and to drip of the edge of her nipples that poked through the fur.Raize got up out of the water still aroused he walked over to the door on the far side of the pool to then slowly unlatch it and open to then snake his head in to see a male black stallion wearing a white T-shirt and white shorts.

"Ahh...hi...Alex would be through in a moment for her massage if that's all right?" the question making the stallion turn and smile

"Of course sir...will she be through in just a moment?"

"yes" the dragon said to snake his head out and look round to see the fox lifting the vixens tail with a paw as he started to guide his fully aroused member into her causing her to whine softly, then Raize snaked his head back in with a grin

"Ummm...she may be a minute or two"

"Ok sir...thank you for the information" the stallion said to turn around and pick up a white towel and place it on the uplifted platform bed which could support a fur or a couple at the sight of it in the dull lit room with candles scattered about it.

"Oh...and would you mind if you had a couple watching...uh how it's done"Raize said to hesitate at the last part as he heard a muffled bark causing him to look round and see the Fox panting hard as he lent over Alex with his jaws around her neck

"Ummm...ten minutes if that's allright?"Raize said smiling, almost grinning at the sight behind him.

"Of course...and the answer to your question sir is long as I can concentrate on the individual on the seat" the stallion said placing a few items under the seat as he arranged a few items in the dimly lit room

"that's get the others ready"Rai said to close the door and turn around and lean against the door to see the vixen gasp and shudder as the fox hilted inside her to fire yet another thick load of cum into her panting for Rai to look down at his length and shake his head.

"Cant you two just stop for like ten seconds?"Rai asked to lean against the door and look down at the two panting

"oh...and Alex, your stallion is in there, ready when you are an me and Tips can watch if we want...but, finish up in here in here first" Raize said to smile as Alex's ears perked up and her gaze locked with the dragons, Tips rested his muzzle on her back as he got his breath back.

"Oh...g...god, did I hear what I thought I heard?" Tips said to pant slowly, the musk of heat and sex filling the room, the tail of the vixen wagging at the though of a stallion massargeing her and the though that her two male friends would be in the room with her.

Jake turned to see a naked vixen pad through the doorway followed by two males, one of them a dragon who he spoke to before hand, the vixen to seat herself on the leather seat and move her tail between her furred legs and look up at the stallion with a smile, the smell of her heat already meeting the nostrols of the stallion, his member starting to grow in his tight shorts, he cleared his throat and looked down at her in the eyes to avoid looking at her feminine perfection.

"Ok...madam im going to work down your legs and help you relax, then work up again if that's all right"

"no...that's perfectly fine, just do what you need to do, and since im sat...may you move my tail for just going to relax" Alex said to look over to her seated friends, Tips sat in the dragon lap, and the dragon resting his snout over the foxes shoulder as they both watched intently.

Jake nodded softly and reached down to lift Alex's tail away for her to spread her legs to present herself to the stallion, his member now pulsing and forming a large tent in his tight white shorts, to groan softly and look down to find that the vixen had placed her paw on his large tent

"Come on big boy...come and have a lil fun" Alex said to squeeze the large bulge and whine softly as she licked her lips.

"Mmm...I...Ah...fine"Jake said to submit to the females command as her paw dived into his shorts to free his long length and from the restriction of the shorts to open her muzzle, the stallion got the idea and leant forward to shove his pulsing mushroomed shaped head and length into her awaiting maw and snort softly and sigh as he felt the warmth around his length.

By this time Rai had enticed his mate into lifting his tail shoving it into the fox who moaned out softly to feel the jaws of the dragon clamp down on his neck and bite down softly as he shoved his large dragon hood into the foxes tight tail hole, the vixen giving the stallion oral as the dragon started breeding his mate.

The scent and musk of sex filling the room once again as the panting increased from the stallion, the vixen relaxing and letting him thrust hard into her muzzle, the tip and part of the length sliding down her throat, he stamped on the floor with a hoof as he drew close to his climax, his balls slapping against her muzzle as she sucked him off pre firing from his length and to run down her throat to coat it with pre. A small trickle off blood running down the foxes neck as the dragon bit down as he fired his thick load into his fox to breed him, Tips howled out as the warm cumm fired deep into him, his member and knot now hard and waving freely in the air as he was held down on by the strong arms of his dragon as his thick dragon cum fired into him.

The stallion whinnied as he bucked into the vixens muzzle and coat her throat with thick white hoarse cumm as he climaxed into her muzzle. Alex to then look round at the foxes free member to feel the weight of the stallions member against her neck and a bit of pre run down her fur causing her to shudder in pleasure and let a paw fondle with the stallions balls, the stallion following her gaze to look down and nod.

The vixen and stallion looking at the fox causing him to whine as he already knew what they wanted, the dragon gently lick around the bite mark he left on the foxes neck knowing what they both intended to do he then nod at them as he then worked his tongue around the foxes wound to hear a soft groan.

"Mmmm...p...please, give me a minute" the fox whined to see the horse and vixen shake their heads in reply causing the fox to whine and struggle a bit to then groan as he felt the dragons length pulse inside him, the feeling of the strong arms holding him down as the stallion and vixen in heat approached him. The feeling of helplessness over took him, but he wasn't complaining.

(To be continued).

One place,Three Friends,One Orgy

The female otter looked up to the trio which consisted of a vixen, dragon, and fox and smiled warmly and picked up a pen and tapped a few things into the touch screen of the computer. "Hello and welcome to Joseph's bath and gym, how may I help you...

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**.**** K-9 gay bar ****part 2****.** The fox padded forward to stand behind the husky licking at the German shepherds balls to crouch behind him and tut softly "Mmmm bad dog aren't you, not including a fox in the session" the fox said to...

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K-9 gay bar

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