Forgive Me- David 3

Story by tapanther on SoFurry

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#3 of Forgive Me

¬¬Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places, companies, objects, etc. is merely a coincidence. DO NOT read this if you are under 18/21 (depending on local law), or if it is illegal for you to view such material. This story contains M/M love; Also contains violence/bigotry and in a sense, NC (non-consensual) kissing, M/M oral and anal sex (attempted rape). Cursing too. If you are uncomfortable with that, feel free to leave at any time. Otherwise, read on. Also, none of the behavior here (except where it is consensual and love-based {Tavis+David}) is condoned by the author, and should never be performed in real life. Doing so is not only illegal but immoral. If you are confused by what is happening, keep reading. Things are made clear near the end. * * *

PLEASE READ: NOTE: Due to Yiffstar not italicizing the text, all mental notes/thoughts will be in some form of brackets. Ex: [It's been so long since he's been this lively]. also

. . . means time passes/setting changes. Enjoy! Part 3 [. . . Where am I?] All saw around me was darkness. It wasn't the darkness that you find when you close your eyes, and it wasn't like night either. It was total darkness. No shadows, no shades of grey, nothing. [Am I dead? But, I can't be. I was just with Tavis. I fell asleep on his shoulder, or was that a dream?] Not only was it dark, but it was quiet too. No noise, not even my breathing, let alone my heartbeat. Also, there was a slight hint of some smell. It was peculiar, I recognized the smell, yet I didn't. Like smelling something from childhood, but you can't quite grasp what it is. All I know is that the smell made me nervous. A door suddenly appeared in front of me, and swung wide open. Through it there was a dirt trail that ran through what seemed like endless rows of redwoods. There was no sun; if it was even there at all, it was blocked by a thick grey fog. My legs moved forward on their own. I tried to control them, but it was to no avail. I stepped through the door, and I saw someone (or something) leaning on a tree far off in the distance. [He looks familiar, but who, or what is he?] I was no longer walking, but I was moving forward. It was as if the path was crossing under me, rather than I crossing over the path. "It's about time you got here." [No, it can't be! I know that voice.] "Didn't expect to see me, did you faggot! You haven't changed a bit. Still a fucking homo!" My mind went blank. It just couldn't be. I hadn't seen or heard this . . . guy (for lack of a more decent word) in years. Then, he took a step forward, and the fog separated, letting me see who it was, and it was true. "What? You're not happy to see your old pal Chris?" Chris Burman. A well-built black wolf, 6'5', slightly shorter than Tavis, but stronger, and by far, the most aggressive and mean-spirited ass-hole I ever met. He was Tavis' worst enemy at CalTech, and one of my worst nightmares. He'd once found me kissing Tavis, and beat me bloody the next day. He then almost raped me, but Tavis barged in and beat Chris off of me. I've often been awakened from my sleep by nightmares of Chris. I've only been afraid for my life twice, and that was one of them. Had Tavis not saved me, I'm sure Chris would've killed me just because I'm gay. "How 'bout a kiss for old times sake? You'd like that, wouldn't you faggot?" [This is a nightmare, it has to be.] I commanded my legs to run, but they remained still. Fear grabbed my by the neck. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, but I could see. And what I saw terrified me. Chris began to walk towards me, his eyes ablaze with fire, real fire. Flames burnt within, and I could feel a beam of sheer hatred burning through me. I ordered my eyes to close, and to my surprise, they did. But I could still see. I saw flames surrounding me, and I could feel their heat singing my fur. My head suddenly hurt, and I truly began to panic. My train of thought was broken when I felt Chris grab me roughly, and force me closer to him. I could smell his sweat, causing my nose to frown. He put one hand behind my head, and pulled my muzzle into his. He forced his tongue into my maw. Immediately, I felt a wave of nausea surge through me. Unlike Tavis' loving kisses, Chris' were harsh and cruel. His tongue had none of the tender care of Tavis'. He shoved his tongue into my throat, gagging me. I began to feel delirious from nausea. I wanted to pull away and vomit, but instead, I began to kiss back. [No . . . no! This isn't happening!] He let go for a moment. "I knew you wanted it, fucking homo! I'm gonna make all your fucking wishes come true, and I'm going to love it!" [This can't be!] It was as if my mind had been disconnected. I was a spectator in my own body, forced to watch my worst nightmares. Chris leaned in again and continued his assault. His tongue invaded my mouth again, and mine began to wrestle it. I felt all the revulsion of vomiting, but was denied the relief that comes after. Adding to my horror, I felt my cock begin to swell. He reached down and harshly grabbed it, pain shot through me. Since we've been together, Tavis has always held me gently, even when he was being 'rough'. But Chris was the opposite. He enjoyed others' pain, especially mine. "You're loving this, aren't you queer? You like my cock? Good, 'cause you're gonna get it!" He began to laugh. It was a harsh, malevolent laugh. Fear grew within me, but I could do nothing. My body was acting against every single one of my wishes. I got on my knees and tenderly held his cock. My hands burned, like if I had just grabbed a burning piece of charcoal. My tongue reached out, and I gave his cock a lick and inhaled his rancid scent. My stomach was in agony, and my nose felt like it had been hit with a bat. I felt blood rush out, but I saw none. Instead, my mouth moved closer to his cock, and I slowly enveloped it. My mouth now burnt like my hands, and I choked. The taste was putrid, almost like vomit. He began to shake, and I felt his cum blast from his dick. It tasted even fouler. If I could describe it, I would say it tasted like -like piss. He kicked me off, and my body rolled a few feet. Suddenly, the forest around me began to warp away, and I was back at the CalTech locker room, where Chris had beaten me years before. "You fucking homo! You're gonna get what you deserve!" [It's happening again . . .] I felt pain all over me. Like a toothache all over, inside and outside. Suddenly, my chest was in agony. My body flew backwards, and slammed into a row of lockers. I collapsed onto the floor, the rancid smell of sweat and vomit filled my nostrils, and I couldn't breathe. I felt a burning sensation rush up my throat, and I threw up. It really was happening again. Vomit and sweat mixed in my nose, and my mind began to fog. I was abruptly wakened by a sharp kick to my gut, which threw me against the lockers. [This can't be real. You can't feel pain in dreams, but it hurts so much.] Chris continued to beat me. Every blow delivered an abundance of pain, exactly like before. "You like cock, faggot? You like getting fucked by real men, answer me! -kick!- Well, I'm gonna grant your wishes." With a final violent kick to my scrotum, I collapsed, stars dancing before my eyes. I felt breathless and I began to retch. Chris then grabbed me by the fur, but I was hurting too much to notice. He bent me over a bench, and ripped of what was left of my clothes. He removed his shorts, and I saw his cock was already hard, just like before. It was almost as long as Tavis', but it was thicker, and it had a knot the size of a baseball. I felt something warm and wet on my anus, and realized he was about to rape me. My mind began to calm, since this was where Tavis had saved me. I heard a door open, and saw Tavis step through. But something was wrong, he was dressed differently than I remember. [Oh no . . . those are the clothes he wore . . . that night.] I threw up again as more nausea swept through me. The last time Tavis had worn those clothes, he was drunk, and he'd nearly killed me. "Hey Chris, so you finally decided to fuck the cunt. I told you, he's got an awesome boy-pussy. We'll fuck him senseless, just like the ass swipe deserves." This was nothing like before. Tavis had saved me, not hurt me. He'd beaten Chris, and carried me to our dorm. Chris had then been expelled. I felt a horrible pain as Chris impaled himself in me. The last thing I saw was Tavis walking toward me. He lifted his foot back, and swung forward, hitting my chin and knocking me out. * * * "Hey, the homo's awake!" I looked around, and saw only a dark alley, and several dark shapes standing around me. Vomit, blood, piss and sweat covered my fur and assaulted my smell. I felt aches all over, and blood was escaping slowly from several wounds. [So that's why I felt pain. It-it wasn't Tavis! Oh God! Where's Tavis!] "T- T- Tav-. Tav-i-is?" "Your fucking homo boyfriend's taken a little fall. Don't worry; we'll deal with him later." [A little fall? What in God's name does that mean? Dear God, please help him. Please. Save him.] Another kick from the leader, a rottweiler, sent me into the wall, and blurred my sight. My assaulters all laughed as I gasped from pain. My vision temporarily cleared, and I saw the leader come towards me, but before he could kick me again, a gunshot rang through the alley. The leader collapsed screaming and reaching for his thigh. "This is the police! All of you, get AWAY FROM THEM! Next shot KILLS!" All of the gang members moved away instantly, having been taken by surprise. I heard the wail of sirens in the distance, police and ambulances from the sound of it. I felt giddy inside, and started to laugh, but there was too much pain, so instead, I began to groan. The police arrived and handcuffed all the gang members, and two medics came up to me. One was a cute, young raccoon, with very reflective green eyes. "Don't worry, it may hurt a lot, but they all seem relatively minor. Maybe few broken bones, bruises and bleeds, but nothing life threatening. Good thing about gang members these days is that even though they like to cause pain, they don't know how to cause damage. You should be fine in a few months." The medic smiled, and I felt slightly better. [No wonder he's a paramedic. A few smiles like those could cure gunshots.] My joy lasted only a few seconds, shattered by the realization that I didn't know where Tavis was, or if he was alright. "Wh-where T-Tavis? The p-pa-nth . . ." "Shh, don't talk. Your friend is ok. Just a nasty bump on the head, knocked him out clean. We're taking him to the hospital too to make sure there's nothing wrong." With that, my eyes shut. I began to drift into sleep, feeling relieved that God had answered my prayers. This time, no nightmares came, and I slept peacefully. * * * Several hours later by my watch, I awoke in a hospital. My heart jumped with joy when I saw Tavis looking straight into my eyes. "Hey love, feel better?" "N-now that you're h-here." My voice faltered. It didn't hurt as much as before, just a mild ache. Tavis leant in, and lightly kissed me. Such a simple act. It was enough to make all the aches stop. I smiled, and slowly drifted back to sleep. * * *

Even before my wounds began to heal I asked questions about what had happened. Tavis was the only one that would tell me, since the doctors didn't know, and for some reason, I wasn't visited by the police. Tavis told me that as he carried me home, he passed by an alley, the same alley I later woke up in. He told me he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, collapsed, throwing me forward. He said that he woke in the hospital, where the police told him what had happened afterwards. The doctors said that I had remained unconscious because I struck my head on the ground when I fell, keeping me unconscious. I felt angry that people could still be so hateful. I was also disturbed by my dream, not only had I relived my mis-adventure with Chris, but I had dreamed that Tavis was helping Chris. [Why was Tavis hurting me in my dream?] I pushed all those thoughts out of my mind. I was hurt; my brain had probably bounced around my skull one too many times. Instead, I concentrated on all that Tavis had done for me, and swiftly forgot all about my doubts. For three months, I rested as my wounds healed. Tavis was at the hospital everyday, always sneaking in little chocolates, mints, and other little treats that made the hospital food taste go away. He brought me newspapers, books, and comics, which he read to me. [Not that I listened to what he said. Just hearing the vibrations of his voice soothed me.] He was so sweet to me, no wonder I love him. I did listen when he spoke about our assaulters' trial. I heard how the policeman who shot the gang leader was almost reprimanded, but so many people objected that the chief gave up. I was told that the gang leader had only a minor flesh wound, so he was fine. [How unfortunate.] All eight gang members plead self-defense, but the jury was not that stupid, and they were swiftly convicted of hate crimes, attempted murder, battery and assault, and a host of other things. [There is justice!] Lately though, Tavis has been distracted. I notice that sometimes, he zones out, like his mind was trying to decide whether or not to tell me something. Whenever I asked him what was on his mind, he would seem startled for a moment, and would either say it was nothing, or that he was thinking what he could have done differently. But I knew that he was preoccupied with something else. If he blamed himself, he would be crying a lot, like after that night. No, he knew very well there was nothing he could have done. There was something else that was bothering him. Two more weeks passed, and Tavis became increasingly distracted. Sometimes, he would stop listening to me, something I know he would never normally do. I began to worry. So many thoughts ran through my head. Some of them were valid, some were outrageous, but all of them made my skin crawl. [What if he wants to leave me? Could I be dying? Did one of the gang members escape? Was there going to be something wrong with me afterwards?] I couldn't stand it anymore. I decided to demand that Tavis tell me what was wrong. That night, I lay on the hospital bed as Tavis stroked my hand and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. I mustered up my courage to ask him. "Tavis, I love you. I don't know what I'd do without you. But please, tell me what's wrong. I'm worried, and eventually, I'll find out. Please, if you love me, what is it?" With this, Tavis became serious. His smile evaporated away, and his eyes focused intently on me, as if he was trying to read my thoughts. He turned around, and shook his head. -Sigh- " '-whisper- It all seems like one sick joke.' You remember that one cop found us first, and saved you? Well, there's a problem. He wants to talk to you. But I've refused to let him." [A sick joke? What could that mean?] I began to worry why Tavis would refuse to let him talk to me. "Why? What did he do?" Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, a crazy thought entered my mind. "Honey, what's his name?" The room became deathly silent, neither one of us was breathing. He looked me in the eyes, and I looked into his. Their faint, yellow glow pierced the darkness around us. His next words would give me the greatest shock of my life. "David, you're not going to believe this, but it was Captain Chris Burman." Needless to say, I passed out. Well, that's Part 3 of "Forgive Me" Parts 4 & 5 Coming Soon! IMPORTANT: I haven't been able to decide, Should Pt. 4 deal with Tavis while David heals, or skip to David and Chris. I don't want the story to seem too repetitive. Just send me an e-mail or post a comment. I will be advised of comments by e-mail. -If you have any Q's, comments, or suggestions, PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME. I would greatly appreciate anything you send. If you're sending an e--mail, make the subject "FORGIVE ME" -Don't hesitate, I will read and answer each e-mail, and since I don't expect hundreds of e-mails, I should be able to respond to you within a day. Also, tell your friends, they might like the story.