Snivy and the Sex Slave [Original Chat]

Story by Fluxio on SoFurry

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#1 of Snivy and the Sex Slave

(Author's Note) A friend of mine had an nice RP with a friend of his who agreed to be his sex slave in RPs. Though they haven't finished yet, he let me take a look at it. Quiet interesting to me, as well as the Pokemon pairing, plus I asked him if I could make a story of it and he said yes. But, I also decided to post the original chat that they had and I will update this when they finish. So any comments you may leave should be your opinion and how you think their RP was. Also, M/M story with bondage, sex slave, very, very slight blood loss, and "rape"

EDIT: They've finished. I've updated. Enjoy~ ____________________________________ nekonekodesu: Hello :3

snivyslut: Hi!

nekonekodesu: What's new? x3

snivyslut: Nothing. You?

nekonekodesu: Not much

nekonekodesu: Whatcha wanna do?

snivyslut: Well, since you're now my first sex slave... I'll be the nice Master and let you decided what we'll :3

nekonekodesu: @//////@

nekonekodesu: Vine whip = Sexy tentacle rape

snivyslut: You want tentacle rape?

nekonekodesu: Yush.

snivyslut: *Blushes heavily* Okay... *pulls out my vines*

nekonekodesu: *Huggles*

snivyslut: *Wraps one vine around your waist and lifts you off the ground* You're going to really enjoy this rape...

nekonekodesu: *Blushes a little* Wh-why...?

snivyslut: *Places my second vine in front of your mouth* Because... I know how to pleasure anyone I rape to the point that they'll want more. Now start sucking my vine!

nekonekodesu: He opens his mouth with red cheeks,.

snivyslut: *He pushed the vine into his mouth, using his abilities to make it thicker to fill the Pichu's whole mouth*

nekonekodesu: His breath becomes ragged as he breathes out his noise, his mouth watering.

snivyslut: Yeah, that feels good... keep sucking that vine, sweety. *He moves a third vine to rub at Pichu's sheath*

nekonekodesu: He sucks hungrily on it, his member already poking out a bit obediently.

snivyslut: *Snivy murred softly at the sight as his third vine rubbed the tip of Pichu's member while a fourth vine moved to tease his tailhole*

nekonekodesu: He moaned softly onto the vine, his member fully erect and unsheathed now.

snivyslut: *He wrapped his vine around Pichu's member, stroking it slowly while his 4th vine thickened a bit and spanked his rump*

nekonekodesu: He held onto the vine he was sucking, closing his eyes as his member throbbed now.

snivyslut: *Snivy smiled as he began to slowly thrust the 1st vine in and out of Pichu's mouth, the 2nd tightening around his waist a bit and the 3rd stroking his member harder and faster* Looks like my vines got you pretty tied up. Give me a moan if you like it!

nekonekodesu: He moaned a bit loudly, squirming a little as he member continued to throb.

snivyslut: *He moaned softly, watching as his 4th vine began to press against Pichu's tailhole* I won't let it enter... unless you're ready. If you are... give another moan, cutie!

nekonekodesu: He moaned again, precum dripping onto the ground as his cheeks flared up.

snivyslut: *Snivy nodded slightly as he let some of Pichu's precum smear onto the 3rd vine, lubricating it before the 3rd and 4th vine switched positions. His 4th vine now stroking Pichu's member while his 3rd began to slowly push into his tailhole*

nekonekodesu: He pulled off for a second, panting. "U-use both..." he pleaded, his pucker twitching.

snivyslut: *He moaned from the thought, bringing out a 5th vine, pressing it against the 3rd vine as they both thickened slightly. Snivy useed the 4th vine to stroke Pichu's member even faster as he pushed the 3rd and 5th vines into his tailhole* Keep sucking that vine Pichu!

nekonekodesu: He sucked hungrily as his hole tensed a bit, being immensely tight. His member however, threatened to cum already as he squirmed, throbbing wildly.

snivyslut: *He smiled as the two penetrating vines produced a liquid lubricant, helping the vines slide into Pichu's tailhole with ease. His 1st vine thrust into Pichu's mouth while the 4th stroke his member even harder. He used the 2nd vine to bring Pichu right in front of him* Cover your Master with your cum, cutie...

nekonekodesu: He whimpered, a bit embarrased as he kept his eyes shut and still sucking as hard as he could on the vine, his moutuh watering. His hole relaxed, the feeling of the vines making him buck his hips lightly as he prepared to cum.

snivyslut: *Snivy murred audibly as he brought Pichu even closer, bringing his hips to his mouth as he moved the 4th vine to stroke the base of Pichu's member while he took the tip into his mouth, suckling hungrily on it. His 3rd and 5th vine quickly thrust into Pichu's tailhole, stretching him as the instantly went to work on him*

nekonekodesu: He came explosively as he moaned as loud as he could, his member throbbing the whole time. His tail twitched as his hole tensed as he did so, putting the vines in a tight vice.

snivyslut: *He moaned out as he tried to swallow down all of the Pichu's cum, surprised at how much there was as loads of it leaked from his mouth. He continued his suckling as his 4th vine stroked the base of his member faster, 3rd and 5th vine pounding into his tight tailhole while he pulled the 1st vine out of Pichu's mouth*

nekonekodesu: He whimpered as held onto the 2nd vine, squirming as he kept his eyes shut. "I-it feels soo god..."

snivyslut: *Lust began to control Snivy's mind as he removed the second and 4th vine from Pichu, laying him on the ground as he began to suck feverishly on Pichu's member, his 3rd and 5th vines slamming his tailhole*

nekonekodesu: He moaned loudly again as he squirmed, trying to push him off. "St-stop it!!" he whined not being able to take the sensation.

snivyslut: *Snivy frowned as he stopped his sucking, moving away as he takes the remaining vines away from Pichu, the vines going back into the respectful places* I-I'm sorry Pichu...

nekonekodesu:"I-it's okay..." he said, sitting up. "Wh-what do you wanna do...?"

snivyslut: *He looked down as his own member was rock hard, throbbing madly* I'm.. gonna take care of this first...

nekonekodesu: He rolled over on his stomach, lifting his hips up as he spreads his cheeks. "F-fuck me then..."

snivyslut: *He blushed as he got behind the Pichu, grabbing his hips as he positioned his member on his tailhole before slowly pushing in, the lubricant from the vines making it easier*

nekonekodesu:"D-do you want me to r-ride you...?" he asked, blushing more.

snivyslut: That.. would be nice, my wonderful slave...

nekonekodesu:"Th-then take it out a-and lay back..." he said, panting softly.

snivyslut: *He did as he was told, pulling out of Pichu and laying back, the tip of his member glistening with pre and vine lube*

nekonekodesu: He got up, positioning himself over you as he gently prdded himself.

snivyslut: *He murred softly, grabbing the Pichu's waist and pulling him closer so their bodies touched, Pichu's rear still in the air though so he could sit on Snivy's member* I want to feel your tailhole... as well as your body.

nekonekodesu: He let his cheeks touch your waist, panting a bit. "Y-you can play with me if you want..." he said, going slowly up and down on your shaft.

snivyslut: *He moaned as he stroked Pichu's head, looking at him lovingly* I just want to mate with you... make you feel good.. make you let out those cute moans of yours.

nekonekodesu:"P-play with me nipples..." he murmured, sliding up and down faster as he tightens a bit, his member throbbing.

snivyslut: *He moaned loudly as he brought Pichu closer to him so his mouth could reach his nipples. Snivy took one of the nipples into his mouth, suckling on it as he gently pinched and played with the other. The tightness of Pichu's tailhole made Snivy's member throb inside of him, precum smearing his member and Pichu's walls*

nekonekodesu: He placed his palms on either side of him, riding him harder as his nipples hardened in his mouth. "Ah-ahh~" He slammed down lightly.

snivyslut: *He nearly screamed out in pleasure as he sucked harder on Pichu's hardened nipple, his free hand moving down to grab Pichu's member and stroke it* MMMmm...!!

nekonekodesu: He moaned a bit, cumming on his hand slowly as he continued, slamming down as hard as he can, his cheeks making a clapping sound. "N-nibble on it..."

snivyslut: *Snivy obeyed as he bit down softly on Pichu's nipple, grinding his teeth on it gently and nibbling it as he stroked his member faster, the cum smearing onto his hand and Pichu's member*

nekonekodesu:"B-bite it!!" he pleaded, slamming down even harder, your member slamming to his porstate as he let out the loudest moan he could.

snivyslut: *He screeched out in sheer ecstasy as he bit down on Pichu's nipple, sucking it as hard as he could as his member throbbed wildly inside of Pichu* PICHU!!! I'm gonna cum! *He screamed before going back to "eating" Pichu's nipple*

nekonekodesu:"H-harder..." he said submissively, going faster as he came again, his cum dribbling down his thighs. "C-cum for me..."

snivyslut: *He cried in pleasure as he bit into Pichu's nipple, his teeth sinking into it slightly as he sucked harder in it, drinking the itty bits of blood that leaked out as he thrust up into Pichu's tailhole, meeting with his slams which caused his member to go even deeper*

nekonekodesu: He moaned in pain, as hhe sucked i a sharp breath, enjoying it greatly whilst he seemed to be bouncing on it hard, slamming his hips down.

snivyslut: PICHU!!!!! *He grabbed Pichu's hips with both hands and slammed him down on his member one last time before he exploded in Pichu's tailhole, loads of his cum gushing out and painting everything inside of him, including Snivy's own member as some of his cum leaked out*

nekonekodesu:"K-keep it in..." he said, his pucker tensing around the base of his member, his own member threatening to burst. "A-and don't move..." he warned, panting heavily.

snivyslut: *He nodded as he held himself still, his cum still blasting from his member as he waited for the Pichu's next command or action*

nekonekodesu:"K-keep cumming inside me~" he moaned, trembling a bit on top of you as his cheeks flared up.

snivyslut: *He blushed heavily as he began to thrust into Pichu a bit to keep his orgasm from dying down, more and more of his cum shoot into him, filling him to the brim as loads of cum leaked out, forming a puddle on Snivy's crotch area*

nekonekodesu:"Sh-shoot it into me..." he said, licking one of your nipples now, teasing it. "Sh-shoot it hard..." he said,precum leaking.

snivyslut: *He moaned out loudly as he gave a quick, hard thrust upward, the tip of his member nearly penetrating Pichu's prostate which cause a huge load of cum to blast from Snivy's member, much more cum unloading from him than his own balls even had stored* Oh Pichu!!! So much!!!!!

nekonekodesu: He moaned as loud as he ever could, his own member squirting cum wildly on his face, chest and on you too.

snivyslut: *He cried out in bliss as he grab Pichu's hips and began to pound wildly into his tailhole, cum still flying from his cock as he fucked Pichu like mad, pleasure breaking through his body* SO TIGHT!!!!

nekonekodesu: He moaned again, his member like a hose as it kept squirting cum, he cum hot and wet. "H-harder!!" he panted, leaning forward a bit.

snivyslut: *He screamed out, biting back down on Pichu's nipple as he grabbed his hips and nearly threw him down on his member as his slammed up into him, his member threatening to penetrate Pichu's prostate as he wrecked his tailhole and sucked as hard as he could on his nipple*

nekonekodesu: He moaned as loud as he could, still cum flying everywhere as he whimpered due to the abuse of his nipple.

snivyslut: *He removed his mouth from Pichu's nipple before switching over to the other one and biting down on it, sucking it as if he were nursing off of a female. Snivy moaned out around Pichu's nipple as he gave one final slam into his tailhole, penetrating his prostate as the last load of his cum gushing out in huge, thick ribbons, coating Pichu's walls and his member*

nekonekodesu: His own cum came out in more quantity as he moaned as loud as he could, almost passing out from pleasure, eletric running through him.

snivyslut: *He gently clawed at Pichu's back as he bit down slightly harder on his nipple, tongue lashing at it as he sucked on it for his life, his cum leaking out from Pichu's tailhole in numbers, forming multiple piles amongst his crotch and the grass under them*

nekonekodesu: He panted still planted on his member, sitting on his waist.

snivyslut: *He moaned softly as his orgasm finally died down, every bone in his body completely worn out as his weakly wrapped his arms around Pichu, pulling him tightly against his body as he stop sucking his nipples* Oh Pichu... you were incredible...

nekonekodesu:"I'm exhausted he said, feeling the cm bleeding from his ass slowly.

snivyslut: *Snivy murred as he kissed Pichu's cheek* Let's... let's sleep Pichu... I'm too worn out for anything...

nekonekodesu: He nuzzled his chest, almost instantly falling asleep.

snivyslut: *He kissed him again as he fell into a deep sleep, moaning Pichu's name once more as he did so*

An Orgy for a Break: Chapter 2 [Birthday Story]

This story is a birthday request for Domino XXIV. This story contains: -Total Smut -Multiple Cumshots and Orgasms -Pokemon Bestiality/Pokephilia -Orgy -Multiple Bukkake/Cumbath -Lesbian -Multiple Sex -PokeTalk (Noticed by + symbols)...

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An Orgy for a Break: Chapter 1 [Birthday Story]

So there's a shit-ton of different things going on in this story just for one sex session, so there is that high chance that some parts may have been mixed up and whatnot. Sorry :3 This story is a birthday request for my buddy Domino XXIV even...

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Bath Time Fun

In this story, Pokemon wear clothing, but not much. Just enough to cover. -Riolu (M) & Lucario (F) -Incest -Impregnation -Some Lactation Pokemon (c) GameFreak, Nintendo, & Satoshi Tajiri Rikuu the Riolu (c) Me (xxx448xxx) ~Bath Time Fun~...

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