Digi-Night: Transformation for Life

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#10 of Digi-Night

Digi-Night: Transformation for Life

"Come on Rena," Link complained as he slumped in the chair he was using, the beach was just outside the store door and he was already red, having just wearing a swim trunks that looked to have flames wrapped around them. "You've been in like how many, ten swim suits? How many more you got in there?" they were going to go to the beach as soon as they got to the hotel, since the pool area was crowed and it was still the maids rounds to clean up the rooms, and Rena didn't want anyone walking in on them. Truth be told, Link had no idea that she was planning on taking him on the hotel bed, something about doing it on a bed softer then what they could afford somehow turned her on.

"Just a few more!" she called from behind the close door. "And you know, I want to wear something you would like,"

"Rena I would like anything you would...whoa..." his jaw went slack a bit as Rena stepped out of the changing room, she wore only a black lace bra which covered her breast fully and panties as well, well to Link they looked like panties but he knew they were swim suit bottoms. He didn't know why, but when ever she wore black turned him on badly.

"Well?" she turned around, the bra making an X on her back and a small hole made for Digimon like Rena which her tail was pushed though moving it up as if presenting herself to him. "What do you think?"

"Huba..." she giggled as she walked over and closed his jaw with her paw. "Yup keep that on I'll pay for it right now, just pass me the tag!"

"Oh you like this?" she smiled coy like, taking a note to remember that as she did as asked, and ripped the tag off as Link went to buy the suit using only the tag.

After making it toward the beach, both Digimon and human found themselves looking in a vast ocean, the water as clear as a bath water without the soap, and the sand as yellow as gold. Link didn't want to go in the water yet, so laying the towels down he laid on his back, eyes closed as he told Rena he would catch some rays. His mate only rolled her eyes as she went to the water and jumped in head first, though knowing that it would take a while for her fur to dry, she didn't care; she did come here to have fun. After a while and so wet, she came out and shook her self, looking much like Brandon with his spiked up hair on her head, as well as the rest of her body was spiked a bit. Looking around, finding Link still laying on the towel, no doubt took a train to sleep land, she smirked when she looked around and found a small child like bucket. Filling it with water she made her way slowly toward him; and dumped it on his head.

Screaming out in surprised and flapping around like a fish out of water, he spat the ocean water out as Rena laughed holding her sides. Everyone on the beached turned to see what she was laughing at, but turned away once they knew. Standing drenching wet and holding his arms out, he shook them and pushed his hair out of his face.

"Oh so that's the way you wanna play huh?" giving her a evil like smile she grew wide eyes as she ran off with Link close on her tail. Renamons are known for their speeds and reflexes, but because Link held some Digimon DNA he could easily catch her, holding her on his shoulders as she yelled playfully as he moved toward the water.

"No, no!" she cried. She did like the water, but not when she was thrown in, which what was he was intending to do, grinning like a dog, he threw her into the air as she scream and plunged into the water; this time causing Link to laugh as Rena stood in the water, glaring hard.

"Karma's a bitch an't it?" he asked as she snarled lightly and tackled him causing the two to go under water, as they resurface they started to splash and try to jump on the other. Beside watching their child and the wedding, not including the Zant fight, it was the most fun they had in a long time.

Just then, the water started to feel warmer, Rena was the first to feel it, she first thought it was just because they were getting use to the water that it just felt warmer. But still the water grew hotter, in fact it was bubbling then.

"The fuck?" questioned Link as he looked down, the bubbling moved away from then, toward the open water, toward a sailing boat not to far. Rena looked out, swearing that she saw something flash in the water.

"We need to get everyone out of the water!" she cried as she started to run as fast as she could toward the shore, shouting at everyone to get out.

"What do you mean?" asked Link. "It's just water gas right?" the loud sounds of screaming and tearing caused Link to turn around as a large arm made from the water itself shot from the water, and slammed onto the boat, crushing it into two as the people on it jumped off trying to swim to shore. "Oh...fuck...Everyone get out of the water!" he too tried to get everyone out as they saw what was happening, screams and cried of fear were heard as everyone ran. Rena watched as Link tried to make it out as well, but was grabbed by the tentacle with lighting speed. He cried out in surprised as he was lifted high out of the water as even more tentacles were seen.

"Link!" screamed Rena as he struggled with the water arm. He same bubbling from before was seen in the middle where the arms made a large circle around it as he looked to Rena.

"Get to safety Rena!" he called out as he punched the water, only to get his face wet. "I'll be fine, just go!"

"No!" she screamed. "I'm not leaving you behind this time!" running closer to the water Link tried to make her stop as two arms came toward her, jumping in the air, she brought her arms out and cried out on of her attacks, causing many diamonds to form around her, and shot forward like bullets toward the arms. The arm was destroyed as it fell toward the water in a soft plunk as Link still struggled. Rena couldn't allow herself to go into the water to fight, so staying on shore she got ready for whatever was to happen. And just like before the bubbling stopped, this time moving the tentacles down into the deepest part of the water. "Link!" she cried running into the water, not caring what would happen to her, but as she did, the arm holding her husband slashed toward her, making her skid on the sand backward, making as it looked like a meteorite hit the ground. As the human/Digimon looked down to see what was happening, worried about his mate life, he saw that the water was rushing up fast. Taking a deep breath, he was brought under.

Rena groaned as a few of the run a ways came back to see if she was alright. Most of them were locals Tamers, far too weak to stop something like that, whatever it was that attack Link and her. She groaned as she was helped on her feet by another Renamon, a black one and much larger then her. He spoke something to her, asking if she was alright. But she heard nothing as she tried to push her way toward the water to try to save Link. But the Digimon there held her back; she trashed and cried out, telling them that her mate was in danger. But they still held her back, he had been under for quite awhile, and no doubt he would've drowned. She wouldn't believed them, she couldn't. He had been though much worst only to be cut down because of some water! The ground below them shook. Many of the Digimon non users ran, afraid of what else would attack them. Some Digimon ran off to help them get away, but some Digimon stayed, ready for anything. Their Tamers got ready, some holding D-Arcs or the first Digivice, Digivolving their Digimon; some were flying type which would help in the long run, while the rest were ground types. The Renamon that helped Rena turned into what seemed into an armor version of him, wearing what looked to be a skirt and armor plating on the arms and head, he stood before Rena, as if trying to keep her safe. The water bursting forth causing the bird like Digimon to fly back in fright as the arms of water came again, this time in the middle was a large bubble like dome, and inside; was the little monster Zant had sent. And beside it, body limp and head down; was Link.

He thought he could hear someone calling out his name, but it was so low, sounded so far, that it just seemed like a whisper to him.

Is this death? He asked himself, his eyes still closed. He remembered seeing water, then blacking out. Maybe he was dead, but maybe, if he kept his eyes closed, he would stay and listen to the voices he wished to hear; Rena. Why do I always lose the one I love? He asked in his mind.I know I didn't lose Rena in death like my mother or Augmon, but if I'm dead...it will feel like I lost her.

"You're not dead Link," came a voice that sounded all too familiar to him. "No, you're time is not now, nor will it be for many, many years to come." Link was puzzled that someone could hear his thoughts, maybe he was dead and it was just some prank before crossing over. "Trust me, this is no trick Link," the voice spoke again.

Who are you? Asked Link, his eyes still closed as the sound of fighting seemed far away.

"Open you're eyes and see," the voice commanded. "Do not worry, you will return to your love soon enough." Doing as he was told, Link opened his eyes to see that he was in his home, though not the home he left, but of when he was a child. The walls were a deep red, the TV was smaller then the big screen he got, what happened here? He did not know, and looking for the voice. He backed away to the old looking sofa as he gasped and eyes grew wide; for his dead mother was looking at him, a smile on her face.

Her skin was much like his own, tan and hair as black as night, blue eyes looking into his own eyes, into his heart no doubt. She wore all white, and seemed to glow as she smiled her white teethes.

"Hello my son," she answered lightly. "It's so good to see you."

"Mom..." he whispered. "But...how? Where are we, is this..." he looked around. "Heaven?" she chuckled and shook her head.

"No not really," she answered. "Remember how some called their home Heaven on Earth or something like that?" Link nodded, lost for words. "Well it seemed Earth is Heaven and hell at the same time. When we die, we are brought back to our home we were living at the time as it looked like, nothing can change. We can leave to meet others and the good thing, no one dies here, and this is where we rest for the rest of our lives!"

"C...Can you see the living?" asked Link, still mighty confused.

"Sometimes yes," she answered. "If we are granted the right to or on great things like your wedding, Link, I'm pride of you for finding love with Rena, and even more with a daughter; I hope you're happy."

"More like was..." he answered looking around. "I'm dead..."

"I told you you're not!" she growled lightly. "You were always never listening to me, you and Augmon!" she sighed. "Speaking of which, I wonder where he went, bah anyway listen to me Link," she moved over and held his shoulders, her touch felt warm to his skin. "You are not dead, yet, but we must act quickly. The only way you can truly survive is to become a Digimon for life!" Link blinked as she went on. "When Augmon gave you his Data, you turned into the hatred he carried from dyeing and leaving you, thus you became a BlackWargreymon, but, now you will become something else, the start of a new breed of Digimon. The X Digimon!" Link only shook his head lightly as he listened to his mother. "You may look like a Wargreymon in some places like the armor, but you're power and maybe look will be different, you will never revert into human ever again, and will always stay that form." She sighed and looked down. "The only thing is..." she looked to him. "We won't be able to see each other until you die."

"What?" asked Link.

"This transformation causes the body a lot of energy, changing a weak human into a powerful Digimon, takes a lot out of the soul, you may not live though it, but if you do; you will be with your mate and family for a very long time!" Link gave a slight frown then smiled lightly while crossing his arms.

"You do know," he spoke. "That you sound like one of those villains trying to make the hero see the 'Big picture'." His mother laughed lightly.

"I did get you into the video game world didn't I?"

Rena tried everything she could to slash the water open to get to Link, but every time she grew closer, the water would rise from below and cover where she slashed. Again she was thrown back, but she was right back up; she was not going to give up, she knew there could still be a chance to save him! She and a group of Digimon were about to attack once more, when the water dome started to shudder. Not knowing their foe, they started to back away, but Rena saw something, looking closely pass the shaking of the dome, she saw the little thing was looking around, as if scared of what was happening. She also saw Link hands twitch slightly, his head snapping left and right a bit as a blinding light shot from is body. Everyone on the beach had to cover their eyes as water splatter over their body; a loud sand cover thud was heard as they uncovered their eyes to see what was before them. A large Digimon, maybe close to seven foot tall, stood before them wearing gold plated armor over its body like a Wargreymon, but unlike the Wargreymon they knew, this one had a much longer horn on its snout with a blue X on the front of it. The shield that held the crest of courage was not there, but seemed a lighter platting for getting the armor off. Muscles bulging as it lifted its arms as if looking at himself, showing that on the chest plate, was the same X that was on the horn. Gold eyes were seen though the helm it wore as it started to walk over to the Digimons, they all backed away from it, not knowing if this was a true form of the beast they were fighting or not. The Digimon didn't bother with the many that were looking at him, but went straight for Rena, as the BlackArmorReamon stopped before him, holding his claws up.

"Stay away from the female," he growled lightly. "You will not harm her!"

"I do not wish to harm her," came the voice from within the helm, the bottom part was missing so the male jaw could move freely to speak. "She is my wife anyway." Rena eyes grew a bit as she pushed past the Renamon before her, walking toward the chest of the newly Wargreymon.

"L...Link?" she asked holding a paw up to his cheek helm as he took her paw in his over size claw and nodded.

"In the flesh and steel baby," he gave a small smirk as Rena jumped onto his chest, hugging him and crying wildly, finding his lips to kiss him strongly which he returned greatly. The other were greatly confused, but let it go, seeing how she was happy, but their heads returned to the water, as once more the dome and water arms came from the ocean. "Everyone stay back!" Link bellowed as he moved toward the shore. "I'll take care of this bastard myself!"

"Link, are you nuts!" cried Rena as she moved forward, but as she did she started to back away as a glowing light was seen on his back. It seemed like data was growing on him as a hilt of a large blade, the one Link first used on the Leomon he fought when first becoming a Digimon, but it was not as large, still large that it seemed almost as tall and wide as herself, but not as tall before.

Taking the hilt in claw, Link pulled it from his back, crouching low to the ground he jumped high making a small crater where he was just standing. Humans and Digimon alike watched as the newly Digimon soared though the air, holding his blade to his side as the water monster brought a arm up, making many of its water arm shoot before him. Link brought the blade out and hovered as he swung his blade to slash though the water, then as the sword disappeared like it came into his back; he brought both hands in the air as a ball of fire was seemed forming.

"Hell fire!" he screamed as the ball grew into an over size ball of fire, slamming his claws toward the monster, the ball flew with speed like a car going fifty toward it. The water monster tried to push it back, but the water around it steamed and bubbled as it was then started to boil alive inside its own form it had taking. And with lighting speed, Link was before it, kicking the ball of fire out of the way so that the ocean would not dry up, flying though the dorm, he grabbed the black thing in his claw, watching as the water monster it held, reverted back to the water.

Everyone cheered as Link landed on the beach, blackness still in claw as he walked up toward Rena, who looked down at the thing he carried.

"What is that thing?" she asked, watching as it struggled be let free.

"That I do not know," he answered looking at it. "Can you speak?"

"Bah, I had you!" it shrieked in a high like voice. "I had you then you do something like that you freak!"

"That answer you question?" asked Rena as Link, not that Rena could see, rolled his gold eyes. Turning back to whatever was in his claw Link moved closer, showing his gold eyes to the thing red ones.

"What are you?" he asked as the monster looked away from his gaze.

"We are called Empty's," answered the small black critter in Link claw.

"Alright then little Empty," he went on with the questions. "Why did you attack the beach?" the Empty frowned lightly as if thinking. "I'll let you go if you tell me, but attack anyone; I will kill you."

"I'm already dead anyway when my masters find out about this," it muttered. "But fine, if you must know I was sent to kill you," it glared up at Link. "You don't fool me, I know you're that human who I captured, but how did you change into a Digimon?" Link smiled. "That's for me to know, now, who are your masters?"

"I don't know the other two names," he answered looking away. "Since my kind only call them mistress and such, but the newest one that joined us...what was his name...Zant yeah!" Rena shivered slightly as Link growled lightly. "He was given power from my head mistress to kill you, but he had yet to fully control it, so I was sent to do the job for him."

"You said the other two right?" asked Link as he looked down. "Who is the other one? A human like Zant?" the Empty nodded.

"Yeah huh, she's a human, well was a human. The head Mistress is something of dark Data as she calls it. All the evil Digimon from the past, she is that. The human she found, she sensed the evil and hate in her heart, and made her, her second in command. Zant is like...a pawn piece really, once he is of no use, he will be...disposed of." Link thought for a moment while he was taking all this in, Zant no doubt wanted him dead because of what he did that was for sure, but who were these other two, the once human and evil being of all other Digimon?

"Alright," Answered Link looking down at him. "I will keep my word and allow you to live, but remember, you cause any more harm and I find out, I won't be as nice as I am right now," he tighten his grip on the Empty as it gasp lightly. "Understand?"

"Y...yeah alright, but before you let me go, for spearing my life, I just like to say something." Link and Rena both listened to what it had to say. "Zant told me before sending me to try and kill you, that he would have Rena again, no matter what." The yellow fox like Digimon backed away slightly as Link growled lightly.

"Do me a favor," he leaned close to it. "If you do see him, tell him this; over my dead body." The Empty nodded and even gulped at the sound of Link growling as he dropped him, disappearing into the shadow of which he was made from.

"Wow..." gasped Rena as both she and Link sat in the bed of the hotel room they were given. "That's really what happened?"

"Yeah," answered Link, he still held on his armor as he looked down to his newly claws. "I saw and spoke to my mom, and she told me that I was to be a Digimon if I were to live."

"Well I think it's a good trade off," she answered backed as she brought her much smaller paw on top of his claw. "I kind of like you like this, though I will miss your hair and that." Link smiled.

"Yeah I guess," he answered. "Just think how everyone back home is going to react!" they both laughed at this, only thinking how Nina wouldn't believe that her father was now a XWargreymon as he called himself now.

"Well Link," Rena spoke to him with a soft voice. "I have a little surprise for you,"

"Oh?" he asked as she stood and walked toward the bathroom, having shredded off her swimsuit for a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top, she moved her hips slightly, waving her tail as she entered the bathroom with a wink.

Rena had him at that wink, as he watched her leave and close the door, he lay back on the bed sighing. Still looking at his claws and arms, he slowly started to take his helm and claw guards off. His muzzle and face looked more like a Augmon, but more fierce and not as large as the rookie type Digimon, his arms much larger then when he was human, and orange. Looking at his newly hands, he saw that they looked almost like human a bit, sure the nails did look a bit longer, but other then that, they were the same. Then reaching back, he took his chest piece off. Muscles bulging as he looked at himself in the mirror to the side, tracing his hand, he was surprised at himself; though he did miss his old human form. He wanted to keep the leg part on for now; he was not tried and really didn't feel like taking it off at the moment.

"Oh Linkkkkk," the Digimon turned around at the sound of his name, and somewhat gasped. Rena had wore her bathing suit again, leaning on the door frame of the bathroom, his held her leg up and arm up as well into the sexiest pose Link had only seen on online videos he use to watch, what was different this time that she cut off some of her white tuff of fur on her neck which would cover her breast. Now she held nothing of the sort and showed all of her flesh that would bounce when she moved. He never knew they were that large, but he didn't care for that. "I see that you already started to undress," she gave him a smirk. "Pity, I wanted to undress you myself, oh well," she shrugged moving forward and pushing Link back on his back, whenever they had made love, Link had sometimes been on the bottom, this was because Rena told him it was because he held no knot. The knot of a Renamon and many other of the Digital Monsters would hold, would make sure that the female would have their young. Now looking down at him, straddling his metal legs, she smiled as she laid over and kissed him on the lips.

He returned the kiss, leaning down more finding out that her hips did not even hit his own like when he was human, so if she was to ride him, he would have to lean toward her to kiss her, and not the other way around. When she broke the kiss, she started to move down his body, slowly taking off the leg part, showing he held a slit much like her own; but unlike her own, a deep black head was seen growing from it. Now 'naked' as a Digimon should, Rena leaned down with a smile to lick him, but he stopped her with a slight growl.

"No," he told her deeply. "No licking, no sucking," he leaned her up and started to take her bra and panties off of her suit and pinned her on her back, already knowing, her legs spread as he gripped her wrist and held it over her head. "I just want to fuck my bitch!" Rena smirked, not upset by the name he called her. She was a dog of the fox family, and a bitch was the name of a female dog, and in her kind, calling a female a bitch; was his way of saying she was his. It was weird, but her body tingled with this new side of Link, maybe because he was more forceful then when he was human? She didn't know, but she liked it all the same. Leaning down over her again, he kissed her deeply and hungrily as his cock grew to a full height of eleven inches, she gasped when she felt the tip hit her pussy lips, she knew already he was much wider, and this was going to be a rough, wonderful ride.

He growled as soon as the head pushed in, already she felt tight around his member as he drove himself in, Rena on the other hand whimpered as her lips where spread, head on the side as Link held his over hers, she gasped more as inch and inch moved inside of her. Body shaking, tail twitching, she moaned as half way was in, until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Just fuck me Link!" she screamed looking up at him as he looked down. "Stop with this slow moving and fuck my brains out!"

"I want this to last though," he answered lightly with a smile.

"Well we can do that anytime," she growled removing her paw and gripping his neck to push him down. "No fuck me hard and fast, or else." She showed him her fangs as he only growled and showed his own; but nodded all the same as he pushed until the head was in, then thrust fully into her as hard and fast as she could. Rena screamed as she felt the whole thing rush into her insides in one blow, her body shuddering as she held on to whatever she could hold of Link. It was lucky that before Link made plans on what room to get that Rena called the hotel and asked for a sound proof room and also to act as if upgrading them, Rena did slip him a tip when Link wasn't looking and thanked him for his kindness. She laughed when the man told her that he did the same thing on his honeymoon.

Not giving her any time to relax, Link started to pound into his mate with more power then he ever gave her before. The bed rocked and groaned from his thrust, she gasped and whimpered from each hump; and he grunted and growled at each tight squeezed. Taking her legs and dripping them over his shoulders, he replaced speed with power, causing her to howled louder and louder, and then, they couldn't even hold on; both calling out each other name; they came, one powerful climax wetting their body, the bed. He started to pant lightly, never had he cummed that fast like that before, he was worried that Rena would be pissed, but he found her sleeping under him. Giving a smile, he moved to the sofa in the room, and took another blanket off from the closet and lay down with her on top, draping the blanket over them, he fell into a deep sleep; holding to his mate.