Cats got your tonuge?

Story by MzOreo on SoFurry

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Cats got your Tongue

Throwing the map to the ground she growled at herself before stomping off in another direction. "God damn it, I am never trusting that fat bastard again" Natalia huffed before thunder sounded and lighting shot through the sky sending half the Pokémon in the bushes and grass scattering everywhere to find shelter from the on coming rain. Natalia wasn't having a good day at all everything was going wrong the newly caught Pokémon Houndour wasn't even paying attention to her and she was slightly sick of it. The rain poured harder as Natalia walked down the hill not to fall but her luck wasn't with her and she tumbled down the hill hitting her head against the tree hard. "FUCK! I GIVE UP!" she screamed into the sky beginning to cry how her Pokémon journey wasn't getting any better for her at all so she just sat there and cried before she heard a rustle in the bushes and saw a pair of yellow eyes stare at her and her breath was caught in her throat, there in front of her face was a pure lethal, deadly Persian. She heard about some of them who roamed these woods and would eat anything they could kill. 'Fuck, what the hell am I supposed to do now?' she thought to herself and perked up and tried to throw out her Pokémon ball but the Persian charged at her and knocked it out of her hand letting it fall into the bushes and the cat looked at her growling.

"P-please mister cat...I know I'm in your territory and I don't mean to be so if you please let me go it would be appreciated" she said trying to reason with it and it sniffed her before growling again and pounced on her ripping off her top exposing her 36C cup sized breasts to which to Persian was good enough and began to lick them causing Natalia to moan out quietly. 'Oh this is so wrong but it's so good' she thought to herself and felt herself get wetter from Persian's licking causing her to pant. Persian's licking ceased and she looked at him blushing before she was flipped over onto her back as he pushed his massive cock into her little tight virgin hole and she winced as she screamed out in pain as he started to thrust harder and deeper into her little hole as he continued to pump faster and deeper into her and she screamed her head off moaning loudly. "Persian purr (you feel so good)" Persian purred loudly as he pushed into her faster making her lose her mind in pleasure "Oh god! Persian...I can't hold it any longer!" Natalia screamed out as he continued to fuck her faster and faster he couldn't hold it on any longer either before he came inside her making her scream out. Persian purred but didn't slide out and she was becoming nervous. One time was enough for her apparently Persian has another plan and bit her neck hard causing her to scream out and then all her world went back.

Persian was satisfied with this human companion she was strong enough to bare his litter he would give her and he pulled her unconscious body toward his den where he would ravish her until she had his litter. Approaching his den more Persian came into view rubbing against there leader and sniffed the young female before he growled and sent them backward as he laid his new mate in a pallet of furs from their fallen brethren and laid beside her licking her skin. It was a new life for them and his litter would be beautiful. Day after day he would ravish her with sex making her full of his seed as the other Persians watched their actions and when the high male finally fell asleep the female would sit around in a circle and chat amongst each other. "Persian Persian purr (so how is sex with the high male?)" one female asked making Natalia blush and smiled "hot" she responded "Persian purr (he is big)" one female said and Natalia giggled before she felt something wet between her legs and there it was her water broke and a whole lot of pain shot throughout her body making her scream out. "OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS HURTS LIKE A BITCH!" She screamed before she kept pushing until she was sweaty and panting her litter of Persian kittens came from her vagina and she was happy scratching her mate's ear she couldn't say a word. Cat got her tongue now and forever and she wouldn't want it any other way.

Sex And The Sin

**Sex and the Sin** "Glad that is over with" Sin thought to himself as he clicked a button to unlock his door of his 2004 maroon mustang and quickly got in and started it only to hear his engine purr to life as he was texting on his cell phone...

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