Taking one for the Team- Part III

Story by Stephanie Waverider on SoFurry

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#3 of Skyguard

Taking one for the Team- Part III

Celeste stirred slightly, awakening from the darkness that had enveloped her at the forest's edge, a ringing sound still lingering in her ears and a splitting ache in the back of her head where a large lump had formed. She groaned softly, but all that escaped her lips was a soft gasp of air as she was tugged along by an unseen force.

She tried to open her eyes seeing several blurred figures before promptly closing them once more, the back of her head paining her greatly as well as the burning sensation of her knees being drug along a hard stony floor through what seemed to be an endless hallway of agony for her.

Her head ached, her ears rang, and most of all her body was completely sore...possibly from the beatings of her captors after she had already been knocked unconscious... Regardless, the poor dragoness knew not of what her fate to come was, unlike those who drug her along the halls, casting sideways glances at each other before snickering and making witty remarks on how easy it was to capture a princess....

"What....what is....going on...?" her voice echoed in her head, her body completely unable to move from the severity of her wounds inflicted by what she knew could have only been torture... "I...cant move!...I...cant fight them....cant....No hope... for me... Richard...oh richard my love...where are you...?"

As her captors continued to drag her, they made a direction change, veering off to the side in what felt to be a warm, cozy room that smelled of roses and charred wood. As she made a weak attempt to struggle, moving her arm a bit with the last bit of strength she had left in her, she felt a solid fist slam into the side of her jaw, knocking her out of the other's grip.

"You fool! He wantsss her in prissstine condition! You oaf!" she heard a snake-like voice hiss.

"Why...?" a deep, masculine voice chuckled. "We've already beaten her to a pulp..."

"Silence! I will not tolerate your presence any longer!" the other hissed, picking up her arm once more, followed by the firm, warm grip of the other captor along her right arm.

"I...cant....allow these....cretins....to treat me...like this!!" she cried in her mind, which was still wracked with pains from the back of her head, the throbbing sensation of the bruise causing her eyes to water in pain.

As she opened those eyes, she noticed that her utility belt was gone, and that one of her captors, an humanoid snake-like creature at that, was wearing it proudly as if it were a trophy or memento of some sort.... Upon it, she spied all of her equipment, including that black rod that she held so dear....

Angrily, Celeste managed to thump her tail against the stone floor. Just then, she had an idea...

"Gah! I dont know what Coyote saw in you.... you are no better than I am in the air..." the bulky one said gruffly.

"He chose mee becausssse I have dissscipline...Unlike you," the snake retorted. "Such is mosst uncommon amongsst your filthy kind....Rhinos...Bah!"

She grinned slightly to herself...

"So....which one of you guys....is better in the cockpit of your fighters..?" she said, her tail rising slightly.

"Sssssilence!!" the snake hissed.

"Wait...she has a point...." the rhino said before stopping for a moment.

"Well princessss....I would be the one...seeing how I was entrusted by Coyote himself on this entire mission," the snake said proudly, stopping as well.

"Bah! Of course you are... I have seen you fight...You are nothing more than a coward that steals other people's kills..." the Rhino said, a deep growl forming in his throat.

As they continued to argue, Celeste's tail tip slowly made its way up to the belt around the snake's waist, carefully and skillfully removing the black rod until the tip was curled around it, bringing it back to her silently while they shouted on who was the alpha of the two.

"I'll be proud to say that my boyfriend shot down your leader...therefore, one of you must become the leader....but unfortunately only you two are left...." she said, grinning.

"So you say...?" the rhino said, frowning.

"You fool! Sssshe is just trying to trick us!!" the snake shouted

"No...I dont think she is...I may be dumb but I know what I saw out there...those fighters werent ours in the sky...." the rhino said gruffly.

"Then it would only be obvious that I ssshould lead!" the snake said proudly. "After all, I was ssssecond in command."

As she felt the black rod in her tail's grasp, she felt a sudden warm surge to her body, a crystal within it filling her with what felt to be an extra reserve of energy, giving her aching bones the will to move and her muscles to flex once more...but not just yet....

"No! You would be a terrible leader! You are nothing without your friends to save your ass up there!" the rhino said furiously. "We need a strong and resolute leader, unlike you. Besides, we have many other members that we dont need to single out either of us anyways....."

Beginning to think that her bought time was about to expire, she grinned....

"I have a suggestion...." Celeste said cooly.

"What is it...Speak quickly!" the rhino said angrily.

"How about you both...Die!" she shouted, her tail pressing a button upon the black rod before watching it burst to life.

Two plasma-like blades erupted from opposite ends of the black rod, glowing furiously in the curved shape of a glaive before skillfully whirling down upon the snake's hand followed by an upward slash to the rhino's entire arm, severing them both in streams of blood while the glowing blade whirled around, guided by her tail.

"Eagh!!" the Rhino cried out in fright before gazing down at the fleshy nub that he knew as his shoulder, gaping at the loss of his meaty right arm, which was quickly diced from her own as the blade spun furiously through the air to slice down the center of the snake's entire body, leaving a mess of gory internal organs and blood.

In a state of panic, the rhino fumbled with his right hand to find his pistol, firing several shots upon doing so. As the blade whirled, the plasma shots that were fired at it deflected and landed in his chest, leaving two crimson holes where his lungs would be.

Unable to breathe, the rhino grasped at his throat, wheezing and gasping for air before falling backwards, a large pool of blood forming where he laid.

"Hmph...." She said, bringing the blade to her hand before carefully slicing the two hands from her wrists, their death grips no longer a nuisance to her. As she looked down at the glowing blade, she pressed the button once more and grinned in glee as the blades shot once more into the small palm-sized rod.

Grimacing at the bloody mess she had created of the snake, she removed the ruined utiliity belt from both sides of him, pocketing only the useful items she had left which included her pistol, several small black grenades, and the remains of her hologram projector, the object sparking and unusable...

"Damn it all..." she said softly... "Cant even call for help in this god forsaken place...."

Bringing herself to her feet, she stood and wiped her suit of the blood that had splattered upon it, grinning in delight down at the two bloody messes of her captors before looking around, scrutinizing upon the room with interest. There were empty couches, an empty king sized bed that had bedposts and drapes to match the couches, a deep bronze. The fireplace roared with life, the burning wood crackling underneath the intensity of the flame, and several vases of withering roses perfumed the room... it was simply opulent! How could such malicious people live down in these tunnels with such luxuries? Celeste had always pictured such people to live in run-down dilapidating castles or earthy caves...

She shook her head and slowly made her way to the bed, sitting down upon it for a moment to collect herself from the ordeal she had just endured, keeping her pistol in one hand due to the fact that she had no holster for it anymore.

She found the matress to be quite old in design, much unlike her modern day one, in which she enjoyed the luxury of zero gravity...but these were all antiques, and so intriguing...

The way this made her feel...it felt as if she were in a garden of antiquities....the very atmosphere of the room making her feel at home in what felt to be a complete hell. For all she knew she could be halfway across the world and several miles underground...

As she caught herself staring at the fire within the fireplace, she was caught off by a smooth...seductive and purring voice as it entered the room.

"Do you like it...my lovely...?" a black panther said, garbed in a fine silken robe that matched his black fur... a purr rumbling from his throat. "Theres one just like this one...for the master....but oh so much...grander..."

"Stay back!" She shouted in fright, pulling her pistol and aiming it his head, a small beep eminating from the pistol, notifying her that it had a powerful charge ready to fire if she needed.

"Relax...I'm not one of those...Nova...people... I was sent from the master to applaud you on ridding those two nuisances from his underground lair...." he said, slowly approaching her further. "Lay down your gun...I am no threat to you."

Unwavering, she continued to point it at him, before slowly letting her guard down and doing as he said...that purr somehow seducing her will to fight.

"I assure you, you wont be needing those now that those pesky brutes are gone...." The panther said, his yellow eyes meeting hers....there was something just mystifying about those eyes....something so deep about that rumble eminating from his throat...that seductive...foreign accent...it simply melted her will...her mind coming to a state of shock as it allowed him to pry her blade from her hand as well as her pistol, and simply throwing them over his shoulder onto one of the couches before taking one of her hands in his own and kissing it gently.

"Come with me...." he said....

Mesmerized, she followed him...her body defying every command her brain gave it...

"What the hell!!! I cant...move!!" she cried out mentally...her body acting upon its own accord as she followed him, hand in hand.

As they made their way out of the room they had walked in, using one of the doors off to the side, they found themselves in a larger hallway leading up to a pair of golden doors, the golden gates being nearly twenty feet tall and fifteen in width, her panther 'companion' taking a large mallet in his hand and slamming it into the doors, causing a loud rumbling sound, much like a deep gong.

Never ceasing to let go of her hand....she felt her ensorcelled body following his once again..

"That sneaky little ....URK!" she cried out angrily. "He must have put some spell on me!"

Before she knew it, the doors began to slowly open with a deep rumble, a bronze light filling her vision.

Shocked, she spied upon a large black dragon laying upon what seemed to be a hoard of golden coins and trinkets that glimmered in the torchlight of his domain...several large braziers burning on either sides of the room accompanied by a large red patterned carpet that portrayed a story of some sort in stations leading up to his bed of gold.

As she stepped in, her panther friend remained at the door....watching as the dragon grinned first at him, then to the tinier dragoness that had been brought forth.

The large feral dragon roared, before getting up from his leisurely relaxed position on his piles of treasures, hopping down with a tremendous thud, shaking the floor beneath her feet.

Shocked, and unable to speak, she remained there, gaping as she spied upon the large dragon's body. There was a real life dragon standing before her! He even had wings! This had defied every story lesson that she had learned in the past, knowing that there had been no real full blooded dragons before in the past...maybe this had been a secret, or some kind of evolution of the specimens they had worked on in their labs...Regardless, she gaped as she saw him slowly padding towards her...his black form looming above hers.

His scales were black as midnight, and his eyes were as red as rubies. As he grinned, she noticed the rows of black fangs that lined his mouth along with his tongue, that seemed to be drooling a bit now...

"Thank you mercenary, you will be paid handsomely at a later date...now leave me to my prize...." he rumbled out heavily to the panther.

Nodding, the panther bowed in respect and left, removing his robes to reveal his Nova uniform.

"YOU LITTLE ---!" she cried out, but it was too late, the doors had already closed.

"Relax hatchling...I prefer my prizes to be willing...." he said grinning. "I am Gerod..."

Feeling her body no longer voluntarily resisting her actions, she reached down at her pockets for those grenades, but suddenly felt her wrists caught by a strong, unseen force, the dragon chuckling loudly as he gazed down upon her.

Without warning, the orbs swiftly flew from her pockets and into the air before exploding violently, raining down dust upon her before she felt her body released once again....

"Now..do you have any more surprises...? Or am I going to have to do that again...?" he asked, simply toying with her.

"What do you want from me...?" she growled.

"Oh....I want everything...." he chuckled before coming closer, his black, bulky form looming ever closer to hers. He was nearly twenty feet tall in height when on all fours, and seemed to be about forty from snout to tail tip, his wings flaring out intimidatingly at a wingspan of nearly twenty five feet.

"You dont scare me..." she said.

"Oh...then that makes everything just as easier...You see, I've been needing a consort, willing or not. However, I would enjoy it if my mate were to be happy to be my little breeder... See, I have come to the realization that I will not live forever, and I need to find a female to bear my eggs...." he said, a wide grin forming on his maw.

"You...you...you are despicable! Why would you even think I could do something like this?! There are so many others like me out there! Why me?!" Celeste shouted in fright.

"Breeding a princess has always been a fantasy of mine..." he said before chuckling deeply to himself. "I shall be your king...and you, my queen."

"And you think I'll do this all willingly...?" she growled. "You can forget about it!"

"Do you wish to live...? To see your family and friends again...?" he said, a little sternly now.

For a moment, thoughts flashed through her head on how her father would react now that she was gone, how he would mourn for his loss...and Richard...sweet Richard...how he would never see her again...

"I...I dont know anymore...You'll never release me anyways...so why live..." she said in a defeated tone.

"I'll take what I want from you whether you like it or not my little desert flower...but first I think some adjustments are to be made..." he said, grinning.

"What do you mean!?" She shouted. "Havent your men tortured me enough?!"

"Not in that way...." He said, his horns beginning to glow with a red aura. "How else are you supposed to take my massive dragonhood..? Hmmm?"

Before she could call him the most disgusting thing she had ever met, she cried out in pain, her body feeling a surge of power, reconstructing it as bones snapped and reformed within her elastic skin, which had magically became impenetrable for the transformation to occur, her body quickly slumping over onto all fours as she cried out in pain, feeling her body completely reconstruct itself until it was in the form of a larger feral dragoness.

Panting, she roared out in agony before looking over her shoulder at him. "You fucking monster!"

He simply grinned, his black tongue rolling over his fangs as he gazed upon his prize, her clothes having parted from her body during the transformation and laid in a heap below her. She was now slightly smaller than him and also in the same form, a pleasant aroma wafting from her backside....

"Hrrrrrr~....It seems you are already in season as your current form....this will be delicious..." he said before approaching her and placing a paw on her left haunch.

"No! Get away from me!!" she shouted, flapping her new wings to move away from him before falling from the sky, his horns glowing once more as he drug her back.

"Your resistance is futile...but I admire your courage...I guess I can still enjoy this...." he said before putting his paws on her haunches once more.

"Please....no..." she whimpered softly, tears welling up in her eyes as she found her head pressed against the red carpet, gazing at the patterns that adorned it and the dim light of the room.

"As I said before...I am going to enjoy this whether you like or not...get used to it...because I'll be breeding you every day...." he said with a loud chuckle.

She tried with every ounce of her strength to move, but she couldnt budge against the magic that was holding her in place. She was completely bound and unable to move by the large dragon.... For several moments he simply delighted in his quarry before hopping up and laying his chest on her back, parting her wings off to the side so that he could place his paws on her shoulders, widening his hips so that each one was on either side of her own hind legs.

She cried out in fright as she felt him mount her, tears flowing from her eyes as she knew what was soon to come...she was going to be violated...raped....stripped of her innocence, and impregnated by this large, cruel dragon whether she liked it or not...

As the black dragon adjusted himself, he delighted in the feel of her warm, draconic slit along the tip of his endowment, the black length being nearly ten feet long and a couple feet wide in a spear-like structure with ridges and short curved barbs running down the length of the shaft.

Before she could scream, she felt his jaws clamp down around her neck and his hips surge forward, burying his dragon pole to the hilt deeply into her once virgin depths, a gush of blood spilling from her slit before becoming nothing more than a trickle.

She whimpered softly, knowing that her innocence had been stripped of her...that fat dragon cock having spread her birthing tunnel wide as he waited several moments for her pain to subside... Even if he was a cruel, overbearing tyrant, he still aimed to please her, to encourage her to be his little bitch...

"Please....no....no more..." she whimpered.

He ignored her however and began to pump his crotch into her rythmically and at a rather hasty speed, causing her body to jerk forward with each thrust, only to be kept in place by the neck from his dominant bite, from which several droplets of blood formed. She could only lay there in mental agony, knowing that Richard would not be the one to take her for the first time...she had failed him...and everyone she knew, but especially him...her love.

"Hhrrrrrr......such a young one too..." he said with a pleased growl, rutting her as he spoke. "I've never felt such a warm...velvety .... hrrrr....." he said, breaking off into his lusty haze.

She too, felt massive amounts of pleasure from his large malehood as it sank in and out of her repeatedly, those barbs causing her much pain, but at the same time pleasuring her beyond belief, her eyes rolling back in sheer ecstasy as the ridges near the tip helped stimulate her new love tunnel, her juices beginning to flow freely and lubricate his meaty breeding pole as he humped her.

Her mind and body were waging war against each other as he continued to mate with her...her mind screaming no...while her body screamed yes....yes!! She wanted it all...she wanted his fat cock in her pussy...to take her...to breed her...to make her belly swell with his clutch....but she didnt want it either...simply wanting to escape and somehow find a new life as her new form....

Regardless of her mental war, the black, dominant drake above her continued to slap his crotch into hers. With the added lubricant, with each thrust he made, a lewd slopping sound could be heard echoing across his lair...little did he know that the panther was spying upon him through a crack in the doorway, quickly masturbating himself to the sight of the large to dragons going at it.

Before long, he increased his speed, his breathing becoming heavy as his thrusts became erratic and frenzied, his tail curling around hers as he mated with her, forcing her down to the point where her entire body was pressed to the carpet, her ass the only thing raised in the air, angled just perfectly for his tip to penetrate her cervix by a good foot.

Feeling this, she cried out in agony and pleasure as she orgasmed for him, her body wracked by a blissful euphoria as shivers of pleasure rose up through her spine, her tight walls spasming around his dragon meat in an attempt to milk it of the creamy, hot dragon seed that dwelled within his internal testes. Her own juices squirted along her walls and oozed from her slit as he fucked her through her orgasm, causing her only more pleasure, though unwanted....the poor dragoness whimpering the entire time.

"Yessss.....cum for me...cum for your king...." the black drake said lustily.

She didnt respond, simply closing her eyes as she was forced to take it all...unable to do anything about it....A flame of her body's desire had formed in her womb...begging to be doused by a shower of hot and steamy dragon semen, to fertilize her eggs and to make her heavy with his clutch....which was soon to happen as his thrust became even more inaccurate, his entire cock slipping out of her slit, the pulsing length throbbing as he humped aimlessly to find her slit once again, his panting becoming louder.

"P...please..." she said in a defeated tone.

Her pleads were once again ignored by the drake, who with one last thrust, hit the mark, burying his entire cock into her sex and burying his tip into her unprotected womb, from which torrent after torrent of his hot sperm flowed into her fertile and heated womb, filling it entirely as his internal orbs pumped her full of his virile semen...

She gasped out and gave out a quick little cry as she felt the violent jets of his hot cum slam into her soft walls, filling her entire womb quickly with his load, causing much of it to squirt from her stuffed slit and onto her legs as well as his in an explosion of sexual juices, some of which landed on the opulent rug beneath them, forming a puddle. As for him, his orgasm lasted for nearly a minute before he began to emit a purr-like rumble from his throat, releasing her neck, which had several deep bite marks on it.

"Very good...." he said before grinding his hips a little bit into hers pleasurably, feeling his twitching cock still releasing trickles of spunk into her well-used cunny. After a few moments he began to pull out, his length sopping wet and dripping with his and her combined sexual juices, little tendrils of cum connecting his length to her slit as he parted from her warm folds and hopped from her back, still holding her there via magic.

"There....you've gotten what you wanted..." she said, sobbing.

"Not yet...I'm a generous drake...I like to share my prizes with my friends..." he said, chuckling into her ear as he passed by her. "I'm sure they would all like a view of my new queen...After all, we are going to rule together you know...Now come with me...I need to introduce you..."

She halfheartedly stood to her feet, feeling his magic fade from her body. She shook herself off, feeling violated and looked at the doors...wondering if she could break them down somehow...or escape by digging a hole somewhere...but it was no use, the doors were locked now and there would be no plausible escape. Feeling defeated, she followed him, tempted to bite the tip of his tail...

Looking over his shoulder at his prize, he shook his head, chuckling to himself. "Do not feel contempt for me...feel contempt to those who brought you here... I am simply the one to claim you as my own..."

"No matter how many times you breed me I will never be yours..." She said angrily.

"And breed you many times I will, whether you like it or not...." he said, bringing her through a large doorway that led to a large, circular room with several tiers of benches and stands that closely resembled that of a colleseum, to which her better knowledge, and the signs of blood spatters along the walls of the circular ring, told her that her hunch was right. A single set of stairs led down to the ring's edge, but she was quick to notice that all of the seats were taken by what appeared to be hunched over forms of her own kind, draconic humanoids that had somehow mutated into ferocious looking beasts, which to her looked rather bulky and rather unintelligent, until one of them cheered his name and patted him on his tail as he passed, one of them slapping her ass.

She quickly turned around and snarled but her body felt a surge of power once again and felt immobile, then released once more, as if he were keeping her on a leash.

Her heart sinking even more...she followed him to the ring's edge... before pushing her in with a quick thwack of his mighty tail, sending her stumbling in.

"This...is my new mate! Her name will be known to all of you as Queen Celeste....for I am making her my consort, from which a new age shall spring forth! My kind will fill the skies...rule it...and rain down destruction in our wake to those who dare defy us....but as for her...my sweet peach...I believe she has a treat for you all..." He said, grinning.

"What...?" she asked, laying on her back from having stumbled in, a confused look spreading across her face.

"I have come..." he said, slowly strolling around the circular length of the ring. "To introduce her as my new consort...For she shall bear my children. However she will first demonstrate a treat to those who will follow her in the future as a ruler...to her children."

She snarled for a moment before she felt her body go immobile once again, watching her tail as it slowly rose from the ground, then as her legs slowly spread apart...the large drake grinning down at her until her tail tip slowly rested in front of her still-sopping cunny, from which his musk still weighed heavily down upon.

"Do it...my peach...or I'll have my friend here do it for you...in front of all these people...your people..." he said, grinning as he motioned with his head to the black panther that was standing beside him, grinning as he waved at her once more.

She gave a quick snarl at the panther before shaking her head, not wanting to be touched and seduced once again by the panther... "I'll....I'll...."

"Hmmm...." Gerod said, rumbling loudly to her.

"I'll do it...just let me go..." she said softly.

"Excellent...." and with that, she felt her body mobile again, her tail tip hover inches from her slit, which was feeling the cold air brushing past it, arousing her further...

She bit her lip as she gazed down at her new, much larger cunny before looking up at him...watching him as she buried her tail tip deeply into her pussy with a loud "Schlorp"...causing many of the spectators to roar with laughter and cheers, many of which were clapping their hands, others simply staring or fondling themselves to the view as her face flushed with embarassment.

Her mind screamed in embarassment! There were so many watching her nude and completely exposed as she fondled herself in front of them all! This was the most degrading thing she had ever found herself doing....she could hardly believe this wasnt a nightmare...a simple bad dream....it was reality...

"Go on..." he said, grinning as he motioned at the panther for something....to which she quickly saw as the panther's hands slowly began to massage and rub along the sides of the dragon's cock, which was mere inches from her head.

Hearing this, she began to slowly but surely bring her tail from her slit, bringing back a slickened length , gazing upon it before reluctantly sliding it back in with a fierce thrust, burying it all the way until it rubbed against her G-spot, eliciting a loud, lusty cry from her.

"Oh? Is someone enjoying themselves?" he said, huffing as he felt his erect cock being massaged by the panther, who looked both disgusted and aroused at the same time, watching them both.

"Y...y...yes...." she whimpered before she continued to pump in and out of her slickened cunny by a steady pace, several of the spectators taking pictures of the action, flashes sparking out around the large stadium as she continued to masturbate herself with her tail, her eyelids closing as her eyes rolled back in ecstasy. Now, not only her body wanted it...but her mind did as well...her resolute will having been broken by the dominant drake...all she knew now was the need to please him and her new people...the thought of it all arousing her further to which she began masturbating herself fiercely to, her tail pumping in and out of her slit like she wanted it to. She wanted it, badly. Her love tunnel was quivering and spasming around her tail as it took her like a savage horny male would do in a mating frenzy, causing her to pant and moan shamelessly to him as he was masturbated by the panther, to which she still did not know a name to.

"Good...gooood!" he said, panting as he saw her increased arousal, the scent of her heat driving him that much further before he quickly moved away from his servant and positioned himself over her, his cock inches from her slit.

"Do you want it!?" he roared out to her. "Do you want it my queen?!"

"YES!! YES!! Fuck me! Fill me more! I want it!" she cried shamelessly before she felt his piercing cock bury into her once more, his thrusts spreading her walls apart before she felt him penetrate her cervix one more, blasting her womb once more with a massive load of hot, virile, dragon cream, most of it spilling out of her slit and onto the stone floor of the ring.

A massive roar of applause and cheers arose from the audience... most of them rising from their seats and cheering, others simply gaping as they watched their king release torrent after torrent of his potent spunk into her abused cunt...the dragoness panting as she opened her eyes once again, spying the panther simply standing there, his arms crossed with a smirk spreading across his face.

"Hrrrr.....I will be enjoying your presence here my queen...." he said before standing once more and climbing up the steps of the arena floor and towards his chambers. "Barret....finish her off for me will you...? I will watch from here...."

"As you wish my lord...On behalf of the Nova, consider this our honor" he said before approaching her...the panther smirking as he removed his clothes to reveal his sleek body, his black fur glistening in the torchlight, from which his erect pink cock emerged, the length being rather long, but lacking girth, which was made up for by the barbs that lined the sides of it.

She gazed at the panther with contempt for a moment, before lust washed it all away, moaning softly and encouragingly to the panther, to which he grinned and pounced forth, landing between her legs and giving her slit a few licks with his sandpapery tongue, sending chills of delight up her body, her eyes shooting wide open.

"Ohhh~" she moaned softly, her tail thumping noisily against the floor as he continued to orally please her. To her, he was just the perfect size to take her, especially with his tongue, to which he began to sink into her well-used folds, blushing at the taste of the dragon's potent seed, combined with her sweet nectar as he lapped at her internal folds.

"Mmhhhhhh" he murred, the cat beginning to purr with delight, his tail swishing back and forth behind him.

"Ohh yes...please...more..." she whimpered, which caused a fit of laughter from Gerod.

"I'll pay you extra if you make her moan and scream your name Barret...Amuse me." he said, chuckling softly to himself.

The panther raised his head and simply nodded before grinning down at the dragoness and straddling her, placing his cock in aligntment with her slit before surging forth, humping at a frenzied speed, his tail twitching violently behind him as he began to fuck her ferociously, his hands holding onto her sides to brace himself from falling off of her.

"Oh god!" she cried, feeling those barbs grazing at the walls of her slit, the lewd schlorping sound of his cock slamming into her pussy causing a roar of cheers from the crowd, eagerly watching them go at it. To this, she still felt a little embarassed, but who wouldnt? Regardless, her velvety, slickened walls continuously clenched and massaged his cock as he rapidly fucked her, his black form quickly slamming itself into hers.

"Such a wonderful....rrhhhhhh....puss...your mate has....Gerod" he managed to say between moans, his will to make her scream his name increasing, further increasing his power.

Inside, his cock was rubbing up along her well-stretched walls, his slickened cock penetrating her with ease as it was coated in the combined juices of the two dragons, causing him to blush. None of it mattered however as he surged forth, that tail of his twitching eratticly behind him as he mated with her, wanting nothing more than to please her for a little extra coin, which he would happily accept.

With a desperate thrust, he buried his entire shaft into her with a swift motion, letting it stay there for a few moments before pulling out to the tip and pumping back in with a powerful slam, moaning out loudly as he found himself launched into a world of sexual indulgence, his mind clouded with the sexual urge to breed with this female.

"Oh god Barret!!! Ahhh!" she cried, her tunnel suddenly clenching down on his cock, her juices once again coating her internal walls, but this time ejected from her slit, coating his entire lower body in her sweet smelling juices. Shocked, he couldnt hold himself back any longer and pulled out of her slit, putting his hand on his cock and giving one quick pump to it, releasing his creamy white spunk onto her face. With each jet, she simply panted, catching several on her tongue, tasting the salty treat that the panther was gifting her with.

Panting, the panther stepped away from her, looking up at the Drake, who was nodding to him, that grin never ceasing to fade from his face.

"You will be rewarded handsomely for your display...now leave these premises and do not return until beckoned. As for you my queen...follow me..." Gerod said, slowly making his way back into his chambers.

Standing to her feet, she hastily began to follow, her will broken. Though she no longer had the strength or will to fight him, some part of her deep down, suppressed, was crying out in pain. Her original mind having been lost...her will broken...her original self crying out in rapture and pain. But that little voice was drowned out, possibly never to be seen again as she quickly padded up those steps.

Coming to his side at his doorway, she smiled with a seductive grin to him before staring at him in the eyes.

"Oh...? Does my queen want more...?" he asked with a seductive growl, his erect cock still dripping with what appeared to be silvery pre.

"Yes...my lord..." she said, licking her lips.