Digidestiny Chapter 6

Story by Lost R on SoFurry

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#5 of Digidestiny

A wise man once said that if we are to look forward with any clarity, it is important to know where we have been and how we got to where we are now. These words only became truly relevant to Sora as she was suspended from the wall, naked and tied up against a rock wall with rope around her stomach, arms and legs. With her vision obscured with a blindfold and given no stimulus, her mind retracted and meditated on everything that led up to now.

The war against the Dark Masters had been waged virtually nonstop for the past four years. The second generation of Digidestined was founded several months ago to assist in the war effort, but the Dark Masters covered too much ground. Piedmon managed to evade deletion by MagnaAngemon, and retreated to the far reaches of the Digital World. From there, he was able to rebuild and amass a new force of Digimon. The second generation of Dark Masters were even more aggressive than the first. Even with their numbers reinforced, the Digidestined lost a lot of ground, and it seemed like every new lieutenant they would delete, three more would rise in their place. All this was dependent on Piedmon's superior intelligence to corrupt and rally Digimon together. If he fell, the Dark Masters would deteriorate. However, he was very tenacious. The Digidestined came very close to deleting him several times, but he always managed to escape, and every future attempt became harder and harder.

Finally, there was the uncovered plan to slam a glacier a fraction of the size of the Inland Empire into the main continent, creating a calamity that would make Roland Emmerich jealous. The Digidestined flew out to the glacier to break it apart and melt it, but didn't expect the ambush waiting for them.

Several hundred Digimon working for Piedmon were hiding under the snow and ice. They sprung up like the living dead and attacked the Digidestined. Heavy casualties were sustained on both sides. Lillymon and MagnaAngemon were knocked into the glacier, which sparked an avalanche, and were believed to have been crushed to death. Others were overwhelmed under heavy attack and deleted, and in the end, only MetalGarurumon, Garudamon, and MegaKabuterimon were left, who reverted back to their original forms, badly injured and surrendered. The Digidestined, all of whom survived the attack, were gathered together. Piedmon at first opted to kill them all, but decided that it wasn't the best option, especially since the Digimon would just respawn in Primary Village. Killing was such an inefficient form of torture and humiliation. With humans, you could only do it once, and even with Digimon, you couldn't do it repeatedly in a short amount of time. He finally chose to sell them to slavery, where he assumed they would be powerless to him and would have to endure the punishments of their own masters.

* * *

Claws scraping against rock made Sora alert to the real world again. Something was approaching her. She was well aware that she was naked, but it wasn't like she could do anything about it; her arms and legs were tied up as far away from her body as possible. A claw tore away the blindfold, and Sora was met face to face with -

"Greymon!?" She exclaimed as her eyes focused to the light. The familiar eyes hidden behind a brown bonelike development on the dinosaur's crown stared at her intently. No... this wasn't Greymon. Greymon's skull development was old, cracked. This one was clean and fixed. There were more horns on it, which pointed backwards behind the lower jaw painted with red rings. As the Greymon drew back, it revealed a row of small, straight, numerous rows of teeth, a direct opposite of the few large jagged teeth of Greymon.

"Geogreymon." He corrected.

"Alright, so now that that's out of the way, why am I naked and strung up like this? Let me down!" she protested.

"You will be let down when I decide to let you down." he said. "You are not in a bargaining position right now."

"What do you want from me?" Sora asked.

"Simple. You are a slave, and the most developed female in the group of Digidestined. According to Datamon, your human DNA is universally compatible with all Digimon genetic code. I am one of the last surviving GeoGreymon. Do the math."

Sora slowly came to realize what he meant, and her eyes opened wide in shock. Geogreymon was about 10 feet in height; smaller than Greymon, but still very large. She looked down between his legs and could see his protective pouch opening up and a large orange cock slipping out. It was flaccid, but still over 10 inches in length and nearly 5 in girth!

"NO WAY! That's never going to fit in me!" she shouted.

"Not entirely, no. But enough of it will." Geogreymon traced Sora's body with a sharp shimmering claw and slowly slid it down her stomach and between her legs. Sora instinctively tried to clamp her legs shut, but her legs were tied against the wall, spread out to expose her entire body to him.

"NO! STOP!" Sora protested to no avail. Geogreymon's digit slid into her young pussy walls. She let out a loud cry of shock and frustration. The claw wriggled around inside her tight interior, tickling her G-spot with great shock to Sora. Her pussy lips tingled from the feeling of the rough scales sliding back and forth against her sensitive skin. His finger was as big as a human cock, which didn't make Sora feel any better. She struggled in her binds, trying in futile attempt to prevent him from digging any deeper into her body. Her legs were trembling, and she realized in despair that Geogreymon was intent on making her cum!

"Stop it!" She protested. "I don't want to cum to you!"

"Your body tells me differently." Geogreymon observed. Sora's cunt contracted around his finger. He exerted more energy just trying to pull his claw out before pushing it right back in.

"HAAH!" Sora's hips thrust forward and she squirted a large amount of pussy juices all over Geogreymon's claws. He pulled his claw out and licked the juices off.

"So delicious. Teen cum is the greatest." He growled. He jammed his claw up her tight cunt again and severed the binds with his free hand.

"AH! KYAAAH!!" Sora screamed in shock, then in pain as her full weight came down on the claw. It was buried deep inside her. She kicked her feet around in protest, trying to pull herself off his claw.

"Get used to this feeling." He growled. "You will grow to fit on my dick." Geogreymon pulled Sora off his claw and stroked his dick, not that it needed much stimulus. Seeing Sora squirm on his claw made him very hard, imagining her doing the same thing on his cock. Clamping down on his sensitive shaft... convulsing once she reached the pinnacle of ecstasy...

No! He couldn't force it. He'd need to take it slowly, stretch her slowly but surely until she'd fit snugly on his dick like a glove. He sunk his claw back in her and followed it up shortly afterwards with a second. Sora grunted and grit her teeth in pain. He was exercising and stretching out her pussy lips. Some time ago, Tai showed her some very strange and grotesque porn where some older woman in her 40s or 50s was able to stick a vibrator that looked like an ostrich egg inside her pussy! The vibrations made her cum like a geyser and push the vibrator out in her convulsions. Sora was hugely turned on by the sight, but very wary of the idea of stretching her cunt out like that. According to Tai, it was highly likely that elasticity most likely caused her to be unsatisfied by anything else; a hotdog down a hallway situation. Still, Sora didn't entirely shy away from the idea of such a large and powerful vibrator shaking her apart in a tidal wave of epic proportions. Either way, she would inevitably find herself stretched enough to fit on Geogreymon's cock. She didn't know how she was supposed to feel about that.

"You're taking this rather well." Geogreymon said. "This is why I chose you out of all the other girls. They would have been torn if I did this to them. Your athletic prowess gives you the durability and potential to endure and adapt to this." His digits twisted around and spread apart in Sora's twat. Sora's legs closed tightly around his claw. Her body gave into another orgasm, this one much more intense than the first.

"Oh, how impressive. You've cum so quickly after your first one." Geogreymon observed. "You must be exhausted. That will be it for today." He drew his fingers out of her pussy and brought her down to his cock. It was twitching menacingly. "But first..."

Sora didn't have the energy to react or respond to what was about to happen. Geogreymon placed her at the tip of his cock, just enough to spread the pussy lips apart and poke the first centimeter and a half inside her. He grunted and tried his best not to buck his hips too far forward. He shot forth a huge amount of dinosaur spunk that splashed all over and inside Sora.

"HNNGHH!" Sora gasped, feeling her stomach churn and tremble at the sensation. It was filling her up, gushing into her womb! It was so warm! The sperm drenched her legs and lower body until it looked like she bathed in the stuff. Sora kicked her feet and spasmed again. She didn't have enough breath to scream or cry out or moan or grunt with this new orgasm. In the final few spurts he had left, Geogreymon put his cock up to her mouth and gave her a mouthful. Sora tried her best not to drown in his sperm. She had no other choice but to swallow. Her mind was too exhausted to even think about the taste.

"Excellent, Sora. You did well on your first time." He said, setting her down gently. He lay her down on a fur skin rug that looked to be from a Garurumon. It was soft. Warm. And now getting stained from the cum gushing out of her pussy like she was a fountain.

"Rest up. Tomorrow we will continue this." Sora didn't need any further instruction than this. Her body and mind were so exhausted, she would have passed out if it wasn't for her third orgasm to jolt her awake for one final encore.

Darkness consumed her...

* * *

"Patamon, wake up."

Palmon shook Patamon awake. He stirred slightly before waking up. They had been drifting for a few weeks, like a slow motion weapon of mass destruction. However, it was about to come to an end.

"What's up, Palmon?" Patamon asked.

"Land. I saw land cresting the horizon." Palmon explained. "It's time."

"Great." Their time out here on the glacier was spent recuperating from the fateful battle and waiting for the moment just before the cataclysmic event they would jump ship. That time was now.

"I caught some fish early this morning. Cooked and ready to eat. Best eat quickly. We don't want to be anywhere near here once the glacier makes landfall. Probably quite literally."

"Thanks." Patamon grabbed a fish and quickly chowed down. He needed his energy now more than ever. Once he stripped it of its meat, he went for another. Palmon joined in with him.

"Can you fly as Lillymon?" Patamon asked between bites.

"Yeah. Not sure if I can use my Flower Cannon, but at least I have flying down."

"Good. No need to worry about flying. What's the plan after we escape?"

"We look for information. If the chatter from Piedmon's forces are to be believed, they were probably sold off as sex slaves. The fact that we can still Digivolve supports the theory that they weren't executed."

"Uh huh. So where do we start looking?"

"Not a lot of Digitrafficking goes on anymore. I bet if we shake some information out of the locals - at least what survives - someone is bound to know about an auction that happened recently."

"Then it's a plan." Patamon concluded. He tossed aside the fifth fish skeleton and got to his feet. Out on the ocean, the continent was fast approaching them, or rather the other way around.

"How much time do you think it will be before the fuck all event?" Patamon asked.

"Give or take ten minutes." Palmon said. "We'll Digivolve four minutes before impact, and take off on the last one."

"That's cutting it close. Shoot up as fast as you can."

The two watched the land approach them, growing larger and larger with each passing second. Someone in a nearby village would have seen it by now, and said civilization would be in an utter panic and probably running deeper into the mainland.


The glacier was breaking through the forming waves and generating its own with the amount of water it was dispersing.


The glacier shook underneath them. It was scraping against the seabed, making a massive unseen gash in the ocean floor.


The continental plate was shaking. A giant fissure appeared in the ocean right in front of them starting from the sea and sped out onto dry land and off into the horizon. On the glacier's flanks, the ground was being scooped up like someone scraping the surface of a long strip of soft peanut butter. And the shoreline was still a mile away.


* * *

The next morning, Sora woke up and found her legs very stiff and icky. It was like that feeling you get when you drool when you sleep. Except this applied to her entire lower half. And to some extent, her insides as well! Gross!

It took a while for Sora to remember what happened the previous night. Then it all came flowing back to her. Geogreymon came inside her like a geyser, filling her womb up. She wondered how much sperm entered her fallopian tubes, what it was doing inside her, and how long it would be before she'd give birth to a Geogreymon Digiegg.

"AH!" Sora jumped as a large chunk of meat landed at her feet. Geogreymon sat down next to her. Jesus, how was such a big dinosaur walking across a canyon of solid rock able to remain so quiet?!

"You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Very icky and gross. Is there anywhere I can go clean up?" she asked.

"There's a lake not far from here I can take you to go wash up." Geogreymon answered. "But first, you must eat to replenish your strength."

Sora looked over at the meat. She couldn't identify the meat, and that was probably a good thing, but it did look like beef, and by extension tasty. She took a bite into it. It tasted like beef, but it was the Digital World and as far as she knew there was no such thing as a Cowmon. Hell, it could have grown in the ground for all she knew. Mimi explained to her based on her own personal experience with Louisiana cuisine in America, the number one question you don't ask your host is what exactly it is you're eating. 99 times out of a hundred you weren't going to like the answer.

Geogreymon partook in his own slab of meat. His sharp teeth tore into the beef effortlessly, and Sora had to look away to avoid thinking about what that maw could do to her if he so desired. She continued to eat the meat until she felt full. There was too much on the bone for her to eat in one sitting.

"Thanks." She said reluctantly. "Can I go wash off now?"

"Certainly." Geogreymon answered, dropping the half-eaten chunk of meat to his side and picked up Sora. He walked slowly through the canyon to give Sora's stomach time to digest the meat so she wouldn't get a cramp in the water. However, this also gave him plenty of time to further abuse her. He pushed his claw back into Sora's pussy. She took in breath sharply. It felt a bit easier to push his single digit inside than last night. Sora provided less physical resistance this time, but she didn't want to cum or have her pussy stretched right after waking up and eating. After a few strokes against her G-spot, she caved in and allowed Geogreymon to have his way with her until she came again. Her legs quivered and clamped down around Geogreymon's hand.

"Uhhhh~" Sora moaned and wriggled her butt around. She didn't want the orgasm up until now. Now she was loving it. She held Geogreymon by his forearm and started moving her hips around on his claw. She was floating in orgasmic bliss for as long as possible before she hit that decline, and her arms suddenly weren't able to support her weight. Geogreymon pulled his claw out of her pussy and let her rest on his forearm until they got to the lake.

"Here you go." He said, lowering her to the ground. Sora stumbled forward. Her legs were weak in the wake of her orgasm. Slowly, she stepped forward to the water. It was a bit chilly, but she went in anyways. When it came up to her knees, she sat down in the water and washed the dried cum off her body. Her skin became very slick and greasy, which felt even more gross than her previous state. Eventually, that greasy feeling went away, and she felt very refreshed and clean. Once she was certain all the dino sperm was washed off her body, she crawled out of the water. Geogreymon was sitting patiently at the shoreline.

He carried her back to his lair and gathered together some wood to create a fire for her to dry off. As Sora lay in front of the roaring fire, she thought about how her new situation, and alarmingly, exactly how calm she was about it. She knew she would soon be impaled on the Digimon's huge cock and at some point before or after be laying eggs all over the place. Why wasn't she panicking? Why wasn't she trying to run away? There wasn't anywhere for her to run off to, that much she was certain about. But she also looked forward to being stretched out by Greogreymon's dick, filled with his cum, and eventually, laying his eggs.