From the editors
We've made some changes to the original story, making it fit with the rest of M'raava's universe. Because of that some parts were rewritten. However, were possible we tried to maintain as much of the original as possible.
Mocha is from Statik.
Made for his contest,edited by the ever talented Elia. ***
Mocha stood in a wast and almost empty hangar, wondering why the hell the studio's head sent her here. It was a military installation for goddess's sake! Also her assigned MP Ensign escort gave her the creeps! Well, the male was fine, but as a soldier.. Brrr! Human warfare was against her kinds taste. She couldn't imagine how humans survived all those years without wiping themselves off from the face of Earth. As for the S'hestirs, they were peaceful. The aliens - the Glonk - brought them here from their medieval, matriarchal homeworld when they sucked it dry. They were intended as future slaves when the Glonks reed the Earth of humans. However humans fought back - something that Glonks have yet to experience - and they fought with all their might. Yet the final blow came from the inside. The feline people sabotaged some some of the ships, rendering them defenseless or simply making them crash into earth or moon. Humans took the opportunity, the weaken enemy fell and by some miracle her people survived. She was a third generation of her kind here, born and raised on earth, fully integrated into society. She yawned, all of that happened many years ago, too many to trouble her head. for her all of this was boring. Especially standing in the middle of that damn old, stinky hangar, waiting for goddess know what.
They recently rented it from the Navy. Her boss said it was a perfect location for a second studio of their quickly developing porn company. Yep, porn was her business and this building was going to be her new working place but currently it was dark and empty. Almost empty. One thing, a 35 tons of a thing, still occupied a large space in the northern corner.
A battlemech. Old, unarmed, training unit. However it was still an actual mecha so the MPs had to stay until it's removal and what's worse, she had to wait for it. To top it off, there was also the matter of handling all those formalities at the local MP's office which basically meant another appointment with that middle aged MP representative. He had short receding hair, bear like posture and a look of a - slightly overweighted - drill sergeant. And not just the look, the attitude... Urgh!
"Is it really so serious? So many soldiers in the local garrison and nobody can handle this whatever walking thingie?" She asked irritated, her tail swishing vigorously from side to side. Her boss said it will be an easy job but again, she was a porn actress, not a secretary.
"I assure you miss, it is. Military equipment must be handle with great care, especially weapons miss. It would be too dangerous to allow untrained personnel operate it. We will start as soon as the mech pilot arrives."
"Then why is is taking so freaking dam long? Somebody at the base can surely drive that ting!"
"Please understand miss we don't have enough pilots available. There are major defense-war-games at the outer space colonies." He frowned looking at the old mecha.
"And definitely not for this old lady. Older ones require pilots with a specialized service license to even start the engine. However rest assured miss, we are prepared." He pointed at the doors where a pickup truck was standing, loaded with some fancy equipment and cables running all around it. A bored looking man stood leaning against it, yawning. She felt some sympathy.
"It's an APA car. It can kick start any mecha, plane, shuttle or any other mobile equipment if needs arise. It will go swiftly." he explained.
"Swiftly?! I'm here already for two days, wasting my company's money. They told me it will be just under a day and this is the second one. Yesterday not a single pilot showed up and we stood here - just like this - for hours until they told us no one's coming!" She hissed frustrated. The Ensign ignored her, a message came through his headset.
"Good news miss! The car should arrive by eleven hundred hours with an officer who will move this baby to the carrier."
"Oh a whole officer?! Oh joy!" She said in dire sarcasm. The man thrown her a sharp look, suddenly her eyes found something very interesting on the ceiling as if trying to escape his gaze.
One day earlier.
It was definitely a beautiful day on the moon base - where a day takes about 29 Earth days - because it was the last day of duty before her leave. M'raava finished packing her things to a large sport bag, when the intercom beeped.
"M'raava here" she spoke pressing the mic switch.
"Ma'am, the base commander wishes to see you ASAP." Capt. Alex Drummnot - the chief's right hand - announced in his emotionless voice.
"Will be right there!" She replied.
Why the chief? He rarely called her, she did her job well. There wasn't anything he could want of her, unless... Her ears dropped. Last time he assigned her a reporter to babysit, as if the cadets weren't enough. That was the time when she got her nickname "Nanny" witch magically appeared on her mech's cockpit some days later. She left it there because repainting the whole mecha was a pain in the ass and because she didn't really bother. Cadets dubbed her nanny years ago and referred to her as such whenever they thought they got out of her earshot. Besides, she smiled, those three will remember their lesson. She gave them a little peep talk about the proper use of epoxy paint and a brief demonstration of improper use of brushes. Three big paint brushes with very uncomfortably long and thick handles... They marched out of her office rather pale, in a strange wobbly gait, with their legs wide apart.
She strolled across the maze of the base's admin department and walked into the chief's aide office.
"Ah, Col. M'raava. Chief awaits you, go in." he greeted her without even looking up from some papers.
"Thanks captain." She opened the door. Inside, a fifty eight years old, thin bold man sat in a boss-like chair, hidden behind a large desk.
"Reporting sir!" She saluted. His gaze, as always, piercing the visitor.
"Lt. Colonel. Welcome and be seated."He spoke and contrary to his looks, his voice was very warm.
"Getting ready for the leave i see?" He browsed through some papers, M'raava caught a glimpse of the blue, leave request form she had printed this morning. Ow crap, ow crap! Her tail swished. Female s'hestirs in service were entitled to an additional one week on demand leave for her and her designated mate. All it took was a properly filled H347 form, med examination results and her mate consent. All of with she included and right now, her request was the only thing currently occupying the chief's desk. He put away Jean's medical report - it obviously stated M'raava might go heat-insane any moment - and picked up Arpad consent.
"Yes sir. Sir is anything wrong with my request?" He smiled leaning back in his chair, it was a question he was waiting for.
"No of course not. It's perfectly fine colonel. All it needs is my signature and you'll be free to go..."M'raava relaxed a bit, those were fake. Jean happily stamped whatever they asked just to get rid of them.
"But before you go, I'd like if you would consider doing me a little favor. I called you here colonel because I have an extra task for you. As i said, it's not an order, just a favor. And quite a profitable one i think. You will receive two more days to your leave, one for the deed and second a bonus. I suppose you want to spend as much free time with your new mate as possible." He winked at her.
"I was young too you know" he smiled like an alligator, She shuddered.
"What will it be sir?" M'raava asked already knowing she's gonna regreat it. The whole thing stank from the beginning, exactly like the last time.
"Tell me, are you familiar with the old Marabu I/C unit?"
"Yes sir, after my graduation I operated one of those for about a year. It was quite brief experience, a new model came into service and those units were decommissioned. "
"Good. You see the thing is, MPs found one of those tucked in a supposedly empty warehouse that was being converted for civil use. It's located east of marabi base, near your home town. Trouble is the mecha's parked in a way that somebody has to walk it out and the greenhorns left there don't even know what it is. All the veterans are playing hide and seek at the outer zone war-games, you're probably the only person within five light years with a license for this old tincan." War-games... Her insides cramped in terror as he referred to it. It was more than ten years ago but she still could feel it, the agonizing pain in her left arm. The memory was still fresh, a memory of her last combat mission. A mission when her arm was so badly injured.
She spent months in a recovery tank, floating in jell-o. After that the military medical board decided she wasn't so superb any more. She was promoted and put to second line as the mecha flight instructor of the Naval Academy at the Moon training base. All it took was just a second, a blink of an eye. A rocket blasted off her mecha's left arm while the neurofeedback cooked her radial nerve, getting her stuck in that dull moon base with all those annoying cadets. Oh how much she envied those at the war games, lucky bastards.
"It's not clear how it got there, somehow the surplus commission left it there. Either somebody screwed it or maybe because they thought it was the easier way, shove it under the carpet. And you know how it is, it wasn't a problem until somebody took the carpet and the shit gushed out. Now I ask you: will you do it for me? The higher ups are kicking my butt, they know I have pilots and they want it dealt with before the press blows out another scandal. And unfortunately it has our reg numbers, It was ours. I can't avoid dealing with it." He explained. M'raava's ears dropped, she knew where it was going.
"Better yet! You can't avoid dealing with it." He added smiling.
"Sir, yes sir." She surrendered. There is a saying in military, Can't screw an order 'cause it will multiply, she told herself.
Present day
The golden sun of the so called Indian summer found her on the military spaceport nearest to the city. One day for the job and one extra, just like he said. M'raava sighed, additional day off wasn't something she would disapprove of but she wasn't entirely happy either. The task seemed simple, painfully simple and that troubled her. From her experience, she knew that simple things had a nasty habit of suddenly becoming overly complex and difficult. Well, too late for second thoughts. She shrugged and zipped up her standard, blue work jumpsuit and hurried off to the Navy's local representative.
Mocha checked her watch again and again until the car finally showed up in a distance. A mech pilot, a real expert officer, the MP said. Probably some uniformed testosterone-bomb will get out, she wondered. However her guess came only half true. Indeed the pilot was wearing a uniform or at least something similar but - what surprised her - "he" turned out to be a "she". So there were female pilots and... A s'hestir, one of her kind?! She would never imagine something like this! Well, It was known that some of them enlisted but to actually meet one? That's quite a different story. Mocha eagerly studied the female, her common patternless tawny fur was not too interesting however, the blond hair, blue eyes and darker tail flag was a very rare northern combination. Most of her kind was either a southern or western type from their original home planet.
Mocha blinked, while she watched her, this unique northern female stopped and saluted. At her?! She felt it a little weird, what should she do? She was about to open her mouth when she saw in the corner of her eye, that the MP returned her salute in a quiet rigid fashion. So it was for him? She thought, waiting until this little ceremony ended, than said.
"Hello! My name is Mocha, I'm the studio's representative." And presented her paw with palm down as her people usually do among each other. But instead of touching the extended palm with her own, the other female just shook it in a human way. Mocha's ears flickered, she could fell the strangers eyes sizing her up and down. She could see the pilot wasn't expecting another felinoid here but, something was strange. It felt as if a male was checking her out, evaluating. Her body instinctively took a more provocative pose. Heck, at least I'll get a good mark. I always do. She was proud of her silky, dark brown hair, light, creamy brown pelt and her ample figure. Her tight, white shirt and red skirt magnified the wow effect.
"I'm lieutenant colonel M'raava Shigesheti from the Naval Academy." She said after a little hesitation. So we are formal aren't we? Mocha thought but she sensed, the other was just as surprised.
"So ladies, might we do what we're here for?" the man said awkwardly.
"Look sir, my employer is a very busy person. He will be here to sign the papers in your office when everything is set and that is the only reason why I'm here." Mocha replied, pointing at the large chunk or armored steel, resting in the corner.
"The mech is the only hindrance that left?" The uniformed female asked in annoyed tone.
"Yes ma'am." The Ensign replied quickly.
"And that pickup is supposed to be the APA set?"
"Yes ma'am." Once again was his answer.
"Then get them working. The sooner I park this junk, the sooner I can leave." Wow, what an attitude. Mocha stared at the stranger, stared bit too openly.
"If you have any questions just ask me but try not to get in my way, I have other things to attend." Bit startled, Mocha was left alone in the middle of the empty warehouse. Now what?! She thought, She was an outsider after all wasn't she? M'raava went to talk with the driver of the APA car and the man bowed and hurried away. Not much of a loss, his company wasn't something she would miss but that girl... Intrigued, she went closer and observed.
The military kitty circled the old mecha standing in the corner, a forsaken monument of old technology hidden under veil of thick, almost sentient dust.
"At least they could clean it a bit!" she lamented loudly and added something under her whiskers that even Mocha's ears could not pick up.
"And i just groomed myself..." She uttered then climbed it in such a swift way as if there was a hidden ladder.
"Dear lord..." She sighed fiddling with some rusted instrument on the bottom of the cockpit. Something snapped and a tiny crack showed up in the upper torso. Apparently it was enough, she hooked her hand under the canopy door and lifted it with a laud screech.
Mocha walked over to the leg of the monster, she was close enough to hear M'raava's muttering something about zero maintenance and some senseless monkeys. Dust flew up from the canopy when she settled herself in the seat and produced a key from one of her suite's many pockets. She inserted the key in it's socket and turned couple times but nothing happened.
"Will need external power and a diag machine" she shouted at the driver of the APA car. The soldier in the overall attached a cable to the power connector, hidden on the lower part of the mech's torso, then fired up the car's engine, cranking up the generator.
"Got it, it's eating the Watts." He said and tossed a brick like thing to the pilot. She fiddled with it a little.
"The on-board CPU seems to work but I cannot get a start sequence. Also this diag's not working, can't contact with the main computer at any port or protocol. Not even in the manual mode. Damn it!" She hit the main control board.
"This diag's a new one, I need a converter cable do I?" She shouted back to the technician.
"Yep" was his answer. Mocha saw she climb down with the brick, it turned out to be a massive hand-held device.
"I will try it on the external port" She said and opened another hidden plate on the bottom side of the mech's torso, then plugged the wire in the socket behind it.
"Yes! At least the diag works from here, so it must be the internal wiring." she said to herself. On a black screen white letters said select diag frame and under this a bunch of icons glowed. She keyed madly fast humming and hissing from time to time whenever the box popped out errors or returned no output.
"It's charging the starter in fast mode." The tech said and looked over to the diag box, soon the air was filled with technical gobbledygook. Like some wizards of a secret cast, doing something only they could understand, they gathered around the box. Forgotten and terribly bored, Mocha yawned flashing her fangs.
"At least you have something to toy with." She said annoyed.
"Yes, and you're blocking the light. There is no power here for the main lights so get yourself useful and hold this torch."She handed her a pocket torch.
"Your welcome!"Mocha said, and took it.
"Then please light the back of this baby and he will attach thydro-fuel cell connector to the inlet" M'raava's tone seemed a little bit more friendly. The technician pulled a wide hose to the back of the mech so she followed him with the torch. It took an hour to power up and prepare the mecha however, the old machine had something else than starting in mind. They run through maintenance logs again and again, but found nothing. Even Mocha peeked at the screen trying to decipher something from rows and columns packed with numbers and other gibberish. Unfortunately, nothing helped. After two hours M'raava seemed to be a little irritated. After seven more she was mad. Mocha jumped off from her path, she could smell the anger boiling off that feline.
She called the mech a junk, a tincan, an old bag, a very stubborn pile of shit and many, many more less then friendly names. She kicked it, She begged it, but nothing helped. She finally scowled, wenting her frustration. Better not to be anywhere near her now. Mocha thought and walked away, the other technician had a similar idea.
Without anything better to do Mocha settled herself on a pile of some military boxes and from a safer distance, watched the female pilot circled around the mecha. She prod it here and there, connecting cables here and disconnecting there, giving it a punch or a kick every time her efforts failed. She was doing about two hundred and thirty second round around the setup when her nerves broke, she roared and aimed a furious kick at the first thing she saw. The unlucky, head size, cardboard box loomed over the terrified technician and crash-landed , spilling it's contest. Some papers, a ball of tangled circuits and a strange plastic container made it all the way up to where Mocha was sitting.
"Yuuuk!"She pushed the papers away with her leg, they looked old and stank terribly. That was a mistake, the sudden movement stirred the dust filling the air with even more stench. Urgh! Covering her nose Mocha stood up, sitting near those papers was out of question. Hugh? Her shoe accidentally poke the plastic box. Mocha studied it, it looked important. Well at least who would bother storing something in a protective plastic casing and sealing it in a hermetic PVC bag, if it wasn't important. She took it to the very sad looking officer who dropped on a steel crate and buried her head in her palms, muttering under her whiskers.
"I knew it, i knew it! It was too fucking easy! Why this shit just keep on happening! Oh, goddess... " Mocha shook her head in distaste, it was a sorry view.
"Say, what is this? It looks important." She asked innocently holding the sealed box on her open palm. The colonel's eyes widened in disbelieve, She snatched the box from her hand and ripped it open. There was only a single item inside, a three centimeters long, pencil wide, metal cylinder.
"A secu! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She yelled and planted a sudden lick on her face.
"What's a secu?" Baffled, Mocha asked rubbing her wet cheek. The technician gave her a puzzled looked then shrugged his shoulders. In unison they stared at the pilot.
"You know, back then when a pilot wanted to safeguard his mech from unprivileged use, he could get a permission from the command - if the mech was dedicated for that pilot and only for him - to install a device like this. It looks like one is installed here..." Holding the secu in her teeth M'raava climbed back into the cockpit.
"And?" Mocha asked, it felt like something escaped her.
"It is like an immobilizer sweetie, you pull it out and your mecha's turn into giant heap of unmovable junk. Though, It should show up on diag but it didn't. Probably because there was so many modification from factory defaults. We could spend a month here, putting this mecha apart and rebuilding it piece by piece and we wouldn't find it. It's impossible to discover if you do not know what you're looking for. The mecha would simply continue producing various and parallel system malfunctions, even when everything seems to be OK." She finally found the hidden slot and yanked off the covering plate.
"And inside the package you found was a spare unit, put into safe keeping every time a secu was installed. Standard regulations."She continued and hastily pushed the secu into its socket then jumped to the floor and grabbed the diagnostic machine. Mocha chuckled, the feline soldier trembled with anticipation while her paws keyed in various sequences at an incredible speed. It made her look like a mad pianist. Suddenly the battlemech's lights fired up filing the dark space with blinding brightness. Inside of the cockpit, controls glowed like a Christmas tree.
"Yes!" She exclaimed, it was a success, even Mocha felt excited about it. Finally I can go home tomorrow, she thought.
Back in the cockpit M'raava keyed in the code for ignition and because her fingerprint was encoded five minutes ago, she pressed her right index paw to the sensor. It beeped and in response she flipped a switch hidden under a yellow and red protective lid. There was no roar nor any loud boom, rather a sharp hiss and monotone, low buzzing.
"It's alive!" She yelled with her arms thrown in the air.
"You can disconnect everything sergeant-major, the computer should let me fly this baby!" And it did so. Now Mocha could see how big was this thing. Before it was just in a crouching position but now, it towered above them on it's two bird-like legs with the mecha's head inches away from the warehouse roof. She was stunned, she had never before seen something like this.
"Will ya go from the action radius?!" M'raava's voice boomed from the mecha's loudspeaker.
"Get lost from your way?" Mocha yelled back.
"Exactly dear. It could ruin your night if I step on you with this little babe" Was the loud answer. Oh so now it's a "babe", not a "tincan" A? Mocha wondered moving away from the meha's path.
Saa, the old ones. They don't build them like this any more. No fancy neuralfeedback, no annoying AI, no self-sustain matrix. Just you and the machine. Nostalgic. M'raava smiled, back in the old days you had to feel the controls. You had to work your head real hard, there was no such thing like remote perception. You had to imagine where the heck your mecha's leg was before it squashed somebody's car. Without any problem, she made few laps around the hangar. Full gravity, full joy, she thought. She forgot how fun driving those toys was. Somewhat sad, she climbed the carrier truck and killed the power. With a laud clung, giant steel arms automatically secured the mecha onto the truck.
"Take care..." Giving a final pat to the controls She climbed out of the cockpit, the MP einsekg was already waiting for her, holding a bunch of forms to sing in. Joy, oh joy...
"I see they can do something fast at least."Mocha watched the soldiers packing up what left of the military equipment. After they got reed of the mecha, it went fast. Really fast. The MP's did one final check of the warehouse and bid them goodbye, leaving Mocha with tons of papers and transfer forms, topped with a giant keychain of rusting keys.
"Yep, Like they were chased by a hive full of bees." M'raava laughed, they really worked as if their butts were on fire. She could see the imaginary smoke coming out of their pants.
"We're done ladies. If there's nothing else to do, i'm to drive you back to the city. Unless you wanna wait for a taxi?" The technician gestured towards his APA car.
"Thank you, it should be fine. I hope we can all fit in?" M'raava studied the car, it had no passenger compartment.
"It has a three-seat bench in the cabin, it should be just enough." He answered.
The APA car turned out more spacious then they hoped for, buckled up in the seats, they started out towards the city.
"Craaaap. I'm soooo in need of a wash up..." M'raava hissed trying to brush out some dust from her face. Unfortunately that futile attempt left the three of them sneezing their guts out.
"Ma'am if you please... refrain from doing that again." The driver coughed out, lowering his window a bit. Especially not while we're going eighty miles per hour on a speed way and i can't see a fuck through that dust. He thought to himself. M'raava sighed and gave up.
"Fine, fine. Just drop me out at the nearest hotel. It's almost midnight, i'm hungry, tired and i fell like a damn dust sweeper." She pat her knees, raising another cloud of dust. The technician scratched his head and frowned.
"Might be a bit tricky colonel, the city's packed because of the festival. Everything's probably booked out." He was quite right, Mocha remembered how hard it was for her, getting a decent room in all this festive madness.
"You can stay the night with me if you want M'raava." The northern feline gave her a strange look. Ooops.
"Erm, i'm sorry... em... Colonel. I'm not really on par with all that military naming. Can i call you M'raava?" She was a stranger anyway.
"Please do, i don't mind. It was just strange to hear my name spoken properly, most of the time people twist the accent." Colonels blue eyes studied her.
"Mocha was it?" She asked, her smile was inviting.
"About that room you mentioned, if it's not a trouble..."
"Oh, not at all! It's already been paid for and there are two beds, breakfast included. It was reserved for me and my boss but something came up and he send me alone instead. It's a five star, well four and a half, one bathroom is broken but still it would be a shame to waste it." She produced a golden card from her purse.
"Well in that case, I have to accept it. Thank you!" She bowed drowning the cabin in a white cloud.
It was a warm night, warm and peaceful. The Herlington's porter sat lonely in his booth, he liked such nights. They gave time to read. He stretched on his chair, one more chapter left. He'll go grab some... He froze. He has witnessed much in his short internship period but what he saw now was probably one of the weirdest scenes he has seen happening in front of that hotel's doors. An olive green military pickup drove up to the door and in a white cloud, vomited a rare trio to the pavement next to it. A military mechanic and two feline ladies. One a civilian and the other a soldier. The last one exotic enough on it's own. Since when do s'hestirs enlist? Perplexed, he watch them unpack.
"It was a pleasure to meet with you. Ma'am, Miss." He saluted then quickly hauled himself back to the car and left. As for the felines, they strolled past the reception, straight to the elevator, sprinkling the hall with fine dust. On the seventh floor Mocha located her room and pressed her keycard near the lock. The doors opened.
"After you colonel."She spoke.
"Thanks."M'raava entered the suite.
"The shower is to the right, next to the bathtub. I suggest you use it first..."
"Gee, thanks. " M'raava snorted and sneezed, sending another cloud of dust off her fur. Trying to wave off the dust Mocha continued.
"Also the shower has a built in, rotating furdryer."
"Mmm, High tech indeed." The feline chittered.
"Well, hoop in. I'll bring you a bathrobe and a towel."
"Thank you but I prefer to use mine." she pulled out a horrible Hello Kitty bathrobe and a deep red towel from her bag.
"What is this pattern on the towel?" Mocha nodded at the golden patchwork enriched by two silver stars and M'raava's name.
"This is my shoulder mark rank insignia. The golden pattern means field-officer and the two stars are indicating the rank of lt. colonel. It's a gift from a friend." She explained.
"Nice. Now, get in ma'am 'cause I want a shower too!"Smiling, she shoved her into the bathroom.
Water, hot running water. M'raava stood in a steady stream of hot watter sipping in the warmth and waiting till the dark gray puddle around her ankles will turn into a proper, clear color. One thing to hate about fur was that it made you into a live dust sweeper. She reached for the fur shampoo and rubbed herself. Soon she disappeared under a thick layer of foam, in your face hairless apes! At least i have built in sponge! She chittered. Hot shower always buffed up her mood. Now all she needed was some company, some care from Arpad or from K'sita at least or maybe, from both of them at the same time? She smirked, wondering if that' even possible? Maybe... Hmm, strange. That Mocha girl, she kind of reminds me of K'sita, She thought to herself. He smile, the way she moves, even her smell. Strange. Maybe they use the same brand of perfumes? It puzzled. Wonder if she would be as good as K'sita. Suddenly she felt a familiar tingling between her legs. Mmm, she's such a pro!
"Are you finished?" Mocha asked, scratching on the door..
"Yes." M'raava replied, carefully brushing her fur. The high-tech dryer built into the shower, dried her up almost instantly however it also puffed out her fur.
"Ok then. It is my turn." Mocha, naked as much as her kind can be, let herself into the bathroom.
"Oh, the soldier kitty has a nice body. You look much better without all that dust." Mocha gave her a quick stare on her way to the shower.
"Thanks" And body is almost the same as K'sita. Damn! that must be a boob job! It's just impossible. She thought, bit jealous. Nature gave her nicely curved body and beautiful breasts however, she could not compete with a size like those she just saw. Well almost no S'hestir lady could. She warped herself in her hello kitty robe and walked out, leaving the other girl alone. In the living room, she pulled out room her bag a navy-blue night robe. It was a more modest model of the other one she brought as a surprise for her boyfriend. She slipped into it then sat on the bed and turned on the large TV, waiting for her host.
There was nothing on except for the late night news, showing off what happened during the day. It was a strangely peaceful day with nothing much to report. At least nothing that would interest her. Bored, She skipped through the channels and settled by a music TV. Her stomach growled, suddenly she felt very hungry. Crap, I've not eaten even ate a mouse because of that junk. She winced rubbing her belly, it was demanding attention, she was really hungry. She grabbed her bag and fished out some packets from it.
"Ahh, I needed it" Mocha entered the room smiling in ecstasy and dropped on the sofa. Her freshly dried and ungroomed fur puffed out in all directions.
"What's that?"She asked after she saw a strange plastic packet in the colonel's hands. M'raava smiled and ripped off the top from the packet she held then pulled at the cord hanging out from it's bottom. The packet made a suspicious boink sound and soon after, little puffs of steam started emerging from inside.
"One of the MREs i took from the base."
"Food?" Mocha's nostrils flared, sucking in the scent. As all of her kind, her nose was like a sensitive smell radar. Maybe not as sensitive as the bloodhound's or a feral cat's, but still much better then human.
"Yes, military rations. Meals Rejected by Everyone. Oh, i'm joking, i'm joking! Don't look at me like that. Those are Meals Ready to Eat and that joke was from the time before they actually learned to make them taste good. Some people say that eating cardboard boxes seemed more appealing then eating those. Thankfully now they can be surprisingly good." The other answered.
"You know we could order some proper food, do you?"
"At this hour? They would probably feed us with some leftovers."M'raava shook her head and added.
"Try it, you might like it besides, I have to eat it anyway. They'll expire after two more days, it would be a waste not to eat those." Skeptic, Mocha took another whiff, the ration smelled appetizing.
"What do you have?"
"Swedish meatballs, kötbullar." M'raava reed the label, Mocha frowned.
"Well there's plenty more to choose from. Suit yourself." She nodded at her bag. Intrigued, Mocha walked over and sorted through the silver packs.
"Chicken curry! I like it." Excited, she pulled out a silvery ration.
"So, ho do you eat it? We cook it or something?"She asked.
"They have self warming feature, just follow the instructions."
"Instructions?" Mocha turned the rations in her paws. On the other side, there was a short instruction, completed by a picture of each step.
"Remove the top" She ripped it along the open here line.
"Checked. Pull the release cord." She pulled the string dangling from the bottom. Again it made that strange boink sound.
"Checked. WARNING, may become excessively hot. Hold only in the designated area. When the marker turns red, the meal is ready. Enjoy." She quickly moved her paws to the safe zone, marked by gren stripes and encouraging, hold here sign. After about tree minutes it was steaming and ready. Mocha put it down on the table and peeked inside.
"Looks nice" she said.
"And tastes nice. Here, take this." M'raava smiled and tossed her a military set of spoon, fork, knife, can and bottle opener, all neatly combined and contained in a stainless steel handle. A practical military design.
"Interesting gadget, how do you call it?"
"A spoon-machine. It's field soldier's standard issued equipment."
"Oh, so you're a field soldier?"Mocha asked and tilt her head, swallowing a large chunk of meat.
"Was." M'raava's voice was filled with sadness.
"How so?" The other girl asked than put some food in her mouth. Chewing, she stared at the officer, her eyes asking the silent question. M'raava sighed, lovering her ears. She often avoided recalling those events however, for some strange reason, she told her about the last combat flight she made, the hospital where she spend almost a year and her current, Academy career.
"I pulled a go back to the start card in this game." She concluded.
"Why? Watching the young ones is an honor among our people." Mocha said in a reassuring tone.
"Oh, it would be if it wasn't so dull and if all those cadets could muster some respect, they're annoying as hell. Well yes, it has some advantages, no one wanna kill you. At least not deliberately. Also, if you're lucky, you can bring real talents out to the light." She smirked.
"Yes it could be fun at times and every once in a while, I can ride a mecha from the armored ARM division. I think,to some degree, it compensate for all that damn paperwork going through my office."
"It is so important? That army stuff and all?"
"It's all what I ever wanted to do since the end of the high school. It's something i cannot express, you just have to feel it. Most people don't. My mother is still mad about it ever since i enlisted. She says, warfare is against our nature. I don't know, I do not feel that way. I may be a freak, an exception that proves the rule." She smiled.
"Well, enough of me. Let's talk about you. What do you do for the living?" She asked the other girl.
"I'm an actress, we make movies. Though, lately the boss uses me more as a dogsbody." she replied.
"What kind of films do you make? Anything fancy? Maybe i've seen you somewhere?"
"Well... we make triple X movies. Adult stuff." Was the little embarrassed answer.
"Porn?" M'raava asked bluntly.
"To put it simple? Yes, porn. Is there something wrong with that?" Mocha's tone was little edgy, she knew some people did not take well her occupation.
"No, nothing at all. I don't mind if that's what you're asking. In fact one of my friends works in... well, lets call it entertaining."
"What's she doing?"
"K'sita? She's sort of an escort. She sells her company but sometimes she may offer something, more." She answered and kicked herself mentally in the butt for saying her name.
"K'sita?! The girl with the science degree? I know that expensive pelt!" Mocha yelled in surprise.
"How?" M'raava asked.
"Sometimes she's accompanying my boss, they're an old friends i think. And there's a rumor about her acting in a porn movie in the past."
"Huh? She never told me. Well, after I enlisted we haven't had much occasions to keep in touch..." The marine said.
"I have a bottle of wine from yesterday, are you interested?" The actress changed the subject.
"Why not? I'm on leave. I can be a bad girl." M'raava gladly welcomed the wine, it made the conversation easier again. They spend another hour chatting, mostly small talks. However the subject slowly but steadily drifted towards more and more private matters, the wine turned out stronger than expected. Tipsy, they dwelt back into the matter.
"I heard that K'sita girl isn't cheap, quite a luxury one." Mocha said with a silly face.
"Than - hiccup - I spared a lot." M'raava replied, toying with her glass.
"Really? Did you..." Mocha licked the air in a very suggestive manner.
"Yep! Oh, this wine is a truth serum, i've should not talk this much.."M'raava smiled broadly, taking another sip.
"You know, you licked my face in the hangar."Mocha added playfully.
"Sorry 'bout that." she dropped her ear.
"Actually, it was nice. I think could use another..."
"Like this?" M'raava licked her neck with more courage.
"Tee-hee, this is embarrassing. I don't have much experience with females." But the wine helped, she leaned forward, submitting to the pleasure. M'raava smiled and licked her face tenderly, slowly moving towards the nape of her neck while at the same time her hand traveled to the actress's back.
"Oh" Mocha gasped and arced her back, pushing her breast against her companion. Her hands brushed through M'raava's fur, stroking her back. M'raava's excited scent instantly flooded their room.
"What a horny little kitty!" Mocha gasped into her ear.
"Not getting enough on the Moon are we? Is your mate neglecting you?"
"No, nothing of the kind. He's a wonderful person but on that damn base you can only steal some little time for a quickie in an empty service dock or unused rooms. And if we're lucky, we can have some time off in our private cabins, the only places witch aren't stuffed with those darn cameras. And there are those high security measures also... Blah. Also, he's from another department, so hard to synchronize... Oh, lower please!"She yelped when Mocha's tongue traversed her neck.
"This is why we took this leave together, He will wait for me in the center tomorrow - she glanced at the digital wall clock and corrected herself - today at ten, at the Victoria statue." She continued however Mocha had something else in mind.
"Too much blah-blah" She said and licked M'raava on the muzzle, then pressed her tongue deep inside it. Surprised at first, the tawny female returned the kiss and soon their tongues danced together. Finally Mocha broke the kiss.
"Lets see what that K'sita girl taught you." She said and laid down, spreading her legs apart, exposing her private garden.
"You will see dear, but first..." M'raava whispered and with one pull, she removed the actress towel and tossed it on the ground. Seconds later, her blue robe followed it.
"So?" Mocha asked, wriggling her rump.
"Oh you inpatient female!" M'raava hissed and turned to lap at the brown female's groin as they laid on their sides. Her nostrils were instantly filled with a familiar, heavy scent. She inhaled, closing her eyes. It was instant, the female hormones kicked off all those subtle changes in her brain. Normally she wouldn't be affected but some previous encounters thought her body how to respond. The effects were not as strong as a male would experience however it was enough to make the mood. Feeling ready, She demanded.
"Do the same for me, will you?" The actress eagerly grabbed her tail, just at the base, and started licking her with long, well aimed strokes. She was a master of this art, her tongue worked in a fashion M'raava felt only once before. Up to this day only K'sita licked her like that. She did not know how long she would last this way.
"Wait!" Mocha gasped, wrapping herself around the other girl's body and shifting their pose. Now resting atop her new friend, Mocha continued, forcing the feline trapped beneath her to do the same. Soon, almost the same time, they climaxed, their bodies entwined together. After it they just laid there with their heads resting next to each other.
"That was a fun" Mocha exhaled.
"We could use a tongue like yours, what do you say about a second job?" She asked .
"Military code is strictly against this kind of job. The ethical commission would chew me up then spit out what's left, making an example of me. Thanks but no! The Navy and Arpad are enough for me anyway." She replied smiling back. "It was just a joke! Besides, they're not into amateurs. Might i ask who is this Arpad guy? Sounds like a human." Mocha nipped her ear.
"Well because he is. I'm the only kitty on the base. He is a colonel in the internal security department and he's like a bear."
Mocha stared at her.
"Big, strong and dangerous but if you treat him well, he turns into a warm and cuddly teddy." She explained, than continued.
"Half a year ago I would never imagine it but as it seems, there's lots of successful, mixed pairs. Even one of my own little brother's three wifes is a human."
"Do not get me wrong, I have nothing against it. I "worked" with some human males, they have some incredible stamina." Mocha said smiling at the memory.
"But this whole sweating thing, a little interfering at best. Maybe if..."She yelped when M'raava suddenly nipped her neck, silencing her.
"Still in the mood?"
"Yessss!" The other hissed back.
"That's good 'cause i'm nowhere near done!"Mocha's paws suddenly assaulted the soldiers clit and rubbed it vigorously.
"In that case.... we... we better set the alarm ..."She suggested breathing heavily, another wave of pleasure rapidly exploded inside her.
"Sah! Baaad cat! Bad cat! you know I have a mate to catch today while you have a meeting with your boss and it's well past one already. I'll go set the clock."
"Oh, the ever soldier." Mocha mocked her, licking her paws clean. M'raava quickly set the clock then, mimicking a drill sergeant, marched towards the actress and roared.
"Attention recruit! Pussy wide!"She commanded and leaned over.
"Yes ma'am!" Mocha gladly obeyed and spread her legs, exposing her pussy, surrounded by mated and already wet pubic fur. M'raava's grin suggested it's gonna be a long, long night.
The morning caught them huddled in each other's arms. Exhausted yet happy. It seemed as if the alarm clock woke them just a second after they closed their eyes. Still sleepy, they groomed and dressed, helping each other.
"Huh? Not in the uniform?" On the way through the lobby Mocha studied the norther feline. Instead of yesterday military jumpsuit, she wore plain blue shirt and a long black trousers.
"Nope, not today. I gonna drop by my parents house and well, my mom hates uniforms. I just don't wanna set her off again." She sighed and shook her head, her mother was a typical peace loving S'hestir.
"Hey! Lets exchange our numbers! That way we could arrange for some fun if you're gonna be somewhere in the city. "Mocha suggested, changing the subject.
"Ok, but i gotta warn you, it's just planetary use. Before you call, mail me or make sure i'm not on the base. Interplanetary phone calls are too darn expensive and there are some restrictions put on the civilian phone network on the base."M'raava said, pulling out her PDA, they exchanged contacts data before the taxi arrived..
"If you'll ever fancy visiting my place, just call me up." With a final nose-touch Mocha bid her goodbye. The tawny colonel smiled and ave her a nod then closed the taxi doors. Mocha looked at the departing cab until it was disappeared. That E-mail will be useful someday, she told herself. Somehow she was sure about it. Slowly, she walked back into the hotel, feeling glad, very glad. She just felt herself so purrfect.
M'raava stood at the bottom of the large Victoria statue. An attractive human female wearing a toga and holding a spear that was set as a center piece of a large fountain. She have dropped her bags at home and spend some time with her parents, trying to accustom them to the thought of her daughter dating a human. Well better make them ready before Arpad drop by to meet them... Her ears flickered, that's gonna be something. Her mother was in shock for the whole three days after last time... Sigh.
On the top of the church an old clock rang, announcing ten o'clock. Her father lend her his car so she arrived ahead of time. Quite an achievement after that night. She smiled to herself and humming happily, she waited.
"Guess who!" Goddess know how but somebody was able to sneak behind her sensitive ears and whispered, tickling her ear with his warm breath. She turned instantly, just to look at the broad male chest. Suddenly a kiss was planted on her temple, her fur puffed out.
"You dozed a bit, wander what you've been dreamin of." The tall, short haired human male said, watching her with his warm green eyes.
"Honey!" M'raava yelled, and jumped in his arms.
"Relax whiskas, how was your travel?" Arpad asked.
"Just fine" She said and nipped his nose.
"And that little favor your commander asked, how did it go?" M'raava stared at him.
"Don't look at me like that puss, it's my job. The general have to inform our department about this kind of events too, even if he's the president of the Academy. The Academy is just a part of the Moon base and as such it fall under our jurisdiction."
"I know, it is about the "whiskas". Don't call me like that, APE!" She bite him.
"Basszus! Your teeth! Ok, point taken hon!" He answered and kissed her on her forehead, then again on her lips.
"Well, At least we got one more day. I arranged for one more day off with my CO when i've heard of your assignment. "
"Mmm, how thoughtful of you." M'raava chittered.
"So, how was that little mission of yours?" He asked again. M'raava smirked, and planted a lick on his chin.
"It was just purrfect hon!"