Seeker Origins: Prologue

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#14 of Seeker Origins

(Note: Hey guys! This is (obviously) Kalm Fox here, creating a new story. The truth is; my series Blood Red has completely gone in the bin, so I'm deciding to write a new series instead. I'm deciding to make a series that still involves Seekers, Drugs, Sex and Violence, but focuses on how the whole thing got started, with new characters and all. Oh, and in this series, there WILL be a fair amount of Yiff-Scenes in it, just so I don't have to make a new folder or anything. Enjoy!)



My name is Alex Rush, and I'm a Seeker; in the case that you don't know what a Seeker is, I'll elaborate. Seekers are the kind of people who make deliveries; drugs, weapons, stolen possessions, anything illegal, we deliver them...not by wandering around the city streets, of course. We get around by jumping over rooftops, running down alleyways, any place where the law couldn't fuck us over, and that was just during the daytime.

At night, things became a lot wilder; besides Drug-Dealing, Smuggling, Illegal possession of firearms, thefts and an odd assault or two, we also broke the law via prostitution. The largest amount of Seekers you'll ever see would be at Club Nova, a 'stacked' nightclub, in the way that it was just a ten-story building with about half a dozen clubs stacked on top of each other; the remaining few floors however, were remade into 'private rooms' for anyone who needed a bit of relaxation; sometimes people would share a conversation, sometimes they'd get intimate, and other times there'd be a whole orgy...eventually a few soundproof rooms were made for that last option...

The Year is 2080, and the city of New Vega is just getting started; twenty years old, and we'd already poisoned the place over five square miles, with the exception of the centre of the city; that was where the law set up shop; but we we're the ones who have them surrounded, and for every few Enforcers in the city, there was one of us ready to knock them down.


Year: 2080, April 25th.

Time: 18:45pm.

Location: Club Nova, Room 27.

My story began at the age of seventeen, going on eighteen; by this time, I had a pretty decent education...self-education, of course; not like there were any teachers allowed in the Club...well, no one willing to do anything other than drink and fuck. As well as that, I knew almost everything there was to being a Seeker; how to cover long distances, jump buildings, fire almost any weapon and keep invisible whilst doing it all. The only thing I had left to learn, I was going to learn on April 25th, probably the best or worst day of my life, depending on your perspective...

I was staring in my mirror, looking around my room via the reflection; the walls were steel-grey, with barely any decorations other than an unoccupied coat peg; my white-sheeted bed was just behind me, able to hold two people with ease, whether it were two Foxes or a pair of Dragons; next to that was a reasonably large bedside table, holding an alarm clock, a large glass of water and, most importantly, my medication: three types of antibiotics, two types of painkillers and one type of multivitamin...and that was just what was on the table.

My vision returned to my reflection, and to the Bearded-Dragon standing right in front of me; he was covered from head to toe in a full grey bio-suit, designed for Reptiles, designed to keep heat inside and bacteria outside. The exterior of the suit was made up of soft-leather, made to withstand most simple injuries, like papercuts, fires and knife-wounds, whilst giving the wearer the same flexibility as if he were wearing regular clothes; the interior, however, was made up of 'fine' polyester, intended to prevent the suit from chaffing on the leather.

The head-area of the suit, however, was separate from the suit; where anyone would usually see my face, it was instead replaced by a rounded sheet of clear-blue plastic, used as a face shield, whilst my chin-area was replaced by a much harder plastic with a cut out section, replaced by a small ventilator similar to a gas mask; the rest of the area was covered with soft-leather, layered with a thin curtain of black silk, but still letting a row of spiny scales jut out from the sides and back of my head.

The suit is generally what came with having a weak immune system; even before the whole 'nuclear holocaust' business, Reptiles had to wear these bio-suits to prevent any stray bacteria entering our bodies, but it wasn't as if a single cell could kill us or anything. Life is usually difficult as a Bearded-Dragon, or for that matter most Reptiles with a naturally weak immune system; other than needing perfectly clean food, it was particularly hard to express how we felt about certain things, as our masks usually hid our facial expressions. It was even harder for me; in the rare occasion that I have something to say, most of it came out in a dull, almost monotone voice, making it hard for people to read my emotions.

I broke off my gaze and directed my attention to the small intercom by the door to my room, ringing as I almost began to step over and answer it; however, the phone had automatically responded, the ringing coming to a sudden halt as a short burst of static came through, followed by a male voice.

"Hey Rush, are you there?" The voice called out as if I was nowhere near the intercom at the time; I stayed silent and walked over to my bedside table, picking up a glass of water and undoing the chin-guard of my helmet so I could gulp down the liquid. "By the silent treatment you're giving me, I'll take that as a yes..."

The male on the intercom was known to most as Guy 'Fawx' Lucius, a Red-Avian and 'second-in-command' around the club; the first in command, however, was a Black Dragon only known as 'The Administrator', but I never saw him in my lifetime. The closest guy I had to a father was Fawx; he raised me since I first hatched, and made sure I learnt everything about being a Seeker, everything I needed to get around in life.

"I'm just going to make the assumption that you're listening to this..." Fawx continued, an edge of impatience in his voice as I sat down on my bed, undoing my suit's helmet and revealing my scales and spines underneath; "Once I hang up, you're going to step outside your door calmly; don't bring any firearms, don't do anything except step out of the door...someone will be with you soon and... explain the situation to you..."

I blinked once, still making no noise as Fawx hung up seconds later; as he commanded, I immediately reacted and got up from my bed, placing the glass of water back on my bedside table quickly as I reattached my helmet and stepped up to my door. I stepped out into the seemingly empty corridor, taking a quick but controlled look around my surroundings; eventually stopping at a black-furred Feline, pressed up against the wall as if he was hiding from suddenly hit me, literally. I watched helplessly as the Feline detached from the wall, looking behind me as another figure stepped out from behind me, instantly pulling out something and stabbing me just at the base of my spine, right through my suit; the bastard had drugged me! In a fraction of a second my body began to feel limp and I fell forwards into the Feline's embrace, passing out unwillingly...


Year: Unknown.

Time: Unknown.

Location: Unknown.

I woke up slowly, repeatedly opening my eyes then falling back to sleep until I finally began to feel frustrated; I woke up again, this time determined to keep my eyes open as I flexed my head and my beard, forcing it to expand far enough so that parts of my flesh could be seen behind the hundreds of small spines covering my beard. My mind suddenly jolted as I noticed that I was lying on my front on a wooden table; but more importantly, I could actually feel the wood. My suit was completely removed, showing off the hardened scales covering my back, and the more tender ones on my stomach; everything had been removed, leaving me naked on the hard surface.

I was barely able to look around and notice the ropes that restrained all four of my long-fingered claws; even my tail was chained to the ceiling, preventing me from using it to escape or resist. Accepting my situation, I began to look around the dark room, only illuminated by a dim light hanging overhead; I made a worried note of the amount of whips, chains, paddles and sex-toys hanging from pegs on the walls. There was nothing else to look at other than the door behind me, now swinging open, revealing a silhouetted figure in the doorway.

"I have to admit; at first I thought I was using too large a dosage." The figure said amusingly, stepping inside the room along with one other figure; the dim light revealed the same Feline I saw before passing out, and a Red Fox in front of him, probably the same one that drugged me. "Obviously my assumptions were...incorrect..."

I watched as the Fox and Feline circled around the wooden table in opposite directions; the Feline was wearing nothing but a pair of black, baggy jeans and a pair of boots that seemed to blend in with the colour. The Fox, however, was wearing something even more revealing; two bands of leather ran across his chest, forming an X, and ending at a cock-ring at the base of his sheath.

The Fox slowly knelt down to face me, smiling as I kept wearing my blank, emotionless face, not giving any hint as to what I was feeling; my neck and limbs were beginning to ache from the position I was in, causing me to flex all my joints as I tried to get into a more comfortable position unsuccessfully; though the Fox managed to pick up on my discomfort and rose up again, catching a large knife that the Feline tossed to him.

"Unless you want to get an infection, I suggest you stay still." The Fox said bluntly, as he brought the knife over to my restraints, cutting the ropes with ease until only the chain holding my tail was left; however, the Fox had different ideas than letting me go free. "Now get up on your hand and knees, and don't do anything else."

I obeyed quietly and lifted myself from the surface, resting on my arms and legs whilst keeping my claws from digging into the wooden surface; the Fox and Feline each grabbed a pair of chains, clamping one end on the legs of the table and the other end to each of my limbs, keeping me on the table but also allowing me to move my limbs slightly if I got uncomfortable. Once successfully immobilised, the Fox began to pace around me in a full circle, picking up an oddly shaped vibrator hanging from the walls, similar to an egg.

"I don't mean to have such a sick sense of humour." The Fox said, almost laughing as he stopped just at my rear; I was fully aware of what he was about to do. "If it makes you feel any better, the last part of this is going to feel like heaven for you."

That said, the Fox immediately grabbed the base of my tail, keeping me still as he rammed the vibrator into my waiting tailhole, making my body tense and my claws start scratching against the wooden table as it was all forced in at once, leaving only a short length of cable linking the egg to a small switch, probably use to control the strength of the vibrations. My thoughts were immediately pushed aside as I felt another sensation in m lower regions; the black-Feline had circled around to my side, running one paw down my stomach to my slit, constantly rubbing along it and making teasing motions, forcing my body to respond and my member to slowly come out.

The Feline's other paw was occupied behind his back as he drew a small, thin metal rod out, one of the tips covered in a sheet of thin latex; the item was a complete mystery to me up until my member was fully grown, merely an inch away from the table. The Feline suddenly brought the rod up to my member and pushed it in slowly, the rounded tip sinking through my urethra easily, but still sending a painful sensation through my body until ending, the latex sheet now wrapping against my member and effectively chastising me.

I quickly began to breathe in and out, still trying my best to show no facial expressions or any signs of submission; I wasn't going to break for them, but my body began to tell otherwise. In minutes, I began to let out heavy breaths and grunts as my body flexed and my member throbbed from the pleasure my body was experiencing, but because of the rod chastising me, I was left at my peak, the pleasure now trying to force my mind into submission. The Fox circled around to face me; he was smiling at the situation I was in, looking over my defeated body.

"Let's break that mind of yours." The Fox whispered to me, an evil grin forming on his face as he circled around me yet again, picking a whip from the large selection and stopping just at my rear. My mind had begun to submit as fear started to sink in, my body now trembling as I clenched my eyes shut.

I instantly felt a long stinging sensation along my back as the Fox started whipping me, eventually forming a rhythm with the Feline; as the Fox whipped me, the Feline would then run each of his paws along the base of my member, along my slit almost as if he was massaging it. Eventually, even with my hardened scales, my back began to throb and burn in pain, whilst my lower body was left on the edge of orgasm from the constant vibrations in my rear and the Feline massaging my member...but I wasn't in control; it would end when the Fox and Feline allow it...

The torture seemed to last forever; now only my lower body was up in the air, and my upper body had given up, leaving me open-mouthed and breathing heavily on the table. I was so close to submitting and begging the Fox and Feline to let me push past my peak, but I was too exhausted for words; the pain in my back and pleasure in my lower body was so intense that I couldn't speak. All I could do was breathe heavily and wait for the Fox and Feline to let me release.

"Are you going to submit yet, Lizard?" The Fox asked me, still not halting his rhythm as he continued striking the whip against my back. I made an attempt to speak, but I could only moan louder, creating at least some kind of response. "Come on...beg me for it...beg me to mount you..."

"...Please; mount me..." I finally managed to moan, putting all of my effort into begging the Fox for some release; "I want you to mount me...please..."

The Fox had instantly obliged, tossing the whip to one side and leaving my back to burn from the pain; in one synchronised movement, the Fox had quickly pulled out the vibrator, turning it off and leaving it on the table whilst the Feline unravelled the latex surrounding my member and pulled the blunt metal rod out of it, finally providing me with the means to reach an orgasm; however, they had different plans. The Feline quickly got up and positioned himself at my head whilst the Fox positioned himself at my rear.

"If my friend feels any teeth." The Fox whispered, bending over me so my head was level with his; "your back will end up bleeding...badly."

I obeyed and took the Feline's member into my mouth, avoiding any contact with my teeth as he began to run his paws along to the back of my head, his fingers fitting into the gaps between my spines as he started thrusting his hips into me, forcefully humping my mouth whilst the Fox got to work behind me. There was almost no pain at all as the Fox finally thrust into me, sending a sudden jolt of pleasure through the base of my spine as he grabbed my tail and started violently pumping his member in and out of me just like the Feline, as if they were waiting all day for this...

"Now here comes the last part..." The Fox grunted, reaching down with one paw and groping my member, roughly pumping his paw up and down as I began moving my body to the rhythm of their thrusts; as the Fox pulled out, I would push towards the Feline, only to have the Fox slam back in.

The rough usage of my body continued for barely five minutes before I had reached my peak, releasing my seed all over the wooden table as the Fox thrust one last time, forcing his knot all the way inside of me, then violently pulling it out whilst the Feline did the same. My body began to tense, and then relax as the Fox and Feline both released onto my body, making sure that none entered my body out of the risk of infection; my back ended up covered in both Fox and Feline seed as my legs finally gave out and I ended up lying down on the table, gasping for air.

"Not bad, Dragon..." The Fox sighed, acting as if he had never came at all; I watched him with half-closed eyes as he reached behind me, one paw still stroking at his shaft. "Fawx told me you were tough to break, but I didn't expect you to last that long..."

I let out a confused moan as the Fox stepped around to face me, kneeling down and presenting some kind of medal or badge; at first it seemed completely foreign to me, but after a few seconds of hard concentration, I finally realised what it was; it was the same badge used to identify a Seeker. The insignia was represented by a red-hexagonal shield, inside which was a blue-triangle, then a green-circle, and finally a black-cross.

I thought hard as the Feline unlocked each of the chains holding me in place; this wasn't some random kidnapping...not in Club Nova...and Fawx had explained that I shouldn't bring any firearms...probably in case I accidentally killed someone who was supposed to be there. Fawx had also spoken in an uneasy manner; as if he knew this was going to happen...he planned this all along...this was my Initiation.

"Too surprised to say something, Rush?" The Fox asked, addressing me by my name now as he smiled and got up, clapping his hands twice; I got up and faced the door as a large figure stepped through the door; a Purple-Dragon to be exact...

I noticed the Dragon was holding one item in each hand; the first was a cylindrical rucksack, with the initials A.R stitched onto it, most likely intended for me. The other item was also intended for me; my very own Seeker-Badge. My mind was now racing as I quickly recovered, taking in these sudden revelations as I unzipped the rucksack, revealing my grey-biosuit inside...along with a towel and some water to clean myself off with.

"So? What do you think?" The Fox asked as I cleaned myself off completely, as if the past hour or so never happened; I gave no response as I slipped into my biosuit, zipping everything up, clicking everything in place and finally sealing my helmet back on, the blue glass now preventing anyone from seeing my playful grin underneath.

"I think..." I grunted, flexing my body so my biosuit was now in place; "I think you two aren't the only ones who've fucked me over today..."

"Welcome to life as a Seeker, lad." The Fox laughed quietly, patting me on the shoulder as we all left the a certain Red-Avian needed my boot up his arse...

Blood Red: Chapter Eleven: The Dangerous Half-Dozen

Time: 15:35pm. Year: 2245, January 13th. Location: New Vega, South-East District. I quickly strode down the empty streets of the South-East district of the city; it was almost always quiet during the day - with the exception of the odd checkpoint...

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Blood Red: Chapter Ten Extra (sex scene with Archer)

(Note: About half-way through my tenth chapter of Blood Red, I put in a small scene with Archer the Green-Dragon, and my White-Fox character Kobalt Monday, excluding the yiff-scene from the chapter. So just for a bit of fun, I'm deciding to write it up...

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Blood Red: Chapter Ten: Work Never Ends

Time: 19:45pm. Year: 2245, January 12th. Location: Club Phymn, Room 172. It had barely taken us an hour to get back to the Club, which was surprising considering the vehicle we were in looked like it took a dozen bricks to its front; either...

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