Buxy the Bunny Part 2: Chapter 6: The world falls apart

Story by Ether Simmons on SoFurry

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#6 of Buxy the Bunny part 2

Buxy did something very dangerous for a rabbit to do: She got drunk at a carnivore bar, a place where predators liquored up rabbits before gulping them down.

Earlier that night, Benny and Steven got into a tiff at Benny's sex party. Steven accidently let it out that Buxy asked Steven to swallow her down, signifying that she was a 'TV-Dinner' rabbit. Furious that her world came crashing down, she ran out of the sex party in tears. She bought a small bottle of booze and quickly flagged down a taxi to take her home to the nightclub. She cried while she guzzled the bottle of alcohol down. Unfortunately for Buxy, she dashed out of the party while only putting on her tight white dress without underwear. The taxi driver eyed her curves through the dress.

Quickly finishing off the bottle, Buxy staggered toward the nightclub entrance. But the hyena doorman didn't want to let Buxy in, due to her intoxication. With a few loud rude comments about hyenas and their inadequacy in bed, she staggered off to the side of the building. Since she lived upstairs at the nightclub, she used a special stairwell and her own key to get in. And since she could enter the nightclub via her own stairwell, she staggered down the hallway past her apartment, down the stairwell, to an empty table and ordered a few stiff drinks.

The nightclub was up to its nightly activities of predators scoping out rabbits for their own hungry interest. At one table, a group of rabbits were engaged with attracting a predator for each of them, to participate in a group swallow. At the nightclub, it wasn't hard to attract a predator for that kind of activity, and it didn't take long for each rabbit at the table to be paired with a hungry and willing carnivore. Of course, the rabbits wanted to partake in a 'one last' sexual escapade before sliding down their partners' throat. They discarded articles of clothing they wouldn't need anymore, while the carnivores undressed with a hungry and horny smile.

At the table next to Buxy sat George, a lynx who Buxy met when she first came to the nightclub. The first night she came in, she met an old high school friend of hers, Cidy Wixlor. Buxy wanted to catch up with her, but she was scheduled to be swallowed by George. So they talked while she squeezed down his throat.

After the big gulp event, George found out that Cindy left a large credit card bill for George to pay off. By law, predators were always responsible for the debts of the prey they swallowed. His wife was not too happy about his continual activity of gulping debt ridden rabbits, so they divorced, as Buxy found out later on. Eventually, George lost his job, his friends, and his house. He managed to get another lower paying job and a seedy place to live, but always kept coming back to 'The Bunnyhop Nightclub' to pursue rabbits to swallow down. He was a poor shell of his former self.

Tonight, George was busy gulping a nice rabbit. Earlier, he bought large amounts of liquor for her, and fucked her silly on the table while he convinced her that he should swallow her. With enough alcohol and sex, she agreed to this arrangement, and was stretched out naked on the table, and busy with putting her feet into his mouth while she guzzled her drink from a bendy straw.

Buxy glared at the pair next to her. When she started to work at the nightclub (and also hang about it during operating hours), Buxy found herself a continual target for George's unwelcomed advances, so much so that he was sternly warned by Steven to leave her alone. Eventually, he left her in peace and focused his attention to other more pliable rabbits. She watched his almost pathetic pursuit of any rabbit who would pay even the smidgen of attention to him. That's not me, she said to herself. I'd never let someone eat me down. She sipped her drink as she thought about her own experiences at the nightclub. Except for... maybe... *sniff*... This is where I met... Kenny... I'm sorry I'm sorry I killed you... She wiped a tear from her eye. But she knew in her heart that he was not dead, that he was back... maybe he wants to eat me... the thought made her smile.

A male doberman dressed in a lounge lizard outfit walked up to Buxy's table, with a big smile and two paws of drinks. His intent was obvious, and when he opened his mouth to deliver his best pick up line Buxy cut him off in a loud drunken drawl "Beat it, you mangy mutt!!! I don't wanna... you!!!" He immediately turned with his tail between his legs and made the long walk back to his table alone. Buxy stood up straight and prided herself on how much she matured. She wondered if she had a bottle of liquor in her room.

George's eyes lit up as he tasted the rabbit's feet in his mouth. He gulped her feet down his throat as the naked rabbit slurped her drink. She turned her head toward Buxy and giggled in a drunken stupor. "I'm... *hic*... gonna be a... kitty appetizer... *giggle*..."

Buxy mumbled to herself about the IQ of certain types of rabbits. "Yeah... yer a stupid rabbit, you are... you deserve to be... eaten..." she said to herself. Again her thoughts went back to the sex party, and what exactly happened.

Buxy was positive that she and Steven went over their stories before going in, and how they would stick to them. She figured that Steven must have eaten one too many dumb bunnies, and inherited the idiot's IQ. Yeah, that's it, Buxy thought to herself as she slurped her drinky poo. Dumb... dumb-bah... dumb... tigger...

George gulped again, dragging the naked rabbit toward him. His maw stretched out over her shins. He unbuttoned his thrift store shirt and tie. The rabbit just giggled as she finished off her drink with a final noisy slurp, and then tossed the glass behind her. It crashed against the wall. She mumbled out "Hey... hey, mr-eating-me kitty... I don' got a drinky... I wanna drinky..." Fortunately George was prepared for this, and handed her another drink with a bendy straw in it that he had within reach. The corners of his mouth turned up as he swallowed. She smiled, grabbed her new drink and slurped it.

Buxy also wondered about Benny's over-reaching reaction to Steven. She knew that he smelled other predators on her, but the tiger scent seemed to really trigger him off. She contemplated that mystery as she counted the number of fingers on her paw, over and over again. One... two... uh... thr... one...

George dragged the rabbit a bit down the table toward his gullet, almost to her knees. The action caused the rabbit's drink to shake, dribbling a few drops onto the table. "Hey... mr-kitty-tighty-throaty... be... ca'reful der..." she said in a drunk slur. She glanced at Buxy and said "Now, don't worry, missesses ugly r'bbit... maybe kitty-here has a bruddah whooo can eat cha..." She smiled at the joke she made.

Buxy glared at the 'TV-Dinner' rabbit. I'm pretty-er than yooo, she thought to herself. You'll be eaten, rabbit. And I'll be here... all alone... Buxy let out a small sob as she considered the impact of her friends finding out about her past. They'll leave me, Benny won't love me, and I'll be alone... cleaning up after idiot eaten rabbits... *sniff*... like stupid rabbit... she took another sip of her drink as she sank deeper into her sorrow.

A female husky professionally dressed approached Buxy's table with a smile on her face and confidence in her posture. She had an obvious intent, and opened her mouth to speak. But Buxy barked out "Beat it Bitch! I'm a... not a doggy... treat!" The husky turned around with slumping shoulders and slinked away.

The rabbit on the table stared at Buxy while she was pulled further into George's stretched out jaw. His maw covered part of her thighs. "Now, why did you turn-a-way... nice doggie like-a-dat? She would-a..." The rabbit paused to slurp her drink. "...licked you silly, before gulping you down, dummby..."

Buxy just glared back at the rabbit on the table. I'm not like you, she thought to herself. She glanced about the table and noted the discarded clothes. She spotted a pretty blouse laying on the ground near the table, and figured it came from the 'being-eaten' rabbit. Ooooh... That's nice... I wonder if it will fit me?

Buxy refocused her blurry thought back onto her falling apart life, and just wished things were back to normal. Why can't the rabbits just not know I used to be like... like... these rabbits, she wondered. She wished Kenny was here.

Buxy wondered about Kenny. She remembered that he always seemed to show up outta whenever she was under stress, or thought about him. He's almost... *hic*... like he juuuuuust magically appears whenever I need him... hmmmm... Buxy shut her eyes and willed for Kenny to appear.

Buxy heard a voice from the table of the eating lynx and rabbit. "Hey... missesses ugly rabbit... you gotta go poop or something?" Buxy opened her eyes and saw no Kenny, and the rabbit thigh deep in George's mouth, staring at her. Maybe I'll wait for her to disappear first, Buxy decided. Buxy continued her glare session at the rabbit.

George dragged the rabbit in his mouth partially off the edge of the table, as he stretched his disjointed jaw around her hips. He had a predatory feeding daze on his face and swollen neck from the thighs in his throat as he gulped again. He shut his eyes in enjoyment as his shirt hung open.

The rabbit glanced down at the lynx and slurped her drink again. "Hey... mr-eatin-me-up... after yer dond... lets head back to your place and... I donna know..." She slurped her drink again. "...I godda sleep this buzz off, and den... ken I move in wid ya? Huh?"

George didn't answer back (due to his mouth being full of rabbit), but gulped again. He stretched his jaw fully around her ass and hips as he dragged the rabbit further into his mouth.

The rabbit slurped the remainder of her drink down and threw the glass behind her again, causing another crash. "Hey... mr-tighty-throat, yer gonna... let me outta your stomach... after dis, raight? Huh? Hey..." She casually patted his muzzle. She didn't get a response other than another gulp where she slid in a few more cm. Her hips slid fully into his mouth, and his teeth rested on her waist. She turned to Buxy and said "Hey... missesses-ugly-rabbit, ken you help me? I think he wansta... eat me..."

Buxy didn't say anything in return. She raised her glass to her and sipped. Bye-bye, stoopid rabbit, Buxy silently said to the rabbit partially inside of George.

The rabbit looked at George in panic. "Hey... mr-eating-me-kitty... hey..." He didn't pay any attention, but just gulped again. The bulge of her hips showed on his neck, and his maw clenched down on the bottom of her chest, causing her to gasp for air. He gripped the table with his paws, pushed off of it and stood straight up, so that the rabbit was positioned directly above him. Gravity greatly aided in the rabbit's descent into his stomach.

The rabbit looked at Buxy for help as her chest slid into his mouth. She expelled the last of her breath as her eyes pleaded for help.

Buxy just returned a cold stare as she finished off the last of her drink and threw her glass against the same wall. "Bye bye, stoopid rabbit." She said to her.

The rabbit gave Buxy an angry one finger salute on each paw as she slid into George's mouth.

George didn't notice the paw position as his mouth slowly covered her shoulders, head and then her paws. As the last remaining shape of the rabbit resettled into his over expanded belly, he turned to Buxy and asked "Did you say something?"

Buxy shook her head. Good riddance, she thought to herself. She watched as George gathered his things and stumbled out of the bar to sleep off his consumption. Buxy shut her eyes and sobbed, as she wondered where her Kenny was. Where is he, she asked herself. Where the fur is he?

She heard a rough and unrefined fur near her ask "Heyas Bucks, you ready to get eaten?"

Oh fur, she exclaimed. Why am I being bothered? She opened her mouth to yell at the intruder. "Get the fur away from me... yew..." But when her eyes met who was near her table, she gasped. She gazed at the familiar brown furred wolf dressed in jeans and brown polo shirt. His mismatched eyes stared into her soul, one eye blue and one eye brown. His muscular physique which showed itself underneath his shirt and fur gave off the slightest of wolf musk that intoxicated Buxy's senses like the finest drug. He stood near her table and patiently waited for an answer.

Buxy stared at Kenny with her jaw hanging open. He's here, he's here, she exclaimed to herself. He's actually here! She mumbled out "Kenny..."

Kenny reached for her paw and tugged on it. "C'mon, Bucks. We gotta go... he's coming... I gotta keep ya safe, there Bucks."

Buxy refused to budge. "Kenny... please sit down..." She pushed out a chair with her foot.

Kenny nervously glanced over his shoulder to the entrance, and then plomped himself in the chair. "I don't got time fer this, Bucky. I gotta get ya out of here. He hurt your sister, and he's commin' here..." He continued to grip her paw, while he pleaded with his eyes to her.

Buxy shook her head. She steeled herself to say what she carried with her since that day, at Kenny's home, at the brown house. "Kenny... I'm sorry... I killed you... I mean, you're not dead..." She shook her head again as she struggled against the buzz of alcohol in her head. "I'm sorry... I took so long..."

Right then, the waiter approached the table. "Did you need anything to drink miss?" he asked.

Buxy felt thirsty. "Water please." That will help me, she thought to herself.

The waiter turned away while he wrote down the order.

Annoyed that the waiter ignored Kenny, Buxy yanked at the waiter's apron. "Hey..." The waiter turned around and looked at her. "Aren't you gonna take... his order?"

Kenny winced. "Buxy, we gotta go... please..."

The waiter looked at Buxy with a puzzled expression. "Who?" He continued to ignore Kenny.

Buxy hung her jaw open at the waiter's rudeness. She motioned to Kenny. "Him!" Kenny continued to look at Buxy while he held her paw.

The waiter glanced at Kenny, then back to Buxy with a confused look. "Um... OK... when he gets here, just let me know..." He back off and headed back to the bar.

Buxy glared at the retreating waiter. "What the fur does he think he is? Huh?"

Kenny shrugged. "Eh... I guess they don't serve wolves here." He said. He squeezed Buxy's paw. "But... we gotta go Bucks."

Buxy mulled the event in her head. Yeah... they don't serve wolves here... she vaguely remembered that Kenny said that before. It was when they first met, and Kenny tried to order a drink from Steven. Steven also... ignored him... as if he didn't exist... She looked at Kenny as if she saw him for the first time ever.

Not once had she ever seen Kenny interact with anyone else. She remembered that he never drank anything in front of her, never ate anything, never moved an object... She even remembered that when she ran into the brown house of his, he was already inside. Slowly the gears of logic struggled to work through the alcohol haze. Buxy slowly pulled her paw back. "Do you exist? Kenny? Can anyone see you?"

Right then, a large muscular german sheppard with a hyper muscled neck dressed in a tank top and jeans approached her table. He had a desperate and hungry look in his eye, and with a hopeful expression on his face he started to speak. Buxy cut him off with a loud "Beat it, you cur! Ima... busy!" The german sheppard's face changed to a resigned look. He turned tail and slinked away, whimpering.

Buxy knew that it was customary for predators to leave rabbits alone when they were already with another carnivore. It was the unspoken rule that almost all carnivores followed. But it seemed as if the german sheppard completely ignored that rule, or... he didn't see the wolf at her table... Buxy began to shudder at the realization. "Are you... real?" She reached out and gently pushed his chest with her paw. Her paw encountered his muscular chest, and seemed real.

Kenny gently squeezed her paw with his own. "Of course, Bucks. Wha cha think?" His eyes pleaded with her to come with him.

Buxy remembered the fight outside of the brown house, where she heard Kenny to tell her to kick hard. But after she ran into the house, Kenny was already inside... as if he is a part of me, she thought to herself. He's always there... A hundred thoughts crowded in her head at this realization.

Kenny stood up and yanked on her paw, toward the stairwell. "Please Bucks, we gotta go... he's coming..."

Buxy yanked her paw back. Anger flooded her mind at his betrayal. "You're not real! Go away!" she yelled at him.

Kenny tried to grab her paw again. "But, I gotta keep ya safe... he's here..."

Buxy yanked it back again. "Get lost!" she screamed at him. She shut her eyes and willed for him to go away. She was mad that her special wolf wasn't even real. She was mad that when her life fell apart, he wasn't there to protect her... or didn't protect her... at any time... Buxy kept her eyes shut as she teared up. Go away... go away... go away...

Buxy heard a different rough and unrefined voice near her say "Are ya Buxy Nibbler?"

Buxy opened her eyes and yelled out "I said go away!" But this time she didn't see Kenny. Instead, she saw a brown furred wolf dressed in old clothes and a trench coat, with one eye missing. He stared at her with absolute hatred. In one paw he held a very familiar cell phone. She immediately recognized it as her old cell phone she lost at the brown house, where Kenny swallowed her. She breathed in with a start as she recognized the wolf from the mall she hid from.

The brown furred wolf had one arm inside the trench coat. Underneath, Buxy spotted a gun aimed directly at her. She froze in sheer terror. The brown furred wolf spoke again, in a low voice. "I know you are, so you're commin' wid me..." He leaned forward and glared down at her as his voice got a bit lower and more sinister. "...or I shoot you and everyone in this room." He closed the cell phone, put it in his pocket and held his paw out to her. His other paw kept the gun pointed at her. His eyes spoke of a cold hatred for her.

Buxy shuddered. She wanted to flee as fast as she could, but did not want to see anyone else get hurt. It took every bit of effort to hold her paw out to him. He grasped it tight and slowly pulled her to his side, opposite of the gun. He tightly gripped her shoulder with his free paw. "C'mon, we're goin', Buxy." He guided her toward the nightclub entrance.

Buxy's mind pieced together the events, sparked by the memory of her old cell phone and Kenny as they slowly walked toward the nightclub entrance. She remembered she left the phone at the brown house. She crawled out of the house right when that other intruder entered the house. Now that she thought about it, it sounded like the intruder dragged something with him. But what? She remembered the cold voice of the intruder, and it seemed to match the wolf's voice with the gun.

As they left the nightclub, she tried to figure out why he would be after her. I never did anything to him, she thought to herself. I don't even know him... except... she also remembered the two assailants before entering the brown house. There was a cat... and a brown furred wolf... she gasped as she suddenly recalled the wolf's face. She remembered that she kicked the wolf, kicked the cat and fled. That's where he's from...

The two quietly walked down the sidewalk. He spoke to her "No one will question a bunny leaving a carnivore bar wid me, now will they, Buxy?" He gripped her shoulder a bit tighter. "That's becaus'... you're my bunny... just like your sister was my bunny..."

Buxy caught her breath as she realized what Kenny was talking about, with her sister. "Bitsy..." she stuttered out. She hoped with all her might that the horrible thoughts swirling around her head were wrong.

As the two approached a street corner, around the corner strode Steven Stripes. He caught sight of her and breathed a sigh of relief and approached her. "Buxy, there you are. Everyone is worried about you."

The brown furred wolf tried to guide Buxy around the tiger, but Steven interposed himself in his path. Steven spoke to the wolf in a forceful voice "Hey there wolf! She's not into being swallowed, so let her go."

Buxy was still furious at Steven for what he did, but fear of the wolf next to her overrode her hatred of the tiger. She kept quiet and hoped Steven would rescue her.

Annoyed about the tiger blocking his path, the wolf spoke up. "Out of the way, tiger." He gave a gentle squeeze on Buxy's shoulder. "This is my bunny."

Steven glared down at the wolf. "Now just hold on..." Slowly, a look of recognition appeared on his face as he examined the wolf's face. "Wait a minute... you're Kenny, aren't you? With the mismatched eyes?" He pointed a finger back and forth from the wolf to Buxy.

The wolf showed a brief look of confusion before he broke out to a grin. "Yeah... I'm Kenny... and Buxy is going wid me." He tried to side step around the tiger.

Steven interposed himself in the wolf's path again. "Look Kenny, it didn't work out, so let her go, got it?" He said in a bit more dangerous voice. "She's my rabbit." He glared directly into the wolf's face.

Buxy was grateful for small favors, with Steven standing up for her. However, she was scared of anyone getting hurt, with the wolf's gun underneath the trench coat. She kept silent but begged with her eyes to Steven for help.

The wolf glared back up at the tiger. "Now tiger, she's commin' wid me now... so scoot yer little striped ass away before I get mad!" His voice rose in volume at Steven.

Steven barred his teeth at the wolf in anger. He glanced at Buxy and said "Now, I can see why it didn't work out, Buxy." Buxy just looked at him with eyes wide opened. Her eyes darted to the side, toward the wolf before she returned to Steven. Clueless to the subtle hint, he returned his attention to the wolf. "She don't want to be eaten! She never has, so she's not going to go with you!" His paw reached out to Buxy.

The wolf brought forth his gun from under the trench coat and pointed it at Steven. "I say she's commin' wid me!"

Steven backed up in fear. "Whoah... Kenny... there's no need..." He glanced at Buxy and yelled out "Buxy! He's got a..."

The wolf shot at Steven. Buxy heard a gunshot, and saw Steven flinch in pain. He grabbed his abdomen and slowly fell to the ground with a surprised look on his face.

Buxy grabbed the wolf's arm and bit it with all her might. The wolf yelled out in pain as he jerked his arm out of her mouth.

Buxy bolted across the street as fast as she could from the wolf. She heard two gunshots from behind her, and heard the bullets wiz by her. She ran as fast as she could down the city sidewalk, with adrenaline shooting through her alcohol laced body. She turned down an alley and ran, only to find out it dead ended, with a dumpster at the end of it. She turned around to flee, but saw the shadowy outline of the wolf turn down the alley, holding his gun. "You fucken' bit me, you dumb bunny, just like yer sister did! Right before I broke her neck and watched her die!"

Buxy ran behind a dumpster, scared out of her wits. She sobbed as her worst fears were realized about her sister. She yelled out "Why are you doing this?" She wished Kenny was here to keep her safe, but realized that he wasn't real. But that element of hope hung in her head.

Buxy heard the wolf's voice get closer as he spoke. "Why? Why you fucken' rodent? Because you murdered my girlfriend!" She heard the wolf reload his gun. "You took out my eye and you broke her neck! She could barely breathe! I watched as she choked to death, and I'm gonna do the same fer you, just like I did wid yer sister and her fucken' family!"

Buxy sobbed as she watched the shadow of the wolf approach her position behind the dumpster. She pressed herself into the corner as she watched the wolf slowly round the corner. "Nooooooo..." she cried out. Instinctively she willed with all her might for Kenny to save her.

The wolf smiled with a sinister smile. He pointed the gun at her and said "You will die, Buxy!"

Right then, Buxy saw another wolf plow into the brown furred wolf. The two of them hit the wall, with a crack coming from the gun wielding wolf. The two of them fell to the ground in a pile of brown fur. Buxy gasped with surprise as her rescuing wolf slowly stood up from the ground, leaving the other wolf on the ground with his neck bent at a bad angle. The rescuing wolf turned to Buxy and smiled. Buxy recognized him immediately as her special wolf Kenny. He walked toward her and held a paw out to her. "He's not gonna hurt ya, Bucks. I kept ya safe." He said in his rough and unrefined voice.

Buxy shook with fear as she slowly reached up and grasped his paw. He lifted her up to him and embraced her in a warm hug. Buxy collapsed into his muscular strong arms and shook with relief. "You're fine, Buxy. I will always protect you." The last part came out in a refined and educated voice.

Buxy nuzzled into his designer shirt. She gasped with ragged breaths as she breathed in his comforting rabbit scent. His well-toned white furred arms held her as if he was the most stable force in her life. It felt good to be secure in the knowledge that he would not eat her...

Buxy's eyes popped open as she realized Kenny wasn't there. She stepped back from the embrace and saw her boyfriend Benny. She gasped with the realization that Kenny didn't save her, but Benny did. "How... how..." she gasped in ragged breaths. At once the entirety of the night's events caught up to her, she fell down to her paws and knees and puked the contents of her stomach.

Benny attended to Buxy as she threw up. Slowly, she stood up and leaned into Benny's warm embrace. They walked out of the alley way leaving behind a dead wolf with a broken neck. Blue and red flashing lights greeted them as they walked back to where Steven was.

Buxy the Bunny Part 2: Chapter 5: The Sex Party

M/F, Rabbit, Tiger, Orgy, Nudity Both Buxy and Steven stood outside of Benny's apartment, as they discussed their stories before they went into the sex party. Buxy dressed very provocatively, in a tight white dress, with a black bra and black...

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Buxy the Bunny Part 2: Chapter 4: Setting up for the party

Buxy cleaned the tables at 'The Bunnyhop Nightclub' while she prepared her request to her boss in her head about not alerting the other rabbits that she worked at a carnivore bar. Yesterday, her boss Steven Stripes and her boyfriend Benny met at the...

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Buxy the Bunny Part 2: Chapter 3: Buxy's friend Hugo, and Roxy

After Buxy's lunch date with Benny that day, she headed back to 'The Bunnyhop Nightclub', to prepare to meet her niece Roxy. Roxy was interested in being gulped by a large hulking lion, and Buxy knew just the friend to introduce to her niece. Buxy...

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