part4)the poison of truth

Story by Hyakan66 on SoFurry

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#5 of stor

The deep void of silence created large amount of tension in the area, I sat on the bench watching all of them, but keeping a close eye Tobio. He still had the death feeling coming from him. Jimmy on the other hand was still in full on rage mode, his veins began to sprout from his neck, and his face gave off the signal of anger, but his body remained calm as if he isn't even affected.

"Aren't we a little cocky?" Chester said as jimmy cracked his knuckles.

"What would make you think that." Jimmy asked in a straightforward voice

"It's just so funny." Chester chuckled. "You think you, and some little brat can take us on, ha!"

Jimmy didn't react to their taunts like some other would. Derek gave a smirk to jimmy, he look over at me, and back at jimmy.

"You seem pretty sure of yourself." Derek stared walking towards jimmy in a lazily fashion

"Yeah, I do, but you shouldn't right now." Jimmy said, as Derek was arm's length away.

"Well I should be, this is place where you die."

That last comment signaled the beginning of the fight. The sudden silent ended as Derek step back to make distance.

"Now you guys go deal with mark, and don't forget to make it painful." Jimmy ear shot up, he wasn't going to let that happen

"Mark, get out of here, now!" Jimmy said turning around to tell Mark. Jimmy was ready to leap into action until he heard a click, and felt the chill of a metal against his neck.

"Now you just calm down or you can see what the inside of your neck looks like." The smug wolf snickered at Jim reaction. Jim was in stunned, would he really die, like this.

"Get ready fag, here we come." Mark look on in horror as the two furs approached with an evil glare in their eyes. Mark jetted up from the bench so that he could escape, but Zane was frozen stiff, he was motionless. Mark look at him with a worried look on his face. Mark had to think, his friend found out he was hanging out with public enemy number one, and I don't have to spell it out for you. Zane sat there shaking; the look of confusion, and disappointment on his face, his mind clouded with mixed emotion, he couldn't move, or even hear.

"Zane, we have to go, now!" I grabbed Zane by the shoulder, and shook trying to get him to focus, but it was too late.

"Zane, snap out of I-." my sentence was cut off within seconds.

"Huh? I guess Zane having another panic attack." Kenny the panther was behind me, he had his paw on my shoulder with the sense he only cared for Zane.

"Z-z-Zane has anxiety attacks?" I said questionably

"Hey." He said tightening the grip on my shoulder. "It started after HE MET YOU!" when Kenny said that all I could see was his paw coming directly at me, I was so frighten my heart skip a beat. In seconds, his paw was drilling into my face with no feel of stopping. His force was so strong it sent me crashing to the ground. After I fell I rolled onto my stomach twitching a little, I rubbed my face where Kenny punch me.

"DAME IT THAT HURTs!" my cheek turned crimson red, and the pain became even more painful if I touch it, but that was nothing compared to what is about to happen.

"Oh, so you think that hurts?" the panther said as he walk over to me looking at me with a cocky smile. "Then that means... this will feel like hell!" he then lifted his leg up to his waist, and sent his foot paw into my side, and the claws on his foot dug inside of me. I screamed in total agony, tears swelled in my eyes, and rolled down my face. The pain sent shockwaves throughout my body; he continued press down on my ribcage with full force.

"Well Zane, you did it again." Zane was still sitting on the bench when Chester walks up to him, and stared talking. The light blue sharks watch as Kenny continued hurting Mark.

" you want Chester?" Zane ask with a depressing tone.

"Just came to give your props."

"W-why would you, you never have before." The young dragon then looks up at shark with a scowl.

"What? Don't lie like that; you know this has happened before." Zane's eye began darting around.

"What are you talking about Chester?" Zane began to stutter, and sweat; he knew where the aquatic was going whit his accusations.

"Oh? Now it making a little sense, huh, you sly devil you." Zane could no longer take his insistent taunting, and snapped.

"Shut up Chester, you..." Zane stop in the middle of his sentence and rose up from the bench.

"Aw, is Zane mad because his secrets are out now." Chester chuckled while putting his hands in his pockets.

Zane was discussed with himself; everything was his fault, everything that happened to mark. Zane looks over to see i still pined on the ground by Kenny, and being beat senseless. Zane look down the court to see that Derek was pushing jimmy in our direction with the gun still to the Dobermans neck. Zane knew it was over for them, and far too quickly

"What do you want?" Zane bald up his fist, and tried to keep his cool.

"That better, now I need you to do two things." Chester said as he looked over at Kenny for a brief moment

"What is it, you S-O-B." when Zane finish that phrase the shark quickly pulled his hand from his pocket, at that point Zane notice a flash of light reflecting from whatever he relied out of his pocket. Zane mouth became dry when Chester placed a short Swiss army knife at his neck; frozen to that one spot Zane could not move in fear of watching his blood leave his neck.

"Don't get cute, now first question Zane, are you gay?" my eye flew open when I heard those words, I was filled with confusion, did they know that Zane might be gay.

"Well, now that got your attention." The panther said while picking me up from the ground not letting me get my balance. My side was still in execrating pain, but that didn't matter to them, I just wish this would all be over.

"Zane, you haven't answered me yet, are you or not gay?" Chester smile grew on his face, so did Kenny, and Derek. Zane closed his eye, and took in a deep breath.

"Yes, I am, and if you have a problem you take it up with me, and leave mark, and jimmy out of it." I was struck with total shock, so it true, Zane was gay. The light blue shark stood in front of Zane silent. The silences was broken by the sound of knuckles cracking, Chester arm rose from his side, he pulled it back, and with all his might he struck Zane in his right cheek. Chester fist dug into his face sending him flopping to the ground.

"You fag, you trick us for so long, and poor Mark too." Zane was able to open one of his eyes, and then tilted his head back to look at Mark.

"Sorry mark." Zane said in a low voice.

"Now second thing, who told the whole school that Mark, was gay." Zane eye popped open, and it caught my attention.

"What?" I yelled out "Zane you know who did it." I look at him, but he just bit his lip, and stared to cry a bit.

"Yeah Mark, it was me." Those words brewed up a flame of pure hatred towards the dragon, but the water of sadness put it out, and I felt nothing for Zane, absolutely nothing.

"Well now that you said your goodbyes, we can finish this, Derek." Jimmy eye opened in fear, he was going first, and all he could think is, dame.

"Let's count it out." Derek said attempting to be funny. "3...2..." the gun click, and a tear grew in my eyes I just closed them. "...1..."

I excepted the sound of a gun going off, but what heard was the sound of something splashing against the ground. I opened my eye slightly, but it was the eyes looking at me that confused me. Jimmy, Derek, Chester, and Zane had the look of horror on their face, Chester back up slowly.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I look behind me to see what he was talking about, I feared what I would see, but I spun my whole body so I could get a clear look. My blood ran cold which is more than I could say for Kenny; his shoulder was drench in his own blood. I was speechless, I began to shacking at the sight of it, suddenly the panther fell to his knees, and onto his stomach. I imminently notice three knifes in his back, the handle where golden and the blade were silver.

"Don't worry, he won't die." A little voice said as another knife flew by face.

"Wha..." is all Derek could say before the knife was logged into his shoulder. Blood dripped from his where the night was, he also feel to his knees, and onto his side.

"D-Derek." The shark whispered. "Ok what's going on who doing this?"

"I guess I do blend into the background." All eyes were looking behind me to see the 4feet tall sniper.

"Tobio?" he looks at me with a stare, and at that moment he look just like Marshal