Bitter Darkness: Short celebration

Story by RedCrow on SoFurry

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#2 of Bitter Darkness

The morning light was as good as any alarm clock just not as annoying, birds chirping and the cool air coming from the balcony made it easy and refreshing for me to wake up.

I look to Ritta who was still fast asleep hugging my arm. I think back to last night and how amazing it so, only a day in this place and I was making very, very good friends.

Slowly getting up I put on the clothes I wore the night before that had been laid down next to the bed but at first I thought that I had the wrong clothes. They were very tight compared to before and very difficult to put on. I just thought nothing of it and walked to the balcony after stressfully squeezing into the tight cloth, looking outside I could see the city walls far in the distance and down below the already busy streets bursting with life.....well furry life that is.

I could see a market just beyond the first row of buildings with stands of many colours selling exotic items such as silks, food, drinks, herbs and many other things that were just out of sight. I was surprised to find out that I could smell some of the food been sold and oh boy did it smell GOOOOD! I stick my nose out a little bit more trying to get a better sent of that sweet smell but my eye caught the sight of a small furry holding another's hand, the little fella must have been out with his mother while shopping. This place seemed more and more like any city in England just with more hair than your standard Englishman.

"Your up?" I turn back to see Ritta sitting up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and covering herself with the sheets. "Yeah I am are you ok?" I could see the look in her eyes, the look that said she wanted more of last night but then it turned from that look to the look of confusion. Her eyes looked me over from head to toe, studying every inch. "You seem...different" I look at myself and can't tell what she meant. "I mean you look well look...bigger"

I turn around to face her and as I do my clothes just tore apart, falling to the ground and as they did I finally noticed what it was that Ritta was talking about. "What the hell...?"

Somehow I was bigger than before; I was taller, I must have been over 6ft now and my muscles had gotten bigger, it looked like I had been to the gym for 3 months straight not to mention my cock defiantly looked bigger...almost double the size. I also felt different; I felt like I had a powerful strength in my arms and legs, like I could crush a stone in my hand. A huge reserve of energy running up my spine like I could run around the earth a million times and a massive lust-filled hunger building up in my groin.

I looked at Ritta who was without a doubt enjoying the view as I could see she was touching herself under the sheets. "Why don't you come spend some more time in bed you don't need to be up just yet?" The lusty sound of her voice turned me on greater than I had ever been before, but I was confused. I thought it better not to think of it and the offer was way more than enough for me but as I started to walk back towards the bed there was a knock at the door.

"Are you sure this is the room?"

"Yes this is the room ma'am he's right in there." I rush to cover myself with the torn clothes that lay on the floor hoping to finish before the person on the other end came in. Ritta could see my distress and walked to the door with nothing but her fur and slowly opened it to answer.

"Can I help you?"

"Oh well yes I was looking for...well never mind I must have the wrong room."

I find just enough to cover myself as I grab the sheets from the bed and call out to make sure that I am noticed. "Who is it Ritta?"

Ritta let out a small sigh as she had no choice but to introduce me. "Is this the person you were looking for?" Ritta opened the door to let the person in and as they slowly entered I caught the sight of a furry in a cloak that covered them completely only the paws and face could be seen. The robbed husky looked up at me and said nothing for a few seconds as they looked me up and down scanning me for whatever reason.

"Well this IS the room I was looking for then." I try my hardest to keep covered up but I was shocked as to how calm Ritta was in nothing but the nude talking to someone she had never met before.

"Umm hello there, can I help you with something?" The figure looked at me a little bit longer, staring at me as I was unable to tell what they were thinking.

"So the legend is true." I asked again to try get an answer from them. "Oh I am sorry my lord, its just that I never thought that I would meet a the one the stories speak of in MY lifetime, but here you are." there was a strange tone in their voice almost as if they were flirting with me.

"So what do you want? He is busy!" Ritta was now frustrated with them as they had not said why they were here and how they interrupted

"I am sorry, the king and the other Lords are here for you my lord, they await your presence." I realise that the king had now summoned me for some hero related crap but I also noticed that Ritta was upset at this and I could tell why.

"Tell the King that I am not yet awake and that I will come to him when I am." Ritta spun her head around in amazement at what I had said with a slight smile on her face . "...but...."

"Tell him that I am still recovering from yesterday."

"Of course my lord." With that the robed husky closed the door behind them and I could hear them talking to another servant ordering them to inform the King of the situation..

"You just said...but urrm...why make them can't make the King wait!"

I walk up to Ritta dropping my clothing to the floor coming face to face with her. "Well I wanted to take you up on your offer for some extra fun in bed."

Ritta's face lit up with a smile from ear to ear as she jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly. I needed no instruction on what to do next as I lifted her up above me. I found little difficulty in holding her there bringing my face to her soft, sweet pussy taking in her strong smell. "Now its my turn to make you feel good."

I started softly liking her folds with my tongue rubbing the bumps along her clitoris making small circles around it, feeling her juices already beginning to flow onto my chin. "OH GOD UR...URR." Nothing turns me on more than the cries of a women enjoying herself as I could feel myself start to get aroused from her sweet sounds and the musk that filled the room.

"I have had some practice in this so just relax and enjoy yourself Ritta."

"Gray it goooood!" I bury my face into her crotch almost falling onto the bed forcing my tongue to go deep inside her. Her moans of pleasure fill the room and I had no doubt that anyone outside could hear her very well.

"Ritta you taste so sweet." Is what I would have said but the amount of juices from her were stopping me from even speaking. It was more like a gargling noise than anything else.

"Gray...your too good...if you...if you don't...stop I...I..." I could tell she was near her limits so I pushed my face in deeper and forced my tongue in as much as I could and it wasn't long before hearing the most awesome sound of all. "I...I'M...CUUUUMMMMMINNNG!!!!" Ritta screamed out curling her toes and arching her back pushing her hips closer holding my head as she came HARD.

Finally she collapsed on the bed, shivering from her overwhelming orgasm. Her face glowed red even though her fur as she desperately tried to recover, arms spread out, mouth wide open I thought for a minute I might have given her a heart attack. " ok...Ritta?"

Her chest heaved up and down as she sucked in air trying hard to speak, her eyes flickered as they rolled into the back of her head. "Oh god...oh...oh god...god...oh..."

I could see that she was falling much for my fun. I savoured the taste of her juices as I licked up every last drop from my face and her pussy. Ritta had now lost consciousness, overwhelmed by her orgasm, still breathing heavily.

I stand up and admire the way she looked, just laying there exhausted. I am upset that I didn't get to cum but I am sure she can repay me later. I lay the bed sheets over her as her breathing slows down making her look like a sleeping beauty...or sleeping beast...well in this place I think I'm the beast if anything.

I look down at the rock hard meat standing to attention between my legs, pre oozing from the head but them I felt a jolt of fear overcome me. My cock was different; veins popping out thicker than any of my fingers, the head was more pointy, the flesh itself was redder and the hair at the base was...less. Lowering my hand to have a closer examination I them looked to see that the hair on my arms was less and the skin seemed different, I couldn't see any difference in the skin but I felt like there was something...not less...but more. Placing my other hand on my arm I could tell straight away that the skin was thicker and more rugged also dry but not in any bad way.

A knock at the door stole my attention and then I realised impatient they were for me to see the king, coming to I grabbed a sheet from the other bed that had not been used at all last night and rapped it around my waist. I walked up to the door opening it in the hope that someone could bring me a fresh set of clothing. On the other side was a rabbit standing up straight to the side of the door with his chin in the air who only glanced at me once before speaking.

"Good morning my Lord I assume you slept well and your friend also?"

"Yes very much so...but I have a little problem" Explaining my situation to the rabbit about my unknown condition and my clothes he suggested that the castle mage could enchant a garment so that if I grew again so would the garments. However I looked at this place I had to admit that I was really beginning to like it.

The rabbit left still standing straight and only then did I really notice that he had a very formal coat that covered his chest but nothing to cover below the waist. It was not long till the rabbit returned with the new attire in hand...or paw; it was a perfect fit, comfy, warm but just like the last was still a bit revealing covering the front and back well but not so much the sides. Maybe the people of this world were not so worried about been covered or uncovered, I know that Ritta was not so bothered about it when she answered the door.

Stepping out into the hall I was reminded of how amazing this place was with fine furniture, great paintings on all the walls, golden idols standing proud on top great marble stands and even the wolf guards were in magnificent armour that seemed to glow from within the metal itself. If I didn't feel slightly naked in my garment I definitely felt very underdressed in comparison to all the finery.

"If you follow me my Lord I shall take you to the grand hall" The Rabbit gestured for me to follow him and as I did a hundred thousand questions lined up in my mind that I had to get answers for.

"Umm sorry but what is your name?"

"Jerefer My Lord"

"and whats with this my Lord thing...I'm not..."

"the king bestowed you the title last night when you decided to stay"

"OOOOOOkay....well I can believe that...and what is this grand hall?" As I asked we passed by a huge open door to the left, I looked inside to see many a furry lady gossiping away about the new occupant in the guest chambers and his rat friend. I came into their sight and all talk stopped as they stared in what looked like terror at first but soon they were chatting and giggling away like little school girls (talking about naughty things.)

Jerefer the rabbit cleared his throat to regain my attention. "The grand hall is were the king handles all his business when making laws, planning wars and so on, it is also were he wishes to see you my Lord and THAT room is the...umm...guards rest room"

"Well I doubt they get much rest in there" soon passing by two more similar rooms on my way to the grand hall I realised that they must accompany for more than just the guards as one room was instead full of males furries and another ...well at first it looked like more women but they all had male...extensions, I could swear one of them had two. I decided to be ready for about anything this place could throw at me; furries, magic, lady-men what's next...?

We turned one last corner before I knew we were almost there due to the colossal gold door in front of us and the number of guards lined up on either wall leading to the door. I feel a large gulp of saliva force its way down my throat as we get closer to the door two guards already preparing to open it. "Jerefer what can I expect to find in there?"

"Well the king wishes to see you and discus what you will do for the next week or so and also to present you to all the Lords and Ladies of Drewmer not to mention..." The rabbit went on and on, I was too taken in by it all to make any comment of any kind. All I could do was go with the I had a choice.

The doors opened and a shuddering gasp of a crowd on the other side could be heard as I slowly followed the rabbit. Looking inside was indeed a grant hall; the ceiling was taller than any football stadium and just as wide with crowds of furries of all shapes and sizes flooding either side of the hall, all staring in silence as I made my way across the vast red and gold carpet that laid the way to the king. Getting closer I could see what looked like a stage made of solid gold and jewels of all kinds with stairs leading to the feline king. I must admit if anything I didn't expect a cat to be king unless it was something like a lion but I knew little of the way this world was so I just decided to take it as it came and I never in a million years thought I would be the centre of attention in this big a way.

I was now close to the bottom of the stairs with the rabbit in front who had come to a holt and so did I. The silence had almost its own sound and a deathly cold chill to it as all I could do was look up at the king and his daughter to his side. My staring and wonder was broken as the rabbit began to speak. "Your majesty may I present to you Lord Gray Nash"

A humongous cheer engulfed the hall as everyone within hailed my very name almost deafening me with the shear noise. The closes thing I could use to discribe it was like been the victor in the ancient Roman coliseum. "All hail, all hail" over and over, the king raised his paw and soon after the crowd stopped bringing back the chilling silence.

"A darkness threatens Drewmer and indeed all the lands but today we rejoice as hope returns to us, a light shines the way in these dark days and we can soon hope to have peace." the king was standing presenting me like a living legend or even a living god and I had yet to do anything to merit even a fraction of this praise. "I am sure however strange his name may be...haha... he will soon be hard at work riding us of the horror, so join me today in welcoming Lord Gray Nash!"

Another huge cheer shuck the very walls as I just stud there feeling as if I had been sentence to death for a crime I did not commit, in complete and total shock, it was not long till my legs felt weak and my head heavy. The Kings daughter the princess who I saved from drownig in a river stud out of her seat and whispered in her fathers ear she had seen how this all was affecting me (thank you). Then her father simply nodded his head with that the princess stared her way down to me as the king ordered that everyone leave and spread the good news.

"How are you feeling Lord Gray?" The only thing that could leave my mouth was a dull grown like my brain was now made of cheese which perfectly answered her question. "Well come with me there are things to be done" With that she grabbed my arm and led me to the side of the hall through another door into a smaller room that was made almost insignificant in comparison to size and decor. There she told me to wait for the King to arrive along with his advisors. I walked over to a small rounded table in the middle of the room as the princess left the way she came closing the door behind, cutting off all sound from the crowd. Now I realised that this room was sound proof maybe for the King to get away from the commotion of the hall every now and then (I don't for a second blame him!)

I sighed out loud as I moved to sit down on a small chair near the table, as I my cheeks finally met with the wood I almost instantly broke the chair with my increased size falling to the floor with a great thud. "OUCH...son of a bitch!" I picked myself up and decide to hide the mashed chair under table covers and remain standing as hard as It was still in partial shock.

I waited some time thinking that it would not be long before the king would burst in with even more people for me to meet but I was very wrong nobody showed up for a long time, almost as if they had forgotten about me. But someone was already in the room with me unknown and unseen by any and all who would shortly make themselves known.

I soon felt a hot surge of arousal race down my spine and instantly awaken my member, surprised I cupped my groin trying hard to hide the evidence. "Well well well...we finally get some alone time." I turn around looking in all direction searching for the voice. "and what a way to greet a lady with such a meaty gift."

"Hello...who's yourself!" I spin around listening as the voice seemed to be coming from everywhere at once.

"Do not fear Gray, new Lord and saviour of Drewmer...I don't bite...unless you ask." on the end of that comment I felt a warm grip around my shaft, looking down I could see nothing.

"what the hell..." The grip now started pumping up and down the whole length of my cock getting very tight as I leaned back onto the table confused but very turned on.

"Now this is something I can really sink my teeth into" The comment hit me like a ton of bricks as I tried to remove the phantom perv in total fear of loosing my most treasured body part only to have my strength drained out of me when they started suckling the head. My knees bucked, head tilted back and hips lunged forward as the feeling overcame me. They were slurping and sucking away with an clear aim of making me climax and nothing else, the sheer force felt like they were pulling me in almost like they WERE trying to eat it. Without warning like they were on a mission to get it over with the phantom took me all the way in and inserted what must have been their tongue into the slit and down as far as it could go. Wiggling around in an uncontrolled manor the tongue reached deeper and deeper till it felt like it could not possibly go any more...then it all came crashing down.

With a great roar I instinctively grabbed what must have been their head and pulled it in as a torrent of my semen burst into their mouth pushing their tongue into the back of their throat. The pent up lust from not having sex with Ritta erupted with the force of a hand grenade. "DRINK IT ALL YOU DIRTY BITCH!" my shout echoed in the small room as the phantom was forced to swallow what seemed like a entire litre of cum rushing to find its new home in their stomach. Spurt after spurt, rope after rope, gulp after gulf, it seemed to be going on forever with no end but to my surprise as I was able to concentrate through my exploding ecstasy, head spinning I noticed the phantom was happily drinking away, savouring the taste of every drop.

Letting their head loose I fell to the floor only just able to hold my upper body with my hands still shooting the remainder of my load on the floor, staring at the excess cum rolling down an invisible maw and set of breasts. Panting away I watched as the cum slowly disappeared as the phantom lapped it all up into their mouth. "Well that was tasty..."

Before my very eyes like a cloud of fog slowly condensing a figure appeared in front of me, building itself out of the very air until finally...

"I must thank you my Lord I can tell that you will be popular with many here if not all..." sat on both knees next to me was the robed husky from before licking her lips.

"Its you..."

"Yes my Lord I am Elissa apprentice to the castle mage, I was the one that enchanted your clothes" The husky bowed her head but not for a second taking her gaze away from my beating member.

"Not to seem ungrateful but what was that for?" I felt a heavy burden fall off of me as if I was carrying a bolder on my back.

"I have watched you ever since you first arrived here, I was the one that told the king of you and I also saw how you rat friend...failed to relive you this morning" saying this the husky was still licking her lips, snout twitching at the strong smell of cum.

" what's with the invisibleness, why not..."

"Would you have allowed a stranger to do that?" Thinking on it I would have been freaked out a little if anyone just started giving me a blowjob, not that I dislike been given a blowjob.

"Fair point but I thought that the princess told the king about me..."

"The princess did not know who saved her from the river until I told the king of who the guard had thrown in the dungeon" Thinking on this new information I thought it best to thank her for all that she had done for me.

"Well I should be grateful is there anything I can do to show my appreciation?"

"The tasty treat you just give me will more than do for now but I can't wait for another." her forwardness and attitude to sex was a bit creepy but hell this whole place was strange.

Seconds later after pulling myself to my feet I notice that the huskies robes were still slightly see-through. With a hint of lust still bubbling in both my heads I take the chance to get a closer look at her form. Her breasts were plump and nicely formed, her arms and legs were slim and lightly toned, her belly was smooth, her dick was.....


"What!? what's the matter?" the robe quickly became solid and I could no longer see her/his....thing. I stare at the area with wide eyes unsure WHAT Elissa was.

"Oh so you saw my other part?"

"Other part...what are you man...women...or both?...WOW this place is strange!"

"Well I'm a herm...both female and male..."

"Okay well just so you know my hole is exit only lady...urr man!"

"Just call me Elissa...and I'm sure that you'll warm up to me some time...." I look at her in complete fear, I'm not one for letting other...people put anything up MY arse. "I'm just kidding...I only ever go after Girls with my male part...but I do like a good cock every now and then." That was more than I needed to know.

BANG, the doors to the hall swung open. The King had finally arrived along with a wolf in chain mail armour carrying daggers and blades anywhere they could fit, a tiger in bright coloured robes with strange symbols all over and a long staff with a glowing stone at the top held there with golden chains and finally a draft horse in huge studded armour taller anything I had seen with arms thicker than my head.

The tiger looked at Elissa with an angry stare. "Elissa?"

"Master I was just getting acquainted with..."

"Enough...Elissa return to the study you shouldn't be here anyway"

"At once Master" Ellisa bowed her head to the King and then left walking backwards to a door on the other side of the room. The draft horse stared in deep anger at the husky as she slowly made her way out of the room, before closing the door she smiled as she gave me one last glance.

"Soooooooo...........good morning your majesty."

"So this whelp is the one everyone is talking about is he...HAHAHAHAHAHA he is so small" The draft horse huffed down at me laughing away, his breath almost making me gag.

"Size is not always the winning factor you of all should know this general" The Tiger held his staff to his chest holding it almost as if to keep him standing.

The General (Draft Horse) turned to the tiger in a heated rage of anger. "You know I had no chance against magic, had they no magic..."

"Then you agree that strength alone is not the only way one can be great general even my girls cubs could give you a run for your money hahahahaha!!" The wolf was laughing away at the Generals humiliation referring back to a time long past when Elissa beat him when she was just a cub.

"Gentlemen this is not the time or place for such talk" The King dwarfed by all three made his disapproval of their behaviour clear in the tone of his voice. With that all three of them apologised at the exact same time. "Lord Gray I hope that you are well."

"Umm well I was...umm nervous in the...hall with all the...umm..." my arms were waving all over the place unsure what to do or say thinking back to how I felt with the crowd and the cheering and all that...stuff. The closest I had been to something like that was when my regiment came home from a tour of duty to the streets of England people welcoming back their home grown heroes but that was not all for just me.

"This is a great day, the people are in uproar at the fantastic news."

"I don't want to seem a complete TWAT but I still don't know how in the world I can possibly help in any way whatsoever or if..." I don't know if I will ever get over the shock of been hailed as a saviour, hero, lord or whatever is still to come.

"These three will teach you, train you and test you in all the skills you shall need." All of them stud up straight and proud staring at me in and unsure expression. "But that starts tomorrow for today please take this book to your chambers and read it.." The King pointed his arm at Jerefer who had entered the room from behind them carrying a huge book that he could hardly see over the top. The book had a blood red leather cover with a dark metal frame and two pad-locks keeping it sealed.

"My lord here is all you we have" almost dropping the book in my arms Jerefer them placed a key in my teeth.

"Well you have lots of reading to get done so Jerefer will show you back to your room" Without been able to say another word I felt the rabbit push at my back to get me out of the room, leading me back the exact way I came.

Passing by the three (resting rooms) again I noticed all the occupants even the male ones blew kisses at me as I walked by forcing my cheeks firmly locked tight. The door to my room opened as a guard saw us coming, the rabbit stud aside letting me step inside first.

"The King would like for you to read all that is there so you are ready for tomorrow." placing a paw on the door after leaving he turned his head and said: "Enjoy you Lord" slamming the door behind him I was beginning to think that he didn't like me.

I try to run as I can feel the book slipping from my fingers and crash it down on the table just missing a jug of wine. Looking at the book I could tell that it would take me all night to read so I waste no time taking the key and opening the pad-locks. I lift the front cover as I did I felt a chilling warmth emit from the dust as it fell from the pages. The writing is strange and not anything I had seen before, pulling up a chair I sigh as I wonder how I was supposed to read something when I didn't even know what language it was.

"What did I do to earn this?" I have always hated reading, the main reason is a lot of people in my life have told me what to read and what to like. If they ever let me choose what to read instead about crap that had no meaning or relevance in my life then who knows? I hear a voice; so soft I thought it could be the wind from the balcony but there it was again like someone whispering in my ear...

"Ofrelarmia custalorif tra mool crafe..." My gaze drew back at the book and as if someone was steaking the pages that lay before inside my head I listened and learnt. Speaking in a language I had never hear of I could still understand as if I knew the language since birth filling my head with a deep old and wise voice.


In time before the rise of nations, before the first wrote on paper there was a worrier who fought an evil since forgotten that only they could understand or destroy. The worrier was born in the flames of war as a dark tide of evil poisoned the whole world and threatened to crush all life. What is left to be known about this worrier is that they did defeat this evil, that they sacrificed their very life to do so and in their last moment of breath were muttered the words "another will come" Many think that they meant another worrier would come but others dare think the opposite.

The worrier inspired many to follow their example after their heroic sacrifice but the mages of old for told that many winters would come and go before any need for another worrier would ever rise again, on these words the worriers ways were lost to the age of time forgotten by almost all. However the mages also told that a hero would rise again when the time for another came, one of not fur but all strength, skill and power who would be able to defeat an evil as was done before. A humble soul but a heart that would beat with the fire of a sun and would show no fear, no matter the odds.


My heart skips a beat as I listen/read the book of the tales of the first worrier how they tore great monsters apart with their paws and cut down armies in their path but little about who they were was know not even their gender just their deeds.

I spend hours learning all I can about who the people thought I was; a human who would inspire all that saw them with their courage, a human who would overcome any threat, a human...blar, blar, blar. I may have been a soldier but my idea of inspiring others with courage was drinking more beer in one night than everyone in the local bar put together_...(fun...ish but not easy!!!!)_

It was now getting dark outside having spent most of the day reading away (the longest time I ever spent reading anything) Suddenly my eye is caught by a page that was just sticking out a bit more than the others, it seemed darker than the rest like it split the book into two. I turn to the page getting a little surprise as I see a totally different layout to before, a dark evil looking source of information as if to simply read it would be an act of pure evil. The words are different, the voice groggy, hissing almost but very similar to the other language. I feel like I have to turn away but I cant, my eyes are glued to the page, burning as the words start forcing their way into my mind. My whole head boils, shaking violently feeling like I was about to explode. I vision a pair of glowing red eyes staring at me, hunting my fears, my very thoughts, chasing me as I try to escape its tight grip on my very soul. Getting closer and closer almost ready to...

"Hello Gray how are you?" The interruption brakes the books hold on me and I slam it close. I breathe heavily as I turn to see Ritta standing near the balcony. She was in a silk dress that left plenty of cleavage showing and covered only as far down to the bottom of her arse. My eyes were stinging a little and I blink uncontrollably as I try to return to reality.

"He...hello Ritta...I'm fine just looking at...some...stuff....umm how are you?" I stand and face towards her trying to look casual, like my soul was not almost torn away by an unholy vision in my head.

"Is something wrong?"

" I was trying to read something but...I was...falling asleep, boring book, nothing interesting"

"Oh...well...I'm sorry about what happened this morning." Ritta was looking upset about something but my eyes were now drifting down to that firm arse and those nicely rounded breasts that I could swear looked bigger than before. Her tail swished from side to side rubbing over the back of her legs, the dress almost dancing in the cool breeze from the balcony. I could feel the lust in my groin come to life, I sitting back down trying to hide the evidence.

"Sorry?...sorry for what?"

Ritta lowered her head looking down at the stone floor, paws behind her back clearly sorry about something. "I...fell...asleep"

"Oh that there's no need to be sorry I'm just glad you enjoyed yourself" I give Ritta a cheeky grin to try and cheer her up, her cheeks glow red as she smiles looking back at me.

We both sit down by the fireplace as I talk about my HUGE day so far but I left out the...interesting story about the book. Looking back at it still laying on the table, I feel a chill run up my spine. Ritta asked about it but I quickly changed the subject trying to avoid it like the plague, remembering those eyes. I ask her to tell me more about herself, she was very slow to give anything really meaningful about herself away not talking about her parents or family as if she had none. "I worked in a tavern one time but it burnt down so I had no job that's when I started stealing"

"I thought you said you only stole a loaf of bread?"

"Well yes but I had to eat and I was always looking for work, I didn't want to steal and not many people want to hire a rat." Ritta was no playing with a piece of food looking down at the floor, I could tell that there was more to it than that like a dark part of her past that she was ashamed of or couldn't let go. I wanted to know but if I I would let her tell me in her own time after all I feel like she wanted to tell me but didn't know how.

"Well you don't need to steal anymore ok?" she simply looks up just enough to catch my eyes and shyly nods.

"So what you doing tomorrow then?" Ritta started eating again and was eating well already looking much better than the stick figure from the dungeon cell, I still fell sorry for her thinking that she spent more than two years in that place.

"I have training with these three important looking guys but I have no idea what to expect" Ritta finished what she was eating and quickly put her thoughts into action. She slowly leaned closer till the tip of her nose was touching mine staring me dead in the eye.

"Well if your going to be training then I want to make sure you have a GOOD nights sleep." Without another word she pressed in and kisses me passionately on the lips, I lift my hand to the back of her head slowly running my fingers through the hair behind her ears. I close my eyes as my other hand travels to her chest softly massaging around her nipple. My efforts get a pleasant response as her moans echo in our mouths and her tongue starts playing with mine. I feel her paw rubbing my groin almost begging for my growing member to come out and join in the fun.

I open my eyes and snapped straight to my feet pulling Ritta behind me while grabbing a pocking rod from the fire place, only a fraction of a second lasts as I peer into the eyes of a blood stained assassin until we both make our move...