Sylvester's Cave of Tentacles Pt. 2

Story by GreyWolf19 on SoFurry

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NOTE: I do NOT own Brian Griffin or Sylvester the cat.

Brian Griffin screamed in terror as he was dragged downwards into the cave by an army of slimy, squirming tentacles. They, whatever they were, had him by his backpaws...pulling him further and further into the darkness behind him with unnatural strength and agility. He kicked and trashed, sending dust up into the air from the ground. But there was nothing to hold on to...nothing he could do to break free from their grasp. He could feel...he could hear hundreds of the things slithering their way up the cavern walls to usher the frightened, struggling dog down into their lair.

He was no match for the experienced tendrils. The moment he entered the cave's mouth, he had tripped over what he had thought was the root of a tree. Much to his surprise, the "root" started to tangle itself around his ankle, tugging gently. At that point he was just standing there in disbelief...Plants couldn't move like that...could they? But the longer he stood, the easier prey he had become. Hundreds, if not thousands of tentacles, large and small, alerted to his presence, were on their way to capture the curious intruder who had dared to enter their cave. Brian's trance was finally broken when he saw the wave of tendrils, rushing out at him from the darkness like green flood waters. He shook off the tentacle around his ankle, and turned to run. He actually managed to make it out of the cave, and onto the soft, cool grass of the forest clearing outside. It was a beautiful day...clear blue skies, a fresh afternoon breeze blowing through the towering pines...It was the last he would see of the Outside World before plunging into the unknown at the hands of an unseen beast...a monster....

Brian's new master...

Brian was soon in complete darkness. Wet, loud squishing noises could be heard echoing around him, seeming to come from everywhere. His chest was starting to hurt from friction burn after being dragged across the cavern floor, but there wasn't a thing he could do about it. The further down he went, the more tentacles he could feel closing in on his body. A sliver around his right inquisitive fluff of his ears...a slimy tendril circling his neck, moving underneath his collar and nametag..What the hell is going on?!, he thought wildly.

The dog continued to struggle against his slithering bonds, though it didn't help much. He clawed into the sandy floor of the cave, and grabbed a hold of a large rock, lodged into the ground. For a moment, his terrifying descent was stopped. He clung to it for dear life, using all of the strength in him. He could escape, if he could hold on for more...second! Brian gasped in surprise as the tentacles lifted his legs into the air, tugging with calm determination. If they had the inclination, they could tear him in half. They had that strength. But, aside from the minor rug burn, they were actually rather gentle with their prey...Not that Brian cared to be believe that, of course. He cursed every swear word he knew as he struggled to hang on to the rock, his backside now lifted high above him. He felt one finger start to give way...then another. His eyes widened, pleading to the darkness that he could just hold on for a few more seconds. But the tentacles around his legs gave a final tug, and his paws slipped off the rock, waving blindly in the dark as he was carried upside down by his legs, further into the deep, further to his fate.

Cold, cavern air blew past Brian's face as he floated downwards in the grasp of the tentacles. His nametag hung low off his collar, jingling as it hit the bottom of his muzzle. Strangely, in the distance, he thought he could see a hint of...nah, it can't be... But as he was lifted closer, Brian realized that he actually wasn't just imagining it. Somewhere even deeper within the cave, there was a source of light. It was incredibly dim...barely detectable. But it was something. For one mad second Brian thought he had been dragged down through the center of the earth, and that he was about to re-emerge in China, or someplace. The light grew closer...brighter...and before Brian could even really register it, he found himself looking down a huge distance at the ground below. The dog half-barked, half-screamed. Instinct told him to grab on to something, and so his paws shot out to the nearest tentacles, floating around him like watchful guardians. The tentacles didn't mind the attention, and they eagerly wrapped around his wrists, accepting the invitation. Sense soon came back to Brian, and realized that he wasn't about to fall. That didn't make him feel any less terrified, though.

Suddenly aware, again, that he could actually see, that there was light, Brian's eyes immediately set to searching for its source. Ahead of him, he noticed a long, golden beam of sunlight, breaking from a hole in the chamber wall somewhere up above. He followed its length downwards, and did a double-take when he saw what was at the center of make-shit spotlight.

There, basking in the glow of the sunlight, was a black and white cat, also accompanied by his own army of tentacles. But that wasn't what was most surprising about the whole scene. What made Brian look on in utter horror...and amazement was what was being done to the cat.

Tentacles held the feline in a reclining position while they, apparently, were having sex with him. A large tentacle slammed into his ass again and again, making lewd squishing noises, acommpanied each time by his moans, muffled by another tendril in his mouth. Slime drooled out of the cat's muzzle, making a dark stain on his fur. Others were coiled around his balls, tugging on them gently, but persistently. Five tentacles held him in place: Two around his ankles and three around his midsection, one around his upper arms, one around his chest, and one right above his groin, each keeping his arms firmly against his sides, in addition to hundreds of other smaller ones making up a slimy web of tentacles. Brian stared on in amazement. Somehow, the cat didn't seem to be struggling at all. In fact, it looked as if he was actually enjoying it. And he didn't like the look he was giving him was a look that suggested he was all too familiar with everything going on...and what was in store for Brian himself.

Brian whimpered as the tentacles carried him directly across from the strange cat, whose eyes followed him with that same, creepy stare. He shouted slightly, as he was turned rightside up, and placed in the same leaning-back position as the moaning feline. This can't be good.... Brian struggled, to little use. He frowned....he was expecting to be eaten by some terrifying monster or something...not fucked! Another moan from the cat cauhgt his attention. The tentacles seemed to be picking up their pace....the ones around his balls caressed him lavishly, just barely touching his rock-hard cock every now and then. Brian looked at the cat's throbbing length with a mix of pity and jealousy. He tried turning his head to look away, but a tentacle that had been wrapping around his neck made the action difficult. What they were doing to him was horrible and degrading....but it did look like it felt pretty damn good. Still, Brian continued to kick and struggle even as more tentacles were beginning to coil around him. He didn't have "get raped by tentacles" written anywhere in his schedule for today.

When Brian saw five large tendrils swaying through the air towards him, he knew that he was in for something unpleasant. Just like with the cat, they secured his arms by his side, and spread his legs, while supporting him around his waist. His fur darkened as slime seeped out of his squirming bonds. "Eghh...", he said in disgust. Looking over at the cat, Brian saw that he was thoroughly soaking with the stuff, but, as with everything else going on, he didn't seem to mind it. "How can you stand that stuf-mfghhh!"

Brian was cut short when a tentacle shot into his open muzzle, quickly filling his mouth with slime. The dog panicked, and tried to bite it off, but each bite did nothing but spew more of the warm liquid, and proved too thick to chew through. Strangely, the stuff sloshing around in his mouth, and down his throat, didn't taste all that bad. It had an earthy aftertaste...but overall, it was actually rather sweet, like a freshly picked fruit. It did nothing to calm Brian's nerves, of course, he was still thrashing about as if he had a chance of escaping. The cat across from him gave a sloppy smile (it was the only kind of smile one can give with a large tentacle sliding in and out of their mouth). He seemed way too amused by all this. Why wasn't he trying to escape too? That was a question he would have to save for later....assuming there was going to be a later. In the meantime there was nothing he could do but squirm, and wait for it to be over.

The tentacles continued to rub Brian down, calming him a little, whether he wanted it or not. Questions of why he was being given what was essentially a thorough massage, and why the cat in front of him was getting molested, surfaced in his mind. But with each tender stroke of the tentacles, Brian found himself more and more distracted by the sheer relaxation he was beginning to feel, and his fearful thoughts began to slip away, releasing from in in the form of soft, muffled moans and grunts. Slippery, squishing noises echoed in the cavern chamber as the dog and cat wiggled in the grasp of the tentacles. Brian was amazed at how utterly complete the massage was unlike anything he had felt before. The cat seemed to be enjoying himself even more than he was. The tentacle in his ass had begun to pick up its pace even more, and now another tentacle was floating up from the pool of water below, heading straight for his crotch. The cat's eye-lids fluttered and he let out a long, muffled moan as the tendril wrapped once, twice, and then a third time around his throbbing cock, gripping him firmly. Brian looked on in jealousy, momentarily forgetting that he was a prisoner, and for one brief second, deeply wishing that he would be given the same treatment as the cat. But he shook his head, and pushed the thought out of his mind. Giving in was one thing. Actually wanting to get raped by the tentacles was another. He wouldn't stoop that low....even if seeing the cat squirm and moan was starting to turn him on a bit. In staring at the feline's euphoria, however, he was transfixed. A part of him wanted to look away, to ignore everything that was happening. Another part of him...deep inside....kept him looking on with a certain wanting curiosity...urging the tentacles onward. The dog whimpered, a thousand emotions churning in his head, as fur turned slick with tentacle slime, rubbing him in all the right places.

Brian gasped, nearly choking on the slime in his mouth for a moment, when he felt something large and wet poke his unprotected underside. His eyes widened, realizing what it meant, though his tail wagged with excitement. He blinked...and waited. Another muffled gasp came from him as he was prodded again, harder. He looked up at the cat, who was already fully penetrated, and thoroughly enjoying it. The feline was purring, deep in his own sexual concentration, but looked from the corner of his eye, then smiled, noticing that Brian was in for a ride of his own. Brian, for some insane reason, smiled back, before closing his eyes as the tentacle stopped just poking, and started penetrating. It pushed into him slowly...but determindely. Brian grunted a bit, getting used to the strange intruder. Surprisingly, though, it didn't actually hurt all that much. With all the slime the tentacle used, it made for an easier entrance than he had expected. The farther he was being pushed into, the less pain there was, replaced by a deep, pleasurable sensation of being filled in just the right way. Brian shuddered from the force of what he was feeling...his eyes rolled back into his head with each gentle thrust...and he moaned....and moaned....until finally, he was filled completely by the squirming tentacle within him. Brian's tail was wagging even harder now....eager for whatever would come next.

Sylvester the cat was moaning as well, being played with by the tentacles at their whim. And now he had someone to enjoy it with! He looked on at the writhing dog, being penetrated by the tentacles for the first time. He smiled....Rookie....the dog, whatever his name was, would make a good pet for his master, just like he was. In time, he would come to enjoy it....and the two of them would cum at their master's bidding, whenever it wanted, however it wanted. But that was quite alright with Sylvester. It was nice to have company for a change....he glanced down at the dog's crotch....half-hard, just like he was his first time here. His smile grew wider. The tentacles would soon take care of that, just like they were taking care of him. Speaking of which.... Sylvester shivered as he was simultaneously fucked and pawed off. The tentacle around his cock stroked him....up....down...then back up again. Meanwhile his balls were being tugged and played with by a couple of smaller tendrils, tickling him a little with each rub. He was getting closer to cumming...he could feel it bubbling inside of him. It would only be a matter of time before it would finally boil over, and he would cum in front of his new companion, giving his seed to his master for whatever purpose that suited him. The cat closed his eyes....yes, he could feel it coming....and so could the tentacles. They rubbed him....fucked him...faster and faster, encouraging him to give in and let them have their way with him. He felt his knees shaking, and he moaned....Master treats me soooooooo good..., he thought as his body pulsed, each thrust and stroke sending him closer to going over the edge. In the chaotic pleasure of the moment, he glanced over towards the dog. His tail was wagging, and the tentacle in his ass looked as though it was starting to fuck him faster and harder as well. Plus, a couple of tentacles had wrapped themselves around his balls, and were tugging on them just like the ones around Sylvester's. The dog was now staring back at him, the same sloppy smile across his face that Sylvester had given him from the start.

Suddenly, the tentacles went into overdrive. The tentacle in his ass pounded into him, hitting his prostate each time. His cock throbbed, drooling with pre, as he was pawed off as fast as a jackhammer. His master had decided that it was time....and Sylvester was more than happy to oblidge. His body begin to tense....a bead of sweat dripped off his brow. He twitched, and spasmed in his bonds, ready to give in. But, just as he was about to shoot, the tentacles stopped moving completely. Sylvester slowly opened his eyes...the firey passion of his orgasm subsiding...leaving him. The cat looked around, wondering what had happened. But nothing seemed different...the tentacles were still playing with the dog as if nothing had changed. So why would they stop? Just as he was about to cum....He shivered again, not from pleasure, but from an ache in his crotch. He needed to cum....he had always been a good pet for his master....what had he done wrong? But there was no answer from the tentacles, and Sylvester was forced to hang there, listening to the sounds of Brian getting pleasured. His balls, still held by the tentacles, were tense, just begging to release their load in an explosive orgasm. The cat frowned. What was going on? Was he going to be replaced by this new pet? Sylvester didn't know... All the cat knew, as Brian moaned and squirmed in front of him, was that he needed to cum. Hanging there in the tentacles' grasp, his cock aching after each trhob, Sylvester whimpered.

What would become of him?